Messages In This Digest (8 Messages)
- 1.
- Thought of the Day, 3/31/2012, 8:00 am From:
- 2.
- How would you help someone over come their fear From: Cher Chirichello
- 3.1.
- Birthday Reminder From:
- 4.
- Sunday's Correspondence...April 1 APRIL FOOLS DAY! From: Cher Chirichello
- 5.
- Goddess of The Day: Laufey April Fool's Day (Various Locations) From: Cher Chirichello
- 6.
- This Is Not an April Fool's Spell From: Cher Chirichello
- 7.
- Daily Aromatherapy Tip - HERBAL BUG REPELLENT PILLOW From: Cher Chirichello
- 8.
- Indian Song To The Goddess From: Cher Chirichello
- 1.
Thought of the Day, 3/31/2012, 8:00 am
Posted by: ""
Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:40 am (PDT)
Reminder from: which_witch_is_witch Yahoo! Group group/which_ witch_is_ witch/cal
Thought of the Day
Saturday March 31, 2012
8:00 am - 9:00 am
(This event repeats every year.)
"It is the customary fate of new truths to begin as heresies and to end as superstitions."
-Tomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895), English Biologist
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- 2.
How would you help someone over come their fear
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:20 am (PDT)
We hear the term "In the Closet" and many wonder why so many stay hidden or don't openly speak about their beliefs/religions. Why would
people be so fearful in hiding what they belief and feel ashamed to share what they believe in.
Well if you look at so many Pagans, some can openly express themselves and share amongst pears and so many will be afraid of what others might think about them esp when there is someone that will purposely belittle that person. The biggest thing for Pagans to do is learn to be tolerant and except amongst each other instead of focusing on "I'm Right" syndrome.
Tolerance is just as hard to learn just as for some that have the fear to openly express themselves and venture out into groups or events. How can we grow if
we do not help each other?
How would you help someone over come their fear but at the same time help the ones that have no fear learn to tolerate the new comers or less educated?
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- 3.1.
Birthday Reminder
Posted by: ""
Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:42 am (PDT)
Reminder from: which_witch_is_witch Yahoo! Group group/which_ witch_is_ witch/cal
Happy Birthday PurpleFeather339!
Saturday March 31, 2012
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
(This event repeats every year.)
Location: Whishing you a Very Happy Birthday Heahter!
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- 4.
Sunday's Correspondence...April 1 APRIL FOOLS DAY!
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:57 pm (PDT)
Sunday's Correspondence...April 1 APRIL FOOLS DAY!
Today's Influences: Conjurations, Predictions, Knowledge, Writing, Eloquence
Deities: Brighid, Helios, Ra, Aset [Isis], Demeter, Ceres, Spider Woman, Bona Dea, Oya, Devi-Kali, Hella, Rhiannon, Coatlique, Maman Brigette, Sekhmet, Het Heret [Hathor]
Incense: Cinnamon, Cinquefoil
Aromas: Sweetpea, Lavender, Mastic, Frankincense, Cloves
Color of The Day: Yellow, Gray, Violet, Gold
Candle: Purple Violet
Planet: Sun
Metal: Gold
Gemstones: Quartz crystal, diamond, amber, carnelian
Herbs & Plants:Marigold, sunflower, cinnamon
Associations: Agriculture, beauty, hope, victory, self-expression and creativity
Use for magick involving mental issues, learning, higher education, addictions, communications, travel, young people, messages, perception, self-expression, artists, poets, and writers
What's Happening Today:
Alaska Dryrotta Day
April Fool's Day or All Fool's Day
April Noddy Day
Aspen/Snowmass Banana Season begins
Birth of Venus
Boomer Bonus Day
Boomer Bonus Day
Captain Regents Day - San Marino
Cyprus National Day - Cyprus
Day of Hathor
EOKA Day - Greece
Festival of Irritating Jokes and Childish Japes
Festival of Kali
Festival of Kali - India
Festival of Positive Threats
Fortuna Virilis (Old Roman Women's Festival to Venus, seeking good relations with men)
Gowkie Day (Gowkin' Day)
Hebrew University Day
Huntigowk Day
International Tatting Day
Intolerance Day
Iroquois Corn Planting Festival - Native American
Islamic Republic Day - Iran
Loki's Day - Norse
Lupus Alert Day
National Fun at Work Day
National Fun Day
National Sourdough Bread Day
One Cent Day
Poetry & the Creative Mind Day
Republic Day - Iran
San Marino National Day
Sorry Charlie Day
St. Catherine of Palma's Day
St. Hugh of Grenoble's Day
St. Lasarus' Day (patron of spring, love) - Bulgaria
St. Mary of Egypt's Day (Eastern)
St. Melito's Day
Tater Days - Kentucky
Tree Planting Day - China
US Air Force Day
Youth Day - Benin
April Fool's Day
A woman who marries on April Fool's Day will be the boss in her family. [Kightly]
In Scotland, people "hunt the gowk," that is send someone on a fruitless errand, by asking them to bring back some impossible item like pigeon's milk, striped paint, a copy of "The Life of Eve's Mother," elbow grease, hen's teeth, etc. Another ploy is to send a person off with a sealed envelope to deliver to someone else who opens it and reads this message:
Don't you laugh and don't you smile
Hunt the gowk another mile
Apparently similar pranks were pulled in England. "Yesterday being the first of April, several persons were sent to the tower Ditch to see the lions washed," reports Dawks' Newsletter in 1698.
Sometimes the person so fooled is known as an April cuckoo. In France, the fool is called an April fish. People send joke notes signed with the symbol of a fish and try to surreptitiously pin (paper, I assume) fishes to each other's asses.
The origins of April Fool's Day are unclear although it may have something to do with the confusion caused by the change of the calendar. The New Year used to be celebrated on March 25th until the eighteenth century. Those who got confused and still celebrated New Year in April were considered April Fools.
April Fool's Day has similarities to many other festivities during which people are encouraged to act foolish, for instance the Medieval Feast of Fools, which took place on December 28th, or the election of a Lord of Misrule on Twelfth Night or the license and role reversals of Carnival. Notice that most of these also happen in this liminal period between the end of one year and the start of a new one.
According to the great cookbook encyclopedia, Larousse Gastronomique, April Fool's day began in 1565 when the French King Charles IX issued a decree stating that the year would begin on 1 January rather than 1 April. To protest this unpopular change, people began sending each other worthless presents as New Year's gifts on April 1st. As the sun happens to be in Pisces on this date, the gifts became sweetmeats in the shape of fish. In France, it is traditional to eat chocolate, marzipan or sugar fish. In Alsace, cakes are molded into the shape of fish.
However, according to Blackburn, the April fish is the mackerel, which is most abundant in this month, and the French term maquereau also means "pimp." The term poisson d'avril was a term used for anyone who served as a pander or go-between in a love affair.
Sarah ban Breathnach in the identity of her alter ego, Mrs Sharp reports that her family goes on outings, has a treasure hunt and enjoys a dinner of faux dishes like mock turtle soup, hedgehogs and April fool for dessert. They also switch roles with the kids acting like the parents and the parents like the kids. Other role reversals that might be fun on April Fool's Day: wife and husband, teachers and students, male and female, boss and employees.
Blackburn, Bonnie and Leofranc Holford-Strevens, Oxford Companion to the Year, Oxford University Press 1999
Breathnach, Sarah Ban, Mrs Sharp's Traditions, Simon & Schuster 1990
Kightly, Charles, The Perpetual Almanack of Folklore, Thames & Hudson 1987
Lang, Jennifer Harvey, editor, Larousse Gastronomique, Crown 1984
Venus Verticordia - This Roman festival was consecrated to Venus Verticordia (the Heart-turner), "Goddess of Beauty, Mother of Love, Queen of Laugher, Mistress of the Grapes." At the temple of Venus, women washed Her statue, replaced her golden necklace and other jewelry, and offered Her roses and other flowers. Women bathed in myrtle and scented water and wore crowns of myrtle. Ovid says Venus requested them to bathe beneath the green myrtle. English folklore says myrtle won't grow unless planted by a woman.
This day was also called Fortuna Virilis, meaning "Men's Fortune." By classical times, it was interpreted as "Luck with Men," for which women of the lower classes prayed to Venus in the men's baths.
Blackburn, Bonnie and Leofranc Holford-Strevens, Oxford Companion to the Year, Oxford University Press 1999
Kightly, Charles, The Perpetual Almanack of Folklore, Thames & Hudson 1987
Pantaogong (Trained Peach Temple)
On the first three days of the third lunar month, the Chinese honor the Mother of the Western Heaven.
Blackburn, Bonnie and Leofranc Holford-Strevens, Oxford Companion to the Year, Oxford University Press 1999
Festival of Bast at Bubastis
Normandi Ellis suggests celebrating this festival which occurred on the first day of the Egyptian month of Payni at the time of the new moon in Aries. It was one of the most important festivals in Egypt.
The legend says that when Sekhmet, the lion goddess, was roaring with rage and about to destroy all of humankind, Thoth tricked her into believing wine was blood and the wine was so intoxicating that she lay down and began purring and was transformed into the gentle cat goddess, Bast. Whereas Sekhmet was associated with the sun, Bast is linked with the moon. Bast is usually pictured as a woman with a cat's head surrounded by kittens. She rules over festivals, intoxication, motherhood, sensuality and all the arts.
The city of Bubastis, the capital city of Bast, was also the wine capital of ancient Egypt and drunkeness was an important part of her festival. Herodotus said that more wine was consumed in Bubastis at the Festival of Bast than at any other time of the year. People also feasted on honeyed breads, raisin cakes, pomegranates, figs, roasted fowl and meats.
People came from all over Egypt for this festival and spent days dancing, making music, singing songs, telling jokes and making love. The sistrum is the musical instrument associated with Bast. It was considered an emblem of love or an awakener of fertility.
Ellis, Normandi, Feasts of Light: Celebrations for the Seasons of Life based on the Egyptian Goddess Mysteries, Quest 1999
- 5.
Goddess of The Day: Laufey April Fool's Day (Various Locations)
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:58 pm (PDT)
Goddess of The Day: Laufey
April Fool's Day (Various Locations)
Themes: Humor; Playfulness; Youthfulness
Symbols: A piece of wood; any humorous items
About Laufey: On this day of pranks and foolery, look to Laufey to show you how to
hone your funny bone. As the mother of the great trickster Loki, if
anyone understands and can teach the value of raillery and good-intended tricks, it is she!
To Do Today: Spring's upbeat theme continues into April, offsetting the rains with
laughter. It it's been a while since you really chuckled, consider
renting a good comedy movie. As you watch it, light a candle and ask
Laufey to join you!
Or, improve your sense of humor and draw a little luck your way by making a Laufey charm. In Teutonic tradition, Laufey's name means "wooded
isle", because she furnished her son with firewood. So, to represent
her, begin with a stick no larger than the palm of your hand and a small feather (any kind). Draw an ascending spiral on the stick with a green magic marker (green is spring's color and encourages growth). Attach
the feather to the end of the stick to "tickle your fancy". Energize
the token, saying,
Laufey, in this stick of green, place a sense of humor ever keen.
And when upon the stick I knock, bring to me a bit of luck.
Hold the token whenever you find your humor falling; knock on the wood when
you need better fortune to bring a smile back to your face.
By Patricia Telesco
- 6.
This Is Not an April Fool's Spell
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:59 pm (PDT)
This Is Not an April Fool's Spell
On April Fool's Day, don't waste time dodging pranks to prove how smart you are. Do something instead to increase your mental prowess. You will need a steady spring wind; if it's blowing from the east—the direction associated with intellect—all the better.
You will also need a yellow kite on a long string and some water empowered with the brain-boosting properties of rosemary. Flick rosemary water from your fingertips onto both the kite and yourself. Fly the kite high the air while visualizing it absorbing the aspect of intelligent thought from the element of air. Direct this aspect down the kite's string into your body.
by: Edain McCoy
- 7.
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:00 pm (PDT)
You can make a bug repellent pillow for a cat
or dog by adding equal amounts of Lavender flowers, Cedarwood chips and
Pennyroyal herb (NOT THE OIL), to the stuffing of a pillow or small
homemade pet mattress.
If you are substituting essential oils for the dried herbs, us ONLY 5
drops TOTAL to pillow or mattress and again AVOID PENNYROYAL OIL. I know that Penny royal oil is used in many animals recipes but I feel that it is too strong to be used directly on an animal. Also AVOID using Citrus Oils. While they are an ingredient in many flea repellents, they are
used highly diluted. I once witnessed a small kitten go into convulsions after an unsuspecting owner applied orange oil to its fur.
I would not use pure essential oils on young kittens and dogs. I tend to
use homeopathy with my cats and seldom have the need to use essential
oils on them.
Brought to you by
- 8.
Indian Song To The Goddess
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:02 pm (PDT)
If a mountain could shine like the sun,
if its brilliance could penetrate the world's dark quarters,
if all the worlds joined together into this brilliance
and if this brilliance became a woman:
That would be a Goddess. Devi: The Goddess.
I am that Goddess. I am the force of the universe
in the shape of a woman. Nothing exists
that is not me, and nothing but me exists.
All women are but manifestations of me.
And I am the manifestation of all women.
And all women praise me thus: Devi, eternal
embodiment of the universal feminine,
you who create the world and sustain it,
we wreathe you with flowers and incense,
and we beg you to bring us virtue and richness.
~Devi Mahatmyam, Indian Song To The Goddess
Who knows what the Goddess means? She has meant different things in
different eras, in different cultures, to different people. She has been anger and rage as well as peace and fruitfulness. She is the totality
of experience of each woman. And she is the divine, experienced in the
form of and through the bodies of women. She cannot be limited to a
single form, nor contained in a single body. She is more comprehensive
than we can imagine. In meditating upon her vastness, we encounter it
within ourselves.
by Patricia Monaghan
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