marți, 25 ianuarie 2011

[13Witches] Digest Number 7286

Messages In This Digest (24 Messages)

Can everyone please From: Angelsvoice Eissey
Re: Can everyone please From:
Re: Can everyone please From:
Re: Can everyone please From: Lady Nightshayde
Elder's Meditation of the Day From: Lady Nightshayde
The Eight Limbs of Yoga From: Lady Nightshayde
Re: The Eight Limbs of Yoga From: LadyHawk_Jax
Re: The Eight Limbs of Yoga From: Lady Nightshayde
Re: Stop Blaming Others From: lady_diamond_light
Re: Stop Blaming Others From: Lady Nightshayde
Today's Quote From: Lady Nightshayde
Today's Quote From: Lady Nightshayde
This Week's Moonscopes From: Lady Nightshayde
Connecting With the Goddess From: Lady Nightshayde
Entering Winter's Dark Season From: Lady Nightshayde
A Year and a Day From: Lady Nightshayde
Start Fresh-_A Ceremony of Letting Go From: Lady Nightshayde
Eight Gifts that Don't Cost a Cent From: Lady Nightshayde
Catalyst for Change Spell From: Lady Nightshayde
The Perks of Being Over 50 From: Lady Nightshayde
Re: The Perks of Being Over 50 From: -={PreciouS}=-
Imbolc Spell From: Lady Nightshayde
The Julian Society From: Lady Nightshayde
**Tarot Tuesday**, 1/25/2011, 12:00 am From:



Can everyone please

Posted by: "Angelsvoice Eissey"   angelsvoice75

Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:03 am (PST)

Pray and send energy for my best friends father his name is James Golden. He is very ill and had someone severely beat him up due to road rage. (he was a by stander and the guy beat him). The guy that beat him is in his 30s and beat him within an inch of his life.
Thank you,

Blessed Be!


Re: Can everyone please

Posted by: ""   lilith_storm

Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:49 pm (PST)

I am so sorry he was hurt! I hope the guy that beat him is in jail! I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers.

)O( Lilith Storm

The villagers are coming with pitchforks and torches. Please hide me!


Re: Can everyone please

Posted by: ""   ladyfromdover

Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:02 pm (PST)

lighting a candle for james and sending energy,

Re: Can everyone please

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:28 pm (PST)

Pray and send energy for my best friends father his name is James Golden. He is very ill and had someone severely beat him up due to road rage. (he was a by stander and the guy beat him). The guy that beat him is in his 30s and beat him within an inch of his life.
Thank you,

Sending healing thoughts and energies to James.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Elder's Meditation of the Day

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:16 am (PST)

Elder's Meditation of the Day - January 24

"Always listen to what the Elders say."


In school we have been taught to go to the encyclopedia when we need information about certain subjects. From the time we are little, we have a natural tendency to seek out role models. When we need information about living we tend to seek out books about living. These maybe self help books. The world is full of information. For the Native people, we have our Elders. All races have Elders. Our lives will run much smoother when we listen to the Elders. They don't always tell us what we want to hear, but they always tell us what we need to hear. The Elders have the ability to make the truth sweet.

Creator, thank You for the Elders. Help me this day to listen to them.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


The Eight Limbs of Yoga

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:41 am (PST)

The Eight Limbs of Yoga
January 21, 2011 at 5:00 am
By Krishna Bill
Yoga is an ancient spiritual technology, with a precise series of steps and methodologies – and it doesn't have much to do with the yoga that is currently so popular. Yoga means Union in Sanskrit – Union With God.
In one sense, a yoga is a technique. The yoga which is commonly and popularly practiced is technically called hatha yoga - the yoga of the body. It is an excellent technique for keeping the body flexible and healthy… but real yoga is the yoga of the soul, not the body. It is the technology of harnessing the mind and training it to rest steadily in the Divine. What we commonly think of as "meditation" is in fact much closer to the classical meaning of yoga.
Patanjali, who composed the Yoga Sutras during the second century BCE, laid down a scientific framework for following the essential steps and stages of Union. These are the eight limbs of yoga, and together comprise what is perhaps the most elegant and precise system of spiritual development known to man. They are a series of practices which exist outside of the framework of ideology – yoga is not a religion or belief system. Rather, it is a series of practices and techniques which can be applied within the framework of any belief system (or without one) to accelerate the soul's progress to the Divine.
The eight limbs of yoga are as follows, and are meant to be followed successively, building upon each other, each increasingly focusing the yogi's life and practice, and aiding the path to single-pointed focus on God:
1. Yama. Universal morality; rather, living a life free of impurities. Classically, Yama consists of having compassion for all life, truthfulness, non-stealing, proper focus of sexual energy, and getting over the need for constantly trying to get more money, wealth, stuff, status, and so on.
2. Niyama. Proper personal habits aimed at living a pure life, including keeping a clean body and mind, being content and peaceful with one's lot in life, self-discipline in how one uses one's time and energy, introspection into one's own self, and a holding of the importance of the Divine as central to one's life.
These two form the basis of the yogi's lifestyle. They are concerned with living a balanced and non-disturbed life – keeping a clean house, as it were – in order to form a good foundation for meditation, clear from the mental disturbances that come with a chaotic, undisciplined and unfocused life. The next two form the physical requirements of spiritual practice.
3. Asana. This is the posture of the body – but doesn't necessarily mean the pretzel-bending antics of popular yoga. At its most basic, Asana simply means finding a position which facilitates meditation, and which you can hold still in for long periods of time. If you can't do this, the physical fitness routines of hatha yoga can help, but the goal isn't to touch your toes to your head. The goal is to be able to sit for long periods of time in still silence, without fidgeting or otherwise allowing the body to get in the way of one's meditation.
4. Pranayama. Pranayama means the way of breath. It is the regulation of the nervous system by using the breath. As with Asana, there are many complicated forms of Pranayama; however, at its most simple, Pranayama is simply a slow, steady regulation of the breath, through the nostrils. Breath is directly linked to the mind. Steady and still your breath, and you will steady and still your mind.
The next four form the purely internal requirements of meditation.
5. Pratyahara. Pratyahara is the withdrawal of the senses. With a calm life and environment, a stilled body, and regulated breathing, the yogi's (five plus) senses will slowly begin to withdraw from the environment. This is "going within," turning the senses (and therefore the mind) away from the outside world. Instead of focusing on something "out there," the mind begins to focus on itself.
6. Dharana. Dharana means concentration, and is what most people commonly think of as "meditation." With the senses turned inward, and the stimulus of the outside world (the conditions of the yogi's external life, the body, the breath, and the senses themselves) stilled, the yogi begins to focus the mind on one thing, and one thing only: the Divine. This process is called concentration, but it is not until the mind becomes single-pointedly focused that the yogi can truly be said to be in meditation.
7. Dhyana. Dhyana means devotion, and this is true meditation – when the mind comes to rest in single-pointed focus upon its beloved, the Divine itself.
8. Samadhi. The Holy Grail of Yoga, Samadhi is the erasing of the difference between the Divine and the soul which observes it, between the observer and the observed, subject and object. From meditating only on the divine, the soul now merges with it.
This exceedingly amusing party trick can be studied in The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the classical manual on Yoga – but true practice takes the commitment of one's life to the path, daily discipline, and a qualified teacher or Guru, one who has trod the path to its completion.
May all beings in all worlds attain to happiness.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Re: The Eight Limbs of Yoga

Posted by: "LadyHawk_Jax"   ladyhawk_jax

Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:38 pm (PST)

Great Article... ty so much for sharing it

Love, Light and Abundant Blessings,

--- On Mon, 1/24/11, Lady Nightshayde <> wrote:

From: Lady Nightshayde <>
Subject: [13Witches] The Eight Limbs of Yoga
Date: Monday, January 24, 2011, 12:41 PM




The Eight Limbs of YogaJanuary 21, 2011 at 5:00 am
By Krishna Bill
Yoga is an ancient spiritual technology, .


Re: The Eight Limbs of Yoga

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:15 pm (PST)

Great Article... ty so much for sharing it

Love, Light and Abundant Blessings,

Glad to do it, LadyHawk

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Re: Stop Blaming Others

Posted by: "lady_diamond_light"   lady_diamond_light

Mon Jan 24, 2011 11:26 am (PST)

Good one Lady N! Thanks for this,
Lady D

--- In, Lady Nightshayde <LadyNightshayde9@...> wrote:
> Stop Blaming Others
> When something doesn't meet our expectations, many of us operate with the assumption, "When in doubt, it must be someone else's fault." You can see this assumption in action almost everywhere you look--something is missing, so someone else must have moved it; the car isn't working right, so the mechanic must have repaired it incorrectly; your expenses exceed your income, so your spouse must be spending too much money; the house is a mess, so you must be the only person doing your part; a project is late, so your colleagues at work must not have done their share--and on and on it goes.
> This type of blaming thinking has become extremely common in our culture. On a personal level, it has led us to believe that we are never completely responsible for our own actions, problems, or happiness. On a societal level, it has led to frivolous lawsuits and ridiculous excuses that get criminals off the hook. When we are in the habit of blaming others, we will blame others for our anger, frustration, depression, stress, and unhappiness.
> In terms of personal happiness, you cannot be peaceful while at the same time blaming others. Surely there are times when other people and/or circumstances contribute to our problems, but it is we who must rise to the occasion and take responsibility for our own happiness. Circumstances don't make a person, they reveal them.
> As an experiment, notice what happens when you stop blaming others for anything and everything in your life. This doesn't mean you don't hold people accountable for their actions, but that you hold yourself accountable for your own happiness and for your reactions to other people and the circumstances around you. When the house is a mess, rather than assuming you're the only person doing your part, clean it up! When you're over budget, figure out where you can spend less money. Most important, when you're unhappy, remind yourself that only you can make yourself happy.
> Blaming others takes an enormous amount of mental energy. It's a "drag-me-down" mind-set that creates stress and disease. Blaming makes you feel powerless over your own life because your happiness is contingent on the actions and behavior of others, which you can't control. When you stop blaming others, you will regain your sense of personal power. You will see yourself as a choice maker. You will know that when you are upset, you are playing a key role in the creation of your own feelings. This means that you can also play a key role in creating new, more positive feelings. Life is a great deal more fun and much easier to manage when you stop blaming others. Give it a try and see what happens.
> by Richard Carlson, Ph.D.
> Love Each Day,
> Lady Nightshayde


Re: Stop Blaming Others

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:16 pm (PST)

Good one Lady N! Thanks for this,
Lady D

Glad to do it, Lady D.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Today's Quote

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:22 pm (PST)


Today's Quote

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:48 pm (PST)

I regret living in a world where sorcerers and soothsayers must live in hiding,
and where in any case there are so few genuine soothsayers . . .

As far as I'm concerned, I find it astounding that fortune-tellers, tarot readers, wizards, sorcerers, necromancers and other Reincarnated Ones have for so long been relegated to the role of mere characters in fables and novels,and that, through one of the most superficial aspects of
modern thinking, naivete is defined as having faith in charlatans.

I believe whole-heartedly in charlatans, bonesetters, visionaries, sorcerers and chiromancers, because all these things have being, because, for me, there are no limits, no fixed form to appearances.
~Antonin Artaud~

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


This Week's Moonscopes

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:36 pm (PST)

This Week's Moonscopes Forecast
For the week of January 23 to January 29
(Missed last week's forecast? Here it is.)

Sunday(*v/c-pm): the Moon is in Virgo
Wind up some things and clear out some spaces. Get lots of rest in the evening to rejuvenate yourself for the coming week. Virgo is the sign that rules, or is in charge of, health & nutrition as well as details, lists, clarity, and precise selection (something that is similar to a Capricorn characteristic).

Sunday evening, Monday, Tuesday(v/c-evening): the Moon is in Libra
The presence of the sign Libra does not automatically mean that a state of harmony and balance (two Libra keywords) are present. Sometimes, even often, the presence of this astrological sign points out a major imbalance that needs to be addressed. And in order for it to be addressed, give & take have to occur from both or all sides. This of course is not always easy but that is what the Moon and its focus on our emotions would like to see happen.

Wednesday, Thursday: the Moon is in Scorpio
Scorpio prefers to experience or know about things from the perspective of the bottom-line. In order to reach this point, this sign will research ad infinitum and then strategically but almost imperceptibly alter things to better suit a situation. Scorpio is the go-to sign for 'the facts ma'am, just the facts'. And it is also the sign for eliminating anything and everything that might be extraneous. So use this time to let go of what needs to go and to value what is real for you now.

Friday, Saturday: the Moon is in Sagittarius
Jupiter is the planet that rules, or is connected with, the sign Sagittarius and as such conveys one of its keywords - optimism - into whatever arena Sagittarius is applied. In this case, it's the Moon and this makes for a fun and playful start to the weekend. Lots of laughter is suggested!

Check your astrology chart to find which house (section of your chart) has the current Moon sign on the cusp (the beginning edge) & apply Forecast information to that area of your life as well.
For example, the Moon is in Leo and one of the suggestions is to entertain - however Leo is located in the 12th house of your chart, which is an inward energy place...then have a small, quiet gathering. By contrast, if Leo is located in the 1st house of your chart, an outward energy place...have a party! Don't have an astrology chart? Click here .

It is interesting to note when the current Moon is in the same sign as your birth Moon and to see how the flavor of that day carries through the next 30 days.ting to note when the current Moon is in the same sign as your birth Moon and to see how the flavor of that day carries through the next 30 days.

Current Planet Positions:
Sun - Aquarius, until Feb. 19
Mercury - Capricorn, until Feb. 4
Venus - Sagittarius, until Feb. 4
Mars - Aquarius, until Feb. 23
Jupiter - Aries, until June 5
Saturn - Libra, until Oct. 6, 2012
Uranus - Pisces, until Mar. 12
Neptune - Aquarius, until Feb. 4, 2012
Pluto - Capricorn, until Nov. 20, 2024

Current Asteroid Positions:
Ceres - Aquarius, until Mar. 22
Pallas - Capricorn, until Mar. 11
Juno - Virgo, until July 28
Vesta - Sagittarius, until Jan. 29
Chiron - Aquarius, until Feb. 18

Current Asteroid Transits:
Ceres - Tact, compromise, and a sense of humor.
Pallas - Evaluate responsibilities and delegate accordingly.
Juno - State clearly what you want in a personal partnership.
Vesta - Beliefs become even more inclusive.
Chiron - Regeneration comes in unusual forms.

Note: Timeframes for Moon signs, void-of-course periods, and current planet & asteroid positions are noted for Eastern time zone (USA). Please adjust according to your own location. Times are not given if the void-of-course Moon occurs for a very short period or if it occurs during the night (based on same Eastern time zone).

* v/c = Void-of-Course - When the Moon is void-of-course, spend time working on projects already in progress, creative endeavors, or self-improvement. Void-of-course simply means that no planets are aspecting the Moon as it gets ready to change signs. It's best not to start new projects, sign important agreements, or go shopping when the Moon is void-of-course because the result will probably be unsatisfactory in some way.

** Mercury Retrograde - the speed of the planet slows down considerably. Communications, paperwork, electronics, and traffic can become very mixed-up or delayed during this time. A situation will be in the process of changing, so wait until Mercury is direct to finalize anything. In general, maintain a slower, more cautious pace in daily affairs. Always allow at least two days before (to slow down) and after (to resume regular activities) a Mercury retrograde period. Read More about Mercury Retrograde here

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Connecting With the Goddess

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:59 pm (PST)

Connecting with the Goddess

The month of January is often a time of low energy for many. The hustle of
the holidays is over, and another year, full of unknowns, had begun. Even
with the slowly lengthening days, we can still feel the effects of limited
sunshine on our bodies. When we honor the goddess during this current Full
Moon, we can reunite our energies with the divine source. For this reunion,
you will need a while or silver candle, jasmine or another herb to represent
your spiritual connection, an herb to represent you, charcoal, and a
fire-proof container. Begin by standing in the goddess salute. State these
or similar words:

Lady of the Moon
Mother of night,
Our energies are one
within your light.

Light the candle, visualizing your energy blending with the goddess's. Mix
the two herbs in your hands, continuing the visualization. Sprinkle the
herbs onto the lighted charcoal. As the smoke rises, vizualize your energies
intertwining with hers. Meditate and listen for her messages of guidance.
Thank her, and extinguish the candle.

Blessed Be,
Lady Nightshayde

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Entering Winter's Dark Season

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:04 pm (PST)

Entering Winter's Dark Season

"To everything there is a season," wrote Wisdom ages upon ages ago. "To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the sun." Even the early prophets and priests of the Hebrew tribes understood the concept of cyclical time; even they, whose tents and temples housed figures of Ashera along with the invisible Yahweh until the time of the Babylonian captivity, even they, whose women persisted in serving cakes and wine to the Queen of Heaven because they remembered Her mercies. Linear time didn't come until later, not until after the groves had been hewn down, after Lilith and Shekinah had been banished, after Astarte and Her sister goddesses had been demonized, after Their daughters had been captured or murdered.

In the beginning, though, even the old men knew the cycles that measured the days and seasons of the Earth and Her children:

A time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill and a time to heal; a time to tear down and a time to build up;
A time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance;
A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to lose and a time to seek; a time to tie up and a time to untie;
A time to rend and a time to sow; a time to keep silent and a time to speak (Ecclesiastes 3: 1-7)

This ancient poem has long been recognized as an expression of a universal truth. It was even (remember?) turned into a rock'n'roll hit by the Byrds back in the liberating '60s. But even as the 1960s brought some progress, brought much dancing and laughing and embracing, the cycle of the seasons turned as it always does. We came into the regressive 1980s, when, yes, fortunes were built up by some, but justice was torn down for many others; when some of us who had formerly felt free to speak now kept silent (and, of course, others decided it was their turn to speak out); and when a terrible disease kept many of us from embracing.

With Hallows and Yule, we're entering the dark season of another year, another cold season, another season of apparent death and disintegration. But Yule is not really the beginning of winter. As June 21 is Midsummer, so is December 21 truly Midwinter, for the solstice is the turning point of the season. For millennia before the birth of a certain Jewish baby, people celebrated a more vital birth. During the fall, the early tribes had harvested their fields, gone hunting one more time before the game migrated south or went into hibernation, and stored up as much food as they possibly could, even slaughtering livestock they thought might not survive the cold. They placated the Pooks and other earth spirits with treats so no unkind tricks would be played to humankind.

During the lengthening nights after the final harvest that some called Samhain, people preferred to stay indoors. This season was, for some, the only time all year they had to practice arts and crafts, to do their "inner work." As they worked, therefore, watching the days become shorter and shorter, they felt the sun grow weaker and weaker. As each month waxed and waned, so did each year, and the dark season must have been as frightening as the dark moon often was. The winter season was a time for returning spirits, not always friendly, and other manifestations, ambiguous and not always benevolent. Remember Ebenezer Scrooge and his three Spirits of Christmas? Dickens was working with ancient tradition when he wrote his Christmas Carol, and though we moderns have forgotten it, his Victorian readers still knew what those Spirits could portend.

Finally--winter solstice, which is also the year's dark moon. If we can get past this longest night, people must have said to each other, if we can survive the cold and the dark and the spirits and their tricks, then this awful corner of the year will be turned. The cycle of the seasons will restart itself.

And the next day--hooray! The sun's reborn! We'll have light and warmth for another year! The season's turned, plants and animals will awaken in the earth's ever-renewing warmth, people will receive both cosmic and personal gifts, and life will go on.

Christmas was first celebrated on January 6 (about 350 years after the birth it commemorates). About 450 BCE the date of Jesus' birth was moved to December 25 so the new god could partake of the ancient power of the solstice, which is actually the birth date of a dozen or more solar gods: Aeon, Attis, Baldur, Chango, Dionysus, Frey, Helios, Horus, Jesus, Mithra, Osiris, Quetzalcoatl, and Tammuz. The Romans called this festival the Birthday of the Unconquerable Sun. The night before, Christmas Eve, was celebrated by Celtic and Germanic peoples as Madranichat, Mother's Night.

In the winter solstice, light is reborn. It's partytime in the middle of our long winter's nap, a time when we can dance and drum and chase away our fears of the dark and its threatening spirits. The winter solstice is also the first day of Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn, an old god who is both Old FatherTime and the ancient King of the Golden Age. Saturn's wife is Ops, from whose name the word "opulent" is derived; Her festival is December 19. The Romans held a week-long carnival, the Saturnalia, during which the world was turned upside-down and society was ruled by the Fool.

Other festivals of light reborn in darkness are Hanukkah, Yule, and Kwanzaa, a modern African-American celebration of the Nguzo Saba, or seven aspects of traditional African life. On each day of Hanukkah and Kwanzaa a new candle is lit and lessons and blessings are recited. Many people also decorate their houses and yards with lights, string decorations on sacred evergreens, burn scented candles, and receive gifts from a chubby old shaman who wears red, black, and white, and flies through the air drawn by magical reindeer.

The Grinch (whose name comes from a French verb, grincher, to growl or snarl) is my favorite Solstice character. He literally sees the light reborn. In the wonderful Dr. Seuss/Chuck Jones cartoon, the Who pay no attention to the Grinch's midnight burglary. Instead, as morning arrives they gather in a circle and join hands, and as they sing a sweet song, a twinkling spark is born inside their circle. It touches all the Whos, both large and small, then rises as high as the top of Mount Crumpet, where the Grinch lurks. The light touches him, too, and like Ebenezer Scrooge, he is reborn a better being.

Occultists like to intone, "as above, so below," which means that what happens on the universal scale (the macrocosm) also happens on the human scale (the microcosm), and on the subatomic scale as well. Modern (Quantum) physics agrees, and Bell's Theory demonstrated that the universe is essentially consciousness, just one big thought. Because the universe is holographic, therefore, each of us is a little universe, and just as the cycles of the seasons dance on cosmic levels, so do they dance in our personal lives.

I described the vitality of this cosmic dancing through the cycles of the seasons in a poem I wrote on Card 22, The World, of the Tarot a few years ago. As I read the card, this is where we meet the Goddess face to face:

In the dancing of the universe
season, cycle, ever-present axis of the world
jumping atom, arching stone
dance the maiden dreaming
hungry leaf, shining star
dance the mother toiling
weary hill, singing water
dance the crone foretelling
dance again, three times,
seven times, twelve times, time unbroken
spring awakening, summer flying,
fall declining, winter sleeping,
dance the measure of your heart,
circle the cadence of your mind--
whirling indivisible
cosmos ever dancing

Women live their entire lives in cycles within cycles, in our moon cycles and our emotional cycles. We spend our first dozen years as maidens, then we become mothers (of invention if not of children who come through our bodies) for forty-odd years, then at last we find ourselves as crones. During our increasingly long lives, we're more and more likely to careen time and again between home and the world.

Winter, the season of death, is the season of the Crone, the third aspect of the Triple Goddess. And who is the crone in our modern world? How does the modern Witch know she's become a crone? Two commonly accepted qualifications are that she has passed both menopause and her second Saturn return (usually around age 56).

The word "crone" entered the English language in 1552 and has an informative etymology. It comes from Old English, from the Middle Dutch caroonje ("dead body" or "old ewe") before that, from the Old North French carogne ("carrion") before that, and originally from the Vulgar Latin caronia. The Latin stem is caro, "flesh," and the Indo-European root may be sker, ker, or kar. Related words include some pretty wintry ones: carrion, carnal, carnage, charnel, carnivorous, cuirass, and excoriate. The crone's the one who prepares us for death, the one who buries us. She's dying flesh herself.

It's out of all this etymology, it seems to me, that we derive and revive the idea of the death-hag, the One who fetches us into Her realm beneath the land of the living, the uppity old woman who unmanned the fathers of the churches, the scary godmother, the Life/Death/Life Goddess.

It's tempting to relate the word "crone" to Chronos and "chronology," or time. Mary Daly does so in her Wickedary. The crone, she writes, is the "Great Hag of History, [the] long-lasting one; [the] Survivor of the perpetual craze of patriarchy, whose status is determined not merely by chronological age but by Crone-logical considerations; one who has survived early stages of the Otherworld Journey and who has therefore Dis-covered depths of Courage, Strength, and Wisdom in her Self" (p.114).

In many of the circles I lead, we have a candleless altar at Hallows. We meet in the dark and we meet both our ancestors and our own dark selves there. We begin to see our shadow selves. We do trancework to encounter the Old One and make friends with her, whether she's our own sweaty, jittery, menopausal self or still a far-off potential in our lives. We meet and dance with the Dark One In there who can be childish, jealous, self-pitying, mean, and generally nasty. Don't deny it; the persona that psychologists call the Shadow Self is there, and if we repress or neglect them they'll do their mischief out there. Occultists and ceremonial magicians know the Shadow Self, the Dweller at the Threshold. They know there are demons in the universe, both intrinsic to our psyches and extrinsic. Most of the Witches I've met, on the other hand, simplistically idealize the Shadow Self. They nod knowingly, put on their pointy hats, and do a circle dance around a cauldron. They pretend it's all patriarchal projection upon innocent old herb-women. Not so. Winter and danger and the death-hag are real. Winter can still be an awful season.

In many circles, we light a candle at the winter solstice. The light is reborn. We've met the Dark One and know her a little better. And what happens to us and to the world six weeks later? The cycle moves again and it's Imbolc, the true beginning of spring when (except here in Southern California), early flowers push up through the snow and bloom; it's a new season, the time of initiation and renewal. The Crone drinks from the Well of Immortality at Imbolc, and so can we, every one of us.

So let us all celebrate the winter season and its place in the seasons of light and darkness in our lives. Let's celebrate all we can learn in and from this season. Join us and sing with us. Here's a revised version of an old carol:

Joy to the world,
the Light is born.
Let earth begin to sing.
Let every heart
Rejoice in the Light,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven and earth and nature sing!

by Barbara Ardinger, Ph.D.,
copyright 1995

Blessed Winter,
Lady Nightshayde

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


A Year and a Day

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:10 pm (PST)

A Year and a Day

It's an expression heard frequently among Pagans.

A year and a day is a period of time often seen in many Pagan religions. The most common usage is in reference to handfastings. Pagan handfastings are not necessarily for life, as are Christian marriages. It's acceptable for a man and woman to 'marry' for a year and a day, before making a lifelong commitment. After the time has passed, they are free to go their separate ways should the relationship not work out. Having such time pass also gave the couple a chance to see if children would be produced. Not such an important issue these days, but in the past, it was certainly something to consider.

Another area where a year and a day is a popular timeframe is for initiation into a coven. Of course, different covens will have different initiation requirements, but a year and a day of study or apprenticeship is a common one. There may also be another year and a day between degrees or levels within a coven. It's usually considered a minimum period of time, rather than a definite length.

So what's with that extra day? Using a lunar calendar of 13 months with 28 days in each gives a year of 364 days. But since the solar calendar has 365 days, an extra day is 'added' to make it balance out.

Also, if you want your time period to end on the same date that it started, you need to add the extra day. For example, starting on January 1st, if you counted out a year, you would end up on December 31st. If you wanted the time frame to end on the 1st again, you need to allow for a year and a day. It's this reasoning that keeps the year and a day custom in use today.

A year and a day time period is still seen in modern times, in non-Pagan contexts:
At one time in the UK, a murder could not be charged if the victim died more than a year and a day after the offense took place. I believe this law was abolished in 1996.
In the financial world, assets must be held for a minimum of a year and a day in order for them to be considered 'long term.'
Light prison sentences in the US are sometimes for a year and a day
There are also a multitude of customs from times past, involving slave ownership, land holdings, legal status and more. If you're thinking of committing yourself to a project of study, a year and a day would be a traditional choice.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Start Fresh-_A Ceremony of Letting Go

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:13 pm (PST)

Start Fresh - A Ceremony of Letting Go
By Cait Johnson, author of Earth, Water, Fire, and Air (SkyLight Paths, 2003).

As we start a fresh New Year, many of us are really feeling the weight of our emotional baggage and stuck habits. But there's help! These simple, effective rituals practiced by people from all around the world can help us to let go of our old issues.

If you have a habit you want to release (like smoking, compulsive eating, or chronic complaining, for example), or if old emotions are weighing on you, the elements of Earth, Water, Fire, and Air--and the power of your own focused intention--can help you to transform these burdens from the past so you can feel lighter and ready to begin anew. You can do any or all of these four simple elemental ceremonies. They have worked for thousands of years to help people feel free.

1. First, give some real time and thought to the things you want to release.

2. Now write them on one very small piece of biodegradable paper for every element you want to ask for help. (Really stuck stuff may need all four!)

3. Choose one or more of the following rituals. As you perform each one, be sure to ask the element for help and thank it when you are finished.


The all-embracing Earth takes everything back into herself, slowly transforming all things into the essential elements of which they are made. Bury your paper, marking the spot with a stone, if you like. When you see the stone, be reminded of the process going on underneath it. Earth is slowly helping your issues to transform.


Flowing Water is a wonderful purifier, cleansing and making things new. Take your paper to a river or stream and tear it into tiny pieces, then offer them to the water. If you don't have moving water nearby, you may flush the papers down the toilet. (Be sure your paper is really small!)


Lively Fire changes everything into itself with lots of lovely light and heat. Burn your paper in a safe receptacle (with proper ventilation and water nearby), watching as the transformative power of fire turns your paper into flame and smoke and ash.


The Air carries our intentions outward, bringing in new hope like a fresh breeze. Take your paper to a high place and tear it into tiny pieces, then release them into the air. Watch as they flutter and float downward.

Shop for Supplies
Earth, Water, Fire, and Air

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Eight Gifts that Don't Cost a Cent

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:25 pm (PST)

Eight Gifts That Don't Cost a Cent

In the economy of the heart, these presents are priceless. Try using this simple checklist to help measure how you are nurturing your relationships.

The Gift of Listening
But you must really listen. Don't interrupt, don't daydream, don't plan your response. Just listen.

The Gift of Affection
Be generous with appropriate hugs, kisses, pats on the back and handholds. Let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family and friends.

The Gift of Laughter
Clip cartoons. Share articles and funny stories. Your gift will say, "I love to laugh with you."

The Gift of Solitude
There are times when we want nothing better than to be left alone. Be sensitive to those times and give the gift of solitude to others.

The Gift of a Favor
Everyday, go out of your way to do something kind.

The Gift of a Written Note
It can be a simple "Thanks for the help" note or a full sonnet. A brief, handwritten note may be remembered for a lifetime.

The Gift of a Compliment
A simple and sincere, "You look great in red," "You did a super job," or "That was a wonderful meal" can make someone's day.

The Gift of a Cheerful Disposition
The easiest way to feel good is to extend a kind word to someone.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Catalyst for Change Spell

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:28 pm (PST)

Catalyst for Change Spell

Holding a piece of clear quartz crystal, or a diamond if you have it, close
your eyes and take three deep breaths. Bring to mind all of the restrictions
and limitations in your life. Allow yourself to feel any emotion that comes
up as a response. Call upon the energy of Saturn, and ask to be shown how
best to work with his energy. Visualize these limitations, and see your
frustrations transforming. See them become catalysts for change, motivating
you to release the past and create a better future. Know that, just as a
diamond is formed from coal through intense pressure, your life’s pressures
and frustrations are working to create a better you. Ask the blessings of
Saturn, and carry this crystal with you.
by Kristin Madden

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


The Perks of Being Over 50

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:30 pm (PST)

The Perks of Being Over 50

1. Kidnappers are not very interested in you.

2. In a hostage situation, you are likely to be released

3. No one expects you to run -- anywhere.

4. People call at 9 p.m. and ask, "Did I wake you?"

5. People no longer view you as a hypochondriac.

6. There is nothing left to learn the hard way.

7. Things you buy now won't wear out.

8. You can eat dinner at 4 p.m.

9. You can live without sex (though not without glasses).

10. You enjoy hearing about other people's operations.

11. You get into heated arguments about pension plans.

12. You have a party and the neighbors don't even realize it.

13. You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge.

14. You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks into
the room.

15. You sing along with elevator music.

16. Your eyes won't get much worse.

17. Your investment in health insurance is finally beginning to pay

18. Your joints are more accurate meteorologists than the National
Weather Service.

19. Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember
them, either.

20. Your supply of brain cells is finally down to a manageable size.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Re: The Perks of Being Over 50

Posted by: "-={PreciouS}=-"   precious196408

Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:57 pm (PST)



Imbolc Spell

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:36 pm (PST)

Imbolc Spell

The fires of Brigid were tended by nineteen priestesses at Kildare, Ireland. Today these same sacred fires are tended by nineteen nuns. In the spirit of Brigid's fire, light white, red, or yellow candles to celebrate the return of the light at this time of year. Sing this verse while you light the candles:

Mighty Brigid, goddess of the forge, flying sparks and light,
Mistress who commands the strength
of fire and healing sight.

Patroness of poets, healers, and smiths,
Bring thy blessings and gifts.
Holder who balances the delicate forces
of fire's birth and death.

Transformation come,
inspiration flow,
Brigid bless all you know.
Element of fire, may you with Brigid's sacred light always warmly glow.

Priestess of fire and light, open up the forge and let creativity flow.
Visions of magic, muse to bards,
Let the winds of imagination blow.

Brigid dance in my life and dreams,
The ancient truths reveal.
Share your fires of healing and vibrant health,
And keep my spirit well.

Protectress of mothers and children be,
Always watch over me.
May your fires burn bright in my heart,
And bless each project that I start.

Deep in the earth your wells of inspiration
flow abundant and free.
Come share your overflowing bounty with others and with me.

Mighty Brigid, this I know.
Where your magic is,
So do the wise go.

May I be among your blessed,
Fill my heart and spirit
with all that is best.

Holiday lore:
On Imbolc, a bundle of corn from the harvest is dressed in ribbons and becomes the Corn Bride. On February 2, the Corn Bride is placed on the hearth or hung on the door to bring prosperity, fertility, and protection to the home.

by Abby Willowroot

Blessed Be,
Lady Nightshayde


The Julian Society

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:42 pm (PST)

The Julian Society

In 360 A.D., the Emperor Julian became the last Pagan ruler of the Roman Empire. Known as "Julian the Apostate" because he had been raised a Christian but then later converted to Paganism, he worked to re-establish the worship of the ancient Goddesses and Gods and restore all forms of Pagan Religion.

Julian's religious goal was simple and direct, to restore the honor and status which the ancient Pagan faiths had held since the beginning of time. He sought to reinstate noble virtues and purposes within all Pagan religion, to make Pagan teachings available to all, and to continue the rites and public worship of all ancient Pagan deities. Julian's aim was to rebuild and strengthen the various Pagan paths to insure their future survival.

Julian first worked to preserve all forms of Pagan faith so that they could collectively compete with the Christian church. He also ordered an end to the persecution of non-Christians, and proclaimed that all religions should be tolerated on an equal basis.

Julian then began a unified plan to organize and reestablish Pagan religion itself. He rebuilt the ancient temples to the gods, reformed the pagan priesthoods, and saw to it that the ancient Pagan rites were publicly continued. He also worked to reintroduce Pagan ideals to the world by promoting public education in the Pagan faiths and philosophies.

Julian reigned as Caesar of the Western Roman Empire from 355 AD to 360 AD, and then as Augustus from 360-363 AD. Sadly, Julian died in battle in 363 AD before his religious goals could be completed. He was destined to be the last and greatest champion of the ancient Pagan faiths. The emperors who came after were Christian, they made the Church supreme and banned all Pagan worship on penalty of death. Thus the ancient ways perished. Yet for over a thousand years Julian has remained a symbol of pure faith and just rule, and of the true worth of the ancient Pagan religions.

Today, the sacred work begun by Julian remains, and is a more practical and valid goal than ever. His historical example becomes a positive framework for modern action, and for the Julian Society.

The Julian Society is a non-denominational religious order dedicated to the advancement of Pagan religion. Our membership shares many different traditions of Pagan worship while remaining united through the common bond of the ideals the Emperor Julian championed. We continue to carry on the work which Julian began centuries ago; restoring Pagan religion so that it may again take it's rightful place as a major world religious system.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


**Tarot Tuesday**, 1/25/2011, 12:00 am

Posted by: ""

Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:57 pm (PST)

Reminder from: 13Witches Yahoo! Group

**Tarot Tuesday**
Tuesday January 25, 2011
All Day
(This event repeats every week.)

It's Tarot Tuesday. Post any questions or articles regarding Tarot or divination.

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