Messages In This Digest (17 Messages)
- 1.
- **Share A Spell Day**, 1/3/2011, 12:00 am From:
- 2.1.
- Merry Meet! From: Aspen May
- 2.2.
- Re: Merry Meet! From: Lady Nightshayde
- 2.3.
- Re: Merry Meet! From: LadyHawk_Jax
- 3a.
- This Week's Moonscopes Forecast From: Lady Nightshayde
- 4.1.
- Aromatherapy Tip From: Lady Nightshayde
- 5.1.
- Thought for the Day From: Lady Nightshayde
- 6.
- The Fairy of the Four Winds From: Lady Nightshayde
- 7.
- Balloons From: Lady Nightshayde
- 8.1.
- Elder's Meditation of the Day From: Lady Nightshayde
- 9.
- Pychic Ability Spell From: Lady Nightshayde
- 10.
- Even Hunters have Big Hearts From: Lady Nightshayde
- 11.1.
- Cool Website of the Day From: Lady Nightshayde
- 12.
- Meow Monday From: Lady Nightshayde
- 13a.
- The Dark Goddess and the Moon From: Lady Nightshayde
- 14a.
- Casting the Dark Power Circle From: Lady Nightshayde
- 15a.
- The Wheel of the Year From: Lady Nightshayde
- 1.
**Share A Spell Day**, 1/3/2011, 12:00 am
Posted by: ""
Sun Jan 2, 2011 7:56 pm (PST)
Reminder from: 13Witches Yahoo! Group group/13Witches/ cal
**Share A Spell Day**
Monday January 3, 2011
All Day
(This event repeats every week.)
It's Share A Spell Monday! Please share a spell with fellow list members.
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- 2.1.
Merry Meet!
Posted by: "Aspen May" aspen_may
Sun Jan 2, 2011 8:46 pm (PST)
I am a 39 year old woman living in California's central valley. I am a self taught, solitary Wiccan practitioner, though I was lucky enough to find a good working group for about six months early on, so I've had a tiny bit of working with a group. I started studying Wicca about twelve years ago. Over the last five years or so, different time constraints started pulling at me. While my beliefs never changed I found myself falling out of the practice. At this point, I'm wanting to reconnect, and while I enjoy solitary practice I find being part of Pagan themed chat groups helps me fill the need to feel part of a greater whole.
- 2.2.
Re: Merry Meet!
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sun Jan 2, 2011 9:02 pm (PST)
I am a 39 year old woman living in California's central valley. I am a self taught, solitary Wiccan practitioner, though I was lucky enough to find a good working group for about six months early on, so I've had a tiny bit of working with a group
Merry meet and welcome to our group.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde
- 2.3.
Re: Merry Meet!
Posted by: "LadyHawk_Jax" ladyhawk_jax
Mon Jan 3, 2011 2:19 am (PST)
Welcome, Aspen May!  Please feel free to peruse the posts and files. There is
a lot of information shared here and an abundance of friendly, knowledgeable folks
Love, Light and Abundant Blessings,
--- On Sun, 1/2/11, Aspen May < > wrote:
From: Aspen May < >
Subject: [13Witches] Merry Meet!
Date: Sunday, January 2, 2011, 11:43 AM
I am a 39 year old woman living in California's central valley. I am a self taught, solitary Wiccan practitioner, though I was lucky enough to find a good working group for about six months early on, so I've had a tiny bit of working with a group. I started studying Wicca about twelve years ago. Over the last five years or so, different time constraints started pulling at me. While my beliefs never changed I found myself falling out of the practice. At this point, I'm wanting to reconnect, and while I enjoy solitary practice I find being part of Pagan themed chat groups helps me fill the need to feel part of a greater whole.
- 3a.
This Week's Moonscopes Forecast
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sun Jan 2, 2011 8:49 pm (PST)
This Week's Moonscopes Forecast
For the week of January 2 to January 8
(Missed last week's forecast? Here it is.)
Sunday: the Moon is in Sagittarius
Feel free to bounce all over the place, run to the ends of the earth and back, or whatever else makes you just glad to be alive.
Monday, Tuesday(New Moon/Solar Eclipse), Wednesday am(*v/c): the Moon is in Capricorn
This New Moon is great for getting organized, rethinking or redoing a situation, and getting 2011 off to a good start that will produce future benefits.
Wednesday pm, Thursday, Friday(v/c-pm): the Moon is in Aquarius
Long-term goals, friends, and structured groups are highlighted. Take a look at how things are going in one (or more) of these areas for you and make any changes accordingly.
Saturday: the Moon is in Pisces
Take it easy this weekend - get some extra sleep, read, watch movies, etc. and escape the outside world for a while.
Check your astrology chart to find which house (section of your chart) has the current Moon sign on the cusp (the beginning edge) & apply Forecast information to that area of your life as well.
For example, the Moon is in Leo and one of the suggestions is to entertain - however Leo is located in the 12th house of your chart, which is an inward energy place...then have a small, quiet gathering. By contrast, if Leo is located in the 1st house of your chart, an outward energy place...have a party! Don't have an astrology chart? Click here .
It is interesting to note when the current Moon is in the same sign as your birth Moon and to see how the flavor of that day carries through the next 30 days.ting to note when the current Moon is in the same sign as your birth Moon and to see how the flavor of that day carries through the next 30 days.
Current Planet Positions:
Sun - Capricorn, until Jan. 20
Mercury - Sagittarius, until Jan. 13
Venus - Scorpio, until Jan. 8
Mars - Capricorn, until Jan. 16
Jupiter - Pisces, until Jan. 23
Saturn - Libra, until Oct. 6, 2012
Uranus - Pisces, until Mar. 12
Neptune - Aquarius, until Feb. 4, 2012
Pluto - Capricorn, until Nov. 20, 2024
Current Asteroid Positions:
Ceres - Aquarius, until Mar. 22
Pallas - Capricorn, until Mar. 11
Juno - Virgo, until July 28
Vesta - Sagittarius, until Jan. 29
Chiron - Aquarius, until Feb. 18
Current Asteroid Transits:
Ceres - Tact, compromise, and a sense of humor.
Pallas - Evaluate responsibilities and delegate accordingly.
Juno - State clearly what you want in a personal partnership.
Vesta - Beliefs become even more inclusive.
Chiron - Regeneration comes in unusual forms.
Note: Timeframes for Moon signs, void-of-course periods, and current planet & asteroid positions are noted for Eastern time zone (USA). Please adjust according to your own location. Times are not given if the void-of-course Moon occurs for a very short period or if it occurs during the night (based on same Eastern time zone).
* v/c = Void-of-Course - When the Moon is void-of-course, spend time working on projects already in progress, creative endeavors, or self-improvement. Void-of-course simply means that no planets are aspecting the Moon as it gets ready to change signs. It's best not to start new projects, sign important agreements, or go shopping when the Moon is void-of-course because the result will probably be unsatisfactory in some way.
** Mercury Retrograde - the speed of the planet slows down considerably. Communications, paperwork, electronics, and traffic can become very mixed-up or delayed during this time. A situation will be in the process of changing, so wait until Mercury is direct to finalize anything. In general, maintain a slower, more cautious pace in daily affairs. Always allow at least two days before (to slow down) and after (to resume regular activities) a Mercury retrograde period. Read More about Mercury Retrograde here
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 4.1.
Aromatherapy Tip
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sun Jan 2, 2011 9:15 pm (PST)
Start the New Year by clearing your home of negative energy by
misting a blend of Juniper and Cedarwood into the air. Use about 10
drops per 2 oz. distilled water.
This is also useful after a fight or when moving into a new home.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 5.1.
Thought for the Day
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sun Jan 2, 2011 9:23 pm (PST)
Angels may not dress the part, with robes and wings that soar, often angels come as friends knocking at your door.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 6.
The Fairy of the Four Winds
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sun Jan 2, 2011 9:25 pm (PST)
The Fairy of the Four Winds
As soon as I woke on New Year's Eve day, I could hear the wind blowing outside my window and the
first thought that entered my mind was, "the winds of change for 2009!!" I had been hearing
"whispering winds" all the night before and knowing many messages would be coming to me. I stand at
the window watching the trees sway to and fro in the wind... some bend, some break. I had just heard
something on a movie a week earlier about how life is tough, no one said it was all sunshine and
rainbows, its not how hard we hit, but how hard we get hit and keep moving forward! I thought of
this as I watched the trees blowing in the wind, how some are stronger than others and they bend
with the wind and others, they break from the fierceness of the harsh winds that blow at times. I
sat down to ask which Faery cards the fae wanted me to use for the rest of the message and I was
asked to use those by Claire Nahmad and the one that was drawn was "The Fairy of the Four Winds." Of
course, it didn't really shock me that it went hand in hand with the message I had received already
about "the wind."
The Fairy of the Four Winds reminds us that messages are coming to us constantly from the Universe.
There are angels and nature spirits waiting to communicate with us. You must observe nature and the
little happenings all around you. If you listen to the blowing of the wind, you will hear the voices
of the spirit world. There is much for you to learn from stories at this juncture in your life.
These stories may unfold from within your imagination and they will be worth writing down. They may
come to you from many sources, each with a circle of illumination to throw around your life and its
highways and byways. The opportunity to travel may present itself. Take it if you can, because this
is a time for reaping and sowing by wandering.
Magical Task~ Begin excluding words of fear, doubt and violence from your vocabulary and usher in
words of grace and kindness. Try saying, "peace," many times slowly, in rhythm, pausing after each
time. Follow it with "joy," and then "goodwill." Note how you feel afterward.
Thank you all for your wonderful e-mails and lovely words in my guestbooks, letting me know how much
you love the Faery messages and how much they’ve helped and touched your hearts. That means so much to me. I love the Faerie's energy and it always helps me, they really are the little angels of
nature and their love is never ending! Thank you for all the messages and requests that the Faery
Messages come back! The messages will be here again, but not as often as they used to, so if you
would like some guidance in your life and some help from the fae and Mystiblu, please do contact me
or use Paypal to order your own special Reading today!
Wishing you blessings, peace, love, laughter, light and joy, Especially for this upcoming new year,
Fairies~ The little Angels of Nature~*~Faeries help us to believe and have faith~ © Copyright
Mystickblue Network 2000-2009* All rights reserved.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 7.
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sun Jan 2, 2011 9:25 pm (PST)
Life is too short to wake up with regrets..
Love the people who treat you right.
Forget about the ones who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy.
They just promised it would be worth it.
Friends are like balloons.
Once you let them go, you can't get them back.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 8.1.
Elder's Meditation of the Day
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sun Jan 2, 2011 9:26 pm (PST)
Elder's Meditation of the Day
"Hear me! A single twig breaks, but the bundle of twigs is strong."
-- Tecumseh, SHAWNEE
You can take one arrow and break it in half. But if you take 12 arrows in a bundle, it's almost impossible to break any of them. There is strength in Unity. When we are together we are very powerful. This is the way the ancestors told us we need to be. Strong. We need to unite ourselves. This is why the Elders say, when we make decisions, we must first consider the good of the people. If every person in the community thinks this way, then we will always make strong decisions.
Creator, let my decisions have the strength of the bundle.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 9.
Pychic Ability Spell
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sun Jan 2, 2011 9:30 pm (PST)
Psychic Ability Spell
Author Unknown
Perform this ritual to improve psychic powers three
days before the moon is full, and preferably when it
is in either the astrological sign of Cancer, Pisces
or Scorpio. Begin by brewing a strong magickal tea
made from yarrow or mugwort (herbs that stimulate the
psychic senses) and then light thirteen purple
coloured votive candles to help attract psychic
influences. Drink the tea and then gaze fixedly into a
magick mirror, black bowl full of water, crystal ball,
or crystal pyramid as you chant thrice the following
"I invoke thee, oh Asarial,
Archangel of Neptune
And ruler of clairvoyant powers.
I ask thee now to open my third eye
And show me the hidden light.
Let me see the future.
Let me see the past.
Let me perceive the divine
Kingdoms of the unknown.
Let me understand the wisdom
Of the mighty universe.
So mote it be!"
After chanting, relax, breathe slowly and concentrate
on opening your Third Eye. Do not permit any negative
thought to contaminate your mind. The Third Eye, an
invisible chakra located in the middle of the forehead
above the space between the eyebrows, is the human
body's highest source of power, supernormal sight and
clairvoyant vision.
Blessed Be,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 10.
Even Hunters have Big Hearts
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sun Jan 2, 2011 9:47 pm (PST)
Even hunters have big hearts
This one was worth sending...brings tears to your eyes.
A hunter and his friend were sitting in a tall tower stand
near Highway 7 early one cold December morning. Suddenly,
a huge buck walked out over the corn they had spread in the
low shrubs. The buck was magnificent, a once in a lifetime
animal. His rack was huge. The hunter's hand shook as his
mind was already counting the Boone and Crockett points.
Moving quickly, the hunter carefully aimed the Leopold scope
on his ..300 Win Mag at the unsuspecting buck. As he was
about to squeeze the trigger on this deer of a lifetime, his friend
alerted him to a funeral procession passing slowly down
Highway 7.
The hunter pulled away from the gunstock, set the rifle down,
took off his hat, bowed his head and then closed his eyes in
prayer. His friend was stunned, "Wow, that is the most
thoughtful and touching thing I have ever seen you do. You
actually let that trophy deer go to pay respects to a passing
funeral procession. You are indeed the kindest man I have
ever known, and I feel lucky to call you a friend."
The hunter shrugged. "Yeah, well, we were married for 37 years."
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 11.1.
Cool Website of the Day
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sun Jan 2, 2011 9:49 pm (PST)
Heres a site that will help you learn how to do just about anything, and then find out what you'll need to do it. There are how-tos and tutorials on auto repair, careers, computers, health, fitness, home, and garden, to name a few of the categories. Youll find Todays How-to and Featured How Tos as well as other special sections. Now you can be the Jack of all things, and master of everything!
While youre browsing the fitness portion of eHow, be sure to check
The Walrus Exercise with Trainer
Now theres no excuse; if [a walrus] can exercise, so can you!
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews com/group/ BlackHatsAndBroo msticks/
We are a support group for Women Only.
- 12.
Meow Monday
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sun Jan 2, 2011 9:51 pm (PST)
1 of 1 File(s)
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews com/group/ BlackHatsAndBroo msticks/
We are a support group for Women Only.
- 13a.
The Dark Goddess and the Moon
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sun Jan 2, 2011 9:53 pm (PST)
The Dark Goddess & The Moon
The prehistoric image of the source of life was that of a goddess who
was seen as both the transforming womb and as the dynamic, generative
forces which created the universe and all life. She was viewed as the
continuous, invisible life force of the universe and creation was her
manifest body.
The expression of this imagery was observed in the cycle of the moon
and its phases. The goddess was seen as manifest in the three light
phases of the moon as a trinity of growth, fruition and decay,
reflecting the transient cycle of the seasons and of life. The
unmanifest goddess was the dark phase of the moon, the womb, the
invisible, continuous source of life. Later depictions of the moon
goddess showed her as a trinity rather than in four-fold aspect not
because the dark aspect was unknown, but because she was hidden to
the human eye like the dark phase of the moon. She was the darkness
of the invisible, unmanifest, the source of life and potential, and
was the pure consciousness which lay behind the trinity of light. Her
darkness was the essence of the whole cycle, as the light phases
could not be perceived except in relationship to the darkness.
The image of the goddess of life and death, darkness and light as the
whole cycle of the moon became split, with the image of the dark
goddess of destructive energies and death becoming separated from her
other aspect of generative energies and life. The female image of
death and destruction was no longer followed by the compensating
image of the return to the universal womb to be reborn and thus the
lunar cycle of life, death and rebirth was broken. The image of the
divine feminine became polarised into the bright goddess of life and
the terrifying, underworld goddess who brought the finality of death.
Mythology has often restricted goddesses to the good "mother of life"
or to the frightening "goddess of death" aspects but often the images
still hold remnants of the whole cycle. Hecate, the Greek goddess of
the dark moon, was the queen of the witches and a goddess of death.
As the waning and dark aspect of the moon, she was the patron of
divination, dreams and magic and was the force which arose out of the
inner darkness to bring visions, compulsions, ecstatic inspiration
and destructive madness. As the queen of the dead, Hecate held the
torch of regeneration and rebirth. In other stories, Hecate was
described as wearing a bright headband and being tenderhearted; it
was Hecate who offered compassion to the grieving Demeter after the
abduction of Persephone. She was worshipped as a triple image and at
crossroads, where the four paths reflected the four phases of the
moon. Approaching a crossroads, you may see the three paths in front,
but the fourth path is hidden beneath your feet.
The goddess Athene, who was a virgin goddess of wisdom and intellect,
also carried images of her darker aspect. The Gorgon's head was
closely associated with Athene, being pictured on her shield or on
her aegis. In legend, the Gorgon was Medusa, a woman with snakes for
her hair whose deadly gaze turned men to stone. Her blood had the
power to kill or to renew, depending on which vein it came from. The
fact that her face was surrounded by writhing snakes, reflecting the
image of the vulva, made her a symbol of sexuality, regeneration,
creation, renewal and death. Athene was also depicted with the owl,
with its associations with death and the powers of prophecy.
Both Hecate and Athene can thus be seen to contain the image of other
aspects of the moon's phases to some degree in a single goddess
image. The descent of a goddess into the realm of the dead to bring
back new life and knowledge is a recurrent theme in mythology and
reflects the cycle of the seasons,the moon and of women. In Greek
legend, Persephone, the daughter of the corn goddess Demeter, was
abducted into the underworld. Demeter in her grief withdrew the
powers of fertility and growth from the world until her daughter
should be found. Persephone could only return completely to the world
above if she took nothing from the underworld, but she ate some
pomegranate seeds, an act which bound her to return to the underworld
once a year.
Persephone, or Kore, was the Maiden of the corn plant, the seed,
whilst Demeter was the corn itself. The story echoes the uniting
principle of the moon's cycle, where the child of the mother is of
the same substance as the mother. The cutting of the corn and its
death did not kill that which made the corn grow, but was necessary
for it to be brought back to life. Persephone, as the corn seed,
rested in the underworld until she was reborn in the spring and for
that part of the year she was the queen of the dead.
From "Red Moon" by Miranda Gray
Blessed Be,
Lady Nightshayde
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 14a.
Casting the Dark Power Circle
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sun Jan 2, 2011 9:56 pm (PST)
Casting The Dark Power Circle
While society often associates dark with evil, dark is really only the shadow side of the light. Together, the two sides bring balance and are part of the cycle of life. While light favors order and dark favors chaos, this latter energy is vitally important to prevent stagnation and death in the former. Without it, life would cease. The dark is where innovative creativity thrives, and when you are in balance with light and shadow, you are in union with the divine and the universe as a whole. You must be prepared to work with these tremendous energies without fear.
Circle casting for dark power rituals, spells, and meditations requires focusing on the dark aspects of the divine. If you are afraid of the dark energies, you will have to first find the source of your fears and confront them before attempting to work with the shadow aspects of the divine: the Crone goddess of wisdom, death, passage, and transformation; and the Hunter god of death, passage, and resurrection who initiates these aspects through the Goddess. There are several meditations suggested for personal alignment with the dark power in the book Green Witchcraft 11: Balancing Light and Shadow.
In tapping into the tremendous energies of the dark powers, you need to keep in mind a shadow-oriented correspondence. Your altar should be placed so you face the north or the west depending upon the ritual. With the Crone, Dark Moon, or lunar eclipse rituals, the north is used, but with the Hunter, solar eclipse or Sidhe Moon (second Dark Moon in a solar month) the west is used. North is usually preferred in spellwork to signify the realm of the Crone, winter, and ancient wisdom. It is also the realm of earth and immortality, for we pass through the earth to live again. Many of the traditional Witches' goddesses are representative of this realm: Hecate, Artemis, Minerva, Denedida, Annis, Cerridwen, Danu, and Kali are all dark goddesses, yet they symbolize knowledge and wisdom in the occult arts. The Hag of Winter is more than the one who calls for the dying. She is the one who offers passage to rest, spiritual renewal, and new life. The emblem of the Dark Lady as the tomb of rebirth is the Dark Moon, the fourth face of the goddess represented in the reverse of the Full Moon seen in the usual triple goddess symbol.
Set two candles on the altar to represent the Lady and the Lord (left and right) and one to represent both at the center. The center one is used to conduct the ritual candle lightings. Your candle colors will normally be in somber tones of black, dark gray, deep purple, or dark blue. Dark browns or burgundy reds may be used in earth-focused and Underworld rituals. White candles encourage balance, cleansing, or purification. The incense should be rich and earthy, not too floral or sweet. Mullein, myrrh, frankincense, lilac, and dragon's blood are good choices. You should have a cup with a dark beverage such as blackberry wine or grape juice, and a dark bread, cake, or fruitcake for your simple feast after the ritual and before opening the circle. Light the altar candles and incense, and you are ready to begin the circle.
The starting point for the circle is at the north or the west, according to the work or ritual being conducted, and the casting comes in stages. First announce your intent to cast the circle and sweep the site deosil (clockwise). With the center altar candle, and using dark power imagery in your envisionings, you move widdershins (counterclockwise) to invoke the shadow light at each of the quarters--north, south, east, and west. You may light a candle at each realm, or use markers such as stones or crystals and simply raise up the altar candle at each point during your invocation. The light called on from within the realm of earth (north) may be phosphorus or magma (melted rock) from the molten center of the planet. The light within water (west) may be the evening glow of mineral hot springs or the bioluminescence found in creatures from the depth of the sea. The light within fire (south) may be the inner blue-white of flame sometimes spotted in the dark woods or marshes and called a fairy light, or you could use the fiery magma. The light within air (east) may be the shimmering aurora borealis or evening clouds lit with lightning.
The next stage is the drawing of the circle with your athame (ritual knife) or wand, although you can use your nonfavored hand (enhancing chaos energy) and say:
In the presence of the Dark Lady and the Dark Lord to be a
place where they may manifest and bless their child, (craft
or working name).
Pace the perimeter of your sacred space widdershins again as you define the circle, envisioning the power as rising up from the earth, through you, and out of the tool or hand being used. Return to the altar and sanctify the ritual salt (sea salt is excellent and can be found in small canisters in the grocery store), envisioning it as a preservative. With the salt, consecrate the water ("natural" water rather than "treated" water is best). Your blessings will be in the names of the dark power deities you are addressing, or the archetypal terms of Crone and Hunter, Lady and Lord of Shadows, and so on.
The circle will be first sprinkled with the holy water, then censed, moving widdershins both times. The water that is sprinkled around the perimeter symbolizes cleansing and will consecrate the circle as your sacred space or temple. You may want to envision this as the ritual cleansing of the dead before burial or cremation. The incense smoke that is wafted around the circle symbolizes purification, and your envisionment may be of the liberating fire and smoke of ritual burials and cremations. Set the incense at the south of the circle, the realm of the god who rules the Underworld from Lughnassadh, in August, until Imbolc, in February, and heralds the end of the dark seasons of the wheel of the year. He could be such gods as Lugh, Cernunnos, Hades, or Oberon, and his emblem is the eclipsed Sun.
Consecrate yourself to the Dark Lord and Dark Lady by anointing your forehead with oil, making the design of the pentagram or solar cross overlaid with the lunar spiral. Now you are ready to call the quarters. Progress widdershins around the circle to invoke the Elementals at their quarters, beginning north or west depending on the ritual, and returning to the starting point. Using north as the example, take the center candle around the circle and greet the Elementals at each quarter, envisioning them by their shadow aspects in relation to the type of ritual being performed. For north-oriented rituals you might see a wolf for earth, a sea serpent for water, a phoenix for fire, and an owl for air. For west-oriented rituals, you might see a selkie (mermaid) for water, a will-o'-the-wisp for fire, a sylph for air, and a cobalt for earth. These are only suggestions, and you should use the images that come to you. When all are greeted, set the candle at the north to be the lamp that lights the path to wisdom, the light that shines in the land of shadows. If beginning at the west, the candle is a beacon to the land beyond--to Otherworld.
With your wand draw over the altar the symbol for infinity (a sideways 8) showing that you are working between the worlds. Then holding the athame in both hands over your head, greet the elementals, call on and welcome the Lady and the Lord. The libations of greeting follow by pouring a little of the dark beverage into your cauldron or libation bowl, and outlining your intentions. Use the shadow imagery throughout your ritual, so that even with cakes and wine you see the meal as the food of the dead--of the Underworld--and sustenance for the spirit. Here, the libation comes after you have eaten rather than before (so be sure to save some) to signify the final passage from life into death. Hold up the cauldron and say:
The remains of life are passed into the Cauldron of the Crone,
for this is the promise: that into death all life must pass to move
into life anew. Life comes out of death, and I honor the Lady
and Lord who bring light and life through darkness and death.
The dance is ever moving and never ending. So mote it be.
Clear the circle, then traverse it widdershins, blessing and farewelling the Elementals at each quarter and snuff the candles. Open the circle deosil with your athame, returning the energy into yourself, and grounding through your palms on the floor.
by Ann Moura,
copyright 2000
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde
You never know how much you know until you know how much you'll never know. group/13Witches group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ /NightshaydesNews /
- 15a.
The Wheel of the Year
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sun Jan 2, 2011 10:00 pm (PST)
The Wheel Of The Year
The Wiccan year is divided into 8 parts, the Quarters and the Cross Quarters.
The Quarter celebrations are held at the two solstices and the two equinoxes; the longest and shortest days of the year, and the two days when night and day are equal in length.
The Cross-Quarter days are roughly midway between these days; on Feb. 2, May 1, August 1, and October 31.
We call these days Sabbats, Feast Days, the Days of Festival.
Since we see the wheel as round, and ever continuing, it really doesn't matter where one starts to count it; but traditionally the Wiccan year starts at Samhain, after dark on October 31.
October 31
This is the festival of the dead, Hallow-eve, when the Goddess gives the reins of government to the God. Here He presides, and the gates between the worlds are very thin. Now is the time to remember those we love who have died in the past year; for now they can join us in our celebration. The year is dying. We look forward to it's rebirth. Colors for Samhain are black, red and orange. Plants associated with it are Indian corn, pumpkins, gourds, apples and corn stalks.
December 20 - 23 (winter solstice)
This is the festival of the return of Sun, when the Great Mother brings him forth new-born. The colors associated with Yule are red and green; plants are the Yule Log, mistletoe, holly, pine and pine cones, and all sorts of nuts.
Traditionally, a candle (or other flame) is left burning all night on this longest of nights, to teach the new Sun how to shine.
Imbolc/ Candlemas
February 2
This is the feast of the torches, also known as Bridget's Day. We bid our Lady return from the darkness, and light the flames so She may see the way. The colors of Candlemas are red and white; plants are roses, cherries, and apples.
March 20-23 (vernal equinox)
This is the festival of spring, when we welcome the Goddess back from her place of rest and ask Her blessings for new growth in the coming year. The colors of Ostara are green, white and silver; plants are all spring flowers and seeds. Colored eggs are exchanged now.
May 1
This is the May Eve, the festival of fertility, when invocations and dances are performed to ensure bountiful crops and the continued fertility of all nature (including humans!). This is the time when the God and the Goddess meet as lovers, and He gives the governing of the year to Her until Samhain. The entire rainbow is associated with Beltane, as are all flowers, garlands, trees, and fresh leaves.
June 20-23 (summer solstice)
This is the festival of summer, when we dance and make merry magic in thanks for the crops growing, and the abundance of nature. This is when light is at it's peak, when the day is longest. The color of Litha is green, and plants associated with this day are roses, vines, and leaves.
August 1
This is the festival of the corn, sometimes called Lammas, when the first fruits of the harvest are brought in, and in the fields the grain is ripe but not yet harvested. We rejoice in the gifts of the Great Mother. Colors for Lammas are green, yellow, and red. Plants are corn, grains, tomatoes, berries, and flowers.
September 20-23 (autumnal equinox)
This is harvest-home, when the crops have been gathered. We give thanks for the Lady's abundance, and feast on the plentiful food. The colors of Mabon are orange, brown, yellow and red. All crops are associated with this festival, as are the brilliant fall leaves.
With these festivals, we celebrate the turning of the wheel, the continuance of life and the dance of the Earth around the Sun.
Traditionally, the colors and plants attributed to the holiday are used in the decorations; legends that mark the turning are told, and seasonal foods are eaten. This is also the time to do magic that helps the Wheel to turn, and to take advantage of the turning to plant or harvest things in our own lives, and thank the Gods for the things that they have done for us.
Author Unknown
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde
You never know how much you know until you know how much you'll never know. group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
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