sâmbătă, 8 ianuarie 2011

[which_witch_is_witch] Digest Number 4623

Messages In This Digest (17 Messages)

DailyOM: Acceptance As Giving From: Cher Chirichello
Friday Finds An Idea!, 1/7/2011, 9:00 am From: which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com
acceptance? From: grambadger@juno.com
Thursday Night Prayer Circle, 1/7/2011, 8:00 pm From: which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com
Breaking the Ice For Metere62, Teresa, Welcome to the Group! From: Cher Chirichello
Temple of Ara Imbolc Ritual and Celebration, Feb. 2 NYC From: Cher Chirichello
DailyOM: Beyond Behavior From: Cher Chirichello
News from Lindsey's Healing Center From: Cher Chirichello
festivals - updates From: Cher Chirichello
Saturday's Correspondence...Jan 8 From: Cher Chirichello
Today's Goddess:  ELEITHYIA  Midwife's Day (Greek Macedonia) From: Cher Chirichello
Connecting with the Goddess From: Cher Chirichello
Daily Aromatherapy Tip . Create an Enchanted Space From: Cher Chirichello
Weather Lore ~ Part II From: Cher Chirichello
A Witch's Bottle From: Cher Chirichello
Hopi Creation Myth From: Cher Chirichello



DailyOM: Acceptance As Giving

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Jan 7, 2011 3:44 am (PST)

DailyOM - Allowing Ourselves To Receive
Today's DailyOM brought to you by:

January 6, 2011
Acceptance As Giving
Allowing Ourselves To Receive
When we can allow ourselves to receive as well as give, we do our part to keep the channels of abundance open.

Giving and receiving are part of the same cycle, and we each give and receive in our own ways. But we can lose our balance when we try to be too controlling on either side of the cycle. On the receiving end, we may feel that we don't deserve the effort made if what we gave was easy for us to give. But perhaps there is a different lesson there for us. We may be receiving not only gratitude, but a chance to see the world through the eyes of another. We may be learning that just because we gave easily, it doesn't diminish its value. Or perhaps the universe is giving us an example to hold close to our hearts, to encourage us on some future day when our own generous act of giving is not met with a visible act of receiving. When we can allow ourselves to receive as well as give, we do our part to keep the channels of abundance open for ourselves and others.

Sometimes we may find ourselves struggling to respond to others' gifts in the same ways like responding to an expensive present with something equally expensive, or feeling like we have to throw a dinner party for someone who has thrown one for us. But when these are done out of a sense of obligation, their energy changes from something that shares to something that drains. If this sounds familiar, we can decide next time to allow ourselves to receive with arms, minds and hearts open and simply say thank you.

Accepting a person's gift is a gift in itself. Sincere appreciation for their acknowledgement and their effort joins our energy with theirs in the cycle of giving and receiving, and nurtures all involved. If ever we find we are still having difficulty, we can decide to allow ourselves to be conduits for gratitude and accept on behalf of a loving, giving universe.

Top 10 DailyOM Courses:
1. Make Yourself a Money Magnet
2. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul
3. Heal Your Money Karma
4. Being Here Now
5. Heart Yoga: Awaken to the Joy of Life
6. How to Create Happiness
7. 21 Day Consciousness Cleanse
8. A Year of Rumi
9. Your Luckiest Year Ever! Astrology for 2011
10. Become a Healer with the Energy of Jesus

New Courses | All Courses
Click here for the movie WALK-IN by DailyOM co-founder Scott Blum
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Friday Finds An Idea!, 1/7/2011, 9:00 am

Posted by: "which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com" which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com

Fri Jan 7, 2011 5:44 am (PST)

Reminder from: which_witch_is_witch Yahoo! Group

Friday Finds An Idea!
Friday January 7, 2011
9:00 am - 10:00 am
(This event repeats every week.)

As we know the goal is to live our lives magically in the moment every day in the now and while it would be nice to go and buy all the cool witchy stuff that is out there...their is so much in every day objects that we can use around the home.
So here is what I suggest...Post up an every day object once a week and let the creative juices flow and post up what we would or could possibly use it for magically.
I thought it would be kinda cool and inspiring...whatcha think..


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Posted by: "grambadger@juno.com" grambadger@juno.com   ingram_jd

Fri Jan 7, 2011 7:29 am (PST)


Globe Life Insurance
$1* Buys $50,000 Life Insurance. Adults or Children. No Medical Exam.


Thursday Night Prayer Circle, 1/7/2011, 8:00 pm

Posted by: "which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com" which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com

Fri Jan 7, 2011 4:40 pm (PST)

Reminder from: which_witch_is_witch Yahoo! Group

Thursday Night Prayer Circle
Friday January 7, 2011
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
(This event repeats every week.)
Location: Sending Protection, Strength, Healing, Prayers to Everyone Mentioned Tonight!

I'm lighting this candle tonight for anyone who needs Prayers, healing , guidence, help or love. If anyone has anything they would like to post, can be a simple prayer or anything they need to talk about your more then welcome! Your in my prayers!

We like to send prayers out tonight for:
granddaughter Morganna (coolseawatersz)Brain Bleed, talking,
walking, head & neck muscles back to normal, poss. leaving
rehab soon, Lt arm still not moving much please more prayers!
Karen Starns (night_raven_5465) Brain Tumor
Mona (mo58_2001) Fibromyalgia & Rheumatoid Arthritis
Prayers also to Mona's daugher in law Lisa Bragg passed away after terrible accident 02/25/10
Rev. Felicity Lavelle (Breast Cancer)
Sharon (fotograffa2001) Fibromyalgia & Arthritis
Regina Rosian (emeraldharley2003 friend)cancer
Oberon (Colan CA, Hernia n Mesh surg)

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Breaking the Ice For Metere62, Teresa, Welcome to the Group!

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Jan 7, 2011 6:31 pm (PST)

Hi and Welcome Tere!


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Teresa Michaels <metere62@att.net>
To: which_witch_is_witch Moderator <which_witch_is_witch-owner@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, January 7, 2011 7:32:44 AM
Subject: Re: File - Breaking the Ice

Merry Meet to All!

Name: (real, craft, and/or pseudonym) Tere, Zandra

How many years young are you? May 10 - 48 yrs
(psst birthday & Age we won't tell)

What town/county do you live in?: Manchester, TN
( NO the state of insanity does NOT count well much ~G~)

What path/belief/tradition/religion do you follow or drawn too? pagan, witchcraft
(nope the bunny trail is not an option!)

Which God/Goddess are you closest to?: Isis
(Have You hugged your deity today?)

Do you have a "totem" or power animal?: Dogs, turtles, Butterflies, Black Panther, Hawk
(insert animal noise of choice here)

What other "non-pagan" things are you interested in?: making dreamcatchers, aggraviating my husband, travel
(yes we want to know about YOU..c,om you know you like yodeling!)

How long have you been interested/studying/practicing?: Most of my life
( nosy lot aren't we?)

Do you have a book of Shadows?: yes
(not the door stop!
The OTHER thick leather book ~ winks~)

Do you have an Altar?: yes
(and NO shrines to Sexy calender people
don't count TSK I mean really!)

Coven or solitary? preference? Solitary & Coven
( still being nosy aren't we!?)

What is your favorite Witchcraft, Paganism, Magic web site?: paganspace.net, witch vox, a few others that post interesting articles
(ohhh SO many Choices! so share!!)

Anything else you'd like to tell the group about yourself or
your path?((ya know..anything...)) Just your friendly neighborhood witch...lol

Nice to meet all!!

From: which_witch_is_witch Moderator <which_witch_is_witch-owner@yahoogroups.com>
To: metere62@att.net
Sent: Thu, January 6, 2011 9:21:27 PM
Subject: File - Breaking the Ice

This is a way to break the proverbial ice welcome you into the group.
You don't have to answer it its all in fun! after all if we can not laugh, what is there?

Name: (real, craft, and/or pseudonym)

How many years young are you?
(psst birthday & Age we won't tell)

What town/county do you live in?:
( NO the state of insanity does NOT count well much ~G~)

What path/belief/tradition/religion do you follow or drawn too?
(nope the bunny trail is not an option!)

Which God/Goddess are you closest to?:
(Have You hugged your deity today?)

Do you have a "totem" or power animal?:
(insert animal noise of choice here)

What other "non-pagan" things are you interested in?:
(yes we want to know about YOU..c,om you know you like yodeling!)

How long have you been interested/studying/practicing?:
( nosy lot aren't we?)

Do you have a book of Shadows?:
(not the door stop!
The OTHER thick leather book ~ winks~)

Do you have an Altar?:
(and NO shrines to Sexy calender people
don't count TSK I mean really!)

Coven or solitary? preference?
( still being nosy aren't we!?)

What is your favorite Witchcraft, Paganism, Magic web site?:
(ohhh SO many Choices! so share!!)

Anything else you'd like to tell the group about yourself or
your path?((ya know..anything...))

Welcome to our lil home in Cyberspace. it is a pleasure to get to know you. while I do tend to poke fun..it is my believe that every moment is magic and every word is sacred.. even the light hearted ones.



Temple of Ara Imbolc Ritual and Celebration, Feb. 2 NYC

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Jan 7, 2011 6:53 pm (PST)

Temple of Ara Imbolc Ritual and Celebration!

Hi, I just wanted to pass along some info about the Temple of Ara’s Imbolc ritual in NYC. It’d be great if you would pass it along to your group members as I think they would be interested.

Imbolc Announcement:

Title: Temple of Ara Imbolc Ritual and Celebration!

Date: Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Location: Ripley Grier Studios, 520 Eighth Avenue between 36th & 37th Streets, NYC. 16th floor. Studio # TBA

Notes: Please join us as we celebrate Imbolc, the awakening of the Great Mother Spirit and the stirring of life within and around you! Dress is casual and comfortable, we'll be doing some chanting.
Our ritual will begin promptly at 7:00 pm so please be a few minutes early or on time. If you are late, please wait outside the circle until someone can cut you in without disturbance.

If you'd like, please bring a snack to share with the community after ritual.

Cost: $10 (suggested). The Temple of Ara is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization We welcome your donations of any amount, which enable us to rent indoor space and host events in the colder months. Contact us at templeofara.nyc@gmail.com with any questions.


DailyOM: Beyond Behavior

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Jan 7, 2011 8:06 pm (PST)

DailyOM - Defense Mechanisms
Today's DailyOM brought to you by:

January 7, 2011
Beyond Behavior
Defense Mechanisms
Defense mechanism behaviors that have worked for you in the past may not fit you anymore and need to change.

We all have defense mechanisms that we've developed over time, often without being aware of it. In times of trouble, the behaviors that have worked to get us past challenges with the least amount of pain are the ones that we repeat; even when part of us knows they no longer work. Such behavior is a natural response from our mental and physical aspects. But because we are spiritual beings as well, we have the ability to rise above habits and patterns to see the truth that lay beyond. And from that moment on, we can make choices that allow us to work directly from that place of truth within us.

Most of our defense mechanisms were developed in childhood; from the moment that we realized crying would get us the attention we craved. Passive aggressive ways of communicating may have allowed us to get what we needed without being scolded, punished or laughed at, so we learned to avoid being direct and honest. Some of us may have taken refuge in the lives of others, discovering ways to direct attention away from ourselves entirely. Throwing ourselves into projects or rescuing others from themselves can be effective ways to avoid dealing with our own issues. And when people are truly helped by our actions, we get the added bonus of feeling heroic. But while defenses can keep away the things we fear, they can also work to keep our good from us.

When we can be honest with ourselves about what we truly desire, then we can connect our desires to the creative power of the spirit within us. Knowing that we are one with the energy of the universe allows us release any need for defense. Trusting that power, we know that we are exactly where we are meant to be, and that challenges bring gifts of growth and experience. When we can put down arms raised in defense, then we are free to use our hands, minds, hearts and spirits to mold and shape our abundant energy to create and live our lives.

Top 10 DailyOM Courses:
1. Make Yourself a Money Magnet
2. Heart Yoga: Awaken to the Joy of Life
3. Being Here Now
4. Heal Your Money Karma
5. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul
6. 21 Day Consciousness Cleanse
7. A Year of Rumi
8. How to Create Happiness
9. Your Luckiest Year Ever! Astrology for 2011
10. Become a Healer with the Energy of Jesus

New Courses | All Courses
Click here for the movie WALK-IN by DailyOM co-founder Scott Blum
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Artwork by Wang Chang-Ming
Subscribed as chic0411[at]yahoo.com


News from Lindsey's Healing Center

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Jan 7, 2011 8:06 pm (PST)

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Exploring Dreams and Imagery
Jan 12th, 7-9:30pm
Meet Your Soulmate
Jan 19th, 7-9:30pm
Call to reserve your space!

Do you have vivid or recurring dreams that do not make sense to you? Are you curious about dreams - whether or not you remember your own? Do you desire to discover the messages that the images coming from your innermost being are trying to bring to your awareness? Come explore the world of dreams and imagery...
NOTE: You do not need to remember your dreams in order to participate. You may work with images and waking events in a similar manner to gain the full benefit of these workshops.
DATE: Wed,Jan12th
TIME: 7:00-9:30
We will continue to explore the meanings behind the images that arise in dreams and waking events. You will learn a three-step process to interpret your own and other people's dreams.
Meet Your Soul Mate
Leslie will guide you through visualizations and inner connections to help you bring into fruition your divine soul partner. Bring a journal and begin to intent with positive wellbeing your love partner.
Date: Wed Jan 19th
Time: 7-9pm

LOCATION: The Healing Center, 142 Main Street, Bloomingdale, NJ
TO REGISTER: Contact Lindsey Sass at The Healing Center: 973-714-0765
YOUR INVESTMENT: $35.00 per workshop ($60.00 if you pre-register for both)
Leslie Lobell, M.A., L.P.C.is a licensed professional counselor and certified clinical hypnosis practitioner trained in psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, dream interpretation, guided visualization and Reiki. She has conducted workshops in both the United States and abroad.
About the Healing Center and Available Services

The Healing Center is a safe & gentle environment for people to discovery the gifts of clarity and healing. We encourage you to open and receive healing on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. The Healing Center is dedicated to personal wholeness, offering a rounded program for "Total Healing on all levels".

Leslie Karen Lobell, LPC, RM/T
Leslie is a licensed professional counselor and certified clinical hypnosis practitioner trained in psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, dream interpretation, voice dialogue, meditation and guided visualization.

A graduate of Dartmouth College, she earned a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of Maryland. Leslie also is a Reiki Master and Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki Master. For over a decade, Leslie has been utilizing both traditional and holistic modalities to assist teens and adults in creating happier, healthier, more peaceful and fulfilling lives.
Directions to The Healing Center
Only a few minutes away from Interstate 287 Exit 53 in NJ.
Take Exit 53 off of 287 north or south. Make a left at the end of ramp at the light. Go 1/2 mile on Hamburg Tpk. Look for Wayne Bedding on your left, get into slow (right) lane. Look for Rite Aid on your right. The Healing Center is on your right in the next mini mall at the bend in the road. Pull into parking lot.
For detailed directions:
Call 973-714-0765
or Click for Google Maps.
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Lindsey's Healing Center | 142 Main Street | Bloomingdale | NJ | 07403


festivals - updates

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Jan 7, 2011 8:07 pm (PST)

New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!

Main Yahoo Group NJP: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/New_Jersey_Pagans/
Ning Web sites: NJP: http://njpagans.ning.com/
Myspace NJP: http://www.myspace.com/njp_cher
Cher NJP Link: http://www.facebook.com/chic0411
Page NJP: http://www.facebook.com/#!/NJPagans
Group NJP: http://www.facebook.com/groups.php?ref=sb#/group.php?gid=93725735017

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jade & Luthien :) <aeonlaunch@yahoo.com>
To: wormwitch@gmail.com; keyouse@gmail.com; cheech73@hotmail.com; michaelcheiron@gmail.com; chic0411@yahoo.com; elkjassss@yahoo.com; cndanford@gmail.com; hauntedtrain@yahoo.com; cheryl-lavalley@hotmail.com; cre8vone2@aol.com; chesterbrownmusic@yahoo.com; chesterb_98@yahoo.com; chesterlehman@centurytel.net; chilewmn@thechilewoman.com; chipreardin@hotmail.com; a2bi6stud@yahoo.com; chris@chrisbuehrle.com; cutless60@sbcglobal.net; kineticarts@comcast.net; guitarhero4595@live.com
Sent: Thursday, January 6, 2011 1:29:15 PM
Subject: festivals - updates

SPREAD THE WORD - post widely - forward to friends - share this info universally

FAERIE HILL PRODUCTIONS - 2011 festival pages (please visit):
25% of gross proceeds go to this sustainable “propagator sanctuary” project:

4 days & 3 nights of state-of-the-art earth metal, space punk, freak fusion, deep core, retro-remix, spirit rock, tribal JAM, and a huge slate of “higher consciousness” workshops - 18 and older event !!!
Basic info & registration: http://www.faeriehillfarm.com/BSAAMF.html
Performers & Presenters: http://www.faeriehillfarm.com/performers_arts_music.html
The JAM (make sure you read this): http://www.faeriehillfarm.com/The_Jam.html
LADY LIBERTY FAIR - June 16-18, 2011
country blues and sustainable folk festival - all-age family camping celebration - 3 days and 2 nights of demonstrations and discussions about solar/wind power, workshops on community supported agriculture, backyard aquaculture, organic gardening, tree farming, permaculture, and natural healthcare
Basic info & registration: http://www.faeriehillfarm.com/LLF.html
Performers & Presenters: http://www.faeriehillfarm.com/performers_lady_liberty.html
ACOUSTIC HARMONY MUSIC CAMP - September 16-18, 2011
3 days and 2 nights of song swapping, lyric exchange, lick trading, and instrument dealing, merchants, workshops, discussion circles, campfire singing, jam sessions, impromptu mini-concerts, plus live stage performances
Basic info & registration: http://www.faeriehillfarm.com/AHMC.html
Performers & Presenters: http://www.faeriehillfarm.com/performers_acoustic_har.html
Facebook pages - “like” to get info via FB

PLEASE REGISTER SOON - electric and merchant row spaces are limited - go to the website to register

YES - These are the kind of events you can bring your drums to! Drum circles always welcomed …
BLACK SWAN LAKE is located 5 minutes off the scenic and historical highway: US-50, about 15 miles east of Bedford, Indiana in the Clear Spring area. BSL is a large alternative campground with 2 stocked fishing lakes (no swimming), a round house where Native American ceremonies have taken place, several roofed gazebos, one large open space for the main circle (where the electric stage is set up and the evening jam happens), surrounded by plenty of RV/van/camper space with water and electric hook-ups ($5/day for electric), two wooded tent camping areas, showers and privies, large air-conditioned community building with a stage for acoustic music, and a restaurant/concessions building (3 meals a day). No problem with drumming and jamming all night long and celebrating nature without harassment. There is plenty of clean well water (the best in the area) and ice made from that water is available. The owners are into earth-based spirituality, organic
gardening, and sustainable living.
NO PETS POLICY - no negotiation - just don’t bring any. If you have a legitimate seeing eye dog we need to know that before hand. This is a site owner policy.
NO WEAPONS - Leave all weapons at home. They are not appropriate at festivals of this size. No exceptions. This is private land and these are the necessary rules.
VENDING - If you plan to vend non-food merchandise and/or hand-made goods/crafts at any of the above festivals, please register/purchase your ticket soon and, after doing so, send us a self-promo blurb with hot links to your online site and we’ll add it to the website. Let us know which fest you have purchased tickets to when you email aeonlaunch@yahoo.com and remember: there are no extra fees for vending - but food vending is taboo. The site owners have that covered (see below). You may vend at your encampment or on vendor row (see “camping areas” below)
FOOD - Bring your own or purchase at the on-site restaurant run by the site owners. They have very reasonable/fair prices and want to know what you would like to eat. Send your food suggestions and requests to: aeonlaunch@yahoo.com … There will be ICE available, made on site from fresh spring water.
DISHES & RECYCLING - No trash! No cig butts on the ground (pocket them if you smoke). Don’t bring trash and, if you do, bring a trash bag so it can go home with you. We have stations set up for recycling bottles and cans and recyclable plastics. Paper can be burnt in the fire pits. Garbage can be placed in the compost pile but no trash bins! Maybe you shouldn’t have brought that junk it in the first place (hint hint). To avoid using wasteful disposables - BRING A PLATE, CUP, & EATING UTENSILS. There is a dishwashing station set up by the restaurant and one by the shower house. Please use them.
CAMPING AREAS - We have divided the festival site into several areas:
1) VENDOR ROW - camping at site (no electric) - or - with electric ($20 extra) - email us to see if any powered spaces are still open (register early to reserve space).
2) LIMITED RV - 24 sites with electricity ($20 extra) - email us to see if any powered spaces are still open (register early to reserve space). These are located around the central circle/stage.
3) VAN, BUS, & CAMPER FIELD - Need to camp out of your vehicle? This area is for you and it is adjacent to the fire gate of the main circle/stage so you won‘t miss the show.
4) PERFORMER/ARTIST CAMP - Wooded campsites set back behind the Round House performance area. This area is for musicians and artists. There are fire pits (firewood available on site), water stations, and electric hook-ups available ($20 extra). You can off-load your vehicle then park in the parking area nearby.
5) PEACEFUL WOODLAND TENTING - If you need to sleep at night, camp here. It is the quietest and most peaceful camping area, a short walk from the rest of the festival. You can off-load your vehicle then park in the parking area nearby. There are fire pits (firewood available on site) and water stations, nice big trees for daytime shading, and electric hook-ups available ($20 extra).
6) LAKESIDE SUBSTANCE FREE ZONE - We’ve set aside an area for the folks who wish to camp where no alcohol is consumed and where smoking is not allowed. If you want to camp in this area, just ask where it is when you arrive.
PERFORMANCE SITES - We have three primary performance areas at the festivals:
1) INDOOR LOUNGE - open during the afternoon as a cool space and staging area for workshops, video productions & films, and for acoustic performers (there is a powered stage here).
2) ROUND HOUSE - at the Black Swan AAMF this is the late night DJ/remix dance party zone (starts at midnight) - at Lady Liberty and Acoustic Harmony, the round house will be one of the workshop areas and an evening jam session center.
3) MAIN CIRCLE STAGE - 360 degree sound system - this is “big band space” during the day and “community jam space” in the evening. This is the place for hooping, poi spinning, bubble blowing, dancing, and evening light shows.
Everyone invited:
May Day Weekend - 3 days: April 29/30 - May 1st , 2011
Black Swan Lake Campground - Clear Spring, Indiana
BYO eating utensils, plates, cups, etc.
Cost: $10 camping fee
1) construct main stage and canopy
2) set up recycling & dish washing stations
3) prep signs/posts for camping/staging areas
4) plot out parking areas & festival arrival strategy
5) work out final details (evening discussion circles)
6) work on round house floor leveling
7) enjoy 2 incredible evenings conversing & jamming around the campfires!
Send in email requesting directions to: aeonlaunch@yahoo.com
Hope to see many of you in attendance!
Many blessings,
Terry & Patricia Kok
Faerie Hill Productions


Saturday's Correspondence...Jan 8

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Jan 7, 2011 8:18 pm (PST)

Saturday's Correspondence...Jan 8

Today's Influences: Luck, Religion, Healing, Trade And Employment, Treasure, Honors, Riches, Legal Matters

Deities: Saturn, Hecate, Juno, Hera, Kwan Yin, Mary, Cybele, Tara, Mawu, Mlaba Mwana Waresa, Ishtar, Nuit

Aromas: Stock, Lilac, Storax, Aloes

Incense: Nutmeg, Henbane

Candle: Purple, Black

Color: Black, dark purple, Blue

Planet: Saturn

Metal: Lead

Gemstones: Apache tear, obsidian, hematite

Herbs & Plants: Thyme, mullein, cypress

Associations: Agriculture and creativity, fortune and hope, protection and banishment of negativity

Use for magic involving growth, expansion, prosperity, money, business, attracting more of what you have.

What's Happening Today:

World Literacy Day
Redistribution of Wealth Day
Man Watcher's Day
Justitia Day(Roman Goddess of Justice)
Kassada (Indonesia)
Midwife's Day (aka Women's Day; Greece)
National Joygerm Day
Old Hickory Day
Feast of St. Gudula (patron of Brussels; against toothaches)
St. Severinus' Day
Rock 'n' Roll Day
Postal Day
Jackson Day (Louisiana)
St. Amalburga's Day (patron against bruises)
National English Toffee Day
St. Atticus' Day
Pennsylvania Farm Show


Today's Goddess:  ELEITHYIA  Midwife's Day (Greek Macedonia)

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Jan 7, 2011 8:22 pm (PST)

Today's Goddess: ELEITHYIA
Midwife's Day (Greek Macedonia)

Themes: Birth; Children; Creativity; Fertility
Symbols: A Torch; White Flowers

About Eleithyia: As the Aegean Goddess of birth, Eleithyia acts as the midwife to your
new year, filling it with creative power. Eleithyia's name translates as "Fluid of Generation," giving her strong fertile aspects, and she also
has a hand in personal fate.
According to myth, Eleithyia was the midwife of the gods and even birthed Eos,
the creative force behind all things. When Eleithyia's hands were
closed, birth was delayed. When Eleithyia opened her body, a child
arrives effortlessly.

To Do Today: The ancients honored their midwives today as the Goddess's assistants by giving them gifts. In modern times,
this might equate to sending a thank-you note to your physician or pediatrician.

If you bring Eleithyia's fertility to any area of your life this year, try this spell: Gather a handful of white flower petals. Work in an area
that somehow represents your goal. If you want a fertile garden, for
example, cast this spell in your garden; for fertile ideas, perform it
in your study. Visualize your goal as you release all but one petal,
turning clockwise to the winds saying:

The wish of my heart, Eleithyia see,
and bring back to me fertility.
Carry the last petal to help the magick manifest.
.By Patricia Telesco ~ From "365 Goddess"


Connecting with the Goddess

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Jan 7, 2011 8:23 pm (PST)

Connecting with the Goddess
The month of
January is often a time of low energy for many. The hustle of the
holidays is over, and another year, full of unknowns, had begun. Even
with the slowly lengthening days, we can still feel the effects of
limited sunshine on our bodies. When we honor the goddess during this
current Full Moon, we can reunite our energies with the divine source.
For this reunion, you will need a while or silver candle, jasmine or
another herb to represent your spiritual connection, an herb to
represent you, charcoal, and a fire-proof container. Begin by standing
in the goddess salute. State these or similar words:

Lady of the Moon
Mother of night,
Our energies are one
within your light.

Light the candle, visualizing your energy blending with the goddess's. Mix the two herbs
in your hands, continuing the visualization. Sprinkle the herbs onto the lighted charcoal. As the smoke rises, visualize your energies
intertwining with hers. Meditate and listen for her messages of
guidance. Thank her, and extinguish the candle.
By: Karen Follett


Daily Aromatherapy Tip . Create an Enchanted Space

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Jan 7, 2011 8:23 pm (PST)

Daily Aromatherapy Tip
Create an Enchanted Space

The energy in your home can effect the kind of day you have. Using essential oils it's possible to create the atmosphere
that you need that day or even that hour. Enhance positive energy and eliminate negativity. Use the powers of scent to
create a soothing evening at home with family or a sultry evening with a special someone.
Create an atmosphere for studying or perhaps a special dinner party with friends. From the Bedroom
to the Living Room, Dining Room, Bath etc. you can instantly affect the space in your home.


Weather Lore ~ Part II

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Jan 7, 2011 8:24 pm (PST)

Weather Lore ~ Part II

When the cuckoo sits on an empty bough
Keep your hay and sell your cow

A Saturday moon and a Sunday Full
Ne'er did good and ne'er w'll

A saturdays change to a sunday Full
comes to soon whene'er it w'll.

Upright new moon
good weather soon

The new moon's lying on her back
watching the clouds in the sky turn black.

see a rainbow in the morn,foul falls the day
rainbow to leeward,rain clears away.

see a rainbow in the morn,take a hook and cut the corn
see a rainbow in the eve,put your hook in the sheave.

If the cockeral crows on going to bed
He's bound to arise with rain overhead.

Straight up to the sky,skylarks rising
good weather coming,over the horizon.

The south winds always bring us wet weather
The North winds brings us both wet and cold together.

If candlemas day passes fair and fine
only half the winter is left behind

But if candlemas day do bluster and blow
then winter is over as all good folk know.

From christmas to may
weak cattle decay

A farm must have on candlemas day
half it's straw and half its hay.

fust it rain'd then it blaw'd
then it ail'd then it snaw'd
then it com'd a shower o' rain
then it vreez'd an blaw'd agean

Courtesy of Miss Daney of The FolkLore


A Witch's Bottle

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Jan 7, 2011 8:25 pm (PST)

A Witch's Bottle

Gather Rosemary, needles and pins and red wine. Fill a small jar with these
first three ingredients saying the following as you work:

"Pins, needles, rosemary and wine.
In this Witch's Bottle of mine;
Guard against harm and enmity;
This is my will, So mote it be!"

Visualize these herbs doing just that. When the jar is full, pour in red
wine. Then cap or cork the jar and drip wax from a black or red candle
around the seal.

Bury the jar at the farthest corner of your property or place it in an
inconspicuous spot in the house.

The Witch's bottle destroys negativity and evil; The pins and needles impale
evil, the wine drowns it and the rosemary sends it far from your property


Hopi Creation Myth

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Jan 7, 2011 8:28 pm (PST)

Her beauty shines forth: Kokyanwhuti,
she who gives light and nourishes life,
the mother of all that lives and shall live.
There she stands, dressed in soft wool,
white and blue, woven with the symbols
of womanhood, the butterfly and the blossom.
Turquoise and shell and coral: these are
her jewels. Fair and warm and tender:
these are her expressions. Gleaming white:
this is the color of her soft skin boots.
Look how she smiles at us as she dances
on the shifting sands of time. Look
how she smiles at us before she disappears.
~Hopi Creation Myth

The beginning of each
year reminds us of all beginnings. It is a fertile and creative period
when anything seems possible. Like the Goddess Kokyanwhuti, the Hopi
Spider Woman, everything seems lovely, magnificent, abundant. Hope
swells in our hearts. we expect nothing but beauty before us, behind us, above us.

Yet in the ancient myth of creation, as soon as the Goddess appears, she disappears again. So
too in our lives, the brief enthusiasm of beginnings comes all too soon
to an end. All too soon, harsh reality sets in. Great plans seem foolish and unattainable, our lives seem pinched and small, hope seems to
disappear from our reach.

That same ancient myth
tells us an important secret, however: that the goddess did not
disappear, but submerged herself into the very reality that challenges
us. Our great dreams are not dead, only dispersed among the daily
efforts it takes to achieve them. Our great hopes are not dead, only
hidden within our hearts. Remembering the presence of the Goddess, even on dark and wintry days of the spirit, we can go forward to a greater
By Patricia Monaghan ~ From "The Goddess Companion"



Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Jan 7, 2011 9:07 pm (PST)

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