Messages In This Digest (3 Messages)
- 1a.
- Re: Astrological Musings - Capricorn New Moon. From: Mary Cooney
- 1b.
- Re: Astrological Musings - Capricorn New Moon. From: Blackbird
- 1c.
- Re: Astrological Musings - Capricorn New Moon. From: Mary Cooney
- 1a.
Re: Astrological Musings - Capricorn New Moon.
Posted by: "Mary Cooney" sylvanmimi09
Thu Jan 6, 2011 12:10 pm (PST)
Thank you for this Blackbird,
I am really at a turning point right now in my life, I have a birthday on
the 10th of January and seeking much guidance. This really helps me to
understand what to seek.
Blessed Be,
On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 5:44 PM, blackbird < > wrote:
> --- On *Tue, 1/4/11, Astrological Musings <blogs@partner.beliefnet. >*wrote:com
> Beliefnet: Astrological Musings<http://blog.beliefnet. >com/astrological musings/
> < >add?source= atgs&feedurl= http://feeds. feedburner. com/Astrological Musings
> --------------------- ---------
> New Year/New Moon Capricorn eclipse, January 4 2011<http://blog.beliefnet. >com/astrological musings/2011/ 01/new-yearnew- moon-capricorn- ecl.html
> Posted: 04 Jan 2011 03:32 AM PST
> [image: Eclipse January 4 2011]< >Happywp-content/ uploads/2011/ 01/portal. jpg
> new year everyone!
> I apologize for being somewhat AWOL over the past few weeks. I have been
> making a lot of changes in the physical space and the technology in my
> office, and combined with the activities of the holidays there has not been
> much time for writing. Now that the new year has begun, and my projects are
> ALMOST complete, I hope to see you more often once again.
> The second in a series of eclipses that began with the lunar eclipse at
> the Winter Solstice < > occurredsuccess/index. html
> this morning at around 4 am Eastern time. This eclipse, a solar eclipse at
> the New Moon in Capricorn on January 4th, features a lineup of four planets
> in Capricorn including not only the Sun and Moon, but also Pluto and Mars.
> An eclipse occurs when one of the lunar nodes conjoins the Sun or Moon at
> the time of a lunation (a full or new Moon), and in the case of this eclipse
> Pluto is the bridge between the New Moon and the North Node.
> Because the New Moon is the beginning of the lunar cycle, and because this
> New Moon contains the North Node which represents our future direction and
> Pluto creates endings that assist us in transformation, there is a sense
> here of propulsion into a new framework (Capricorn) that will help to
> support our lives and provide us with a stronger foundation than we have had
> before. Any time Pluto is involved, there is a need to surrender and allow
> our higher selves and spirit teachers to create the necessary movement that
> will help to facilitate growth and evolution. The Jupiter/Uranus urge to
> break apart these structures makes it absolutely imperative that the
> foundation we build at the Capricorn New Moon offers opportunities for new
> experiences and freedom of feeling and belief.
> Venus (love and beauty) is extremely active at this New Moon, adding a
> grace note of love and beauty into the unfoldment of this new direction. A
> challenging square from Venus to Neptune and Chiron may cloud our ability to
> clearly see the emotional issues that fragment our relationships, and it may
> take more conscious attention to unlock the core values that we find in our
> life. Fortunately, a trine from Venus to Jupiter and Uranus helps to make
> this happen, opening our hearts and creating ease as our emotional doors are
> opened wide to receive this expansion of energy that the New Moon bestows.
> The lunation itself (the Sun/Moon conjunction) is squared by Saturn
> (achievement and restriction) which would normally add a challenging note,
> but since Saturn rules all four Capricorn planets it provides an additional
> stabilizing force that aids in the building of a strong foundation here.
> This eclipse opens up an opportunity to restabilize our foundations and to
> discover what is truly real in our lives. Capricorn doesn't really care
> about magic or imagination - it has no patience for dreaming of
> possibilities yet to come. Its focus is on the practical - what will serve
> us in our quest to become more successful at being human. That is the focus
> for the energy that is coming through now.
> What a great influence to aid us in our planning for a new year. I have
> always felt that a new year offered a clean slate with which to begin anew.
> Not to make resolutions that are too easily broken, but to make decisions
> that will help us to move closer to a life that we can really love. Under
> this New Moon, allow yourself to discover what is real for you. You may be
> surprised in what you find!
> For daily planetary news, visit my Facebook < >
> and Twitter < >pages.
> Read this post »<http://blog.beliefnet. >com/astrological musings/2011/ 01/new-yearnew- moon-capricorn- ecl.html
> <https://feedads.g.doubleclick. >net/%7Ea/ G8BSPgdcZPm- H5mbBkCfgrd0zUY/ bFWQYnTrLqT3Dmgy 2sbBMZEJR98/ 0/pa
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> I am the Cup which holds Eternity.
> All other Cups
> Have their Source in Me.
> The Goddess Innana.
- 1b.
Re: Astrological Musings - Capricorn New Moon.
Posted by: "Blackbird" blackbird_61
Thu Jan 6, 2011 3:37 pm (PST)
Im quite glad it was useful to you, and if I may you might pass your
thankyou along to Lynn as well; although her blog is popular it's not
huge, and she is quite an accessible Lady who would certainly appreciate
your thanks. BB.
--- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , Mary Cooney <msweetness05@com ...>
Thank you for this Blackbird,
I am really at a turning point right now in my life, I have a birthday
on the 10th of January and seeking much guidance. This really helps me
to understand what to seek.
Blessed Be,
On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 5:44 PM, blackbird <
</group/Witch_Essentials/ post?postID= sm7cGPKJ_ QTRUup-953_ VXuBzTA1WYpMoZ8\
sHKeoOxz3aQCOnrAgwvZF046koMfP57rfnf x8YJwS_3e1Zu24hI k> > wrote:
- 1c.
Re: Astrological Musings - Capricorn New Moon.
Posted by: "Mary Cooney" sylvanmimi09
Fri Jan 7, 2011 4:13 am (PST)
I will do that, what is her blog addy?
On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 6:36 PM, Blackbird < > wrote:
> TY
> Im quite glad it was useful to you, and if I may you might pass your
> thankyou along to Lynn as well; although her blog is popular it's not huge,
> and she is quite an accessible Lady who would certainly appreciate your
> thanks. BB.
> --- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , Mary Cooney <msweetness05@com ...>
> wrote:
> >
> Thank you for this Blackbird,
> I am really at a turning point right now in my life, I have a birthday on
> the 10th of January and seeking much guidance. This really helps me to
> understand what to seek.
> Blessed Be,
> Mary
> On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 5:44 PM, blackbird < <http://group/Witch_Essentials >/post?postID= sm7cGPKJ_ QTRUup-953_ VXuBzTA1WYpMoZ8s HKeoOxz3aQCOnrAg wvZF046koMfP57rf nfx8YJwS_ 3e1Zu24hIk
> > wrote:
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