Messages In This Digest (9 Messages)
- 1a.
- Re: UGH! for some reason From: Westlin
- 2a.
- Re: Peace and prosperity to all From:
- 2b.
- Re: Peace and prosperity to all From: Lady Nightshayde
- 3a.
- Re: Are You a SLIder? From: lady_diamond_light
- 3b.
- Re: Are You a SLIder? From: Beth Williams
- 4.
- My Baby! From: Lady Nightshayde
- 5.
- **Tarot Tuesday**, 2/8/2011, 12:00 am From:
- 6a.
- Why Do Divination? From: Lady Nightshayde
- 7a.
- Ancestral Paths From: Lady Nightshayde
- 1a.
Re: UGH! for some reason
Posted by: "Westlin" westlinwind1957
Mon Feb 7, 2011 5:26 am (PST)
Goodness, at least now there seems to be some explanation. Yep, I just always thought there was something wierd about me. The watches don't run backwards anymore but they still stop very quickly...I don't buy expensive watches anymore because I know they won't last long anyway.
I used to affect all types of machinery, lights and gauges (sp?) in cars, radios, even one time the lights and appliances in the kitchen of the house I had just moved into--thought maybe I had a ghost but it didn't happen except when I was in there, so...
I still kill lightbulbs, sometimes have the street lights act up, once in a great while if I concentrate on it, traffic lights will change.
At work, I have a reputation for being able to make the computers, printers and copy machines work when they won't for anyone else. I don't know that much about computers or printers, but they do seem to work when I mess with them. Just last week, a co-worker was fighting with the printer and she asked me if I would print the paper out because she couldn't do it. I walked over, stood beside her and the printer, asked if she had tried this and that (yep, she had!). I touched the mouse and moved it around a little(just like she had been doing for at least 10 minutes) and it started printing. She told several people..."She just came and stood beside it and it started working!" I told her it was just my "magical aura!" (jokingly)
My daughter does the street lamp thing as well as blowing lightbulbs, too. I don't know about other things--if she does, she either hasn't noticed or just hasn't mentioned it. She is very sensitive, picks up on "things"--often bad feelings (sadly, like me too--mostly pick up bad feelings, dream about people who have passed on). In fact, she dreamed about her late great-grandmother (in a very spooky way) and didn't know who it was until she saw a picture of her later. My daughter wasn't even conceived when her great-grandmother died and she wasn't exposed to pictures of her or anything until she was older, so she dreamed about her WAY BEFORE she knew anything about her. In fact, I dreamed about her several times too---when we compared the details of the dream, they were almost exactly the same! Funny, she is pagan as well and has friends (mostly online) who say they feel she is an old soul and a witch....hmmmm.
- 2a.
Re: Peace and prosperity to all
Posted by: "" fayem74
Mon Feb 7, 2011 6:17 am (PST)
To you who reads this, and to those you hold dear to your hearts!
I didn't get a chance to read this yesterday, so I read it first thing this morning. What a great way to start a day! Thank you Chris for the warm, positive message.
May your day be filled with as much warmth, peace and positive prosperity as you have started mine with.
Blessings and Love,
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone, powered by Cricket. - 2b.
Re: Peace and prosperity to all
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Mon Feb 7, 2011 12:08 pm (PST)
To you who reads this, and to those you hold dear to your hearts!
Greetings Chris, we haven't heard from you in a while, and it was a pleasant surprise to read your beautiful message.
Thank you, as always, for sharing your heartfelt thoughts.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
- 3a.
Re: Are You a SLIder?
Posted by: "lady_diamond_light" lady_diamond_light
Mon Feb 7, 2011 8:19 am (PST)
Thanks for posting Lady Night Shayde,
In my experience these things happened to me more when I was younger. I was quite empathic and remember consciously calling my energy back in around the age of 20. So I do not get overwhelmed as much or *pick up stuff* from others. I use water to clear my field, and help ground while in the shower. I also do a lot of chanting to keep my mind focused. I still notice that I cause a lot of interference with radios and when I am in a high energy state I still cause street lights to go on and off. My partner notices this happening frequently after our satsang. Sometimes my computer won't work if I am angry or frustrated.
Blessed be!
Lady Diamond Light
--- In , Lady Nightshayde <LadyNightshayde9@...> wrote:
> Are You a SLIder? Street Lamp and Other Electromagnetic
> Interference
> Until I started researching the subject of street lamp interference,
> I didn't realize I was a SLIder. SLIder is the name given to anyone
> who experiences the effects of street lamp interference and related phenomena.
> Sure, I'd driven under certain streetlights that would go out at the
> same time that I drove by. In fact, it happened quite frequently on a
> street where I used to live, but I figured it was just that I got home from work at the hour that the light was timed to switch off.
> The phenomenon, which is much researched in Britain but given little
> attention by American parapsychologists, is not fully explained by
> the issue of timing. Electrical engineers, when posed the question, will agree that some streetlights switch on and off at regular intervals--especially when they're running out of energy.
> Another explanation they have offered is that a car's headlights
> approaching a streetlight may be bright enough to "fool" the lamp's sensors into thinking it's daylight, hence shutting it off. Of course, this explanation does not hold up when compared to some accounts of lights switching off after people merely walked beneath them, or of lights spontaneously switching on for no good reason.
> Some SLIders claim they can affect the phenomenon at will--extending
> it to the spontaneous turning on or off of televisions, radios, and
> computers.
> Phyllis Galde, editor of FATE magazine, has mentioned that this
> phenomenon has happened to her, but as with many other American
> parapsychologists, she didn't know it had a name. The term "SLIder" was coined by British paranormal researcher Hilary Evans, founder of the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (ASSAP). He founded Project SLIDE, or the Street Lamp Interference Data Exchange. Evans has experienced the street
> light phenomena many times in his native London. though he has had
> no "spooky" feelings while experiencing SLI, he has collected reports from many other experiencers who have. Accounts range from one man who claims the phenomenon started happening to him only after he'd had a severe injury of an electrical origin. Another experiencer states that street light interference only happens to her when she is in a highly emotional state or under extreme stress.
> Most parapsychologists who have studied the phenomenon think it is
> related to other electromagnetic phenomena, such as the inability of some people to wear watches. The human body, like all other objects that essentially run on electricity, has an electromagnetic field around it. Some peoples' electromagnetic fields cause traditional watches to slow down and eventually stop working over time.
> My grandfather used to say he couldn't wear a watch. His watches
> would eventually stop if he wore them every day. I can't wear a
> traditional watch without it slowing down and eventually stopping, so I was delighted when the new digital watches appeared. They seem impervious to such interference, at least from me.
> Then came computers, and guess what? Sometimes the mere presence of a SLIder in a room with computers is enough to interfere with their
> function. One of my students was the computer tech at one of the first computer labs I used in teaching. After a few weeks of using the lab, he began to swear that whenever I came into the lab, I disrupted the functions of the computers! Nowadays, more modern computers don't seem to be as affected by SLIders when they are in the room. Perhaps new advances in shielding computers from outside electromagnetic radiation explains this change.
> Still, during the writing of this article, a friend told me that he
> has inexplicably "blown out" a rand new computer--the third one assigned to him at his work place so far. His fellow workers are now considering him a computer jinx. After he told me that he has experienced the streetlight phenomenon as well, I dubbed him a fellow SLIder.
> My research shows that SLIders often exhibit all three types of
> phenomena recounted here, including sometimes disrupting the magnetic strips on their credit and debit cards!
> If we take these phenomena as a group, they all seem to lead us back
> to the idea of disruptions in electromagnetic fields. Eerie though the
> phenomena may seem, there is probably a scientific explanation that some day will be proven in the lab. Perhaps sometime in the future we SLIders can look forward to getting our electromagnetic fields "adjusted"--the way a chiropractor "adjusts" the spine--so that we no longer affect streetlights and other electrical and magnetic devices.
> Until then, I guess we'll just keep SLIding along, and keeping the
> digital watch companies in business---When we can get our credit cards to work, that is!
> by Denise Dumars,
> copyright 2005
> Love Each Day,
> Lady Nightshayde
> The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
> "You never know how much you know until you know how much you'll
> never know. "
> group/13Witches/
> group/Whispering Witches/
> group/MagickalMe als/
> NightshaydesNews
- 3b.
Re: Are You a SLIder?
Posted by: "Beth Williams" tigerwillowbutterfly
Mon Feb 7, 2011 4:39 pm (PST)
Guess I am a SLIder. Only thing is that watches don't gradually stop with me. It takes a matter of minutes and they just stop. Take it off and they start back up again. This has happened since I was 8 years old when I was given my first watch as a christmas present. Made me very sad at the time. I am used to it now. I have a bad effect on all electronic devices. Turning on and off at the weirdest times. My husband is the same way. If one of us is driving the truck and the other in the sleeper, when we pass under a light, it will turn on/off with the driver and then the opposite when it passes over the sleeper. Kind of comical actually. I have killed more electronics than I can count, then Jon fixes them. Who knew?
- 4.
My Baby!
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Mon Feb 7, 2011 5:01 pm (PST)
This is Rhaynee (rainy), my 19-year-old.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon. group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 5.
**Tarot Tuesday**, 2/8/2011, 12:00 am
Posted by: ""
Mon Feb 7, 2011 7:57 pm (PST)
Reminder from: 13Witches Yahoo! Group group/13Witches/ cal
**Tarot Tuesday**
Tuesday February 8, 2011
All Day
(This event repeats every week.)
It's Tarot Tuesday. Post any questions or articles regarding Tarot or divination.
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- 6a.
Why Do Divination?
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Mon Feb 7, 2011 9:46 pm (PST)
Why Do Divination?
People agree that Witches know about herbs and healing and that
they "tell fortunes," or perform divination. What is divination? It is more than just "telling fortunes." Divination at its most basic is used to tell the past, present, or future through indirect means, either using a focus or with pure psychic talents. It is used to obtain information about a person or situation through psychic means.
Why was divination originally developed? In the old days (before
telephones or TV) there might be months between word from loved ones who were away from home. Divination was a way of keeping tabs on them that didn't depend on mail or messengers. If your livelihood depended on a king who lived far away, divination made sense when there was no other way of determining what that king was thinking and doing. If you were a priest, you might use divination to determine what the Gods wanted Divination and divine have the same root, diva, which is Hindu for God. Some feel the ability to do divination is a divine gift, and should be used properly and reverently or it might
be withdrawn.
With cell phones and pagers nobody is ever really out of touch
today. Still, divination can give insights into people's actions and
motivations. It can also help explain why things might have happened as they did. It can help shed light upon the future, but you have to remember the immortal words of that great sage Yoda, "Always in motion the future is. Careful you have to be."
Divination can be used to help a person in the great work: the
continuing work of perfecting the self, with self-examination as the means for achieving it. Using divination as a personal psychological self-help tool (using modern terminology) can give a person insight into their own motivations and thoughts, and help gain perspective. Like those computer psychologist self-help programs that just mirror what is put in, a good reading will mirror a person's thoughts back, reinforce what has been done, and help the diviner extrapolate about the future.
To a small extent everyone practices divination. "If you go outside
without your coat, you'll get sick." Witches have just made a franchise out of it, and, because practice makes perfect, they are more accomplished at it than most. Having psychic ability helps also, though it is not necessary. There are computer programs that will tell your fortune. For those who have used them, they can be frighteningly accurate. Nobody can claim computers have psychic ability. They aren't even sentient. (Yet.)
So why bother trying to do divination yourself if computers can do it
for you? Computers may be accurate but they are impersonal, and a fair portion of a good reading is counseling, listening, and plain old-fashioned advice. That may sound boring, but there it is. Before psychologists and the self-help industry were invented, people often went to the local wise woman for advice and maybe a few herbs. The need for guidance and counsel from an outside source is universal. That's why fortune tellers of some type have been present in most every culture on Earth--people want it, and there's some
sort of a living to be made from it.
Divination is fun. the entertainment factor is very strong for many
who get readings. Some readers are more than willing to work in that
context. Others feel it demeans the reading and trivialized their skills and results. It's a matter of personal preference.
Divination can forge a link with the psychic and spiritual realms.
One can feel a bit closer to the divine, however one views it. One can
certainly get a feeling there is some intelligence taking interest in what happens on this small blue ball when one gets an accurate and insightful reading.
Some Types of Divination
How many ways are there to do divination? There is literally no
limit, from the more familiar Tarot cards, astrology, runes, numerology, palmistry, handwriting analysis (some dispute this is divination) to the more obscure scrying, augury, phrenology, physiognomy, bibliomancy and the ever popular Magic Eight Ball (don't knock it, it works). There are many methods to choose from.
Scrying is divination by using some outside focus, like water, a
crystal ball, or fire. With scrying the focus is usually bright or
shimmery. The reader concentrates and "sees" images, and interprets those images, often in the same way as dreams are interpreted.
Augury is very ancient. It is watching and listening to birds and
interpreting their movements and sounds. Augury was also used by
the Romans to describe divination by entrails. They would sacrifice an animal and open it up to read the intestines, liver, heart and other organs. Eventually the animal would be gutted and dressed, and ready to roast as payment for the priests who did the divination. What a coincidence! It's a living.
Phrenology is a form of divination popular in Britain in the 1800s.
It predicts character using the bumps on the head. There were machines made around 1900 that did phrenology. They had lots of wires that pressed against the head and, by measuring bumps, made a printout of the person's character. This was a specialized early type of computer.
A physiognomist reads faces by the form and placement of features.
This form of divination was popular in ancient China, and is sometimes
used in concert with phrenology.
Bibliomancy is one of the few divinatory methods acceptable to
conservative religious authorities. To divine using this method you first think of a question. Then hold your Bible closed, close your eyes, let the book fall open, and put your finger on a page. Whatever verse your finger falls on is the answer to your question. Some Puritan sects regularly practiced bibliomancy, reasoning that the Bible was the word of God, and therefore the advice came from God.
One can use many objects to tell fortunes, like dice, dominoes, cards
and mah jong tiles. One can use natural things, such as birds, flowers
(he loves me, he loves me not), clouds, and wind. Some claim meteorology is a sophisticated and narrow form of divination. They even call it predicting the weather. Meteorologists have about 50 percent accuracy (by their own admission), which is really pretty low, but they have organized it better, cloaked it in higher mathematics, and they use more sophisticated technology.
Have you ever watched radar? It can be used as a focus for scrying also. Maybe that's how they do it.
Some Witches make money by telling fortunes. You can encounter them at psychic fairs and parties. Some Witches only tell fortunes for
themselves and close friends and would never dream of charging for their services. Some Witches use divination as a tool to help others, much like a counselor or clergy. It's an individual choice.
Divination is a practice almost as old as civilization, maybe
older. Tortoise shells with patterns of cracks dating to 7000M BCE and earlier have been found in China. Some feel these are the precursors to the I Ching. They were certainly used for divination--take a tortoise shell and a hot poker, think of your question and place the point of the hot poker against the tortoise shell. Whatever cracks are made are your answer, but presumably you
need some sort of priest to interpret the answers. And yes, divination seems to have developed contemporaneously with a priestly class. The tortoise shell divinatory method wasn't ecologically sound for the turtle, but it illustrates how people will use whatever is at hand in order to try to tell the future. Divination is an ancient practice that still thrives in our modern world.
by Estelle Daniels,
copyright 1999
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon. group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 7a.
Ancestral Paths
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Mon Feb 7, 2011 9:50 pm (PST)
Ancestral Paths
All over the world, mysterious roads and paths run in perfectly
straight lines--sometimes plowing through difficult terrain when
easier land lies just to one side, or going up and over mesas and mountains instead of around them. What is their purpose, and why were they constructed with such utter disregard for the practicalities of road-building?
An Englishman named Alfred Watkins, who believed he had discovered
straight-line paths dotting the English landscape and connecting the
old stone circles in a grand design, called them "ley lines." He theorized that they were the roads of ancient merchants. Other British researchers have concluded that they are energy paths, linking the sacred sites of ancient Britain, or perhaps even serving as roadways for UFOs.
There are straight-line roads on the European continent as well, and
these have given us a hint as to their ultimate meaning. In
Holland, such roads were once known as "pathways of the dead," and often led to cemeteries. It was once a common European belief that the souls of the dead traveled along straight lines--as when that procession of spirits called the Wild Hunt came swooping through the villages, causing joy to some and terror to others, dancing through the sky to the North Star, as well as upon the earth. Those who followed the Wild Hunt, the medieval Witches, also traveled in straight lines--up a chimney or riding on a broomstick--to join their departed friends.
No wonder that Chinese geomancers or feng shui men prefer curved
lines to straight ones! According to them, straight lines on the landscape are "spirit paths," or "ghost paths," and ordinary mortals are better off staying out of the way.
This belief in "spirit paths" is nearly universal. In Peru, the
straight-line roads are called "ceques," and they all head
to "huacas," the shrines of the mountain gods. Who are the mountain
gods? They are the deified ancestors of the people. At one time, they were all mortal. Just as European witches who followed the Wild Hunt traveled in straight lines, so also do Peruvian shamans when they "fly" on waves of energy to visit the mountain spirits.
In the Mayan country, magnificent roads made of white stone once
connected different cities and shrines. They were called "Sac Be,"
which simply means "white road," or not so simply--for the Milky Way, which led to the North Star, or realm of departed souls, was also known as Sac Be.
In New Mexico, straight-line roads lead from various Ansazi ruins to
the most magnificent ruins of all--the mysterious cities of Chaco
Canyon. Though there are no legends that hark back to the distant days of the Chaco Empire, the Hopi Indians say that the straight-line roads
are "ancestor paths," used for ritual rather than for practical purposes.
Rather than embodying the magic of a single culture or people, the
straight-line roads are part of a common human heritage that
resonates with some of the oldest spiritual beliefs of all--reverence
for the spirits of our ancestors, and a willingness to walk with them on
the North Star Road.
by Ken Johnson,
copyright 1997
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon. group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
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