vineri, 18 februarie 2011

[13Witches] Digest Number 7310

Messages In This Digest (10 Messages)

Re: Dee is Home From: Hazell Mccardell
Re: Dee is Home From: Lady Nightshayde
Child Blessing From: Luna
Re: Child Blessing From: Lady Nightshayde
Re: Names for Healing Circle, From: carol calvert
Re: Names for Healing Circle, From: Lady Nightshayde
Aromatherapy Tip From: Lady Nightshayde
Spiders From: Lady Nightshayde
Re: Im moving the 1st of the month From: Elizabeth Forster
Cool Website of the Day From: Lady Nightshayde



Re: Dee is Home

Posted by: "Hazell Mccardell"   hmccardell

Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:22 am (PST)

MY thoughts and prayers are with you also. MY mother had 3/4 of her stomache removed and a feeding tube inserted 2/10.

On Wed Feb 16th, 2011 7:49 PM EST LadyHawk_Jax wrote:

>Dear Fran,   I am so glad to hear that you have Dee back at home!   I will continue to send energies for you all as you go along this path to better health for him.   
>Love, Light and Abundant Blessings,

>--- On Wed, 2/16/11, Fran Wolfe-Johnson <> wrote:
>From: Fran Wolfe-Johnson <>
>Subject: [13Witches] Dee is Home
>Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2011, 7:26 PM

>Thought this might be of interest to the group, since so many have put in energies for him.
>February 5th he was in so much pain that his surgeon had him admitted.  The obstruction from the scar tissue was so bad they decided to risk operating right then and there.  If he remained stable, they would put in a more permanent feeding tube (he had an NG tube, which is painful, humiliating, and messy).  When they opened him up, they found the scar tissue adhering to the spine and wrapped around his liver and the blood vessels there.  He ended up having most of his liver removed (we've been told that since they left the remaining third it will slowly grow back).  The feeding tube was also placed because at that point they were absolutely certain he would never eat normally again.
>He came through the surgery decently with very few complications other than needing a few units of blood in order to bolster his blood volume and platelet count.  By the end of the week, they had him taking short walks and eating pureed vegetables and fruits with strained or flaked meats such as tuna (though he's still not allowed to bend and it hurts to do so).
>He initially weighed less than 110 pounds. He's gained about five and there's some color in his cheeks now.
>THANK YOU!  Without your prayers and thoughts, I am certain I would have lost him. Now I am just as certain he will make as much of a recovery as is possible with the injuries he sustained.
>  "Whenever the pressure of our complex city life thins my blood and numbs my brain, I seek relief in the trail; and when I hear the coyote wailing to the yellow dawn, my cares fall from me - I am happy."
>-- Hamlin Garland
>Fran Wolfe-Johnson (WalkerTXKitty)
>FoxHeart Acres, FL


Re: Dee is Home

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:26 pm (PST)

THANK YOU! Without your prayers and thoughts, I am certain I would have lost him. Now I am just as certain he will make as much of a recovery as is possible with the injuries he sustained.

Fran, that is wonderful news. I am glad he is able to eat now. I know he is glad to be home. Sending energies to you and your family.

Love Each Day,
Lady N

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.


Child Blessing

Posted by: "Luna"   starsluna

Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:22 am (PST)

Would like to know if anyone has a Ritual for a child blessing..Thank you so much..Luna


Re: Child Blessing

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:09 pm (PST)

Would like to know if anyone has a Ritual for a child blessing..Thank you so much..Luna

Are you looking for a rite or ritual for a newborn?

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.


Re: Names for Healing Circle,

Posted by: "carol calvert"   carolcalvert2003

Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:32 pm (PST)

Lady N,
Thank you so much,I've had the surgery and had no complications.I had the
bandage taken off today and now I can use both eyes.Thank you ever so much.

Much Love and Many Prayers,
Carol L. Calvert

From: Lady Nightshayde <>
Sent: Tue, February 15, 2011 7:51:13 PM
Subject: Re: [13Witches] Names for Healing Circle,

Lady N,
> Can you please add my name to your healing circle for Wednesday
Carol, I've added your name to the healing circle list. Sending special healing
energies for your surgery.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.


Re: Names for Healing Circle,

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:57 pm (PST)

Lady N,
Thank you so much,I've had the surgery and had no complications.I had the bandage taken off today and now I can use both eyes.Thank you ever so much.

You are most welcome. I am happy the surgery was successful.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.


Aromatherapy Tip

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:32 pm (PST)


Clear a room of negative energy by misting a blend of
Juniper and Cedarwood into the air. Use about 10 drops
per 2 oz. distilled water. This is useful after a fight
or when moving into a new home.


Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.



Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:38 pm (PST)


It may be hard for arachniphobes to believe that spiders ever bring good luck, but this early 20th century good luck postcard proves they do.
Further evidence comes from "The Mascot Book" by Elizabeth Villiers, published in England in 1923. According to Villiers, the spider "was popular with the Romans, who had a favourite mascot in the shape of a precious stone upon which a spider was engraved. Also they were fond of carrying little spiders of gold or silver, or any of the fortunate metals, to bring good luck in anything to do with trade."
Spiders have always meant good luck to professional weavers and spinners, for obvious reasons, but corroboration of the spider's financial symbolism is provided by a bas relief on outside of the The Bohemian Club building in San Francisco. The club was founded in the 19th century as a place for local businessmen to set aside "Dull Care" and engage in theatrical and sexual "Hi-Jinks," so the image -- of a spider and the words "weaving spiders come not here" -- warns members to leave their financial schemes outside the precincts.
Why is the spider supposed to bring good luck in money matters? I think it is because the spider in its web is believed to attract its prey; thus the spider amulet is believed to attract money to the bearer. In short, Europeans seem to have used spider amulets in the same way that African-Americans use a pair of magnetic lodestones to "draw" money or Mexicans use horseshoe amulets accompanied by pictures of San Martin Caballero as symbolic "horseshoe magnets" to attract money. (Notable styles of Mexican money-magnets include small horseshoe package amulets, El Secreto de la Virtuosa Herradura wall hangings, and the unusual Snow Globe Pyramid of Luck.)
Like many other beliefs centered in animal lore, the "luckiness" attached to the spider has diminished during this century, probably because urbanization has rendered our environs virtually free of species other than human beings. Still, some money-magic does yet adhere to the spider, even among the computer-using classes. For instance, from the United Kingdom, Shona McNeill writes:
"There is a relic of this belief in my family -- there is a species of tiny black spider, that we call the Money Spider. If one walks across your palm, it will bring good luck in money."
Villiers noted that in France during the 1920s, "the sight of a spider in the house is not fortunate in the forenoon, but if you see it in the afternoon, you may certainly expect a present, the value of the gift increasing according to the lateness of the hour.
In a similar vein, my mother, Liselotte Erlanger Glozer, recounts the following German verse about finding spiders in the house at different times of day, which she learned as a child in Bavaria, in the early 1920s:
Spinne am Morgen
bringt Kummer und Sorgen
Spinne am Nachmittag
bringt Freude am dritten Tag
Spinne am Abend
erquickend und labend

Her non-rhyming translation of this verse is:
Spider in the morning
brings grief and sorrow
Spider in the afternoon
brings joy on the third day
Spider in the evening
refreshes and nourishes

Elizabeth Villiers wrote, "The idea that to kill a spider will bring bad luck is common still, and most housewives, while destroying the web, will carefully lift the spider and put it out of doors. That killing a spider is followed by monetary loss is the belief in some parts of the country, thus particularizing the kind of ill luck to be expected. But to see a spider is fortunate so long as it is not hurt."
That was in England, in 1923, but early in 1996, as if echoing Villers' account, Tracey O'Neill posted the following to alt.lucky.w:
"The other day at work, a spider was spotted in the office. Being a bit sqeamish about insects, (or whatever multi-legged species they belong to), I promptly called for someone to kill it. Among those of us present, two quickly said not to because it was "bad luck." Upon further questioning, they both said that killing a spider makes you lose money. They are both originally from different areas of the US and neither one could say where they had heard it or explain why. Now, usually a belief like this is based around some sort of fact. I can't for the life of me figure out what, so I figured that I'd ask here. I've never heard of this belief, nor has anyone in my family. Can anyone shed any light on this subject?"
Vanessa Meachen replied a few days later:
"Some teacher of mine back in primary school used to have this little rhyme that went:
If you wish to live and thrive
Let the spider run alive
"The number of the little buggers I've squished over the years since then may not bode well . . ."
Tracey posted from the United States and Vanessa posted from Australia; i assume that both are of Anglo-Eurpean heritage.
In search of further family traditions, i asked the folks in my office whether it was bad luck to kill spiders, and if so, why. Louis James, 21 years old, piped up, "Well, killing spiders in a NEW HOUSE is bad luck." He'd heard this from his father, who is a Euro-American from Pennsylvania.
I asked him if this had anything to do with losing money.
"Nah. I always heard that if you killed a spider in a new house, the house would never be clean."
Thus speaks Anglo-America.
I am no anthropologist, but i suspect that i am standing on well-trod ground when i theorize that the idea of a money-bringing or gift-giving spider who "refreshes and nourishes" must harken back to a very early time in human history and may well represent the folkloric vestige of an ancient European religious belief of some kind. Speaking of religion, those who attend upon Native American traditions are probably aware that Spider-Woman is a major goddess of the Pueblo Indians. As such, however, she is not a lucky figure, but a religious one.
Be that as it may, some people still have use for money-drawing spider amulets, and the spider can be seen in the hoodoo candle called "Alleged Controlling." The image depicts a spider in its web, but there is no manufacturer's name and no intructional text on the back of the candle, so one is left in the dark as to whether the "alleged control" is in financial matters or other human affairs.
But, speaking of hoodoo brings us to a different perspective on spiders -- a less friendly one. Among old-time African American rootowrkers, it was commonly believed that one of the worst and most evil ways to poison an enemy was to feed them spider eggs -- especially in the form of dumplings -- for the little baby spiders would hatch out in the person's blood stream, causing the dangerous jinxed condition known as "Live Things In You." Spider dumplings -- that is, dumplings with spider eggs inside, are especially feared. The connection between spider eggs and dumplings is visually obvious to anyone who has seen a "spider nest" or egg-ball; it looks quite a bit like a small white flour dumpling. My own research into the subject of "Live Things" indicates that, both historically and contemporaneously, in the African American community hoodoo practitioners who most stringly believe in "Live Things" are generally also part Native American.
Evidence of African American beliefs about the misfortunes attending upon eating spider dumplings, or spiders falling into one's food or drink can be found in several old blues songs -- for instance "Sold It To The Devil by Black Spider Dumpling (John D. Twitty) and "Spider's Nest Blues" by Hattie Hart with the Memphis Jug Band.
In keeping with the notion that spider eggs can cause "Live Things in You," spider webs, spider nest-balls, and dead spiders are commonly used as ingredients in goofer dust, a hoodoo powder that is used to harm people.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.


Re: Im moving the 1st of the month

Posted by: "Elizabeth Forster"   mrs_e_forster

Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:21 pm (PST)

Hello Angelsvoice,
I know of one way that worked for me, before you move in or unpack, you open the windows and sweep every room, then closing the windows to a crack (for ventalation) you smudge everyroom, always starting from the most Northern point working clockwise, then you put one tealight candle in the middle of each room and let burn down until it goes out.
Good Luck on your new home and I wish for you a smooth and swift move.


Cool Website of the Day

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:39 pm (PST)


The Hubble Telescope has been in operation for 20 years. "Nearly 400 years after Galileo first observed the heavens through a telescope, we continue to seek answers to age-old questions about the universe. And while the technology has evolved over the centuries, the inquiry remains essentially the same: Whats out there, where did it come from, and what does it mean?" Be sure to visit all of the sections in this site in order to understand the impact that Hubble has had on our understanding of the space front. This site is actual fact, not a science fiction fantasy!

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

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