marți, 4 ianuarie 2011

[which_witch_is_witch] Digest Number 4618

Messages In This Digest (23 Messages)



In-Sights from Uriel Heals to Enlighten your Life

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Jan 3, 2011 3:25 am (PST)

Enlightening Your Life with Jennifer & Archangel UrielJanuary 3, 2011 Greetings!

Happy New Year
everyone. I would like to extend my wishes for an abundantly joyful and
fulfilling year to each of you. What will this year bring? I have put
some predictions for the new year on the website, which is also the
theme of this month's messages. Click here to read the predictions. Here's what is in this week's newsletter:
year-end sale expires on January 5 and there are several new classes are
available for download, including the Guilt & Shame class, Aligning
the Trinity and more! You can still purchase the 11 Days to 2011
program which many have used to clear their energy for 2011. Visit the Products page for more information. Do
you know what dimension you are living in? How do you move from one
dimension to another? This is a theme for 2011 and is discussed in
detail in the first article.  Did
you create new year's resolutions for 2011? Do you think you can keep
them? If not, it's because you may be missing one key element that is
discussed in the second article. Use this and you will be able to create
lasting change in 2011.  Archangel
Uriel's message asks whether you are a leader or follower in how you
use your energy. This is a thought provoking article that may change how
you express your energy in every situation.             What
do you want to do with the rest of your life? Can you answer that
question? Probably not because we have so many options we want to choose
everything -- and we can. This is the Indigo/Crystal article for this
week.  Visit the website to see a list of traits and decide whether you are Indigo or Crystal ... or both. Step into your Miracle Mastery! Get more from life! Sign up for the Miracle Mastery on-line program, now with group and personal coaching options.  Click here to register.   
Read the January article on the Uriel Heals website.   El bolet�n est� ahora disponible en espa�ol.  
The series on Indigos and Suicide is available on the Today's Children page in response to your requests. Read the newsletter in Spanish at Templo del Sol, thank you Xitlalli! The link is on the Uriel Heals home page. Be sure to visit the Lightworker
Resources page on the website to see helpful tools for your spiritual,
emotional and physical well-being. I would like to welcome all of our
new subscribers and thank you for joining the Uriel Heals Newsletter.
Recent newsletters and articles are available on the 'Archives' page.
The subscriber list grows daily and your emails and testimonials are
appreciated. To ensure that you receive the newsletters please add its
email address,
to your address book. All articles are copyright (c) Jennifer Hoffman
and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. Reprint is allowed with author and
website mention. For more information visit

The Dimensions of Life

   Read this and all of the predictions for 2011 here.
we begin a new year we feel like we have so much to do in order to
change the world and ourselves. Each new level of awareness we achieve
opens our eyes to what is 'wrong' around us. But it is our ability to
move into a new level of energetic vibration that allows us to  become
aware of our disconnection, missteps, mistakes and poor choices. Then
the past rushes to meet us and we can either acknowledge ourselves as
powerful co-creators or feel disempowered by every powerless step we
think we have taken. This is how we know in which dimension we are
living in and where we go from that moment is our ascension into higher
living or our descent into a powerless past.
third dimension is the home of the ego and a higher dimension is always
one step beyond it. Life is not about overcoming, destroying or
dismantling the ego as it serves an important purpose. Our challenge is
to take the ego into higher dimensions, to transform its limited
thinking into an unlimited spiritual partnership with our soul. When we
try to destroy the ego we are trying to correct something that is not
wrong. Transformation is not about destruction, it is about shifting
energies, changing form and creating a new vibration. This process
builds on the old by acknowledging its very important role in our life
and being willing to always take another step in a new direction.
always want to be in a different place than the one we are in,
especially when that place is so fraught with difficulties. But the
place we are at is the one we have chosen, consciously or unconsciously,
and it is our starting place for higher dimensional living. We can
enjoy life and its blessings from any dimension because higher
dimensional living is a spiritual process that is reflected in the
physical. We have long believed that being in a higher dimension removes
us from the world and it doesn't, it just gives us a different
perspective on the world.
dimension we choose, whether that is the third, fourth, fifth or
beyond, is the one that is right for us. And we go back and forth, so at
times we are in the third, then we move into a higher one, then
something happens that brings up our fears so we go back into the third
to experience and release that fear. Then we can move on again. But with
each back and forth movement we release a little more so our stay in a
higher dimension is longer and becomes more familiar and comfortable.
Eventually we will learn the detachment that is necessary to stay in a
higher dimension and as our ego finds its place within our spiritual
partnership we find the dimension that makes us happy and we move into
powerful, masterful living.

The Uriel Heals  Enlightening Life radio show 
The next Enlightening Life radio show will be Wednesday, January 5, 2011, at 8PM Central time on Blog Talk Radio. We will discuss the newsletter and readings are available to callers, dial 718-664-6504. Click here for show details and to download or listen to previous shows. 

Create Space for your Intention
new year begins with resolutions to be better, smarter, more successful
and happier. And this generally lasts for a little while then we step
into our old ways and the new year can become a repetition of the
previous one. What happened? We set out with good intentions and yet
nothing changed. There is a very subtle understanding that will help you
create resolutions that you will be able to keep and see the results
you want in your life, and it has to do with how you set your intention. 

make new year's resolutions at the end of the year, when we look at all
of the things we didn't do, the things that didn't happen or all of the
things that did not work out the way we wanted to. Our resolutions then
become the focus for fixing our life. But there is nothing to fix
because there is nothing wrong. Everything is always perfect and in
divine order, in that moment. We can change anything we want to change
when we do the one thing that will allow change to happen, which is
shifting our thinking. Without that, nothing is ever going to change
because it is the energy of our thoughts that creates the reality in
which we live.

we intend for something to happen an energetic vortex is created that
begins to move energy towards our intention. This new energy vortex
connects with everything that supports and is in alignment with it and
clashes with everything that is not. We feel the alignments as
supportive, positive events and the clashes as fear and resistance. And
if we try to hold on to everything, we are going against the
transformative energies of our intention and not allowing them to
manifest. Then we feel stuck.


To create powerful, positive and lasting
change we must start with the realization that everything in our life
is perfect. Then we can allow the energy vortex to expand and as it
does, it will attract what resonates with it and push out everything
that doesn't. One thing we can learn is to gracefully release what is
trying so hard to leave so we can invite its replacement. This flow of
release and receiving is what allows our intentions to manifest. For
this new year set your intention for what you wish to have in your life
in this moment and be prepared to gracefully let go of whatever needs to
leave so you can create space for your intention and allow miracles to
unfold in an effortless flow that creates the fulfilling, powerful,
joyful life that you dream of and can create, with the right intention.


you ready for 2011? Take the 11 Days to 2011 self-study class to help
you release this year's baggage and step boldly into 2011, the year of
your 'Great-Ness'. Click here to sign up.  

Uriel's Message -- Do You Lead or Follow?

situation and interaction has its specific energetic signature in which
you are the leader or the follower. As the leader you set the energy
and can manifest outcomes of your choosing. As the follower you are in
the energy of the situation and your own energetic vibration shifts to
fit that experience. You have no manifesting power because you are at an
energy level from the past. This prevents you from manifesting any
outcome other than what you have already created. The choice is yours,
do you lead or follow?
appears to be easier to lead and certainly that creates more beneficial
and fulfilling outcomes but it is also a new place for you, a new
paradigm for your life because as leader you are manifesting different
outcomes that will create separation with your soul group. As a leader
you often walk alone and cannot connect with others because they are not
at your energetic level. But your healing purpose is fulfilled when you
lead because this is when you can create closure with karma and bring
an end to these ancient energies.
principle reason you follow is to allow others to experience healing.
As a follower you put yourself at others' energetic levels so you can
allow them to grow, or so you think. But when you follow you do not do
anything to shift the energy, hoping that others will find ways to
change these energies through their healing. Since you are the catalyst
for change by following you limit the possibility of change. As a
follower you are surrounded by those who are at similar energies but
what you may not know is they are looking to you to lead, which is why
they reject you and your offer of healing.
may walk alone for a time when you lead because you are at a different
energetic vibration than others around you and it has been your pattern
in the past to follow energy to allow healing. Do not be afraid to set
your intention for the energies in your life, be very clear in asking
for what you want. You will attract those who can match these vibrations
and you will create life partners who share your highest energies and
can allow you to express your highest and best self as a leader, an
initiator and a co-creator of new paradigms of living for yourself and
the world.
Readings with Archangel Uriel offer healing, clarity, amazing insights and more. Click here for more details and to schedule a reading.

The Rest of Your Life
interesting thing about the adult Indigos and Crystals is the number of
things they do with their lives. In my life, I have already had several
careers and my life direction has changed dramatically several times.
Although I have sometimes wished that I could do one thing forever, I
know that I would be bored and lose interest over time. We can't look at
our life path or purpose in terms of 'the rest of our life' because our
energy constantly changes. What we can do is look at what interests us
today and be open to change in the future. 
are the first generation (those of us who are now over 40) that has not
enjoyed the benefits of lifetime employment, multi-decade marriages or a
lifetime of stability and predictability. Sometimes that is a good
thing, other times it can be more than a little scary. Many of the
Indigos and Crystals I know feel they are financially unprepared for
retirement, are creating new careers and professional opportunities when
they are 40 or 50 and are not even thinking about stopping at age 60,
70 or beyond. But we are also unsure of how to progress in those areas
because we are the first generation to have virtually unlimited
opportunities to choose what we will do with the rest of our lives.
personally am glad that no one is going to force me to retire at age 65
or 70 and knowing that I can use my gifts in any way I choose is
exciting. We can look at our uncertain future with doubt or we can see
it for what it is, an opportunity to choose whatever fits us instead of
trying to fit ourselves into a professional mold that is wrong for us
and doesn't allow any freedom of expression. We are so talented that we
need to use our gifts in the best way possible, and that means choosing a
professional path that brings us joy.
do you want to do with the rest of your life? You may not be able to
answer that question and that's OK because the question you should be
asking, the one you can get an answer to is 'what do I want to do right
now?' because the answer will change over time. So take an inventory of
your gifts and set your intention for using them in the best way
possible. Then move forward on that path and when you come to a
crossroads, take the next path that will bring you the most joy. We have
an unlimited number of options available to us when we are willing to
express ourselves as the gift to the world that we are and to be willing
to share our energy with the world in ways that are important to us.
 Read about Indigos & Crystals

Classes and Products 
Visit our products page for our year end sale, good through Jan 5, 2011

New learning tools are available:

Aligning the Trinity
Guilt and Shame Healing & Transformation
11 Days to 2011 -- healing, clearing, finding your purpose and more!
The Holistic Business Owner's Toolkit contains valuable resources to help you start or fast track your business. Click here for more information.

Click here for more information

Take the Miracle Mastery journey with our new on-line education center.

Now available with group and personal coaching options. Click here for more information.

 Buy the Book 


Now in its second printing. Thanks to all who have ordered. Click here to purchase.

In This Issue

The Dimensions of LifeCreate Space for your IntentionsUriel's Message -- Do You Lead or Follow?The Rest of Your LifeOrder the Book

Quick Links

Spiritual Mentoring
Do you need a miracle?Consultations
The Difference between a Victor and a Victim is I AM
 Scheduled Events


The Cord Disconnect Meditation  is now available as an MP3 download. Click here for more information
 Jennifer Hoffman

Promote Your Page Too

More info available on Events page 

Buy the Miracles book and receive a F*R*E*E* miracle class recording 
click here. 

Holistic Business Directory 
Registration is now open for the  Holistic Business Resource Directory. Visit the site here. 
Book your Consultation
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sure to pay for your session after choosing your date and time. The
Paypal button is to the right, on the date confirmation page.
All times are shown in US Central time, which is
1 hour earlier than US Eastern
1 hour later than US Mountain
2 hours later than US Pacific
6 hours earlier than UK
7 hours earlier than Western Europe
Information is available on the Consultations page of the website and there is a user manual too, at the top of the page.

Contact Information

Visit the Uriel Heals website at for more information, archives, articles and events.
 Jennifer Hoffman

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Email Marketing by

Uriel Heals | Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. | PO Box7076 | Lee's Summit | MO | 64064

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center


Love: The Song and Dance

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Jan 3, 2011 3:56 am (PST)


¸¸.•*♫¨*•♫♪ Lo√E♥
song of a butterfly's heart is heard as clear and loud as that of a
giant's heart, when it is sung to the Spirit of Creation. The dance of a
crippled man is seen just as beautiful as the dance of a ballerina,
when he dances to the beat of the song in the heart.
The Color of A Woman's Heart

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center



Power Animal of the Day: Leopard

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Jan 3, 2011 4:01 am (PST)

The Leopard

Positioning          Agility

a deep breath and let the spirit of the leopard fill you. 

Click here to Listen to the Leopard's Song.


Strong and
silent, moving with grace and stealth, the leopard knows how to position himself
to his own best advantage before acting.  He will give you the ability to seem
to disappear when you care to, so that attention is directed elsewhere, allowing
you to prepare unobserved for the timely display of your powers.


The leopard
is also highly adaptable, able to live successfully in almost any terrain, from
the deserts to the mountains and forests of the world.  He will bring you this
strength, so that you will find yourself quickly at ease even in new
circumstances.  Just take a deep breath of leopard energy and you will feel
instantly at home, no matter where you are.


The leopard
will also fill you with physical health and vitality, bringing you his agile
grace, whether it is required to climb the tree or swim the river.  Wherever you
need to be, you will do well, for you are the leopard and you know no

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center



Quado's Garden: Focus Your Attention

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Jan 3, 2011 4:09 am (PST)

Your Attention


Where you place
your attention influences what comes to you.  If you place your attention on
worry and fear, or on doubt over your capabilities, you will tend to pull what
you fear toward you.  If you place your attention on positive action that makes
you ready for wonderful things to flow toward you, that focus will tend to pull
toward you the people who can give you a little lift up toward your dreams.


You are powerful, but all
of the power resides in this moment, and all of the action is within what you
can do.  If you wish to motivate other people to do things, do it in a positive
and direct fashion, by learning to be an effective leader and infusing others
with your commitment and passion.  Make all of your actions positive.  Make all
of your thoughts positive.  Leave off worries and complaints, manipulation and
attempts to control others.  Go deep, find your truth, infuse it with dedication
and passion and shine out, glowing with resolve, glowing with right action,
shining as a beacon for others to follow.  This is the way.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center



You Are The Rose About To Bloom

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Jan 3, 2011 4:14 am (PST)

Source: Kasthuri Sai

♥ You Are the Rose About to Bloom ♥

You are the rose about to bloom,
The color soon to wake,
The perfume set to scent the breeze,
The bud about to break.

You stand upon the lip of time
Alight with what will be,
And see yourself out to the sky
Across the open sea.

We see you vertically, a gift
Too beautiful to plumb,
And treasure all the years you were
And all the years to come.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center



We Are

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Jan 3, 2011 4:45 am (PST)

as the ocean opens to plumb its depthsdivethe flower of awareness bloomsinhalenight beckons as the moon risesswollen in its radianceready to birth anew from the oldhear the callembrace the moonreceive the remembrancethe callingthe expectancy of new birthborne and rootedin the most ancient of ancientstime falls away the illusion laid bareinfinity is the horizoneternity all-encompassingsee mehear mefeel meembrace melove melook to the mirrorthat is theredeep insidereflections,fractalsarrays of memoriesanew and oldwatch and seeremembercan you hear me?can you see me?can you feel me?does my scent permeatesurroundfillintoxicate?are my eyesconsuming your sight?has my presencetouchedinspiredstoked the fyresof passionof kindlingof knowing?do you achedo you yearndo you desirefor this once more?to embrace meto embrace youto embrace divinityknowingconsciousness becomingthat this is onethat you are onethat you are wholenever apartnever separatelook deeplycast
asidethoughtsborne of illusionof limitationsee the infinitesee the Youin allencompassholdsmilelovedanceshine brightshine farshine longheart to heartsoul to soulmelody to melodywe are onewe are wholewe arewe are.........lovenothing greaternothing fullernothing highercan there berisediveembracereleasewhen all slides awaywe remainI amwe areadorationexultationenchantmentsmade newforged of the soulthe new sunthe new dawnwe are herepast consciousnesspast thoughtwe standwe dancewe lovewe are infiniteWe Are @ 1/3/2011 Shay Rayne  

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center



The Wings Of The Eagle

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Jan 3, 2011 6:43 am (PST)

Source: Linda Mottet

tiny sparrow lived in fear of tomorrow. Free will was paralyzed, and
the sparrow was afraid to fly. One day, the sparrow found the courage
to speak honestly: A choice that set the sparrow free.The Wings
of the Eagle enveloped me and vanished every fear mysteriously, pouring
warmth and a sustaining peace. I was filled with an energy that at
times would increase. Crystal scenes of the world outside brought forth
the strength to lay all fear aside.A Crystal Vision of a world
within unveiled "peace and goodwill toward men." A time my mind was
reforming; a time for rest and healing. It was the hour to open the
womb and emerge from adversity's tomb. It was the hour to hear silence
spoken. It was time for all the binding chains to be broken. It was
the time to hear the Father's voice guiding and reassuring my choice.
My mind was absorbed into Unity, where I saw brothers and sisters
joining me. Spirit Mind began to release a celebration for love,
goodwill, and peace. Sending forth to a world to embrace, the Eternal
Presence of Grace. All fears and inhibition ceased, when by the Touch
of Spirit, Truth unleashed. The Wings of the Eagle enveloped me; this
tiny sparrow is forever free. excerpt from THE VIOLENT DREAMLinda Kay Mottet

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center



Belly Dance for Lovers, Jan 4, Butler NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Jan 3, 2011 7:34 am (PST)

Belly Dance for Lovers, Jan 4, Butler NJ

Hosts: Off the Beaten Path

When: Jan. 4th. 2011 - Jan. 25th. 2011
...Where: Butler, New Jersey
What to Bring: hip scarf if you have one
Price: $45
Instructor: Raushanna

Details: Tuesday, Jan 4, 11, 18, 25
Snow Date Tuesday, Feb 1

A new Belly Dance class, perfect for everyone who dreams of performing
this ancient and beautiful dance form for their partner or family in
honor of Valentine's Day! You will learn simple yet seductive
choreography during the four weeks of this class, and you will go home
with a complete dance, ready to perform, and a CD of the music used,
too. No prior experience required; wear comfortable clothes that allow
easy movement, and bring a hip scarf if you have one.

Fader, "Raushanna", has been dancing and performing for over 20 years
(Troop Odalisque; Fantasy) and has been teaching classes and workshops
for over ten years.

Event Location: 15 Boonton Ave in Butler
Event TIME Details: 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Directions: Call 973-492-1974 for complete directions or log onto directions page. Our MapQuest listing is now correct. Please do not use - our listing there is still not correct. Many GPS units
use the same maps as Expedia.

Phone: (973) 492-1974

Mailing Address: 15 Boonton Ave, Butler, NJ 07405

New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!

Main Yahoo Group NJP:
Ning Web sites: NJP:
Myspace NJP:
Cher NJP Link:
Page NJP:!/NJPagans
Group NJP:


Fire and Ice Opening Reception, Jan 8, Mount Holly NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Jan 3, 2011 7:43 am (PST)

Fire and Ice Opening Reception, Jan 8, Mount Holly NJ

Saturday, January 8 · 6:00pm - 8:00pm


Home Fine Art Gallery
2 Church and White Street
Mount Holly, NJ

Created By Home Fine Art Gallery and Framing

More Info

January will feature a "Fire and Ice" exhibit at Home Fine Art with both member and guest artists. The reception is Saturday, Jan. 8 from 6:00 to 8:00. The outdoor ice festival is Jan 29 and we will OF COURSE have our famous home-made chili to warm you up. Save the dates!


Tarot Night, Jan. 21, Westampton NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Jan 3, 2011 7:55 am (PST)

Tarot Night, Jan. 21, Westampton NJ

Friday, January 21 · 6:00pm - 10:00pm
Jean's Place: The Sacred Hearth in Westampton, NJ

Created By Jean's Place: The Sacred Hearth

More Info
Reservations required as space is limited.

Readers include:
Rev. Mark Lyons - Spiritual teacher & leader with over 20 years in the field
Diane McDonough - Spiritaul teacher with over 25 years tarot experience
Jane Shipley - Spiritual teacher with over 25 years of tarot experience
Ilona Gaspar - 15 plus years experience with Gypsy tarot

For reservations, pricing and directions, please contact Jean's Place at: or
609-510-3895 from 9AM to 9PM, Monday thru Saturday.

Thank-you. We look forward to serving you.

New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!

Main Yahoo Group NJP:
Ning Web sites: NJP:
Myspace NJP:
Cher NJP Link:
Page NJP:!/NJPagans
Group NJP:


January Issue of PaganPages

Posted by: ""   misstressglitter

Mon Jan 3, 2011 7:55 am (PST)

Merry Meet Readers,

Happy New Year!!!

The January Issue of PaganPages is up now at

We have a great issue for you! In this issue:

Interview with Author Judika Illes, "Weiser Fieldguide to Witches"




Looking for Columnists to Fill the Following Positions:




kitchen witch

incense and oils

Always Looking For

If you have any personal stories you care to share, or an idea for a column of your own, write us at

Search for Pagan Prayers, Blessings, and Mantras

We are looking for your prayers, blessings and mantras to share on our cover page. If you would like to share yours, email them to


Last, but not least, we would like to take this time to apologize to all of our readers who have signed up for classes that have fallen apart or not come through. We had put our trust in people who were deceitful and in turn we have let you down. It was not our plan to do so and we deeply apologize. We hope you can forgive us and continue to read and learn with us.



Introduction to The Course in Miracles, Jan. 22, Westampton NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Jan 3, 2011 7:57 am (PST)

Introduction to The Course in Miracles, Jan. 22, Westampton NJ

Saturday, January 22 · 10:00am - 1:00pm


Jean's Place: The Sacred Hearth in Westampton, NJ
6 Devonshire Dr
Westampton Township, NJ

Created By Jean's Place: The Sacred Hearth

More Info

The Course in Miracles is a spiritual self study course. It defines a miracle as a shift in awareness from a thought system of fear to the thought system of love. Each of us has the power to choose to live lives of peace regardless of what is happening around us. The Course teaches how we do this through the Miracle of Forgiveness. In this introductory workshop, we will discuss the basics of the work & how we can all lead more p...eaceful & loving lives.

Teacher: Rev. Mark Lyons
Mark A Lyons is a spiritual teacher & leader with over 20 years in the field. He has worked with thousands of people to help guide, inspire & facilitate deeper awareness of spiritual laws & practices to help improve the quality of our inner lives. With a humorous approach & down to earth practicality, his students are moved into self empowerment & responsibility to experience more peace, joy & grace in all areas of life.

Cost is $20 per person. Please RSVP to this event to reserve your seat or email

New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!

Main Yahoo Group NJP:
Ning Web sites: NJP:
Myspace NJP:
Cher NJP Link:
Page NJP:!/NJPagans
Group NJP:


Introduction to the Law of Attraction, Jan. 22,  Westampton Township

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Jan 3, 2011 8:01 am (PST)

Introduction to the Law of Attraction, Jan. 22, Westampton Township NJ

Saturday, January 22 · 2:00pm - 5:00pm

Jean's Place: The Sacred Hearth
6 Devonshire Dr
Westampton Township, NJ

Created By
Jean's Place: The Sacred Hearth

More Info

Intro to the Law of Attraction: It has been stated in many ways over the centuries; what you release returns to you; do onto others as you would have them do unto you; like attracts like. The Law of Attraction is a Universal Law that affects us whether we understand it or believe it exists. Like gravity, it has certain observable principles we can work with to manifest lives of greater joy & abundance. In this workshop we will ...look at the The Law of Attraction & how it can be integrated into our way of thinking, choosing & living our lives.

Teacher: Rev. Mark Lyons
Mark A Lyons is a spiritual teacher & leader with over 20 years in the field. He has worked with thousands of people to help guide, inspire & facilitate deeper awareness of spiritual laws & practices to help improve the quality of our inner lives. With a humorous approach & down to earth practicality, his students are moved into self empowerment & responsibility to experience more peace, joy & grace in all areas of life.

Cost is $20 per person. Please RSVP to this event to reserve your seat or email

New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!

Main Yahoo Group NJP:
Ning Web sites: NJP:
Myspace NJP:
Cher NJP Link:
Page NJP:!/NJPagans
Group NJP:


Daily Goddess Devotion

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Jan 3, 2011 9:04 am (PST)

Source: Lady Abigail

Daily Goddess Devotion

you feel a dark sadness pushing into your life. Stop its power before
it over takes your light spirit. Seek and find another struggling spirit
and lend them your strength to find their light. In this you will
quickly discover the light has returned to your life.

Lady Abigail
Copyright © 12122010

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center



The Elements

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Jan 3, 2011 9:10 am (PST)

Source: Lady Abigail/Ravensgrove Coven

The Elements  This
helps explain the 5 elements, the colors associated with each, and
simple symbols that can be used to represent them.  When we cast circles
for rituals, we call upon the elements to be present and protect us
during them. Tools, herbs and the desired outcomes of rituals and spells
all fall into different elemental categories. With elements playing
such an important part in our ways, it is important to take the time to
get in touch with them and gain an understanding of each.  Each posses
different and unique qualities. Becoming in tune with and enriching your
relationship with them. I found it years ago online but think the information is great. EarthThe
earth, gaia is our fertile and nurturing mother. From fertile moist
soil to sand and stone, it is the densest of all elements.Basic Nature: Fertile, moist, nurturing, stabilizing, grounding.Type Of Energy: Receptive.Color: Green.Places:
Caves, canyons, chasms, forests, groves, valleys, fields, farms,
gardens, parks, plant nurseries, farmers markets, kitchens, mines,
holes.Rituals: Fertility, jobs, promotions, money, business,
investments, material objects, agriculture, health foods, ecology,
conservation, stock market, old age, buildings, construction, progress.Musical Instrument: Drum, all percussion instruments.Creatures: Dogs, horses, earthworm, gopher, ant, cow, burrowing animals.Season: Winter (the time of darkness).Direction: North. (place of greatest darkness)Time: Night.Magical Tool: Pentacle (wooden, metal or clay)Astronomical Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.Sense: Touch.Natural Symbols: Salt, clay dish of fresh soil, rocks, sheaves of wheat, acorns.Types Of Magick Ruled: Gardening, magnet, image, stone, tree, knot, binding. AirWithout
air, we would perish. It is the power of movement; of freshening and
intelligence. Magically, it is also the power of the mind: force of
intellect. The wind as it tousles your hair, rustles the leaves of a
tree, and the force of a hurricane.Basic Nature: Flying, moving, fresh, intelligent, suspending, sound.Type Of Energy: Projective.Color: Yellow.Places:
Mountain tops, wind-swept plains, cloudy skies, high towers, airports,
schools, libraries, offices, travel agencies, psychiatrist's offices.Rituals:
Schooling, memory, intellectualism, teaching, tests, divination,
breaking bad habits, communications, travel, writing, organizing and
organizations, groups of all kinds, theorizing, drug addiction.Ritual
Forms: Tossing objects into the air, suspending tools in high places,
fanning light objects, visualization, positive thinking.Musical Instruments: Flute, all wind instruments.Creatures: Spider, most birds, winged insects.Season: Spring (time of freshness).Direction: East (the place of sunrise).Time: Dawn.Magical Tool: Wand.Astrological Signs: Gemini, Libra, AquariusSenses: Hearing, smell.Natural Symbols: A feather, incense smoke, fragrant flowers.Types Of Magick Ruled: Divination, concentration, visualization, wind magick. FireFire
is the creator and the destroyer. It warms our homes, cooks our food
and fuels are passions. It is the only element that can't exist without
consuming something else. Fire transforms objects into new forms: heat,
light, ask, smoke.Basic Nature: Purifying, destructive, cleansing, energetic, sexual, forceful.Type Of Energy: Projective.Color: Red (from the color of flames).Places: Deserts, hot springs, volcanoes, ovens, fireplaces, bedrooms (for sex), weight rooms, locker rooms, saunas, athletic fields.Rituals: Protection, courage, sex, energy, strength, authority, banishing negativity.Ritual Forms: Burning or smoldering; heating.Herbs: Stinging, thorny or hot (spicy). Holly leaves, rose or cactus thorns, cayenne pepper, chili peppers, etc.Stones: Red or fiery, such as jasper. Volcanic rock, lava or hematite (volcano spit).Metals: Gold, brass.Musical Instrument: Guitar, all stringed instruments.Creatures: Snake, cricket, lizard, praying mantis, lady bug, bee, scorpion, shark, dragon.Season: Summer (the time of heat).Direction: South (the place of heat).Time: NoonMagical Tool: KnifeAstrological Sign: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.Sense: Sight.Natural Symbols: Flame, lava,
a heated object.Types Of Magic Ruled: Candle, storm, time and star. WaterWater
is the element of cleansing, healing, psychic awareness and love. The
energy of it is vital to our well-being as humans, as it contains within
it the essence of love.Basic Nature: Flowing, purifying, healing, soothing, loving.Type Of Energy: ReceptiveColor: BluePlaces:
Lakes, springs, streams, rivers, beaches, oceans, wells, swimming
pools, bathtubs, showers, bedrooms (for sleep), health spas, steam
rooms, fountains.Rituals: Purification, love psychic awareness, dreams, sleep, peace, marriage, friendships.Ritual Forms: Dilution, placing into water, washing away, bathing.Herbs: Aquatic, such as water lilies and seaweed, lettuce, rose, gardenia; generally flowers.Stones: Transparent or translucent, such as amethyst, aquamarine, crystals of all sorts and blue stones such as blue tourmaline.Metals: Mercury (Quicksilver), silver, copper.Musical Instruments: Cymbal, bell, all resonant metals.Creatures: Cat, frog, turtle, dolphin, whale, otter, seal, most fish and shellfish.Season: Autumn (the time of harvest).Direction: West (the place of the setting sun).Time: Dusk.Magical Tools: Cup, cauldron.Astrological Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.Sense: Taste.Natural Symbols: Shells, a cup of water.Types Of Magic Ruled: Sea, ice, snow, fog, mirror, magnet. AkashaThe
Elements emerge from Akasha, the immutable, changeless source of all
energy. It is the top point of a pentacle that represents Spirit. The
primal source of energy that creates and fuels the elements. It is seen
as the Mother (Creatrix) of the elements.Basic Nature: Unknowable.Type Of Energy: Projective/Receptive.Color: Purple or black.Places: Outer space, vacuums, the Void.Types Of Rituals: Religious in nature.Ritual Forms: None.Herbs: None.Stones: None.Metal: Meteoritic.Musical Instrument: None.Creatures: All (and yet, none).Season: All (and yet, none).Direction: North, east, south and west; also within, without; up and down; and a complete lack of directions or dimensions.Time: Eternal starlight.Astrological Signs: None.Magical Tool: None.Types Of Magic Ruled: Religious. Posted by Lady Abigail

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center



See Your Reflection

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Jan 3, 2011 2:13 pm (PST)

Source: A Path To The 'Heart'

In your meditation climb the stairs to the door of your God Consciousness.
Open the ears of your mind and listen to Gods' glorious song of love.
You will enter the light of this Loving Creative Energy
this Source of all life and see the reflection of who you really are.
...Hold your angels hand, enter with them, that you may touch the oneness of your eternity.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center



Pain Can Be A Mirror To our Greatest Power

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Jan 3, 2011 3:08 pm (PST)

Source: Judith Lynn

is a Blessing to live without pain but it is possible to perceive the
worst pain of your existence as a doorway to Light...taking you to the
greatest Power of All. Showing you the true Self...Pain can be the
mirror for the deepest longing of your heart and lead the way for
realization of what you have arrived to show you that
you are stronger than you had ever believed...and that you can choose
Love over Fear each moment of your life as you create your destiny. Pain
can change your life in many ways. Choose to see the Love left after
pain settles and you will always arrive in a better place. You can find
Joy, Peace, and a deep appreciation for your life.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center



Happy New Year and NEW MOON! Meditaion Jan. 4, Montclair NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Jan 3, 2011 4:14 pm (PST)

on our Website
*Click Here*

JAN 5th
1st Class
Essential Oils
WED Jan 5

with Robin
& Laura

We Welcome
Holistic Mentorship Network
JAN 13
Join the
2nd THUR
of the Month

Happy 2011!!!We made it!
The New Moon is Upon Us...
Create Consciously,
With Love from
the Heart

My psychic friend Heide gave me a message from her guides the other day that was driving me crazy for 3 days. She said, "Be careful where you put your energies now". Hmmmmmm. That could mean a million things! Talk about frustrating! Then I sat down to write my newsletter, and WOW! The planetary events that are occuring right now are most extraordinary, and yes, being careful where we put our energies now could make a HUGE difference in how we manifest this beautiful new year!

This is a very auspicious time. The planetary influences that are occurring on January 3rd & 4th are some of the most important aspects for 2011. That's extremely exciting considering we've only just begun the new year!

The new moon, which is a time for initiating new things into your life, occurs in Capricorn, making this a great
time to focus, prepare your goals, work on new career ideas, and initiate projects.

The Jupiter/ Uranus conjunction in Pisces, which also occurs on the 4th, adds a beautiful flavor of positive surprise. Imagine Uranus, the planet of change originality, sudden events, opportunity, and the flash of inspiration and genius, being in alignment with Jupiter, the planet of expansion, good luck, success,
and generosity! It's amazing and ANYTHING can happen! This is definitely the time to DREAM BIG!

Even if you think your idea is ridiculous, put it down on paper and put your intent on it. Use this Pisces influence to put your dreams out there now. In June, when these planets meet again in fiery Aries, you will see results. This is the time to tell the universe you are ready to realize that which brings you JOY!

AND we're not done yet! Now add to the mix a solar eclipse in Capricorn. A solar eclipse adds extra-intense energy, and on a new moon, it marks the beginning of an important and dramatic period. It's time to initiate projects and be smart about HOW you achieve what you want. Decide what you want to be responsible for -- and what you don't -- and take action to make your life secure through tangible, practical goals. As the Moon increases in light between this eclipse and the next full Moon on January 19, put your energies toward anything you want to see become stronger in your life. With expansive Jupiter and independant Uranus by your side, you will have an opportunity to see the power of your dreams.

Be sure to check in with all this energy on Monday Jan. 3rd and put a pen and paper by your bedside. You wouldn't
want to miss the chance to write down your dreams that night. With the Pisces influence, your "Higher Self" will definitely be 'in gear'. You might also want to journal what is going on around you at this time, who you're meeting
and speaking with, and what's going on in your mind. Ideas will come out of nowhere, and your intuition will be on 'high-volume', especially if you have a water sun sign or moon sign. Most importantly, PAY ATTENTION! The negative side of all this energy may be that you feel overwhelmed. To counter-balance that effect, write down as much as you can to get it out of your head and onto paper. Think about "What can I focus on that will bring more joy into my life?" "What options do I have to make my life easier?" By June, when you look back at this time, you will see the synchronicity of events. Think positive! All the planets are direct, all systems are "GO"!
Create Consciously,
With Love from the Heart
Get a Complete 2011 Outlook!
2011 Astro-Overview

WED Jan 5
Essential Oils & the Goddess Energies
Grounding, Centering & Balance
with Sibylle Preuschat (Balsam)

Plants can't grow without strong roots, and that's true for people too. This class weaves together essential oil anointings with sonic invocations of goddesses who support us at our roots, helping us to ground and center.

Immerse yourself in the frequencies and energies carried by sound and oil to access
your powers of creation, transformation,
purification & holding your place in relation
to others.

In addition, you will receive a brief introduction to understanding how the oils used in this class can support you in everyday life. Learn how to safeguard your health by knowing about the importance of essential oil grade and quality.

You will also learn how you can empower yourself spiritually, physically, and emotionally by opening an account with Young Living Essential Oils.
PLEASE Help Our Furry Friends!
Help support the
Mount Pleasant Animal Shelter.
Adopt a 'familyfriendly' pet today!
Just a note...we are ALWAYS collecting items
for the shelter. Please feel free to drop off any
items you wish to donate.
Magickal Blessings!
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Today's Goddess: CALLISTO Chilseong-je (Korea)

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Jan 3, 2011 8:26 pm (PST)

Today's Goddess: CALLISTO
Chilseong-je (Korea)

Themes: Instinct; Protection; Flexibility
Symbols: A Bear; a Willow Branch; the Constellation Ursa Major

About Callisto: Appearing sometimes as a she-bear guarding her cubs, the Greek goddess Callisto reinspires the natural instincts with which we have lost touch and illustrates the intensity of maternal love. Her other name is Helic, which means "to turn" or "willow branch"; she thus has the power to help with personal transformations. In mythology, Callisto became Ursa Major while pregnant with Zeus's child. Artemis changed her into a bear, along with her son, who became Ursa Minor.

To Do Today: In Korea, the festival of Chilsong-je begins at midnight with an offering of white rice and water to the seven stars (Ursa Major). This gift ensures Callisto's assistance when needed throughout the coming months. If you can't stay up till midnight, just leave the rice and water in a special spot before you go to bed.

From her celestial home, Callisto stands ready to protect us in the new year and provide us with adaptability as a coping mechanism. To encourage this, carry a silver or white stone bear, or a piece of dried willow wood. Bless this token, saying:
Callisto, release in me the power of flexibility.

Where'er I carry this little charm, keep me ever safe from harm.
If these tokens aren't handy, you can substitute any white or silver item, or a hand-drawn picture of Ursa Major (the Big Dipper).

By Patricia Telesco From "365 Goddess"


Tuesday's Correspondence..Jan 4

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Jan 3, 2011 8:27 pm (PST)

Tuesday's Correspondence..Jan 4

Deities: Lilith, Mars, Aries, the Morrighan, Sunne, Frau Sonne, Aditi, Igaehindvo, Amaterasu, Arinna, Izanami, Ochumare

Today's Magickal Influences: Health, Healing, Confidence And Hope, Prosperity
Incense: Mastic, Palaginia

Aromas: Heliotrope, Orange Blossom, Cloves, Frankincense, Ambergris, Musk, Myrrh

Color of The Day: Orange, Gold

Candle: Orange

Color: Red and orange

Planet: Mars

Metal: Iron

Gemstones: Garnets, ruby

Herbs & Plants: Thistles, holly, coneflower, cactus

Use for magic involving happiness, prosperity, joy, healing, protection,
power, leadership, ego, authority figures, fathers, husbands

Associations: War and conflict, enemies, initiation, marriage and protection

What's Happening Today

Earth Perihelion - the Earth is the closest to the Sun
Ethnic Discrimination Outlawed Worldwide 1969
Lichtenstein Day of Rest
Tennis Day
Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (1st US-born Saint)
...Burma Independence Day
Humiliation Day
Festival of Fufluns (Etruscan God of Wine)
St.Titus' Day
Martyr's Day (Zaire)
Flower Basket Day
St. Angela of Foligno's Day
Myanmar Independence Day
Frost Fair on the Thames (London)
Braille Day
Day to Honor Freyja (Norse)
Get Out Your Boxer Shorts Day
St. Pharaildis' Day (patron against childhood illness)
Old Christmas Frights (North Carolina)
National Spaghetti Day


Daily Aromatherapy Tip   Lymphatic Massage

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Jan 3, 2011 8:28 pm (PST)

Daily Aromatherapy Tip

Lymphatic Massage

This is a great time to start to detoxify the body and a great way to assist your Immune System
and increase your rate of healing.

Aromatherapy Lymph Massage Oil
8 drops Lemon essential oil
8 drops Grapefruit essential oil
6 drops Bay Laurel (Lauris nobilis)or Rosemary essential oil
2 oz. carrier oil
Combine and use for a lymphatic massage.

The essential oils help move congested lymph helping to cleanse the liver, reduce water retention and improve immunity.

Lymph nodes are located around the body, in the throat, groin, breasts and under the arms.
They are like filtering centers for cleansing the blood.

Lemon, Rosemary and Grapefruit are especially good at stimulating movement and supporting the cleansing action.

You can even give yourself this treatment. Rub the massage oil up the arm to your lymph nodes.
From the center of the chest, rub again toward your arm pit and then down your neck.
Massage your legs from your feet up to your groin.
.Brought to you by


Lavender Body Powder

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Jan 3, 2011 8:28 pm (PST)

Lavender Body Powder

Combine together in a bowl:
1 cup of finely ground dried lavender buds
(or lavender buds powdered)
1 cup of bentonite clay
1 1/2 cup of cornstarch
Lavender essential oil

Whisk the clay and the cornstarch together,add your powdered lavender buds, and then 3-5 drops of essential oil.
Allow to sit covered in the bowl and then transfer to shaker jar. Enjoy your all-natural body powder


Homeric Hymn For Demeter

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Jan 3, 2011 8:29 pm (PST)

When grief strikes a mother,
there is no end to it.
The earth parches, its
glittering waters gone.
Everything is barren. Cattle starve
for lack of grain. Nothing grows.
Even the gods are destitute,
even the altar flames blow out.
Such is a mother's grief, bitter
and endless, for her lost child.
~Homeric Hymn For Demeter

This was the night, in
ancient Greece, when the Haloa was marked, a festival of the mother
goddess Demeter's grief for the loss of her daughter Persephone, also
called Kore, the maiden. Stolen away by the god of the underworld,
Persephone has been absent from the earth for many months. During that
time her mother, in her intense sorrow, has withheld from humanity the
gifts of grain and fruit.

During the winter we
feel the deprivation of sunlight and warmth. And during our soul's
winters, too, we feel distant from happiness. Yet life cycles back to
spring eventually, and our lives will cycle back toward happiness as
well. As the ancient Greek women did, let us mark today as a day when,
no matter how cold life seems, we know that new life will ultimately
spring anew.
.By Patricia Monaghan ~ From "The Goddess Companion"

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