Messages In This Digest (15 Messages)
- 1a.
- Re: The Sixties From: joi
- 1b.
- Re: The Sixties From: Lady Nightshayde
- 2a.
- Re: UGH! for some reason From: Westlin
- 2b.
- Re: UGH! for some reason From: Lady Nightshayde
- 2c.
- Re: UGH! for some reason From:
- 2d.
- Re: UGH! for some reason From: joi
- 2e.
- Re: UGH! for some reason From: Janie
- 2f.
- Re: UGH! for some reason From: Raven )O(
- 2g.
- Re: UGH! for some reason From: Janie
- 3.
- This Week's Moonscopes Forecast--Week of Feb. 6 to Feb. 12 From: Lady Nightshayde
- 4.1.
- Aromatherapy Tip From: Lady Nightshayde
- 5.
- Super Bowl Cocktail: The Michelada From: Lady Nightshayde
- 6.
- Urban Gardening: How to Garden in Small Spaces From: Lady Nightshayde
- 7.
- **Topic Tag**, 2/6/2011, 12:00 am From:
- 8.
- Heathrow Happening From: Lady Nightshayde
- 1a.
Re: The Sixties
Posted by: "joi" joisrose
Sat Feb 5, 2011 3:32 pm (PST)
I loved your post on the sixties !!
_____________________ _________ __
From: Lady Nightshayde < >
Sent: Thu, February 3, 2011 7:28:53 PM
Subject: Re: [13Witches] The Sixties
Wow, Stormy, your post brought back some great, and some not so great memories.
CCR and Fleetwood Mac are two of my favorite bands; I've seen them each twice.
They still rock after all those years!
The sixties was definitely one of the best decades of my life.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon. group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 1b.
Re: The Sixties
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sat Feb 5, 2011 3:54 pm (PST)
I loved your post on the sixties !!
Joi, glad you liked it :)
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
- 2a.
Re: UGH! for some reason
Posted by: "Westlin" westlinwind1957
Sat Feb 5, 2011 4:40 pm (PST)
Hah! I thought I was one of the few this sort of thing happened to. When I was younger, all my watches ran crazy (backwards) and then just gave up the ghost! Other electronics would act crazy (in various ways). Also, even now, I apparently have some effect on light bulbs--even the new long lasting better for the environment ones that are supposed to last so long. They don't last very long for me--they blow out on a regular basis, sometimes as I am sitting under them! However, that sort of stuck (street lights too)seem to happen more when I am stressed rather than when I'm relaxed.
Wow, just think--there are other people as "weird" as me! :) It passes though--actually kind of fun occasionally to go around "shocking" people with major static electricity charges! LOL
> street lights will > often blink off as I drive buy or if out, flash back on. >
> Brightest Blessings,
> Stormy )O(
- 2b.
Re: UGH! for some reason
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sat Feb 5, 2011 4:46 pm (PST)
You are both probably what are called SLIders. There is an article in the 13Witches archives about this occurrence.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
- 2c.
Re: UGH! for some reason
Posted by: "" angelsvoice75
Sat Feb 5, 2011 5:24 pm (PST)
It makes me crazy sometimes haha. Storm vacation is out for me till aug any
other ideas. Maybe meditate longer?
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
-----Original message-----
From: Westlin < >
Sent: Sun, Feb 6, 2011 00:40:42 GMT+00:00
Subject: [13Witches] Re: UGH! for some reason
Hah! I thought I was one of the few this sort of thing happened to. When I
was younger, all my watches ran crazy (backwards) and then just gave up the
ghost! Other electronics would act crazy (in various ways). Also, even now,
I apparently have some effect on light bulbs--even the new long lasting
better for the environment ones that are supposed to last so long. They
don't last very long for me--they blow out on a regular basis, sometimes as
I am sitting under them! However, that sort of stuck (street lights too)seem
to happen more when I am stressed rather than when I'm relaxed.
Wow, just think--there are other people as "weird" as me! :) It passes
though--actually kind of fun occasionally to go around "shocking" people
with major static electricity charges! LOL
> street lights will > often blink off as I drive buy or if out, flash back
on. >
> Brightest Blessings,
> Stormy )O(
- 2d.
Re: UGH! for some reason
Posted by: "joi" joisrose
Sat Feb 5, 2011 7:28 pm (PST)
An older sister of mine is that way...I refuse to allow her near my computer and
other electronics
_____________________ _________ __
From: " " < >
Sent: Sat, February 5, 2011 7:58:37 PM
Subject: Re: [13Witches] Re: UGH! for some reason
It makes me crazy sometimes haha. Storm vacation is out for me till aug any
other ideas. Maybe meditate longer?
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
-----Original message-----
From: Westlin < >
>Sent: Sun, Feb 6, 2011 00:40:42 GMT+00:00
>Subject: [13Witches] Re: UGH! for some reason
>Hah! I thought I was one of the few this sort of thing happened to. When I was
>younger, all my watches ran crazy (backwards) and then just gave up the ghost!
>Other electronics would act crazy (in various ways). Also, even now, I
>apparently have some effect on light bulbs--even the new long lasting better for
>the environment ones that are supposed to last so long. They don't last very
>long for me--they blow out on a regular basis, sometimes as I am sitting under
>them! However, that sort of stuck (street lights too)seem to happen more when I
>am stressed rather than when I'm relaxed.
>Wow, just think--there are other people as "weird" as me! :) It passes
>though--actually kind of fun occasionally to go around "shocking" people with
>major static electricity charges! LOL
>> street lights will > often blink off as I drive buy or if out, flash back on. >
>> Brightest Blessings,
>> Stormy )O(
- 2e.
Re: UGH! for some reason
Posted by: "Janie" anasasia_orpett
Sat Feb 5, 2011 7:38 pm (PST)
I don't wear watches as they never last me more than a week .. except one my son gave me many years ago and it lasted me a year, but I did not wear it constantly. I did manage to wear it for almost a month at one stretch. But I have never been able to get a watch to last very long at all. So gave up on wearing them.
I have learned to shield well enough that I can use computers without them going crazy, but it was interesting somedays to have a computer go nuts if I just walked by it. I also absorb energy so when I have been at the computer for a long time I tend to be very edgy or 'wired' I have had to learn to shield heavily and remember to get up and ground every so often if I am going to be spending a lot of time on a computer.
Talismans would be a good idea for others who have electronic issues due to their own personal energies.
Your life's outcome can only be determined by your choices, not those things that others choose for you.
Joy can be found all year round. You make the choice to live a joyful life. Joy is deep inside you.
--- On Sat, 2/5/11, joi < > wrote:
From: joi < >
Subject: Re: [13Witches] Re: UGH! for some reason
Date: Saturday, February 5, 2011, 8:27 PM
An older sister of mine is that way...I refuse to allow her near my computer and other electronics
From: " " < >
Sent: Sat, February 5, 2011 7:58:37 PM
Subject: Re: [13Witches] Re: UGH! for some reason
It makes me crazy sometimes haha. Storm vacation is out for me till aug any other ideas. Maybe meditate longer?
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
-----Original message-----
From: Westlin < >
Sent: Sun, Feb 6, 2011 00:40:42 GMT+00:00
Subject: [13Witches] Re: UGH! for some reason
Hah! I thought I was one of the few this sort of thing happened to. When I was younger, all my watches ran crazy (backwards) and then just gave up the ghost! Other electronics would act crazy (in various ways). Also, even now, I apparently have some effect on light bulbs--even the new long lasting better for the environment ones that are supposed to last so long. They don't last very long for me--they blow out on a regular basis, sometimes as I am sitting under them! However, that sort of stuck (street lights too)seem to happen more when I am stressed rather than when I'm relaxed.
Wow, just think--there are other people as "weird" as me! :) It passes though--actually kind of fun occasionally to go around "shocking" people with major static electricity charges! LOL
> street lights will > often blink off as I drive buy or if out, flash back on. >
> Brightest Blessings,
> Stormy )O(
- 2f.
Re: UGH! for some reason
Posted by: "Raven )O(" reenehopkins
Sat Feb 5, 2011 8:13 pm (PST)
In the last 10 years I have gone through 3 brand new stoves, numerous hair dryers and curling irons, and a cell phone never lasts me more than a I totally understand this. I cross my computer screen 3 times so that it can't affect me and I can't affect it. But on days I forget to do this it gets interesting. It either freezes up or randomly starts surfing on its own. Street lights aren't safe from me either! I have at times changed both tv and radio stations just by moving near the tv or stereo. I can't stand to read too many heavy or emotional emails or I become a total mess. I am also an I have to be very careful about my surroundings!
Blessed Be
- 2g.
Re: UGH! for some reason
Posted by: "Janie" anasasia_orpett
Sat Feb 5, 2011 9:22 pm (PST)
I think empaths have a tendency to have this trouble more often than most. We are sensitive to the energies around us and we can affect them just as they can affect us. It can also depend on the sensitivity the empath has.
I cannot even let others just brush me on some days I am so sensitive and the things I can see can be awful, I can also hear things that I don't want to hear.
We must be sure to cleanse our aura more frequently than some other people do. I try to cleanse mine in the morning from dreams and such as well as at night from the hecticness of the day, sometime I have to do so during the day as well as I 'collect' some weird energies that I do not always know where they come from.
Your life's outcome can only be determined by your choices, not those things that others choose for you.
Joy can be found all year round. You make the choice to live a joyful life. Joy is deep inside you.
--- On Sat, 2/5/11, Raven )O( < > wrote:
From: Raven )O( < >
Subject: Re: [13Witches] Re: UGH! for some reason
Date: Saturday, February 5, 2011, 9:13 PM
In the last 10 years I have gone through 3 brand new stoves, numerous hair dryers and curling irons, and a cell phone never lasts me more than a I totally understand this. I cross my computer screen 3 times so that it can't affect me and I can't affect it. But on days I forget to do this it gets interesting. It either freezes up or randomly starts surfing on its own. Street lights aren't safe from me either! I have at times changed both tv and radio stations just by moving near the tv or stereo. I can't stand to read too many heavy or emotional emails or I become a total mess. I am also an I have to be very careful about my surroundings!
Blessed Be
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- 3.
This Week's Moonscopes Forecast--Week of Feb. 6 to Feb. 12
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sat Feb 5, 2011 5:24 pm (PST)
This Week's Moonscopes Forecast
For the week of February 6 to February 12
(Missed last week's forecast? Here it is.)
Sunday(*v/c-pm): the Moon is in Pisces
Retreat from the outside world and get lots and lots of rest today.
Sunday evening, Monday, Tuesday: the Moon is in Aries
Aries is the sign of the initial impulse in the zodiac. It is energetic and courageous and loves to get things started. The New Moon last week signaled the reawakening of energies and now it's time to get out there and put some ideas into action. This sign is not one for ruminating and thinking things over - it prefers to jump in and see what works.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday(v/c-pm): the Moon is in Taurus
Taurus is practical and deliberate and is interested in what can manifest physically. This sign's steadfast determination makes it an ideal vehicle for carrying out what Aries proposes. Follow-through is one of the main recommendations when the Moon is in Taurus.
Friday evening, Saturday: the Moon is in Gemini
Make contacts, have discussions, review situations and decisions. Gemini's mental prowess is quick and often quite witty. This sign rules (is in charge of) flexibility and variety and it searches for information that can add to or improve whatever Aries has put forward and Taurus has worked on.
Check your astrology chart to find which house (section of your chart) has the current Moon sign on the cusp (the beginning edge) & apply Forecast information to that area of your life as well.
For example, the Moon is in Leo and one of the suggestions is to entertain - however Leo is located in the 12th house of your chart, which is an inward energy place...then have a small, quiet gathering. By contrast, if Leo is located in the 1st house of your chart, an outward energy place...have a party! Don't have an astrology chart? Click here .
It is interesting to note when the current Moon is in the same sign as your birth Moon and to see how the flavor of that day carries through the following 30 days.
Current Planet Positions:
Sun - Aquarius, until Feb. 19
Mercury - Aquarius, until Feb. 22
Venus - Capricorn, until Mar. 2
Mars - Aquarius, until Feb. 23
Jupiter - Aries, until June 5
Saturn - Libra, until Oct. 6, 2012
Uranus - Pisces, until Mar. 12
Neptune - Aquarius, until Feb. 4, 2012
Pluto - Capricorn, until Nov. 20, 2024
Current Asteroid Positions:
Ceres - Aquarius, until Mar. 22
Pallas - Capricorn, until Mar. 11
Juno - Virgo, until July 28
Vesta - Capricorn, until Apr. 3
Chiron - Aquarius, until Feb. 18
Current Asteroid Transits:
Ceres - Tact, compromise, and a sense of humor.
Pallas - Evaluate responsibilities and delegate accordingly.
Juno - State clearly what is wanted in a personal partnership.
Vesta - Solidify desires with the ideal organization of Nature.
Chiron - Regeneration comes in unusual forms.
Note: Timeframes for Moon signs, void-of-course periods, and current planet & asteroid positions are noted for Eastern time zone (USA). Please adjust according to your own location. Times are not given if the void-of-course Moon occurs for a very short period or if it occurs during the night (based on same Eastern time zone).
* v/c = Void-of-Course - When the Moon is void-of-course, spend time working on projects already in progress, creative endeavors, or self-improvement. Void-of-course simply means that no planets are aspecting the Moon as it gets ready to change signs. It's best not to start new projects, sign important agreements, or go shopping when the Moon is void-of-course because the result will probably be unsatisfactory in some way.
** Mercury Retrograde - the speed of the planet slows down considerably. Communications, paperwork, electronics, and traffic can become very mixed-up or delayed during this time. A situation will be in the process of changing, so wait until Mercury is direct to finalize anything. In general, maintain a slower, more cautious pace in daily affairs. Always allow at least two days before (to slow down) and after (to resume regular activities) a Mercury retrograde period. Read More about Mercury Retrograde here
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon. group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 4.1.
Aromatherapy Tip
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sat Feb 5, 2011 5:28 pm (PST)
Cinnamon transforms sorrow into happiness bringing the
realization that Love is always there if we just tune into it.
Blend with Nutmeg, Clove and Ylang Ylang
Patchouli and Grapefruit
Lemongrass and Mandarin
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon. group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 5.
Super Bowl Cocktail: The Michelada
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sat Feb 5, 2011 6:01 pm (PST)
Super Bowl Cocktail: The Michelada
by Kendra Smoot , Posted Jan 19th 2011 10:08AM
Credit: Seth Smoot
A Michelada (me-kay-LA-da) is a drink found commonly across Mexico. Although the ingredients vary from region to region, the basic recipe is to combine spices with cold beer in a salt-rimmed glass. The tangy flavors go great with Super Bowl foods like guacamole, chili, and wings.
To make a Michelada you'll need a 12 ounce bottle of Mexican beer, limes (about 1.5 per serving), soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco sauce, and kosher salt.
1. First, wet the rim of a large glass with a lime wedge, then roll the rim on a plate of kosher salt to cover.
2. Roll 1-2 limes under the palm of your hand (you'll release more juices this way) and squeeze the juice into the glass.
3. Now add the rest of the spices. The combination is personal, but a good recipe to follow is 1 splash of soy sauce, 1 splash of Tabasco sauce, and 2 splashes of Worcestershire sauce. Stir.
4. Add ice and up to 12 ounces of cold beer and enjoy.
Another variation on this drink is a Chelada; this drink just has the salt-rimmed glass and lime juice and beer, so skip step 3 to make.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon. group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 6.
Urban Gardening: How to Garden in Small Spaces
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sat Feb 5, 2011 6:52 pm (PST)
Urban Gardening: Gardening in Small Spaces
What I've been hearing a lot these days about gardening sounds something like this: "I'd really love to have a garden, but I just don't have the space, the time, or the money to do it." Between the rising population, the cost of living, and all the new electronic inventions and devices we have to monitor today, our lives seem to be simultaneously shrinking and escalating out of control. We have less space to live in, less time to enjoy the space, and less money to enjoy it with. If we take a tip from Gandhi, "To forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget ourselves," nothing short of a green revolution will be able to help us find our balance in these crazy times. It doesn't matter if you are one of the many who don't have the place, time, or the money to plant an old-school type of garden--all you need to join the green revolution is a desire to get back in touch by growing beautiful plants and healthy inexpensive food in whatever space you have. Small is beautiful and green is the new gold, so start to plan your urban garden today!
We are living in new times that call for new solutions. Urban gardening is a new mindset as well as a different method of growing plants: it is a viable solution for people who like to think outside of the box. It gives people who are looking for ways to garden in a cityscape an accessible, affordable solution that is creative but not labor intensive. As a method, urban gardening has no rules. It uses whatever soil and containers are available to grow plants and vegetables. Usually this means planting a container garden either inside or outside on a patio, a balcony, in window boxes, or on a rooftop. Urban gardening can also mean landscaping with edibles or starting a community garden in an abandoned lot.
Here is a list of some things to consider to get you started on making your urban garden grow: space, light, containers, plants, and last, but not least, how to use the Moon to keep you in touch with natural cycles and rhythms of Earth. On a practical level, finding out where the light is coming from will tell you the right space to set up the garden. Your choice of containers will determine what kinds of plants to grow. On the sacred level, being aware of the positions of the Moon can tell you not only what type of gardener you are but the best times of the month to plant.
Gardening by the Moon
There's a joke about having a perfect marriage that also tells how you can use the zodiac to help your garden grow. It goes like this: "my wife's a water sign, I'm an earth sign. We get along so great because together we make mud." It's funny but it's true--wet earth makes the best medium for any seed to grow, whether it's for a plant or a relationship. The zodiac sign your natal Moon is in tells about your ability to "make mud," which determines your natural gardening type. People with green thumbs have their natal Moons in signs that are fertile and have high nurturing abilities, such as Cancer, Pisces, Taurus, and Virgo. People are born with a black thumb have their natal Moons in signs that are not naturally warm and fuzzy, such as Capricorn or Scorpio. These types of gardeners do very well with no-fail types of plants. No-fails are plants that will flourish without a lot of care--carrots, radishes, and peas, as well as succulents like aloe vera or cactus.
You can also use the Moon's phases to help your urban garden grow. Here's a simple way to determine the phases: if you can look outside and see the Moon, hold up your cupped hand to its shape. If you can fit the curve of the Moon in your right hand, the Moon is waxing. If it fits into your left hand, it is waning. If city lights or buildings block your view, go online to a Moon site or consult an almanac or an astrological calendar to determine which phase the Moon is in. Plant your seeds during the waxing phase when the Moon is growing (the two weeks from New Moon to Full Moon), and plant root vegetables during the waning phase when the Moon is getting smaller (the two weeks from the Full Moon to the New Moon). By using these two easy rules you can give your garden an added boost by getting on track with natural cycles.
Space and Light
The next thing to decide where you want to set up your urban garden. Keep in mind that small is beautiful and that, with a little imagination, any area can be transformed into the perfect garden. A concrete patio? Terrific! A tiny porch? Even better! A balcony, window box, or even an abandoned lot filled with weeds? A nice challenge! I recently brought home a funky, rusted-iron window box from Mexico, nailed it under an outside west-facing window, lined it with moss, and called it an herb garden. It was a quick and inexpensive way to keep my kitchen stocked with fresh basil, chives, and parsley all summer. If you don't have any outside space that is available and you are limited to the inside, feel free to use a table, countertop, windowsill, or anything else you can come up with. Urban gardening is all about thinking outside the box. The most important thing to remember is that plants need a good source of sunlight.
Now that you have some possible spaces in mind, it's time to find out what kind of light you have available. The rule of thumb is that if you want to grow vegetables, look for the sunniest spot. If you have chosen a space that is dark and doesn't have access to a fair amount of sunlight, you will be limited to growing mushrooms, sprouts, or houseplants such as ferns. Most plants need lots of direct sunlight in order to grow.
To figure out what exposure your urban garden space is getting, start by observing where the morning light falls. Morning light comes from the east and provides good light for most plants; the only drawback is it only comes in the morning and doesn't last all day. If you are blessed with light for most of the day, you get the green thumb prize for growing. If there is only light in the afternoon (western light), it is excellent, as it is hotter and lasts longer than morning light. If no direct sunlight falls on the space you are considering, your space is north facing. Spaces that face north have terrific light if you are an artst, but they should be avoided for a container garden.
The next step is where you can really get crazy: containers. There is only one rule here and that is, if it can hold dirt, it's a container! The most important thing is to be sure you can poke a few holes in it so the water can drain and the dirt doesn't stay soggy. Here's the time to think "recycled" and let your imagination be your guide. Besides the obvious clay pots, plastic jars, wooden barrels, and boxes, anything is up for grabs. I've seen containers made out of old boots, tires, buckets, bathtubs, wheelbarows, watering cans, unused toilets, and plastic bottles. If you are really strapped, you can always buy a bag of diet, lay it on it's back, poke a few holes in the plastic and you are good to go.
Now that you've determined your urban garden's location and have your containers ready, it's time to decide which plants are best for your urban garden. Keep in mind that you should always choose the right plant for the right container. A tomato is not suitable for an old shoe but a parsley plant might fit perfectly. Please do not feel limited by these suggestions; add your own! And do not worry even if you don't have access to any dirt. After listing some edible plants that like dirt, I've also included sprouts, which are soil-fee.
There are many different types of plants to grow in your urban garden, including herbs, roots, vegetables, and dwarf fruit trees. The easiest herbs to grow are parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. I get a wicked pleasure out of potting mint, one of the most invasive plants in the herb family. Basil and dill, chives, and curry all seem to thrive in containers. Carrots, garlic, ginger, and radishes are some no-fail roots that are guaranteed to grow. Make sure they have good drainage, and put them on an indoor windowsill with a sunny east or west exposure. For maximum sunlight, the smaller varieties of vegetables--like cherry tomatoes and bush beans as well as peppers--can flourish in outside containers. As for fruit trees, the dwarf varieties are the only kind that will thrive in larger containers such as half barrels. I once grew a dwarf mandarin orange that produced fruit indoors for years by a south-facing window in Vermont.
Last on the list of plants for the urban gardener is sprouts, the answer to the indoor gardener's prayer. Sprouts, otherwise known as germinated seeds, are the wonder food of the urban gardener. An ancient micro-food, sprouts pack more nutrition for their size than any other vegetable because they contain so many essential nutrients and enymes. They aren't picky and don't need any sunlight (note to those with northern exposure). The best place to grow sprouts is in a glass jar near your kitchen sink. All you have to do is put the seeds in a jar with an inch of water for a day and then rinse them once every day. Before you know it you have fresh food at your fingertips! Start with mung beans (yummy in Asian dishes) or alfalfa seeds that go great on a salad. Sprouts are tasty, easy to digest, and always available even in the dead of winter.
by Pam Siasci
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 7.
**Topic Tag**, 2/6/2011, 12:00 am
Posted by: ""
Sat Feb 5, 2011 7:57 pm (PST)
Reminder from: 13Witches Yahoo! Group group/13Witches/ cal
**Topic Tag**
Sunday February 6, 2011
All Day
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It's Topic Tag again. Whoever posed the last question for Topic Tag needs to tag someone else today.
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- 8.
Heathrow Happening
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sat Feb 5, 2011 9:34 pm (PST)
Click on the link below and enjoy the next few moments! back-heathrow- airport-t- mobile.htm
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon. group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
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