Messages In This Digest (8 Messages)
- 1.
- courtesy and respect From: Roxanne Bodsworth
- 2.
- workshop: preparing for a magical relationship tantra for singles & From: thoughtful_outsider
- 3a.
- Promoting local businesses (australia wide) From: Nicki
- 3b.
- Re: Promoting local businesses (australia wide) From: Nicki
- 3c.
- Re: Promoting local businesses (australia wide) From: Tim Hartridge
- 4.
- Psychic Development Circle - Wollongong, 2/9/2011, 7:00 pm From:
- 5a.
- The 5 Clusters of Clinging... From: Tish
- 5b.
- Re: The 5 Clusters of Clinging... From: Tish
- 1.
courtesy and respect
Posted by: "Roxanne Bodsworth" roxanne_bodsworth
Thu Feb 3, 2011 6:44 am (PST)
Thanks, Tim, for the reminder about how we phrase our debates. I was too harsh and confrontational and apologize for that to any who felt that I was treading on their deeply held beliefs about respecting Aboriginal culture. I reacted and wrote before I thought, and should know better by now. I had spent some precious time getting to know Diane and had offered the information of her workshops and storytellings thinking that other pagans would be equally as excited as I was so guess I was a bit taken aback by some of the attitudes. That was an unreasonable assumption on my part, and I should have had more sensitivity for those sensitive about these issues... anyway, you get the point. Sorry!
Roxanne Bodsworth Eldorado VIC 3746
(03)57 251806
"creative writers are valuable allies... for they are apt to know a whole host of things between heaven and earth of which our philosophy has not yet let us dream." Sigmund Freud
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ __
1d. Re: cultural appropriation
Posted by: "ozpagan" wwwozpagancom
Date: Wed Feb 2, 2011 7:12 pm ((PST))
Oops, bloody sensitive to continue on...
On 03/02/2011, at 12:47 PM, ozpagan < > wrote:
> Hi Sean, Roxanne, et al,
> It surprises me why this subject should be hitting such raw nerve with people. I'm booking in the good to the Sydney workshop.
> @Sean. Re: your question about why anyone would be interested in other peoples' stories/mythologies and might wish to retail them. I'm very interested in myth & ritual forms that have come from a range of cultures very different from ...
...traditions & cultures. I don't think I'm alone when I say one of the attractions to other peoples' stories/myths is a deeply felt conviction that I may have lived in some previous life in those cultures.
That's all, except to say please be confronting and respectful in your communication with one another.
Vinum sabbati,
Tim (moderator)
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 2.
workshop: preparing for a magical relationship tantra for singles &
Posted by: "thoughtful_outsider" thoughtful_outsider
Thu Feb 3, 2011 8:13 pm (PST)
Hi, this is a little last minute but there is a workshop you might be
interested in tomorrow Saturday the 5th in Sydney at the Toxteth Hotel
upstairs in Glebe see the link below for more information. 1528/events/ 15811329/
< >1528/events/ 15811329/
or call Christopher on 0412716238
Hope this is useful
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 3a.
Promoting local businesses (australia wide)
Posted by: "Nicki" liannasau
Thu Feb 3, 2011 10:45 pm (PST)
Hi all,
We have some great witchy shops in Melbourne. The Oracle in Sassafras, The Magickal Broom Closet in Thornbury, Uncle Festers in Woodend and The Guardian Angel in Bayswater are all run by people who know what they are doing, believe in what they sell and a both reputable and ethical - High recommendations for these businesses if you are looking for wares. These are also businesses who are not afraid of the word 'witch' - amazing how many New Age operators still subscribe to the whole witch/pagan = scary philosophy lol
I can vouch for all these businesses as being ones that I have used, and found the staff to be open minded and knowledgable, so I have no problem with recommending them to newer explorers :)
But of course I know we have many more around the country that we could help promote. Anyone else got some?
- 3b.
Re: Promoting local businesses (australia wide)
Posted by: "Nicki" liannasau
Thu Feb 3, 2011 10:53 pm (PST)
And how could I have forgotten David and Julie at The Esoteric Bookshop....bad Nicki, bad.....
--- In WitchesWorkshop@yahoogroups. , "Nicki" < ..> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We have some great witchy shops in Melbourne. The Oracle in Sassafras, The Magickal Broom Closet in Thornbury, Uncle Festers in Woodend and The Guardian Angel in Bayswater are all run by people who know what they are doing, believe in what they sell and a both reputable and ethical - High recommendations for these businesses if you are looking for wares. These are also businesses who are not afraid of the word 'witch' - amazing how many New Age operators still subscribe to the whole witch/pagan = scary philosophy lol
> I can vouch for all these businesses as being ones that I have used, and found the staff to be open minded and knowledgable, so I have no problem with recommending them to newer explorers :)
> But of course I know we have many more around the country that we could help promote. Anyone else got some?
- 3c.
Re: Promoting local businesses (australia wide)
Posted by: "Tim Hartridge" wwwozpagancom
Fri Feb 4, 2011 3:52 am (PST)
On 04/02/2011, at 5:45 PM, Nicki wrote:
> We have some great witchy shops in Melbourne. The Oracle in
> Sassafras, The Magickal Broom Closet in Thornbury, Uncle Festers in
> Woodend and The Guardian Angel in Bayswater are all run by people
> who know what they are doing, believe in what they sell and a both
> reputable and ethical - High recommendations for these businesses
> if you are looking for wares. These are also businesses who are not
> afraid of the word 'witch' - amazing how many New Age operators
> still subscribe to the whole witch/pagan = scary philosophy
Hi Nicki,
Yeah, I agree and sadly we don't really have enough.
It's a huge commitment running these sorts of specialized businesses.
Just today I went looking for Brisbane's "Circle Bookshop", which is
still listed on theGooglr, only to find it had gone. Sydney has no
dedicate pagan specially shops. While there is "Mysterys" in Penrith
(1.5hrs from the city), this is more New Age than Pagan.
vinum sabbati,
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 4.
Psychic Development Circle - Wollongong, 2/9/2011, 7:00 pm
Posted by: ""
Fri Feb 4, 2011 1:01 am (PST)
Reminder from: WitchesWorkshop Yahoo! Group group/WitchesWor kshop/cal
Psychic Development Circle - Wollongong
Wednesday February 9, 2011
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
(This event repeats every week.)
Location: Smith Street, Wollongong
Explore your psychic gifts and the world of the unseen.
Within these circles the atmosphere is calm and protected, so you are free to explore your connections through meditation and practical techniques, in a safe environment.
Increase your knowledge of Meditation; Tarot; Oracle; Psychometry; Aura Reading; Dowsing; Spirit Connection; Angels; Fairy and many other psychic energies and tools, as we explore the unchartered world of psychic wisdom together.
Our Psychic Circle runs every Wednesday evening at 7pm
All are welcome and no experience is needed.
Contact Ali on 042 020 8879 or email
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- 5a.
The 5 Clusters of Clinging...
Posted by: "Tish" morticia_its_me
Fri Feb 4, 2011 1:28 am (PST)
The five Clusters of Clinging (Khandha):
The Blessed Buddha once explained:
Bhikkhus, there are these five Clusters of Clinging. What five?
1: The Cluster of Clinging to Form...
2: The Cluster of Clinging to Feeling...
3: The Cluster of Clinging to Perception…
4: The Cluster of Clinging to Construction…
5: The Cluster of Clinging to Consciousness…
These are the 5 Clusters of Clinging! The Noble 8-fold Way should indeed
be developed for the direct experience of these five Clusters of Clinging,
for the full understanding and elimination of them, and for their final
overcoming, abandoning and leaving all behind…This Noble 8-fold Way is
developed for the uprooting of all these five Clusters of Clinging!
The Cluster of Clinging to Form is internally to ‘own body’ and externally
to what is appearing as ‘my world’ and ‘others body’…
The Cluster of Clinging to Feeling is the obsession with pleasant feeling,
fear of painful feeling & obstinate indifference towards neutral feeling…
The Cluster of Clinging to Perception is the monomaniac fascination of the
manifold, diverse, and momentarily tantalizing objects of the six senses…
The Cluster of Clinging to Construction is fixated passion for intending,
planning, attending, thinking, hoping, wanting, willing and worrying…
The Cluster of Clinging to Consciousness is the addiction to all that is
heard, smelt, tasted, touched, and cognized…
Cluster of Clinging means an assemblage, bunch, clump, collection, group,
or knot of a tightly adhering collection of variegated attachment!
There is nothing here ‘outside’ or ‘apart’ from these clusters of clinging,
neither internally, nor externally! This 5-fold classification covers all...
More on these 5 Clusters of Clinging (Khandha):
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ Any_Kind. htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ Not_Yours. htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ The_Leash. htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ II/Like_Foam. htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ Fingernail_ of_Soil.htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ Acquisition_ of_Fuel.htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ IV/Clustered_ Truths.htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ II/The_Burning_ Five.htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ IV/Stilling_ of_Clinging. htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/library/ DPPN/wtb/ g_m/khandha. htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ II/The_5_ Clusters_ of_Clinging. htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ II/Things_ that_can_ be_clung_ to.htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ What_are_ the_5_Clusters_ of_Clinging. htm
Source (edited extract):
The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta NikÄya.
Book [V:60-1] section 45: The Way. 178: The 5 Cluster of Clinging...
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu SamÄhita _/\_ ]
http://What-Buddha-Said. net
The 5 Clusters of Clinging...
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 5b.
Re: The 5 Clusters of Clinging...
Posted by: "Tish" morticia_its_me
Fri Feb 4, 2011 1:52 am (PST)
Sorry another of my mistakes hehehe
meant for another group...
-------Original Message-------
From: Tish
Date: 4/02/2011 8:25:03 PM
To: witchesworkshop@yahoogroups. com
Subject: The 5 Clusters of Clinging...
The five Clusters of Clinging (Khandha):
The Blessed Buddha once explained:
Bhikkhus, there are these five Clusters of Clinging. What five?
1: The Cluster of Clinging to Form...
2: The Cluster of Clinging to Feeling...
3: The Cluster of Clinging to Perception…
4: The Cluster of Clinging to Construction…
5: The Cluster of Clinging to Consciousness…
These are the 5 Clusters of Clinging! The Noble 8-fold Way should indeed
be developed for the direct experience of these five Clusters of Clinging,
for the full understanding and elimination of them, and for their final
overcoming, abandoning and leaving all behind…This Noble 8-fold Way is
developed for the uprooting of all these five Clusters of Clinging!
The Cluster of Clinging to Form is internally to ‘own body’ and externally
to what is appearing as ‘my world’ and ‘others body’…
The Cluster of Clinging to Feeling is the obsession with pleasant feeling,
fear of painful feeling & obstinate indifference towards neutral feeling…
The Cluster of Clinging to Perception is the monomaniac fascination of the
manifold, diverse, and momentarily tantalizing objects of the six senses…
The Cluster of Clinging to Construction is fixated passion for intending,
planning, attending, thinking, hoping, wanting, willing and worrying…
The Cluster of Clinging to Consciousness is the addiction to all that is
heard, smelt, tasted, touched, and cognized…
Cluster of Clinging means an assemblage, bunch, clump, collection, group,
or knot of a tightly adhering collection of variegated attachment!
There is nothing here ‘outside’ or ‘apart’ from these clusters of clinging,
neither internally, nor externally! This 5-fold classification covers all...
More on these 5 Clusters of Clinging (Khandha):
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ Any_Kind. htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ Not_Yours. htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ The_Leash. htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ II/Like_Foam. htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ Fingernail_ of_Soil.htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ Acquisition_ of_Fuel.htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ IV/Clustered_ Truths.htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ II/The_Burning_ Five.htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ IV/Stilling_ of_Clinging. htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/library/ DPPN/wtb/ g_m/khandha. htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ II/The_5_ Clusters_ of_Clinging. htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ II/Things_ that_can_ be_clung_ to.htm
http://What-Buddha-Said. net/drops/ What_are_ the_5_Clusters_ of_Clinging. htm
Source (edited extract):
The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta NikÄya.
Book [V:60-1] section 45: The Way. 178: The 5 Cluster of Clinging...
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu SamÄhita _/\_ ]
http://What-Buddha-Said. net
The 5 Clusters of Clinging...
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Witches Workshop hold regular workshops see
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