sâmbătă, 5 februarie 2011

[WitchesWorkshop] Digest Number 4645

Messages In This Digest (4 Messages)

Re: Promoting local businesses (australia wide) From: carteblanche13
Re: Promoting local businesses (australia wide) From: De Anna Mc Cormac
UK Catholic Church booklet From: Brock Ulfsen
Re: UK Catholic Church booklet From: lord_dracule_clan



Re: Promoting local businesses (australia wide)

Posted by: "carteblanche13" carteblanche13@yahoo.com.au   carteblanche13

Fri Feb 4, 2011 10:26 am (PST)

Ah, the old Circle Bookshop!

It was a real hub in its day (I knew it in the early-mid '90s) - encyclopaedic range of occult categories, each extensively stocked with the latest editions of cutting-edge and classic works from all over, knowledgeable staff, plus most importantly a buzzing but relaxed social scene where you were guaranteed of meeting someone interesting (if not necessarily completely sane - thank gods!) each time you visited. Flyers and fanzines covered the entrance.

Sadly it has been gone for quite a few years now, I would suggest 2004 being the latest imaginable date of business, likely 2003 or earlier. I could be vaguely inaccurate here.

Mick (beard, glasses, stutter - until 1999 or so when he nailed it!) bought it from the original owner around the turn of the century. Shortly after, Borders (evil! evil!) opened on the corner of that block -- the explosion of internet shopping for rare books also made it hard for this small independent bookshop to survive, as did theft. And so it perished, and with it went a much-loved shrine to the Gods and Goddesses of magic which had served the community for decades.

The last I saw of it, some years ago now during a trip up that way, was a hand-written note from Mick stuck on the glass door upstairs. Inside was bare-shelved, saying they had ceased trading, and all customers with pending orders would be contacted by him in due course. He left no contact info - he was always very private (and you would be, dealing with the nutcases that take advantage of your exposed fixed position behind the counter). It must have been very soon after closing of doors.

It must have been very tough for him to have to do that - I remember when he worked for Immanuel at Archives around the corner, years before he joined Circle Bookstore. He was always very passionate, helpful and knowledgeable and simply adored books - his collection (which I visited at his home in Norman Park probably in the mid to late nineties) was several thousand volumes, a collection he'd begun in his teens, a truly epic library of occultism. I have it in my mind that he sold most of it at some point before the store closed.

It is a true tragedy that nothing like it exists in Sydney. The wonderful TS bookshop in Melbourne perhaps comes close.

My last relics of that shop are some cardboard boxes stamped with their logo, which I've used to store my books in whenever moving house, since about 1994!

<wanders off down memory lane>

--- In WitchesWorkshop@yahoogroups.com, Tim Hartridge <ozpagan@...> wrote:
> On 04/02/2011, at 5:45 PM, Nicki wrote:
> Just today I went looking for Brisbane's "Circle Bookshop", which is
> still listed on theGooglr, only to find it had gone.


Re: Promoting local businesses (australia wide)

Posted by: "De Anna Mc Cormac" raven1722@hotmail.com   ravenfey17

Fri Feb 4, 2011 12:05 pm (PST)

Ahhhhh I feel your pain dear Wytchy community!
Coming from Northern California to Australia has been almost a desert..
If ever in Santa Cruz (my home town) you must visit The Serpents Kiss.
She supplies all spiritual paths including European, Celtic, Wicca, Faery, Italian, Stregha, Norse, African, Ifa, Orisha, Native American, HooDoo (hoo doo), Voudou (voo doo), Afro-Cuban, Lukumi, Santeria, Palo, Jewish and Christian mysticism.
I bought the most gorgeous cauldron from her, (3L?) for $20.00.. yes, $20bucks.. and other tools of the trade which did not
have the "made in china" vibe about them, but actual practitioners around the US.
Check it out

Blessings, Raven

Love is the law, love under will

To: WitchesWorkshop@yahoogroups.com
From: carteblanche13@yahoo.com.au
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2011 18:26:13 +0000
Subject: [WitchesWorkshop] Re: Promoting local businesses (australia wide)

Ah, the old Circle Bookshop!

It was a real hub in its day (I knew it in the early-mid '90s) - encyclopaedic range of occult categories, each extensively stocked with the latest editions of cutting-edge and classic works from all over, knowledgeable staff, plus most importantly a buzzing but relaxed social scene where you were guaranteed of meeting someone interesting (if not necessarily completely sane - thank gods!) each time you visited. Flyers and fanzines covered the entrance.

Sadly it has been gone for quite a few years now, I would suggest 2004 being the latest imaginable date of business, likely 2003 or earlier. I could be vaguely inaccurate here.

Mick (beard, glasses, stutter - until 1999 or so when he nailed it!) bought it from the original owner around the turn of the century. Shortly after, Borders (evil! evil!) opened on the corner of that block -- the explosion of internet shopping for rare books also made it hard for this small independent bookshop to survive, as did theft. And so it perished, and with it went a much-loved shrine to the Gods and Goddesses of magic which had served the community for decades.

The last I saw of it, some years ago now during a trip up that way, was a hand-written note from Mick stuck on the glass door upstairs. Inside was bare-shelved, saying they had ceased trading, and all customers with pending orders would be contacted by him in due course. He left no contact info - he was always very private (and you would be, dealing with the nutcases that take advantage of your exposed fixed position behind the counter). It must have been very soon after closing of doors.

It must have been very tough for him to have to do that - I remember when he worked for Immanuel at Archives around the corner, years before he joined Circle Bookstore. He was always very passionate, helpful and knowledgeable and simply adored books - his collection (which I visited at his home in Norman Park probably in the mid to late nineties) was several thousand volumes, a collection he'd begun in his teens, a truly epic library of occultism. I have it in my mind that he sold most of it at some point before the store closed.

It is a true tragedy that nothing like it exists in Sydney. The wonderful TS bookshop in Melbourne perhaps comes close.

My last relics of that shop are some cardboard boxes stamped with their logo, which I've used to store my books in whenever moving house, since about 1994!

<wanders off down memory lane>

--- In WitchesWorkshop@yahoogroups.com, Tim Hartridge <ozpagan@...> wrote:
> On 04/02/2011, at 5:45 PM, Nicki wrote:
> Just today I went looking for Brisbane's "Circle Bookshop", which is
> still listed on theGooglr, only to find it had gone.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


UK Catholic Church booklet

Posted by: "Brock Ulfsen" brockulfsen@yahoo.com.au   brockulfsen

Fri Feb 4, 2011 1:02 pm (PST)

From livejournal

A guide on how to convert witches to Christianity has been published
by the Roman Catholic Church in Britain.
The move comes in response to fears that growing numbers of teenagers
are being lured into Wicca, occult practices and paganism by the
heroic depiction of witches in entertainment including the Harry
Potter and The Sorcerer's Apprentice films, and TV.
The booklet, called Wicca and Witchcraft: Understanding the Dangers,
offers parents advice on what to do if one of their children takes an
interest in witchcraft.

Read more (you may need to cut-n-paste):


Re: UK Catholic Church booklet

Posted by: "lord_dracule_clan" lord_dracule_clan@yahoo.com   lord_dracule_clan

Fri Feb 4, 2011 7:15 pm (PST)

Well here we go Brock! yet another tongue-in-cheek comment from me, one likely to illicit howls of protest and envoke slings and arrows abundantly - But here goes:

So the Micks have produced a booklet on converting youngsters away from "Witchcraft" ( I assume here they mean "Modern Witchcraft" as any booklet aimed at converting traditional or hereditary Witches would need to be straight from Sprenger and Krammer).

Why bother with the production of a booklet? And the associated publishing and distribution costs? Hells Bells folks, just take 'em to a PSG, PITP or any other modern Pagan/Witch gathering to meet the plethora of knob heads that gather at these events. If that don't convert 'em to Xtianity or something else, nothing will!

I'll not bother with the grinning face (:-) as I'm pretty sure a lot will nod knowingly and produce a wry smile - others will froth and foam and see no humour at all in this. Ka sera sera!


--- In WitchesWorkshop@yahoogroups.com, Brock Ulfsen <brockulfsen@...> wrote:
> From livejournal
> A guide on how to convert witches to Christianity has been published
> by the Roman Catholic Church in Britain.
> The move comes in response to fears that growing numbers of teenagers
> are being lured into Wicca, occult practices and paganism by the
> heroic depiction of witches in entertainment including the Harry
> Potter and The Sorcerer's Apprentice films, and TV.
> The booklet, called Wicca and Witchcraft: Understanding the Dangers,
> offers parents advice on what to do if one of their children takes an
> interest in witchcraft.
> Read more (you may need to cut-n-paste):
> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1353517/Catholic-Church-issues-guide-convert-Harry-Potter-witches-Christianity.html#ixzz1D0y4JwmB
> "

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