joi, 5 mai 2011

[Witch_Essentials] Digest Number 2866

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Coming to Wicca From: Thayna



Coming to Wicca

Posted by: "Thayna"   thaynabilberry

Wed May 4, 2011 8:22 pm (PDT)

I guess I was very lucky in that my family didn't have a spiritual
practice. My parents didn't attend any churches when I was growing up.
They sent us to Church with other family members so that they could have
Sunday mornings to be a couple together with each other. (They thought
we couldn't figure that one out, lol)

But I remember asking my parents what religion we were when I was in 1st
grade and my mom saying we were Heathen, my dad told her not to say that
and then told me I couldn't tell others at school.

I also remember being outside and listening to the trees, birds and the
wind. I remember talking to flowers, bees and other spirits. My mom
would watch me and ask who I was talking to and I would just tell, the
earth. She would smile and walk away to go do whatever yard work she
needed to do or to hang up laundry. I remember laying in the sun and
feeling love and feeling a sense of wonder in the Moon.

So looking back I was Pagan even back then, and my mom will tell you,
that I have always been the one that seen spirits and believed in Myths,
and believed in Goddesses and Gods.

When my parents divorced, my mom wanted to become a Jehova's Witness, I
was like 12 years old and she wanted me to go to Bible Study at the
Kingdom Hall. I went for about 8 weeks and then told her that I just
couldn't bring myself to follow their rules and believe what they were

I went to the First Baptist Church in the town where I live when I was
13 and thought that was where I wanted to be. But then about 2 weeks
after I was Baptized and choice I made without my mother's consent, I
told her that I couldn't attend a church where they stood and told
members that they weren't true Christians if they didn't vote and Church
member into the Mayors office. She let me tell the Minister why I would
no longer be a member of his Church.

So I was allowed to make all of my own choices when it came to religion,
as a teen I studied, Catholic teachings as well. But the question that
was always on my mind was"Where is God's wife?"

It wasn't until I was in my early 30's that I found Wicca and the
teaching of a Goddess that I already had known when I was a child.

So sometimes we are lucky to have a family that doesn't have strict up
religious views and allows children to explore Deity for themselves. And
I have raised my children that way. They got to pick their own beliefs.
I have a Christian Daughter and an Atheist Son. Both who know my Path
and both of whom I am very proud to call them "my Child".

Blessings in Love and Light,

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