miercuri, 8 februarie 2012

[Earthwise] Digest Number 2788

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Fw: [conversationswiththeelders] Conversations with the Elders - Aft

Posted by: "Jim.BR549" jim.br549@yahoo.com   jim.br549

Tue Feb 7, 2012 3:00 pm (PST)

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From: "conversationswiththeelders-owner@yahoogroups.com" <conversationswiththeelders-owner@yahoogroups.com>
To: conversationswiththeelders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 7, 2012 4:24 PM
Subject: [conversationswiththeelders] Conversations with the Elders - After the Knock and the Ring

Conversations with the Elders
After the Knock and the Ring
January 24, 2112
The knock came at 4:19am.  Several months ago while on sabbatical, I was awakened by a knock on the hotel room door.  Of course there was no one at the door.  But just before getting out of bed to check, I looked at the clock.  The time was 4:19.  Last week, I awakened at 4:19 in the morning, as I was having a conversation with a client, in my dream.
The ring came at 6:40am.  This morning I was awakened by what I thought was the telephone ringing.  I jumped up to get the phone; then I realized it was not ringing.  I check the clock.  It was 6:40am.
I know Spirit is calling me. 
I received clarity on the 4:19; the connection is to a specific verse in the Bible.  The 6:40 also references a scripture, but from a different book of the Bible.  Even though I had this information, I sensed that "there's more to this."  When I have those feelings, often times I choose to go to the Elders.  This is not "I must do" nor "I have to," but "I choose to."
Today, I journey to the Elders.  Even before I arrive, I sense something different in the air.  Yes, sometimes you feel it.
I arrive at the Elders' cabin.  The sky is calm.  The air is calm.  The energy around the cabin is calm.  The presence of my spirit is calm.  However, my imagination is running wild.
Standing on the road by the cabin, I sense that I am not going in the cabin today.  I turn to the north and begin walking.  There is no external beacon, voice or signal calling me. I am following an inner guidance that knows the way. 
My steps take me up the road from the Elders' cabin, and then into the woods.  As I continue walking, I check the sky again; it is calm.  I check the air; it is calm.  I check the energy of the forest and the trees; yes, calm.  I check myself, anticipating with an imagination two steps from hyper-drive.
I continue walking calmly through the calm woods.  Something changes; the energy is no longer calm.  I stop for a moment to feel it.  I attempt to name it, searching for the right word.  Then it comes to me, "peace."  There is this intense peace, a deep peace.  I walk through calm into peace.
While in calm my heart hummed; and now in peace my spirit sings.  The song it sings goes something like, "Oh my, Yes."
I follow my inner guidance into the Woods of Peace.  It's their new name; the Woods of Peace.  Each step takes me deeper into the Woods of Peace, and deeper into my inner peace.
The further I walk into the Woods of Peace, the more I sense a difference.  Walking in calm leads me to peace; and walking in peace is leading me to something that is taking my breath away and returning it.  I feel it with each inhale and exhale, an aliveness like no other I have felt.
I journeyed through calm and peace and into…Illumination.  It's the first word that comes to mind; Illumination. And it takes my breath away; it returns it.  I stop in my tracks to take in the beauty of the place, the elegance of the space and the pure awesomeness of what stands before me.  Illumination is not just a sensation or an energy--it is a presence.
Immediately I am reminded of a scene from the movie Beloved, where Baby Suggs Holy stands on a stump in the middle of the woods.  She calls the freed slaves into the circle; calling the men, the women, and the children.  She tells them to love their hands, and love themselves. And they come and listen, and they love their hands. 
Illumination, with beauty, elegance and awesomeness, stands in the middle of the Woods of Peace. She extends her arms out, with open hands and a smile that say welcome.  I sense her say, "come." 
I walk into the circle, a sacred circle, and stand with her.  I stand with arms open, hands open, eyes open and heart open.  This is what you do when you stand before Illumination.
I begin to feel a wave of energy going through me; gentle, and yet very powerful.  As I am feeling this, I watch Illumination breathing.  The energy pulsates at the same rhythm as her breathing.  As she exhales, I feel the energy, the way, the blessing. 
Illumination, appearing in a perfect and divine white, continues the breathing and blessing.  I attempt to coordinate my breathing rhythm with hers.  I hear my inner guidance say, "Stop trying to figure it all out and just receive the blessing.  You know clarity will come, when it comes.  For now, receive."
I listen to my inner guidance.  As she blesses, I receive. I begin to hear that song again, "Oh my, Yes."  I continue receiving. 
There is a hint of the color red appearing around Illumination.  I do not question, I continue receiving the blessing.  After a few breaths, the red becomes green.  I continue receiving.  Now the green becomes violet; and I continue receiving.  The violet changes back to white; and I continue receiving.
The energy waves stop; it is completion of the blessing.  I look at Illumination hoping for an explanation or to see what will follow.  Illumination is smiling.  Her smile enters deeply into my being.  I realize my heart is smiling, too.  I hear the song again, "Oh my, Yes."  The smile of my heart is a smile of gratitude.
Illumination invites me to sit on a large rock as she sits on a stump.  I am invited to look into her eyes, which are black, deep and rich.  Immediately, I recall a similar experience of looking into the eyes of Grandmother Crow.  A crow's eyes are full of wisdom.  Illumination invites me deeper into her eyes.  I sense the wisdom; wisdom that heals, wisdom that nurtures, wisdom that comforts, wisdom that guides, wisdom that clarifies, wisdom that loves.
A gentle breeze blows through the Woods of Peace and across my brow.  It brings me back to sitting on the large rock.  Illumination rises from the stump.  I sense that our visit is coming to an end.
I think to myself, "I wonder what her name is, and when will we meet again."
She responds to my thought, "You may call me Illumination, for now.  We will meet again, several times actually.  I believe it will be during the journey of the second egg, the blue one. More will be revealed then, if not sooner.  Until then..."
Illumination spreads her arms out from her side.  It is very commanding, but without the flare and drama. I hear the wind before I feel it.  It blows in from the north, and leaves taking Illumination with it, or is she taking the wind with her?
I stay seated on the large rock for a few moments.  I hear the song again.
I stand up and turn to leave the Woods of Peace.  As I walk back to the Elders' cabin, I know I am holding this experience in my heart; the journey into calm through peace with Illumination.  It will remain in my heart, until we meet again. 
All of life's experiences take refuge in the heart; some require more space than others.  This one resides in a large chamber of my heart.
Copyright © 2008-2012 Anthony L. Farmer All Rights Reserved

Conversations with the Eldersis a weekly "e-newsletter" that shares my experiences and conversations with the Elders, as I call them.  We meet on the front porch of a log cabin high in the mountains.  They share their wisdom, life experiences, perspectives, stories, and love.  I listen, learn and share.
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"...listening to our elders is one of the most important things we can do. I've learned a lot and have had good teachers. You always learn a lot from your elders - its important to sit and listen to them."
 Herman "TJ" Laffoon
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