joi, 16 februarie 2012

[Earthwise] Digest Number 2790

Messages In This Digest (3 Messages)



Trancendence in SCI-FI Film/TV & Woman Power on Voices of the Sacred

Posted by: "Karen Tate"   specialjourn

Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:57 am (PST)

Greetings Friends, *

This month on Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio - We've moved to
Thursday nites this month!*

Prof. of Religious Studies at Renison University College at the
University of Waterloo,*Doug Cowan,* specializing in religion in film,
tv and pop culture, author of *Sacred Space: The Quest for Transendence
in Sci-Fi Film and Television*, will be discussing that vary subject,
including "fear and hope - the double helix of Religious DNA", First
Contact: Millennium, Apocalypse, Ambivalence - what does this mean and
which side are you on, the von Daniken paradox, his problem with Star
Wars - and much more!

In the second half of the show, *Donna Henes* returns, this time
discussing *Woman Power: Claim it - Embrace it - Use It*..... What is
and isn't power, why women love powerful men, why women fear their own
power, abuses of power, how women use power differently....and
everything related to all that!

*If you'd like to get updates of weekly guests, it's best to click the
FOLLOW button for the show to get timely updates -- or catch shows later
from the archives. You can do either by going to this link:*

*February's Line-Up of Guests....*

2/16 - Doug Cowan - Trancendence in Sci Fi Film & TV
Donna Hennes - A Woman's Guide to Power! Claim it! Embrace it! Use it!

2/23 - Greg Garrett - Sprituality Behind the Harry Potter Series
Emmanuel Itier - Producer of the up-coming film, Femme

2/27 - Jeanette Clancy - Christian Language that Perpetuates Sex Abuse &
Male Dominance
Jann Aldredge Clanton - Changing Church - Stories of Liberating Ministers
Did you miss some recent shows? C**atch past shows from the archives!*

1/5 -- Sacred Salon/Ritual on the Radio w/Karen Tate

1/11 - Brandy Gallagher - The State of Our Cooperative Culture/EcoVillages
Victoria Darvesha - Dances of Universal Peace

1/18 - Anne Newkirk Niven - Pagan Publishing/Community Trends
Victoria Gevoian - Prana Power & the 8 Key Breaths of Life

1/25 - Zohara Hieronimous - Kabbalistic Teachings of the Female
Prophets & Sanctuary of the Divine Presence
*Starhawk* - The Empowerment Manual: A Guide for Collaborative Groups.

2/2 - Sacred Salon/Ritual on the Radio w/Karen Tate

Karen Tate


Fw: Wise Woman Wisdom with Susun Weed 2/14/12

Posted by: "Jim.BR549"   jim.br549

Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:17 pm (PST)


Message from Susun - February 14th, 2012
From Belly Distress to Belly Health: Healing Into Wholeness by Lisa Sarasohn
New at the Wise Woman University!
Wise Woman Radio
Radio Amerika Now
Wise Woman Bookshop
Women's Health Symposium
Wise Woman Ezine
Message from Susun - February 14th, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day! May your life be blessed with love. And may the love you share be returned to you a hundred-fold.
This is the month of hearts and I declare it the month of the cabbage family, too. Why? Because all the plants in this large family love frost, are available in February, are easy to identify, are dependably edible, and provide major medicines as well. I love you cabbage family!
Wild members of the cabbage family – like garlic mustard and Barbara's cress (see photos in last week's green report) – are easy to find and ready to eat right now. In the next two weeks we will focus on some delicious ways to utilize garlic mustard; this month let's explore the tame members of the cabbage family.
Thousands of years ago, clever women genetically modified one wild plant to produce the many cabbage family plants we grow today including broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collards, Brussel sprouts and the many kinds of cabbage. Yes! These are all really just one plant! Other cultivated cabbage family plants include mustard (greens and seeds), radishes, arugula, bok choy, turnips, rutabaga, kohlrabi, broccoli de rappi, and horseradish.
The cabbage family provides more greens and vegetables than any other family. And every member, cultivated or wild, is loaded with vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, and cancer-preventative substances. Scientific studies confirm that eating as little as four servings of cabbage family plants a week reduces overall cancer risk by fifty percent!!
Don't like calling it the cabbage family? You can call it the mustard family. Gardeners call them cole crops or brassicasias (bra-suh-case-ee-ahs) and to the botanist they constitute the Brassicaceae (formerly Cruciferae) family.
Your two tasks for this week:
* Grow some cabbage family plant
* And learn to cook kale and collards.
Buy seeds of any cabbage family plant and plant them right now in a pot, in your coldframe, in your garden, or in your greenhouse. Really! The seeds will sprout when they decide it is warm enough, so go ahead and plant them as soon as you can. Cabbage family seeds germinate best in cold or cool soils.
Buy a nice bunch of collards or kale from your favorite market. (Remember, they sneer at cold, so weren't affected by the recent frosts in California and Florida.) My local supermarket offers both.
Remove the large central stalk from the kale; leave it on the collards.
Rinse the leaves in cold water, then hold the bunch tightly and cut it into 2 inch wide pieces.

Put about one inch of water into a pan big enough to hold your greens and throw the cut kale or collards in. Bring to a boil, stirring now and then. At this point, the greens will have shrunk and ought to be just covered by the water. If not, add enough more to barely cover them.

Keep them simmering for at least an hour, checking on the water so it doesn't boil away. Optimum cooking time is really four hours. (I dare you to do it.)

Study the differences between short and long cooking of greens by removing a spoonful of greens from your pot every 15-20 minutes. Label your samples with the time and set aside so you can taste and feel into the differences. You will be surprised by the surge of love your body feels for the long-cooked greens.

Long cooking breaks the cell walls of sturdy greens, thus freeing the minerals to be utilized by our bodies, maximizing our ability to convert the carotenes into vitamin A, and it boosting the anti-oxidant content. For even more nutrition, add some fat (like olive oil or bacon drippings), when you eat your kale or collards. I guarantee you will love them this way, and hopefully cook them this way forevermore.

Green blessings, and lots of love to you all.

From Belly Distress to Belly Health: Healing Into Wholeness by Lisa Sarasohn
Sex, monthly bleeding, fertility, childbirth, menopause, eating, digestion, elimination — these are just some of the ways in which your life in a woman's body revolves around your belly.

When something's out of balance — when you feel abdominal pain or discomfort — what do you do? When your belly's in distress, how can you restore it to health?
Of course you'll want to seek professional health care for diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Still, what else can you do to support your healing?
The other night I dreamed of a continuing ed class for healers. In my dream, several bright and talented students are busy giving treatments to each other. The teacher walks among them, asking "Where's the evolution?"
The healing process does ask us to grow, evolve — increase self-awareness, expand compassion, extend forgiveness, move into a greater degree of wholeness. Where does this evolution take place?
In the particulars of our relationships.
One approach to healing begins with considering your body not as a collection of mechanical "body parts" but rather as a community of conscious "body-beings."

Read full article here ...

Artwork by Kasi Kennedy -See More Here ...
New at the Wise Woman University!
From Belly Distress to Belly Healthfrom mentor Lisa Sarasohn

Drawing on ancient wisdom and contemporary practice, we'll attend to our bellies' well-being. We'll engage in experiential learning, energizing the body-mind transformation that supports healing.
With creative and playful activities, and strengthened by our mutual support, we'll develop our relationship with the healing life force already dwelling within us.

Course goals:
1.    First and foremost, my goal is to create a supportive community for you and for your learning.
I've designed the activities accompanying each lesson to support your experiential learning about a body-centered process of healing. I urge you to complete these activities and post your comments, reflections, and questions on the course's web page before the next scheduled teleseminar.
I heartily encourage you to make use of the forums, teleseminars, and other opportunities for interaction. Participating actively, we can support each other's healing process.
2.    Beyond creating a supportive learning community, my goal is to introduce you to information and skills you can use to support your well-being in concert with whatever health care services and treatments may be necessary and appropriate.

Learn More Here ...

Lisa Sarasohn is author of The Woman's Belly Book: Finding Your True Center for More Energy, Confidence, and Pleasure (New World Library, 2006). Visit for excerpts and more. She offers From Belly Distress to Belly Health: Healing Into Wholeness as an online course for befriending your belly in the process of healing and enhancing your health.
Wise Woman Radio

Susun Weed interviews author and shamanic explorer Matthew Pallamary

Listen Here ...
Radio Amerika Now
Radio Amerika Now
New interview with Susun Weed, "The Wise Woman Way and Integrative Medicine"
Listen Here ...
  Wise Woman Bookshop
NEW! Desk Reference to Nature's Medicine
Featuring 350 full-color photographs, botanical drawings, and maps, this accessible, fact-filled book is based on the work of renowned botanical experts and presents alphabetically arranged, beautifully illustrated entries for hundreds of plants touted for millennia to soothe, even heal.

Learn More Here ...
Women's Health Symposium
Women's Health Symposium with Susun Weed, Susan Willson & Suzy Meszoly
SATURDAY, FEB 18, 2012   
4.00 - 6.30pm
At MaMA 3588 Main Street, Stone Ridge, NY 12484
Did you know there are low-cost, safe alternatives to mainstream medicine?  
Come learn with us, sing with us, and become empowered in your health care. 
Is our health care system interested in keeping you well?
Is recommended screening/treatment in our health care system in our best interests as an individual?
How do we know what is 'right' for us, and navigate the flood of medical information available from providers, internet and advertisers?

Learn More Here ...
Wise Woman Ezine
Help support the Wise Woman Ezine, a one time registration ensures you a perpetual membership to the weekly ezine for only 11.95.

Even if you are a member, we appreciate your support - because when you register again you show your appreciation for Susun Weed and her herbal wisdom she shares so generously.

Thank you in advance for supporting the Wise Woman Herbal Ezine - We appreciate you!

Re-register here to get bonus MP3 "Nutritive and Tonic Herbs" $20 value.
Wise Woman Center • PO Box 64 • Woodstock, NY 12498
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Fw:  Magical Almanac for March 2012

Posted by: "Jim.BR549"   jim.br549

Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:18 pm (PST)


Bob Makransky's Astrology Corner 
In this issue:  Memory;  Picking Winning Lottery Numbers (II)
* * * * * *
(adapted from The Great Wheel,  Bob's forthcoming commentary on W.B. Yeats' A Vision)
By memory is meant instinct, which means not only your learned reactions from this lifetime, but also all the instincts you developed as an individual in the sum total of all your past and future lives as a human; plus the instincts you have as a mammal, as a vertebrate, as a multicellular being, etc. etc. all the way back to your instincts from one-celled life. 
For example, the most primordial instinct you have, which goes back to one-celled life, is hunger.   And the most fundamental instinct on the next level up (above the unicellular level) is death.  Phylogeny recapitulates ontogeny:  this is a true symbol of who you are – the sum total of all the memories of the entire race of living beings from one-celled beings on up, all contribute to who "you" are. 
The human part of this "you" is what William Butler Yeats called the Daimon and Jane Roberts called the Oversoul, which encompasses not only your present self in this lifetime, but also the sum total of all of your human selves through all of evolution.  Note that this evolution does not occur in linear time – it's all happening now.  It's not as if e.g. you had a life in ancient Greece and then you died; then you had a life in ancient Rome and then you died, then you had a life in the Middle Ages and then you died; etc.  Rather, all your past and future lives are happening right now, this minute, in an eternal now moment; and they are all interacting on one another.  As W.B. Yeats said,  "Eternity is not a long time but a short time. … Eternity is in the glitter on the beetle's wing."  Linear time does not really exist.  Your memories are not records of the past (because there is no past) but rather are tendencies or instincts. 
Particular memories / instincts are proper to certain individuals; but any other individual in the system, namely all sentient beings, can access them in the Akashic records (at least in theory).  A given individual's instincts differ from another individual's instincts – Joe's instincts differ from Sam's.  The feeling of familiarity that you pick up when running past life regressions – the sense of identity with the "you" in the regression even though he or she may be very different from who "you" are today, is just this sense of individual instinct.  It is a connection or sense of solidarity you share with all the other beings who make up "you" in all your incarnations, not to mention the connection you have with all other beings in the universe.  All of this instinct weighs upon the present moment.  It is the goal of the practice of magic to free yourself of this ponderous weight to be able to seize each moment anew.
We use the term "true feelings" to mean your intent in the present moment – the message of your inmost heart; your innate sense of what is right and true; of who you really are and what you must do.  Similarly, by the term "true purpose" we mean your intent in a given lifetime – the reason why you incarnated; the lesson you are on this earth to learn; what you must witness and bear; what you mustfeel.
Modern humans have lost almost all touch with their true purpose, which is a sense of connectedness:  to the earth, to the sky, to your forbears, to your descendents.  Modern life – particular in its urban manifestation – is fragmented and disconnected.   Modern society is deliberately designed to make people feel isolated and alienated, at odds with their fellows, their environment, and their own hearts.  Dissatisfaction is good for the economy, which is basically all anyone cares about anymore.  Everyday life is no longer imbued with a sense of being part of an ongoing process of unfoldment – it has become sterile, vacuous, filled with noise and distraction.
When most people still were farmers, although they had already lost most of the intuitive / telepathic ability they had as hunter-gatherers, they were at least still connected to the earth's love, the rhythms of the seasons, and their sense of fit place in space and time.  They felt belonging.  Society wasn't perfect, individuals were probably no happier per se than they are now, but they had something: an essence, a sense of grace if you will, that post-agricultural people have lost, and as a result of which loss they are going crazy and destroying themselves and the planet they live on.  Marriage is dissolving, the family is dissolving, all sense of belonging is dissolving. 
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.  The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere the ceremony of innocence is drowned.
- (W.B.Y.,The Second Coming)
It's not so much that modern urban life is artificial and phony, and that subsistence agriculture is somehow more elevated and ennobling (which was e.g. Mao's and Pol Pot's view).  Urban dwellers could live essentially the same lifestyle they are living now without making any major changes, and still connect to the cosmic currents that would give their lives a sense of meaning and purpose.  That's what the techniques in Bob's books are for – to help people make those connections.  It's not a matter of what people believe or even what they do every day; rather, it's a matter of becoming aware of who and what they really are; and where they belong. 
Modern humans are not at all connected to what their true life's purpose is, since modern society tries to snip every connection to that purpose.  Your roots, your ancestral lineage, your home and land, your place in the cosmos – all of these things are part and parcel of what your true life purpose is.  Patriotism and religious beliefs are a pale, vacuous, intellectualized substitute for what true a true sense of connection really is all about – a feeling of purpose.  And if you lose touch with your true life purpose, as most people in modern society have done, then you are truly lost, lost, lost. 
"I think of the hunter's age and that which followed immediately as a time when man's waking consciousness had not reached its present complexity and stability.  There was little fear of death, sometimes men lay down and died at will, the world of the gods could be explored easily whether through some orgiastic ceremony or in the trance of the ascetic.  Apparitions came and went, bringing comfort in the midst of tragedy.  (W.B.Y. – A Vision)
People today have no idea what it was like living in earlier times, just like they have no concept of what it would be like being a Mayan Indian living a subsistence lifestyle today.  But Mayans are probably happier, on average, than Americans.  They don't have all those phony expectations plumping up their unhappiness, their consciousness of everything they lack – which the media and advertisers keep harping on endlessly. 
It's not only urban dwellers who have lost their connection to reality.   Modern farmers are almost as disassociated from nature as city-dwellers.  Modern agriculture was in a crisis when Rudolf Steiner addressed himself to this problem in 1924* and the situation has worsened considerably in the interim.  At least in the early 20th century farmers were still diversifying their crops; practicing what we now call organic management as a matter of course; and observing the rhythms of the seasons.  But now, with the economic pressure towards monoculture and maximum profit, farmers have turned to highly technified, chemical management; greenhouse horticulture; and rapid transport of farm products by air from one part of the world to another, which has turned agriculture into another disconnected manufacturing process.   And the resulting food, particularly after processing, is so much Soylent Green: denatured chemicals lacking any germ of life.  Is it
any wonder why people today feel so uprooted, lost, lacking something, something, something that they just can't define?  As Steiner said back then, it's because of the crap they eat. 
            Modern society is completely off the track, at sea, wholly disconnected from reality.  Everything that people are taught is desirable and good, is utterly phony.  The whole American way of life is completely phony.  Even the spiritual path is marketed as a commodity in America. 
"My instructors certainly expect neither a `primitive state' nor a return to barbarism as primitivism and barbarism are ordinarily understood; antitheticalrevelation is an intellectual influx neither from beyond mankind nor born of a virgin, but begotten from our spirit and our history." (W.B.Y. – A Vision)
            Magicians are not Luddites or romantics, trying to return to some primeval paradise lost.  It is not that difficult for even us modern humans to make a connection, to feel that we are part of a living process, instead of isolated cogs in a heartless machine.  The universe is not a heartless machine, and human beings are not interchangeable, dispensable objects.   The universe is unfolding as it should, as it says in Desiderata.  And each individual is part of this process of unfoldment.  It's a joyous process – although there are pain and suffering wrapped up in it too.  "Joy" doesn't imply giddy excitement every minute.  But it does imply true purpose, true self-worth and self-esteem, true meaning.  When you can start to feel compassion for yourself (get off your own case) is when you start to feel compassion for others. 
            True purpose is what Carlos Castaneda's teacher don Juan termed the "mood of a warrior":  it's what makes you feel good (not smug); satisfied (not self-satisfied).  True purpose feels like fulfilling your destiny (rather than scoring little points for yourself).  This is what is meant by acting on your true feelings or intent; which Yeats referred to as being in phase.  The whole purpose of magical training – going to the trees or nature spirits daily; sitting in nature and listening to sounds – is to imbue your life with a new mood, to replace your wonted customary moods of crabbed dissatisfaction inculcated by society.  Little-by-little your true feelings kick in by the practice of just relaxing out in nature with nothing on your mind.  This is where your true feelings take their point of departure:  just feeling the world around you without reacting to it or acting on it. 
            For example, for most of William Butler Yeats' adult life he was hopelessly in love with a beautiful, spirited, selfish, treacherous woman who led him on and trashed him emotionally; and he joined numerous occult groups in the hope of making some important discovery and making a contribution to mystical knowledge.  In other words, for most of his life Yeats acted out of phase – chasing after images and fantasies of what love and occult knowledge are really all about.  Finally, after thirty years of the hopeless love affair, Yeats finally decided to marry someone else (who was truly worthy); and a few days later his new wife began channeling the System which would become A Vision.  In other words, he switched then from out of phase to in phase, and began to fulfill his true purpose in this lifetime. 
            It is pretty common, naturally, for people to act out of phase and blow their true purpose.  In a recapitulation I did once I saw the moment when my father blew his true purpose in this lifetime.  I was about nine or ten, and my family was gathered around the supper table laughing and having fun.  Suddenly a gust of wind – not an actual wind, but like a chill or a deathly feeling – blew into the room and put a pall over everyone.  It was from that moment that my father gradually lost it – cut himself off from us kids and withdrew into himself; and the joie de vivre of our family dissolved.  I have no idea what that gust of wind or whatever was – what caused it; but I've since seen lots of examples of people whose souls were lost or blown away.  Society itself is a crusher – to stay on course, to act in phase in our decadent and distracting present-day society, requires the utmost sobriety and discipline.  To follow
your own heart and find your true purpose in today's society requires you to ignore completely what everyone around you is thinking, believing, and doing (this is actually much easier to do if you have been rejected by everyone around you). 
            The point is that if you keep hitting up against the same stone wall over and over, then maybe it's time to change direction.  True life purpose, being in phase, doesn't lead you to fruitlessly batter your head against the same stone wall.  True life purpose leads to an open road which you can travel easily, and lets you breathe freely.  It's a matter of just relaxing and letting go (which is what magical techniques are designed to help you to do). 
The point is that memory is a living process.  It has no beginning and it has no end; it's unfolding without going anywhere in particular. And, every being and every moment is the sum of its parts.  And those parts go all the way back to the first cell that emerged from primordial ooze and began to divide, through all of evolution, to the person you are this very minute, and onward into the infinite future.  This is what you are; and if you lose your sense of connection to this process, then you bob around helplessly in torment.  Modern society is turning this earth into a hell world, which is why Yeats said that A Vision was "a last act of defense against the chaos of the world."
(excerpted from Diamond Fire magazine.  Copyright 2010.  All rights reserved)
*  See Agriculture – A Course of Eight Lectures by Rudolf Steiner, Bio-Dynamic Agricultural Association London 1974.  See also the chapters on Spiritual Cookery and Gardening Q and A in Bob's book Magical Living.  
* * * * * *
About the author:  Bob Makransky is a systems analyst, computer programmer and professional astrologer.  He lives on a farm in highland Guatemala where he is a Mayan priest and is head of the local blueberry growers' association.  Check out his free downloadable Mayan Horoscope software, free downloadable Planetary Hours calculator, free downloadable Primary Directions / celestial sphere mathematics textbook, complete instructions on how to channel by automatic writing and how to run past life regressions, articles, books, stories, cartoons, etc. etc. at
* * * * * *
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* * * * * *
If you have read and enjoyed Bob's books Magical Living, Thought Forms, or Planetary Strength, write a review for (for the tree books or Kindle ebooks) or Smashwords (for the ebooks).  See the or Smashwords URL's of Bob's books at the bottom of this page.
* * * * * *
Life Reading by Bob Makransky
Overall potentials and possible problem areas in life, with specific recommendations regarding career, love life, etc. together with answers to any particular questions you might have regarding your life or horoscope.  Includes trends for the next 3 years.  Send time, date, and place of birth with check for $150 to:  Bob Makransky – Apartado #36 – Coban, Alta Verapaz – Guatemala; or email Bob at bmakransky(at)yahoo.comand pay via PayPal.  
"I want to thank you for doing my chart, and for the things that you pinpointed for me. It has been extremely helpful to me, and I am working hard at changing and growing and learning. Your work serves as an incredible service to those who seek direction and understanding of the blocks and challenges that we all have. Many, many thanks." –  D.F.
* * * * * *
Books by Bob Makransky
Check out for complete reviews and excerpts; order treebooks from:
Magical Living ebook can be sampled and purchased at:
Thought Forms ebook can be sampled and purchased at:
Thought Forms
by Bob Makransky
Astronomical and astrological explanations of Mercury's synodic cycle – its cycle of phases as it circles the sun, with tables 1900-2050.
Complete delineations for Superior and Inferior Conjunction, Greatest Eastern and Western Elongation, Stationary Retrograde and Direct, and their intervening phases in the natal, progressed, and transiting horoscopes.
Explanation of the astrological / magical view of mind (the theory of Thought Forms):  what consciousness is, how it arose, and whither it is going.
Basic course in white magic with detailed instructions on:  How to Channel and Banish Thought Forms; Creative Visualization; How to banish the Black Magicians in everyday life; How to Cast out Demons; How to use Tree Spirits.
     "Bob Makransky is a knowledgeable, purposeful and entertaining writer."  
– Paul F. Newman, The International Astrologer
     "Steady Diamond Fire readers are well acquainted with the genius of Bob
Makransky.  Highly recommendable."  – Joseph Polansky, Diamond Fire
     "Readers have become familiar with [Makransky's] fresh insights into different facets of  astrology.  In this book Thought Formshe is especially provocative and I strongly recommend its purchase and study." – Ken Gillman, Considerations
     "I will fully agree with the statement that `You've never read a book like this before!'  The  material is fresh and woven very skillfully to conclusion.  I look forward to his next installment of the trilogy."  – Marion MacMillan, SHAPE
           An indispensable reference you'll consult every time you read a chart!
ISBN-10 = 0-9677315-3-4;  ISBN-13 = 978-0-9677315-3-7;   Price = $19.95
Thought Forms ebook can be sampled and purchased for $9.99 at:
* * * * * *
Magical Living
By Bob Makransky
Winner of the Sacramento Publishers' Associationawards for Best Nonfiction and Best Spiritual book of 2001!
Magical Living  is a collection of essays which give detailed, how-to instructions on channeling spirit guides, communicating with plants and nature spirits; together with inspirational essays on managing love relationships, handling oppressive people, and dealing with hurt.  
–    "I love this little book! ... Carry this book with you, read and reread the essays, and connect with joy." – Kathryn Lanier, InnerChange magazine
–     "He writes beautifully, clearly, elegantly …  he is incapable of an unoriginal     thought."  –  Joseph Polansky, Diamond Fire magazine
ISBN-10 = 0-9677315-4-2;  ISBN-13 = 978-0-9677315-4-4;  Price = $14.95
Magical Living treebook can be purchased from :
Magical Living ebook can be sampled and purchased for $9.99 at:
* * * * * *
Planetary Strength - a commentary on Morinus
An essential contribution to natal horoscope interpretation.  Taking as its point of departure Astrologia Gallica by Jean Baptiste Morin de Villefranche (1583 - 1656), Planetary Strength compares and contrasts the differences between the strengths conferred upon planets by virtue of their sign placements (celestial state); house placements (terrestrial state); and aspects (aspectual state).  The strength factors of retrogradation / station, synodic phase, and conjunction with fixed stars are also explained and interpreted.   A detailed system of keywords is augmented by insightful "cookbook" interpretations for each and every planetary combination.  The depth and quality of the analysis – as well as the hundreds of practical examples and tips – make Planetary Strength an indispensable reference work which both neophyte and experienced practitioners will consult every time they read a horoscope. 
"The book is beautifully written. With Makransky, whether you agree or disagree is not the issue - you will always get a good read. It is clear. He has done his homework. He makes the genius of Morinus accessable to English speakers. He shows us how to 'think astrologically'." - Joseph Polansky, Diamond Fire Magazine

"What's fascinating about Planetary Strength is that the author is using his own prose to describe the planets' conditions.  In the introduction, he advises readers to study Morinus, but clearly Makransky's efforts are the better source.  ... Try them in practice and compare these interpretations to what you might otherwise think about a planet.  It may just sharpen your ability to make accurate statements about character, a person's history, and even to make predictions.  And what more do you ask of astrology?"  -  Dell Horoscope magazine
"This is certainly an interesting addition to reading and interpreting the translations of Morinus' original work.  It is detailed and considered, and the author's knowledge and experience are evident throughout."  - Helen Stokes, AA Journal
ISBN = 9781902405506    Price =  $17.00  from:
* * * * * *
FREE EBOOK – Bob Makransky's Magical Sampler is a delightful smorgasbord of Bob's best writings on Relationships, Self-Transformation, Self-Healing, White Witchcraft, Paganism, Astrology, Mayan Shamanism, humorous short stories, and cartoons.  Enjoy!
You can view and download Bob Makransky's Magical Sampler for free at:
* * * * * *
Almanac for March 2012
The purpose of this almanac is to list the most important astrological events each month to help you plan your life in harmony with cosmic currents. You can easily select the best times each month to advance, hold back, confront, avoid, accept, refuse, yield or stand your ground, in order to enhance your chances of success.
Mutual transits are points of inflection, or moments when things could go one way or the other.  Often on these days something is discovered, some truth revealed, or a new door opens to us.  There are days with favorable times to begin new ventures, to approach others for favors, to initiate healing, to pray or cast spells, to energize amulets and crystals, and so forth.  Conversely, in the case of inharmonious aspects, avoidance of these activities is recommended.
What we are trying to do is to tune into the ambient rhythms of the cosmos.  We tend to be alienated from the universal harmonies because of our stressful life styles:  we feel disconnected, isolated, powerless, adrift and alone in an uncaring universe.  We have lost our sense of being part of an eternal, ongoing process. 
Astrology can help us to regain our sense of connection to the universe and to the earth by teaching us how to look at our daily lives as a series of lessons.  Astrology teaches detachment:  we learn that by paying attention to and adapting to the cosmic rhythms, we can come to a deeper sense of connection to the universe and a greater sense meaning and purpose in our personal lives.
The table below includes transiting conjunctions and oppositions of the planets other than moon; Stationary Retrograde and Stationary Direct positions; and the Greatest Western and Greatest Eastern Elongation positions of Mercury and Venus.  If the zodiacal degree of the transit conjoins or opposes a planet in your own natal horoscope within two degrees orb, then be alert to what happens this day (and the day before and after).  This is a time when the universe sends you important new information.  The nature of the event is symbolized by the transiting planet(s); the nature of your response is symbolized by the natal planet(s) at or opposed to the longitude of the transit.
            For example, on 3/14/2012 @ 1:55 EDT  Venus Conjunct Jupiter in 9° TA 34 opposes Barack Obama's natal Neptune in 8° SC 36', which might bring the President a CHEERING SOCIABLE event which increases his ATTUNEMENT. 
To launch projects, make prayers, or cast spells, one should use the times in this table in conjunction with the Planetary Hours.  Look for a relevant Planetary Hour within 24 hours before the exact time given in the table below.  This table is in Eastern Time:  in the Central time zone subtract an hour; in the Mountain time zone subtract two hours; in the Pacific time zone subtract 3 hours; from the times listed here.  To use Planetary Hours, download the free Planetary Hours calculator from the Magical Almanac files from   This is an Excel worksheet with complete instructions; however when you open it, it will ask if you want to disable the macros.  Since it won't work with its macros disabled, click on "Enable Macros" (you may have to have previously reduced the Excel security protocol: Tools => Macro =>
Security => Low).    
            To make a prayer or cast a spell (for detailed information see the BOS file posted at  at the chosen time clear your mind, light a candle and make a fervent, heartfelt wish – imagine the scene of your wish coming true as though it were happening right now, all around you.  If other people are involved (e.g., if asking for a favor), imagine that you are looking them right in the eye and talking to them as if they were right there in front of you.  Let yourself feel the feelings you actually would feel if your wish were to come true.  Then watch closely to see how the candle burns:  if it's difficult to light it, then it will be difficult for your wish to come true.  If the flame burns steadily and brightly, the wish will come true.  If the flame smokes or is feeble, or the candle falls over, forget it. 
                        Keyword Interpretations for Transiting and Natal Planets:
(Detailed interpretations for the transiting and natal planets are filed in the How to Use Magical Almanac Tutorial folder at:
Transiting Planet
(nature of external event) Natal Planet
(nature of your response)
* * * * * *
3/03/2012 @ 15:11 = 13° PI/VI 39' = Sun Opposition Mars = Avoid conflict, especially with men.  You cannot enforce your own will now, so try to be patient in the face of obstruction and frustration.  If you must confront others, use a sun hour.  It is, however, a good day to do a Scat ritual to get rid of someone (especially men) undesired from your life.  Choose a Mars hour for this and follow instructions in the BOS in the Magic 101 folder
3/04/2012 @ 6:19 = 28° AR/LI 56' = Venus Opposition Saturn = Conflict, disappointment, separation, or betrayal in an intimate relationship.  Avoid being too trusting, or bringing up problems now on your own account – you can't win.  Good day to do a Scat ritual to get rid of an undesired lover.  Choose a Saturn hour for this – for determination – and follow instructions in the BOS in the Magic 101 folder
3/05/2012 @ 0:26 = 3° AR 09' = Mercury Greatest Eastern Elongation = Things are pushed to the limits, to the edge of what is acceptable.  There may be a breakdown in communications, or you have to take a detour from your normal mode of action.   You may have to put on the brakes, shift perspective, or adapt your own opinion to the necessities of the time.  You have to see the larger picture now, be open to other people's ideas and points of view.  This can result in a better understanding and deeper appreciation of other people's viewpoints, and of where your own limits lie. 
3/05/2012 @ 6:35 = 3° AR 25' = Mercury Conjunct Uranus = A sudden flash of understanding and illumination.  Good day to pray / cast spells for creativity and guidance.  You must keep your wits about you and be alert to opportunities. 
3/08/2012 @ 5:41 = 18° VI 13' = full moon
3/12/2012 @ 3:45 = 6° AR 49' = Mercury Stationary Retrograde = A breakthrough, perhaps quite unexpected, in your current situation or relationships. You see yourself in a new light, in a new role vis a vis other people, and need tact, aplomb, and confidence in your own abilities. You get past a blind spot – a sticking point or hang-up – that was holding you back, by looking at things from a new point of view.  Good day to address intransigent people or tackle intractable problems (approach them during a Mercury hour). Your optimism and enthusiasm are fired up and you are able to make progress in the realization of your life goals.  
3/14/2012 @ 1:55 = 9° TA 34 = Venus Conjunct Jupiter = A joyous, harmonious time in which social and financial matters take a turn for the better.  Excellent time for launching new projects; indeed, one of the most favorable aspects of the entire year, so you should do something enjoyable today (use Venus or Jupiter hours), or cast a spell for love, money, artistic creativity, or social success.  Choose a Venus (for love) or Jupiter (for money) hour for this and follow instructions in the BOS in the Magic 101 folder
3/18/2012 @ 13:23 = 4° AR 10' = Mercury (Retrograde) Conjunct Uranus = something begun two weeks ago may come to a head or climax now.  A sudden flash of understanding and illumination.  Good day to pray / cast spells for creativity and guidance.  You must keep your wits about you and be alert to opportunities. 
3/20/2012 @ 1:16 = spring equinox
3/21/2012 @ 15:21 = 1° AR 35' = Mercury Inferior Conjunction Sun = Something that was hidden comes into plain view, giving you deeper insight and understanding about a current problem or relationship.  You realize that you must go it alone, make it on your own, not depend on or rely on other people.  Decisive action on your part may be required to be true to yourself and hold your own. You may have to get something straightened out with someone – use a sun hour for this if it is a matter of enforcing your own will, or a Mercury hour if the person's collaboration is sought.   
3/22/2012 @ 10:38 = 2° AR 22' = new moon
3/24/2012 @ 14:20 = 4° AR 31' = Sun Conjunct Uranus = Surprising news, or a breakthrough or critical moment in which you have great clarity and decisiveness.   Good time to make a complete break or radical change in your situation or relationships to free yourself of encumbrances (use a sun hour). 
3/27/2012 @ 3:30 = 22° TA 35' =  Venus Greatest Eastern Elongation = There is a need for support and encouragement, which may have to be won by standing up for yourself and sticking to your guns.  You have to assert yourself by going with your own feelings and instincts rather than by trying to curry favor.
* * * * * *
Picking Winning Lottery Numbers – part II
You have to cooperate with the astrological process by projecting a future in which your desire is realized.  You do this by the technique of Creative Visualization, which is essentially what prayer and casting spells are all about.  It's best not to visualize yourself winning millions, but just enough to enable you to … (fill in the blank with whatever your dream is).  There's no reason to be greedy – it works better if you're not so greedy; and if other people are somehow benefiting from your wealth (it's not just about how much you will buy; or about you being waited on hand and foot).  Visualizing how you can help other people with your wealth can start with your loved ones – helping make their dreams come true; but also you should imagine yourself directly helping homeless people; or refugees; or starving people.  Imagine how much delight you can bring to others with your winnings. 
If you visualize yourself basking on your private yacht docked in front of the mansion on your private island, then the flow of luck comes to a dead halt.  Being grabby is like breaking an electric circuit.  But, if you visualize yourself being a conduit for luck – a Michael Anthony rather than a millionaire – then that's exactly what you will become:  a channel for luck into the world.  This doesn't mean that, if you do win you have to give all your winnings away.  But it does mean that you have to be psychologically prepared to do it if it comes to that.  You have to visualize your winning the lottery making you a better, more generous person – not just a richer and haughtier one.  You have to start in your everyday life loosening up your grasp of money – be freer in passing it out to people who need it; homeless people and beggars you meet on the street; etc.  As if you were already rich.  You have to reach out to that probable
reality, to feel it as if it were already true, to make it come true.  Whenever you see or hear about another person's misfortune, imagine how happy you are that you can help that person now that you're rich.
This is not hard to do.  Creative Visualization is similar to normal daydreaming but has the opposite intent.  Where daydreaming stokes self-pity, Creative Visualization strengthens intent.  In normal daydreaming we are actually pushing away whatever object we are daydreaming about into a future which never comes.  In Creative Visualization we are actively drawing the object of our visualization to ourselves by imagining it physically happening in the now moment, unfolding all around us.  The difference between C.V. and normal daydreaming is that the former is a command of fulfillment and the latter is a command of lack.  In normal daydreaming the focus is on yourself.  Other people serve only as mute witnesses to your own glory and vindication.  In C.V. the focus is on the other people, and how happy they are (you have made them). 
Creative Visualization is a matter of feeling, of longing, of reaching out for the object of your desire.   Daydreaming is a matter of thinking, imaging, distancing yourself from the object of your desire.  Daydreaming is actually reaching out towards self-pity, not towards the realization of your true desires.  When you catch yourself daydreaming about wealth, switch it to C.V. 
The future is not fixed.  Rather, there are an infinite number of possible futures, termed "probable realities", which take off from the present moment (although some of these are more likely than others).  In terms of lottery tickets, this means that every purchaser of a ticket for a given lottery turns out to be the winner of that lottery in some probable reality.  There are as many possible outcomes as there are lottery ticket buyers.  The basic astrological strategy, then, is to select the line of action which will propel you into the possible future in which you win the lottery; rather than into a future in which you don't.
(see example horoscopes posted in "Horoscopes" folder of Magical Almanac Files:
            Here are the only examples of lottery winners from AstroDatabank which include times and dates of ticket purchases as well as the winners' birth data:
AstroDatabankLucky Lottery  # 6780
American lucky lottery winner of $50,000 in the Illinois state lottery on 9/18/1975 at 7:15 pm.
He purchased the winning ticket on 9/05/1975, about 4:00 pm CDT.
The natal chart has Saturn ruler of the 2nd house (since Saturn is the ruler of Aquarius, which holds the 2nd cusp).  Saturn is in its other ruling sign, Capricorn, exactly conjunct the Ascendant; sextile moon in the 2nd; opposing exalted Jupiter; and trine Mercury / Neptune.  Saturn does square Venus in its ruling sign; but otherwise all the testimonies are excellent, excellent, excellent.  Moon is located in the 2nd; trine and mutual reception (since each planet is in the other's ruling sign) Jupiter on the Descendant.   Both Saturn and moon – as well as Jupiter – can be considered money planets for this chart; but Saturn is much more powerful than moon due to its being in its ruling sign and angular (conjunct the Ascendant).
Two points bear noting: a powerful Saturn can bring great fortune if it is strong enough in the birth chart – i.e., Saturn is not intrinsically bad.  Secondly, an opposition to a powerful (exalted, angular, well-aspected) Jupiter is not bad; quite the contrary – i.e. oppositions are not intrinsically bad, either.  Planets strong by sign and conjunct angles bring success, even when they are nominally bad planets; or good planets in bad aspect. 
The winning ticket was purchased with progressed moon a day past sextile natal Ascendant (the win occurred two weeks later, when progressed moon was about to sextile natal Saturn).  The purchase was made during either a Mercury or a moon hour (it's not certain which it was because the change from Mercury hour to moon hour occurred at 3:58 pm in Chicago on 9/5/1975).  If it was a moon hour, then this bears out the theory, since the moon is a money planet here. 
Time of Win
The win occurred 3 days before progressed moon sextile natal Saturn, which agrees with the theory espoused here – that the draw should coincide with a favorable progressed (lunar) aspect to the money planet (if you shade the orb on progressed lunar aspects a little bit – normally one expects them within a day or two of exactitude). 
Other important transits occurring at the time of the win are transiting Mars conjunct its natal place the preceding day; and, more importantly, transiting Uranus was 2 days from conjunction Midheaven (sudden, unexpected, radical shift in his honor / career / life's work).  This is probably the precipitating influence – if he hadn't won the lottery, he would have experienced some other important and surprising life event which elevated his hopes and completely transformed his life direction.
Another very important background influence at this time was converse progressed Jupiter conjoining the Cancer point the preceding month.  Beneficial progressed Jupiter aspects (including conjunctions with the Cardinal points) are so rare, that if you ever have one, you should purchase lottery tickets like mad. 
AstroDatabankLucky Lottery # 7039
American lucky lottery winner who bought two lottery tickets on 9/12/1984 at approximately 1:00 PM EDT in Washington D.C.; one of them was worth $1.7 million dollars.
            This native's 2nd house is something else again.  Above all, north node (good karma and blessings) on the 2nd natal cusp means he'll always have enough money – it just flows to him.  And the stellium of planets strong by sign and aspect (moon in Pisces trine Pluto; Mars in its ruler and conjunct the Aries point, no less, as well as sextile rising Saturn; sun exalted in Aries and trine angular Jupiter, which it disposes, since Jupiter is posited in the sun's sign Leo).  Anything this person does in life is going to bring him money – if he trips and falls, he'll land on money.  All of these planets are money planets for this native (though Mars, sun, and Jupiter are strongest).  Really, the whole chart oozes strength and success (besides the 2nd house stellium, Saturn rises in its ruling sign Aquarius and Venus lower-culminates in her ruling sign Taurus). 
            The winning ticket was purchased during a sun hour.  Since the sun is one of the money planets, this agrees with the theory.  There are no important progressed or transiting aspects around the purchase date (except for transiting Mars trine natal sun the previous day).
AstroDatabankLucky Lottery # 11398
American lucky lottery winner. She bought the winning ticket 2/28/90 19:00 EST, Parma, OH. and received word the same evening that she had won the Ohio State Lottery.
            In the natal chart moon rules the 2nd house (since Cancer is on the cusp); and moon is closely conjunct the Midheaven.  Moon also receives favorable aspects from Venus, Mercury and Neptune (albeit it also opposes Pluto).  Uranus is natally conjunct the 2nd cusp, and it receives a sextile from Mars and trine from the sun.  Therefore, both moon and Uranus are money planets for this person.  Uranus shows sudden, unexpected gains (and losses, but here more gains due to its favorable natal aspects). 
            Progressed moon conjoined natal Pluto 3 days previously.  Moreover, transiting Mars conjoined transiting Saturn square natal Mercury at the time of purchase; and it was purchased during a sun hour.  None of this upholds our theory.  Nothing in astrology (or life) is ironclad; all you can do is take your best shot.  Nonetheless, this lottery win occurred within the context of converse progressed Venus conjunct natal sun 4 months previously; and progressed sun conjunct DESC a month later. 
Moreover, the native's transiting demi-Uranus return – which always signifies a major life breakthrough – was two months previous; transiting Jupiter was passing over natal Uranus; while transiting Saturn was coming to its first conjunction with natal Jupiter.   In other words, there were some powerful beneficial background progressions and transits operating at this time, with particular emphasis on Uranus (sudden, unexpected, surprising, liberation). 
(Appendix:  Table of Favorable and Unfavorable Planetary Combinations
            SU   MO   ME   VE   MA   JU   SA   UR   NE
MO       +       
ME        –       +
VE        –        +      –
MA       +        –      +      +
JU         +        +      –      +      +
SA         –        –      +      –      –      +
UR        +        –      +      –      +      +      +
NE         –       +      –      +      –       +      –      +
PL         +        –      +      –      +       –      –      –       –
(excerpted from Dell Horoscope magazine)
* * * * * *
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* * * * * *
Bob recommends:  The very best book (and one of the least expensive) for a complete beginner to learn astrology is Ronald Davison's Astrology.  Free software to calculate your natal horoscope and the charts of your friends and relations can be downloaded from:  or 
* * * * * *
Bulletin Board:
Notice from Bob:  I live in a remote area and can only get online for an hour or two a week, when I go into town, during which time I must transact all my internet business.  While I try to (briefly) answer any questions which readers have, I really haven't the time to get involved in correspondence or to participate in e.g. Facebook, or chatting.  Mea culpa!
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* * * * * *
Statement of Purpose:
In point of fact, this ezine is not about magic, or paganism, or shamanism, or witchcraft; it's not even about astrology.  It's not about belief systems at all – rather, it's about getting beyond belief systems and analyzing what's really going on beneath the surface.  What is the point of rejecting one false belief system – the materialism which was inculcated into most of us from childhood – only to adopt another false belief system?  All belief systems are false, because what's really going on out there in the universe has nothing to do with belief (mind).  The universe is made of feelings (intent); not objects (thought forms).  The only cogent reason to adopt a variant belief system from the one in which most of us were raised is to provide a counterpoint or contradiction – another point of view – which will allow us to weasel between the two and ultimately not rely upon beliefs at all. 
Although we have been taught that we are abiding, separated individuals embedded in a matrix of space and time, the fact is that this is indeed merely a (false) belief.  As explained in the essay on Channeling Spirit Guides*, "In fact, our existence is multidimensional.  We not only exist in an infinite number of past and future lives, but we are also infinitely ramified in all the probable realities which branch off from this present lifetime.  …  Not only that, but within the confines of a single probable reality of a single lifetime, which is all we normally pay attention to or consider to be `ourselves', we are still multiple personalities.  That is to say, we are not the same person from moment to moment, but in fact shift from one to another subpersonalities, or thought forms, in response to this or that changing stimulus. … (We) are not solid, continuing, individual beings, but rather are a flux of thought forms (images, opinions,
beliefs, and expectations learned from our parents and society) being urged this way and that by spirit forces."  Ponder these things well, because they are true.   The sooner each of us as individuals wakes up to this fact – that we are actually nothing buta momentary conjunction of tendencies – the sooner we can stop running about hither and thither and take command of our lives and destinies; and perhaps really accomplish something to save the earth and the human race.  That's what the practice of magic is all about. 
*filed in
URL's for Bob's books at and Smashwords:
Magical Living tree book:
Magical Living ebook Kindle edition:
Magical Living ebook Smashwords edition:
Thought Forms tree book:
Thought Forms ebook Kindle edition:
Thought Forms ebook Smashwords edition:
Planetary Strength tree book:
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