luni, 27 februarie 2012

[which_witch_is_witch] Digest Number 5034

Messages In This Digest (7 Messages)

Monday's Correspondence...February 27 From: Cher Chirichello
Today's Goddess: LAKA Cherry Blossom Festival (Hawaii) From: Cher Chirichello
Daily Aromatherapy Tip  -  Measuring From: Cher Chirichello
Relieving Stress From: Cher Chirichello
Prayer to Persian Goddess Anahita From: Cher Chirichello
Fw: March 2012 Newsletter From: Cher Chirichello
Fw: DRUMS from HEAVEN Earth Dance 4-22-12 Sattle Brook NJ From: Cher Chirichello



Monday's Correspondence...February 27

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:57 pm (PST)

Monday's Correspondence...February 27

Today's Influences: Conjurations, Predictions, Knowledge, Writing, Eloquence

Deities: Thoth, Selene, Aset [Isis], Demeter, Ceres, Spider Woman, Bona Dea, Oya,
Devi-Kali, Hella, Rhiannon, Coatlique, Maman Brigette, Sekhmet, Het Heret [Hathor]

Incense: Cinnamon, Cinquefoil

Aromas: Sweetpea, Lavender, Mastic, Frankincense, Cloves

Candle: light blue

Color: Silver, white, light blue

Planet: Moon

Metal: Silver

Gemstones: Pearl, opal, moonstone

Herbs & Plants: Wintergreen and other mints, catnip, comfrey, sage, chamomile

Associations: Childbearing and family life, purity and virginity, healing, wisdom, intuition

Use for magick involving mental issues, learning, higher education, addictions, communications, travel,
young people, messages, perception, self-expression, artists, poets, and writers

What's Happening Today:

22nd Amendment Anniversary
Charro Days
Independence Day (Dominican Republic)
International Polar Bear Day
National Kahlua Day
Time of The Old Woman

Today's Goddess: LAKA Cherry Blossom Festival (Hawaii)

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:58 pm (PST)

Today's Goddess: LAKA
Cherry Blossom Festival (Hawaii)
Themes: Tradition; Heritage; Weather; Arts
Symbols: Lei Flowers; Dance; Yellow
About Laka: Laka is the Hawaiian Goddess of Hula, through which the myths, legends, and histories of the Hawaiian people are kept intact. Today she charges us with the sacred duty of collecting the treasures of our personal
legacies and recording them for sharing with future generations.
In stories, Laka is the sister of Pele (The Volcano Goddess) and a Nature Goddess who can be
invoked for rain. Artistic renditions show her wearing yellow garments,
bedecked with flowers, and always dancing.
To Do Today: The cherry blossoms of this festival in Hawaii are spiritual, not real, symbolizing the power of tradition among the predominantly Japanese
community. On this day people gather together and honor their heritage
by participating in martial arts, Japanese dances, weaving, and arts
competitions. So, if there's any art or craft you learned from an elder
in your family, take the time to display that craft or work on it today
to commemorate Laka's attributes.
If possible, get
together with members of your family and begin creating a family journal that will record all the important events in your lives. Cover the
journal with yellow paper dabbed with fragrant oil to invoke Laka's
tending care on the sacred documents
By Patricia Telesco

Daily Aromatherapy Tip  -  Measuring

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:00 pm (PST)

Daily Aromatherapy Tip  -  Measuring
When using very thick essential oils like Vetiver, Place in a cup of warm water. This will thin the oil so you can measure your drops.

Relieving Stress

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:00 pm (PST)

Relieving Stress
Before bed, do an
asana. A simple spinal twist can help you get a better night's sleep. It alleviates tension that's built up in your lower back along the day.
Sitting on your bad with legs crossed,
place your right hand
down on the bed behind you and rest your left hand on your right knee.
Sit up straight and inhale for four to eight counts, lengthening our
spine as you breathe. On your exhale,
begin to twist
toward your right hand. Don't strain your neck. Hold this position for
four more full breaths, lengthening your spine on the inhales and
deepening your twist on the exhales, if it feels comfortable.
Repeat on opposite side.Source: Live Healthy

Prayer to Persian Goddess Anahita

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:03 pm (PST)

Strong warriors pray to Anahita
for strong horses. Strong women
pray to Anahita for strong babes.
Priests pray to Anahita for wisdom,
and girls pray for easy births, vigorous
husbands, and the richest fields.
Ardvi Sura Anahita flows
like a river through our lives.
We do not wish her waters
ever to stand still. We pray
always for the waters of the Goddess
to flow freely. And we pray too
that what should be dry, remains dry,
that everything stays in its place,
that everything is as it should be.
~Prayer to Persian Goddess Anahita
One of the most important roles of the Goddess, in many cultures including the
ancient Persian, is to make order out of disorder. She is the one who
invents measurement, so that we can articulate the order she invents for us to discover. She is the source of the division of time into days and hours, of space into miles and inches, of life into youth and age.
The order
the Goddess represents is a fluid one, the order of cycles rather than
lines, of change rather than permanence. She dances at the edge of chaos - for that is where, science tells us, the most exquisite new order can emerge. To acknowledge the goddess is to become aware of the flux and
flow of life, to recognize and revel in change and the opportunities it
brings. Aptly did the ancient Persians see the Goddess as embodied in
flowing water, for time flows around and through us like a great river.
We can drown in it, or we can float and swim.
By Patricia Monaghan

Fw: March 2012 Newsletter

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:32 pm (PST)

March 2012 Newsletter
This month's newsletter features a discount, inspiration, Labradorite information, and more! Email not displaying correctly?
View it in your browser.
March 2012 Newsletter
Dear Cher,
The official start of Springtime begins in March.  Soon, all the pastel-colored items will be making their appearances, flowers and trees will be budding, and I've already heard the heralds of springtime birds in my backyard.  This is a most glorious time of year when the Earth stirs once again and life returns to us all.  This month's newsletter focuses on springtime cleaning so your inner flowers and gardens have the best start to the new growth cycle.  Springtime cleaning includes detoxing your body, mind, and Spirit.  It's time to sift through the Earth once again and breathe life back into the soil.  It's time to plant your seeds of intentions and see what grows for you in 2012.
Detox Discount

By it's very nature, massage enables the cells in your body to release toxins.  This is why therapists encourage greater water consumption as it aids the release of those toxins out of your body.  For the month of March, receive a 10% discount on all massage therapy sessions!  Simply mention this newsletter upon scheduling your appointment.  Contact Denise at or 862-268-3213.

To learn more about how massage is able to facilitate a detoxification process within the body, please read this great article published by the Massage Clinic of Orlando:

February Events
"Oh, the Places You'll Go!"
When: Friday, March 2nd from 4pm - 9pm
Where: Balance Acupuncture Center, 1000 Main St., Boonton, NJ

Come explore wherever you'd like to go in your imagination while receiving an acupuncture or massage treatment!  Boonton Main Street will be celebrating Dr. Seuss's 108th Birthday with many businesses offering special savings and events related to all things Seuss-esque. At Balance Acupuncture Center, we will offer 30 minute stress relieving acupuncture sessions and 15 minute chair massages for a minimum donation of $25 and $10 respectfully.  All proceeds will go towards St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

Appointment times are limited.  Additionally, our next fundraiser won't be until the fall, so now is your chance to enjoy acupuncture and massage for a fraction of the cost while supporting a great cause.  Contact Denise at or 862-268-3213 to schedule your appointment.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *
Psychic Saturday
When: Saturday, March 10th from Noon â€" 5pm
Where: Peaceful Paths, 7 High Street, Butler NJ
Cost: $1/minute!
Come experience a tarot reading, a relaxing massage, or a shamanic clearing ceremony all for $1/minute! I will also be joined by fabulous and gifted readers each working in their own respective modalities. Come join the Psychic Party! Appointments are recommended to avoid waiting, but walk-ins are welcome too! Contact Denise at, 862-268-3213 or Peaceful Paths at, 973-283-9444 to schedule your appointment.

* * * * * * *
Living The Dream
When: Thursday March 22nd from 10:30am - Noon
Where: Growing With The Seasons, 811 Main Street, 2nd Floor Suites J and K, Boonton, NJ
Spiritual exchange: $15
These are the times when many are waking up and re-evaluating where they are in their lives. There may be an ancient calling deep within the soul.  There may be new insights and gifts surfacing.  There may be a desire to speak with like-minded people and share in stories together.  This is a time to unite together, commune, awaken, rediscover dreams, and heal.
You will be brought through an intimate process of rediscovering yourself, your calling, and how to practically apply your giftsin loving ways.  Tools based in a wide array of ancient healing ways will be shared to empower you to live the dream you hold most dearly.  This is a place to plant, nourish, feed, and spread the seed of your soul-full calling in a supportive, loving, sacred space.  Both an inward and an expressive journey, you are cordially invited to come and Be!

Please RSVP to Denise at or 862-268-3213 to reserve your space.
* * * * * * *
“Wings of Life” Holistic Expo and Psychic Fair
NJ’s Largest Holistic Mind Body Spirit Expo!
When: Sunday, March 25th, 2012 from 10am â€" 5pm
Where: Best Western/Regency House Hotel, Rt. 23 North, Pompton Plains, NJ
I will be participating as both a Vendor and a Guest Speaker at this awesome expo! Come stop by and receive a massage, tarot reading, or energy healing session for $1/minute. I will also be giving a lecture entitled “Alchemy Through Sound” which is about how to transform your being into a harmonious state by utilizing sacred sound.
I will be surrounded by fantastic practitioners including Acupuncturists, Massage Therapists, Hypnotherapists, Feng Shui Designers, Weight Management Specialists, Energy Healers, Psychics, and many more! There will also be local artisans selling a wide array of spiritual, holistic, and metaphysical items including gemstone jewelry, designer clothing, crystals, fairy dolls, inspirational recordings, herbal and organic body products, essential oils, herbal teas, salt lamps, spirit art, statuary, incense, and many other great items.

Come stop by and say hello!
* * * * * * *
Sifting Through The Soil

After Winter's deep reflection and slumber, now is the time to prepare the soil in which you will plant new seeds.  The soil requires proper nutrients to nourish the seeds for new growth.  Soil needs to be churned so life-giving air can enrich it.  You also need to sift through the soil and remove any old debris or residual decaying matter.  

Many of us gardeners and herbalists enjoy watching the Magick of the Earth take our seeds and sprout new life just by putting a seed into soil.  As one very wise Iris and Rose gardner once said to me, "I just plant the seeds; God makes them grow."  When we engage the God-force within life, and co-create with this Divine force, life happens.  Growth occurs. 

What seeds have you been dreaming with these past few months?  What would you like to grow in your life in 2012?  What is decaying in your soil that needs removal?  What are you willing to do to nourish your seeds and see them through their full life cycle?

I welcome you to sift through your internal and external soils.  Prepare a ripe, fertile foundation for the God-force to help the seeds you plant to thrive and enrich your life in a Divine display of Love, Beauty, and Healing.

* * * * * * *

I hope you enjoyed this month's newsletter.  Please feel free to share as you are called.  Namaste...

In Deep Love and Enduring Peace,

  Swiftwind Therapy
Denise A. Saracco, Divine Channel, Ordained Minister, and
Licensed Massage Therapist
Office Location: Peaceful Paths, 7 High Street, Butler, NJ 07405
P: 862-268-3213

Monthly Inspiration: How to Live Before You Die
At his Stanford University commencement speech, Steve Jobs, CEO and co-founder of Apple and Pixar, urges us to pursue our dreams and see the opportunities in life's setbacks -- including death itself.  Listen to his speech here at:

Stone of the Month: Labradorite

I have found Labradorite to be an incredibly powerful ally for me.  Not only does my relationship with this sacred stone heighten during meditation and journeying, but she also helps me remain clear of other's energies.  I recommend those who work within the healing arts and/or those with empathic gifts to develop a healthy relationship with Labradorite for a lifetime of healing from this sacred stone.

(Below is from
Highly mystical, Labradorite heightens intuition and enhances psychic abilities, making it great for working with the Third Eye Chakra. Intuition and intellect are balanced by Labradorite, illusions are dispelled and true intentions are seen more easily with its use. Labradorite is also very protective against negative energies, balancing and protecting the aura and sealing the aura from energy leaks.

Labradorite is useful for bringing up and healing old memories, including past life issues. Useful during times of transformation and change, Labradorite can also help prepare the body and soul for ascension. These Labradorite slabs feel great to hold and can be used during Meditations, held in your client's hand during a session, or just to carry in your pocket.

Labradorite is a crystalline form or Feldspar, often gray in composition but known for its "flash" or "flame" when it catches the light. When polished, dark gray Labradorite flashes with colors deep within, including blue, green and gold.
“This evening’s session was a seminal experience for me. Not every massage therapist can guide you through an out of body experience within your own body. I have never used meditative breathing to manage pressure responses during a massage before. The atmosphere you created in your sacred space was so conducive to meditation, that it allowed me to accept very deep tissue work with minimal discomfort. Like a snake shedding its skin, I left a layer of muscular dysfunction, negative thoughts and spiritual disharmony on the table. Rising anew, I know I have grown. Thank You Denise.” â€" Aton Ausar



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Fw: DRUMS from HEAVEN Earth Dance 4-22-12 Sattle Brook NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:32 pm (PST)

 DRUMS from
Earth Dance    4-22-12   5 PM to 10
VFW Post 3484  44 Market St. Saddle Brook,
The areas largest interactive Drum Circle with
cultural performances.    $20. Donation to benefit
Special Needs Sports programs
Performances by:      Life Movement Belly
JERSEY- Afro Uruguayan rhythms
Drum circle facilitated by Tommy Purple Haze &

Celebrate Earth Day! Keep it
bring a community sharing dish.

No drum or dance experience needed
to participate. 
      2 Drum prizes: a Doumbek -
proceeds to Sigi's medical needs
Djembe   - proceeds to this fundraiser ~~~ plus triky tray

read on!

          I'd like to
welcome everyone to our annual celebration as we honor our earth and begin our
7'th year and 17'th charitable event of DRUMS from HEAVEN.
Please come
together and help raise consciousness about saving our planet.
We will be
supporting special olympics/special needs sports. on April 22.
daughter Tracey (pictured above) participates in special olympics bowling and

I ask you to come support these
worthy causes with your time,talent and treasure. It is a great feeling to give
from your hearts and help people.
Together, over the last 6 years and 16
DRUMS from HEAVEN events we have raised almost $40,000. for  a variety of
worthy charities.

As usual we will enjoy a high energy interactive
drum and dance circle.
The only experience required is.... know how to have
We will enjoy a Belly dance performance by Sigi and her Life Movement
~~~  Click here: life movement spirit and dance
center  After their performance I welcome all belly dancers to
join on the dance floor for our Middle Eastern portion of drum and

I am very delighted to bring to you a performance by Candombe New

Click here: You will hear for the first time at DRUMS from HEAVEN these unique
afro-uruguayan rhythms.
The troupe will play together and then with our
circle. Lots of energy!

Please come out and enjoy a day to celebrate the
future of our planet.
Drumming , Dancing, Singing, Poetry, Art,
Entertainment, Food.
Don't miss our very special earthy ending to our

In the past we have offered thousand of dollars worth of
prizes during our tricky tray raffles. All of these prizes are from donations
from "YOU".
If you can help and donate something please notify me at:

I could not work out any food donations for this event
so I am asking you to please bring a small community sharing dish. If you would
like to buy or bake dessert to bring that would help and taste good

Thanks for your continued support of our charities and the
growth of DRUMS from HEAVEN as we begin our seventh year.~~DIRECTIONS will
be sent in April.

Also below is the review of the Oct 29'th Halloween
I never sent it out to my community list because I was dealing
with many household issues due to 2011's terrible storms.
Sing on Brother...Play on

~~~ Please pass this
on to your e-mail lists ~~~ Thanks!
All my
                       Although mother nature greeted us with a pre Halloween
snowstorm, The DRUMS from HEAVEN Halloween Ball went off despite some
challenges. Even though the storm dumped about 6 inches of snow on Saddle Brook
the day and night before and left trees down in it's wake and caused power
outages all around, about 120 people came out to support Sigi. Some came from as
far away the Jersey shore, Long Island, Upstate N.Y. and PA. All came with the
same intention. Have a great time, drum, dance and take in some cultural
performances. Our drum circle opened with a variety of rhythms as we all warmed
each other up. Since we had no electric power, we depended on the energy created
by the drums to bring our spirits up.
        Our belly dancers
performed in 2 segments. I'd like to thank Tatianna, Audie, and Na'ila for some
beautiful dancing. You were all
       We segued into some live
Middle Eastern drumming led by Pete, in which the belly dancers were joined by
the gathering on the dance floor.
the next set, some Halloween spiced dancing occurred. We were treated to a Ghost
busters dance by Samina and Carolina, Very
       Pam added a Vampire dance which
was a treat. Next came Shula who performed her belly dance with a sword. In a
word...captivating! The final belly dance featured Jamilah. She did a beautiful
dance. I thank all of you for treating us to some great belly
      It was time for a break and eat the
fresh fruit and veggies donated by Inserra supermarkets. We gave away almost
$2000. in prizes during our Triky Tray raffle to some very lucky winners. I
thank all those who donated these prizes for our
      Next came our annual Halloween parade
with so many cool costumes. Best costumes were Occupy wall street
demonstrator, Tie Dye Man, The Ghost Busters dancers, The kids were great too,
little princess, A scary chain -saw costume and a little angel.  I was John
Lennon in a Sgt. Pepper outfit. I thank those who
dressed up bringing a festive feel to our
introduced Sigi to our gathering to an uplifting round of applause. Sigi was
happy to attend and thanked everyone for their support. I offered a healing
chant to Sigi. Peace,Love,Music Healing- Oye La, La Hey  La, Oye
La , La Hey. It is our sincere hope that Sigi finds a
        The crowd was still
coming in and the drumming then picked up even more. The dance floor was filled
and the jam was on! Of course we mixed in a high energy Jingo Jam which lasted
quite a while. Some even added their own solos to the rhythm. As night time set
in we lit the hall with lanterns and flash lites. We made our
own electricity with the energy from the drumming. Power to the people
right on!
       Our grand prize raffle ended
up with 2 winners. I know the woman's face but not her name, who won a gathering
drum with accessories. The Djembe was won by Alan Berger who leads the Chestnut
Ridge drum circle. They were both very happy!
I added my steel drum to lead the next segment of drumming. There was some very
cool interaction during this groove. The energy level rose up to a crescendo
at one point. Before the circle ended we played what has become my
signature ending; The Bo Diddley beat. It was totally awesome!!
would like to thank all who came out despite the conditions. Because of you we
were able to help Sigi raise...DRUM ROLLLLLL~~~
         Thank you to the
wonderful people who helped me set up and break down our event. Once again thank
you to our performers.
        Without all
of you, DRUMS from HEAVEN could never have grown to what it has become. A
most successful charitable cultural gathering where we all have fun drumming and
dancing while helping people in need. We have now raised almost $40,000. in the
6 years and 16 events we have done. I'm very proud of that and you make it all
worthwhile.  :o)  THANK YOU!!!
Sing on brother...Play on drummer...Dance little sister
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