Messages In This Digest (22 Messages)
- 1.
- (no subject) From: Sarah Phalen
- 2.1.
- File - Group Reminders From:
- 3a.
- File - Here are my New Jersey Pagan Links From:
- 4a.
- File - Stone Soup From:
- 5.
- File - The Green Man Store From:
- 6.
- NJ Pagans Has it all! From: Cher Chirichello
- 7.
- House Blessing (Pagan) From: Cher Chirichello
- 8.
- Fw: DailyOM: Gathering Intelligence From: Cher Chirichello
- 9.
- Fw: Yoga in Practical Magick in Pompton Lakes Canclled From: Cher Chirichello
- 10.
- Fw: Happy Imbolc, Cher... and surprise, surprise, it's snowing From: Cher Chirichello
- 11.
- Fw: SoulJourney Imbolc News From: Cher Chirichello
- 12.
- Soul's Journey Newsletter -- January 31, 2011 Butler NJ From: Cher Chirichello
- 13.
- Wednesday's Correspondence...Feb 2, 2011 HAPPY IMBOLC From: Cher Chirichello
- 14.
- Imbolc/Candlemas / Purification /Presentation / Our Lady of Candelar From: Cher Chirichello
- 15a.
- Sounds of Spring From: Cher Chirichello
- 16.
- Goddess of The Day: BRIGIT Imbolc (Ireland) From: Cher Chirichello
- 17.
- Blessed Imbolc....This is a time for purification, Growth and Promis From: Cher Chirichello
- 18.
- Woodchuck/Marmot/Ground Hog's Wisdom Includes: From: Cher Chirichello
- 19.
- Daily Aromatherapy - Dream Lover From: Cher Chirichello
- 20a.
- The Shield of Brigid, Irish Prayer From: Cher Chirichello
- 21.
- Happy Imbolc/Candlemas: Northern Hemisphere - Lammas: Southern Hemi From: Cher Chirichello
- 22.
- In Loving Memory.....Terry Emerson (Summer) Passed 02/02/08 From: Cher Chirichello
- 1.
(no subject)
Posted by: "Sarah Phalen" scrapprincess1979
Tue Feb 1, 2011 5:47 am (PST)
- 2.1.
File - Group Reminders
Posted by: ""
Tue Feb 1, 2011 9:50 am (PST)
Hi and Welcome to all our newest members, our group gives off a lot
of emails and if you feel your inbox has become over welmed with mail from us, we suggest using Daily Digest and read off the group, that way you will recieve 2-3 emails a day instead of 100 LOL (smiles)
Also anyone who has online stores or links to thier personal stores, we have in our link section a folder called "Witches Mall" you are more then welcome to add your stores in there so we can shop off our group!
Files, links, photos, calendar is open to everyone, feel free to use and add new info if you like, photo albums, everything is open to everyone here.
On our Database, for all you Myspace people, there is a table in there to add your link to your sites also and a table for specialties for anyone that is interested in adding thier info in there to help in emergencies like: Venders, food, supplies, anything for event's. That's a big help if anyone is interested in leaving thier info in there.
Hope everyone enjoys the group and anything you need or need help with email any of us Mods and we'll deff. help you!
- 3a.
File - Here are my New Jersey Pagan Links
Posted by: ""
Tue Feb 1, 2011 9:50 am (PST)
Moving on....Don't let it end...Here are my New Jersey Pagan Links!
With Face book on the up rise yahoo groups are quieting down, I have made some groups on facebook with our friends on it, here are the links for those that are on or interested in keeping chat going...
We have been together for such a long time lets keep it going.
First off.....Use us...Don't Forget what NJP & our Sisters Groups are Really About
New Jersey Pagan Yahoo group has all the info on there, Stores, Dates, advertisements, 1500 NJ Members to chat with (About 5000 total with all members on each service), Database and files full of info, active calender to share reminders and more!
I am not closing the groups down but if you need anything that is where I have it all, I can not chase everyone all over Face book, if you want your stuff to be sent out I need it posted on New Jersey Pagans or Which Witch is Witch Yahoo groups!!
Some do have my emails that send me info but the Yahoo group is my base group and if you want to continue things moving in NJ and our neighboring states...I suggest keeping that group active by stopping in and sharing with us!
I'm not going to continue if it's a dead group, I've support everyone for years so would appreciate support back by keeping this group moving so we can share what's going on around us and stay together as a community, I'm asking that I am not the only one trying!! Cher
NJP Face book Page and group, the NJP Yahoo groups and the My space page is for everyone's use, please use it to post your meet ups, stores, share info, events, links, photos, learning materials, ect ect...That's what the groups are for, I made it for all our use so don't hesitate, also if your new to the belief use NJP groups to ask questions, we have a lot of experienced people here and they love to share their experiences. Also the Which Witch is Witch and Lifes a Witch groups are for outside of NJ for those that want to share events, meets, ect like listed above.
We encourage you to USE US! We will help get the word out!
New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!
New Jersey Pagan Yahoo Group: group/New_ Jersey_Pagans/
New Jersey Announcements (no Chat) Yahoo Group: group/NJPAnnounc ements/
Which Witch is Witch NJP Sister Yahoo Group World wide: group/which_ witch_is_ witch/
Life's A Witch Yahoo Group: group/Lifes_ a_WITCH_So_ am_I/
Myspace Link for New Jersey Pagans:
My Personal Facebook Link:
Facebook New Jersey Pagan Group Link: !/group.php?gid=93725735017
Facebook New Jersey Pagan Page Link: !/NJPagans
Facebook Which Witch is Witch Group Link: !/group.php?gid=228461037699
Facebook Pissed Off Pagans Link: !/group.php?gid=125502181052
Pissed Of Pagan Yahoo Group: group/pissed- off-pagans/
- 4a.
File - Stone Soup
Posted by: ""
Tue Feb 1, 2011 9:50 am (PST)
Stone Soup Opening up and Sharing Emotions
Today lets make our Brew together, remember that story of stone soup?
Lets beging with adding things to our pot, this is a sort of meditation and does take imagination and visualization, you have to live and feel the part of our brew as we share together.
What I'm going to suggest is that simply you say one thing that is bothering you or making you feel down about yourself or life, visualize yourself standing in front of the couldron, feel the heat and see the brightness of the fire glow around the pot and against your body, simply then think of something that would help you or make you feel better and can even be something nice towards someone/or memory to make you feel better then we toss that into the pot as an ingredient. After you toss your Positive good thoughts you will then take a large paddle and stir the brew and as you turn it 3 times you will say your new positive intention and then we move on to the next person until all our good intents are then made into this large good soup together where we heal and share our feelings and friendships.
Ok lets begine, I close my eyes and visualize a huge black cauldron over an amazingly large fire, flames appear soft and wrap it's arms around that pot as it begins to bubble and steam rises as if arms and little hands hold that pot tight for us to add all our good intensions and good ol positive energy full of healing, happiness, friendship and love!
So I walk up to this amazing Pot and I'm going to share:
Next Person Please add your intents to the pot
Cher's Ingredients:
Tired of Arguments that make me feel like I'm invisible with my family so for today only, I will not argue and let these things bother me
I surrender myself and will be the better person and do something that makes me happy today....I think of potatoes LOL because they can change into so many different things as you cook them and I am amazing all all those different ways. I toss my thoughts of good will to myself in the pot and stirr the paddle three times...thank you for listening to my problems today ... Read More... Read More
Blessed Be!
- 5.
File - The Green Man Store
Posted by: ""
Tue Feb 1, 2011 9:50 am (PST)
For Members in the Los Angeles area, Classes and Events at The Green
Many Good wishes for 2011 from The Green Man store in North Hollywood. We have several wonderful classes and events in January, with many teachers, [More]Many Good wishes for 2011 from The Green Man store in North Hollywood. We have several wonderful classes and events in January, with many teachers, including a very special event with Selena Fox on Jan 21st. We hope you will visit soon.
Thu Jan 6 - Feb 10th 7-9pm, 101 class begins for six weeks, w/ Monica HPS
Fri Jan 7 7-9pm, An Evening of Trance-Channeling w/Natara $20
Sat Jan 8 2-4pm, British Traditional Craft Series: Cauldron Mysteries w/Griffin class fee $20
Sun Jan 9 2-4pm, Working with Pendulums w/Monica HPS $20
Sat Jan 15 2-4pm, Instant Tarot w/Don Michael Kraig $20
Sun Jan 16 2-4pm, Herbs for Weight & Health w/Julie James, Herbalist $20
**Fri Jan 21 8-10pm, Green Man workshop w/Selena Fox $25 in advance, Space will be Limited
Sat Jan 22 2-4pm British Traditional Craft series: Ritual Construction w/Griffin class fee $20
Sat Jan 22 7:30pm Full Moon~Cauldron Mysteries with Class and Griffin $10 donation and potluck feast to follow
Sat Jan 29 7:30pm Imbolc $10 donation and potluck feast to follow
Sun Jan 30 2-4pm, Herbs for Sleep & Dreaming w/Julie James, Herbalist $20
- 6.
NJ Pagans Has it all!
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Tue Feb 1, 2011 7:09 pm (PST) group/New_ Jersey_Pagans/
WE have a huge amount of Files for Meets and Feasts we update monthly and sometimes bi weekly.
We have a huge amount of files for Correspondences, herbs, Deities, Sabbats, Spells, rituals, magic, Oils, poems, you name it we have it for the past 8 years.
The links section also has the Witches Mall, every store in NJ, NY, PA, DL, CT and I check to make sure it's active
Links for Helps, Library, meets ups, Clergy ect
We also have Database also for Services, Facebook contacts, Myspace, ect
Calendar has Birthdays, daily quotes, correspondence, meets, feasts you name it
We have also located in the Applications:
Store Review where there is a Map with Pinned locations of stores, I'm still working on that but there are some on there now.
There is also other applications in there anyone can use, list jobs, sales, recipies, give aways, you name it.
NJ Pagans is a very active Yahoo group full of things all over NJ, the only people that don't stay are pretty much the ones not active in going out and meets, we have it all!
New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!
Main Yahoo Group NJP: group/New_ Jersey_Pagans/
Ning Web sites: NJP:
Myspace NJP:
Cher NJP Link:
Page NJP: !/NJPagans
Group NJP: php?ref=sb# /group.php? gid=93725735017
- 7.
House Blessing (Pagan)
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Tue Feb 1, 2011 7:53 pm (PST)
House Blessing (Pagan)
You can ask friends to help or do this yourself.
Walk around your home and try to feel the energy that flows through the
home. Do you feel happy, sad, angry, fearful, ect. This way you are
aware of what you need to cl...eanse around the home.
Prepare your elements like you would a ritual. East, South, West and North.
You will need somethign to represent Air like a feather, something to
represent fire candle, Something for water (Holy water or spring water
will be fine) and Earth a dish of salt.
Clean your home free of clutter. Ground yourself and align your energies, meditation is a good idea.
1. Use your Air to cleans the area, Say:
Air, Air, Clean this place, By the Power of Air, I clease this space." Move toward the right around the room changing 3 times.
As you come to stairs up or down follow them and continue aroudn to the
right, then back up or down and continue to the right on the first
Continue to use your air element to cleanse every corner,
closet, under eds, all around, while chanting. If you have friends
there have them chant with you which is very powerful.
When you
have completed the circuit of the house, open the door and push out any
negative energy. Visualize it sinking down into the earth to be
transformed...if you want use your broom and sweep it out.
Use each element the same way. Change the chant accordingly.
Each Element should be brought to the4 original door and same way to push out the negative energy.
When every element is finished, gather in the center of the house or close
to it. Form a circle and chant, sing, drum, sance or what ever you want to raise futher positive energy.
Home, Home, Home. (it starts to sound like OHM after a while.)
When the tension is peaking release the energy. Thank the elements and open the circle.
Share feast together, ground with happy hugs,
"The house is now Thoroughly cleansed and Blessed
Dawn Irven
New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!
Main Yahoo Group NJP: group/New_ Jersey_Pagans/
Ning Web sites: NJP:
Myspace NJP:
Cher NJP Link:
Page NJP: !/NJPagans
Group NJP: php?ref=sb# /group.php? gid=93725735017
- 8.
Fw: DailyOM: Gathering Intelligence
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Tue Feb 1, 2011 7:57 pm (PST)
DailyOM - Different Ways Of Knowing
Today's DailyOM brought to you by:
January 31, 2011
Gathering Intelligence
Different Ways Of Knowing
No one way of knowing things is better than another way, and they can all be useful at different points in our lives.
We human beings have many ways of knowing what we need to know in order to get through our lives. One way of knowing things is to engage in a course of study in an academic environment. Another way of knowing things is simply to go through the experiences that come our way, making a conscious effort to learn from them. A third way in which people gain knowledge is through the vehicle of intuition, a gift some have more than others, but which can be developed in anyone. No one way of knowing things is better than another way, and they can all be useful at different points in our lives.
Most of us naturally gravitate toward one way of knowing over others, and this tends to be clear early in our lives. For the most part, we live in a culture that values a logical, mental approach to knowing things, so those with intuitive gifts may have been shamed, undervalued, or misunderstood in our ways. Many of us are working our way out of this incorrect value judgment, recognizing that our intuition, far from being wrong or untrustworthy, is a great gift. For those of us who conduct our learning in the thick of our life experiences, we may also have to make an extra effort to remind ourselves that our particular intelligenceâ"often called common sense--while not always officially rewarded, has its own special genius.
Even though, in a given time or place, certain types of intelligence tend to be valued more than others, no way of knowing is inherently better than another. Once we understand this, we can value our own intelligence, as well as the different intelligences of the people we encounter. Sometimes, just understanding that we are coming at the same issue in different ways helps us to avoid an unnecessary conflict. When we value all ways of knowing equally, we benefit not only from what we have learned, and how we have learned it, but from all the other forms of intelligence we are open to honoring.
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- 9.
Fw: Yoga in Practical Magick in Pompton Lakes Canclled
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Tue Feb 1, 2011 8:05 pm (PST)
Subject: Yoga
Due to the weather, the Yoga class scheduled for 10
am tomorrow has been cancelled.
Blessed Be!!!
Robert Vecchio
Practical Magick II
322B Wanaque Avenue
Lakes, NJ
- 10.
Fw: Happy Imbolc, Cher... and surprise, surprise, it's snowing
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Tue Feb 1, 2011 8:09 pm (PST)
Awareness Shop AwareMail
You're receiving this newsletter as you, Cher Njp, are subscribed to our mailing list with the email address of .
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Awareness Shop AwareMail
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Great News, Cher, It's Snowing !
As the Wheel of the Year turns and we celebrate Imbolc, we surely know that Mother Earth is beginning to stir beneath or feet and spring has to be on it's way... But for right now, (here in the North East) we're in the grip of yet another snow storm - and by all accounts this one is planning on being a two day affair!
The roads are already quite nasty... you might know what you're doing behind the wheel, but there are plenty of 'crazies' out there who drive like it's high-noon in June... not really the sort of weather to be going anywhere... not even if there were some really good bargains to be had.
But that's where our SNOW-DAY SPECIALS come in, We Bring The Bargains To You!
Check Out These Incredible Offers
Online Psychic Readings by Lisa - 50% Off
Personal Online Psychic Reading conducted by Lisa and delivered as an MP3 file and Digital Photograph of the Tarot Spread
Now you can get a reading no matter where you live or how hectic your schedule... plus you get a permanent record of your reading so you can go back and refer to it as often as needed.
Normally costing $60,
You Can Get A Reading For Just $30
Click the picture for more information
25% Off our Entire Range of Sun's Eye Oils
They say that scent is the most enduring of our senses. It commands our attention. It bonds us to our past through scent memories. It can flavor the atmosphere to suit our intentions. It can lift our spirits and elevate vibrations. It can effect our behaviour, our appetite and even our thoughts. Fragrance comforts, heals and can link us to our imagination. It can be a bridge between reality and fantasy, the material and astral worlds.
Sun's Eye Oils are fine, multi purposed, oils made from herbs, flowers, woods, spices, resins, leaves and essential oils.
A long-time favorite here at the store, you can choose from over 100 different varieties
Normally just $6.75 each,
They're On Sale For Just $5.06 Each
Click the picture for more information
25% Off All CDs and CD Greeting Cards
Including Lisa's very own Chakra Crystal Workshop and Meditation double CD and Crystal set - Now back in stock in limited numbers
We've just added a new range of CD Greeting Cards to our online store
These high quality cards not only offer beautiful images to send to friends and family but the gift of an enclosed CD. Each CD has been specially compiled and features the very best tracks from various artists.
Normally only $10 each,
They're On Sale For Just $7.50 Each
Click the picture for more information
But Don't Hang About
Remember, our Snow-Day Specials are time limited - in order to take advantage of these special prices you must place your order online before midnight (EST), Feb 3rd, 2011.
Offers are also only available while stocks last.
Sorry, no rain-checks,
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The Awareness Shop fully respects your privacy and will not sell, trade or otherwise disclose any information about you to anyone else.
The Awareness Shop, 180 Main St., New Paltz NY 12561 Ph. (845) 255-5756.
© 2010 Esoteric Consultations Inc. Sent in full compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act.
- 11.
Fw: SoulJourney Imbolc News
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Tue Feb 1, 2011 8:12 pm (PST)
February 1, 2011
Dear Cher,
Happy Imbolc! Tomorrow is the beginnings of the Return of the Sun to full power. It may not feel that way with all the snow on the ground and Spring feeling so far away, but I'm already seeing the days getting longer, a tiny bit at a time. I hope you are too! Now, let's just hope that darned groundhog doesn't see his shadow tomorrow!
Be sure and see the listings to the right for the workshops scheduled with Judika Illes, Raven and Stephanie Grimassi, James Wanless (aka Mr. Tarot), and Christopher Penczak. I'm very excited about them! Please note that readings for Judika and Chris are already booking up and spaces are very limited, so if you're interested, don't delay.
If you've been hearing all about the new Zodiac that went viral on Facebook, then got picked up by the news medias and wanted to know more, here's a link to a great article by my friend Gloria Star. If you don't already subscribe to her monthly newsletter, I can highly recommend it. She writes about Astrology so that anyone can understand it. Just drop her an email with your address and she'll be happy to add you to the distribution list.
If you're not already connected, please click on the link below to "like" us on Facebook. Of, if you click over to the website, there's a link there too. Classes and reminders get posted there first, before this newsletter goes out most of the time, so if you want to be the first on your block to know what's going on here, add us to your "likes."
Mitakuye Oyasin,
I'm very pleased to share news of a couple of events you might be interested in.
Presented by Divine Inspirations in Nutley NJ:
An Unforgettable Evening with Iyanla Yanzant
Friday, February 25, 6.30-9.00pm at the Paul Robeson Campus Center, Essex Room at Rutgers University-Newark
$35 in advance includes a copy of her book html
New York Times best-selling author Iyanla Vanzant is a world-renowned motivational speaker and spiritual teacher. Her book, Peace From Broken Pieces is a vividly honest, personal testimony that will touch your heart, bring you to tears, challenge you to look deeply at your faith and inspire you to reclaim your peace!
April 7, 8, and 9
Dr. Steven Farmer, world-renowned author, teacher, and soul healer
April 7, 6.30-8pm FREE Event introducing the Earth Magic Oracle Cards
April 8, 11-6pm Private Readings, $200/hour
April 9, 11-2pm Healing Through Earth Magic, $54
2011-2012 Witches' Almanac is in!
Weird NJ's newest magazine!
New Handmade Windchimes - $60
New Inspirational Charms - $3
Om, Buddha, Cat, Words, Phrases
New Necklace Chains in Six Different Colors - $5
New Wrapped-Cord Necklaces in Four Colors - $5
Soy Candles in a Tin - $5
Clary Sage, Lavender Sage, Lemon Verbena
New Jewelry Arriving Soon!
Workshops and Readings
New Items
Butler Marketplace
Witches' Almanac 2011
Forsaken Magazine
This Week's Spell
In honor of Imbolc, here's a Nature Meditation Spell.
with thanks to Ember
Even though it may feel like Winter, new life is stirring in the Earth. Use this special day to honor the elements and get in touch with Nature. The Moon is New tonight so try to work near a window or outdoors, if at all possible. Take a stone of your choice (with a handful of clean soil, if possible), a leaf, a feather, a container of water, and a candle. Light the candle and place it in front of you or in the center of a group ritual if you're working with others. Touch each item or hold it in your hand and consider how each one represents an element and how vital that element is to life. Thank it for its presence on Earth and in your life and release the energy to the Universe.
Butler Marketplace - Feb. 12
Homemade, Handmade,
All Natural
Read More
Judika Illes Workshop and Readings - March 20
Read More
Raven and Stephanie Grimassi Workshop - April 17
Read More
James Wanless Readings and Workshop -
May 5
Read More
Christopher Penczak Readings and Workshop - June 4 & 5
Read More
Raven and Stephanie Grimassi Readings - August 20 and September 24
Read More
All readers are now being scheduled on an appointment basis only. Please visit the website, peruse their bios, and call the store to arrange your reading.
February 2 - Imbolc/Groundhog Day
New Moon 9.31pm
Sign of Aquarius
February 3 - Chinese New Year
Year of the Rabbit
February 14 - Valentine's Day
February 18 - Full Moon 3.36am
Sign of Leo
Sun Enters Pisces
Celtic Tree Month of Ash begins
February 21 - President's Day
Send us an Email SoulJourney
194 Main St.
Butler NJ 07405
973/838-6564 Where Life is Tragick
Without Magick!
This message was sent from SoulJourney to . It was sent from: SoulJourney, 194 Main St., Butler, NJ 07405. You can modify/update your subscription via the link below. Email Marketing by
To update/change your profile click here
- 12.
Soul's Journey Newsletter -- January 31, 2011 Butler NJ
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Tue Feb 1, 2011 8:19 pm (PST)
Soul's Journey Newsletter
January 31, 2011
In This Issue
New Lighworker Book
Manifesting Q&A w/ Maggie
The World Energy...
A Winter Walk
High Spirits with Jay
SJ Lightworkers
Featured Advisor: Sandy Harrick
SJ Community
Gigi's Journey
Moving Forward
AA Raphael
SJ Radio Program Schedule
SJ Teleclasses
Quick Links...
SJ Community
SJ Radio
SJ Lightworkers
We offer Ad space packages for this newsletter. If you have a product, book, business, here is the place to advertise! You will be able to expand your market and reach the SJ Community to promote your product or business.
For more details:
Email Us Here SJ Members,
Another week is upon us and January is coming to a close. Here is latest newsletter issue from Soul's Journey.
We have various articles from the Soul's Journey staff and we are proud to present articles from some of our Soul's Journey members.
There are so many exciting things ahead for February. Stay tuned!
Have a fantastic week!
The Soul's Journey Staff
Lightworker Book Now Available
Sahvanna's new book is now available on Amazon. It is already listed in Amazon's "Hot New Releases" in both the Spirituality and Self Help genre! Sahvanna will be having a grand online launch party on February 15th and needs your help to get Lightworker, The Unique Souls Who Have Come to Heal The Planet to number 1 on Amazon!
For those that bought the book or are about to, please email your receipt to to get your name into the grand launch party on Feb 15th! She has a long list of your favorite experts who will be offering you free gifts that you will not want to miss!
Buy Lightworker now on
Manifesting Q&A with Maggie and the Angels
Q: I just feel so stuck. I recently lost my job after being there for 10 years and feel so bitter. I really want to expand and work on living my life with purpose but I just don't know why it is not easier. I was told that prosperity is coming to me but I am still waiting...
A: Doors open and close...One of my favorite lines from the movie The Sound of Music is "When God closes a door he opens a window" ... Start to look for the open windows in your life (they are there).
You've heard this and you know that this is how it works yet you hang on when there is nothing left to hang onto. Just let go. Allow yourself the joy of just letting go and not resisting. It is not the way of the Universe to control, it is the way of the Universe to send you what you focus on. What do you want to do? What is your ideal job? Release any attachment to where you were and focus on where you want to go. When you let go that does not mean you will get slammed by the door, it could easily mean you will see how to walk thorough it.
Maggie is an advisor on An Intuitive and an Angel Therapy Practitioner® You can hear her show "Manifesting with Maggie", Thursdays at 9pm est on www.soulsjourneyrad
The World Energy is Speeding up - Should I?
By Jeanette Dames
As we move into this year with hopes that we can make a difference, that we can get our lives straightened out a bit perhaps find the perfect relationship, I would just like to share with you a few of the thoughts the angels have shared with me.
The energy in the universe is moving faster than ever, and we do hear this quite a bit - but what many of the people I am working with are feeling is that they need to do more and do it faster to keep up with that energy so I asked my angels and guides several times to explain this and here is general synopsis of what they have shared with me.
As the energy speeds up, we do not need to speed up our physical activity necessarily, we need to speed up our consciousness. We need less to do more. As an example, we need spend less of our personal energy on manifesting and more of that personal energy in allowing. In our Western culture especially, we have been taught to believe that we have to do more and have more and get more to stay ahead. But- what are we trying to stay ahead of? Dr. Wayne Dyer tells a wonderful story of a few years ago when he felt guided to give away everything he owned including all his money. So of course being the person Wayne is, he did it and within a year, had it all back. Now, I don't know too many people who have the courage to do that, myself included but I have to admit that at times I am tempted, and may put it on my to do list for later this year but the point is that we already have everything weneed, here in our hearts, here in our souls, and here in our
minds. We arrived with nothing and we can't take anything with us except what we hold in our hearts and in our souls and hopefully leave behind love and peace and a better world than what we found when we arrived.
Many of us feel we have to spend lot of time each day meditating and praying and perhaps doing affirmations and such and all those things are really wonderful but devoting more than a few minutes, a half hour at most is enough for anyone who is not in a cave somewhere in India specifically for the purpose of meditating.
So, let's talk a little about how your meditation looks. Do you sit in lotus position with soft music and candles? Do you use a mantra? Perhaps you sing or chant? All those are wonderful ways to get in touch with your inner spirit but I want to suggest another way - something I cannot take credit for but I want to share it. My spirit guide, who is named Pelegitcha, I think deserves the credit for this but if it was an angel please forgive me. Sometimes I get your voices mixed up and I did not remember to ask.
What Pelegitcha said was that with the energy shifting and moving faster we in fact need to slow down in order to catch up if that makes sense. What we need to do to be in sync with the universal energy is to focus and be very clear about what we want and then let go. And they way he suggested we let go most effectively is to state your intention, create and affirmation for it, rise to that affirmation each morning and sleep with it each night. In between be at peace, be calm, be of service and do something each day to take you completely away from your work, your intention and your stress if you have any.
Do something each day that takes you out of yourself, out of your intention and out of your routine. Now, we don't always give ourselves permission to do something fun, something non-spiritual but there is a huge benefit in this. So let me give you an example.
Humans tend to try to control everything because we are taught fear at a very early age - so we feel like to have to have a controlled meditation, a controlled affirmation session each day and on and on. When what we really need is time away - time spaced out if you will. What will facilitate faster and greater manifestation is to do something that takes you completely away. Ok, some examples - put down the self-help book and find a juicy novel. Finish your meditation time by turning on a movie (but please stay away from movies with violence). Take up a hobby or a craft that consumes your mind as well as your body or your hands.
This time, completely distracted time, gives your subconscious and your unconscious mind the opportunity to really work on your desires, to really put the steps into motion on the other side of the veil so that what you are trying to manifest will come to you quicker, on this speeded up energy of the universe. The time you are not focused on that which you are trying to manifest will actually speed up the manifestation. Giving up control is one of the hardest things we as humans have to learn. This is a great way to practice that and I can promise you that you will see results quick. So try it with a few small things that you are comfortable letting go of like perhaps where you are going for lunch or and intention to meet a new friend and then make your request, set your intention and then go watch a movie. When you start to see these small things manifest, then move on to something more important to your life and just keep practicing. Now, another
little suggestion that I have found speeds up manifestation is speaking your desire to someone out loud - perhaps they are someone who can actually help you manifest that which you desire and perhaps just talking about it to a friend - this states it out loud - something the universe loves and also makes your intention very clear to your guides and angels who need your permission to manifest on your behalf.
A Goddess who is really helpful when you are trying to manifest is Isis - the Egyptian high-priestess moon goddess . Isis did many things but one of the most important in the context of what we are talking about is that she convinced the sun god Ra to tell her his secret names that contained vibrational tones that created instant manifestations. So Call on Isis when you are in the midst of all this energy shifting and manifesting - as well as your personal guardian angels and just watch how fast your life changes to bring you what you are looking for.
Many blessings and love.Jeanette is an advisor on She is an Angel Therapy Practitioner, Licensed Love Yourself, Heal Your Life Teacher. You can hear her show "The Soul's Edge", Mondays at 9 p.m. (EST)/6 p.m. (PST) on ww.soulsjourneyradi
A Winter Walk
By Jenn Prothero
A walk in the Canadian winter is so much different than a walk in any other season. It is not something we can take for granted, or do without much thought put into it. This walk takes some effort, but the pay offs are incredible.
I always enjoy getting outside and going for a walk, although this is not my favorite time of year, if I dress appropriately, I enjoy it completely. There is something very special about the frozen nature here in Canada. Everything is quiet, as though all senses are peaked. You not only feel the wind against any bare skin, you hear it, as it moves through the frozen branches, that seem to grown as they move to and fro.
The snow that fell close to 2 weeks ago is now packed and frozen by the -18 degree temperatures, you can feel and hear it crunch under your feet. The snow clinging to the branches of the ever green provide such a beautiful scent as you brush by.
It seems as though you can hear for miles, as though all natural life is frozen in time, and yet when you truly listen, you can hear the pulse of life churning through the trees. Life is there, it has simply taken a well deserved rest, and will jump back into action at just the right time. The call of the birds from the tops of the trees is so crisp and clear, as though he is speaking on purpose. The call reminds me that these winter walks are always on purpose, which I think is what makes them so special. It takes a lot to go out there in these temperatures, you have to think it all through, from what you were, to how you walk, to how far you walk, it is all on purpose. This season makes you be aware of what is around you, and that is what I love about it.
As much as I would rather be walking along a tropical beach, I always tell people this body was made for the tropics, I have a great love for our Canadian winters. This same sense of serenity comes over me every time I venture out, a sense that the universe is content in this frozen state. This sense of contentment with what is motivates me to be content with exactly what is in my life right now, knowing that spring will come, along and with it, new life.
As I walk along I see trucks packed up with 4 wheels and fishing gear. My first thought is you guys are nuts. Then I realize how lucky they are to enjoy something so much that they are willing to drive out on a frozen lake, and sit there trying to catch fish all day, at -24 degrees. As much as it is not for me, I don't judge the passion they have in life, in fact I say, go for it, enjoy it to the fullest.
The air is so crisp, your body can't help but come to life with the first breath. It's invigorating just standing outside feeling the breath move through the body. If ever you wanted a lesson in being in the moment, this exercise would be perfect. During a walk the other day, I could see the frozen moisture in the air, a frozen fog, to heavy to rise. As I walk along I learn a whole new way to breath, and have found that bending my neck down so my chin goes in my jacket that the air is warmer and doesn't sting as much.
I have yet to meet someone along my walk that did not have a warm smile to share. There is seldom words spoken as the pace of walking is quite brisk, but the smile warms the body as well as the heart. We are few and far between, but a quick glance in each others eyes as we drift by shows the incredible joy we get from walking in the winter wonderland.
Jenn is an advisor on She is an Angel Therapy Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, and Crystal Release Practitioner. You can hear her show "Spiritual Sparkles", Tuesdays at 8 p.m. (EST) on www.soulsjourneyrad
High Spirits with Jay Couch to 5K
Happy New Year! I'm very excited about 2011 - I think it is going to be a wonderful year. I love January because so many people focus on improving their lives and their habits. We all have goals and dreams, and in January many people take active steps to realize these goals.
For years, my New Year's resolution was to lose weight. Some years I would accomplish this, other years I would just bake cookies. Recently a friend talked about how focusing on the positive has led her to achieve many of her goals. For example, with weight loss, many people focus their mind on the fact that they are overweight. While their goal is weight loss, the thought process is along the lines of "I do not want to be fat." The focus is still on the negative.
Looking back on my past efforts, the idea that I was focusing on the negative really resonated with me. One year, I joined Weight Watchers and I lost over 30 pounds. However, the entire process started to depress me. After several months, I felt depressed and fat even though I had lost a lot of weight and was slimmer than I'd been in years. This was because my focus wasn't on the positive but rather on the negative. I didn't celebrate the weight I lost, but focused more on the weight I had yet to lose. Overweight was my mind's focus. The end result was that I felt bad about myself and gave up.
I started looking around at people I knew who had successfully lost weight and kept it off. My brilliant older sister managed to lose what many people call the "mom weight" - the weight you gain through pregnancies and running around after toddlers. She had a similar experience with weight loss programs in that she ended up just feeling bad about herself. Instead of focusing on the weight loss aspect of things, she focused on a goal. Her first goal was to use the elliptical machine for 10 minutes. Once she accomplished this goal, she set a goal of 20 minutes. My sister went from being overweight one year to competing in triathlons the next. She simply focused on achieving a goal.
Last year for Thanksgiving, my older sister ran a 5K - aptly named the Turkey Trot - in 19 degree weather. My younger sister and I cheered her on from the sidelines, immensely proud of her determination and athleticism. I went home thinking that it would be really great if I could join her next year. I mentioned this to a friend of mine and she said, "Why don't you?"
I had a million excuses. I'm not in shape. I need to lose weight first. I'm a couch potato and I wouldn't even know where to begin. My friend told me to google "couch to 5K". I did, to humor her, and I found several programs that helped people go from being a couch potato to running a 5K. There were several different programs to choose from, some were 13 weeks or 8 weeks. Because I have such a sedentary lifestyle, I chose the "conservative" program.
The conservative program builds you up to running a 5K in 7 months. The first month is simply walking, then each week you gradually begin to run. The goal is 30 minutes of exercise and each week you add two minutes of running. The increase in running time is so gradual that your body adjusts. By the end of the 7 months, you have trained your body to run for 30 minutes.
I started this program in late November. I figured that 7 months was a long time so I should get started right away. Procrastination is my biggest nemesis, so I figured that getting rid of that hurdle was the first step. The second step was to tell my sister that I would run in the Turkey Trot with her next year, as I figured that a year of training would prepare me. My sister was thrilled and somehow by the end of the conversation I'd also promised to run with her in June in the St. Louis 5K Komen for the Cure.
The goal of running a 5K by June moved up my timeline a lot, but I have found that this is a good thing. I cannot miss any day of training because if I do, I am going to have a seriously miserable time when June rolls around. Through talking with friends about joining the Couch to 5K program and telling them I will be running in June for Komen for the Cure, I'm now not only running with my older sister, but my mother and younger sister will be walking in that 5K and at least two friends want to run along with me.
The reason for the excitement - other than Komen for the Cure being an important cause - is because it is a concrete goal. I know that I have to run in June. Therefore, I am working towards that positive goal. Instead of thinking, "I no longer wish to be out of shape" I have changed the thought to "I am running a 5K in June." This small shift in phrasing and perspective has helped me push through my usual excuses for procrastination. I'm currently running 6 minutes when a mere two months ago I didn't think it would be possible to run for one minute.
Since changing my perspective to working towards running a 5K, I also feel really good about myself. Regular exercise has helped me shed some pounds, but I am looking at that as a happy side effect of working towards my goal. The wonderful thing is that this experience has helped me in other areas of my life, too. Instead of promising to procrastinate less, I shifted my goal to finishing things early. Instead of thinking, that I need to eat out less I am now thinking that I will cook at home as often as possible. Simply rephrasing the goal in a positive and productive way, helps to keep me thinking positive. It also helps me avoid feeling guilty or like a failure if I sometime miss the mark.
I hope we all manage to successfully implement our New Year's resolutions. As a matter of fact, I am positive that we will succeed.
Jay is an advisor on She is a Clairvoyant, Tarot Reader, and Reiki Master. You can hear her show "SJ Lightworkers Hour", Sundays at 8 p.m. (EST) on www.soulsjourneyrad You can read more about Jay at her website, www.tarottransition
At Soul's Journey Lightworkers, we have so many wonderful advisors who truly want to help you spiritually grow! Each advisor has their own unique spiritual style and each individual brings so much knowledge and experience to the table. Readings are available through
Currently, our weekend special is from 2 p.m. (EST) to 8 p.m. (EST). Advisors reduce their rates to $3.00 per minute just for you! If you have a reading, please support your advisor by leaving feedback. It is truly appreciated!
Each SJ Lightworker advisor will be featured each week for you to get to know a little better. This week's featured advisor is Sandra Harrick.
Featured SJ Advisor -- Sandy Harrick
Sandy is an advisor of many trades -- psychic, clairvoyant, healer, medium, intuitive counselor, and more. For over 30 years Sandy's amazing talents have offered communications with soulful insights and swift information for 1,000's of clients around the world. She brings you to your Inner light, with clarity and insight on many levels getting you back on your life's journey. Her readings hold you gently as she navigates through your story giving direction that supports you heart and soul.
Q: When did you realize you had the gift of foresight?
A: My gift of foresight was realized when I was very young. It was my Mother who noticed it. I would walk up to her where ever she was from any room I was in or come into the house from where I was playing outside and say,"What Mommy". This happened enough that she played with it to see if I would respond and started to call me with her thoughts of me. It always worked.
I heard her calling me or felt that I was to go to her, I always went. I was young enough to not necessarily know if I heard her inside or outside my head I just heard her and went. I was 3 or 4. Then in my early teens I would call her from babysitting jobs out of the blue the urge to connect or randomly going to the phone because I was moved to. This became so normal that sometimes I would jokingly respond to her "Hello", with me saying "WHAT"? We would laugh, she would tell me what she was thinking of or say we were just talking about you and actually feel this energy swirl around us as we talked. This energy became know as IT. IT still works, this ESP thing we have share it seems forever. Babysitters at our home were unnerved by how much psychic energy was in our family it was electric. My nights were plagued my whole childhood with seeing murky dark shapes in my bedroom. These lurking shadows moved about my room or bumped my bed. They
were close looking at me at times. Always startled I would screamed bloody murder or at times be so terrified I was unable to make a sound trying with every fiber in my being to make a sound. No comfort came when one of my parents showed up for all spirits scrambled with the sound of foot steps climbing the stairs to my rescue. I was told there was nothing, I was making it up, only a bad dream. After much pleading and explaining in detail my parents had to look at the closets and cubby holes I pointed at weeping and shaking with no sight of the boogieman, tuck me back in, leave the closet light on hoping all would stay put. It continues today, I no longer scream, I more or less talk to them, send light, pray, or tell them to visit when I am finished sleeping.
Q: When did you decide to make your spiritual work your passion? Did you have one defining moment that changed everything for choosing your spiritual work? Or, did it just happen in time?
A: My Passion for Spirit truly burst into flames when I was 23. I took a course called Mind Dynamics. It was presented in 1973 when this New Age Movement was just getting started. Intrigue spiraled into awe. I was amazed by the happening to me discovering my mind was a tool a magical interior landscape where colorful adventures unfolded. Technicolor 3D movies beckoned. I was bedazzled by each detailed journey. I became noticed when sharing my adventures by people as being gifted so I was hired as proof one can develop your ESP by taking these classes. My job was to be on stage for groups of people who would give me the initials of someones name, their age, sex, and where they lived. With that I performed what was called scanning. I boldly told with visual confidence the audience what I saw. One night changed my life. I was asked by a man to do a scan, closed my eyes and spoke my findings. What he looked liked, that he had a broken leg,
experiencing great pain. Smugly the gentleman interrupted me with a chuckle in his voice saying he just had dinner with this man and he was without a broken leg. This left me to say I can only report what I see was a bit embarrassed and held my spirit high. Bright and early the next morning at registering I looked up to see Mr. Smug smiling at me. Very humbly he said, "My friend was taken to the hospital last night with a broken leg. He was cleaning his gutters and fell off the ladder after dinner. Soft tears swelled from some new place inside me. I felt something begin to shift. I could feel this energy become something endearing. I was moved to soft tears. They were for myself. I felt embraced by some soft energy of love between this man, our now story I will always have as point in time when time changed me. I believe I was feeling the rest of my life, my was Soul being called by Spirit. I went to it like I would my Mother's unspoken
voice for I truly heard someone calling my name. I surrendered kicking and screaming, with love and devotion.
Q: Of your many talents, is there one particular area you enjoy the most?
A: Love does not quiet express what I feel for what I love most to do. It seems more like feeling Bliss and Blessed, Belonging and connected in some expansive oneness. I am filled with completion to the extent that when I do not feel it I actually feel the disconnect. Sad, not all me, unused. I LOVE being USED by being who I am and what I am created to be. This happens when I see what I am, what we are in Spirit's Energy. I so deeply feel this in session. Sitting in the energy created by working together, what they bring to explore, heal, transform and discover. I feel so many levels of love when clients feel they are seen, found, loved, not forgotten, touched. I honor personal work. I have such respect for psycho/spiritual energy. Finding who we are, feeling are aliveness, are truth, that we have a path and are on it. I love tracking, resolving life's issues that keep us denied from a fullness of our very being. I am moved to tears of
tender joy when someone is lifted into feeling Spirit's presence and truly know there is loving energy willing to collaborate with us. I love when someone sees working with Spirit is a relationship. We are connected that change is constant even if it is difficult, that we do get to the other side of everything. I Love being in this orb of Energy.
Q: In your spare time, what is one hobby you enjoy?
A: In my spare time I Love horses, my home and back yard the most. Someday it is going to rain very hard because we almost have two of every animal out there. I keep wondering if Bobby, my husband is secretly building a boat. I love my home and space. I love to ride Silver in the woods or just be with all the life I live with. Travel is big on my list. I have moved 52 times all over the glob, so visiting my sacred friends is a needed life force. I LOVE movies, seeing stories of history. I just found The Tutors on netflix and got lost in time. I gobbled it up. What rich textures to see. Finding where I have been what moves me. I love people who have Soul. I keep them in my life and grateful they want me in theirs. I love loving my husband Bobby. I waited a long time for this relationship. We have a strong connection and share this passion of spirit in our very core. We are both strong and complex, makes for a good life lots of textures to
explore in each other. Bottom line, I love Spirit, I love that I am a Lightworker. What a job. What a life.
Thank you for letting me share with you all and be included in all this love.
You can connect with Sandy via Sandy is also a SJ Radio Host on Soul's Journey Radio. Tune in to your Spiritual work with Sandy at Soulsjourneyradio. com on Thursdays, 8 p.m. (EST) for her talk show Soul Awakenings.
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We want to thank those SJ members who contributed to this issue. We look forward to sharing many more future submissions. Please send your submissions for our next newsletter to: soulsjourneynewsletter@yahoo. com
The next newsletter deadline is Friday, February 11, 2011.
Gigi's Journey
This story is about an encounter I had with AA Michael when my grandmother passed away last summer.
It's never easy when a loved one leaves us but I think it's especially hard when your mother is the one who goes. Recently, I got the opportunity to watch my mother cry silently over the death of her mother as she stood with a hopeful gaze in her eyes at the edge of her hospital bed. She was constantly squeezing her mom's hand and hoping that with every little twitch of a finger or a "bump" in the eye that the life would return to "Gran" or "Gigi" as my daughter often referred to her. I was there at the other side of the bed with my angelite crystal in pocket and desperately praying inside my mind directly to Archangel Michael. I wanted him to ask the "Maker" if he could please do something about this situation. "Ask Him if He can give her back life, breathe the spirit back into her", I would think in my mind. No response from the Archangel Michael nor my grandmother. I listened to my mother go back and forth with stories that ranged from how funny she
used to be, recalling a joke, and then back to puddles of tears streaming down the face. It was a like a rollercoaster made for emotions, uncontrollable, bitter and sweet all at the same time. How could this be happening to us and why now? I was certain that the last time she was in the hospital she would still live on at least another 2 years. I mean, I had plans for her to meet her new great grandchildren, to see me suddenly become a millionaire, to finally see my mom in a great big house, to see my daughter graduate from college ...but those were my plans, right?
Time passed and still no response from grandma - she wasn't responding as far as reflexes go and nothing would phase the glazed look she had in her eye. No tears, no blinks, - nada. It was a blank stare of who knows what - memories flashing by? Muted sniffles and muffled voices? Or perhaps she was already out of the body and watching everything we were saying, ..from above.? It was a long shot that she would survive or snap out of it but, I didn't want to lose faith. I continued to call my Angels and I wanted them by my side - by her side - I wanted them to give me a sign to let me know that they were there - but yet, nothing came. - Finally the doctor entered and asked us if we were ready to remove the life support. It was a decision that my mom and other family members helped make, along with the doctor's recommendation. We were told that she was brain dead and that even if she did survive being off the machine, she would be in a vegetable like state.
Her brain was not connecting to the body at all - perhaps from the trauma of being without air for so you see, this was the state she was in after being resuscitated at least once already...
The night before around 11:30 pm - Gigi herself phoned 911. My mom cancelled the call because the doctor said she was going into a state of dementia so she'd have reactions of this nature. However, about 15 minutes later, my mom noticed she really wasn't breathing and phoned 911 again - they arrived in a flash. They tried for 4 - 5 maybe even 6 minutes and then finally, her heart starting beating on its own. My mom was relived at this point and I was on a darkened highway with my 5 year old and my grandmother's sister in tow, fighting back the tears and sleep as it was nearly 1 am before we were even close to arriving. It would be another hour and a half before we'd even arrive to the outskirts of my old home town. The next hours were spent waiting and hoping and sleeping in the uncomfortable chairs of the ER family waiting room. Finally she was placed into an intensive care unit and we were allowed to go back and see her - this was 5 am. We stayed
until 6 and then went home. Up again at 10 am to return and stayed until time of death - 3:28 pm.
The point of telling this whole story is that while deeply saddened by my grandmother's death, I was and am extremely glad that I had the opportunity to be with her until this end because even if her brain had checked out long before, the spirit was still there. My mom gave the nod to start taking her off the medicines and the nurse explained everything she was doing. Once the medicine was off - she was still kept on the respirator. At some point before they took her off the respirator, I was standing at the foot of her bed. I placed my hand on her big toe and just stood there, looking, wondering, and wishing. My aunt - her sister- said a prayer and the one thing that I overheard was, "let us not be selfish as we release her into His kingdom". It was at that moment, I thought to myself - yes, I agree. I mustn't be selfish. I have to let you go. At that moment, the sign that I had been waiting for all night long came. I felt Archangel Michael come in
very strongly - from the top of my head all the way through to my waist. I was clearly imagining (or feeling vividly), that his wings were holding me and comforting me - then just as I was getting ready to cry, something happened. A feeling and sense of peace suddenly overwhelmed me and as sure as it is day, I tell you, I swear I could feel her spirit come up through the toe and up my arm. She passed through my whole body on her way out. I didn't hear any sounds but there was something going through my chest and out the other side. There is no way you could tell me anything different but I seemed to forget all about the noises and crying that I had been listening to from my mom and aunt. I suddenly found myself being able to let go.
I walked over to her, held her head and then kissed her on her forehead. I stepped back and sadness came over me as my tears began to fall. Nobody else could understand it as she was still "breathing" but I felt it and I felt it strongly. She loved us all and she knew that we loved her and she knew we were there because we did not want leave her alone. Soon, the respiratory expert came along and removed the tubes and disconnected the machine. She still had 20 to 30 heartbeats per minute but she was instantly not breathing. As the medicine completed its course, so did her body. 4 minutes later, the body was gone too. The nurse came in and said, "flatline." The tears overcame my mother and then her nerves, "What am I going to do now?" question came through. I was now strong enough to comfort her without crying because I knew that Gigi's journey was just beginning, rather than ending... "I love you" I said whispering quietly under my breath and I turned
back to get one last glimpse of her body just as her sister leaned over her to close her eyes. I knew that she was on her way to His kingdom and that Archangel Michael was gently guiding her towards the heavens...
Andrea Perez
Moving Forward With Archangel Gabriel
Moving forward toward a the fulfillment of a dream is often met with fear. That fear holds us back to accomplishments that are often not that difficult to attain. When we follow our hearts desires, everything falls into place quite easily especially when we call upon the assistance of the angels. One particular angel comes to mind, Archangel Gabriel, the perfect angel who loves to help us through changes and who facilitates communication as well as assists with creative expression.
Almost ten years ago, I decided that in order to fulfill a dream of having my own place for my private spiritual healing practice, I needed to start moving. It was a huge step for me as I knew I would be coming out of the closet, so to speak. Fear of failure had been holding me back. Finding a place was very overwhelming and issues around abundance had clouded my ability to move forward, yet I could feel the strong nudges from deep within my being that were relentless. Not wanting to venture alone, I called upon Archangel Gabriel to help me find the perfect place at the perfect price and assist me with what I needed.
Two amazing things happened. First, within a few days, I caught the image of an angelic presence in a photo one evening as I attempted to take a photo of the full moon on a very clear night. The angel had a coppery color with the most beautiful large wings. I also found a large orange feather. When finding this feather, I was filled with confidence and relaxed at the notion that all would be well. I knew the photo was that of Archangel Gabriel and the feather was sent by him from the love and the immediate sense of comfort entered within my being when I saw the photo and found the feather.
Within one week, I had looked at numerous places to rent. The prices were all rather high for my budget. Not wanting to let that stop me, I chose an office space and placed a phone call to the landlord. He never returned my call, but the next morning, a massage therapist friend of mine called to ask me if I was still looking for a place to rent. When I said yes, she told me another massage therapist was leaving the area and wanted to make sure that someone doing healing work would rent her room. With excitement, I decided to go check it out. It was in a perfect location, at a price cheaper than what I had thought I would pay! It also had the added feature of beautiful maple trees and a large flowering apple tree outside the windows. I accepted the space. The massage therapist who was leaving helped me get situated, answered numerous questions I had and even helped me with obtaining a sign permit for my business. She was an angel sent by an angel!
Archangel Gabriel perfectly orchestrated obtaining my own office spacein a way that I could never have imagined. The transition into this new healing practice went very smoothly thanks to this wonderful angel. If you have had nudges as well to move forward with your heart's desires, call upon this loving angel to assist you now. You will be amazed as I was once I surrendered all into Archangel Gabriel's loving hands.
Carmen Carigan
Archangel Raphael
This is a story about Archangel Raphael. As much as I connect with him, I'd never actually seen him until this day. This vision occurred around March 2010. I'd been ill with re-occurring sinus infections, and I was feeling very lethargic, and having trouble sleeping due to breathing. Also, I was beginning to worry because I wasn't getting well after being on multiple rounds of antibiotics since September 2009. When I was in bed that night, trying to sleep, I asked Archangel Raphael to help me to sleep and to surround me in his healing light. I opened my eyes, and I saw this large angel with a green aura, reddish-brown hair, and dressed in yellow with some other colors on the clothing. I felt the healing energy that he was giving me. It was very peaceful. I woke up the next feeling more energetic, and a little better.
After this experience, I started asking Archangel Raphael to get me get to the right Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist as I needed to see what the root cause to the chronic sinusitis was. So, he directed me to the right person. After an x-ray of my head, it was revealed that I had a deviated septum, and had blockages in my sinus cavity on both sides that needed to be removed. So, I had the surgery in April 2010, and I am 100% better! I am so thankful for his guidance, as well as off of the help and healing from Archangel Raphael.
Another issue that was revealed, after the surgery, was that the root cause to my sinusitis was allergies! I am now on a dosage of allergy drops to counter act allergic responses. I have been much better since. Also, I invoke Archangel Raphael to help with healing whenever it is needed. I am living proof that Archangel Raphael's healing energy is real. I am so blessed to have had this experience.
Archangel Raphael also helps me with my healing work. I invoke him to help me with sending healing to my dog as well as to the world. I even ask him to be with me and send energy and strength on days when I am tired. Archangel Raphael is a wonderful cure-all and an awesome pick-me-up! I will continue to work with him and invoke him for healing and teach others to do the same.
SJ Radio Program Schedule
8:00 p.m. (EST) - INTUIT
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Tuesdays 8:00 p.m. (EST) - Spiritual Sparkles with Jenn Prothero
10:00 p.m. (EST) - Dancing to the Beat of Your Own Soul with Diana Dorrell
8:00 p.m. (EST) - Balancing Heaven and Earth w/ Denise Iwaniw
9:00 p.m. (EST) - The Dolphin Healing Hands Show w/ Dr. Dave Hillis
10:00 p.m. (EST) - Living Your Spirit with Christina and Louis South
10:00 a.m. (EST) - The Eddie Mullins Show
8:00 p.m. (EST) - Soul Awakenings w/ Sandra Harrick
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8:00 p.m. (EST) - Connecting w/ Your Angels w/ Eddie Mullins
9:00 p.m. (EST) - SJ Lightworker Hour w/ Jennifer "Jay" Bull
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Teleclass: Get Psychic with Denise Iwaniw
When: February 15, 2011
Time: 8:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (EST)
Cost: $10.00
Click Here to Register: Get Psychic with Denise Iwaniw - Feb 15 Teleclass
Teleclass: Get Psychic with Denise Iwaniw
When: March 15, 2011
Time: 8:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (EST)
Cost: $10.00
Click Here to Register: Get Psychic with Denise Iwaniw - March 15 Teleclass
Teleclass: Get Psychic with Denise Iwaniw
When: April 12, 2011
Time: 8:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (EST)
Cost: $10.00
Click Here to Register: Get Psychic with Denise Iwaniw - April 12 Teleclass
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- 13.
Wednesday's Correspondence...Feb 2, 2011 HAPPY IMBOLC
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Tue Feb 1, 2011 8:26 pm (PST)
Wednesday's Correspondence...Feb 2, 2011
Today's Influences: Agriculture, Domestic, Long Life, Medicine, Travels, Visions, Theft
Deities: Odin, Hermes, Mercury, Athena, Lugh, Luna, Selene, Diana, Re, Gaelach, Ida, Artemis [Whom The Greeks Associated With Bast], The Witches, Yemaya, Erzulie, Bast
Incense: Myrtle
Aromas: White Poppy, White Rose, Wallflower
Color of The Day: Silver, Red, White
Candle: White, Red
Planet: Mercury
Metal: Mercury (Quicksilver)
Gemstones: Adventurine, agate
Herbs & Plants: Aspen trees, lilies, lavender, ferns
Associations: Business and job-related issues, communication, loss and debt, traveling and journeys
Use for magic involving the subconscious, healing, emotions,
love, spirituality, healing wounds, children, small animals, women's mysteries, the female side of men, mothers, sisters, female partners, wives, instincts
What's Happening Today:
Bonza Bottler Day
Brew Hog Day
Dia de la Candelaria (Mexico)
Feast of Pan
Feast of Torches
Groundhog Day
National Heavenly Hash Day
Presentation of Our Lord (fka the Purification of the Virgin Mary)
Purification Day
Shaving of the Candlemas Bear Masque (Pyrenees)
St. Joan de Lestonnac's Day
Wand Dedication Day (Fairy)
Wives' Feast Day
Yuma Crossing Day
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- 14.
Imbolc/Candlemas / Purification /Presentation / Our Lady of Candelar
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Tue Feb 1, 2011 8:35 pm (PST)
Candlemas / Purification /Presentation / Our Lady of Candelaria
This festival has long been associated with fire. Spicer writes that in ancient
Armenia, this was the date of Cvarntarach, a pagan spring festival in
honor of Mihr, the God of fire. Originally, fires were built in his
honor in open places and a lantern was lit which burned in the temple
throughout the year. When Armenia became Christian, the fires were built in church courtyards instead. People danced about the flames, jumped
over them and carried home embers to kindle their own fires from the
sacred flames.
The motif of fire also shows up in candle
processions honoring St Agatha (Feb 5) and the legends of St Brigid (Feb 1). The fire represents the spark of new life, like the seeds blessed
in northern Europe on St Blaise's Day (Feb 3) and carried home to
"kindle" the existing seed.
The English have many rhymes which prognosticate about future weather based on the weather on Candlemas Day:
If Candlemas Day bring snow and rain
Winter is gone and won't come again
If Candlemas Day be clear and bright
Winter will have another flight.
This is the ostensible reason given for the Catholic custom of bringing
candles to church to be blessed by the priest on February 2nd, thus the
name Candle-Mass. The candles are then taken home where they serve as
talismans and protections from all sorts of disasters, much like
Brigid's crosses. In Hungary, according to Dorothy Spicer, February 2nd
is called Blessing of the Candle of the Happy Woman. In Poland, it is
called Mother of God who Saves Us From Thunder.
These are all
similar to the American custom of predicting the weather on Groundhog's
Day, in that you don't want the groundhog to see his shadow. In Germany, they say that the shepherd would rather see the wolf enter his stable
than the sun on Candlemas Day.
The ancient Armenians used the
wind to predict the weather for the coming year by watching the smoke
drifting up from the bonfires lit in honor of Mihr. The Scots also
observed the wind on Candlemas as recorded in this rhyme:
If this night's wind blow south
It betokeneth warmth and growth;
If west, much milk and fish in the sea;
If north, much cold and snow there will be;
If east, the trees will bear much fruit;
If north-east, flee it, man, woman and brute.
This was also a holiday for Millers when windmills stand idle. In Crete it
is said that they won't turn even if the miller tries to start them.
Excerpted From School of Seasons
An ancient Celtic festival considered the first day of spring. According
to Blackburn, no information survives about the rituals associated with
this festival, except that ewes were milked. Various scholars have
derived the word Imbolc from Ol-melc (ewe's milk) because the ewes are
lactating at this time, Im-bolg (around the belly) in honor of the
swelling belly of the earth goddess, and folcaim (I wash) because of the rites of purification which took place at this time. All of these
meanings capture themes of the festival.
A medieval quatrain fills in a few more sketchy details:
Tasting every food in order
This is what behoves at Imbolc
Washing of hand and feet and head
It is thus I say
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- 15a.
Sounds of Spring
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Tue Feb 1, 2011 8:36 pm (PST)
Sounds of Spring
Silver chimes ring softly in the supple and pleasant breeze,
Small blue irises and yellow daffodils open their eyes to see,
The lemon colored sunshine rolling down the Great Divide,
As into the garden the gentle Fae come running side by side.
âThis is the beginning of the season,â they sing in elegant harmony,
It is time to till the soil, prune the roses and plant the seeds one, two, three,
They are the most magically skilled gardeners on the face of the Goddessâ Earth,
And, with lutes, cymbals and voices so rare they help the garden give birth.
Soon the delphinium rises tall, listening to the robin in the pear tree,
Silken pansies nestled near the ground hear the flutter of lady bugs flying free,
Wildflowers dancing in gorgeous chaos, love the sound of rain best of all,
But, Her Majesty the Rose opens her fabulous blooms only at the Goddessâ call.
©The Herban Goddess, 2008
- 16.
Goddess of The Day: BRIGIT Imbolc (Ireland)
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Tue Feb 1, 2011 8:37 pm (PST)
Goddess of The Day: BRIGIT
Imbolc (Ireland)
Themes: Health and Inspiration
Symbol: A Cauldron
About Brigit: Brigit is the Irish Goddess known throughout Europe as "the bright one" because of her inspiring beauty and fiery qualities. Today is Brigit's festival in Ireland because it's the traditional first day of spring here, when lingering winter shadows are banished by the sun's radiance. Anyone desiring fertility, health, or creativity should invoke Brigit's blessings today, as the ancients did.
To Do Today: During the winter months it's easy to get a case of the blahs or sniffles. Brigit comes to our aid by offering us the spiritual elixer in her cauldron. Make yourself a nourishing broth today (like chicken bouillon) and serve it in a cauldron ( a three-legged bowl). If you don't have one, any cup or mug would do. Bless the broth by holding your hand over the top, visualizing golden light filling the liquid saying:
Brigit, hear my prayer and bless the cauldron (or cup) of inventiveness.
Renew my body, inspire my heart.
Throughout my life, your wholeness impart, So be it.
Drink the broth to internalize inspiriation.
For health, take any candle (a green one is ideal for healing) and carve nineteen crosses into it. The number nineteen and the symbol of the cross are both sacred to Brigit. Light this candle for a few minutes every day for the next nineteen days. Or, you can let the candle burn for nineteen minutes instead.
- 17.
Blessed Imbolc....This is a time for purification, Growth and Promis
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Tue Feb 1, 2011 8:42 pm (PST)
Blessed Imbolc....This is a time for purification, Growth and Promises upon
yourselves, what you would like to see grow in health, strength, for
yourself, your family, your community, the Earth, and ask for Bride's
blessing upon your prayers....Bride Blessings to all of you! If you
like to share your Promises your more then welcome!
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- 18.
Woodchuck/Marmot/Ground Hog's Wisdom Includes:
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Tue Feb 1, 2011 8:44 pm (PST)
Woodchuck/Marmot/Ground Hog's Wisdom Includes:
Sense of family and community
Connection to seasonal changes
Understands the power of cycles
Ability to hibernate (sleep) during hard times
Protection from floods
Ability to go underground when trouble arises rits/index39. html grndhog.htm
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- 19.
Daily Aromatherapy - Dream Lover
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Tue Feb 1, 2011 8:45 pm (PST)
Daily Aromatherapy - Dream Lover
Bergamot 4 drops
Clary Sage 2 drops
Rose 2 drops
Diffuse in Aromatherpy Lamp
To release fantasies and daydreams of great delight, awaken desire and passion.
From The Fragrant Veil by Elizabeth Millar
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- 20a.
The Shield of Brigid, Irish Prayer
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Tue Feb 1, 2011 8:46 pm (PST)
Every day, every night
that I praise the goddess,
I know I shall be safe:
I shall not be chased,
I shall not be caught,
I shall not be harmed.
Fire, sun, and moon
cannot burn me. Not
lake nor stream nor sea
can drown me. Fairy
arrow cannot pierce me.
I am safe, safe, safe,
singing her praise.
~The Shield of Brigid, Irish Prayer
This famous prayer was reputed to protect those who spoke it fervently from
all evil. Originally an invocation to the goddess Brigid, it was later
addresses to the saint who took her place and whose feast day, February
2, was the old Celtic feast of the goddess. Called Imbolc in earlier
times, it became known as Candlemas, a feast of light celebrating the
time when winter's sway over this world was loosened, and spring at last beckoned.
The invocation was a shield against natural
calamities as well as unnatural ones. For thousands of years the Irish
prayed to the goddess, and then to the goddess-turned-saint, always
asking for the same thing: to live out their lives in peace and plenty.
Today we hope for more than just a good crop and no epidemics, good
weather for harvest, and nothing to cripple our children. But is this
not all we could hope for: enough to nourish us, both spiritually and
physically, and people around us who love us?
by Patricia Monaghan - From "The Goddess Companion"
- 21.
Happy Imbolc/Candlemas: Northern Hemisphere - Lammas: Southern Hemi
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Tue Feb 1, 2011 8:48 pm (PST)
Imbolc...Feb 2, 2011
Candlemas: Northern Hemisphere - Lammas: Southern Hemisphere
Wishing everyone a Blessed Imbolc and Lammas
Imbolc Sabbat - Cleansing, Purification, Quickening
This holiday is also known as Candlemass. It is the day that we celebrate the passing of Winter and make way for Spring. It is the day we honor the rebirth of the Sun and we may visualize the baby sun nursing rom the Goddess's breast. At this time of year, Wiccans will light multiple candles, usually yellow or red, to remind us of the passing of winter and the entrance into spring, the time of the Sun. This is a good time for initiations, be they into covens or self initiations.
New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!
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- 22.
In Loving Memory.....Terry Emerson (Summer) Passed 02/02/08
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Tue Feb 1, 2011 8:59 pm (PST)
In Loving Memory.....Terry Emerson (Summer) Passed 02/02/08
Passed Feb. 2, 2008 age 45...4 am after a year of fighting Lung cancer
Today we Light a
Candle in Honor of our Dearest Friend and Family Member Terry Emerson
(Summer). She was a big part of our community, She was the High
Priestess of Formal Witches Council Coven. Her coven did rituals for S.
Jersey Pagan Pride amongst other events, She shared a lot with people,
taught for free, took people in when they needed a warm home, cared for
children even though she had none, she taught many about life, she was spontaneous, she loved her friends, her family, her animals, she shined
everywhere she went, she was the one of our strongest leaders in our
community and highly Missed! She so loved the Sabbats she passed during
this time of change to give us a push on learning to do things for ourselves.
You will be Always in our Hearts Terry and never forgotten....I love and miss you sister!!
So Mote it Be!
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