luni, 7 februarie 2011

[WitchesWorkshop] Digest Number 4647

Messages In This Digest (4 Messages)



News Article..Church Issues Convert Witches booklet...

Posted by: "Tish"   morticia_its_me

Sun Feb 6, 2011 6:32 am (PST)


Catholic Church Issues Guide on How to Convert Witches
Feb 4, 2011 â€" 7:27 AM

Theunis Bates

LONDON -- Five hundred years ago, the Catholic Church had a simple way of
dealing with witches:
It burned them alive.
The Vatican still views these broom botherers as a danger, but is now
calling on Catholics to eliminate the neo-pagan problem in a more moderate

According to a new booklet from the Catholic Truth Society -- the U.K.
publishers for the Holy See -- the faithful can convert Wiccans by following

a few
simple steps. The pamphlet, titled "
Wicca and Witchcraft: Understanding the Dangers,"
suggests that Catholics spark up conversations with these unbelievers about
shared concerns such as the environment,
The Telegraph reports.

And if you bump into a witch in a bar or coffee shop, the book adds, it's
important to recognize that "Wiccans are on a genuine spiritual quest,"
"the starting point for dialog that may lead to their conversion."

The booklet's author, former Wiccan Elizabeth Dodd, states that nearly 70
percent of people indulging in witchcraft are young women seeking some kind
according to the Daily Mail.
The source of that statistic isn't clear, but some 7,000 Brits identified
themselves as Wiccans in the 2001 census.

So why does the Vatican once again feel that it needs to confront pagan
practitioners? The Daily Mail says that the church is afraid the dark arts
becoming ever more tempting thanks to the success of Harry Potter. Dodd says

that any youngster who dabbles in magic risks long-term problems.

"Whether spellwork is effective or not," writes Dodd, according to The
Telegraph, "has no bearing on the psychological damage that can be done to a

person who is convinced that they have summoned the dead, or have performed
a spell that has hurt or injured another."

More important, Dodd adds that the simple act of experimenting with
spellcraft is an insult to the Almighty. "The use of magic, the practice of
offends God because it is rooted in our sinful and fallen nature," she
writes. "It attempts to usurp God."

While many religious and nonreligious folk might regard Dodd's message as
extreme, her point has clearly been heeded by some Catholics. As of this
the pamphlet was listed as

Filed under:
Weird News,

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: News Article..Church Issues Convert Witches booklet...

Posted by: "carteblanche13"   carteblanche13

Sun Feb 6, 2011 4:43 pm (PST)

Thanks for this article, Tish. I'm struck by this bit:

--- In, "Tish" <deborahs23@...> wrote:
> http://www.aolnews
> com/2011/02/04/catholic-church-issues-guide-on-how-to-convert-witches/

> Dodd says that any youngster who dabbles in magic risks long-term problems.
> "Whether spellwork is effective or not," writes Dodd, according to The Telegraph, "has no bearing on the psychological damage that can be done to a young person who is convinced that they have summoned the dead, or have performed a spell that has hurt or injured another."

I am breathless with anticipation to learn how the author presents these things as in any way different from the mental health issues arising from Catholics believing in the "power" of prayer, the "miracle" of transubstantiation performed daily in the eucharist (where everyone can see it's still actually a wafer), Creationism, the "virgin" birth (yeah right, Mary!), etc. etc. ad nauseam ?

And how about the mental health effects of being raised with such an insidious self-hating lie as the doctrine of Original Sin, or the fear of eternal damnation, or shame of your body and your femininity, servile obesiance to a sterile clergy of perverts etc. etc. etc. etc.


Re: Promoting local businesses (australia wide)

Posted by: "Astarte"   astarte_earthwise

Sun Feb 6, 2011 6:59 pm (PST)


I have been running a successful witchcraft store online now for over 13
years, I currently have over 1,800 products, my link is below

Wise & Blessed Be

Astarte Earthwise

<> Astarte's Website

~~Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds
long to play with your hair ~~Kahlil Gibran.

[] On Behalf Of Nicki
Sent: Friday, 4 February 2011 5:45 PM
Subject: [WitchesWorkshop] Promoting local businesses (australia wide)

Hi all,

We have some great witchy shops in Melbourne. The Oracle in Sassafras, The
Magickal Broom Closet in Thornbury, Uncle Festers in Woodend and The
Guardian Angel in Bayswater are all run by people who know what they are
doing, believe in what they sell and a both reputable and ethical - High
recommendations for these businesses if you are looking for wares. These are
also businesses who are not afraid of the word 'witch' - amazing how many
New Age operators still subscribe to the whole witch/pagan = scary
philosophy lol

I can vouch for all these businesses as being ones that I have used, and
found the staff to be open minded and knowledgable, so I have no problem
with recommending them to newer explorers :)

But of course I know we have many more around the country that we could help
promote. Anyone else got some?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Witchcraft Explored - Wollongong, 2/15/2011, 7:00 pm

Posted by: ""

Mon Feb 7, 2011 1:00 am (PST)

Reminder from: WitchesWorkshop Yahoo! Group

Witchcraft Explored - Wollongong
Tuesday February 15, 2011
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
(This event repeats every week until Tuesday March 22, 2011.)
(The next reminder for this event will be sent in 3 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes.)
Location: Smith Street, Wollongong

I would like to tell you about our 'Witchcraft Explored' course that is running in Wollongong from Tuesday 15th February until Tuesday 22nd March.

If you are a budding Witch, an exploring Pagan, a curious Shaman or just someone who is interested in the mysteries of life, then we believe that we have something for you.

This course will introduce you to the mysteries and awaken within you the ancient dance.

So join us on this journey through Witchcraft, looking at the practice of magick, spell craft, incense making, ritual, the wheel of the year and much more… culminating with an Autumn Equinox Celebration Ritual and feasting with the Gods.

If you would like more information, details of the course or just for a chat, please contact me (Alison) on 042 020 8879 or email

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