Messages In This Digest (15 Messages)
- 1a.
- Re: UGH! for some reason From: Raven )O(
- 1b.
- Re: UGH! for some reason From: Raven )O(
- 1c.
- Re: UGH! for some reason From:
- 1d.
- Re: UGH! for some reason From: Storm Wynd
- 1e.
- Re: UGH! for some reason From: Tammy Cruz
- 1f.
- Re: UGH! for some reason From: Sidhe Wolf
- 1g.
- Re: UGH! for some reason From: Erika Lobdell
- 1h.
- Re: UGH! for some reason From: Janie
- 1i.
- Re: UGH! for some reason From: Janie
- 1j.
- Re: UGH! for some reason From: Janie
- 2.
- 3a.
- Are You a SLIder? From: Lady Nightshayde
- 4a.
- Daily Feng Shui Tip From: Lady Nightshayde
- 5.
- **Share A Spell Day**, 2/7/2011, 12:00 am From:
- 6.
- Peace and prosperity to all From: chris
- 1a.
Re: UGH! for some reason
Posted by: "Raven )O(" reenehopkins
Sun Feb 6, 2011 6:29 am (PST)
You are both probably what are called SLIders.
Interesting, I have never heard that term before. I always thought it had
something to do with the fact that I am a hands on healer and work with energy
on many levels for many different reasons! I read the article. Thanks for
letting us know it was there!
Blessed Be
- 1b.
Re: UGH! for some reason
Posted by: "Raven )O(" reenehopkins
Sun Feb 6, 2011 6:36 am (PST)
"I cannot even let others just brush me on some days I am so sensitive and the
things I can see can be awful, I can also hear things that I don't want to
hear. We must be sure to cleanse our aura more frequently than some other people
Holly, do you have a specific ritual you do to cleanse your aura? I balance my
chakra's a lot too, and have to constantly try to keep myself grounded. I
consecrated a copper bracelet and have been training it to use in the effort to
stay far all it has done is keep my knee's from killing me with
arthritis! lol...but I am going to continue to try training it. Copper is good
for grounding!
My husband does the grocery shopping and Wal-Mart shopping for me because if I
pick up one thing that has been held by someone with overwhelming negative
energy it puts me in a really bad mood, and I start getting snappy with people
instantly. He says its a bit of a Dr. Jekyl~ Mr.Hide effect. Its been a struggle
for me for quite some time. I have good days where I do fine, then I have days
where its like total insanity!
Blessed Be
- 1c.
Re: UGH! for some reason
Posted by: "" angelsvoice75
Sun Feb 6, 2011 6:38 am (PST)
Im wondering if it is happening now because of the baby. Im a empath which is making me 100 times more emotional being pregnant. I go from crying to screaming and hollaring in 0 - 60. Don't get me wrong I know that ur emotional when pregnant but everyone I talk to havent experienced it like this.
-----Original message-----
From: Janie < >
Sent: Sun, Feb 6, 2011 05:22:01 GMT+00:00
Subject: Re: [13Witches] Re: UGH! for some reason
I think empaths have a tendency to have this trouble more often than most. We are sensitive to the energies around us and we can affect them just as they can affect us. It can also depend on the sensitivity the empath has.
I cannot even let others just brush me on some days I am so sensitive and the things I can see can be awful, I can also hear things that I don't want to hear.
We must be sure to cleanse our aura more frequently than some other people do. I try to cleanse mine in the morning from dreams and such as well as at night from the hecticness of the day, sometime I have to do so during the day as well as I 'collect' some weird energies that I do not always know where they come from.
Your life's outcome can only be determined by your choices, not those things that others choose for you.
Joy can be found all year round. You make the choice to live a joyful life. Joy is deep inside you.
--- On Sat, 2/5/11, Raven )O( < > wrote:
From: Raven )O( < >
Subject: Re: [13Witches] Re: UGH! for some reason
Date: Saturday, February 5, 2011, 9:13 PM
In the last 10 years I have gone through 3 brand new stoves, numerous hair dryers and curling irons, and a cell phone never lasts me more than a I totally understand this. I cross my computer screen 3 times so that it can't affect me and I can't affect it. But on days I forget to do this it gets interesting. It either freezes up or randomly starts surfing on its own. Street lights aren't safe from me either! I have at times changed both tv and radio stations just by moving near the tv or stereo. I can't stand to read too many heavy or emotional emails or I become a total mess. I am also an I have to be very careful about my surroundings!
Blessed Be
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- 1d.
Re: UGH! for some reason
Posted by: "Storm Wynd" stormwitch01
Sun Feb 6, 2011 7:32 am (PST)
Checkout this link. od/telekinesisps ychokinesis/ a/aa052508. htm
Then I think that you'll have a better idea of what is going on.
Stress causes us to send out an uncontrolled and unfocused sphere of Magickal
energy which causes these problems. Then things can get pretty crazy.(In my case
the craziness is normal!)
I have four children and I have seen what you ladies go through during
pregnancy. With the hormone driven emotional condition and related stress it's
no wonder that things can get a bit strange.
It has been said that women are "The Weaker Sex", but having lived through four
pregnancies, and birthings including being there for a C Section I think that
women are definitely tougher than the guys!
Hang in there because I am sure that when the hormones level out all of this
unintended Magick will fade away.
There are some things you can do to help your hormones: Eat only organic
non-hormone laced chicken & eggs. Avoid soy as it contains plant based hormones.
Also, don't microwave your meals in plastic - the so called plasticizers can
leach into the food and they act like female hormones when consumed.
This whole thing is like walking around with a poltergeist at your side, but it
will pass. I wouldn't let it get to you. You might want to keep a diary of the
things that happened during the pregnancy as it will probably be interesting
reading later.
Happy Imbolc!
Brightest Blessings,
Stormy )O(
Life is a journey,
enjoy the ride ~
just avoid kissing the trail!
_____________________ _________ __
From: " " < >
Sent: Sun, February 6, 2011 7:59:37 AM
Subject: Re: [13Witches] Re: UGH! for some reason
Im wondering if it is happening now because of the baby. Im a empath which is
making me 100 times more emotional being pregnant. I go from crying to screaming
and hollaring in 0 - 60. Don't get me wrong I know that ur emotional when
pregnant but everyone I talk to havent experienced it like this.
-----Original message-----
From: Janie < >
>Sent: Sun, Feb 6, 2011 05:22:01 GMT+00:00
>Subject: Re: [13Witches] Re: UGH! for some reason
- 1e.
Re: UGH! for some reason
Posted by: "Tammy Cruz" sexy_enchanting_goddess
Sun Feb 6, 2011 12:51 pm (PST)
When I was a teenager I couldn't keep a watch running either. Just a
tip- if you paint the back of the watch with clear nail polish you will
not drain the battery.
On 2/5/2011 6:40 PM, Westlin wrote:
> Hah! I thought I was one of the few this sort of thing happened to.
> When I was younger, all my watches ran crazy (backwards) and then just
> gave up the ghost!
> >
- 1f.
Re: UGH! for some reason
Posted by: "Sidhe Wolf" mikisidhewolf
Sun Feb 6, 2011 3:08 pm (PST)
As another one of the SLIder 'club' for as far back as I remember, my tricks
for dealing with it include cleansing my aura (anything from a shower to
brushing with my hands from head to toe without touching my physical body),
grounding (with the intent to ground any excess or uncontrolled charges into
the earth), and a conscious centering (calling in, calming down any wild or
unrestrained thoughts and emotions and de-stressing). I seldom knock out
streetlights anymore and if I do, I can almost always trace it back to being
in a state where I'd neglected such things.
Interestingly, I also found certain lights I could turn back on. But
usually these effects are not governable by conscious will, they just
happen. I discovered it over 30 years ago when a certain light near my
house always went out when I approached and needed it most. My husband
laughed at me and then, as we started doing experiments and found that it
really was me and not him or the light or other things, he got a bit spooked
by it. In those days there was nothing written about SLI and no internet to
check things or compare experiences. I doubt it was even recognised as a
phenomena, and everyone probably just felt like I did, that they had
something weird about them. And I found it scary, as I could not control it
(the techniques I mentioned are ones I figured out over the years).
On 6 February 2011 16:29, Raven )O( < > wrote:
> You are both probably what are called SLIders.
> Interesting, I have never heard that term before. I always thought it had
> something to do with the fact that I am a hands on healer and work with
> energy on many levels for many different reasons! I read the article. Thanks
> for letting us know it was there!
> Blessed Be
> Raven
- 1g.
Re: UGH! for some reason
Posted by: "Erika Lobdell" erikalobdell
Sun Feb 6, 2011 6:01 pm (PST)
Street lights don't go out, but my daughter can interupt the timing on
traffic lights just by concentrating on changing it-even if it's just
changed, she seems to be able to change it again (there are times when that
skill comes in handy!). I wonder if that qualifies her in the slider
On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 3:48 PM, Tammy Cruz < > wrote:
> When I was a teenager I couldn't keep a watch running either. Just a tip-
> if you paint the back of the watch with clear nail polish you will not drain
> the battery.
> -Tammy
> On 2/5/2011 6:40 PM, Westlin wrote:
> Hah! I thought I was one of the few this sort of thing happened to. When I
> was younger, all my watches ran crazy (backwards) and then just gave up the
> ghost!
> >
- 1h.
Re: UGH! for some reason
Posted by: "Janie" anasasia_orpett
Sun Feb 6, 2011 8:26 pm (PST)
That is very possible. It heightens our senses and makes us more vulnerable to the energies around us.
Your life's outcome can only be determined by your choices, not those things that others choose for you.
Joy can be found all year round. You make the choice to live a joyful life. Joy is deep inside you.
--- On Sun, 2/6/11, < > wrote:
From: < >
Subject: Re: [13Witches] Re: UGH! for some reason
Date: Sunday, February 6, 2011, 6:59 AM
#yiv170742932 {word-wrap:break-word;background- color:#ffffff; }
Im wondering if it is happening now because of the baby. Im a empath which is making me 100 times more emotional being pregnant. I go from crying to screaming and hollaring in 0 - 60. Don't get me wrong I know that ur emotional when pregnant but everyone I talk to havent experienced it like this.
- 1i.
Re: UGH! for some reason
Posted by: "Janie" anasasia_orpett
Sun Feb 6, 2011 8:32 pm (PST)
I do a meditation of light running through my body from the top of my head clear through me and out my feet.. I have also been able to create a shield that stops the excess energies from entering me.
Creating a "glove" for your hands will help with the energies off of things in the store.
Your life's outcome can only be determined by your choices, not those things that others choose for you.
Joy can be found all year round. You make the choice to live a joyful life. Joy is deep inside you.
--- On Sun, 2/6/11, Raven )O( < > wrote:
From: Raven )O( < >
Subject: Re: [13Witches] Re: UGH! for some reason
Date: Sunday, February 6, 2011, 7:36 AM
"I cannot even let others just brush me on some days I am so sensitive and the things I can see can be awful, I can also hear things that I don't want to hear. We must be sure to cleanse our aura more frequently than some other people do."
Holly, do you have a specific ritual you do to cleanse your aura? I balance my chakra's a lot too, and have to constantly try to keep myself grounded. I consecrated a copper bracelet and have been training it to use in the effort to stay far all it has done is keep my knee's from killing me with arthritis! lol...but I am going to continue to try training it. Copper is good for grounding!
My husband does the grocery shopping and Wal-Mart shopping for me because if I pick up one thing that has been held by someone with overwhelming negative energy it puts me in a really bad mood, and I start getting snappy with people instantly. He says its a bit of a Dr. Jekyl~ Mr.Hide effect. Its been a struggle for me for quite some time. I have good days where I do fine, then I have days where its like total insanity!
Blessed Be
Material submitted to this list is for your own personal use and is not to be forwarded without the express permission of the poster.
- 1j.
Re: UGH! for some reason
Posted by: "Janie" anasasia_orpett
Sun Feb 6, 2011 8:37 pm (PST)
Even coating the back of a watch does not work for me.. I have that much energy in me...
It has taken a lot of work to be able to control how I send energy as I sent energy to a friend via computer and the dog that was on her lap jumped up and ran away and would not come near her if she was around the computer for over a month. She said it made her jump even it was so intense. That was when I was very new at this stuff.. like a year maybe.
Your life's outcome can only be determined by your choices, not those things that others choose for you.
Joy can be found all year round. You make the choice to live a joyful life. Joy is deep inside you.
--- On Sun, 2/6/11, Tammy Cruz < > wrote:
From: Tammy Cruz < >
Subject: Re: [13Witches] Re: UGH! for some reason
Date: Sunday, February 6, 2011, 1:48 PM
When I was a teenager I couldn't keep a watch running either. Just a tip- if you paint the back of the watch with clear nail polish you will not drain the battery.
On 2/5/2011 6:40 PM, Westlin wrote:
Hah! I thought I was one of the few this sort of thing happened to. When I was younger, all my watches ran crazy (backwards) and then just gave up the ghost!
- 2.
Posted by: "" lilith_storm
Sun Feb 6, 2011 2:09 pm (PST)
You will need:
it, visualizing what you have asked for going to the Ethers and manifesting. Know that you have Lilith's blessing. Send any excess
energy to Mother Earth. Let your candles burn down safely.
1 dark red candle to represent Lilith
1 black candle for wisdom and protection
1 candle to represent yourself
Dragonsblood Oil or your chosen oil
Cinnamon incense
Cast your Circle as you ordinarily do. Carve Lilith or an owl on the
dark red candle. Carve a snake on the black candle and carve
'Wisdom' and 'Protection'. On your own candle, put your name and
if there is a special symbol to you, carve that. Remember Olive Oil
is always appropriate if that is what you have. Dress your candles
with the oil.
Say this invocation three times:
Hail to Lilith, Lady of the night!
Your long hair flows outward,
Melding into the shadows
And your black eyes are ancient,
Deep with magic and secrets.
You are powerful and free,
No other being is your master.
You fly upon the wings of night,
And the owl carries your messages.
Since beginning times, you were there.
No man can tame you,
For why should you be tamed?
To be your own ruler is your nature.
The weak ones of mankind
Were afraid of you and called you
Every inner demon
And dark shadow in the night
Has been ascribed to you, Goddess.
But your power and wild beauty
Have survived.
Teach me to be unafraid,
To feel power singing in my veins.
Help me to face and balance
The shadows in my nature,
And to be proud of my sexuality.
Protect me from the shadows
And the darkness that would harm me,
And help me to understand
The shadows that will not.
I thank you, Dark Lady.
Poem © Copyright 4/11/06
Beth Clare Johnson
(Mystic Amazon)
You will need:
it, visualizing what you have asked for going to the Ethers and manifesting. Know that you have Lilith's blessing. Send any excess
energy to Mother Earth. Let your candles burn down safely.
1 dark red candle to represent Lilith
1 black candle for wisdom and protection
1 candle to represent yourself
Dragonsblood Oil or your chosen oil
Cinnamon incense
Cast your Circle as you ordinarily do. Carve Lilith or an owl on the
dark red candle. Carve a snake on the black candle and carve
'Wisdom' and 'Protection'. On your own candle, put your name and
if there is a special symbol to you, carve that. Remember Olive Oil
is always appropriate if that is what you have. Dress your candles
with the oil.
Say this invocation three times:
Hail to Lilith, Lady of the night!
Your long hair flows outward,
Melding into the shadows
And your black eyes are ancient,
Deep with magic and secrets.
You are powerful and free,
No other being is your master.
You fly upon the wings of night,
And the owl carries your messages.
Since beginning times, you were there.
No man can tame you,
For why should you be tamed?
To be your own ruler is your nature.
The weak ones of mankind
Were afraid of you and called you
Every inner demon
And dark shadow in the night
Has been ascribed to you, Goddess.
But your power and wild beauty
Have survived.
Teach me to be unafraid,
To feel power singing in my veins.
Help me to face and balance
The shadows in my nature,
And to be proud of my sexuality.
Protect me from the shadows
And the darkness that would harm me,
And help me to understand
The shadows that will not.
I thank you, Dark Lady.
Poem © Copyright 4/11/06
Beth Clare Johnson
(Mystic Amazon)
)O( Lilith Storm
The villagers are coming with pitchforks and torches. Please hide me!
- 3a.
Are You a SLIder?
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sun Feb 6, 2011 2:16 pm (PST)
Are You a SLIder? Street Lamp and Other Electromagnetic
Until I started researching the subject of street lamp interference,
I didn't realize I was a SLIder. SLIder is the name given to anyone
who experiences the effects of street lamp interference and related phenomena.
Sure, I'd driven under certain streetlights that would go out at the
same time that I drove by. In fact, it happened quite frequently on a
street where I used to live, but I figured it was just that I got home from work at the hour that the light was timed to switch off.
The phenomenon, which is much researched in Britain but given little
attention by American parapsychologists, is not fully explained by
the issue of timing. Electrical engineers, when posed the question, will agree that some streetlights switch on and off at regular intervals--especially when they're running out of energy.
Another explanation they have offered is that a car's headlights
approaching a streetlight may be bright enough to "fool" the lamp's sensors into thinking it's daylight, hence shutting it off. Of course, this explanation does not hold up when compared to some accounts of lights switching off after people merely walked beneath them, or of lights spontaneously switching on for no good reason.
Some SLIders claim they can affect the phenomenon at will--extending
it to the spontaneous turning on or off of televisions, radios, and
Phyllis Galde, editor of FATE magazine, has mentioned that this
phenomenon has happened to her, but as with many other American
parapsychologists, she didn't know it had a name. The term "SLIder" was coined by British paranormal researcher Hilary Evans, founder of the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (ASSAP). He founded Project SLIDE, or the Street Lamp Interference Data Exchange. Evans has experienced the street
light phenomena many times in his native London. though he has had
no "spooky" feelings while experiencing SLI, he has collected reports from many other experiencers who have. Accounts range from one man who claims the phenomenon started happening to him only after he'd had a severe injury of an electrical origin. Another experiencer states that street light interference only happens to her when she is in a highly emotional state or under extreme stress.
Most parapsychologists who have studied the phenomenon think it is
related to other electromagnetic phenomena, such as the inability of some people to wear watches. The human body, like all other objects that essentially run on electricity, has an electromagnetic field around it. Some peoples' electromagnetic fields cause traditional watches to slow down and eventually stop working over time.
My grandfather used to say he couldn't wear a watch. His watches
would eventually stop if he wore them every day. I can't wear a
traditional watch without it slowing down and eventually stopping, so I was delighted when the new digital watches appeared. They seem impervious to such interference, at least from me.
Then came computers, and guess what? Sometimes the mere presence of a SLIder in a room with computers is enough to interfere with their
function. One of my students was the computer tech at one of the first computer labs I used in teaching. After a few weeks of using the lab, he began to swear that whenever I came into the lab, I disrupted the functions of the computers! Nowadays, more modern computers don't seem to be as affected by SLIders when they are in the room. Perhaps new advances in shielding computers from outside electromagnetic radiation explains this change.
Still, during the writing of this article, a friend told me that he
has inexplicably "blown out" a rand new computer--the third one assigned to him at his work place so far. His fellow workers are now considering him a computer jinx. After he told me that he has experienced the streetlight phenomenon as well, I dubbed him a fellow SLIder.
My research shows that SLIders often exhibit all three types of
phenomena recounted here, including sometimes disrupting the magnetic strips on their credit and debit cards!
If we take these phenomena as a group, they all seem to lead us back
to the idea of disruptions in electromagnetic fields. Eerie though the
phenomena may seem, there is probably a scientific explanation that some day will be proven in the lab. Perhaps sometime in the future we SLIders can look forward to getting our electromagnetic fields "adjusted"--the way a chiropractor "adjusts" the spine--so that we no longer affect streetlights and other electrical and magnetic devices.
Until then, I guess we'll just keep SLIding along, and keeping the
digital watch companies in business---When we can get our credit cards to work, that is!
by Denise Dumars,
copyright 2005
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
"You never know how much you know until you know how much you'll
never know. " group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 4a.
Daily Feng Shui Tip
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sun Feb 6, 2011 2:24 pm (PST)
Daily Feng Shui Tip by Ellen Whitehurst for Sunday, February 6
Since last November's midterm elections I think it fair to assume that today's energy might resonate in this year a bit more than most. Today is called 'Lame Duck Day' and since I never talk religion or politics, I'll stick with what I know best, like the magical powers associated with our waterfowl friends. Since the duck is linked so closely with the element of water it is also considered a 'feminine' energy of the emotional state. Ducks remind us that drinking the waters of life will nurture and nourish our emotional natures on every conceivable level. It has long been believed that having a duck as a personal totem symbolizes an ability to feel affectionate and comfortable with others in your life. It may also reflect a need to find comfort in and with the elements, especially those that can influence the body, mind and spirit. Ducks also remind us that there will soon be opportunities to find comfort and affection in our environments. Which then dovetails with what Feng Shui has to say about how ducks can attract the perfect partner and mate. Locate the 'Romance and Relationship' arena of your bedroom and position two representations of mandarin ducks in that same space. According to Feng Shui, mandarin ducks are used for relationship attracting and healing and have long been recognized as symbols of strong and lasting fidelity and love. This stems from the fact that mandarin ducks mate for life. They stay with the same partner until the end of days, so clearly this strong bond and everlasting love will translate those same sorts of energies for you when enacted with those same intentions. If you don't have two small statues symbolizing these ducks, placing an image of them in that 'Romance and Relationship' area can help manifest overwhelming love and loyalty into your own love life.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon. group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 5.
**Share A Spell Day**, 2/7/2011, 12:00 am
Posted by: ""
Sun Feb 6, 2011 7:56 pm (PST)
Reminder from: 13Witches Yahoo! Group group/13Witches/ cal
**Share A Spell Day**
Monday February 7, 2011
All Day
(This event repeats every week.)
It's Share A Spell Monday! Please share a spell with fellow list members.
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- 6.
Peace and prosperity to all
Posted by: "chris" jckofdime
Sun Feb 6, 2011 9:23 pm (PST)
To you who reads this, and to those you hold dear to your hearts!
May your hearts be filled with peace, with prosperity in every area of your life! May you hold the strength and courage you seek and need to help you in your daily activities.
May you always know who important your dreams living inside you are, because they "ARE" your dreams. May you live each one while you're awake.
May everything and everyone you hold dear to your hearts be filled with the warmth of happiness, friendship and love beyond your wildest dreams.
May you "ALWAYS" know, understand and remember how extremely important and special you truly are, as well as how much you are needed in the world we call life. You do bring something very special and important to life.... "YOU"!!!
You really are worth all the good this world and universe has to give. Thank you for all you give, both that which you know you do as well as that which you don't realize you give every hour.
Keep a smile in your heart! Chris
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