joi, 5 mai 2011

[which_witch_is_witch] Digest Number 4741[1 Attachment]

Messages In This Digest (16 Messages)



"Share a Deity Day", 5/4/2011, 9:00 am

Posted by: ""

Wed May 4, 2011 5:40 am (PDT)

Reminder from: which_witch_is_witch Yahoo! Group

"Share a Deity Day"
Wednesday May 4, 2011
9:00 am - 10:00 am
(This event repeats every month on the first Wednesday.)

"Share a Deity Today" Share info about a God/Goddess you are close to or work with, why do you feel so close and if it's around a holiday/sabbat/esbat/season/occasion please Explain why and be prepared for any questions.

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Metaphysical Study Group open to All, 5/4/2011, 7:30 pm

Posted by: ""

Wed May 4, 2011 2:26 pm (PDT)

Reminder from: which_witch_is_witch Yahoo! Group

Metaphysical Study Group open to All
Wednesday May 4, 2011
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
(This event repeats every month on the first Wednesday.)
Location: Burlington County, New Jersey

Monthly Adult Study Group, held on the first Wednesday of every month, 21 years of age or older please, We discuss various topics on all things Wiccan/Pagan/Spiritual. If you have any questions please contact Ladi Ravyn at

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Facebook Groups are Changing.....May lose Facebook Group Members, pl

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Wed May 4, 2011 7:07 pm (PDT)

Facebook Groups are Changing, Anyone on the older groups the members may be
affected, join the yahoo group and go no email to stay in touch, we're also on
the Facebook Page, once the groups are upgraded if we loose members we'll re
invite you if FB doesn't penaltize us again. New Jersey Yahoo Group has been
and always will be is more info:


Facebook is changing group formats, so you can stay in touch with the largest
Pagan group in NJ, we recommend staying on the yahoo group, go no email and
check in from time to time to keep updated with what's coming up. We also have
a New Web Ning site and of course the Facebook page.

Checking the info for new groups it says the members are going to be affected so
here is the links to my active groups, please join the yahoo group that has been
and always will be the base for NJ Pagans.

(Facebook New Jersey Pagan Page is just as good, Ning is starting to grow)

NJP Yahoo Group that will always be up and running, go no email so you never
lose touch:

NJP Facebook Page:!/NJPagans

NJP Ning Web site:

Ning Web sites: NJP:

Thanks for supporting and being part of NJ Pagans



Groups being updated info:
Here is the info for the group changes on Facebook:

Over the next few months, Facebook will be archiving all groups created using
the old groups format. Moving forward, you can create groups using the new
groups format, which makes it easy to share with the important groups in your

Old to New Group Migration Expand All
What happens to my old group when it gets archived?
When your old group gets archived, it will be converted to the new groups
format. Almost everything from your old group will be available in the archived
group, with a few exceptions.

Things that will be available in the archived version include:

Group photos and Wall posts
Group discussion threads, which become Wall posts
The group description, which can be found at the top of the page when you
click "See All" members in the new group

Things that will NOT be available in the archived version include:

Recent news
Group officer titles
The info box under the old group picture
The group network
The members of your old group. You can still add new members by clicking
"Add Friends to Group."

If you would like to preserve any of this information, it’s recommended that you
save it before your group is archived.

Keep in mind that the new groups format was designed to help you share with the
small groups of people in your life. If you’ve been using your old group to
promote your business, we recommend you create a page instead.
Was this answer helpful?
How do I upgrade an old group to a new group?
If you see a message at the top of an old group with the option to upgrade,
simply click "Upgrade Th...
What happens when an admin upgrades an old group?
If the admin of an old group decides to upgrade, the group will be converted to
the new groups forma...

New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!

Main Yahoo Group NJP:
Ning Web sites: NJP:
Myspace NJP:
Cher NJP Link:
Page NJP:!/NJPagans
Group NJP:

DailyOM: Anticipating the Good

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Wed May 4, 2011 7:25 pm (PDT)

DailyOM - Anxiety about Change
Today's DailyOM brought to you by:

May 4, 2011
Anticipating the Good
Anxiety about Change
Change will occur in almost every aspect of our lives, we can learn to embrace
it while releasing the past with grace.

When we find ourselves going through any kind of change in our lives, our
natural response may be to tense up on the physical, mental, or emotional level.
We may not even notice that we have braced ourselves against a shift until we
recognize the anxiety, mood swings, or general worried feeling toward the
unknown that usually results. There are positive ways to move through change
without pushing it away, however, or attempting to deny that it is happening.
Since change will occur in almost every aspect of our lives, we can learn to
make our response to it an affirmative one of anticipation, welcoming the new
while releasing the past with grace.

One thing we can do is change our perspective by changing the labels we use to
identify our feelings. We can reinterpret feelings of anxiety as the anxious
butterflies that come with eager expectation. With this shift, we begin to look
for the good that is on its way to us. Though we may only be able to imagine the
possibilities, when we acknowledge that good is there for us to find, we focus
our energy on joyful anticipation and bring it into our experience while
allowing the feelings to carry us forward.

We can also choose to do a ceremony to allow our emotions to process. Every
culture has created ceremonies to help people make the transition from one phase
of life to the next. We can always create a ceremony too, perhaps by burning
written thoughts to watch the smoke carry them away, thereby releasing them, or
we can welcome new endeavors by planting flowers or trees. Some ceremonial
activities such as a farewell send-off or housewarming party, we may do
automatically. Society also has built-in ceremonies, like graduation and
weddings, which may satisfy the need we feel. Sometimes the shift from denial to
acceptance is all that is needed to ease our anxiety, allowing us to bring our
memories with us as we move through nervousness to joyful excitement about the
good to come.


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Fw: The American Paranormal Association

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Wed May 4, 2011 7:26 pm (PDT)

Those of you who don’t know, I have been involved in the creation of a new
organization that is worldwide in scope. As Co-Chairman of the Board for 2011, I
would invite all of you to the social interface site, which is free to all. I
think if you tour around the site you will get an idea of what we are about.

The Charter Members wish to welcome each of you to your American Paranormal
Association website. For the past seven months we have been working on the
foundation to an association you will manage.

Membership has its privileges. By joining as a voting member of this association
you take ownership. You can vote on issues facing the association, sit on
committees, become a chairperson of a committee, and even be the Chairman of the
Board of Directors. There are many other benefits to membership and we hope you
take advantage of them all.

Since we are still in our infancy the committees of this association will need
your support. You may join any of the Groups that interest you as they are
directly connected to each committee within the association. So become a fan and
lend a hand!

This is a social website. Joining this site is always free. We developed this
website to begin the process of full collaboration in the paranormal community.
If you wish to become a voice, vote, and sit on the committees please consider
becoming a (Voting) Member of this association.

Click here for more information on membership in the APA.

David M. Rountree, AES
Director â€" Chief Science Advisor
Scientific Paranormal Investigative
Research Information and Technology
S.P.I.R.I.T. - LAB

David's book "Paranormal Technology" - The new paradigm in paranormal field

Upcoming May Events..North Jersey!

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Wed May 4, 2011 7:26 pm (PDT)

New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!

Main Yahoo Group NJP:
Ning Web sites: NJP:
Myspace NJP:
Cher NJP Link:
Page NJP:!/NJPagans
Group NJP:

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Denise A. Saracco <>
Sent: Tue, May 3, 2011 11:55:46 PM
Subject: Upcoming May Events!

Greetings Light-full Ones,

I hope this email finds you well! Spring is in full bloom. The Earth is once
again cushy with lush grasses and sweet fragrances of birth and renewal. This
is such a beautiful, magickal time to get outside and witness with Beauty and
Majesty of Nature. She may even share some of her secrets with you as the wind
whispers by :)

Mark your calendars! There are a some exciting new events happening this

* This coming Saturday, May 7th, Peaceful Paths is hosting a "Psychic Saturday"
from 11:30am - 5:30pm. There will be a few readers, including myself, available
throughout the day at the reduced rate of $1/minute. Each reader has a
different style of reading, and therefore, a different message. I will be
available for Shaman readings and healing sessions. Appointments are
recommended, but walk-ins are also welcome! Come join the party, bring some
friends, and enjoy the healing, peaceful atmosphere with like-minded people.
For more information or to make an appointment, please contact Peaceful Paths at
973-283-9444 or You can also view their website at

* On Thursday, May 12th at 7pm at Peaceful Paths, I will be facilitating a new
kind of past life regression. Come explore the Great Mystery of who you
were/are/will be as we delve into our soul memory. Rediscover yourself in a
past life, future life, simultaneous present life, and as another lifeform on
another planet! All are welcome! General details are provided below. Space is
limited, so please RSVP to me.

* There is a fabuous holistic "green" expo occuring on Sunday, May 15th at the
Hilton Hotel in Iselin, NJ! Doors open at 11am and the event ends at 6pm. For
a very minimal entrance fee, you will have the opportunity to listen to various
healers and speakers about the holistic field and the "green" movement! I will
be participating in this extraordinary event as a healer throughout the day at
reduced prices. There will be many other gifted vendors and healers available
throughout the day as well. Come on by, say hello, and enjoy networking with
holistic professionals in your area, get some new ideas about how to reduce your
carbon footprint, and so much more. For more information, please contact this
event's coordinator, Meira Findel at 732-831-5689,
Renew@TheHolisticGreenExpo.comor visit the website at

* Our monthly Shamanic Drumming Circle will be at Peaceful Paths on Friday, May
20th beginning at 7pm! This month, we will learn about the shamanic concept of
power and soul loss and begin the process of healing these forms of "fragmented
energy" from ourselves and others. We will perform a ceremony to release the
parts that are not our own and call back the parts of us that are ready to
return home to us. No prior shamanic journey experience is required - all are
welcome! Space is limited, so please RSVP to me. General details are provided
Many blessings to each and every one of you....

In Love and Harmony,

* * * * * * *
Rediscovering You Through Space And Time
Thursday, May 12th, 2011
7:00pm â€" 9:00pm
Spiritual Exchange: $25.00
Peaceful Paths, 7 High Street, Butler, NJ
Many people travel through time to rediscover who they were in previous
incarnations. Time is cyclical, not linear. We are able to travel to past,
present, and future incarnations of ourselves for all of time is accessible in
the present moment. Within ourDNA lies the great mystery of all our lives from
all times and all planets.
Using shamanic trance techniques, participants will enter worlds within worlds
and become reacquainted with themselves on deeper levels. Come join us this
evening to rediscover your lifetimes past and future, meet another dimension of
yourself in the present lifetime, and explore who you were/are/will be as other
lifeforms on other planets!
Please bring an eyeshade/bandana, a bottle of water, and a notebook/pen to
journal your experience!
Please RSVP to Denise to reserve your spot at swiftwindtherapy@gmail.comor
862-268-3213.* * * * * * *

Shamanic Drumming Circle
Friday, May 20th, 2011
7:00pm â€" 9:00pm
Spiritual Exchange: $25.00
Peaceful Paths, 7 High Street, Butler, NJ
May Focus: Calling The Soul Back Home
Our Western society commonly swaps energy with friends, coworkers, family,
significant others, etc. With the giving of ourselves to others, we become
fragmented, holding energy that is not our own, and realizing that energy cannot
help us become “whole” again. We become accustomed to walking through life with
an incomplete feeling. Sometimes, we don’t even know that we’re not “fully
In this month’s drumming circle, we will explore via journeywork what parts of
other people in our lives we are holding onto. In ceremony, we will release
these parts that are not our own and call back the parts of us that are ready to
return home to us.
Please bring drums/rattles, an eyeshade/bandana, a pillow/blanket to sit and lie
on, a bottle of water, and a notebook/pen to journal your experience!
Please RSVP to Denise to reserve your spot at swiftwindtherapy@gmail.comor

May Dates, Butler NJ... News & Magickal Happenings at Peaceful Paths

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Wed May 4, 2011 7:27 pm (PDT)

Someone’s knockin’ at the door
Somebody’s ringin’ the bell
Someone’s knockin’ at the door
Somebody’s ringin’ the bell
Do me a favor, open the door and let ‘em in…
Paul McCartney

Hello everyone! Namaste.
As time begins to quicken and the growing spiritual consciousness extends
itself, some folks may become disoriented. The world may seem hauntingly
unfamiliar, making some feel lost, confused and alone. Some may be unable to
even fathom the right questions to ask. And as though they have nowhere else to
turn, some may come knocking at your door. Will you be able to see through
their confusion? Will you recognize these fellow seekers? Will you ‘open the
door and let ‘em in?’
At Peaceful Paths, we send this request to the Universe: Help us to
remember why to leave the door open.

Peaceful Paths News

Magick Happens At Peaceful Paths This Month!
Not only are Priestess Maeve and Priest Jack-In-The-Forest returning this month
to offer a Full Moon Circle on the 13th, but Peaceful Paths is also happy to
welcome Priests Sage & Matthew, who will be offering a free Introduction to
Wicca workshop. If you have the desire to celebrate in Circle and learn more
about this deep & ancient spirituality, please come and enjoy both events!
Check for details below.

"Psychic Saturday" Dates - 5/7 AND 5/21!
Each month, on designated Saturdays, a variety of readers, each with unique
style & talents, will be available all day at Peaceful Paths to help guide &
support you! Fees for readings will be reduced and although appointments are
recommended, walk-ins are very welcome as well! (This month, Pet Communicator
Barbara Goodfriend will not only be holding a special event on Friday evening,
May 6, (that's this week!) but she'll be available with our other practitioners
for private consultations at our May 7th Psychic Saturday as well so bring
along your furry friends! See below for details.

Come Explore Both Your Past Lives AND Future Lives!
When most of us think of 'past lives', we tend to focus on our prior
experiences as humans here on earth, but have you ever entertained the idea of
incarnations in the future, perhaps even as another form of life; another
species? Come explore your past, present & future lives with Jaguar Shaman,
Denise Saracco! See below for details.

A Special "Thank You"!
We wish to extend our gratitude to all those folks who take the time
to register early for the wonder-full workshops and events held at Peaceful
Paths! We realize pre-registration is not always possible and walk-ins, unless
otherwise specified, will always be welcomed, but we sure appreciate the
advance notice and so do all of the talented practitioners who invest so much
of their effort, time & talent (not to mention gasoline) in presenting these
events. So, a huge "Thanks!" to all you early birds! We ask that everyone
register for our events as early as possible, whenever possible.

Robin Rose Bennett To Return In Early June!
We know this is the May newsletter but we just couldn't wait, heheh. Robin
will be returning to Peaceful Paths to present a New Moon Circle on Thursday,
June 2, 2011! Check for details below and call to register early!

To Katia's Astrology Students!
For those who attended the first "Follow The Light Of The Stars" Astrology
class in April, --Katia will be presenting Part 2 of this three-part class on
Friday, May 13, 2011 from 7:00-9:00p.m. Please call Peaceful Paths or reach
out to Katia to let us know you'll be attending. Thanks!

Peaceful Paths Special Events!

Saturday, May 7, 2011 AND Saturday, May 21, 2011
11:30-5:30p.m. $1.00/minute

Sometimes life presents us with challenges; questions we may be unable to
answer. Sometimes we'd all get by a little finer if we had some guidance; a
little more clarity.

On certain Saturdays every month, Peaceful Paths will now have a variety of
readers & healers, each with their own unique talents, skills & styles,
available at the store throughout the day at a reduced price. Appointments are
recommended but walk-ins are always welcome. Bring your questions, thoughts,
doubts, fears & joys!
Our gifted practitioners are here to help & support you.

Sometimes we'd all get by a little finer by just having some fun!


With Shaman Denise Saracco
Thursday, May 12, 2011 7:00-9:00p.m. Spiritual Exchange:

Many people travel through time to rediscover who they were in previous
incarnations. Time is cyclical, not linear. We are able to travel to past,
present, and future incarnations of ourselves for all of time is accessible in
the present moment. Within our DNA lies the great mystery of all our lives from
all times and all planets.

Using shamanic trance techniques, participants will enter worlds within
worlds and become reacquainted with themselves on deeper levels. Come join us
this evening to rediscover your lifetimes past and future, meet another
dimension of yourself in the present lifetime, and explore who you
were/are/will be as other lifeforms on other planets!

**Please bring an eyeshade/bandana, a bottle of water, and a notebook/pen to
journal your experience!**

Denise Saracco is a Jaguar Shaman initiated by the Healing Spirits of the
Universe at the age of 2. She was taught how to connect to other beautiful
worlds at any time and did so through adulthood. She experienced many
adventures and was taught how to manifest, heal, and work with energy and
intent. Along her healing journey, Denise had the privilege to work with and
apprentice under various Shamans and spiritual teachers. Her lessons with her
worldly teachers has given great depth to the meaning of her *otherworld*


With Priestess Maeve & Priest Jack-In-The-Forest
Friday, May 13, 2011 7:00-9:00p.m. $15.00

Full Moon in Scorpio (actual date of the full moon: 5/17/11)

Scorpio's psychic-emotional power is both feared and respected. The Scorpio
full moon is a good time to shed light on anything that is untrue and to face
demons and to walk through fear. It's a rich time for insights that guide you
away from extremes and obsessions and toward more stability. We will work with
the energy of this full Moon to transform negativity into pure energy. Aries in
Jupiter will bring success to our Magick. We will also create a magickal power
word on the Astral plane to be used in our magick.

During this gathering, we will call in the quarters, cast the circle, invoke
Deity, perform a work of magick, share during talking stick, celebrate with
cakes/ale and raise energy through song & dance! Our magick will focus on
transformation using the energy of the
Scorpio Full Moon which is ruled by Pluto.

Robes are optional.
Ritual begins promptly at 7:15p.m.
Please bring drums if you'd like to help keep the beat!

Maeve & Jack-In-The-Forest are initiated Priestess & Priest who have been
involved in the Pagan and Wiccan tradition for over 15 years. For the last
several years, they have been leading, conducting & creating public rituals in
the New Paltz area. Their Full Moon Circles are not only sacred Rites which
honor the God & Goddess, but also forums for learning more about honoring Deity
through ritual. They regard their Circles as teaching Circles which provide
information & education about Ritual and format and they are now bringing their
Full Moon Circles each month to Peaceful Paths!


With Jennifer, The Tarot Pixie
Friday, May 13, 2011 7:00-8:30p.m. Just $9.00!

Treasure mapping is the art and science of mapping and achieving our
desires. In this fun & creative monthly workshop, we combine visualizations,
affirmations and practical measures specially designed to help swiftly manifest
the goals we've mapped out.

Please bring your map, notebook & pen to each meeting.


Featuring Animal Communicator, Barbara Goodfriend
Friday, May 6, 2011 7:00-9:00p.m. $20.00

Friendly pets are welcome!

Come explore the telepathic language each of us innately receives from the
animals. The focus of this class is to become proficient at the art of animal
communication through practice, feedback and experience. It is Barbara's vision
for the future of this study group to visit area animal shelters and rescues to
help ease the animals' situations.

In addition to personal consultations, animal intuitive & pet communicator
Barbara Goodfriend, whose work has been featured on radio, newspaper, & TV,
collaborates with veterinarians, leads study groups, seminars & experiential
workshops in interspecies telepathic communication, and donates her services to
animal rescue organizations.


With High Priests Sage & Matthew
Saturday, May 14, 2011 Begins at 4:00p.m. FREE!

Wicca is a positive, nature-oriented Pagan religion derived from very ancient
roots. It is not evil. It is not devil-worship. The origins of the word
'Wicca' are believed to have come from the Anglo-Saxon word meaning "wise one"
and Wicca is known, therefore, as "The Craft of the Wise"!

This class, as the title implies, is meant to serve as an introduction to
Wicca. Join us and bring your questions, doubts and curiosity about Wicca to
this event for FREE! Beginning in June, Priests Sage & Matthew will present a
13 week course entitled Wicca 101. Whether you are a beginner looking for some
guidance, a solitary practitioner in search of some formal training, or simply
have a desire to learn more about this deep and ancient spirituality, this
class will be the perfect opportunity to learn a fair mix of tradition,
technique, history, myth, magick and mystery!

Feeling a deep connection to magick and myth all of his life, Priest Sage has
been following the Wiccan path for the past 13 years. He is a 1st Degree
Wiccan High Priest, initiated in the Alexandrian/Gardnerian traditions, but now
practices a more eclectic style of Wicca. As a High Priest, he has lead &
performed countless rituals and ceremonies with many circles and groups in the
Pagan community.

Matthew is an initiated 1st Degree Wiccan High Priest who was taught in the
stylings of the Alexandrian/Gardnerian traditions. Although initiated just
over 3 years ago, he has always had a deep interest in the magickal arts and
has performed & participated in many rituals and ceremonies in the Pagan
community as well.


Featuring Psychic Medium & Certified Hypnotherapist PATTI LEHMAN!
Thursday, May 19, 2011 7:00-8:30p.m. $25.00

Join us for a relaxing yet productive evening, led by Psychic Medium Patti
Lehman who, using the energy of the Moon along with guided meditations &
planetary alignment
will help you define and reach your goals!
Learn to release negative energies from your aura & physical body, allowing
yourself room for the amazing things life has in store for you. Through the use
of meditation, herbs, candles, and the Celestial world, you will be amazed at
what can be accomplished in just one night! Move yourself through meditation,
writing, and relaxation techniques into a more fulfilling, abundant life in
relationships of all kinds, finances, health, self-love, and psychic energies.
Reach your goals!

**Herbs, candles, and paper will be supplied. You may wish to bring a
blanket/pillow to relax, sit or lay on. Please wear comfy clothes!


With Shaman Denise Saracco
Friday, May 20, 2011 7:00-9:00p.m. Spiritual Exchange: $25.00

This monthly sacred circle ebbs and flows in accordance to how Spirit calls.
Some circles will mirror a traditional drumming circle while others will focus
more on personal/global healing. Most every circle will feature at least one
journey for personal healing & exploration in a way that weaves with the
month's focus. All circles, though they may have varying focuses, will be in
alignment with the natural Earth, Moon, and Cosmic cycles. The voices of all
participants are heard as we work and play in Oneness.

May Circle Focus: Calling The Soul Back Home
Our Western society commonly swaps energy with friends, coworkers, family,
significant others, etc. With the giving of ourselves to others, we become
fragmented, holding energy that is not our own and realizing that energy cannot
help us become 'whole' again. We become accustomed to walking through life with
an incomplete feeling. Sometimes, we don't even know that we're not 'fully

In this month's drumming circle, we will explore via journeywork what parts
of other people in our lives we are holding onto. In ceremony, we will release
these parts that are not our own and call back the parts of us that are ready
to return home to us.

*Please bring drums/rattles, eyeshade/bandana, pillow/blanket, water,
notebook/pen to record your experience!


Featuring Psychic Medium & Certified Hypnotherapist PATTI LEHMAN!
Thursday, May 26, 2011 7:00-9:00p.m. $25.00

Awaken your psychic ability with Psychic Medium PATTI LEHMAN! Join us in a
Light, encouraging environment where everyone from beginner to the advanced
will learn & grow in their own psychic & mediumship abilities. In this group,
each person will have the opportunity to explore new possibilities and to learn
different techniques in all areas of psychic development. We will work with
innate intuition, psychometry, mediumship, Angels & Spirit Guides, and every
student will also have the opportunity to not only receive a reading but give
one as well!


Featuring 'Green Witch' Herbalist, Robin Rose Bennett!
Thursday, JUNE 2, 2011 7:00-9:00p.m. $20.00

The New Moon is the perfect time to form an intention in meditation and commit
to it in the fertile field of your imagination. Working magically and
meditatively with common herbs and the cycles of the moon brings about a
reconnection with the divine feminine (and if you are a woman, with your female
body). Marking the new and full moons offers a profound, transformative
spiritual practice that alters how you perceive and actually experience the
unfolding of time. This circle will help you guide your own spiritual path and
clarify your intentions so you can *womanifest* (or manifest) your dreams.

Robin Rose Bennett is a writer, green witch, an herbalist, a wisewoman... one
who loves the earth and gives voice to the healing wild food and medicine
plants which surround us. She has taught herbal medicine since 1986 -in
hospitals, medical schools, progressive learning centers and most joyously,
outside with the plants. Visit her website at



TO KATIA'S ASTROLOGY STUDENTS! For those who attended our "Follow The Light
Of The Stars" Astrology class, --Katia will be presenting Part 2 of this
three-part class on Friday, May 13, 2011 from 7:00-9:00p.m. Please call
Peaceful Paths or reach out to Katia to let us know you'll be attending.

JENNIFER, THE TAROT PIXIE not only will be offering her workshop on Treasure
Mapping this month (see above), but will also be available for readings at our
Psychic Saturday, 5/21! Walk-ins are always welcome but you can reserve your
choice of timing if you call to book an appointment!

FACEBOOK PRESENCE! If you're a member of Facebook, please visit Peaceful
Paths, become a Fan (give us a 'like') and let us know what you're

Call or stop by for more information!

For those seeking harmony, clarity, and/or guidance, Denise will be available
for individual Tarot or healing sessions on most (-please call in advance to be
sure she's here!) Fridays at Peaceful Paths from 12:00-6:00p.m. Appointments
are recommended. $35.00/half hour, $60.00/hour, $100.00/two hours -(sliding
scale available). For further details, visit Denise's


Thanks for reading! See you soon!

With peace,
The folks at...
Peaceful Paths
"For Enlightened Living"
7 High St.
Butler, NJ 07405

To stop receiving email from us, simply reply to this email noting
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Intro to the Shadow Work Model of Transformation & Process Day, June

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Wed May 4, 2011 7:29 pm (PDT)

[Attachment(s) from Cher Chirichello included below]

Hello All,
Mark, my shadow work partner, is coming to town and we are planning a very cool
weekend. It is affordable and you can chose one or both days!
Below is the flyer for Sat, June 11th. Attached is the June 12th process day
flyer. Sat. is a one day workshop for those interested in Shadow work but have
not taken any classes. This is informational as well as experiential. So if you
know of someone that wants to dip their toe in sw, this is the day.
And the following Day, June 12th, is for those that have attended previous
workshops or weekends and would like to do a piece of center work or support
others as they step out.

Many of you know how profound this work is. It certainly has shaped my life. I
really want to build our shadow work community here in NJ and I need your help.
So if you found any value to your shadow work experience, press forward and let
your peeps know about this opportunity.
Hope to see you all that weekend so we can play and dive deeper into our


Junie Moon Schreiber
Certified Shadow Work Coach, Facilitator and Acupuncturist

Attachment(s) from Cher Chirichello

1 of 1 File(s)


Beltaine in the Desert!

Posted by: "Autumn/Fuguee"   fuguee.rm

Wed May 4, 2011 7:43 pm (PDT)

On Beltaine Eve, WicHaven, a Satellite Covenstead (located in SW AZ, SE
CA), celebrated their first Beltaine - with a pole even!

You can see all kinds of pictures, and even a little maypole Vid on our
facebook page (as well as assorted articles etc)

The More the Merrier! Blessed Be! and to those celebrating in Olde
Style, Blessed Beltaine (May 5th!) - Our Mother Coven (currently in
transition relocating to Montana) will be celebrating this one!

~Lady Autumn Heather~


Thursday's Correspondence...May 5

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Wed May 4, 2011 8:05 pm (PDT)

Thursday's Correspondence...May 5

Today's Influences: All Love Matters, Friendships, Affection, Partnerships,
Money, Sex

Deities: Thor, Zeus, Jupiter, Juno, Astarte, Aphrodite, Erzulie, Aida Wedo, Eve,
Venus, Freya, Diana, Aset [Isis], The Witch Of Gaeta, Chalchiuhtlique

Incense: Saffron, Verbena

Aromas: Stephanotis, Apple Blossom, Musk, Ambergris

Color of The Day: Light Blue, Pale Green

Candle: Light blue

Color: Royal blues, greens

Planet: Jupiter

Metal: Tin

Gemstones: Turquoise, amethyst, lapis lazuli

Herbs & Plants: Honeysuckle, oak trees, cinquefoil

Associations: Honor and family loyalty, harvests, clothing and riches, fealty

Use for magick involving love, peace, beauty, gentleness, women's problems,
healing, protection, lovers, ease, pleasure, affairs. Resolve quarrels today!

What's Happening Today:

Waxing Moon Magick:

The waxing moon is for constructive magick, such as love, wealth, success,
courage, friendship, luck or healthy, protection, divination. Any working that
needs extra power, such as help finding a new job or healing for serious
conditions, can be done now. Also, love, knowledge, legal undertakings, money
and dreams.

May 5-6 Hidrellez -The Turks celebrate the first of May with picnic outings, to
celebrate the spring. One of the traditional dishes served is a Yayla Chorbash,
a yogurt soup, which features many foods associated with May Day including
dairy, fresh herbs and the colors of white and green.

Cinco De Mayo

Mexico/C. America: ancient rain festivals are performed by
shamanic priests and priestesses of the original native faith.
The ancient goddesses of rain and fertility are honored and
invoked with prayers and offerings.

International Midwives Day

China: Feast of the Dragon - as part of the celebration, dolls
were made from sacred mugwort leaves and hung above gates and
doors to repel negative influences and entities.

Today's Goddess:   Xtah Rain Festivals (Mexico/Central America)

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Wed May 4, 2011 8:06 pm (PDT)

Today's Goddess: Xtah
Rain Festivals (Mexico/Central America)
Themes: Weather; Harvest; Fertility; Prayer

About Xtah: The Guatemalan Goddess of Rain and Water sprinkles herself into
today's celebration in answer to her people's fervent prayers. As she does, her
rain also bears constructive, fulfilling energy to maintain the gardens of our
spirit with spring's growth-centered magic.

To Do Today: This is the time of the year when peoples in this region begin
praying to the sacred powers for rain. In Guatemala, specifically, they pray and
make offerings to the Goddess so the crops will not fail from draught.

If your spiritual life has seemed a bit "dry" lately or lacking in real
substance, pray to Xtah with words like these:

Xtah, as you pour forth from the heavens, see my need. (Pour out a glass of
water here--this is a type of sympathetic magic that encourages Xtah to follow
your example).

Rain upon my life and heart with your fruitful waters so I may grow with clarity
of spirit. Thank you for your bounty, for refilling my inner well with your
richness. So be it.

If it's raining outside, dance in the rain as you pray so you can literally
touch Xtah's presence. Alternatively, pray in the shower or in the rains
created by a lawn sprinkler.

Wear water-colored clothing today (blue, purple, dark green) to accent whichever
of Xtah's attributes you want to develop.

By Patricia Telesco ~ From "365 Goddess"

Celtic Fairy Day Spell

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Wed May 4, 2011 8:09 pm (PDT)

Celtic Fairy Day Spell
Incense of the day: Vanilla

Today is Celtic Fairy Day. This is traditionally celebrated by leaving food
and drink for the fairy folk on your doorstep or next to a tree to attract luck
and protection. Celebrate Fairy Day by bringing out your inner child for some
whimsical fun. Have a get-together with friends and eat some party food from
your childhood, such as fairy bread and chips. Dress up as fairies or as your
favorite gods and goddesses. Sprinkle fairy dust on the floor and on the
tablecloth with small silver stars. Use food dye to create different colors

of mineral water or sparkling wine. Indulge yourself in some fun games such as
musical chairs or a board game. Make lolly bags for your guests to take home.
Before you go to bed, don’t forget to leave out some of the party food for your
fairy friends!

By: Emely Flak

Daily Aromatherapy  - Relax and Focus Spray Mist

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Wed May 4, 2011 8:09 pm (PDT)

Daily Aromatherapy - Relax and Focus Spray Mist

This is a relaxing blend to promote clarity and focus. In a four-ounce spray
bottle almost fill it with distilled water.

Add :
20 drops Grapefruit essential oi l
15 drops Sweet Orange Essential oil
10 drops Spearmint Essential oil

It's Cinco de Mayo! .......Beans...The Other Red Meat!

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Wed May 4, 2011 8:11 pm (PDT)

It's Cinco de Mayo!
Get out those sombreros and salsa because it is Cinco de Mayo! And a Mexican
fiesta is not complete without beans. Did you know that canned beans of all
types (black beans, red beans, butter beans, garbanzo beans, etc.) are very
trendy at the moment. Why? Because most beans are fat-free, high in fiber and
rich in protein, and can be used right from the can to add flavor, color and
texture to a variety of meals -- ranging from salads to casseroles! Jump start
your Cinco de Mayo with some trendy recipes! Blend kidney, garbanzo and pinto
beans blend together for a great Mexican dip.


Cinco de Mayo Independence Spell

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Wed May 4, 2011 8:12 pm (PDT)

Cinco de Mayo Independence Spell

Celebrate this Mexican holiday by doing something unexpected and free today. As
you set off,

sing the following verse to yourself and contemplate your personal freedom:

Soaring Eagle with vision true
see all that is below,
Notice what is new.

King of the air,
Sacred bird of the Spirits,

Wise and strong and seldom seen aloft,
Lend me your vision so I may see what is true.

Strength fills your mighty talons,
Courage fills your spirit
and beats in your heart.
Your mighty wings spread wide and shadow all that lies below.

Great Eagle,
Symbol of victory and might,
I call on your independence,
And the courage of your heart.

Moving with the speed of your sacred feathers,
Eagle lend me your eyes.
Make my vision keen and true;
Make my spirit to soar.

Open my mind
to your many visions.
Strengthen my grip to the tenacity
of your steely talons.

Spirit of wisdom,
fill me with guidance on my eagle flight.
Independence grows in me daily, tempered with respect.

Courage grows in me daily, tempered with judgment.
Keen sight fills my eyes, tempered with discernment.

Strength fills my body,
tempered with restraint.

I fly free with brother eagle.

So mote it be.
~Abby Willowroot

Sri Lankan Song

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Wed May 4, 2011 8:13 pm (PDT)

Moon and Sun rule the sky above.
Here on Earth, the Goddess rules.
Here on Earth, the seven Goddesses.
O Goddess, pure and cherished one!
We sing sweet songs over and over,
inventing pleasing rhymes for her.
Oh, our songs are so sweet that she
forgives us anything to keep us singing.
~Sri Lankan Song

We can find the Goddess everywhere, if only we know how to look. It is easy to
find her on a sunny day in spring, or in the happy look on a new lover's face.
But she is there in the dark storm clouds as well, in the late frosts that nip
the budding flowers, in the ungainly and the frightening. Anything that exists
partakes of her, participates in her. There is nothing that is not part of her.

We must let go of judging this world if we are to truly understand the
Goddess' truth. We cannot pick and choose, controlling life so that we only see
what is pleasant to our prejudices. We cannot have birth and love but not
death; we cannot have the flower and the honey without the stinging bee. We
need not claim to enjoy pain in order to accept it as part of life. We need
only feel it, accept it, and move on, knowing it to be part of this life which
the Goddess blesses us.

By Patricia Monaghan - From " The Goddess Companion"
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