Messages In This Digest (7 Messages)
- 1.
- This Week on Dreamland. - Secrets in the Fields. From: Blackbird
- 2a.
- Re: On Introducing Family/ Friends to Wicca From: gaia_d
- 2b.
- Re: On Introducing Family/ Friends to Wicca From: Jude DaShiell
- 2c.
- Re: On Introducing Family/ Friends to Wicca From: gaia_d
- 2d.
- Re: On Introducing Family/ Friends to Wicca From: Blackbird
- 3a.
- The Dancers Tarot Update - The Chariot From: Moti
- 3b.
- Re: The Dancers Tarot Update - The Chariot From: Blackbird
- 1.
This Week on Dreamland. - Secrets in the Fields.
Posted by: "Blackbird" blackbird_61
Tue May 3, 2011 7:41 am (PDT)
Whitley Interviews Freddy Sylva, in one of the best Crop Circle
interviews I've ever heard.
Freddy Silva has been researching crop formations for over thirty years,
and has deep understanding of them. Earlier on Dreamland we had Andrew
Collins, who feels that the formations are manmade, but not necessarily
hoaxes, as he thinks that some of them are made by unknown means by
people with special powers. Michael Glickman was with us two weeks ago,
and he feels that virtually all of the formations are anomalous in
Now Freddy Silva takes the broadest view, explaining how to tell the
difference between hoaxes and genuine formations and discusses the fact
that the formations appearing in England may be a sort of transmission
that could be coming to an end. But crop circles have also become big
business, so are very human artists replacing the strangers in the
field, replacing this remarkable transmission with something that only
looks real? dreamland/ secrets-fields
< >dreamland/ secrets-fields
- 2a.
Re: On Introducing Family/ Friends to Wicca
Posted by: "gaia_d" gaia_d
Tue May 3, 2011 1:49 pm (PDT)
--- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , "Blackbird" <blackbird_61@com ...> wrote:
<snipped for brevity>
> but sometimes we have to walk the path of the Trickster.
> Nuff Said, Blessings, BB.
If by "we" you mean adults who have some life experience and who can make intelligent, well-thought-out, rational and *informed* decisions about their lives -- and be *responsible* for whatever comes of those decisions -- then i certainly agree with you.
If by "we" you mean an under-aged child who has no clue about what this life is about, whose mental, emotional, and intellectual development are not even finished and are not even capable of understanding the consequences that flow from such decisions, and who cannot even take responsibility (legally) for him or her self, then i must strongly disagree.
OK, i guess we're done --
Blessed Be, All, and thanks for a fascinating discussion!
- 2b.
Re: On Introducing Family/ Friends to Wicca
Posted by: "Jude DaShiell"
Tue May 3, 2011 2:39 pm (PDT)
Training is one thing, the parents don't necessarily have a right to know
how effective it is from their children. They usually get feedback on
that score from the religious authorities anyway. Too many families in
America and other countries are religiously dysfunctional as it is.
- 2c.
Re: On Introducing Family/ Friends to Wicca
Posted by: "gaia_d" gaia_d
Wed May 4, 2011 1:40 am (PDT)
--- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , Jude DaShiell < .>
> Training is one thing, the parents don't necessarily have a right to
> how effective it is from their children. They usually get feedback on
> that score from the religious authorities anyway. Too many families in
> America and other countries are religiously dysfunctional as it is.
You're certainly entitled to your opinion;
-- But i don't think you (or any of us) are entitled to (on the basis of
our personal judgements) interfere with the decisions of any other
parents, so long as they are not outright abusive --
Just as nobody else would be entitled to interfere with how you decide
to raise *your* children.
That's another aspect of this discussion that i find interesting: So
many seem so willing to believe the worst about other parents, and to
encourage various "corrective" actions which effectively circumvent
parental rights --
-- Yet i'll bet the same Pagans would scream bloody murder if some
conservative Christian decided to take it into their hands to "correct"
(Pagan) parental choices or decisions -- and with good reason.
I think we all need to remember that we must be willing to grant others
the same rights that we demand for ourselves -- including the right to
raise our children as *we* see fit: These laws (protecting parental
rights) also protect the rights of *Pagan* parents.
- 2d.
Re: On Introducing Family/ Friends to Wicca
Posted by: "Blackbird" blackbird_61
Wed May 4, 2011 1:41 am (PDT)
--- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , "gaia_d" <Gaia_D@...> wrote:com
If by "we" you mean an under-aged child who has no clue about what this
life is
about, whose mental, emotional, and intellectual development are not
finished and are not even capable of understanding the consequences that
from such decisions, and who cannot even take responsibility (legally)
for him
or her self, then i must strongly disagree.
OK, i guess we're done --
Blessed Be, All, and thanks for a fascinating discussion!
BB Re:
As I have said, I spent two years in a childrens home, I know very well
how tramatizing it is to be taken from even an abusive Parent. I
remember during the Elián González
< Elián_Gonzá lez_affair> my anger with the
people who wanted to turn this young boy into a political football; and
take him from his father; and so while I do honor the capacity of an
individual to make their own choices at a young age; in any given
instant, I would be very skeptical, about whether any given child should
strike out on their own spritual path without their parents consent, or
despite their objections; but as I said, I missed that by one generation
myself, I could never walk my grandmothers path, no matter how many
times she beat me, and being a good prussian grandmother, she would have
- to save my soul of course.
My only point in all this has been, these are complexe issues, and IMHO
there simply are not cart blanch anwsers to these questions, even if the
seeker is fairly young.
Blessings, BB.
- 3a.
The Dancers Tarot Update - The Chariot
Posted by: "Moti" dancecontact
Tue May 3, 2011 7:00 pm (PDT)
Dear friends, fellow artists, and dancers
I want to share with you some of my progress on "The Dancers Tarot", the
Kickstarter project I'm working on. I've got a finished version of the
Chariot card for you to see below.
You can read all about project here and help out: 600727120/ the-dancers- tarot
< >/600727120/ the-dancers- tarot
Backers (at any level) get rewards; at the High Priestess level you get
a copy of the completed deck!
[The Chariot]
< >news/images/ The-Chariot. jpg
The Chariot, chosen at random by my pregnant model was so ideal for
where she is, and simultaneously perfect for this project's trajectory.
Through the process of creating the card I keep deepening my
understanding of its meaning. I was at first a skeptic of whether the
card was right for a pregnant woman to represent. I've only ever seen
pregnant woman portray the World card (aka: The Universe) or the
Knowing where you are going and being determined to get there is part of
the clear symbolism of the Chariot. Part of the deeper meaning that
came through to me as I created the image, is the balance between
control and surrender. So important in birthing a baby... or a project!
Letting go and letting the horses/baby direct, even as one attempts to
hold the reins.
There's also something about protection vs. vulnerability that pervades
this image: A naked belly, yet the fetus so protected by the mother;
the protective shell of the manmade chariot cart, yet the rawness of the
horse's energy.
Intuition guides from within. Really, the mother is the vehicle for
this new soul to start its journey and he/she already has direction.
All one must do is TRUST. Coincidentally, the Models tattoo says
"trust." So I'm trusting that whatever happens next in this adventure
will be perfect! I hope to start another image by my next update. 600727120/ the-dancers- tarot
< >/600727120/ the-dancers- tarot
In Gratitude,
Moti Zemelman
- 3b.
Re: The Dancers Tarot Update - The Chariot
Posted by: "Blackbird" blackbird_61
Wed May 4, 2011 5:17 am (PDT)
Very interesting Take on the Chariot - more later - but let me post a
quick thankyou. BB.
--- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , "Moti" <moti@...> wrote:com
Dear friends, fellow artists, and dancers
I want to share with you some of my progress on "The Dancers Tarot", the
Kickstarter project I'm working on. I've got a finished version of the
Chariot card for you to see below.
You can read all about project here and help out: 600727120/ the-dancers- tarot
< >/600727120/ the-dancers- tarot
Backers (at any level) get rewards; at the High Priestess level you get
a copy of the completed deck!
[The Chariot]
< >news/images/ The-Chariot. jpg
The Chariot, chosen at random by my pregnant model was so ideal for
where she is, and simultaneously perfect for this project's trajectory.
Through the process of creating the card I keep deepening my
understanding of its meaning. I was at first a skeptic of whether the
card was right for a pregnant woman to represent. I've only ever seen
pregnant woman portray the World card (aka: The Universe) or the
Knowing where you are going and being determined to get there is part of
the clear symbolism of the Chariot. Part of the deeper meaning that came
through to me as I created the image, is the balance between control and
surrender. So important in birthing a baby... or a project! Letting go
and letting the horses/baby direct, even as one attempts to hold the
There's also something about protection vs. vulnerability that pervades
this image: A naked belly, yet the fetus so protected by the mother; the
protective shell of the manmade chariot cart, yet the rawness of the
horse's energy.
Intuition guides from within. Really, the mother is the vehicle for this
new soul to start its journey and he/she already has direction. All one
must do is TRUST. Coincidentally, the Models tattoo says "trust." So I'm
trusting that whatever happens next in this adventure will be perfect! I
hope to start another image by my next update. 600727120/ the-dancers- tarot
< >/600727120/ the-dancers- tarot
In Gratitude,
Moti Zemelman
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