Messages In This Digest (5 Messages)
- 1.
- Ahmedinejahd's personal exorcist arrested From: carteblanche13
- 2a.
- Pagans In The Park, 5/8/2011, 11:00 am From:
- 3a.
- The Dancers Tarot - A Kickstarter Project From: Moti
- 4.
- Fwd: [Spiral Dance] English Ale news From: Tim Hartridge
- 5.
- Heritage of the Illuminati From: piru5150x
- 1.
Ahmedinejahd's personal exorcist arrested
Posted by: "carteblanche13" carteblanche13
Tue May 3, 2011 5:46 am (PDT)
Thought this was interesting.
http://azarmehr.blogspot. com/2011/ 05/ahmadinejads- exorcist- arrested. html
- 2a.
Pagans In The Park, 5/8/2011, 11:00 am
Posted by: ""
Tue May 3, 2011 5:57 pm (PDT)
Reminder from: WitchesWorkshop Yahoo! Group group/WitchesWor kshop/cal
Pagans In The Park
Sunday May 8, 2011
11:00 am - 3:00 pm
(This event repeats every month on the second Sunday until Saturday December 31, 2011.)
Location: McKenzie Park, Cnr Weemala Street & Lake Street, Budgewoi
Street: McKenzie Park, Cnr Weemala Street & Lake Street
City State Zip: Budgewoi, NSW, 2262
Phone: Kerrie - 0414 369 810 / Jenn - 0415 158 941
Come along, have a picnic and meet those of like mind. It's a fun day of laughter, chatting and meeting new people.
The park is beautiful, it's next to the lake with a playground for the kids and toilet facilities including a disabled toilet.
Coffee and tea are available (gold coin donation appreciated). Bring along a picnic lunch or if you wish to cook up a feast use the BBQ facilities. But if cooking is not on your agenda, there are shops within walking distance.
Just look out for the colourful marquee and banner. Even if it's raining, Pagans in the Park is still on, we'll be sitting under the large undercover area at the front of the park.
We have a "Topic of Discussion" for each of these gatherings. These are informal "talks" that start at 1pm and, while we may begin the conversation, we look forward to hearing everyone's opinions and takes on the topics just bring an open mind!!!
2011 DATES:
Jan 9th Ritual / Lammas
Feb 13th Intention & Visualisation
Mar 13th Nature Energy / Mabon (Autumn Equinox)
Apr 10th Spell Casting / Samhain
May 8th Sound In Magick
Jun 12th Affirmations / Yule (Winter Solstice)
Jul 10th Psychic Skills / Imbolc
Aug 14th Pagan Morals & Ethics
Sep 11th Herbs & Oils / Ostara (Spring Equinox)
Oct 9th Crystals / Beltane
Nov 13th Breathing & Meditation
Dec 11th Energy / Litha (Summer Solstice)
For further details you can contact Kerrie at or Jenneth at .
Please note: we have a page Yahoo at and a page on Facebook at http://www.facebookgroup/pagansonth ecoast/?yguid= 342316981 .com/pages/ Pagans-On- The-Coast/ 230262090334? ref=sgm.
Brightest blessings
& Namaste,
Kerrie & Jenneth.
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- 3a.
The Dancers Tarot - A Kickstarter Project
Posted by: "Moti" dancecontact
Tue May 3, 2011 6:34 pm (PDT)
[Dancers Tarot Flier]
< >/600727120/ the-dancers- tarot
Dear friends, fellow artists, and dancers,
I'm so excited to share with you my latest project! Since I
began to photograph dancers, I've had the vision to create a
deck of tarot cards with photos of dancers to represent the
archetypes (using Contact Improv and Authentic Movement as approaches to
finding genuine expressions of the archetypes.) I've been
incubating the idea, researching, and trying things out, and
I'm ready to start working on the first 22 imagesThe Major
Arcana. It's quite an ambitious project and will require an
investment in time, energy, and money. Right now the financial
side is where I need your help to get things going.
I've just launched my project "The Dancers Tarot" on, a new online platform for grassroots
fundraising, where you can watch a video I made, read more
about the project, and pledge your support. Kickstarter is
powered by a unique all-or-nothing funding method where
projects must be fully-funded or no money changes hands.
Please go take a look at my page: 600727120/ the-dancers- tarot
< >/600727120/ the-dancers- tarot
< >/600727120/ the-dancers- tarot
Thanks for any support you are able to offer!
I can't wait to update you on my progress.
In Gratitude,
Moti Mark Zemelman
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 4.
Fwd: [Spiral Dance] English Ale news
Posted by: "Tim Hartridge" wwwozpagancom
Wed May 4, 2011 4:42 am (PDT)
Begin forwarded message:
> For those of you attending the English Ale on the 14th May there is
> accommodation available for the Saturday night in Bridgewater just
> 10 mins
> drive from the Ale in Mylor (small dorm style) - $30 and that includes
> brekky and transport to/from hall on Sat night. Enquiries/booking
> email
> Little Rach at
Wish I could be there :-(
vinum sabbati,
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 5.
Heritage of the Illuminati
Posted by: "piru5150x" piru5150x
Wed May 4, 2011 4:46 am (PDT)
New Release by Joshua Seraphim, scholar on the occult and secret societies.
Heritage of the Illuminati htm
http://search.barnesandnoble. com/Heritage- of-the-Illuminat i/Joshua- Seraphim/ e/9780982999202/
Leilah Publications
Hardcover: 316pp
ISBN-13: 9780982999202
ISBN: 0982999208
"...the Generals of the Stones are ready."
- Palestinian (speaking on the uprisings)
"Heritage" presents one of the most controversial insights into secret societies, and "Illuminati" conspiracy theories ever written.
Joshua Seraphim provides a masterful survey and commentary on the development of Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, secretive Christian monastic orders, and Islamic secret societies still in existence today. Seraphim ties the development of Freemasonry to the origins of Rosicrucianism and Knights Templar, the Nusairi, Hashashin (Order of Assassins), and early Islamic secret societies. Uncovering the origins of Rosicrucianism, the author traces the outlines of a shadow history with its roots in Egypt, Syria, and Afghanistan. There is no coincidence these once-great nations are continuously on the front page of mainstream media.
Conspiracies and their producerist personalities are debunked as fraudulent. Seraphim follows the money trail and unmaks the financial investors behind famous conspiracy theorists Alex Jones, Texe Marrs, Jeff Rense, Benjamin Fulford, and others. The author exposes them as intentionally misleading the public in vast disinformation campaigns, benefiting their financial investors...whose financial & political links will disturb "Truth Movement" and anti-global activists.
Contemporary "occult" organizations and projects all get a name check, and are taken to task. Seraphim uncovers the development of modern Golden Dawn groups; the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Inc., the underlying causes of the "Golden Dawn Pychic War" between Griffin's, his sponsors in the H.O.G.D./A+O and Zink's Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn. In "Heritage of the Illuminati," Joshua Seraphim discusses AT LENGTH the legacy of Israel Regardie and Dr. Christopher S. Hyatt, and the "intended failures" of Regardie's legacy including the "Thelemic" G.D. (Crowley Golden Dawn), Open Source G.D., and numerous other esoteric groups including O.T.O., United Rites O.T.O., Illuminati Order-Society O.T.O., Typhonian Order, Antiquities of the Illuminati, and others.
The author even traces the development of the Ordo Antichristianus Illuminati, and its purpose, naming those responsibile for the Tantric work of the Order; Dr. Christopher S. Hyatt, himself, Soror Inanna, and Soror Laailah. Modern occult societies all get put under the microscope as Seraphim evaluates each group and its success in initiating candidates into the Great Work. Are any of these groups valuable to the evolution of the human species, or do they serve a more sinister purpose in the collective psyche of the human species? Are the greater masses of 'ordinary' and 'unaware' humans under the relentless control of drugs and sex, enslaved consumers under a cabal so insidious that they mockingly remind us of their power on back of the U.S. one dollar note? Seraphim explains the causes and effects for this "Cabal's" existence.
Seraphim discusses learning under his own mentors and recounts how he came "too close to the truth behind the new world order." "Heritage of the Illuminati" concludes with Seraphim's account of personal experiences in secret societies, and his witness to a shocking and disturbing display of their power in Germany and Egypt.
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Witches Workshop hold regular workshops see
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WitchesWorkshop and Witch Camp Australia also run camps
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