Messages In This Digest (4 Messages)
- 1a.
- Re: Coming to Wicca From: gaia_d
- 1b.
- Re: Coming to Wicca From: Blackbird
- 2a.
- PaganPages May Issue From: paganpagesorg
- 3a.
- Re: The Dancers Tarot Update - The From: paganpagesorg
- 1a.
Re: Coming to Wicca
Posted by: "gaia_d" gaia_d
Thu May 5, 2011 9:21 am (PDT)
--- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , "Thayna" <thaynabilberry@com ...>
> I guess I was very lucky in that my family didn't have a spiritual
> practice. My parents didn't attend any churches when I was growing up.
> They sent us to Church with other family members so that they could
> Sunday mornings to be a couple together with each other. (They thought
> we couldn't figure that one out, lol)
> But I remember asking my parents what religion we were when I was in
> grade and my mom saying we were Heathen, my dad told her not to say
> and then told me I couldn't tell others at school.
> I also remember being outside and listening to the trees, birds and
> wind. I remember talking to flowers, bees and other spirits. My mom
> would watch me and ask who I was talking to and I would just tell, the
> earth. She would smile and walk away to go do whatever yard work she
> needed to do or to hang up laundry. I remember laying in the sun and
> feeling love and feeling a sense of wonder in the Moon.
> So looking back I was Pagan even back then, and my mom will tell you,
> that I have always been the one that seen spirits and believed in
> and believed in Goddesses and Gods.
> When my parents divorced, my mom wanted to become a Jehova's Witness,
> was like 12 years old and she wanted me to go to Bible Study at the
> Kingdom Hall. I went for about 8 weeks and then told her that I just
> couldn't bring myself to follow their rules and believe what they were
> teaching.
> I went to the First Baptist Church in the town where I live when I was
> 13 and thought that was where I wanted to be. But then about 2 weeks
> after I was Baptized and choice I made without my mother's consent, I
> told her that I couldn't attend a church where they stood and told
> members that they weren't true Christians if they didn't vote and
> member into the Mayors office. She let me tell the Minister why I
> no longer be a member of his Church.
> So I was allowed to make all of my own choices when it came to
> as a teen I studied, Catholic teachings as well. But the question that
> was always on my mind was"Where is God's wife?"
> It wasn't until I was in my early 30's that I found Wicca and the
> teaching of a Goddess that I already had known when I was a child.
> So sometimes we are lucky to have a family that doesn't have strict up
> religious views and allows children to explore Deity for themselves.
> I have raised my children that way. They got to pick their own
> I have a Christian Daughter and an Atheist Son. Both who know my Path
> and both of whom I am very proud to call them "my Child".
> Blessings in Love and Light,
> Thayna
Thanks for sharing that, Thayna --
I'd say you were lucky that your Mom was so respectful and understanding
of your rights.....Even though she evidently gave you an early "Pagan"
perspective, and eventually accepted a rather rigid religion (Jehovah's
Witnesses) she seems to have been very respectful of your wishes/
- 1b.
Re: Coming to Wicca
Posted by: "Blackbird" blackbird_61
Thu May 5, 2011 1:44 pm (PDT)
--- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , "gaia_d" <Gaia_D@...> wrote:com
Thanks for sharing that, Thayna --
BB re: Absolutely, Really thankyou for sharing your story. : ) BB.
- 2a.
PaganPages May Issue
Posted by: "paganpagesorg" paganpagesorg
Fri May 6, 2011 12:16 am (PDT)
Well Met Readers!!
The May Issue of PaganPages is up now at
A wonderful and safe holiday to you all. I hope you had good travels around your maypoles!!!
In this issue we have:
A review of Kami McBride's The herbal kitchen
This month's herb is the wonderful Dandelion which is in abundance this time of year!
Plus all of your favorite columns, advice, correspondences, and recipes.
We hope you enjoy this issue!!
- 3a.
Re: The Dancers Tarot Update - The
Posted by: "paganpagesorg" paganpagesorg
Fri May 6, 2011 12:34 am (PDT)
When you are done we can review the deck for the magazine and do an interview if you'd like.
--- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , "Blackbird" <blackbird_61@com ...> wrote:
> Very interesting Take on the Chariot - more later - but let me post a
> quick thankyou. BB.
> --- In Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , "Moti" <moti@> wrote:com
> Dear friends, fellow artists, and dancers
> I want to share with you some of my progress on "The Dancers Tarot", the
> Kickstarter project I'm working on. I've got a finished version of the
> Chariot card for you to see below.
> You can read all about project here and help out:
> 600727120/ the-dancers- tarot
> < >/600727120/ the-dancers- tarot
> Backers (at any level) get rewards; at the High Priestess level you get
> a copy of the completed deck!
> [The Chariot]
> < >news/images/ The-Chariot. jpg
> The Chariot, chosen at random by my pregnant model was so ideal for
> where she is, and simultaneously perfect for this project's trajectory.
> Through the process of creating the card I keep deepening my
> understanding of its meaning. I was at first a skeptic of whether the
> card was right for a pregnant woman to represent. I've only ever seen
> pregnant woman portray the World card (aka: The Universe) or the
> Empress.
> Knowing where you are going and being determined to get there is part of
> the clear symbolism of the Chariot. Part of the deeper meaning that came
> through to me as I created the image, is the balance between control and
> surrender. So important in birthing a baby... or a project! Letting go
> and letting the horses/baby direct, even as one attempts to hold the
> reins.
> There's also something about protection vs. vulnerability that pervades
> this image: A naked belly, yet the fetus so protected by the mother; the
> protective shell of the manmade chariot cart, yet the rawness of the
> horse's energy.
> Intuition guides from within. Really, the mother is the vehicle for this
> new soul to start its journey and he/she already has direction. All one
> must do is TRUST. Coincidentally, the Models tattoo says "trust." So I'm
> trusting that whatever happens next in this adventure will be perfect! I
> hope to start another image by my next update.
> 600727120/ the-dancers- tarot
> < >/600727120/ the-dancers- tarot
> In Gratitude,
> Moti Zemelman
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