Messages In This Digest (5 Messages)
- 1.
- Melbourne Reclaiming Samhain this Saturday 7.30pm From: Sandra
- 2a.
- Re: Ahmedinejahd's personal exorcist arrested From: carteblanche13
- 3a.
- Angels are not necessarily your best friends From: carteblanche13
- 3b.
- Re: Angels are not necessarily your best friends From: Oz Groov
- 4.
- Psychic Development Circle - Wollongong, 5/11/2011, 7:00 pm From:
- 1.
Melbourne Reclaiming Samhain this Saturday 7.30pm
Posted by: "Sandra" sandracirclewoman
Thu May 5, 2011 2:40 pm (PDT)
Sisters and Brothers,
Just a gentle reminder that if you are planning on attending our Samhain
function in Brunswick, part of the ritual will include reading out the names of
the beloved dead. If you wish the crone to do this, please email me off list the
names and context (if you wish) so this can be done.
Melbourne Reclaiming Public Samhain
Saturday 7th May
@ Brunswick North West Primary School Hall
Culloden Street (Cnr Wales St), West Brunswick
Public Transport: Tram 55 (West Coburg), stops near corner of Culloden St and
Melville Rd)
Parking available in Culloden and Wales Streets
$5 Entry (to cover hall
All Adult Pagans Welcome!
Join us for a celebration of Samhain.
At this magical time of year we honour our depths, as the seasons turn and
we journey into the dark time of year. We also honour our roots and
celebrate our ancestral heritage, acknowledging the gifts of those who
have gone before.
What to bring:
A plate of
ancestor-inspired food to share. Drink to Share. No alcohol, no drugs.
for the Ancestor Altar, e.g. a photo of a beloved ancestor
What to
Darkness is descending in Australia and at this
time of year we gather to honour our beloved dead. We cast the Circle,
ensuring it is secure. The priestess crone reads out names of our beloved
dead* followed by those who also wish to call upon their own beloved
dead. We will honour our dead together and individually
we will have the opportunity to honour our ancestors at
each of the Elemental altars, under the care of a
priestess/grace. We will then close with a spiral dance
to celebrate those who came before us and those who will come
after us. Later, we will share a supper with all the souls who
*If you wish
the crone to read out the names of your beloved dead, please
email their names, a short description/relationship/ history/story to
astrojazz@... To
ensure correct pronunciation, please phonetically spell names that may be
difficult. This invitation extends to those who are unable to attend the
Please Note: As
we will be doing extended trance work in the ritual, it will not be
appropriate for young children to attend. However, teenagers are
For more information,
Fiona Ph. 9384 1082
Sandra Mob. 0425 757 937 (email: astrojazz@...)
Rhonda Mob. 0408 334 198
Krista Mob. 0430 605 150
Nickole Mob. 0432 667 965
This Event is organised
by Melbourne Reclaiming - a branch of the Australian Reclaiming
Community. For more information about our community and about
Reclaiming tradition Paganism, please visit: au
- 2a.
Re: Ahmedinejahd's personal exorcist arrested
Posted by: "carteblanche13" carteblanche13
Thu May 5, 2011 10:19 pm (PDT)
More on the charges of Sorcery here: global/2011/ 05/ahmadinejad- staffers- accused-sorcery/ 37401/
--- In WitchesWorkshop@yahoogroups. , "carteblanche13" <carteblanche13@com ...> wrote:
> Thought this was interesting.
> http://azarmehr.blogspot. com/2011/ 05/ahmadinejads- exorcist- arrested. html
- 3a.
Angels are not necessarily your best friends
Posted by: "carteblanche13" carteblanche13
Thu May 5, 2011 10:28 pm (PDT)
...just look who they hang out with:
"Golossian, who had been regarded as a holy man who could communicate with angels, had been found guilty of 24 charges, most being sexual intercourse without consent." latest/a/ -/latest/ 9327534/riot- squad-at- black-magic- sex-sentencing/
At least most devil-worshippers are HONEST that they're only doing it to get into your knickers.
- 3b.
Re: Angels are not necessarily your best friends
Posted by: "Oz Groov" ozzie_groovy
Thu May 5, 2011 10:35 pm (PDT) true ;)
_____________________ _________ __
From: carteblanche13 < >au
To: WitchesWorkshop@yahoogroups. com
Sent: Fri, 6 May, 2011 3:28:13 PM
Subject: [WitchesWorkshop] Angels are not necessarily your best friends
...just look who they hang out with:
"Golossian, who had been regarded as a holy man who could communicate with
angels, had been found guilty of 24 charges, most being sexual intercourse
without consent." latest/a/ -/latest/ 9327534/riot- squad-at- black-magic- sex-sentencing/
At least most devil-worshippers are HONEST that they're only doing it to get
into your knickers.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 4.
Psychic Development Circle - Wollongong, 5/11/2011, 7:00 pm
Posted by: ""
Fri May 6, 2011 1:56 am (PDT)
Reminder from: WitchesWorkshop Yahoo! Group group/WitchesWor kshop/cal
Psychic Development Circle - Wollongong
Wednesday May 11, 2011
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
(This event repeats every week.)
Location: Wollongong
Each week we explore a different topic of psychic awareness covering some of the following subjects... Meditation; Tarot; Oracle; Psychometry; Aura Reading; Dowsing; Spirit Connection; Angels; Fairy; Chakras; Crystal Ball; Skrying; Healing; Energy Working; Protection; Space Clearing and many other psychic energies and tools.
Within these circles the atmosphere is calm and protected, so you are free to explore your connections through meditation and practical techniques, in a safe, empowering environment.
Our Psychic Circle runs every Wednesday evening at 7pm
All are welcome and no experience is needed.
Contact Ali on 042 020 8879 or email
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WitchesWorkshop and Witch Camp Australia also run camps
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