miercuri, 9 februarie 2011

[which_witch_is_witch] Digest Number 4658[1 Attachment]

Messages In This Digest (15 Messages)



Please Donate Blood, 2/8/2011, 2:00 pm

Posted by: "which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com" which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com

Tue Feb 8, 2011 10:44 am (PST)

Reminder from: which_witch_is_witch Yahoo! Group

Please Donate Blood
Tuesday February 8, 2011
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
(This event repeats every month.)
Location: The direct number to donate on behalf of AJ Beatrice is 800-439-6876 he is o negative.
Street: New Jersey Blood Service 167 New St
City State Zip: New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1972
Phone: (732)220-7000

Please go donate Blood, Plasma and Platelets..Please donate or pass the word. We don't want another child to wait for over 3 hours to get help.

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Yahoo! Inc.

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Wednesday's Correspondence...Feb 9, 2011

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Feb 8, 2011 8:06 pm (PST)

Wednesday's Correspondence...Feb 9, 2011

Today's Influences: All Love Matters, Friendships, Affection,
Partnerships, Money, Sex

Deities: Odin, Hermes, Mercury, Athena, Lugh, Astarte, Aphrodite,
Erzulie, Aida Wedo, Eve, Venus, Freya, Diana, Aset [Isis],
The Witch Of Gaeta, Chalchiuhtlique

Incense: Saffron, Verbena

Aromas: Stephanotis, Apple Blossom, Musk, Ambergris

Color of The Day: Light Blue, Pale Green

Candle: Green

Planet: Mercury

Metal: Mercury (Quicksilver)

Gemstones: Adventurine, agate

Herbs & Plants: Aspen trees, lilies, lavender, ferns

Associations: Business and job-related issues, communication, loss and debt,
traveling and journeys

Use for magic involving love, peace, beauty, gentleness,
woman's problems, healing, protection, lovers, ease, pleasure, affairs.
Resolve quarrels today!

What's Happening Today:

A Bad Day For Priests, according to Mayan chronological estimation.
Feast of Apollo
Feast of La'Ala'A (Upolu God of Wrestling; Polynesia)
Gasparilla Day, Tampa, Florida -Spanish pirate defeated by US Navy in
Beginning of week long festival. Someone playing Gasparilla is
crowned Pirate King,
given keys to city, etc.
Hobert Regatta Day (Tasmania)
Man Day
National "DAV" Day
National Bagels and Lox Day
National Hooky Day
National Inventor's Day
St. Apollonia's Day (patron of dentists; against toothaches)
St. Maron's Day (patron of Maronites)
St. Teilo's Day
Tales of Kelp-Koli begin (Fairy)
Toothache Day
World Marriage Day


Today's Goddess: Iemanja/Yemanja Iemanja Festival (Brazil)

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Feb 8, 2011 8:08 pm (PST)

Today's Goddess: Iemanja/Yemanja
Iemanja Festival (Brazil)

Themes: Foresight, Divination, Psychic Abilities
Symbol: Water

To Do Today: At daybreak on this day, mediums in Brazil begin singing and dancing to summon the spirit of Iemanja, who provides glimpses of the year ahead. Worshipers take offerings carved with the wishes to rivers or to the ocean. Here, Iemanja's spirit accepts the gifts, and the magic of the wish begins. To follow this custom make any small natural token and toss it in moving water with your wish, the water should be flowing toward you if you wish to being energy and flowing away from you if you want to carry away problems.

In keeping with today's theme, soak in a mild saltwater bath to cleanse away any unwanted energy and heighten your senses.
Then try your favorite divination tool. Pray to Iemanja beforehand to bless your efforts. See what messages she has for you, especially on emotionally charged matters (water equates in metaphysical traditions).

Finally, to honor Iemanja, wear ocean blue clothing today, carry a blue stone (like lace agate or lapis), put a seashell or coral in your pocket, dance in the rain (if the weather cooperates),
or play in the sprinkler. Rediscover the element of water.

By Patricia Telesco From "365 Goddess"


Job Hunting Spell

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Feb 8, 2011 8:10 pm (PST)

Job Hunting Spell

The best time to acquire a new job is in the first three months of the
year, when you will find more opportunities and most likely be hired. If you are job hunting, examine your resume, polish it, and get help if
you feel it is not up to standard. There are many websites that offer
advice on resumes, and there are books available from the library as
well. Draw a pentacle with your finger on the resumes you send out. It
will bring you luck. And if a job strikes you as perfect, a few gold or
yellow candles lit for the opportunity can only help. Local newspapers
offer daily job opportunities. Network with friends and former
workmates. A positive attitude will help you find that perfect job.

By: Boudica

New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!

Main Yahoo Group NJP: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/New_Jersey_Pagans/
Ning Web sites: NJP: http://njpagans.ning.com/
Myspace NJP: http://www.myspace.com/njp_cher
Cher NJP Link: http://www.facebook.com/chic0411
Page NJP: http://www.facebook.com/#!/NJPagans
Group NJP: http://www.facebook.com/groups.php?ref=sb#/group.php?gid=93725735017


Daily Aromatherapy Tip -  Bergamot (Citrus bergamia)

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Feb 8, 2011 8:11 pm (PST)

Daily Aromatherapy Tip - Bergamot (Citrus bergamia)

Choose Bergamot for anxiety and stress relief. Citrusy, crisp, clean, sweet with a floral note. Widely know for it's power to calm and relax.

Diffusing essential oils like Bergamot and Orange in the home will help to uplift the spirits of everyone. Next to Lavender Bergamot is the one to choose.

Caution: Increases photosensitivity, avoid before sun exposure.



Chinese Prayer To Kuan-Yin

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Feb 8, 2011 8:14 pm (PST)

f I were adrift upon the ocean
with demons and dragons all around,
I would think of sweet Kuan-Yin
and the angry waters would subside.

If I were trapped within a furnace
as hot as hell's own blazes,
I would think of Kuan-Yin's power,
and the flames would turn to water.

If enemies pursued me, if I were thrown
from a high mountain peak, if knives
were raised against me, if I were imprisoned
or beset by beasts, I would call on her.

Her pity shields me from the lightning.
Her compassion is like a cloud around me,
which rains down sweetness and
puts out the fires of my sorrow.
~Chinese Prayer To Kuan-Yin

In China,
this is the birthday of the great bodhisattva (near Buddha) Kuan-Yin,
"she who hears the cries of the weeping world." Born a human girl named
Miao Shan, she earned enlightenment but refused it out of compassion for those who remained unenlightened here on earth. She will not, it is
said, move into true Buddhahood so long as there is even one living
being who has not seen the light of truth.

We can
call out to her, Chinese tradition says, merely by uttering her name.
The holy name of Kuan-Yin is the greatest protection we have against
anything that threatens us. Or, put another way: recognition of the
goddess'light, which shines throughout creation, is our greatest source
of strength.
By Patricia Monaghan - From " The Goddess Companion"

New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!

Main Yahoo Group NJP: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/New_Jersey_Pagans/
Ning Web sites: NJP: http://njpagans.ning.com/
Myspace NJP: http://www.myspace.com/njp_cher
Cher NJP Link: http://www.facebook.com/chic0411
Page NJP: http://www.facebook.com/#!/NJPagans
Group NJP: http://www.facebook.com/groups.php?ref=sb#/group.php?gid=93725735017

TV dinner still cooling?
Check out "Tonight's Picks" on Yahoo! TV.

DailyOM: Co-Creating with Nature

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Feb 8, 2011 8:19 pm (PST)

DailyOM - Conscious Gardening
Today's DailyOM brought to you by:

February 8, 2011
Co-Creating with Nature
Conscious Gardening
Think about gardening in a new way; work with your garden on a co-creative way, asking permission and listening to her.

Gardens offer us a perfect opportunity to reconnect to our true selves and remember our place in the natural world. Rather than approach our gardens as mere investments of energy, we can look at the entire process of gardening, from planting seeds to harvesting food, as a way of deepening our conscious relationship with the creative force of the universe. If we are willing to shift our intention from dominating, or at least directing nature, to co-creating with nature instead, we may discover a deep peace and renewed sense of wonder.

To co-create we must first begin with a foundation of mutual respect. As you create your garden in partnership with nature, you can respect the earth, water, insects and animals by using organic seeds, soil and fertilizers. You can also communicate with the plants, insects and elements involved in your garden, and create a regular practice of stillness to listen for any messages they may have for you. When it comes time for harvesting fresh vegetables or picking beautiful blooms, you might even ask permission first. If you ask with an open heart, you will always receive an answer.

Imagine what it would be like to surrender certain aspects of your human world to the precision and surety of the natural environment. You might decide, for example, to forego your calendar and plant in rhythm with the cycles of the moon. Or, you might choose to ignore clock time and water your garden when the sun hits a certain position in the sky. By opening your garden experience to more of nature’s input, you can become available to witness a whole universe of miracles, while engendering a greater sense of honor between the two worlds.

When we recognize ourselves as allies, co-creators, with the earth and the natural world, our relationship to our environment begins to change. We no longer feel the need to control the circumstances around us and can relish in the perfection of all that is.

Top 10 DailyOM Courses:
1. 21 Day Yoga Body!
2. Master the Path of the Peaceful Warrior
3. Tarot for Personal and Spiritual Growth
4. Make Yourself a Money Magnet
5. Combating Emotional Vampires
6. Heal Your Money Karma
7. Find True Love in 27 Days
8. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
9. A Year of Rumi
10. Being Here Now

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Poor Girl Pregnant Takes Wrong Prescript Drug

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Feb 8, 2011 8:19 pm (PST)

Can you believe that story of that poor woman that took the wrong meds that can terminate her pregnancy, cancer drug that is also used to
terminate, hopefully nothing will happen but the mental trauma till you have the baby that has to be driving her nuts....I have to find her
name so we can send protection to the lil one

New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!

Main Yahoo Group NJP: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/New_Jersey_Pagans/
Ning Web sites: NJP: http://njpagans.ning.com/
Myspace NJP: http://www.myspace.com/njp_cher
Cher NJP Link: http://www.facebook.com/chic0411
Page NJP: http://www.facebook.com/#!/NJPagans
Group NJP: http://www.facebook.com/groups.php?ref=sb#/group.php?gid=93725735017


Come join me at The Journey through the HEART Chakra System w/ Eddie

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Feb 8, 2011 8:21 pm (PST)

Network Email

Stargazer Lily Stargazer Lily has invited you to the event 'The Journey through the HEART Chakra System w/ Eddie Mullins' on Soulsjourney.net!

Correction: This teleclass is scheduled for Tuesday, February 22, 2011.

Time: February 22, 2011 from 6pm to 8pm
Location: Conference Call
Organized By: Eddie Mullins

Event Description:
The Journey through the HEART Chakra System
Clearing, Cleansing & Opening the HEART space in your life with Eddie Mullins

When: Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Time: 6 p.m. (EST) to 8 p.m. (EST)

Class Fee: $24.99

Class Description:
Chakras are our energy centers that are the openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura. Their function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness. Come explore how to balancing the chakras can in fact balance your entire life. This workshop will be focusing on the Heart Chakra, the energy source of receiving and giving more love. This is a time and space that is needed on the planet, at this very moment.

In this class:

Introduce the Heart Chakra and it's alignment with the body
Provide three meditations to clear, cleanse and journey through the Heart Chakra
Introduce the layers of the emotional heart, related to the Heart Chakra
Teach you how to balance your Heart Chakra energy, to align all of your Chakras and your life
And much more!

See more details and RSVP on Soulsjourney.net:
About Soulsjourney.net
1709 members
888 photos
14 videos
50 discussions
174 Events
443 blog posts

To control which emails you receive on Soulsjourney.net, click here


Come join me at The Journey through the HEART Chakra System w/ Eddie

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Feb 8, 2011 8:22 pm (PST)

Network Email

Stargazer Lily Stargazer Lily has invited you to the event 'The Journey through the HEART Chakra System w/ Eddie Mullins' on Soulsjourney.net!

Check out "The Journey through the HEART Chakra System w/ Eddie Mullins" on Soulsjourney.net

Stargazer Lily

Time: February 23, 2011 from 6pm to 8pm
Location: Conference Call
Organized By: Eddie Mullins

Event Description:
The Journey through the HEART Chakra System
Clearing, Cleansing & Opening the HEART space in your life with Eddie Mullins

When: Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Time: 6 p.m. (EST) to 8 p.m. (EST)

Class Fee: $24.99

Class Description:
Chakras are our energy centers that are the openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura. Their function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness. Come explore how to balancing the chakras can in fact balance your entire life. This workshop will be focusing on the Heart Chakra, the energy source of receiving and giving more love. This is a time and space that is needed on the planet, at this very moment.

In this class:

Introduce the Heart Chakra and it's alignment with the body
Provide three meditations to clear, cleanse and journey through the Heart Chakra
Introduce the layers of the emotional heart, related to the Heart Chakra
Teach you how to balance your Heart Chakra energy, to align all of your Chakras and your life
And much more!

See more details and RSVP on Soulsjourney.net:
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1708 members
884 photos
14 videos
50 discussions
174 Events
443 blog posts

To control which emails you receive on Soulsjourney.net, click here

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Warm up with ART(work), NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Feb 8, 2011 8:21 pm (PST)

BBBBRRRR....I hope you're keeping warm (for those of you stuck in the winter climates). Thought I'd share my art adventures for the coming month...

WILD NJ ONLINE MAGAZINE has featured one of my winter photos as PHOTO OF THE WEEK!! Check it out on

Two of my digital photographs were selected to be in the new CALADAN GALLERY ONLINE JURIED ART EXHIBIT, VISUAL JOY on www.caladangallery.com This international show can be viewed by all from the comfort of your home so enjoy the JOY!

I've finally went through tons of photos I shot during my visits to one of my favorite cities, NEW ORLEANS & have posted some of the best on my BLOG! Take a trip with me to the BIG EASY on http://laurencurtis.wordpress.com
Signed prints available & Paypal is accepted to this email addy. (Checks & hard, cold cash gladly accepted too! ;) Email me for prices/sizes (range: $25 & up)! I also published a PHOTO ESSAY BOOK about New Orleans, available now! Here's the preview link: http://share.shutterfly.com/share/received/welcome.sfly?fid=1a13931d05326c&sid=0BZOXLVo4cM3GQ or see the link on my facebook fan page (link below)!
And please become a blog subscriber if you're not already...I feature many exciting guests as well as news about my work!
Also, please "LIKE" my NEW FACEBOOK FAN PAGE (lots of new art posted!): http:/www.facebook.com/LaurenCurtisArtTalonArt

Thanks again for reading & stay warm!
Take care,
http://www.laurencurtisart.com/ (commercial & fine art)
http://www.laurencurtisart.mosaicglobe.com/ (fine art, photography, art updates)
http://www.laurencurtis.imagekind.com/ (cards, T-shirts, photography, illustration)
http://laurencurtis.wordpress.com/ (my Blog!)


Come join me at The Journey through the Chakra System w/ Eddie Mulli

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Feb 8, 2011 8:21 pm (PST)

Network Email

Stargazer Lily Stargazer Lily has invited you to the event 'The Journey through the Chakra System w/ Eddie Mullins' on Soulsjourney.net!

Check out "The Journey through the Chakra System w/ Eddie Mullins" on Soulsjourney.net

Stargazer Lily

Time: February 16, 2011 from 6pm to 8pm
Location: Conference Call
Organized By: Eddie Mullins

Event Description:
The Journey through the Chakra System Clearing, Cleansing & Opening the Chakras with Eddie Mullins

Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Time: 6 p.m. (EST) to 8 p.m. (EST)

Class Fee: $24.99

Class Description:
Chakras are our energy centers that are the openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura. Their function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness. Come explore how to balancing the chakras can in fact balance your entire life.

In this class:

Introduce the Chakra System and their alignment with the body (the 7 main Chakras)
Provide three meditations to clear, cleanse and open the Chakras
Teach you how to balance your energy to align the Chakras and your life
Introduce the 8th Chakra and much more!

See more details and RSVP on Soulsjourney.net:
About Soulsjourney.net
1708 members
884 photos
14 videos
50 discussions
174 Events
443 blog posts

To control which emails you receive on Soulsjourney.net, click here


Practical Magick II classes, Feb. Pompton Lakes NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Feb 8, 2011 8:24 pm (PST)

Subject: Practical Magick II classes

Hello all-
Here are some class reminders and 2
new classes. (Soul Retrieval) & (Healing with

Please reserve your space because
space is limited.

Hatha Yoga
on now---

am - 11:15 am

pm - 7:15 pm

to all levels.
class will be gentle and challenging, encouraging each individual the
oppurtunity to settle into postures and the breath to find relaxation and the
space to tap into their own healing life force.

for 6 classes


Development Circle
by Susan Bischak
February 11th
March 4th
8:00 pm to 10:00 pm
is limited---Please call to reserve seating

Bischak is offering the opportunity to train in mediumship. All those who want
to test their ability to raise their mental vibrations up to get messages from
the dearly departed may attend. There will be no pressure to "perform", but you
will be expected to do your best to "tune in" and "give out" rather than
passively receive from others. It is challenging and it takes time to develop
this talent, if you have it at all. Remember, all mediums are psychic, but not
all psychics are mediums. You have it, or you don't. Come find out in a
supportive atmosphere where all will take part. I plan to repeat this class on a
regular basis to allow those that show promise the necessary time to work on
their skills.



II Part I-Sunday, February 13, 2011
pm - 4 pm

II Part II-Sunday, February 20, 2011
pm - 4 pm

a day

Essential oils


oils have been used for centuries. The Egyptian Pyramids had essential oils
stored in them that were still intact and usable when found in modern days. Many
oils have medicinal uses, and modern day medicines are often derived from these
oils. We will explore the use of oils and how to apply them.

February 18th

pm - 10 pm


by Susan Bischak
February 25th, 2011
8:00 pm to 10:00 pm

is limited---Please call to reserve seating

an evening exploring "the other side" with medium Susan Bischak. She will
demonstrate platform mediumship (mediumship for a group of people). Susan's
focus is on communicating with spirits that want to bring messages to you.
As receiver and interpreter of the messages, Susan does her best to give
you information you can be sure is from someone you know that has passed over.
This form of mediumship is Evidential Mediumship. These messages are very
healing , personal, emotional, humorous, and joyful. Come and get
"evidence" that there is life beyond this life, and love beyond this
has been studying metaphysical topics since 1980. She learned mediumship from an
American Spiritualist. She has taught mediumship for 10 years and attended
workshops by instructors from the famed Arthur Findlay College in England.
She does mediumship for groups as well as private sittings combined with
artwork (called Spirit Art). Susan is certified as a reiki master, IET
master instructor, IGM acupressure adept, advanced biosyntonie practitioner,
biofeedback facilitator, nutritionist, past-life regressionist, and
thermographer. Susan is an ordained interfaith minister. For more
information about Susan visit, www.naturalharmonyinfo.com


By Liana


The history of
The magickal qualities
and applications
connected with
each rune.
The meaning of each of
the Elder Futhark runes.
How to cast and
interpret various runic spreads.

5 week

Starting Saturday,
February 26th

1:00 pm
- 3:00 pm

Fairy Workshops

By Liana

with the Fairies!
how to see Faeries!
Make a
Faerie house!
Faerie magick!
tea with the Faeries!
and so
much more!!!

February 26th

Ages 6
- 13

6 week

a week

am to 12:00 pm

Group Past Life


life regressions are a process that allows you to experience one or more of your
past lives by putting you into a light state of hypnosis. This allows your
subconscious to remember back to a life time before the one you are in
now. You may see, hear, smell, or just know that you have experienced what your
mind is accessing. This can be a wonderful tool to help with issues in this life
time, helping to understand behavioral problems like phobias, or even picking
bad relationships. Past life regression can also just be an enjoyable way to see
what we've experienced in past life times also.

Friday, March

8:00 pm - 10:00

$35.00 per

Retrieval Workshop


Each person you meet
whether positive or negative connects to your soul. In this life and in past
lives we leave a small piece of our soul energy with each person. Often time
this leaves the person feeling like they have lost a part of them selves, or
that something is missing in their lives. This can even manifest in physical and
emotional problems. Through hypnosis and exercises we will retrieve these pieces
of the soul to bring your energy back into alignment.

Friday, March

8 pm - 9:30

$35.00 per

with Crystals and Colors
By Bridget

Different rocks and
crystals hold different energy. Learn to use crystals and colors to help you and
others heal. This class will discuss the reasons for many sicknesses, and how to
use available mineral energy to help with natural healing.

Friday, March

8 pm - 9:30

$35.00 per


By Bridget

Dowsing is an ancient
art that anyone can use. It develops psychic ability, as well as connecting us
to our spirit guides. Dowsing is an effective way for everyone to find what is
in their highest interest. Basic dowsing will teach the student how to pick the
best pendulum for themselves, how to clear the pendulum, and the most effective
ways to use a pendulum.

2 week

$25.00 a

Friday, April


Friday, April
pm - 10:00 pm

Blessed Be!!!

Robert Vecchio
Practical Magick II
322B Wanaque Avenue
Lakes, NJ


Fw: ASTROLOGY w/ KATHY BIEHL - Holistic Mentorship w/ Mariana Cooper

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Feb 8, 2011 8:24 pm (PST)

(click here)

FEB 13
6:30 pm

Learn to
6 weeks

Tips for Massage Therapists to Avoid Burnout...

It 's important to follow healthy habits in order to stay well and love your career.

While massage therapists want to work to help their clients and further their practice, every therapist also needs time to relax & rejuvenate.

Get a massage yourself!
This not only keeps your body well and feels amazing, but it also reminds you how it feels from your clients' perspective.

A massage helps to refresh the reason behind the desire to become a massage therapist, helps you recognize the benefits of the therapy, gives you energy and new ideas to bring back to your own clients.
Burnout can be avoided from just one or two monthly sessions! Address any specific areas of concern, adhesions or tension.

Exercise, Eat Well & Rest
For many, performing several massages each day is exercise enough! When utilizing proper body mechanics, you should feel like you've just had a great workout after a massage session...BUT... if you're feeling exhausted instead, strength training exercises may be the key to building endurance and giving a better massage. Burnout happens due to a combination of things: not enough exercise, sleep, or food...and can also possibly result from simply overbooking yourself and burning the candle at both ends. If you know you're inclined to be a workaholic, get some well-deserved downtime!

Keep your immune system healthy. Clear your mind & emotions with meditation to keep you grounded & aware...(click to read more)
FEB 20




Class 1
'The beginning...'

Grounding, Centering & Balance

FEB 22




What's Your Heart's Desire?
...Manifesting LOVE in 2011

with Astrologer Kathy Biehl

Venus has been activating all the Cancer/Capricorn eclipses we've been experiencing since July 2009. So what have we learned so far? And how can you manifest your heart's desires in 2011? Join us as astrologer Kathy Biehl gives you all the info!

important for your business?

Holistic Mentorship Network Meeting
Mariana Cooper
Mariana Cooper
"Social Media Strategies & Secrets to Attract REAL
Clients Who TRULY Want to Pay For Your Services!"

ï‚· Are you on Facebook, Twitter or other social media networks and wondering what all the fuss is about?
ï‚· Having a hard time figuring out how to use them to actually build your business?
ï‚· Think you don't need social media because your clients need to be in your local area?
This High-Powered Program is Exclusively For Enlightened Entrepreneurs!

If you are ignoring Social Media you are potentially leaving tens of thousands of dollars on the table!

The Holistic Mentorship Network Supports the Holistic Professional, as well as the Community, by providing the space to network; build a referral base; mentor & support each other in business development & growth; promote community awareness and education of alternative services and products; and meet potential clients.

Please RSVP 973-919-3600

Member Dues: $5.00

Non-Member Dues: $10.00

First-Timers - FREE!

Healing with Crystals
& divine feminine energy

Allison Hayes,
The Rock Girl (R).
Do you want to learn how to use crystals
for healing?

Are you looking for ways to improve your healing practice?

In this class, Allison
& Robin teach you how to work with crystals and divine feminine energy for sacred healing. They will delve deeply into the specific healing properties of

Robin Mansfield
that month's stones, their proper placement, and the energy they express. They will also discuss that month's goddesses: their history, the archetypes they represent, and how to combine that energy with the crystals for sacred healing.

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Help support the
Mount Pleasant Animal Shelter.
Adopt a 'familyfriendly' pet today! NJshelter.org
Just a note...we are ALWAYS collecting items
for the shelter. Please feel free to drop off any
items you wish to donate.
Magickal Blessings!
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Goddess in Eden| 74 Church Street| Montclair| NJ| 07042


Nocturnal Witches Ball! Talon will be vending...Feb. 18, Clifton NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Feb 8, 2011 8:25 pm (PST)

[Attachment(s) from Cher Chirichello included below]

Subject: Nocturnal Witches Ball! Talon will be vending...

Greetings all you Creatures of the Night! Get ready for the next Nocturnal Witches Ball @ DINGBATZ in Clifton, NJ.
This exotic event will feature alternative music, suspension artists, fashion show & other dark performances and, of course, VENDORS of all your favorite gothic accouterments! I (Lauren aka Talon) was invited to sell my original artwork, necklaces & T-shirts & there'll be many other dark delights available as well....
JOIN US!!! Friday, Feb. 18, 2011 After Dark!
Dingbatz, 620 Van Houten, Clifton, NJ
See Flyer for more details...
See you at the Ball...
~Lauren (aka Talon)
P.S. Next time you're on facebook, please "LIKE" my new fan page...full of dark new artwork! http://www.facebook.com/LaurenCurtisArtTalonArt Thanks!!!


Attachment(s) from Cher Chirichello

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