vineri, 6 mai 2011

[13Witches] Digest Number 7402

Messages In This Digest (22 Messages)

Website for Petition About "redefining Rape" From: Lady Nightshayde
Gopher Central Quote a Day From: Lady Nightshayde
National Day of Prayer From: Lady Nightshayde
Elder's Meditation of the Day From: Lady Nightshayde
Elder's Meditation of the Day From: Lady Nightshayde
Fw: DailyOM: Empowered Forgiveness From: Beth Patterson
Fw: Daily Ray of Hope From: Beth Patterson
I'm deleting my contact list From: The Snyder's
Re: Terminology From: Jay
Re: Terminology From: Jay
Re: Terminology From: Jay
Re: Terminology From: Jay
Cool Website of the Day From: Lady Nightshayde
Humor From: Lady Nightshayde
A California Principal's Opening Message to Students--A Great Read From: Lady Nightshayde
Today's Quote From: Lady Nightshayde
Fun Friday--Money From: Lady Nightshayde
Company Logos and Their Meanings From: Lady Nightshayde
How to Cleanse and Purify a Sacred Space From: Lady Nightshayde
How to Make a Book of Shadows From: Lady Nightshayde
The Magical Bully From: Lady Nightshayde
Energy needed.. please.. From: BabiiFae



Website for Petition About "redefining Rape"

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Thu May 5, 2011 8:13 am (PDT)


Gopher Central Quote a Day

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Thu May 5, 2011 8:29 am (PDT)

Quote a Day

QUOTE A DAY - May 5, 2011

Greetings fellow quote lovers:

Well, I did not know what quotes to use today. Everybody in the country seems to be experiencing some sort of blood lust over the supposed killing of Bin Laden.

Because I believe he has long been dead, what has been transpiring is theater for a purpose I know not yet. But what is real is the celebration of death is disturbing on many levels.

One of my favorite prophets from the Old Testament is Ezekiel. I think he summed it up best:

Assurely as I live, says the Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of wicked people.
--Ezekiel 33:11

Please be safe today and count your blessings...not for death but for what the Good Lord has made abundant in your life.



Questions? Comments? Email me at: quote (at)

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


National Day of Prayer

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Thu May 5, 2011 8:32 am (PDT)

National Day of Prayer (U. S.)

Cinco de Mayo
Color of the day: Turquoise
Incense of the day: Jasmine

Today, in the United States, it is the National Day of Prayer. It isalso Cinco de Mayo, a day in Mexico when folks celebrate a majortriumph over the French in 1862.

Offer up a prayer today for courage and triumph in the face of world,or personal, adversity.

On a plain, unlined piece of paper, write or draw your prayer. Allowthe winds to carry your prayer out into the world by affixing it to atree branch in the fashion of Shinto omikuji, or fortune scrolls, orEastern European prayer scrolls, as well as ema, wooden plaques left atShinto shrines with wishes written on them.

Holiday lore: Don't confuse Cinco de Mayo with MexicanIndependence Day on September 16. Cinco de Mayo marks the victory ofthe brave Mexican army over the French at the Battle of Puebla.Although the Mexican army was eventually defeated, the Batalla dePuebla became a symbol of Mexican unity and patriotism. With thisvictory, the people of Mexico demonstrated to the world that Mexico andall of Latin America were willing to defend themselves against anyforeign or imperialist intervention.

This post was written by Laurel Reufner on May 05, 2011

The National Day of Prayer (36U.S.C. § 119) is an annual day of observance held on the first Thursdayof May, designated by the United States Congress, when people are asked"to turn to God in prayer and meditation". The law formalizing itsannual observance was enacted in 1952, and its constitutionality isbeing challenged in court again by the Freedom From Religion Foundationafter their challenge was unanimously dismissed by a federal appellatecourt in April 2011.

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Elder's Meditation of the Day

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Thu May 5, 2011 9:25 am (PDT)

Elder's Meditation of the Day

"There are many things to be shared withthe four colors of man in our commondestiny as one family upon our Mother theEarth."

-- -- Traditional Circle of Elders, NORTHERN CHEYENNE

The Elders tell us the time will come when thefour colors of Man will unite into one family.According to prophecies, we were told thiswould happen when the Sun was blocked in theSeventh Moon. There was an eclipse ofthe Sun in July, 1991. We are now in a newSpringtime called the Coming Together Time.Each of the four colors of man has knowledgethat the other colors need to heal their families.Let us all be willing to sit in a circle andrespect our differences.

Creator, let mebe willing tohave an openmind.

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Elder's Meditation of the Day

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Thu May 5, 2011 7:51 pm (PDT)

Elder's Meditation of the Day

"But I have learned a lot from trees: sometimes about the weather, sometimes about animals, sometimes about the Great Spirit."

-- Walking Buffalo, STONEY

Nature is the greatest teacher on the Earth. Nature produces many different plants, animals, trees, rocks, birds, insects, and weather patterns. Nature designed all these various things to grow and multiply while at the same time live in harmony with each other. We can learn a lot of we observe and study Nature's system of harmony and balance. Today, go sit on a rock and quietly observe and ask to be shown the lessons.

Great Spirit, Nature is my teacher. Today, let me be the student.


The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Fw: DailyOM: Empowered Forgiveness

Posted by: "Beth Patterson"   purrrpaws4444

Thu May 5, 2011 10:06 am (PDT)

Today's DailyOM brought to you by:



May 5, 2011
Empowered Forgiveness

If we can remember that our response to others is important, we can realize that trust and forgiveness go hand in hand.

In life there will always be times when we are affected by the actions of another person. When this happens, we often receive an apology. More often than not we say, "It's alright," or " It's okay," and by saying this we are allowing, accepting, and giving permission for the behavior to happen again. When we say "thank you," or "I accept your apology," we are forced to sit in our feelings rather than ignore them.

There are many of us who feel that it is easier to brush off how we really feel than to express our discomfort with something that has happened to us. While this may initially seem like the best thing to do, what it really does is put us into an unending pattern of behavior; since we are not honest with another person, we continue the cycle of letting them overstep our emotional limits time and time again. By doing this we place ourselves in the position of victim. We can put an end to this karmic chain by first acknowledging to the other person that we accept their request for forgiveness; often a simple "thank you" is enough. To truly create a greater sense of harmony in our relationship, however, we need to gently, and with compassion, express our innermost concerns about what has transpired. By taking a deep breath and calling upon the deepest parts of our spirit, we can usually find the right words to say and verbalize them in a way that lets
the other person recognize ! the consequences of what they have done.

If we can remember that our response to others is important, we can begin to realize that trust and forgiveness go hand in hand. And when we react in a way that engenders a greater amount of honesty and candor, we will establish a more positive and empowering way of being and interacting others.

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Fw: Daily Ray of Hope

Posted by: "Beth Patterson"   purrrpaws4444

Thu May 5, 2011 10:07 am (PDT)

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I'm deleting my contact list

Posted by: "The Snyder's"   stargazersrusx3

Thu May 5, 2011 12:22 pm (PDT)

Once again, I must apologize. I bought and installed Norton Anti-virus. However, I checked my mail using my phone and received the virus and unknowingly passed it on to everyone on my contacts list. I will be deleting my contact list and will no longer check my mail using my phone. I do not know what else to do except those precautions.
Taliba/Debbie Snyder

Re: Terminology

Posted by: "Jay"   bareshark1975

Thu May 5, 2011 2:33 pm (PDT)

Your point is a valid one. Such people, however, will always find a way through the laws, whatever they may be. Given the track record of the bunch pushing this law, protection of anyone aside from themselves and their personal interests is the furthest thing from their minds. Maybe it's too many bad memories from my childhood (where these folks hold the most power) interfering with my judgment, but I cannot deny what I see with all three of my eyes. A line from Tolkein: "I know what you would say and it would seem like wisdom but for the warning in my heart."



Re: Terminology

Posted by: "Jay"   bareshark1975

Thu May 5, 2011 2:34 pm (PDT)

That would be precisely the angle I thought of myself when I heard this coming down. However, the current legislative configuration being what it is, it hasn't a hope in hell of passing. That, in turn, makes me think that this is just a feint so that a slightly-less-noxious piece of law can be pushed through. It's been this crowd's operating MO for as long as I've been tracking them.



Re: Terminology

Posted by: "Jay"   bareshark1975

Thu May 5, 2011 2:34 pm (PDT)

Ahh, Miki...would that I could share your optimism. But what I've seen of this bunch tells me "no". Not just "no", mind, but "NO" in bright, red, flaming, neon colors. Whatever the real agenda is, anyone's welfare aside from their own is the last thing on their minds.



Re: Terminology

Posted by: "Jay"   bareshark1975

Thu May 5, 2011 2:34 pm (PDT)

It strikes me, Beth, that this is a reverse of the old Captain Marvel comics. Little boy Billy Batson says the magic word, "Shazam!", and changes into the adult, superpowered Captain Marvel. This little wordplay would rob women of their autonomy and power with a change in the law.



Cool Website of the Day

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Thu May 5, 2011 7:47 pm (PDT)

Go Ask Alice!

"Go Ask Alice! is the health question and answer Internet service produced by Alice!, Columbia University's Health Promotion Program... It works to provide readers with reliable, accessible information and a range of thoughtful perspectives so that they can make responsible decisions concerning their health and well-being." Alice is reasonably young by people standards having been created in 1993, but is mature in terms of Internet sites. Backed by a team of health educators, health care providers and other health-related specialists who answer 'questions about relationships, sexuality, sexual health, emotional health,; fitness, nutrition, alcohol, nicotine, and other drugs, and, general health,' Alice is the place to direct your health questions. If 'she' can't answer, she'll direct you to other resources for further information.

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde



Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Thu May 5, 2011 7:47 pm (PDT)

Shredded Similes, Mutilated Metaphors

For your entertainment, actual similes and metaphors found by high school English teachers from across the country in their student's essays.

- Her face was a perfect oval, like a circle that had its two sides gently compressed by a Thigh Master.

- His thoughts tumbled in his head, making and breaking alliances, like underpants in a dryer without Cling Free.

- He spoke with the wisdom that can only come from experience, like a guy who went blind because he looked at a solar eclipse without one of those boxes with a pinhole in it and now goes around the country speaking at high schools about the dangers of looking at a solar eclipse without one of those boxes with a pinhole in it.

- She grew on him like she was a colony of e-coli and he was room-temperature Canadian beef.

- She had a deep, throaty, genuine laugh, like that sound a dog makes just before it throws up.

- Her vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever.

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


A California Principal's Opening Message to Students--A Great Read

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Thu May 5, 2011 7:48 pm (PDT)


From: Dennis Prager, principal at a high school in Redding, California, on the first day of classes in 2010: To the students and faculty of our high school: I am your new principal, and honored to be so. There is no greater calling than to teach young people.

I would like to apprise you of some important changes coming to our school.

I am making these changes because I am convinced that most of the ideas that have dominated public education in America have worked against you, against your teachers, against your parents, and against our country. Therefore: First, this school will no longer honor race or ethnicity. I could not care less if your racial makeup is black, brown, red, yellow, or white. I could not care less if your origins are African, Latin American, Asian, or European, or if your ancestors arrived here on the Mayflower or on slave ships. The only identity I care about, the only one this school will recognize, is your individual identity -- your character, your scholarship, your humanity. And the only national identity this school will care about is American. This is an American public school, and American public schools were created to make better Americans.

If you wish to affirm an ethnic, racial, or religious identity through your school, you will have to go elsewhere. We will end all ethnicity-, race- and non-American-nationality-based celebrations. They undermine the motto of America , one of its three central values -- E Pluribus Unum -- "from many, one."

And this school will be guided by America 's values. That includes all after-school clubs. I will not authorize clubs that divide students based on any identities. This includes race, lang uage, religion, sexual orientation, or whatever else may become in vogue in a society divided by political correctness. Your clubs will be based on interests and passions -- not blood, ethnic, racial or other physically defined ties. Those clubs just cultivate narcissism -- an unhealthy preoccupation with the self -- while the purpose of education is to get you to think beyond yourself. So, we will have clubs that transport you to the wonders and glories of art, music, astronomy, languages you do not already speak, math, carpentry, and more. If the only extracurricular activities you can imagine being interested in are those based on ethnic or racial or sexual identity, that means that little outside of yourself really interests you.

Second, I am not interested in whether or not English is your native language. My only interest in terms of language is that you leave this school speaking and writing English as fluently as possible. The English language has united America 's citizens for more than 200 years, and it will unite us at this school. It is one of the indispensable reasons this country of immigrants has always come to be one country. And if you leave this school without excellent English-language skills, I will have been remiss in my duty to ensure that you are prepared to compete successfully in the American job market. We will learn other languages here -- it is deplorable that most Americans only speak English . But if you want classes taught in your native language rather than in English, this is not your school.

Third, because I regard learning as a sacred endeavor, everything in this school will reflect learning's elevated status. This means, among other things, that you and your teachers will dress accordingly. Many people in our society dress more formally for a meal at a nice restaurant than they do for church or school. Those people have their priorities backwards. Therefore, there will b e a formal dress code at this school.

Fourth, no obscene language will be tolerated anywhere on this school's property -- whether in class, in the hallways or at athletic events. If you can't speak without using the "F-word," you can't speak. By obscene language I mean the words banned by the Federal Communications Commission plus epithets such as the "N-word," even when used by one black student to address another, or "bitch," even when addressed by a girl to a girlfriend. It is my intent that by the time you leave this school, you will be among the few of your age to distinguish instinctively between the elevated and the degraded, the holy and the obscene.

Fifth, we will end all self-esteem programs. In this school, self-esteem will be attained in only one way -- the way people attained it until the state of California decided otherwise a generation ago -- by earning it. One immediate consequence of this is that there will be only one class valedictorian, not eight.

Sixth, and last, I am reorienting the school toward academics and away from politics and propaganda. No more time will be devoted to scaring you about smoking and caffeine, or terrifying you about sexual harassment or global warming. No more semesters will be devoted to condom-wearing and teaching you to regard sexual relations as only or primarily a health issue. There will be no more attempts to convince you that you are a victim because you are not white, or not male, or not heterosexual, or not Christian. We will have failed, if any one of you graduates from this school and does not consider himself or herself inordinately lucky -- to be alive and to be an American.

Now, please stand and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America . As many of you do not know the words, your teachers will hand them out to you.

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Today's Quote

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Thu May 5, 2011 7:50 pm (PDT)

"End? This is not the end. Death is just another path, one that we all must take." ~Gandalf, Return of the King

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Fun Friday--Money

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Thu May 5, 2011 7:51 pm (PDT)


It can buy you a House,
But not a Home.

It can buy you a Bed,
But not Sleep.

It can buy you a Clock,
But not Time.

It can buy you a Book,
But not Knowledge.

It can buy you a Position,
But not Respect.

It can buy you Medicine,
But not Health.

It can buy you Blood,
But not Life.

It can buy you Sex,
But not Love.

So you see, money isn't everything. The best things in life can't be bought, and often we destroy ourselves trying!

I tell you all this because I am your Friend, and as your Friend I want to take away your needless pain and suffering...

So send me all your money and I will suffer for you.

A truer Friend than me you will never find.


Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.


Company Logos and Their Meanings

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Thu May 5, 2011 7:52 pm (PDT)

Company Logos and their Meanings

Ever wondered what company logos mean and whats the significance behind them? Wonder no more!

You might think the arrow does nothing here. But it says that has everything from a to z and it also represents the smile brought to
the customer's face. Wow, that is quite deep.

Am not sure how many of you have noticed a hidden symbol in the Federal Express logo.
Yeah, I am talking about the 'arrow' that you can see between the E and the x in this logo. The arrow was introduced to underscore speed and precision, which are part of the positioning of the company.

The old logo of Baskin Robbins had the number 31 with an arc above it. The new logo took this idea to the next level. The pink parts of the BR still form the number 31, a reference to the 31 flavours.

Carrefour is one of the biggest European retailers, and its also French for crossroads. The logo symbolizes this word via two opposite arrows. They also added the first letter of the name, because if you look closely youll see the letter C in the negative space between the two arrows.

At first, this logo might not make much sense. But if you look closely, youll see the number 1 in the negative space between the F and the red stripes. I also love how this logo communicates a feeling of speed.

The NBC (National Broadcasting Company) is one of the biggest American television networks. I think most of you have already seen the peacock in this logo. The peacock has 6 different tail feathers, referring to the six divisions at the time that this logo was created. The peacocks head is flipped to the right to suggest it was looking forward, not back.

Sony Vaio is a well known brand of laptops. But did you know that the name Vaio logo also had a hidden meaning? Well, the first two letters represent the basic analogue signal. The last two letters look like a 1 and 0, representing the digital signal.

Toblerone is a chocolate-company from Bern , Switzerland . Bern is sometimes called The City Of Bears. They have incorporated this idea in the Toblerone logo, because if you look closely, youll see the silhouette of a bear.

Unilever is one of the biggest producers of food, beverages, cleaning agents and personal care products. They produce a huge amount of different products and they wanted to reflect this in their logo. Each part of the logo has a meaning. For example: the heart represents love, care and health - feeling good, a bird is a symbol of freedom. Relief from daily chores " getting more out of life.

Paul Rand (who designed the iconic IBM logo in 1972) designed this 'eye bee M' logo in 1981. I like that they are quite relaxed about the logo, unlike certain other companies who do not like the logo to be tampered with in any way even for internal promotions

The SUN Microsystems logo is a wonderful example of symmetry and order. It was a brilliant observation that the letters u and n while arranged adjacent to each other look a lot like the letter S in a perpendicular direction. Spectacular.

The above are two magazines from the Readers Digest stable. Again, the attempt to communicate what it is about quite figuratively through the logo catches my attention.

This was a logo created for a puzzle game called Cluenatic. This game involves unravelling four clues. The logo has the letters C, L, U and E arranged as a maze. and from a distance, the logo looks like a key

Eighty-20 is a small consulting company which does sophisticated financial modeling, as well as some solid database work. All their work is highly quantitative and relies on some serious computational power, and the logo is meant to convey it.

People first guess that 20% of the squares are darkened, but that turns out to be false after counting them. The trick is to view the dark squares as 1's and the light squares as 0's. Then the top line reads 1010000 and the bottom line reads 0010100, which represent 80 and 20 in binary.

Kinda like the surreal green screen of The Matrix, they want us to read stuff in binary

Read more:

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde
We are a support group for Women Only.


How to Cleanse and Purify a Sacred Space

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Thu May 5, 2011 7:54 pm (PDT)

How to Cleanse or Purify a Sacred Space

In many Pagan and Wiccan traditions, it is considered important to purify or cleanse a space before any sort of ritual can take place. There are a several different ways of doing this, and how you do it will depend in part upon the rules or guidelines of your tradition. If you're a solitary, or your tradition is eclectic, then you may choose the method that works best for you.
Typically, when an area is ritually purified, it is done in a clockwise direction, but this may vary from one tradition to the next.
With smudging, you can use sage, sweetgrass, or other herbs. You can also use incense, if you like. The purpose of smudging is to use smoke to carry negative energy out of the area. When you light sage or sweetgrass, allow it to flame for a moment and then blow out the flame. This will leave you with a burning herb bundle, which will create smoke.
In some cases, you may wish to use asperging as a method of cleaning a space. Asperging means using liquid -- the power of water -- to purify the area. Although this is typically done by sprinkling consecrated water around the perimeter of the space, you can also asperge with milk, wine, or either of these blended with honey.
Typically, the broom is associated with cleaning and purification. You can use a broom or besom to go around the edges of the space, sweeping negativity away as you go. It's a good idea to start and finish near a door, so that negative energy can literally be swept outside.
Salt has been used for purification for thousands of years. Use a bowl of sea salt, sprinkled around the area, to cleanse the space and make it sacred.
In many cultures, fire is used to ritually purify and cleanse a space. You can do this by lighting a candle and walking the area, or sprinkling cooled ashes around the perimeter (although this can be messy to clean up if you're inside!).

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


How to Make a Book of Shadows

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Thu May 5, 2011 7:56 pm (PDT)

How to Make a Book of Shadows

The Book of Shadows (BOS) is used to store information you'll need in your magical tradition. Many Pagans and Wiccans feel a BOS should be handwritten, but some use a computer to store information as well. Bear in mind that a BOS is considered a sacred tool, which means it is an item of power that should be consecrated with all of your other magical tools. Copy spells and rituals into your BOS by hand – this will not only transfer energy to the writer, but it also helps you to memorize the contents. Make sure you write legibly enough that you'll be able to read your notes during a ritual!

Difficulty: Average
Time Required: Varied
Here's How:

To make your Book of Shadows, begin with a blank notebook. A popular method is to use a three-ring binder so items can be added and rearranged as needed. If you use this style of BOS, you can use sheet protectors as we ll, which is great for preventing candle wax and other ritual drippings from getting on the pages! Whatever you select, your title page should include your name. Make it fancy or simple, depending on your preference, but remember that the BOS is a magical object and should be treated accordingly. Many witches simply write, "The Book of Shadows of [your name]" on the front page.

What format should you use? Some witches are known to create elaborate Books of Shadows in secret, magical alphabets. Unless you're fluent enough in one of these systems that you can read it without having to check notes or a chart, stick with your native language. While a spell looks beautiful written out in flowing Elvish script or Klingon lettering, the fact is that it's just hard to read unless you're an Elf or a Klingon.
When it comes to the contents of your personal BOS, there are a few sections that are nearly universally included.

Laws of your coven or tradition: Believe it or not, magic has rules. While they may vary from group to group, it's a really good idea to keep them at the front of your BOS as a reminder of what constitutes=2 0acceptable behavior and what doesn't. If you're part of an eclectic tradition that doesn't have written rules, or if you're a solitary witch, this is a good place to write down what YOU think are acceptable rules of magic. After all, if you don't set yourself some guidelines, how will you know when you've crossed over them? This may include a variation on the Wiccan Rede, or some similar concept.

A dedication: If you've been initiated into a coven, you may want to include a copy of your initiation ceremony here. However, many Wiccans dedicate themselves to a God or Goddess long before they become part of a coven. This is a good place to write out who you are dedicating yourself to, and why. This can be a lengthy essay, or it can be as simple as saying, "I, Willow, dedicate myself to the Goddess today, June 21, 2007."

Gods and Goddesses: Depending on what pantheon or tradition you follow, you may have a single God and Goddess, or a number of them. Your BOS is=2 0a good place to keep legends and myths and even artwork concerning your Deity. If your practice is an eclectic blend of different spiritual paths, it's a good idea to include that here.

Correspondence tables: When it comes to spellcasting, correspondence tables are some of your most important tools. Phases of the moon, herbs, stones and crystals, colors – all have different meanings and purposes. Keeping a chart of some sort in your BOS guarantees that this information will be at the ready when you really need it. If you have access to a good almanac, it's not a bad idea to record a years' worth of moon phases by date in your BOS.

Sabbat rituals: The Wheel of the Year includes eight holidays for most Wiccans and Pagans, although some traditions do not celebrate all of them. Your BOS can include rituals for each of the Sabbats. For example, for Samhain you may wish to create a rite that honors your ancestors and celebrates the end o f the harvest, while for Yule you may want to write down a celebration of the winter Solstice. A Sabbat celebration can be as simple or complex as you wish.

Other rituals: If you'll be celebrating each full moon, you'll want to include an Esbat rite in your BOS. You can use the same one each month, or create several different ones tailored to the time of year. You may also wish to include sections on how to cast a circle and Drawing Down the Moon, a rite that celebrates the invoking of the Goddess at the time of the full moon. If you'll be doing any rites for healing, prosperity, protection, or other purposes, be sure to include them here.

Herbs: Ask any experienced Pagan or Wiccan about a specific herb, and chances are good that they'll expound on not only the magical uses of the plant but also the healing properties and history of use. Herbalism is often considered the core of spellcasting, because plants are an ingredient that people have used for literally thousands of years. Put together a section in your BOS for herbs and their uses. Remember, many herbs should not be ingested, so it's important to research thoroughly before you take anything internally.

Divination: If you're learning about Tarot, scrying, astrology, or any other form of divination, keep information in here. When you experiment with new methods of divination, keep a record of what you do and results you see in your Book of Shadows.

Sacred texts: While it's fun to have a bunch of new shiny books on Wicca and Paganism to read, sometimes it's just as nice to have information that's a little more established. If there is a certain text that appeals to you, such as The Charge of the Goddess, an old prayer in an archaic language, or a particular chant that moves you, include it in your Book of Shadows.

Magical recip es: There's a lot to be said for "kitchen witchery," because for many people, the kitchen is the center of hearth and home. As you collect recipes for oils, incense, or herb blends, keep them in your BOS. You may even want to include a section of food recipes for Sabbat celebrations.

Spell workings: Some people prefer to keep their spells in a separate book called a grimoire, but you can also keep them in your Book of Shadows. It's easier to keep spells organized if you divide them up by purpose: prosperity, protection, healing, etc. With each spell you include, make sure you also leave room to include information on when the working was performed and what the outcome was.

The biggest dilemma with any Book of Shadows is how to keep it organized. You can use tabbed dividers, create an index at the back, or if you're really super-organized, a table of contents in the front. As you study and learn more, you'll have more information to include – this is why the three-ring binder is such a practical idea. Some people choose instead to use a20simple bound notebook, and just add to the back of it as they discover new items.

You may want to use one notebook for information copied from books or downloaded off the Internet, and another for original creations. Regardless, find the method that works best for you, and take good care of your Book of Shadows. After all, it's a sacred object and should be treated accordingly!


If you find a rite, spell or piece of information somewhere else, be sure to note down the source. It will help you keep organized, and you'll start to recognize patterns in authors' works.

Add a section that includes books you've read, as well as what you thought of them. This way, when you get a chance to share information with others, you'll remember what you've read.

What You Need:

Notebook or binder
Pens and Paper
Sheet protectors (optional)

by Patti Wigington

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


The Magical Bully

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Thu May 5, 2011 7:58 pm (PDT)

The Magical Bully

When you think back to grade school, are your clearest memories of the
bullies in your class and their endless and insidious torments? This is
probably true of middle school and high school as well. Some things never change,
even into adulthood bullies seldom change their ways. Well, I'm here to tell
you, the longer we allow the bullying to continue without confronting the
behavior, the more it will always continue.

Bullies in Magical Communities

Those of us who belong to a coven or who are active in magical communities
no doubt have come in contact with what I call the magical bully. These are
people who, like their forebears on the playground, endlessly brag (about all
of their magical affiliations) and (as if anyone really cares) seek to "one
up" anyone else who will listen to them. They will feign interest in asking
you about your training and how you came to the Craft, and the moment you open
yourself up they will snicker. Despite the fact that you long ago left the
playground behind, the magical bully almost always leaves you feeling down
and out of place.

In general, the magical bully always has to be heard. They want the first
word and the last, even if they contradict themselves or are simply wrong.
Whether they actually know more than everyone else doesn't matter, because they
are certain they do. Typically, magical bullies see themselves far
differently than others actually do--usually as a great benefactor rather than
a manipulator. If they are reading this, they will not see that this applies to

The magical bully criticizes everyone and everything. Their view of life is
essentially negative, and eventually no one wants to be around them except
those individuals who are just like them. The magical bully is an emotional
batterer. You can never do anything right; they are here to correct you and
make you better as a result.

Ultimately, their goal is to control those closest to them--the magical
community they claim to embrace. If you disagree with them, the magical bully
will fly into a tirade, perhaps even a rage, until you just shut up and they

General Bully Traits

To help you recognize a magical bully, here are some general traits they
typically exhibit:

The magical bully is:

A master liar, especially when confronted. They often will blame others for
any misunderstandings. The magical bully excels at deception and should
never be given the benefit of the doubt.

A charmer. But this is the false charm of a "Jekyll and Hyde" quality.
They do not show their vicious side publicly whenever possible, but tell their
true feelings to a confidant. They employ harm to gain things they want. It
is generally excessive in nature. They are sycophants.

Glib, verbose, and says a lot about nothing. In the end, their point is
often lost in their wordiness, and you leave feeling they've stuffed your head
with a lot of nothing. The bully usually only possesses superficial knowledge,
and relies more on hearsay than on actual study.

Illogical and flighty, even contradictory, in their thinking, often
contradicting themselves. Confront them with the contradictions and watch them

Exceptionally gifted at knowing what someone wants to hear and at presenting
convincing arguments.

Irresponsible and not to be relied on. The magical bully is not capable of
sustaining intimacy in relationships.

Emotionally immature. They may speak like an adult, but they react like a
five-year-old. Tantrums are not uncommon.

Deeply prejudiced, exhibiting a hatred for the opposite sex, of different
religions or races. Typically, they try to hide this from the community,
though it is often very obvious to everyone.

Arrogant and opinionated, yet projects a sense of being untouchable. Rules
do not apply to them, though they love imposing rules on others.

Compulsive and a control freak. They want to control what you say and do.
If you act independently, they will attempt to restrict you and even damage
your standing in the community.

Ruthless. They will do anything they can to undermine or destroy the
standing of the person who sees through their bravado. They usually do this by
unconsciously projecting their own character flaws on to this person.

Adept at creating conflict between individuals whom they see as their

False in making claims about education, knowledge, expertise, and
experience. They live in a false reality and fabricate their existence to be
what they really wish it could be. The magical bully is a phony, but excels at
presenting a believable self to the community. They also appear to truly
believe in this fabrication.

Selfish and self-aggrandizing. The magical bully has only self-preservation
in mind at all times. They are not a team player.

Callous and insensitive to the needs of others. They will gossip, backstab,
and start rumors to discredit others. If confronted, they will deny they
said anything.

A lousy and ungenerous giver. They will never volunteer to do anything for
the sake of the community. They'll always be around to "advise," but never
to do any sort of work.

Be Magical In Dealing With A Bully

Does this sound like anyone you know? Bullies cause a great deal of stress
wherever they live, work, worship, and play. This stress becomes unhealthy
for people who have to deal with them on a daily basis. So, the question is:
How should we deal with such a person? Is there anything we can do to
protect ourselves?

First and foremost, once you make a determination based on the character
points above, you should not hesitate: vote them out of your coven or
community. Do yourself a favor and keep them from threatening you and your spiritual
beliefs ever again. And do not let them charm their way back in to your
circle or community. They are not going to change. This behavior is a pattern
that no doubt goes back to their childhood.

As a special warning to coven and community leaders: The magical bully will
want to be your special friend. They want to have your authority and your
respect, but they don't want to work to get it. They will present one face to
you and another to your coven members or community. The end result is that
your coven members and community will resent you for not seeing through this
bully. And once you lose your standing in the coven or community as a result
of constantly praising, rewarding, or defending your bully while your coven
and community members are being maligned by them, the magical bully will move
on to another group or community and will have nothing good to say about you.

After reading this, you may be thinking, well, this bully behavior applies
to people in my workplace, in my family, and in my circle of friends who have
nothing to do with the magical community. All I can say is: Bingo!

Bullies are bullies. You must recognize them where you find them and get
them out of your life. They are everywhere.

The European community is miles ahead of the United States in recognizing
the destruction that bullies cause. They have legislation for dealing with
such people in the workplace and community. I can only hope the United States
will follow their example some time in the near future.
by Shadow Cat,
copyright 2002

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Energy needed.. please..

Posted by: "BabiiFae"   angelll_grl

Thu May 5, 2011 9:31 pm (PDT)

Ok.. So, as of right now, I just got home from a close friends house. I just witnessed him being possessed.. I tried doing an exorcism, and in the process was physically attacked by whatever it was. I'm a wreck, because I've never seen that in person, and it was my closest friend whose like family to me. I had felt a dark presence with us after visiting a house that we were told to avoid do to the bad energy around it. My friend is alright now, thanks to a couple of my other pagan friends..

I would really appreciate it if you could keep me in your prayers or send energy.. I don't even know what to say or do. It's crazy havin to see that.. I never want to again.. & I hope nobody else ever has to either..

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