Messages In This Digest (4 Messages)
- 1a.
- Blue Ridge Beltane Update From: Jenn Hawthorne
- 2.
- who knows some good Id sources for medicinal plants of NJ? From: Cher Chirichello
- 4.
- Declare your Independence: Stand up and speak out From: Theresa Chaze
- 1a.
Blue Ridge Beltane Update
Posted by: "Jenn Hawthorne" myautumnkitty
Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:20 am (PDT)
(can you guys pass it on if you wish)
Are you planning a vacation in May? Come to Blue Ridge Beltane! May 13-15, 2011
We are the oldest running Beltane festival in VA and we are family And adult friendly. We have guests such as Sharon Knight, a national Celtic music artist, Telling Point, Feather
Scale, belly dancing,fire spinning and more... Lots of great workshops featuring reincarnation, wand making, fire spinning, herbal tinctures, astrology, a mead competition,kitchen witchery. You can even make an apron. We have a great adult only area called the Inner Sanctum, check the website out. wow. We have great rituals. A multi generational fire rite, a maypole ritual that is amazing, a druid main ritual, a welcoming ritual where you can walk a labyrinth and even a baby blessing. The campground also has a restaurant, no need to pack a bunch of food. There is so much to do and something for all.
Come and join us, I know you want to.
Brightest Blessings,
Blue Ridge Beltane Committee
- 2.
who knows some good Id sources for medicinal plants of NJ?
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:20 am (PDT)
who knows some good Id sources for medicinal plants of NJ?
New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!
Main Yahoo Group NJP: group/New_ Jersey_Pagans/
Ning Web sites: NJP:
Myspace NJP:
Cher NJP Link:
Page NJP: !/NJPagans
Group NJP: php?ref=sb# /group.php? gid=93725735017
- 3.
Time is running out to sign up to be Vendors at the Houston Texas Ps
Posted by: "Teresa" darkmoresnight
Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:08 pm (PDT)
Time is running out to sign up to be Vendors at the Houston Texas
Psychic Fair!
Dead line is Saturday April 30, 2011.
Pleaase contact us ASAP. We have limited Space so please act now.
Gaia's Holistic Psychic Fair
Hotel: Sheratan Hotel Brook hollow Street: 3000
North Loop West City/State/Zip: Houston, Texas 77092 Phone: For more
information please contact 713-956-7704 or 713-613-0100 My name is
Tricia Bradley and I am setting up a Psychic Fair in the future that is
friendly towards Wiccans, and Pagans. I am looking for Psychic in all
forms. Wiccan / Witch crafters, Ghost Hunters and more to set up as
vendors for this event. So if your interested in being part of this you
can contact me at or thru the groups
Pagan_Action_Community. We are looking to set up in June for the first
event. So please contact me ASAP.
This is a 2 Day event at the Sharitan Hotel Brookhollow
3000 North Loop West Located at 610 and 290
Saturday and Sunday June 11, 12, 2011
from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Vendors Tables for the 2 day event will be $120.00
Psychic will be setting up with terms of $20.00 or twienty min. with a
fee of $5.00 per reading. (At most Fairs it is 50 % to the house but I
want the readers to go home happy like hopefully every body else.)
If this fair is successful we will contenue it every month. So Please
contact me ASAP.
Tricia Bradley
- 4.
Declare your Independence: Stand up and speak out
Posted by: "Theresa Chaze" tirgana
Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:54 am (PDT)
Governor Snyder's policies run parallel to those of King George. His
policies and actions have already cost the state millions of dollars of
income and thousands of jobs by giving preferential treatment to
corporations and individuals who support the Republican party. His
anti-Robin Hood tactics of increasing taxes on the middle class, poor
and the elder in order to give tax breaks to corporations have limited
their ability to provide for their families. He has pushed through
legislation that usurps the rights of the voters. Elected officials can
only be dismissed or impeached at the will of those who elected them.
Citizens who have exercised their legal right to of peaceful protest
have been arrested.
For those outside Michigan who think this isn't your problem, so you
don't feel the need to helpâ"think again. Michigan isn't the only state
who has a dictatorial governor nor will Snyder be the last if his
policies are allowed to stand. You can either help us stop this in our
backyard or fight it in your own front yard. The choice is yours.
To read the rest of the article go to http://theresachaze.blogspot. com/
If you care about Michigan, civil rights or if you just care, please
share this link with others. It is only by everyone getting involved
that our rights will be preserved.
Described as a woman who has the courage to play with dragons, Theresa Chaze has gone where fools and angels fear to tread and has flourished. To read the treatment of her military series, Operation Home Base and excerpts of her screenplays go to her site at
Courage isn't the lack of fear, but the ability to set it aside and focus on what is truly important
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