luni, 15 noiembrie 2010

[which_witch_is_witch] Digest Number 4557

Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)

Mayan Goddess:  IX CHEL From: Ash
Karen Bishop: Planetary Update 11/11/2010 From: Ash
Abraham Hicks: Daily Quote - 11/15/2010 From: Ash
Hekate, Goddess Invocation From: Ash
Herb of the Day: Caper From: Ash
Power Animal of the Day: Wolf From: Ash
Quado's Garden: Release Your Wonder Into The World From: Ash
Daily Devotions of the Goddess From: Ash
Herb of the Day: Tormentil From: Ash
(no subject) From: Krystal Sweeny
MOIRA Greek Goddess From: Ash
greetings from within the veil.... From:
Religious Tolerance at Work From: Cher Chirichello
Re: Religious Tolerance at Work From:
The Path of Initiation, Nov. 17, Butler NJ From: Cher Chirichello
The Path of Initiation, Nov. 17, Butler NJ From: Cher Chirichello
Hands Of Change Full Moon Public Circle, Nov. 19, East Brunswick NJ From: Cher Chirichello
Book Signing by Ellen Postolowski, Nov. 19, Pompton Lakes NJ From: Cher Chirichello
A Night with Judika Illes, Nov. 20, Hewitt NJ From: Cher Chirichello
Introduction to Astrology and Tarot Class, Oct. 20, 27, NOv. 3 & 10, From: Cher Chirichello
Tuesday's Correspondence...Nov 16 From: Cher Chirichello
GrannyMoon's Goddess  Of The Day  :  Dharani Dwali (India) From: Cher Chirichello
Hecate: Goddess of the Witches, Our Dark Mother From: Cher Chirichello
Daily Aromatherapy Tip    -  Ginger Essential Oil From: Cher Chirichello
Babylonian Lament Of The Goddess From: Cher Chirichello



Mayan Goddess:  IX CHEL

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:58 am (PST)

Source: Jodi


Lady of the rainbows, dweller in the moist realms,

Lady of the moon, who pours the waters

Of nourishment onto the earth, Ix Chel.

Ix Chel (pronounced eesh-shell) is the Mayan goddess of fertility and
childbirth, water, weaving, the moon and medicine. She reigned supreme
through out the Yucatian Peninsula for more than a thousand years. She
is titled the Queen, Our Mother, the White Lady and the Goddess of

The Maya connected her with the phases of the moon, which influenced
events in the lives of the people. She is sometimes depicted sitting in a
crescent moon with a rabbit, since the ancients thought that the marks
on the moon resembled a rabbit or hare. Like other moon goddesses
elsewhere, she has three aspects, encompassing the maiden, mother and
crone. As the young maiden, she is shown with long flowing hair and full
breasts, embodying the promise of youth. In her full moon aspect, she
is the mother who governs childbirth, protects expectant mothers, and
forms the facial features of babies while they are still in the womb. As
the crone, she is shown as a grimacing hag with a skirt made of bones.
Hunchbacked and wrinkled, she pours the waters of the world from a gourd
held in her hands. It is she who will bring the deluge that ends the
world. Her serpent head-dress represents her powers of transformation
from the winter hag to the renewed maiden of spring. Like the snake, she
sheds her winter skin in order to emerge transformed.

Except for Hunab Ku, all the other Mayan gods are the offspring of Ix
Chel and her husband the sun Itzamnà, the god of science. Once Ix Chel
was killed by her grandfather who hurled lightening at her when she
became the Sun's lover, but thirteen dragonflies sang over her for
thirteen days, until she was fully recovered. But the sun grew jealous
of the goddess, and accusing her of having a lover: his brother, the
morning star; he threw Ix Chel from heaven. She found sanctuary with the
vulture deity, but the Sun grew sorry for his behaviour and begged her
to come home. However, it wasn't long before he grew jealous again and
took her brilliance away, leaving her with only a silvery light.
Disgusted with his behaviour she left him, and spends every night
wandering about just as she wishes, making herself invisible whenever he
comes near.

The moon draws moisture and controls the tides, making Ix Chel the
goddess of water. She has an assistant sky serpent, which carries all of
the waters of the heavens in its belly. Ix Chel controls the nourishing
rains and the destructive flooding river, the crystal clear rivers, and
the muddy deluge. All water belongs to her, whether it nourishes,
cleanses or destroys. In this capacity, she is "Lady Rainbow", dwelling
in the moist realm of sparkling waters, mist and rainbows. She holds the
sacred womb jar upside down so that the waters of creation can be ever
flowing. The Temple of the Frescoes at Tulúm, dating from about 1450 CE
has a painting showing the goddess Ix Chel holding two small Chacs or
rain deities. The central theme of these murals is fertility, death and
rebirth. Among the fertility symbols are water lilies. Water is
essential to supporting life, making her a goddess of abundance and

Her sacred bird is the swallow, and her sacred island was called the
Island of Swallows [now Cozumel]. Her shrine there was much visited,
with Mayan women travelling long distances in canoes and walking the
white stone roads to honour her. It was still active when the Spaniards
first arrived in 1518-19 CE.

Ix Chel was associated with many feminine skills and female activities.
Important among these was medicine and healing, since she was accounted
the mother of all the healing plants with knowledge of their properties.
She comforts those who are ill or in pain. She is the patroness of
weaving and decorating cloth, which were highly valued skills throughout
central and south America. It was customary to hold weaving tools over a
baby girl's head soon after she was born, to ensure that she would
become a good weaver.

She ruled pregnancy and childbirth and women often carried protective
amulets of Ix Chel to ensure a safe birth. It was believed that during a
lunar eclipse pregnant women were under threat, as Ix Chel had
withdrawn her protection.

Ix Chel is a goddess who rules the cycles of life and its creative
phases. She gives new life and keeps the bones and souls of the dead.

Ix Chel is a triple goddess with aspects as waxing moon and spring
maiden, full moon and pregnant fertile mother, and the barren crone of
winter who keeps the souls of the dead. The power of the Ix Chel draws
the tides of the ocean, brings the nourishing rain, flows freely as the
streams and rivers of the earth and falls as the tears of women. She
nurtures the baby in the amniotic fluid of the womb. Her bounty pours
freely through the world, sometimes ebbing, sometimes flowing, each in
its phase and turn, each in its time and season. Each thing must end at
its appointed time. It is foolish to try to fight this natural flow. All
faces of women are the faces of the goddess, all equally holy and
equally beautiful.



'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center  


Karen Bishop: Planetary Update 11/11/2010

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:03 am (PST)
Planetary Update Nov 11, 2010

a message from Karen Bishop Thursday, 11 November, 2010  (posted 15 November, 2010)

I mentioned in my last e-mail to you that we had a massive
release beginning in late August and continuing through most of
September. We were done with the intense cleansing process of the summer
(which left many of us acutely depleted, as it was like receiving
chemotherapy treatments in an attempt to remove as much of the darker
and denser energy as possible). So then, after we were complete
with this lengthy and challenging process (where it felt as if there was
no light anywhere), we were released onto a new and freshly cleansed
palette. After we were released, it was planned that new connections
would be made, all according to who ended up where and how each and
every one of us was now vibrating. Thus, we would then gravitate to
whom, to where or to what was now a much better fit for each and every
one of us. Immediately after being released, things felt great and good
again because of the clean and fresh palette. But oh so slowly, the
energies began to clog up again with more density. Then on 10/10/10 we
had a huge energy push forward to assist in the new beginning. These
massive energy surges can frequently be felt as rapid heart
palpitations, hyperventilation, pressure, anxiety, lots of movement,
etc.During this same time frame, the waves of energy also began;
meaning that the energies would be up for awhile, and then severely drop
for a while. During the drop phase, it was like everything had bottomed
out or that there was no wind in any sail. But then up again the
energies would go and we felt up on top once again. This was because
connections were being made, if oh so slowly. Up, down, up, down. All
during this time things were so so with feeling back to normal (although
we will never be back to normal again, but at least we are moving back
into the light once again).Then on Tuesday November 2nd, we had a
massive influx of feminine energy. We may have felt like doing, doing,
doing with lots of energy that almost endless supply of energy
with no fatigue. The following day the feminine energy could really be
felt. Perhaps expressing itself as a time for basking with no
motivation, or just a time for self care. It arrived as an attempt to
get things moving with the new connections. They had stalled out a bit
and things were beginning to revert back to the old familiar.This
feminine energy could also be experienced as a sudden knowing that the
old masculine energy was now gone and had no more power. If you are
female, you may have felt a strong desire to connect with
girlfriends...the "girlfriend" energy was very strong. You may have had a
sudden aversion to men (no offense guys...we know you can have evolved
masculine energy along with feminine!). In most ways involving feminine
energy, it was most distinctly here.This new wave of feminine
energy did what feminine energy does. It provided support, lots of love,
caring, and lots of heart. But the main thing is that it provided a
much needed thrust of connection, as feminine energy loves to connect
together in most instances and instinctively knows how to do it. It may
have felt like spring was here with a very new beginning, all sparkling
and light, with crystals glowing and fairy dust abounding, or simply
that things had changed and would now be good once again.Now that
the feminine energy has arrived, the "highs" are holding their own much
more. Good things are happening once again, support is here, and there
is finally a light at the end of the tunnel...or rather in the here and
now. These connections and this new grid will allow us to move forward
and create a new reality for ourselves. There is now a firm grid in
place (unless something unforeseen comes along, which has happened many
times in the past, but let us cross our fingers that we are now finally
situated). Now, along comes 11/11/10, and this provides
the portal of entry into the new....yet another support. Because this
portal created an entry into the new, it then activated a time of
grieving for the loss of the old. Perhaps feeling sad and crying for no
apparent reason, or maybe for a good reason! Along with the arrival of
the feminine last week, with the 10/10/10 energy pushing us forward into a new beginning, and now with the 11/11/11 portal and the new connections, we are finally looking pretty good.If
you have recently cleaned out your closets or removed yourself from
anything that no longer fits who you are, you are most assuredly ready
for a new beginning in a very new space, and this is why I am writing to
you tell you of my new space and why then, the small delay
with the new book.At the beginning of October, a series of events
occurred for me that made it abundantly clear that it was time to sell
my home, as it no longer fit the purpose for which it was originally
intended. Needless to say, I was stunned and quite frankly, dug in my
heels. In no way was I ready to welcome yet another move. But then as
these things often do, after I resisted, I was practically kicked out by
energies pushing me out in no uncertain terms. At this point, I really
had no choice, and know I will be much better off.Preparing for
selling and all that goes with selling a home has taken up most of my
time since then, leaving no time to write or even to be in that
particular space...thus the delay. But my higher self knows that I am
going to my next step and my new space and it is all about rejuvenation.
After experiencing massive loss and great endings with almost
everything, our next step is to rejuvenate before we move more fully
into our heaven on Earth. I will thus be re-locating to the feminine
energies of the mountains of western North Carolina, among waterfalls,
nature spirits galore, and the smiling faces of four amazing children. I
am excited about my next step, as it falls in line with our process and
I will be able to bring forth my next endeavor much easier from there. I
never dreamed this would be where I ended up for this last phase, but
after the sifting and sorting was over, it now makes sense.Although
"the plan" never carried out as it was intended a year ago, it is
having a similar result now, of only in a different way with differing
scenarios that fit us much better.The new book is about
experiencing massive loss, pain, suffering, a loss of identity, and
explains why this is part of the process as this is the in-between stage
before arriving in our heaven on Earth. There is a particular pattern
and process that repeats itself in all areas of our lives before we move
forward into things very new, and it is explained in the book, along
with much more. Along the way, if we know what to look for and how to
identify it, we can see that we have been divinely guided all along,
watched over from above, and protected the entire time.For those
unusually sensitive and with lots of heart, this past year has been
nearly unbearable and it certainly felt like the planet earth was no
longer a place we could inhabit. Enduring these energies of late, and
the climate they existed in, created an exodus for many, as it simply
became too much (I was myself called home on three separate occasions).
For those of us still hanging in there, it is time for a huge group hug.Wishing you Heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life during these miraculous times,
Karen Bishop(Read here the previous Planetary Update for Sept 30, 2010)

Copyright 2010 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as the
is included as the resource and this information is distributed on a
non-commercial no charge basis.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center


Abraham Hicks: Daily Quote - 11/15/2010

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:23 am (PST)

Through our daily process of focusing upon your breathing, you will
progressively breathe your resistance away, causing a gradual shift in
your Vibrational point of attraction. And then, you will begin to feel a
strong resonance with the words that we have been speaking to you. When
that occurs, the Vibration of your physical body and that of the Source
within you will be at the same Vibrational frequency; and when that
occurs, your physical body will benefit.In the same way that a
complete understanding of electricity is unnecessary in order to flip the
switch and receive the benefit of it, you do not need to understand the
complex inner workings of your physical body. You only need to understand
the simple process by which you allow your intelligent cells to do their
work.As you find and practice resonance with the Vibration of
the Source within you, communication between the cells of your body
flourishes, as does your entire physical body. And it all begins with the
simple focusing upon your breathing to “flip the
switch” of absolute physical well-being.

--- Abraham

This is 15 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from
Abraham’s new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and
User Guide that will be available everywhere on Nov. 15, 2010.
To order, click here
Amazon or
Barnes & Noble

Our Love,

Jerry and Esther

Visit Us Online 

©1997-2010 Abraham-Hicks Publications.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center


Hekate, Goddess Invocation

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:09 am (PST)

Source: Lady Abigail

Hekate; Goddess InvocationBy Lady Abigail Hekate; Mother of day,Great Goddess of night.You hold us with your loving arms ,And bless us with your light. In reverence we stand before You,Your beauty dressed within the moon.You were born in the dark of night,As the stars sang a mystical tune. Hekate; Triple Queen of beauty,awe-inspiring and wise,She who reigns over ,The Earth, Sea and Sky. Bright Goddess who walks in darkness,And at the crossroads stands.With your Torch of Wisdom ,And light held within your hand. Hekate; Goddess of Transformation,She who holds the Knife,By the powers held within your hands,To bring both birth to life. Like the sacred snake,Which casts off its skin .We hear the call of your black dogs,As spirits seek to live again. Hekate; true Goddess of magick,Abundance and of right.In storms and in shadows,We honor you with our light. We see you are the Maiden,the Mother ,and the Crone.We seek your wisdom of the ages,Secrets, to
the Witches known. Hekate; We are your children,Protected in the night.No others shall harm us,When we stand beneath your light. By; Lady AbigailHigh Priestess, Ravensgrove CovenGreenfield, IN area Copyright © 10162007  

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center  


Herb of the Day: Caper

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:16 am (PST)

Source: Lady Becky via Ravensgrove Coven

Herb of the Day:
(Capparis Spinosa)
Folk Names: Fakouha, Lasafa, Shafallah
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Potency, Lust, Love
Uses: A man who suffers from impotency has but to eat some capers and
he will be cured. The caper is also used in love and lust formulae.
Lady Becky

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center  


Power Animal of the Day: Wolf

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:21 am (PST)

The Wolf

Free Spirit         
Path-Finding          Community


Take a deep breath and let the spirit of the wolf fill you. 

Click here to Listen to the Wolf's Song.


The wolf has
many gifts to give you and many lessons to teach.  You are blessed indeed to
have his spirit within your heart.


The wolf
will teach you how to balance individuality with society.  There are times when
you know you must go your own way, expressing who you are in no uncertain
terms.  There are times when your free spirit yearns only for the company of the
full moon.  Let wolf strength and power fill you in those times when you know
you must stand alone.


But the wolf
will also teach you to be a part of a group, how to enjoy the love and
companionship of friends and family as well as how to take advantage of the
great success you can have when you work closely with others, fully aligned in
direction and purpose.


The wolf
will teach you how to balance these two sides of yourself.  Let his intuition
help guide you in the best way to be right now, in each moment as it unfolds.


The wolf
will also give you great stamina and perseverance, the ability to continue for
miles, across ice and snow, until you reach your destination.  Wolf spirit will
increase your intelligence and adaptability, so you are able to find the right
path, whether it is through a dense forest or crossing a snowy mountain. 


life takes you and however things are there, just reach down deep into your
heart and you will feel the wolf there, helping you find your way.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center  


Quado's Garden: Release Your Wonder Into The World

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:28 am (PST)

Release Your Wonder into the World


Your day lies
you like a pond of water.  Create a beautiful thought and drop it into the
pond.  See how your thought causes ripples that reach out across the pond.  Take
an action, full of love and wonder, and watch the ripples go across the pond of
life.  Call in loving, benevolent assistance and see how the golden ripples
reach further and run deeper than ever before.


Every time you drop in your
action or thought, the pond is different, full of the ripples sent out by others
as well as the changing energies of the pond itself.  It is never the same
twice, so what you do today may have an entirely different effect than the same
action did yesterday.


Create your beautiful
ripples and then release them; let them go.  Continue to broadcast your beauty
and wonder, over and over, no matter the result.  One day, that beautiful and
wondrous ripple of yours may release at just the right moment to change the
entire world.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center  


Daily Devotions of the Goddess

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:30 am (PST)

Source: Lady Abigail

Daily Devotions of the Goddess

Let your spirit behold the joy that surrounds you;
For it is the magick that life is truly made of.

Lady Abigail
Copyright © 10162010

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center  


Herb of the Day: Tormentil

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:36 am (PST)

Source: Lady Becky via Ravensgrove Coven

Herb of the Day:
(Potenilla Erecta)
Folk Names: Biscuits, Bloodroot, Earthbank, Ewe Daisy, Five Fingers, Flesh and Blood, Septfoil, Shepherd’s Knot, Thormantle
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deity: Thor
Powers: Protection, Love
Uses: The infusion is drunk to give protection, or is served to a loved
one to keep their love. Mediums drink the infusion to guard themselves
against permanent possession by spirits.
The plant is hung up in the home to drive away evil and is carried to attract love.
Lady Becky

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center  


(no subject)

Posted by: "Krystal Sweeny"   moonmaiden524

Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:58 am (PST)


MOIRA Greek Goddess

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:57 am (PST)

Source: Jodi


Listen, Moirai, who sit nearest of the gods to the throne of Zeus

And weave on adamantine shuttles countless and inescapable

Devices of counsels of all kinds.

Atropos, Klotho and Lakhesis, fair-armed daughters of Nyx,

Hear our prayers, you all-terrible deities of heaven and the lower world:

Greek Lyric V Anonymous Fragments 1018

Moira is the ancient Greek goddess of fate, the impersonal apportioner
of destiny whose decrees not even the gods can turn aside. Moira's
province is life and death, for she spins the thread of life and weaves
it into the pattern of fate. She is usually portrayed as an elderly
woman and her feast day was 23rd August.

Moira means 'phase' or 'lot', a part as opposed to the whole. It might
refer to a plot of land, or a faction of people, or section of the
zodiac. It also refers to a person's lot in life, their destiny and the
good and bad luck appointed by fortune. Naturally, it also refers to the
phases of the moon and the passage of time. Moira is sometimes thought
of as a triple moon goddess, the daughter of Nyx ['Night']. Whether
Moira was originally one, or originally three, the Greeks of the
classical period thought of Moira as the Moirae or Kataklothes 'uncanny
spinners of thread', sometimes shown as three women with bronze pestles
and a bronze cauldron or with their traditional attributes of spindle,
measuring rod and shears. They were named as Clotho ['Spinner'] the
youngest who spins the thread, Lachesis ['Measurer'] who sees to it that
the proper span of life is allotted to each person, carefully measuring
it with her rod, and Atropos ['Inevitable' ] who finally cuts the
thread with her shears. Atropos is the smallest of the three, but the
most feared, since she is the crone goddess of death. The city
Atropatene [now Azerbaijan] was dedicated to her.

Homer referred to Moira, a single goddess, whose appearance in the
Illiad usually portended some evil. In this form, she may have been an
aspect of the older Aphrodite, before the patriarchal Greeks stripped
her of all aspects other than love. Aphrodite is certainly referred to
as the oldest of the Fates. Sometimes four fates were mentioned, but not
named. The Fates also absorbed other goddesses such as Geneia and
Thanate [birth and death] and Kakidike and Kallidike [good and bad
luck], Aisa, the personification of destiny, Achaiva ['spinner'], and
Klothes, a pre-Hellenic Goddess of spring.

The ancient Greeks believed existence to be governed by fate, a system
of unfolding patterns and laws that controlled everything: men women,
the natural world, and even the gods themselves. It allotted the place
and function of everyone and everything: who should be rich, who should
be poor, who should be a king, and who should be a slave. This moira
governed the life path of everyone from cradle to grave.

The word 'fairy' is probably derived from the Latin for fate, fata. It
is possible that the Fates were the original fairy godmothers, since
they were believed to assist at the birth of certain [if not all]
humans. Long after the coming of Christianity, mothers would make ready
for them when a baby was due, spreading out food and gifts to ensure
their favour for the child. Just as the fairies were called 'good
people' in supplication, the Fates were titled Parcae, or 'merciful'.
Belief in them survived in parts of Greece well into the twentieth
century. Fairy godmothers dress in white [like the moon] and appear
three days after the birth of a child to bless or curse it, according to
the behaviour of its family. They will foretell its future, give advice
and possibly favour the child with birthmarks. Once the fairy has
appeared and the fate is told, it cannot be changed. Fairy godmothers
also appear at marriages, and once more at death, to take the soul out
of the world.

All things are subject to the will of Moira, and once she has spoken, it cannot be changed.

NB: This short article is not from my more comprehensive Goddess Encyclopaedia

Listen, Moirai, who sit nearest of the gods to the throne of Zeus

And weave on adamantine shuttles countless and inescapable

Devices of counsels of all kinds.

Atropos, Klotho and Lakhesis, fair-armed daughters of Nyx,

Hear our prayers, you all-terrible deities of heaven and the lower world:

Greek Lyric V Anonymous Fragments 1018

Moira is the ancient Greek goddess of fate, the impersonal apportioner
of destiny whose decrees not even the gods can turn aside. Moira's
province is life and death, for she spins the thread of life and weaves
it into the pattern of fate. She is usually portrayed as an elderly
woman and her feast day was 23rd August.

Moira means 'phase' or 'lot', a part as opposed to the whole. It might
refer to a plot of land, or a faction of people, or section of the
zodiac. It also refers to a person's lot in life, their destiny and the
good and bad luck appointed by fortune. Naturally, it also refers to the
phases of the moon and the passage of time. Moira is sometimes thought
of as a triple moon goddess, the daughter of Nyx ['Night']. Whether
Moira was originally one, or originally three, the Greeks of the
classical period thought of Moira as the Moirae or Kataklothes 'uncanny
spinners of thread', sometimes shown as three women with bronze pestles
and a bronze cauldron or with their traditional attributes of spindle,
measuring rod and shears. They were named as Clotho ['Spinner'] the
youngest who spins the thread, Lachesis ['Measurer'] who sees to it that
the proper span of life is allotted to each person, carefully measuring
it with her rod, and Atropos ['Inevitable' ] who finally cuts the
thread with her shears. Atropos is the smallest of the three, but the
most feared, since she is the crone goddess of death. The city
Atropatene [now Azerbaijan] was dedicated to her.

Homer referred to Moira, a single goddess, whose appearance in the
Illiad usually portended some evil. In this form, she may have been an
aspect of the older Aphrodite, before the patriarchal Greeks stripped
her of all aspects other than love. Aphrodite is certainly referred to
as the oldest of the Fates. Sometimes four fates were mentioned, but not
named. The Fates also absorbed other goddesses such as Geneia and
Thanate [birth and death] and Kakidike and Kallidike [good and bad
luck], Aisa, the personification of destiny, Achaiva ['spinner'], and
Klothes, a pre-Hellenic Goddess of spring.

The ancient Greeks believed existence to be governed by fate, a system
of unfolding patterns and laws that controlled everything: men women,
the natural world, and even the gods themselves. It allotted the place
and function of everyone and everything: who should be rich, who should
be poor, who should be a king, and who should be a slave. This moira
governed the life path of everyone from cradle to grave.

The word 'fairy' is probably derived from the Latin for fate, fata. It
is possible that the Fates were the original fairy godmothers, since
they were believed to assist at the birth of certain [if not all]
humans. Long after the coming of Christianity, mothers would make ready
for them when a baby was due, spreading out food and gifts to ensure
their favour for the child. Just as the fairies were called 'good
people' in supplication, the Fates were titled Parcae, or 'merciful'.
Belief in them survived in parts of Greece well into the twentieth
century. Fairy godmothers dress in white [like the moon] and appear
three days after the birth of a child to bless or curse it, according to
the behaviour of its family. They will foretell its future, give advice
and possibly favour the child with birthmarks. Once the fairy has
appeared and the fate is told, it cannot be changed. Fairy godmothers
also appear at marriages, and once more at death, to take the soul out
of the world.

All things are subject to the will of Moira, and once she has spoken, it cannot be changed.

NB: This short article is not from my more comprehensive Goddess Encyclopaedia

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center  


greetings from within the veil....

Posted by: ""   wizardluxas

Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:37 pm (PST)

stories and secrets are here if you care to venture... in the blog area



Religious Tolerance at Work

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:24 pm (PST)

Religious Tolerance at Work

Today at work, the hospital I work in at North Jersey, we had a meeting about Religious Tolerance they formed a team called

"Diversity and Religious Tolerance Team witch is a great idea we do have a chapel with multi symbols but no Pentagram "sigh" but they talked about Hinduism and Buddhism and about how they worship a higher force with Gods and Goddess in many names that umbrella. I went of course in respect of our spirituality and NJ Pagans and did mention some things about unity and at the end of the meeting I offered a list of North Jersey Clergy that would be available for Pagans, Wiccans, Buddhists, Hinduism under that so called umbrella, the Minister Heromen said that would be find so if anyone that is clergy and if anyone is interested in leaving their info I'll bring it into him, not promising anything but I told him straight out, about tolerance, We Pagans are all seen the wrong way but if you ever need clergy he has the numbers to use if need be so it may not be a huge step but it's a start.

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Re: Religious Tolerance at Work

Posted by: ""   ingram_jd

Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:45 pm (PST)

don't forget the shoe fits the other foot. Believe it or no, there's plenty pagans who have no tolerance or "other" or maybe they would have us let them include forms of religion that ought to have nothing to do with "paganism".

Now that i think of it, there are plenty pagans who don't understand paganism...
But Cher, our "at work" is not ours. When most of us are at your "at work" we are not at work but are worried that our friends and family are sick enough to need your work. This is wrongly labeled as an issue of tolerance.
It's about providing service to a patient and their family. The medicos may need to strain a little in order to allow a family their decisions and the basis for them. Does "tolerance" trump YOUR idea of ethics? or vice versa? Sometimes the patient really does know better that the doc does.

Sometimes tolerance means we allow someone to take and action even if we know it's a foolish one, or if they say your idea is foolish, you must accept the Patient's way. In the end the bobbles that decorate the chapel don't mean much.

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The Path of Initiation, Nov. 17, Butler NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:08 pm (PST)

The Path of Initiation, Nov. 17, Butler NJ

Hosted By: Off the Beaten Path

When: Nov. 17th. 2010
Where: Butler, New Jersey
Bring: notebook, pen
Price: $25 pd. reg. before 11/3; $30 after 11/3

Instructor: Maggi Setti

Event Details: Economic Stimulus Special Pricing! Regular price $35.00

Coven work and the path of initiation can be shrouded in confusion but also mystery and magick. Join Maggi on this personal recounting of her experiences within a mystery school and on the path of initiation. Find out in what ways coven work can be rewarding and dispel some of the misconceptions on initiation.

Maggi Set
ti has been studying for 10 years as a Celtic and Norse focused Witch. She is a Second Degree Initiate of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel, a Wiccan Tradition, ( and is a member of one of its covens Chalice of Living Stars.

Maggi has a BA Degree in Fine Art and Anthropology from Salisbury University. She serves on the council of the Northern NJ Pagan Fellowship a networking, social, ritual, and training group. She is currently teaching and training for 3rd degree in the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel with hopes to start a new Assembly coven in northern New Jersey.

Event Location: 15 Boonton Ave in Butler
Event TIME Details: 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

Directions: Call 973-492-1974 for complete directions or log onto directions page. Please do not use MapQuest or - our listing is not correct. Many GPS units use the same maps as MapQuest.

Phone: (973) 492-1974

Mailing Address: 15 Boonton Ave, Butler, NJ 07405

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The Path of Initiation, Nov. 17, Butler NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:18 pm (PST)

The Path of Initiation, Nov. 17, Butler NJ

Hosted By: Off the Beaten Path

When: Nov. 17th. 2010
Where: Butler, New Jersey
Bring: notebook, pen
Price: $25 pd. reg. before 11/3; $30 after 11/3

Instructor: Maggi Setti

Event Details: Economic Stimulus Special Pricing! Regular price $35.00

Coven work and the path of initiation can be shrouded in confusion but also mystery and magick. Join Maggi on this personal recounting of her experiences within a mystery school and on the path of initiation. Find out in what ways coven work can be rewarding and dispel some of the misconceptions on initiation.

Maggi Set
ti has been studying for 10 years as a Celtic and Norse focused Witch. She is a Second Degree Initiate of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel, a Wiccan Tradition, ( and is a member of one of its covens Chalice of Living Stars.

Maggi has a BA Degree in Fine Art and Anthropology from Salisbury University. She serves on the council of the Northern NJ Pagan Fellowship a networking, social, ritual, and training group. She is currently teaching and training for 3rd degree in the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel with hopes to start a new Assembly coven in northern New Jersey.

Event Location: 15 Boonton Ave in Butler
Event TIME Details: 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

Directions: Call 973-492-1974 for complete directions or log onto directions page. Please do not use MapQuest or - our listing is not correct. Many GPS units use the same maps as MapQuest.

Phone: (973) 492-1974

Mailing Address: 15 Boonton Ave, Butler, NJ 07405

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Hands Of Change Full Moon Public Circle, Nov. 19, East Brunswick NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:24 pm (PST)

Hands Of Change Full Moon Public Circle, Nov. 19, East Brunswick NJ
Friday, November 19 · 7:30pm - 9:30pm


The Unitarian Society of New Brunswick
176 Tices Lane
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Created By Hands of Change

Please see for more information
This Full Moon Circle Starts at 7:30 pm Sharp!

A Hands of Change Full Moon Circle is a public meeting for those who are looking to respectfully worship the Goddess and God in a comfortable friendly setting. It is also the best way to meet us or to see what were all about. Any one of our members would be happy to meet you and answer any questions. You can tell us by the gold cords we wear.

Our Full Moon circles are open to all respectful seekers. They are "teaching circles," where we explain the magic we are creating. We are an eclectic group, drawing strength from several traditions and disciplines. Much of our power comes from our acceptance of diversity and our commitment to inclusion. Our open circles generally draw 25-50 people. We recommend that if this is the first time attending you do so with an open mind and in comfortable clothing.
Donation Jar, Comment Cauldron, & Sign-up Sheets

* We ask all who attend to leave a $5 donation - more if you can, less if you can't. Rent is very expensive and rituals require a lot of supplies that need to be purchased every time.
* Please leave your suggestions and comments in the comment cauldron!
* We ask everyone to sign in the first 3 times they attend our Full Moon Circles. This allows us to keep you updated on future circles, and helps us to keep track of those who are eligible for invitations to our Sabbat rituals.
* Please bring a snack or drink to share

Directions to The Unitarian Society of New Brunswick
Mapquest map and driving directions

We offer open Full Moon Circles and Drumming Circles at this location to all respectful seekers.

The Unitarian Society of New Brunswick
176 Tices Lane
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

We are near the corner of Tices Lane and Ryder Lane in East Brunswick.

From New Brunswick, take U.S. Highway 1 south, exit at Ryders Lane. Go south to the second light, which is Tices Lane. Turn left onto Tices Lane. The Unitarian Society entrance is in the wooded area just past the office building and before you get to the underpass.

From the south, take Route 18 north to Tices Lane exit (take jughandle from right lane of 18 across to Tices Lane). Follow Tices Lane until you pass under the Turnpike. The entrance is in the woods on the left just after you exit the underpass.

From the NJ Turnpike, take Exit 9 to Route 18. Take Rt 18 South to East Brunswick. On 18, turn right onto Tices Lane at the third traffic light. Follow Tices Lane until you pass under the Turnpike. The entrance is in the woods on the left just after you exit the underpass.

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Book Signing by Ellen Postolowski, Nov. 19, Pompton Lakes NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:26 pm (PST)

Book Signing by Ellen Postolowski, Nov. 19, Pompton Lakes NJ

Time: Friday, November 19 · 7:00pm - 7:30pm

Practical Magick II
322B Wanaque Avenue
Pompton Lakes, NJ

Hello All-

We are having a book signing. Hope to see everyone. It is an amazing book. I do have some copies available for sale already and then you could have them autographed by her on that day. She was the personal chef NBA superstar Jason Kidd. We are proud to have her back.

Book Signing

Ellen Postolowski is a personal chef and author with an open mind towards health, fitness, and food. Her back to basics approach to nutrition is accomplished with a non preaching attitude on a day to day basis with her clients and in her cookbook, It's Just Personal.

Her website is

Meet & Greet

Practical Magick II
Friday, November 19th
7 pm - ???
Refreshments served!!!

Office: (973) 835-8813

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A Night with Judika Illes, Nov. 20, Hewitt NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:28 pm (PST)

A Night with Judika Illes, Nov. 20, Hewitt NJ

Time Sat, November 20 · 5:00pm - 10:00pm
Whispers of Enlightenment
2019E Greenwood Lake Turnpike
Hewitt, NJ

Whispers of Enlightenment is proud to present acclaimed
author Judika Illes.

She will be appearing November 20th

The cost is $40.00 per person and the night will end with a Full Moon ritual lead by Judika.
Write something...


Born in New York City, my metaphysical career began early: My first encounter with tarot cards at age six was also my first experience of love at first sight! That passion still burns true. Although I do practice other forms of divination, tarot remains the foundation of my practice.

A lifelong pursuit of metaphysical wisdom followed and continues: astrology, mythology, Kabbalah, the Egyptian mysteries as well as spiritual, magical and healing traditions from all over Earth but particularly Africa and Asia.

I've also been a blues and free-form rock and roll disc jockey, a corporate travel consultant specializing in the Caribbean, a skin-care and cosmetics consultant, and a teacher of mythology and multicultural studies. I wrote and edited the Ancient Beauty Secrets section for the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism's monthly online magazine, which integrated modern aromatherapy with ancient methods of body care and decoration.

True love's arrows pierced my heart yet again when I first encountered a vial of essential oil. (Essential oil of frankincense, to be exact, still a favorite.) Essential oils are not true oils but potent plant extracts. Modern aromatherapy, with its roots stretching back to ancient China, Egypt, Mesopotamia and the Middle East, is the manipulation of essential oils for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes. Essential oils are perhaps the purest, most potent expression of a plant's power and play a profound role in rituals, potions and spells. Many are powerful aphrodisiacs and may be used to enhance health, beauty and peace of mind.

Following over a decade of independent study, I earned a certificate in therapeutic aromatherapy. I served on the faculty of the Australasian College of Herbal Studies as an aromatherapy tutor, teaching the certification program.

My special passion for almost fifteen years has been magical and traditional approaches to fertility. Originally stimulated by own reproductive challenges, I was frustrated by the medical options offered to me. I went searching for other avenues, gentle Earth and female-friendly solutions and found them: a vast repository of women's wisdom. Two children and many years later, I still search and research, impressed and empowered by thousands of years of women's inventiveness, endurance, defiance and humor.

Earth Mother Magic: Ancient Spells for Modern Belles, my first book, was published in 2001. Emergency Magic! 150 Spells for Surviving the Worst-Case Scenario, followed in 2002. Although both these books are now out-of-print, they have been reissued in new, improved editions by Weiser Books as Pure Magic and Magic When You Need It respectively. I am also the author of three large encyclopedias: The Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells, The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, and The Encyclopedia of Spirits. Please click on the Books section of this website for detailed information about each of these books.

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New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!

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Page NJP:!/NJPagans
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Introduction to Astrology and Tarot Class, Oct. 20, 27, NOv. 3 & 10,

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:56 pm (PST)

Introduction to Astrology and Tarot Class, Oct. 20, 27, NOv. 3 & 10, Baynone NJ

Hosted By: Judith Lewis

When: Oct. 20th, 27th, Nov. 3rd & 10th
Where: Bayonne, New Jersey
Bring: Paper/pen
Price: $50/class or $185 for all 4 classes

Learn how to create and read charts and how to read the cards.

Event Details: The secrets of the Tarot will be revealed in these interactive classes. Different card spreads and the Major and Minor Arcana will be discussed. Also, learn how the planets and the stars affect what will happen in our lives. Learn to create charts and interpret them.

Event Location: 709 Broadway (@32nd St) in Bayonne
Event TIME Details: 7:30PM - 9:30PM

Directions: Get off 14A on the Turnpike. Stay to the right after passing through the toll. This road leads to Broadway. Turn left onto Broadway. We are between 33rd and 32nd Streets. There is street parking available.

Phone: (201) 339-4555

Mailing Address: 709 Broadway Bayonne, NJ 07002

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Tuesday's Correspondence...Nov 16

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:20 pm (PST)

Tuesday's Correspondence...Nov 16

Today's Influences: All Love Matters, Friendships, Affection, Partnerships, Money, Sex

Deities: Lilith, Mars, Aries, the Morrighan, Astarte, Aphrodite, Erzulie, Aida Wedo, Eve, Venus, Freya, Diana, Aset [Isis], The Witch Of Gaeta, Chalchiuhtlique

Incense: Saffron, Verbena

Aromas: Stephanotis, Apple Blossom, Musk, Ambergris

Color of The Day: Light Blue, Pale Green

Candle: Green

Planet: Mars

Metal: Iron

Gemstones: Garnets, ruby

Herbs & Plants: Thistles, holly, coneflower, cactus

Associations: War and conflict, enemies, initiation, marriage and protection

Use for magic involving love, peace, beauty, gentleness, women's problems, healing, protection, lovers, ease, pleasure, affairs. Resolve quarrels today!

What's happening today:

* Hecate Night - Begins at sunset; the Trifold Goddess is celebrated.
* St. Margaret Of Scotland's Day
* International Day for Tolerance
* Birth Of The Blues Day
* Festival of Bast in Egypt
* Three Day Wine Festival - Cote-d'Or
* Hungerford Revels: Traditional hot tea drinking contests & sack jumping for cheese - Berkshire, England
* Resident Aliens' Day.
* Egyptian/Kemetic: Fourth and final day of the "Lamentations of Isis. Isis has finished
working her magickal rites over the body of Osiris, and he has been
resurrected to life. There is great rejoicing. Some also celebrated a
Festival honoring Bast, who assisted Isis in her work.
* Festival of Lights is celebrated in India to mark the Hindu New Year. Candles
are lit to honor Lakshmi (the goddess who presides over wealth,
prosperity, and sexual pleasures), and homes are decorated with ancient
good-fortune ritual designs called kolams.


GrannyMoon's Goddess  Of The Day  :  Dharani Dwali (India)

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:21 pm (PST)

GrannyMoon's Goddess Of The Day : Dharani
Dwali (India)

Themes: Luck; Abundance; Wealth; Beginnings
Symbols: Baskets (filled); Basil (sacred plant); Rice; Seedlings

About Dharani: In Indian mythology, Dharani is the wealth providing, luck-bringing,
abundant aspect of Lakshimi. This prosperity, which she freely offers to us when our
store-houses grow scant, is potently portrayed in artistic renderings, which show her
with an overflowing basket of rice or seedlings.

To Do Today: Around this time of year, people of India celebrate a festival of lights, which
is the beginning of the Hindu new year. The festival also venerates Dharani in the hopes of
getting the new year off to a really good start.

To invoke Dharani's good fortune, wash your floors, cars, shoes, pets, and/or clothing with basil water to rid yourself
of any lingering bad luck. Since basil is Dharani's sacred herb, it banishes any energy of which the Goddess doesn't

Light candles carved with your personal good-luck emblems so that the shadows in your life will flee. When the
flame melts the image, Dharani's magic and good fortune is released (if you like, anoint that image with a little
basil oil, too). Finally, to bless anyone visiting your home or desk today, fill a basket with rice cakes, offering
some to any passerby. This way you share the wealth and allow the goddess to bring her prosperity to many more lives.

By Patricia Telesco ~ From "365 Goddess"


Hecate: Goddess of the Witches, Our Dark Mother

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:25 pm (PST)

Hecate: Goddess of the Witches, Our Dark Mother

Kindly old Grandmother, The Crone, a woman of wisdom, Our Dark Mother, she of
many names and guises. Goddess of the Crossroads, Queen of the Witches,
the Dark Goddess, The TripleGoddess. The protectress of the flocks and
the sailors, she is invoked as the bestower of wealth and favor. These
are but a few of the names by which she is known. She has been with us
from the beginning.

Hecate is the oldest Greek tri-form Goddess. She is at the same time the
three-phased Moon, and, in particular, it’s dark phase. She is the Dark
Mother, or Crone aspect and a major deity of the Dianic tradition. In
the Greek pantheon, Hecate Tri-form is known as Artemis, Persephone and
Hecate. Hecate is sometimes seen as the third aspect of the Trinity
Persephone/Demeter/ Hecate for it is Hecate who leads Demeter to her
daughter. She is a "dark" Goddess, associated with magic and the night.
She is often portrayed with 3 heads or with a 3 headed dog. She was
worshipped mostly at crossroads where offerings were left for her â€"
these offerings were known sometimes as "Hecate's Suppers" â€" and were
left there late at night on the eve of the Full Moon. The person leaving the food walked away without looking back, for fear of confronting the
Goddess face to face. This was a way of honoring the threefold Goddess
where one could look three ways at once. Other offerings included honey, dogs, black ewes and sometimes even humans. Some say she is not
originally Greek, she has been classified as Thracian or as a Titan. She may also be linked to the Egyptian Goddess Heket.

She is a Goddess of the Moon, of the Underworld, and of Magick. She is also considered the protectress of flocks, sailors and of course, witches.
Hecate is the protectress of far-away places, roads, and byways. She is
considered the Goddess of The Crossroads. Statues of her stood at
crossroads where travelers were faced with three choices. In latter-day
paganism, Hecterions (a form of pillar) depict the Goddess with six
arms, three torches and three sacred symbols: A Key, A Rope and A
Dagger. With the Key to the underworld, Hecate unlocks the secrets of
the occult mysteries and knowledge of afterlife. The Rope symbolizes the umbilical cord of rebirth and renewal and the Dagger or Athame is a
symbol of ritual power.

Hecate belongs to the class of torch bearing deities, and carries a burning
torch in accordance with the belief that she is the nocturnal Goddess of The Moon. A huntress, she knows her way into the realm of spirits. She
is depicted wearing a gleaming headdress of stars. All the secret powers of nature are at her command. She has control over birth, life, and
death. Her work includes the world of the dead (just a resting place of
the dead), of the night and of the darkness. She is the Mistress of all
the Witchcraft and Black Arts.

On her walks at night, Hecate has many accomplices. Her two black, ghostly dogs who have been sacrificed to her, (her priestesses Circe and Medea) are sometimes referred to as being her daughters. At night during the
Dark Moon, the Goddess can be seen walking the roads of Greecewith her howling dogs and torches. The black howling dogs at night mean that Hecate is approaching. She and her dogs journey over the graves of the dead to search for souls of the departed and then carry them to
refuge in the Underworld. She also haunts scenes of crimes as a Goddess
of Expiation and Purification. She can be called on during the Dark of
the Moon to banish or render justice.

The women who worshipped her often stained their palms and soles of their
feet with henna. An adaptation of this ritual is held on Halloween or
Hallowmas held on October 31, to honor Hecate at a time when the veil
between the Worlds is the thinnest. In private worship her followers
prepare and partake of Hecate’s suppers and the leftovers are to be
placed outdoors as offerings to her and her hounds.

Celebrate her on January 8, May 3, August 13, October 31, November 16 and December 31.
About The Author: GrannyMoon is the Mother High Priestess at Sisters of the Burning Branch,


Daily Aromatherapy Tip    -  Ginger Essential Oil

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:26 pm (PST)

Daily Aromatherapy Tip - Ginger Essential Oil
It's warming qualities are good to use for feelings of loneliness and winter depression, and its energizing properties make it a good aphrodisiac.

Brought to you by -


Babylonian Lament Of The Goddess

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:27 pm (PST)

She weeps for a great river where willows will not grow.
She weeps for a field where grain and herbs will not grow.
She weeps for a pool where fishes cannot live.
She weeps for a waterside where reeds cannot live.
She weeps for a woodland where trees do not grow.
She weeps for a garden where honey and wine are not found.
She weeps for a place where life is not found.
~Babylonian Lament Of The Goddess

In ancient times, winter was imagined as a time when the Goddess wept for the death of her lover, the god of
vegetation. Her tears watered the ground, preparing it for the god's rebirth in springtime. The more intense her
lamentation, the more the following season would be fruitful, the grains plentiful. Thus the rains and snows of winter
were acknowledged to be, however inconvenient and even dangerous, necessary for the life of the planet to continue.

Today the winter of extinction has come to entire species, and even the laments of the Goddess cannot bring them
back. Rivers have died, lakes are in danger. What has been our part in it? We do not ask. Instead we reap the benefits
of the death of nature, consuming more and more, discarding more and more.

The Goddess weeps, but she cannot weep enough to bring back all that has been lost. It is up to each of us, to
help revitalize our earth.)0(
By Patricia Monaghan - From " The Goddess Companion"

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