sâmbătă, 2 aprilie 2011

[which_witch_is_witch] Digest Number 4711

Which Witch is Which

Messages In This Digest (23 Messages)

Junie Moon's  Acupuncture Happy Hour, North Jersey From: Cher Chirichello
Friday Finds An Idea!, 4/1/2011, 9:00 am From: which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com
Re: UPDATE -- Harvard Hosts Witchhunters - Social Transformation Spe From: Martha Dickinson
File - Group Reminders From: which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com
File - Here are my New Jersey Pagan Links From: which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com
File - Stone Soup From: which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com
File - The Green Man Store From: which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com
Thursday Night Prayer Circle, 4/1/2011, 8:00 pm From: which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com
Re: Thursday Night Prayer Circle, 4/1/2011, 8:00 pm From: Jenn Hawthorne
West Milford Autumn Light Fest Vender forms for Oct. 2011 From: Cher Chirichello
DRUMS from HEAVEN Earth Dance, April 16, Saddle Brook NJ From: Cher Chirichello
Come join me at Akashic Records Level Two w/ Dr. Dave on Soulsjourne From: Cher Chirichello
Secret Space Plane Flares From: Cher Chirichello
Robert Alvarez, the Psychic Witch, giving Readings at Circles Cafe i From: Cher Chirichello
Spring Garden Magic From: Cher Chirichello
Reminder: Past Life Regression 2-Day workshop w/Lindsey Sass From: Cher Chirichello
Fw: Essence of Self - Thursday Evening Spring Lecture Series ! From: Cher Chirichello
Saturday's Correspondence...April 2 From: Cher Chirichello
Goddess of The Day:  Rinda "Rejoicing Day" (Germany) From: Cher Chirichello
The Witches Pyramid  To Know, To Will, To Dare and To Keep Silent From: Cher Chirichello
Daily Aromatherapy Tip  -  Spring Cleaning From: Cher Chirichello
Hopi Kachina Songs From: Cher Chirichello
Re: File - The Green Man Store From: Katrina



Junie Moon's  Acupuncture Happy Hour, North Jersey

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Apr 1, 2011 3:47 am (PDT)

Junie Moon's Acupuncture Happy Hour
Want to unwind after a long day but you are not into the whole happy hour bar scene?  Well, there is a healthy, relaxing and affordable alternative to get refreshed,  Acupuncture Happy Hour. It is a great way for you to try acupuncture and feel some of the wonderful benefits it can produce at a great price.
Only $20!
An acupuncture happy hour session offers a simple treatment that reduces stress and deeply relaxes the body.  It requires no intake or diagnostic examination. The session is done in a group setting and requires no clothing to be removed. Just dress comfortably and enjoy this simple yet highly effective acupuncture treatment.
Once the needles are inserted, people are invited to relax however they want. Most will lie down on a mat or pillow. The treatment lasts anywhere from 25 to 45 minutes.
After arriving, you will be given an alcohol pad to swab the inside areas of both ears, then the acupuncturist will begin to insert the hair thin, pre-sterilized needles.  
So give yourself the treat of rejuvenation after a long day of work and relax with acupuncture.  
Pre-registering is recommended due to space limitation. 
Highland Yoga in Butler,  April 5th at 5PM
Andrea Powers Yoga in West Milford, April 12th at 7:30PM
Yogaflow in Newfoundland , April 15th at 4:15PM

Choose Wellness!!!!
Without our health, all things cease to exist. Ok, that sounds really dramatic. However, when we don't feel well it gets in our way of living life fully.  That is why preventive care is essential to maintaining health. Whether it be yoga, massage, good nutrition, spending time with people that bring us joy, it all adds to our overall well being. Acupuncture is one such treatment that can benefit us greatly. By working on our qi, energy, the body is supported and guided into balance and health is acquired.
Staying well is the key so in support of you I am offering wellness package discounts.Buy 5 sessions and receive 5% off. Buy 10 and receive 10% off. This way you are committing to your health and you can come on a regular basis to feel great consistently. AND I will be offering credit card services as well to help those that might want to take advantage of the package but might need a little help.
Stay well and live fully. You deserve it.
Luxurious Facial Massage
Only $60 the whole month of April. 
Enjoy a back and neck massage, a facial cleansing, gentle exfoliation, and two masks. Then receive a foot and hand massage while the masks do their magic. Organic yummy products are used.  It will leave your skin feeling smooth and your body feeling like budda. Indulge. You are worth it!
  Last minute specials announced on Twitter. 

For more information on my services
 go to www.soulfulexpressions.net or write to me at Juniemoon@soulfulexpressions.net

Junie Moon Schreiber/ Avalon
54 Notch Rd.
Oak Ridge, NJ 07438

Forward email

This email was sent to chic0411@yahoo.com by juniemoon@soulfulexpressions.net |  
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avalon acupuncture and massage| 54 notch rd| oak ridge| NJ| 07438

Friday Finds An Idea!, 4/1/2011, 9:00 am

Posted by: "which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com" which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com

Fri Apr 1, 2011 6:00 am (PDT)

Reminder from: which_witch_is_witch Yahoo! Group

Friday Finds An Idea!
Friday April 1, 2011
9:00 am - 10:00 am
(This event repeats every week.)

As we know the goal is to live our lives magically in the moment every day in the now and while it would be nice to go and buy all the cool witchy stuff that is out there...their is so much in every day objects that we can use around the home.
So here is what I suggest...Post up an every day object once a week and let the creative juices flow and post up what we would or could possibly use it for magically.
I thought it would be kinda cool and inspiring...whatcha think..


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Re: UPDATE -- Harvard Hosts Witchhunters - Social Transformation Spe

Posted by: "Martha Dickinson" mensachickie@gmail.com   mensachick529

Fri Apr 1, 2011 8:42 am (PDT)

and closed minded, judgemental and whiny

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 8:28 PM, Karen Tate <karentate108@ca.rr.com> wrote:

> uPDATE -- I'm told by a scholar friend the following about this
> situation:
> This event was organized by a student group at Harvard, and was not endorsed by the university. A university cannot prevent student organizations from inviting speakers to campus, even if the views of those speakers do not represent the university's. This is part of academic freedom. Let's remember that Harvard has hosted two important Pagan conferences in recent years: the one on Folklore and Paganism in April 2007, and the symposium on Paganism and European Shamanism in the summer of 2009. In contrast, these events were organized by Harvard faculty and sponsored and endorsed by the university.
> Writing to the Dean in protest is not going to do anything for us in this case except make us look uninformed.
> From: Oberon Zell
> Wow! This is really nasty:
> ".these four conference speakers are "apostles" in a global evangelical
> network whose leaders appear bent on restoring a Pre-Enlightenment
> worldview
> in which believers and society are beset by demons including succubi and
> incubi, menaced by the conjoined threats of apostasy and idolatry, and
> plagued by "generational curses"--these apostles represent a Christian
> supremacist movement whose leaders encourage believers to cleanse the Earth
> of infidels and competing belief systems."
> And they're after us!
> Please pass this on-and write to Harvard! deansoff@hsph.harvard.edu<http://us.mc1103.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=deansoff%40hsph.harvard.edu>
> From: Ariel Monserrat [mailto:wolvenwood@gmail.com<http://us.mc1103.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=wolvenwood%40gmail.com>]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 12:50 PM
> To: greeneggzine@gmail.com<http://us.mc1103.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=greeneggzine%40gmail.com>
> Subject: Fwd: Can you pass this along?
> Hello:
> Have you seen this? ---
> <
> http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/03/28/960974/-Avowed-Witch-Hunters-To-Ho
> ld-Harvard-Conference>
> http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/03/28/960974/-Avowed-Witch-Hunters-To-Hol
> d-Harvard-Conference ---- Please pass this along to everyone who will
> contact Harvard and be a voice of reason. In light of the many Pagans we
> all know who have spent so much time educating the public about Witches,
> Wicca, and all things under the Pagan umbrella, please don't let this
> symposium go unchallenged. Speak out against the modern day burning times!
> For those of you who will, please write, e-mail, call, or fax the following
> letter, or your personalized copy of it to the office of the Dean at
> Harvard
> University.
> Office of the Dean
> Kresge Building, Room 1005
> 677 Huntington Avenue
> Boston, Massachusetts 02115
> Phone: 617.432.1025
> Fax: 617.277.5320
> deansoff@hsph.harvard.edu<http://us.mc1103.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=deansoff%40hsph.harvard.edu>
> Office of the President
> or Office of the General Counsel
> Dear Sir, Madam
> I am appalled at the actions of Harvard in hosting the Social
> Transformation
> speakers on April 1 and 2, 2011. The speakers slated for this conference
> have espoused hatred and persecution of gay people and have promoted
> religious discrimination and persecution of non-Christians (to the point of
> being considered "witch hunters")
> While I believe in the right to free speech, this amounts to a religious
> group proselytizing for their particular brand of hate and is not in the
> interest of either the public or the university. Why not just invite the
> Westboro Baptist church too?
> I have seriously lowered my opinion of Harvard on the basis of this program
> and sincerely hope that you will reconsider. I also hope that you will
> consider the legal implications should some unbalanced individuals decide
> to
> attack gay or non-Christian people or organizations as a result of this
> symposium.
> Sincerely
> [object Object]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Home is where the pit bull is :) <http://www.911familiesforamerica.org/>

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/mensachickie

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mensachick


File - Group Reminders

Posted by: "which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com" which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com

Fri Apr 1, 2011 10:27 am (PDT)

Hi and Welcome to all our newest members, our group gives off a lot
of emails and if you feel your inbox has become over welmed with mail from us, we suggest using Daily Digest and read off the group, that way you will recieve 2-3 emails a day instead of 100 LOL (smiles)

Also anyone who has online stores or links to thier personal stores, we have in our link section a folder called "Witches Mall" you are more then welcome to add your stores in there so we can shop off our group!

Files, links, photos, calendar is open to everyone, feel free to use and add new info if you like, photo albums, everything is open to everyone here.

On our Database, for all you Myspace people, there is a table in there to add your link to your sites also and a table for specialties for anyone that is interested in adding thier info in there to help in emergencies like: Venders, food, supplies, anything for event's. That's a big help if anyone is interested in leaving thier info in there.

Hope everyone enjoys the group and anything you need or need help with email any of us Mods and we'll deff. help you!



File - Here are my New Jersey Pagan Links

Posted by: "which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com" which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com

Fri Apr 1, 2011 10:27 am (PDT)

Moving on....Don't let it end...Here are my New Jersey Pagan Links!

With Face book on the up rise yahoo groups are quieting down, I have made some groups on facebook with our friends on it, here are the links for those that are on or interested in keeping chat going...

We have been together for such a long time lets keep it going.

First off.....Use us...Don't Forget what NJP & our Sisters Groups are Really About

New Jersey Pagan Yahoo group has all the info on there, Stores, Dates, advertisements, 1500 NJ Members to chat with (About 5000 total with all members on each service), Database and files full of info, active calender to share reminders and more!

I am not closing the groups down but if you need anything that is where I have it all, I can not chase everyone all over Face book, if you want your stuff to be sent out I need it posted on New Jersey Pagans or Which Witch is Witch Yahoo groups!!

Some do have my emails that send me info but the Yahoo group is my base group and if you want to continue things moving in NJ and our neighboring states...I suggest keeping that group active by stopping in and sharing with us!

I'm not going to continue if it's a dead group, I've support everyone for years so would appreciate support back by keeping this group moving so we can share what's going on around us and stay together as a community, I'm asking that I am not the only one trying!! Cher


NJP Face book Page and group, the NJP Yahoo groups and the My space page is for everyone's use, please use it to post your meet ups, stores, share info, events, links, photos, learning materials, ect ect...That's what the groups are for, I made it for all our use so don't hesitate, also if your new to the belief use NJP groups to ask questions, we have a lot of experienced people here and they love to share their experiences. Also the Which Witch is Witch and Lifes a Witch groups are for outside of NJ for those that want to share events, meets, ect like listed above.

We encourage you to USE US! We will help get the word out!


New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!

New Jersey Pagan Yahoo Group:

New Jersey Announcements (no Chat) Yahoo Group:

Which Witch is Witch NJP Sister Yahoo Group World wide:

Life's A Witch Yahoo Group:

Myspace Link for New Jersey Pagans:

My Personal Facebook Link:

Facebook New Jersey Pagan Group Link:

Facebook New Jersey Pagan Page Link:

Facebook Which Witch is Witch Group Link:

Facebook Pissed Off Pagans Link:

Pissed Of Pagan Yahoo Group:


File - Stone Soup

Posted by: "which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com" which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com

Fri Apr 1, 2011 10:27 am (PDT)

Stone Soup Opening up and Sharing Emotions

Today lets make our Brew together, remember that story of stone soup?

Lets beging with adding things to our pot, this is a sort of meditation and does take imagination and visualization, you have to live and feel the part of our brew as we share together.

What I'm going to suggest is that simply you say one thing that is bothering you or making you feel down about yourself or life, visualize yourself standing in front of the couldron, feel the heat and see the brightness of the fire glow around the pot and against your body, simply then think of something that would help you or make you feel better and can even be something nice towards someone/or memory to make you feel better then we toss that into the pot as an ingredient. After you toss your Positive good thoughts you will then take a large paddle and stir the brew and as you turn it 3 times you will say your new positive intention and then we move on to the next person until all our good intents are then made into this large good soup together where we heal and share our feelings and friendships.

Ok lets begine, I close my eyes and visualize a huge black cauldron over an amazingly large fire, flames appear soft and wrap it's arms around that pot as it begins to bubble and steam rises as if arms and little hands hold that pot tight for us to add all our good intensions and good ol positive energy full of healing, happiness, friendship and love!

So I walk up to this amazing Pot and I'm going to share:

Next Person Please add your intents to the pot

Cher's Ingredients:

Tired of Arguments that make me feel like I'm invisible with my family so for today only, I will not argue and let these things bother me

I surrender myself and will be the better person and do something that makes me happy today....I think of potatoes LOL because they can change into so many different things as you cook them and I am amazing all all those different ways. I toss my thoughts of good will to myself in the pot and stirr the paddle three times...thank you for listening to my problems today ... Read More... Read More

Blessed Be!


File - The Green Man Store

Posted by: "which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com" which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com

Fri Apr 1, 2011 10:27 am (PDT)

For Members in the Los Angeles area, Classes and Events at The Green
Many Good wishes for 2011 from The Green Man store in North Hollywood. We have several wonderful classes and events in January, with many teachers,� [More]Many Good wishes for 2011 from The Green Man store in North Hollywood. We have several wonderful classes and events in January, with many teachers, including a very special event with Selena Fox on Jan 21st. We hope you will visit soon.

Thu Jan 6 - Feb 10th 7-9pm, 101 class begins for six weeks, w/ Monica HPS

Fri Jan 7 7-9pm, An Evening of Trance-Channeling w/Natara $20

Sat Jan 8 2-4pm, British Traditional Craft Series: Cauldron Mysteries w/Griffin class fee $20

Sun Jan 9 2-4pm, Working with Pendulums w/Monica HPS $20

Sat Jan 15 2-4pm, Instant Tarot w/Don Michael Kraig $20

Sun Jan 16 2-4pm, Herbs for Weight & Health w/Julie James, Herbalist $20

**Fri Jan 21 8-10pm, Green Man workshop w/Selena Fox $25 in advance, Space will be Limited

Sat Jan 22 2-4pm British Traditional Craft series: Ritual Construction w/Griffin class fee $20

Sat Jan 22 7:30pm Full Moon~Cauldron Mysteries with Class and Griffin $10 donation and potluck feast to follow

Sat Jan 29 7:30pm Imbolc $10 donation and potluck feast to follow

Sun Jan 30 2-4pm, Herbs for Sleep & Dreaming w/Julie James, Herbalist $20


Thursday Night Prayer Circle, 4/1/2011, 8:00 pm

Posted by: "which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com" which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com

Fri Apr 1, 2011 4:40 pm (PDT)

Reminder from: which_witch_is_witch Yahoo! Group

Thursday Night Prayer Circle
Friday April 1, 2011
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
(This event repeats every week.)
Location: Sending Protection, Strength, Healing, Prayers to Everyone Mentioned Tonight!

I'm lighting this candle tonight for anyone who needs Prayers, healing , guidence, help or love. If anyone has anything they would like to post, can be a simple prayer or anything they need to talk about your more then welcome! Your in my prayers!

We like to send prayers out tonight for:
granddaughter Morganna (coolseawatersz)Brain Bleed, talking,
walking, head & neck muscles back to normal, poss. leaving
rehab soon, Lt arm still not moving much please more prayers!
Karen Starns (night_raven_5465) Brain Tumor
Mona (mo58_2001) Fibromyalgia & Rheumatoid Arthritis
Prayers also to Mona's daugher in law Lisa Bragg passed away after terrible accident 02/25/10
Rev. Felicity Lavelle (Breast Cancer)
Sharon (fotograffa2001) Fibromyalgia & Arthritis
Regina Rosian (emeraldharley2003 friend)cancer
Oberon (Colan CA, Hernia n Mesh surg)

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Yahoo! Inc.

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Re: Thursday Night Prayer Circle, 4/1/2011, 8:00 pm

Posted by: "Jenn Hawthorne" myautumnkitty@yahoo.com   myautumnkitty

Fri Apr 1, 2011 9:01 pm (PDT)

I am so sorry for what has happened.  Those who have passed are on their journey to a grand new tomorrow so morn them not. 
Those who are in pain and living, let them be in pain no more.  Heal them if that is the will of the Goddess, but end their suffering.  Love unconditionally the Goddess who will let those experience what they need to better their soul for the next journey.  Help us to accept and not question the will of the deity.  Help us help those who we can, and comfort those on their journey.  We will all be there one day.  We need to be there for those in need.  I pray that peace finds the soul of the needy, the inferm and the pain stricken.  Please help them heal themselves through our energy and will.  We give unconditionally.
Blessed be
Rev Obsidian Sky

--- On Fri, 4/1/11, which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com <which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

From: which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com <which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [which_witch_is_witch] Thursday Night Prayer Circle, 4/1/2011, 8:00 pm
To: which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, April 1, 2011, 7:40 PM

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Reminder from:
which_witch_is_witch Yahoo! Group


Thursday Night Prayer Circle


Friday April 1, 2011

8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

This event repeats every week.

Sending Protection, Strength, Healing, Prayers to Everyone Mentioned Tonight!

I'm lighting this candle tonight for anyone who needs Prayers, healing , guidence, help or love. If anyone has anything they would like to post, can be a simple prayer or anything they need to talk about your more then welcome! Your in my prayers!

We like to send prayers out tonight for:
granddaughter Morganna (coolseawatersz)Brain Bleed, talking,
walking, head & neck muscles back to normal, poss. leaving
rehab soon, Lt arm still not moving much please more prayers!
Karen Starns (night_raven_5465) Brain Tumor
Mona (mo58_2001) Fibromyalgia & Rheumatoid Arthritis
Prayers also to Mona's daugher in law Lisa Bragg passed away after terrible accident 02/25/10
Rev. Felicity Lavelle (Breast Cancer)
Sharon (fotograffa2001) Fibromyalgia & Arthritis
Regina Rosian (emeraldharley2003 friend)cancer
Oberon (Colan CA, Hernia n Mesh surg)


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West Milford Autumn Light Fest Vender forms for Oct. 2011

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Apr 1, 2011 6:51 pm (PDT)

for info go to www.autumnlightsfestivel.com

DRUMS from HEAVEN Earth Dance, April 16, Saddle Brook NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Apr 1, 2011 6:53 pm (PDT)

Welcome to the 15'th  DRUMS from HEAVEN Celebration   

DRUMS from HEAVEN Earth Dance, April 16, Saddle Brook NJ

 At VFW POST 3484   44 Market
St.  Saddle Brook , N.J.  7 PM  to 12 AM

Featuring the areas largest Interactive Drum Circle with cultural

$20. Donation to One
Spirit on behalf of The Children of The Pine Ridge Lakota
Reservation   ~~~ and ~~~
Relay For Life/American Cancer
Society ~~ Refreshments-Raffles-Vendors

                 Featuring special guest

Red Storm Drum and Dance
     Sigi & Life Movement Belly
TommyPurpleHaze & all of you!

An interactive multi-cultural drum and dance celebrating Earth

I'd like to welcome everyone to our annual celebration as we honor our
All are welcome to attend regardless of
drumming or dance experience. Audience participation is

Please come together and help raise consciousness
about saving our planet.
We will be supporting 2 charities on April 16. We
want to raise funds for One Spirit on behalf of The Children at Pine Ridge
Reservation of Native American Indians living in South Dakota
We are also supporting Relay for Life which is a branch of the
American Cancer Society. 

those who have passed,and supporting the survivors of many different
cancers. I'm sure all of us can relate in some way to this. I've lost my mom and
dad to these dreaded diseases. Luckily my sister is a survivor.

I ask you
to come support these worthy causes with your time,talent and treasure. It is a
great feeling to give from your hearts and help people.
Together over the
last 5 years and 14 DRUMS from HEAVEN events we have raised $31,000. for  a
variety of worthy charities.

As usual we will enjoy a high
energy interactive drum and dance circle.
The only experience required
is.... know how to have fun!!!
We will enjoy a Belly dance performance by
Sigi and her Little Angels. 
~~~  Click here: life movement spirit and dance
center  After their performance I welcome all belly dancers to
join on the dance floor for our Middle Eastern portion of drum and

I am very delighted to bring to you a performance by our Native
American friends The Red Storm Drum and Dance Troupe from Staten
~~~  www.redstormdrum.com
This is a
culture I have long wanted represented at our Earth Day celebration.The Natives
of the Pine Ridge Reservation will be presenting a hand made Indian drum we
will raffle along with a beautiful native American flute as our grand

My friend Tina has volunteered to present you the opportunity
of making your very own Earth Day Drums from Heaven shakers. Please bring a
sturdy plastic bottle or small container that you can decorate on site and take
home as a wonderful keepsake from our celebration.

Please come out and
enjoy a day to celebrate the future of our planet.
Drumming , Dancing,
Singing, Poetry, Art, Entertainment, Food.
Don't miss our very special earthy
ending to our celebration.

In the past we have offered thousand of
dollars worth of prizes during our tricky tray raffles. All of these prizes are
from donations from "YOU".
If you can help and donate
something please notify me at: Ruexp6was9@aol.com

If you would like to buy or bake dessert to bring that
would help and taste good too!

Our 5 hour celebration has
something different every hour. Come when you can, stay as long as you can. Here
is our tentative schedule for the evening. :0)

6:30 - Doors open
- Welcome ~African beats ~ drum circle jam
7:45 - Drums & Horns
~ Peter Gunn theme
8:00 - Sigi and the Life Movement Belly Dancers
8:30 -
Middle Eastern drum & dance
9:00 - Food / Raffles
9:45 - Tommy's Earth
Dance poem
9:50 - 4 Directions ceremony w/ Lakota Steve King
10:00 - Red
Storm Drum & Dance Troupe
10:30 - Native American Drum & Flute Raffle
10:40 - Free
form drum & dance
11:50 - Surprise ending ... don't miss this energy

Please support our  Raffles and our Vendors as they support
our fundraiser.

Red Storm : Jewelry & trinkets  ~  Pete
& Lisa : Hookahs
Evans : Native American flutes  ~  Lisa
:Tarot readings  ~   Ralph : chair massage

Thanks for your continued support of our charities and the growth
of DRUMS from HEAVEN as we begin our sixth year
Sing on Brother...Play on

 More info found on the blog

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Come join me at Akashic Records Level Two w/ Dr. Dave on Soulsjourne

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Apr 1, 2011 6:55 pm (PDT)

Network Email

Stargazer Lily Stargazer Lily has invited you to the event 'Akashic Records Level Two w/ Dr. Dave' on Soulsjourney.net!
Check out "Akashic Records Level Two w/ Dr. Dave" on Soulsjourney.net

Stargazer Lily

Time: April 4, 2011 from 8pm to 10pm
Location: Conference Call
Organized By: Dr. Dave

Event Description:
When: Monday, April 4, 2011
Time: 8:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. (EST)
Cost: $20.00
Register Here

The Akashic Records are like the DNA of the universe. They are the soul's journey over time, so every thought, word, and deed is registered in the Akashic Records. Each soul/entity has its own Akashic record, and there are collective records of all souls or all journeys.
By opening the Akashic Records with a Sacred Prayer, we align ourselves to the vibration of the one receiving the consultation (either ourselves or another). The Prayer works with energetic vibration to "key in" to the specific "name" of the life form, and carries with it God's protection through the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones.
The information in the Akashic Records helps us bring our past, present and future in to the "now". By accessing the Akashic records, we can identify and release anything that we have created, that has become a block to our present realization of our oneness with our Source Energy.Please click here for a short video to learn more of the Akashic Records.
In the Level Two class you learn to open the Akashic Records for others. As in Level One, we will work with the art of translation of the information received from our Masters and Teachers, and we will become attuned to the essence of pure Love, Light, and Grace. This class gives you the opportunity to deepen into your personal healing and add to the experience from Level One as you enter the sacred space of another seeker to access their Akashic Records.
This experience in many cases is life transforming for the individuals receiving the information.
The Level Two class offers you the opportunity to fine- tune your reception of information, as you not only receive information but also share it through the power of the spoken word. In working with others you will be opening to receive the information in ways that you have not experienced before. You set yourself in the mode of pure and unconditional service to others and give the information as you receive it. This is the perfect time to open to sight, sound, taste, feelings, and emotions as you share what you get, and is often a time to invite loved ones to come in and communicate unfinished business, express love, or ask for forgiveness and resolution with the person you are reading for. During this class you will also be able to work with fellow consultants as you team up and practice opening the Akashic Records for each other. You will have the opportunity to have your Records read and in the process validate your own answers.   

See more details and RSVP on Soulsjourney.net:
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Secret Space Plane Flares

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Apr 1, 2011 6:55 pm (PDT)

SPACE PLANE FLARES: The US Air Force X-37B space plane is circling Earth on a classified mission.  Although its orbit is officially unpublished, amateur sky watchers have spotted it and are monitoring its progress.  This week, a veteran observer witnessed a spectacular flare from the X-37B, exceeding the brightness of Venus. Details may be found on today's edition of http://spaceweather.com.

Bonus: You can turn your cell phone into a space plane tracker by downloading our field-tested Simple Flybys app: http://simpleflybys.com.

SATURN'S RINGS SURGE IN BRIGHTNESS:  This weekend, Saturn will be at opposition--that is, opposite the sun in the skies of Earth.  Whenever this happens, Saturn's rings surge in brightness due to backscattering of sunlight.  Even a small telescope will show the effect. Visit http://spaceweather.com for observing tips and a sky map. 

Robert Alvarez, the Psychic Witch, giving Readings at Circles Cafe i

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Apr 1, 2011 6:56 pm (PDT)

Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize that I did not send this broadcast Email sooner.  Frankly, I did not receive final confirmation for this Psychic Fair until less than one hour ago.
I have the honor and pleasure of giving Readings at the Janet Brennan Psychic Fair at Circles Cafe in Brooklyn, New York next Tuesday, April 5, 2011, 4-9PM.  To keep everything as simple and as sublime as possible, I would recommend you confirm the fees with Janet Brennan directly by call her at 718-377-7222.  You may also Email her at bklyngym@yahoo.com.  When you do contact her, please let her know that you found out about this Psychic Fair from Robert Alvarez, the Psychic Witch, and let her know if you are having just the Reading, or if you want to have dinner, as well.
In addition to the Sacred Tarot, I shall also be available for Readings with The Angelic Realms and "Goddess and Goddesses."  I may even bring the Runes, as well.
If any of you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly, via thetarotman@excite.com, my primary Email address.
Thank you--all of you--for honoring who I am and what I do.  I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you, under Divine Timing and Goddess Grace.
May Goddesses, Angels and the Sacred Fey Lovingly and Lavishly Bless all of you and yours with Divine Radiance, Divine Prosperity and Divine Peace.
Enchanted Empress Blessings, Robert Alvarez, the Psychic Witch.
Robert Alvarez,
Psychic Witch,
Creator of "The Tarot Tribune" and "Goddess Blessings."
212-685-2848 (Answering Service, via TRS)
thetarotman@excite.com (Email)
"The Goddess has plans for you."

Spring Garden Magic

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Apr 1, 2011 7:07 pm (PDT)

Paganism / Wiccan

Paganism / Wiccan Basics Celebrations Pagan Living

From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wiccan

Welcome spring by planning your garden.
Image © Getty ImagesFor those of us in the northern hemisphere, it's spring, and that means it's time to start thinking about planting (despite the fact that it snowed at my house again last night). With warmer weather comes new life, green shoots peeking out of the ground, and the magic of knowing that life is returning to the earth. Why not take advantage of the earth's gifts, and plant some magical goodies? Today we'll look at ways to plan, create, and grow your magical garden, as well tips on creating specialty gardens, herb plots, and more.

Follow Pagan/Wiccan on Twitter or Join Me On Facebook.

Magical Garden Folkore

In the early spring, many of us who follow earth-based spiritual paths begin planning our gardens for the coming season. The very act of planting, of beginning new life from seed, is a ritual and a magical act in itself. To cultivate something in the black soil, see it sprout and then bloom, is to watch a magical working unfold before our very eyes. Let's look at some of the folklore and traditions that surround gardening and planting magic ... Read More
See More About:  magical gardening  plants  folklore

Grow Your Magical Herbs

So you've decided you're ready to do a magical working... but you're not sure which herbs are the best ones to use. Use this list as a reference point to determine which herbs, plants and flowers are the best choices for your purposes... Read More. Also, be sure to visit our Magical Herbs Image Gallery
See More About:  magical herbs  herbalism  book of shadows

Spring Flower Magic

As spring arrives, our gardens begin to bud and eventually bloom. For hundreds of years, the plants that we grow have been used in magic. Flowers in particular are often connected with a variety of magical uses. Now that those blossoms are blooming, keep an eye out for some of these flowers around you, and consider the different magical applications they might have... Read More
See More About:  magical correspondences  book of shadows  magical herbs

Spring Garden Blessing

This simple blessing is a good one to offer in the spring when you're starting your seedlings for the year ... Read More. Later in the summer, add a Garden Prayer
See More About:  pagan prayer  ostara  gardening


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Patti Wigington
Paganism / Wiccan Guide
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Reminder: Past Life Regression 2-Day workshop w/Lindsey Sass

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Apr 1, 2011 7:41 pm (PDT)

R E M I N D E R . . .
EOS presents . . .
 Past Life Regression with Lindsey Sass, Clairvoyant Healer

Dear (Contact First Name),
Lindsey Sass-Aurand, BS, LMT, is Nationally Certified Hypnotist, Ordained Interfaith Minister, & Maya Abdominal Massage Trainer. As an intuitive clairvoyant, Lindsey has a natural ability to gently guide guests through the experience of Past Life Regression. Join us for a safe & successful regression to retrieve blocked past life events, past lives or even significant moments from within the womb. This two-part series workshop will encourage past occurrences to highlight their grasp in our everyday. By dis-engaging what "was" from what "is" we can create an awareness to hold those past events with a lighter energy and a higher spiritual consciousness.
*Date(s) : 4/5/11 & 4/26/11  *must attend both classes
Time :  7:00 - 8:30pm (both evenings)
Cost : $70.00
*registration deadline for this event is 4/2/11
Visit us on facebook or register online for this event. 
To reach us by phone, please call (973) 962-7688.
Nancy A. Smith
Essence of Self
     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     * 
About Lindsey
Lindsey Sass-Aurand, BS in psychology and social service is an intuitive clairvoyant healer, spiritual teacher she has a gift of guiding people toward their life path thus bringing their life purpose to fruition.  She is a Nationally Certified Hypnotist and a Licensed Massage Therapist. After her lightning strike experience and near death experience Lindsey has attained the gift to connect people to their deceased loved ones. She has been featured in a book, Out of the Blue, a documentary, The Path and Women's World Magazine for her near death experience.  
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Essence of Self| 52 Skyline Drive| Ringwood| NJ| 07456

Fw: Essence of Self - Thursday Evening Spring Lecture Series !

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Apr 1, 2011 7:49 pm (PDT)

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Essence of Self
Thursday Evening Spring Line-up Lecture Series Event !
Please  register online 
or call us at 972-962-7688 at Essence of Self
In love & light,
Nancy Dear Cheryl, 
Spring is COMING!  It's time to venture out and smell the flowers.  Essence of Self has another amazing Thursday Evening Line-up with new guest speakers, lectures and back by special request Rabbi Ziona Zelazo, Lindsey Sass and Nancy Smith!
Join us for one evening or register in advance for all SEVEN lectures and save !
Start Date:  4/28 through 6/9
Time:  7:00pm - 8:00pm
Cost:  $10/lecture or *$50.00 for all 7 evenings! *must register in advance for all
April 28th
Lindsey Sass, Clairvoyant Healer
"Connecting To Your Deceased Loved Ones" 
Learn about many reported case studies and their experience of connecting with departed love ones.  In this introductory experience Lindsey will guide you to feel the peaceful and calm energy from your departed loved one.  Clairvoyantly, Lindsey will give you information about your loved one. 
May 5th
Sheree Aramini, C.H.E.K. Holistic Lifestyle Coach
"Dispelling Health Myths"
Learn what you need to know about fat and cholesterol, and why your doctors advice may not be the best for you. Learn the startling information that is on the brink of becoming mainstream.  Sheree will help you navigate through your diet to help lead you in the right direction through holistic natural means.
May 12th
Nancy Smith, Ayurvedic Practitioner
"Ayurveda Theory"
A lecture exploring the 5 elements of space, air, fire, water, and earth and how they integrate into 3 Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) in our human experience.
May 19th
Lindsey Sass, Clairvoyant Healer
"Developing Your Intuitive Side" * Learn to trust your intuition about health and life decisions.
* Experience advanced Chakra Meditations to develop intuitive abilities.
* Decipher between fear based thought form and higher knowing.
* Receive guidance from Lindsey to open your intuition/clairvoyant abilities.
* Practice your abilities and receive readings.
May 26th
Nancy Smith, Ayurvedic Practitioner
"Ayurveda Food & Metabolism" 
Learn how to stimulate your metabolism through Ayurvedic principles of Agni or Fire Transformation.  By enhancing the digestive fire in your belly we utilize the nutrients in our food most effienciently for our bodies.  Sample a simple ayurvedic drink mix, you can make from most any kitchen pantry, to ignite those digestive fires.
June 2nd
Dona Garofano,Certified Naturopathic Doctor
"Dried Blood Cell Analysis"
Dried & live blood cell analysis is just one the tools used by Dr. Garofano to assess the body's imbalances.  Patterns that set up in tiny, dried blood droplets voluntarily sampled from the client show areas of stress, imbalance, toxicty & the like.  Dona will provide an overview of this process & what methodologies are available through nutrition, supplements, detox, herbs to bring about optimal health for each individual.
June 9th
Rabbi Ziona Zelazo
"The Art of Visiting the Sick"
Rabbi Ziona Zelazo will be highlighting the emotional effect & rewards of Visiting the Sick.  Focusing on ways that we can act with ease & confidence before & during a visit with a sick person in any setting.  Ziona's history & background will bring enlightenment as many journey to care for our elders & how to make the most of our time together as a nourishing community.
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Essence of Self| 52 Skyline Drive| Ringwood| NJ| 07456

Saturday's Correspondence...April 2

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Apr 1, 2011 8:44 pm (PDT)

Saturday's Correspondence...April 2

Today's Influences: Luck, Religion, Healing, Trade And Employment, Treasure, Honors, Riches, Legal Matters
Deities: Saturn, Hecate, Juno, Hera, Kwan Yin, Mary, Cybele, Tara, Mawu, Mlaba Mwana Waresa, Ishtar, Nuit
Aromas: Stock, Lilac, Storax, Aloes
Incense:   Nutmeg, Henbane
Color of The Day: Black, Dark Purple, Indigo, Blue
Candle: Black
Planet: Saturn

Metal: Lead

Gemstones: Apache tear, obsidian, hematite

Herbs & Plants: Thyme, mullein, cypress

Associations: Agriculture and creativity, fortune and hope, protection and banishment of negativity

Use for magic involving growth, expansion, prosperity, money, business, attracting more of what you have.
Whats Happening Today:

Battle of the Flowers - France
Feast of Acan (Mayan God of Wine)
Green Day
International Children's Book Day
Kick Butts Day http://kickbuttsday.org/
National Day of Hope
National Holiday - Argentina
National Peanut Butter & Jelly Day
Paraprofessional Appreciation Day
Pascua Florida Day
Reconciliation Day
Sizdah-bedar / National Picnic Day - Iran
Spring Fever and Medical Aid Appeal - Fairy
St. Francis of Paloa's Day (patron of sailors, naval officers, seafarers)
St. Mary of Egypt's Day (Western)
St. Urban of Langres' Day (patron of barrel makers, drunkards, vintners; against blight, frost)
Taily Day - Kirkcaldy, Fife
Trivia Bowl
Egyptian/Kemetic: Festival of Thoth and Ma'at. This third festival honors the union of Thoth, the god of letters and learning, and Ma'at, goddess of truth. - Egypt
Roman: Return of Persephone, Goddess of Spring.
Sacred Day of Ceadda (Celtic) - Celtic God of springs and healing waters, symbolized by the Crann Bethadh, the tree of life; on this day the behaviour of birds is considered prophetic.
Hindu Festival honoring Maha Devi as Gauri - life, growth, and fruition. (Apr 2 - 10)
Preen-tail or Tailie Day - The day following All Fool's Day is Preen-tail Day or Tailie Day in Scotland. Paper tails were attached to the backs of unsuspecting people as a joke.
18th day of Pachons is the Day of Joy of the Ennead and crew of Ra.
Winters Demise - The old Pagan custom of "carrying death away" is carried out in certain regions of Germany on this day. In celebration of Winter's demise, special straw dolls are burned in sacred bonfires or "drowned" in sacred wells.
No-Ruz (Iranian New Year), dedicated to Aphrodite.

Goddess of The Day:  Rinda "Rejoicing Day" (Germany)

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Apr 1, 2011 8:51 pm (PDT)

Goddess of The Day:  Rinda
"Rejoicing Day" (Germany)
Themes:  Spring; Overcoming; Protection; Fire; Spirituality; Change
Symbols:  Fire; Solar Images; Gold and Yellow
About Rinda:  In Scandinavia, Rinda represents winter struggling to retain control, even as people sometimes fight positive change because they find the process uncomfortable.  Eventually, Rinda succumbs to Odin's advances, which warm and fertilize her, bringing spring.  Rinda teaches us to likewise accept personal transformations gracefully.
To Do Today:  Sometime around the fourth Sunday after lent, many German villages stage a battle between the forces of winter and spring (of course, spring always wins).  This might equate to a ritual tug-of-war game in which the winter puts up a good battle, but loses.  Have people focus on something they similarly want to lose in their lives (like a negative characteristic).
To clear away the cold and old ways, follow the German custom of creating an effigy of winter out of straw and burning it in the fire of spring.  Just gather a few strands of straw from the kitchen broom.  Tie them together with a white string (for protection), visualizing whatever situation you want "warmed up" or the habits/ideas you want "burned away".  Ignite this in a fire-safe container, saying,
"As Rinda accepts Odin, I now accept change."
Let the straw burn to ash, then scatter it to disperse the energy.

By Patricia Telesco From "365 Goddess"

The Witches Pyramid  To Know, To Will, To Dare and To Keep Silent

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Apr 1, 2011 8:53 pm (PDT)

The Witches Pyramid

To Know, To Will, To Dare and To Keep Silent
The four principles to what is known as The Witches' Pyramid.  These
principals are very important to successful spell working.  But what
do they actually mean?

1. To Know
Know your correspondences. Research what kind of spell you are going
to perform. What the spell requires.  Why you need a certain candle
color or oil, or why you are using a particular herb.  Different
Traditions do have different correspondences for color, plants, oils
etc. Learn the moon phases and timings The more you learn the more
focused your energy will become. Adding to the power of your spell

2. To Will
This relates to you.  You must have confidence in your spell for it
to work. You must believe that magick does work. You need to be
focused on what you are doing totally. Your spell needs your energy
to work, if you do not provide your spell with the right energy, then
your spell may not work, even backfire.  Just having the props,
without the will, will give you unpredictable results.

3. To Dare
Make a list, before doing the spell on exactly WHY you are doing the
spell. Are there mundane ways of reaching your goal.  Will the spell
actually accomplish what you want. If you have mixed emotions or
purpose, than this can compromise your spell working.  Know exactly
why you are doing the spell.  Be very clear in your own mind why you
believe a spell will achieve the result you require.

4. To Keep Silent
Once you have performed your spell, you should not mention it or
dwell on whether your spell has met it's objective.  Let the spell,
do its work.  Don't waste energy worrying if a spell is going to
work.  That energy can be better used elsewhere.  Don't talk to
another about your spell either.  This may weaken the strength of the
spell if the other person, questions or undermines your ability or
whether the spell will work.

These principals may differ from tradition to tradition, but
basically what it boils down to, is having the confidence in the
power within you.  Believing in your magick.  Follow the basic
principals and your spell work will succeed every time.
~Author Unknown

Daily Aromatherapy Tip  -  Spring Cleaning

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Apr 1, 2011 8:55 pm (PDT)

Daily Aromatherapy Tip  -  Spring Cleaning 
Mix 10 drops Lavender, 20 drops Orange, 10 drops Lemon and 10 drops Tea
Tree in 1 Tablespoon vinegar. Blend this to 1 Quart water in a  spray
Shake before using. Cleans countertops, bathrooms, mirrors and windows. Recipe from Oshadhi


Hopi Kachina Songs

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Apr 1, 2011 8:56 pm (PDT)

In the north, purple light appears.
In the east, yellow light appears.
From the earth, flowers appear,
yearning to live a long and joyous life.
We are those flowers. We are the Butterfly Maidens.
Listen to our song! We sing to the creator.
And the earth repeats our song to the creator.
We begin singing as soon as we see
the yellow light of dawn, the dark retreating.
Our sound repeats and repeats.
We are the Butterfly Maidens.
~Hopi Kachina Songs
Spring is like dawn, a new beginning. We have as many beginnings in our life as we have days to live. Growth is always possible, no matter how difficult our lives, no matter how little we find reason to hope.
What is missing in your life? Is it love, security, peace? Do not stop hoping that you will gain what you want, for the hopeful heart ultimately draws to itself what it needs. Each dawn, each spring, go forth with optimism. As long as you are alive, you are as full of beginnings as the new dawn, the new spring. Rise, like the Butterfly Maidens, and fly toward what you desire.
by Patricia Monaghan - From "The Goddess Companion"

Re: File - The Green Man Store

Posted by: "Katrina" katrina.ragozy@gmail.com   kala_astrid

Sat Apr 2, 2011 1:37 am (PDT)

This is out of date. By a few months.


No matter where you go, what you do, or what your beliefs, there will always
be someone who thinks you're wrong.

Don't waste time worrying that something may happen but don't close your
eyes and pretend that it won't.

Change may be slow but all it takes is for someone to keep moving forward.

-------Original Message-------

From: which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com

For Members in the Los Angeles area, Classes and Events at The Green
Many Good wishes for 2011 from The Green Man store in North Hollywood. We
have several wonderful classes and events in January, with many teachers,…
[More]Many Good wishes for 2011 from The Green Man store in North Hollywood.
We have several wonderful classes and events in January, with many teachers,
including a very special event with Selena Fox on Jan 21st. We hope you will
visit soon.

Thu Jan 6 - Feb 10th 7-9pm, 101 class begins for six weeks, w/ Monica HPS

Fri Jan 7 7-9pm, An Evening of Trance-Channeling w/Natara $20

Sat Jan 8 2-4pm, British Traditional Craft Series: Cauldron Mysteries
w/Griffin class fee $20

Sun Jan 9 2-4pm, Working with Pendulums w/Monica HPS $20

Sat Jan 15 2-4pm, Instant Tarot w/Don Michael Kraig $20

Sun Jan 16 2-4pm, Herbs for Weight & Health w/Julie James, Herbalist $20

**Fri Jan 21 8-10pm, Green Man workshop w/Selena Fox $25 in advance, Space
will be Limited

Sat Jan 22 2-4pm British Traditional Craft series: Ritual Construction
w/Griffin class fee $20

Sat Jan 22 7:30pm Full Moon~Cauldron Mysteries with Class and Griffin $10
donation and potluck feast to follow

Sat Jan 29 7:30pm Imbolc $10 donation and potluck feast to follow

Sun Jan 30 2-4pm, Herbs for Sleep & Dreaming w/Julie James, Herbalist $20


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