Messages In This Digest (5 Messages)
- 1a.
- Re: Moderators Reply: I'm Leaving. From: Roberta Dinnie
- 2.
- Eihwaz rune From: kalimir
- 3.
- Diana magick of the night From: Kalimir
- 4.
- Grounding and Centering From: Kalimir
- 5a.
- File - TeachMe.html From:
- 1a.
Re: Moderators Reply: I'm Leaving.
Posted by: "Roberta Dinnie" fowlsfeet
Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:53 am (PDT)
Came in late on this thread.
All I can say is whilst I am offended by some beliefs I would not judge
a person for having them. If we as Pagans are to make Pariahs of others
for their religious choices then are we not repeating the same acts of
intolerance that we ourselves have suffered.
My friends are many and varied, and I can honestly say that being a
Muslim does not make you a terrorist, being a Christian does not make
you pious and intolerant, being a Buddhist does not mean that you are
guaranteed to know or find enlightenment nor does being Pagan make you
In my experience those that follow a faith on a path carved by their
beliefs and not dictated by Dogma, religious leaders or money grasping
church elders with political aspirations manage to practice their
beliefs in a way that brings them fulfillment and causes them to do good
in this world.
That we could all same the same would be a good thing.
So before you judge, ask that question, does this persons faith bring
them joy and does it cause them to seek to give compassion and succor to
others without judgment or condemnation. If so then I don't give a fat
rodents round bits who they worship, whether they wear a crucifix, a
Star of David or a burkha, they are still members of the human race and
I will respect their spirit and their beliefs.
Ruis Mistwalker
.On 31/03/2011 11:20 AM, Blackbird wrote:
> BB re: Mary of course has every right to leave our group if she feels
> she has been slighted; But I would like to say this ...
> I have been perhaps a little more lax than I might have been about
> approving some posts, and their reference to Christians the last few
> days; in an effort not to censor other members free speech, But Gaia
> is absolutely right in saying Simply because some Christians cling to
> old beliefs about Us, does not mean we should tar all Christians with
> the same broad brush,
> Mary Said, Its sad that the teachings of Jesus are so
> misunderstood, christianity is nothing but a political force that
> feels it is elite to everyone else kind of like the Catholic
> Church(church of England) back in the 17th and 18th century. The
> bible has been so twisted and misquoted that it doesnt even seem
> like a credible writing any longer. Very sad
> And my wife who is Methodist would largely agree with you, she too
> aches mbrace a nd approve of everybody, and IMHO that's a definition
> that will never work in the long run.
> No to me "Tolerance" says I don't agree with you, but so long as your
> not Imposing your _________ whatever on me, its your right; when the
> TSA fired the woman in Question, they crossed that line, they did not
> allow her to be herself so long as she was not imposing her path on
> others; (or that's my reading of the story); and bowed to those who
> could not accept her path as her own business, not theirs.
> I know Gaia is a Tolerant woman, because she and I have locked horns
> more than once on this board, on what it means to be a Witch, a Pagan,
> a Wiccan; about issues of Scholarship and our deep past; Issues we
> both care passionately about. If she was not a Tolerant woman, I would
> not still be your moderator; but she allows me to post and comment and
> present a view that is very often quite different from her own, and
> that my friends is Tolerance.
> Blessings, BB.
> --- In W target=" _blank">Witch_Essentials@yahoogroups. , Marycom
> Cooney <msweetness05@...> wrote:
> >
> > Its sad that the teachings of Jesus are so misunderstood,
> christianity is
> > nothing but a political force that feels it is elite to everyone else
> Hi Mary --
> While i can certainly agree that this is very disturbing, i *cannot*
> agree -- and think it's really a bit much to say -- that Christianity
> is "nothing but" *anything* --Especially "nothing but" a political
> force....
> There is certainly, unfortunately, that aspect, especially among
> *some* (but certainly not all) Christians --
> But there are also many very sincere, committed, good-hearted
> Christains who are equally troubled by such things. We need to
> remember and appreciate them, and respect their religion.
> -- I think we need to beware demonizing an entire religion on the
> basis of the poor behavior and attitudes, of some.
> Aft
- 2.
Eihwaz rune
Posted by: "kalimir" jai_ma_kali
Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:54 am (PDT)
Germanic Name: Eihwaz
Traditional Meaning: Back bone, Tree
Gender: Male
Color: Green
Elements: All Elements
Deities: Odin & Uller
This is the 5th rune of the 2nd Aett. It is also
another non-reversible rune.
This rune represents the Yggdrasil Tree. Also the
Yew Tree. Think upon how Odin hung himself on the for 9 days and 9
nights (sounds light the path of Mem in the Qabalah. Plus 9 is the Highest
single didget number which is Yesode in the Cabalah) to gain wisdom
and the Runes appeared to Him.
Eihwaz is a rune of evolution. It is a dynamic force.
Sacrificing the old to make way for the new. Also the sacrifice of the
superficial ego to bring on the Super Ego; the Higher self.
If you are thinking on taking a risk ...go for it!
When next to Wunjo it means you have the streangth to
carry out your work towards perfection. This is a great pair! Happiness
and strength brings to you glory.
No matter how terrible things may become it will get
better. This rune is telling you that you need to stay strong. This rune
can indicate that only through hard work, foresight, & the right actions
you will be able to avoid trouble.
Eihwaz can also mean a recovery from an illness or an
Reoperation from a loss. In some casses a spiritual
On a negative side Eihwaz shows some minor delays &
obstacles or minor trauma that may show up or actually come out to
the querents favor. Look at the runes to find out if this will be
negative or positive. Negative runes will indicate the negative outlook for Eihwaz.
This is also a rune of idealism and expectations.
The yew tree is a tree of life and death and also eternal life. it also symbolizes light and dark day and night. Summer and winter. The tree is also used in Shamanic rites. This rune penetrates through the 3 realms the heavens, middle-earth, and the underworld. Asgard, Midgard and Hel. It is the path of changes; transformations of essences in any of the above mentioned realms into essences of any of the others. This rune is good for breaking binds, banishings, and protection compare to the rune Algiz on this.
Magickally this rune can be used to strengthen your
To invoke the god Uller bind together Eihwaz and Jera.
when you need extra strength to accomplish a task
visualize an Eihwaz
rune on your back. The top part of the rune is on the
back of the head
the line going down your spine and the bottom part is at
the base of the spine.
When I was working with a child in the class room he went
into a petite mal seizure I immediately called for the nurse and I took
my right hand & drew an Eihwaz rune across his back. He woke up from the seizure.
CMOA when medical issues arises get the appropriate medical care and use magic along with it.
by Kalimir~Kalamere
- 3.
Diana magick of the night
Posted by: "Kalimir" jai_ma_kali
Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:05 am (PDT)
Diana' Diana, Diana
Queen of Witches All
I The Magician, I the Witch call thee
Come to me most beautiful one of the moon
Come to me most powerful Witch Queen
and grant me a boon
I loght this candle in your honor and
have faith that you shall help me.
Please help me with my request and when it is granted I shall honor you in
Diana, Diana (vibrate) DIANA
Wild huntress of the night
maiden of the cresent moon,
she who takes care of the wild.
She who is the protectress of all Witches.
She who is the Lady of the Cross Roads.
Diana, Diana, Diana
(Vibrate) DIANA! I Kalimir honor thee!
Author's Notes: Substatute your name for my name "Kalimir
by Kalimir 2005 New Orleans, LA
- 4.
Grounding and Centering
Posted by: "Kalimir" jai_ma_kali
Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:14 am (PDT)
One of the things that many books do not add to their text is grounding. Ever
been to a big ritual or done a powerful solitary ritual and afterwords you felt
spacey, dizzy, light headed, hyper, or even sick? This is the result of
lingering energy. This happened because:
A) you need to ground more
B) you did not ground
C) you did not ground right
But sometimes even after grounding you may still be a little light headed or
spacey. Thats fine. just don't go to sleep for a bit. Watch TV, go on to the
Internet, eat something the feeling and any lingering energy will dissipate.
rounding is a way of clearing yourself of too much energy before or after the
spell right before you dismiss the elements and or circle. It snaps you out of
what you just did and brings you back to focus on the here and now. It also
allows the energy that you raised to do its work. You must forget about the
spell you did ASAP after opening the circle or whatever. Also grounding prevents
you from becoming unbalanced or even sick from the energy. Sometimes partaking
of cakes and ale is not enough to ground and sometimes it is.
Here are several ways you can ground
1 ) place your head and hands to the ground and willfully push out the excess
sometimes tapping the earth with your hands helps.
2) eat and drink. bread and even potatoes are great grounders especially baked
3) Visualize the energy around you. see the excess energy as an exo-skeleton.
bring it out and all around you. Now take a few steps back (physically) and see
this energy fall down to the ground.
4) hug a tree and give it your energy and let it go into the earth. You may
thank the tree or leave it a small offering if you want to.
5) if you are able to just visualize the excess energy leaving you and going
deep into the earth.
6) sometimes holding a dark rock or a dark semi-precious stone or crystal can
help you ground.
7) herkermir diamond works well in grounding excess energy.
These examples are good in helping you ground after the ritual.
Sometimes before doing a spell or something i like to do breathing exercises.
These breathing exercises helps me to get rid of any excess kundalini energy and
calms and relaxes me.
I breathe deeply down into my belly, through my nose. I hold my breath then I
exhale through my mouth. and then hold my breath. I repeat this process as many
times as i may need to do so.
Then my next step is to breathe in through my nose and as I'm inhaling i feel
the prana going through my aura into my skin , hair and nostril to fill me and
make every cell come alive with prana and as I exhale through my mouth i see the
prana leave me and taking what ever garbage it may be carrying. After doing this
for several times I go onto another step.
I inhale again deeply through my nose and I fill my whole body with my breath. I
visualize this air/prana going into my arms, legs, feet, hands, head and
throughout my whole being. then i hold my breath then i exhale but as I exhale
through my mouth I see the air exit through my feet. Then i hold my breath and
inhale again through my nose. I allow the prana to once again fill my body. hold
my breath. Then as I exhale through my mouth I push the energy out through my
hands. Then i hold my breath then I once again inhale. I allow the prana to fill
me. I hold my breath then as I exhale see all that energy leave through my head.
I then will repeat this process until i feel its right. I also ask my HGA or God
and/or Goddess to take this energy and make it positive and to do as He/She
wills with it.
Also as I'm laying down I see a net below me; its a silver net. I program this
net to catch anything that remains and any blockages I may have. I slowly raise
this net to go through me catching all of this unwanted energy and i raise it
above me and mentally toss it away from me and I ask the Goddess to take it away
from me.
Do you see how this grounding is different from the ones I wrote about before?
Sometimes you may even need to do this after grounding. Only you can decide
Sometimes after the breathing exercises I use visualization to help me center
and tap into the magical current. I see myself in a particular robe. I'm on top
of a mountain precipice. I sit towards the east in the mundane realm. but in my
magickal realm I'm facing east as well. I visualize the glory of the rising sun.
and as it rises I see daylight and the morning sky. When the sun is in full view
I may praise a sun deity or I just praise the sun, and then I call its energy to
enter me. I feel the light and the warmth then behind me I see everything
without turning around. It's as if I'm like the God Janus. I visualize the
rising moon. Itâs a night sky. The light of the moon is so very magickal indeed.
I feel the power of the moon and the night sky. When the moon is in total view I
praise a moon deity if i had praise a sun deity. Regardless I praise the moon.
(thatâs to keep balance) I call the moon's energy into me. I glow with the
energy. Then above my head I see the canopy of stars unfold over my head. Itâs
so beautiful all those twinkling stars. I appreciate the beauty of it. I will
praise a star deity if i praised a sun deity and moon deity before but
regardless I praise the stars then I call it to fill my being. I twinkle and
sparkle with its energy. Then I visualize the ground beneath me taking shape and
color. he earth becomes alive and vibrant. If i praised an sun, moon, and star
deity I will praise an Earth deity. Or I will only praise the earth. I visualize
the scent of the earth. I feel it beneath me. I then call its energy into me. I
now feel grounding and useful earth energy in me.
As an advance exercise I call the sun, moon, stars and earth energy to enter me
all at once. This is pretty powerful and it did raise my kundalini energy once
or twice. Don't do the advanced part unless you have some magickal skills.
Sometimes you may have the need to cleanse yourself before a ceremony or
something like that. There are many ways to do this.
A) you can take a shower and visualize the water taking away all of the days
troubles as it goes down the drain.
- 5a.
File - TeachMe.html
Posted by: ""
Fri Apr 1, 2011 2:13 am (PDT)
*** Teach Me Something, ***
Teach me something ....
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Tell me how that makes you feel about the Goddess
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Will only become your group if you choose to participate, whether
to ask a Question, or Offer an Anwser, both are equally valuable
here, so please raise your voice, let yourself be heard.
It's your turn now,
Teach Me Something....
Brightest Blessings All, BB.
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