marți, 27 septembrie 2011

[13Witches] Digest Number 7582

Messages In This Digest (21 Messages)

Release Bad Habits Spell From: Lady Nightshayde
Umbrella Magic From: Lady Nightshayde
The Ride-by-Nights From: Lady Nightshayde
Interview With the Moon From: Lady Nightshayde
Chronos: Titan, Reaper, Father Time, Crow? From: Lady Nightshayde
Halloween Recipes From: Lady Nightshayde
here's my second question... From: hrokr8
Re: here's my second question... From: Lady Nightshayde
Re: Witch Rosary From: Tina Carreon
Re: Witch Rosary From: Lady Nightshayde
Re: Protection question From: Lady Nightshayde
Re: Bouncing From: Lady Nightshayde
Jesus or Jail? From: Lady Nightshayde
The Wheels of Life From: Lady Nightshayde
Aromatherapy Tip From: Lady Nightshayde
Today's Quote From: Lady Nightshayde
**Tarot Tuesday**, 9/27/2011, 12:00 am From:
How to Make a Besom From: Lady Nightshayde
Rites of Passage From: Lady Nightshayde
Creating Sacred Space in Ten Steps From: Lady Nightshayde
Cosmic calendar    Sep 27 From: LadyHawk_Jax



Release Bad Habits Spell

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:14 am (PDT)

Release Bad Habits Spell

To release bad habits today, cook with an onion today. Before beginning, breathe the energy of earth and sky into the knife. As you cut the onion, say to yourself:

Here I see into my core and accept myself for all that I am, and I release that which no longer serves me.

If there are specific habits you want to eliminate, visualize them as you cut the onion. Energize the pan as you did the knife. As you cook the onion say:

Heat of fire, heat of life;
Transform these habits before my sight.

Visualize your bad habits transforming and see the patterns you prefer filling the onion and other food. Give thanks for the blessings of change and release as you eat.

by Kristin Madden

To release bad habits today, cook with an onion today. Before beginning, breathe the energy of earth and sky into the knife. As you cut the onion, say to yourself:

Here I see into my core and accept myself for all that I am, and I release that which no longer serves me.

If there are specific habits you want to eliminate, visualize them as you cut the onion. Energize the pan as you did the knife. As you cook the onion say:

Heat of fire, heat of life;
Transform these habits before my sight.

Visualize your bad habits transforming and see the patterns you prefer filling the onion and other food. Give thanks for the blessings of change and release as you eat.

by Kristin Madden

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Umbrella Magic

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:15 am (PDT)

Umbrella Magic

The umbrella is a much misunderstood and neglected accessory. Often left behind on a bus, or in a restaurant, you would think that anything that's been around for about four thousand years, keeping us dry and safe during countless storms, should get a little more respect. It's time we realize what a truly magical tool the umbrella can be.

The word "umbrella" derived from the Latin root of umbra meaning "shade" or "shadow." While there is archaeological and artistic evidence that the parasol, or a simple apparatus used for protection from sunlight, was used in Egypt, Assyria, and Greece, it was the Chinese who turned this basic device into the umbrella--lacquering and waxing paper so that it could protect its holder from rain. In the sixteenth century, the umbrella became popular in rainy northern Europe. A Persian traveler and writer named Jonas Hanway began to use the umbrella in public in England. He did so for thirty years, and the umbrella was nicknamed in that country a "Hanway."

In time, the umbrella evolved into a wood and whalebone device covered in oiled canvas. Then, in l852, Sam Fox founded the English Steels Company and made umbrellas with a steel-ribbed design. He claimed it was a way to use up overstocks of the steel stays used in women's corsets. Over a hundred years later, the collapsible umbrella was the next step.

In order to use the umbrella magically, as with every tool you first need to find the right one. That is, look for an umbrella that has some sort of meaning to you. It could be one passed down in your family. Maybe your grandfather's big old British umbrella has meaning to you. Or maybe an umbrella purchased at an art exhibit with a rendering of an impressionist painting on it has meaning. Maybe you like an umbrella depicting cats and dogs when it rains "cats and dogs." Because Iris, the rainbow goddess, is one of my patron goddesses, I picked one where each panel is a different color, giving the umbrella a rainbow look.

Bless and consecrate the umbrella according to your usual tradition--the way you would any tool or piece of magical jewelry. You can name the umbrella if you wish, and ask it to help you with your magic. Since the umbrella generally protects you from the rain, you can use this device for protection magic--from the elements, from people, from difficult situations. Imagine your umbrella as a shield, keeping unwanted energies at bay. They hit the umbrella and bounce off, just like raindrops.

Some umbrellas are good for invisibility spells, although mine, being brightly colored, is not. As you open the umbrella and raise it over you, imagine that the cloth reaches all the way to the ground, cloaking you from others, keeping your energy contained. The problem with invisibility spells is that when they work, people tend to walk into you or "through" you because they can't sense your energy. And this can be a bit dangerous.

A closed umbrella can be used as a walking stick. Therefore it can be used for support magic, healing magic, or in circle the way a stick or a stang is used. When you have a specific goal in mind, take a walk with your closed umbrella. Imagine it guiding you purposefully towards your desire. There's nothing like the tap, tap, tap of the umbrella on the ground to make you feel like you're getting somewhere. For symbolism, place the umbrella on the ground and jump over it to signify overcoming obstacles.

You can open your umbrella up and take a walk in the rain to wash away tension. Think of the umbrella as representing your aura. As the rain washes over the cloth, it cleanses blocks, tension, and stress. And, of course, your umbrella can be used for elemental magic. Simply point it at the clouds, and ask the rain to go away--or to come closer, if rain is needed. Use it too in polarity magic. As the clouds and rain represent the Goddess, your umbrella represents the God.

If the wind turns your umbrella inside out, it may be time to look at things from a different angle. The element of air is telling you new thought is needed. If you like divination, look at the patterns the raindrops make on the cloth to see what they tell you.

In the end, umbrella magic is important, especially on crowded city streets. Make sure you don't jab someone in the eye with your prongs. Be sure you know when to raise the umbrella in passing. Don't keep the umbrella up if you are walking in a covered walkway or under scaffolding--there just isn't room. Take it down, then put it back up. Don't walk on crowded city streets with a long umbrella tucked horizontally under your arm, poking everyone around you and causing them to duck when you turn. Don't pause in the middle of the subway steps and fight with the umbrella, causing a few hundred people stuck behind you to get soaked Remember, what you put out comes back three times. The best umbrella magic can be simply showing consideration to others.

So, retrieve your umbrella from under your desk at work, or go out and buy one specifically for your magical work. Experiment to see what feels right. And, if you get a chance, dance and sing in the rain.
by Cerridwen Iris Shea

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


The Ride-by-Nights

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:16 am (PDT)

The Ride-by-Nights

Up on their brooms the Witches stream,
Crooked and black in the crescent's gleam,
One foot high, and one foot low,
Bearded, cloaked, and cowled, they go.
'Neath Charlie's Wane they twitter and tweet,
And away they swarm 'neath the Dragon's feet,
With a whoop and a flutter they swing and sway,
And surge pell-mell down the Milky Way.
Between the legs of the glittering Chair
They hover and squeak in the empty air.
Then round they swoop past the glimmering Lion
To where Sirius barks behind huge Orion;
Up, then, and over to wheel amain
Under the silver, and home again.

-Walter De La Mare

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Interview With the Moon

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:17 am (PDT)

Interview With The Moon

As I started up the wide, winding path that led to the Moon's home, I
listened to the assortment of animal sounds that filled the woods. The
chipmunks, squirrels, and birds were easy enough to identify, but there were
many others--a chorus of voices. I walked deeper into the forest, unable to
shake the feeling that I was being watched, but for some reason, I wasn't
afraid. Suddenly, I saw a pair of deer tiptoe toward me out of the woods.
It was a doe and her fawn. I froze and stood very still, afraid I'd frighten
them. To my amazement they came right to me, nuzzling in my pockets like
horses looking for carrots. Tentatively extending my hand, still expecting
them to run, I was even more astounded when the fawn licked my fingers. As I
rubbed her behind the ear, her mother nudged my other hand, and let me stroke
her face. I lingered there with them for a while, quite taken with the
gentle creatures.

When I finally resumed my walk, the deer walked beside me, right up to the
door of the charming little house. It was made of stone, with a thatched
roof, and was set snugly in the middle of a grove of trees. There was smoke
coming from the chimney, and as I stepped up on the porch, I noticed bird
feeders everywhere, full to the brim. Several tiny gold finches landed
bravely on the shoulders, peeping loudly as I caught my first glimpse of the

I didn't have to knock. The door opened, and a small round woman with teeny
glasses perched on the end of her nose stood in front of me. She wore a blue
apron and the warmest smile I'd ever seen. She wiped her hands on her apron,
hugged me, and said, "Welcome home, dear," in a voice that somehow sounded
familiar. I can't remember ever feeling more welcome anywhere--or safer.

"Come in, come in," she said, stepping aside so that I could enter. "I see
you've made friends with some of my little ones, haven't you?" She reached
into her apron pocket, took out a handful of sliced apples, and dropped them
into a wooden bowl on the porch. Two golden retrievers and a tiny Yorkshire
terrier ran up to me and covered my face with wet dog kisses. I snuggled
them and thought about how good they smelled as she hung up my coat. I
noticed a neat line of boots just inside the door, and bent to untie my shoes
as the Moon handed me a pair of slippers. "Here, dear, put these on," she
said. I did as she asked, and followed her down a hallway toward a bright,
wonderful room where a medley of wonderful aromas filled the air. Two cups
of steaming hot tea sat on the round wooden table on well-worn calico
placemats. "Now, dear, you just sit down there and have your tea, and we'll
have a nice visit," she said. She took two huge oven mitts from a hook near
the oven and reached inside. "I've baked you an apple pie, and there's
vanilla ice cream, too."

Before I could thank her--and ask her how she knew--she set the pie on top of
the stove, smiled, and said, "Apple is your favorite, isn't it?"

"Well, yes, it is--how did you know that?"

She chuckled, set a crock of honey on the table, and sat down, smiling fondly
at me. "Oh, I know all about you, dear. I remember the first apple pie you
ever tasted, in fact--even though you probably don't. You were three, it was
a Sunday afternoon, and your grandparents had just taken you to church. the
three of you stopped at a little diner on your way home. Your grandfather
gave you a quarter, and held you up so that you could reach the buttons on
the jukebox. Oh, it was a fine time, and you were always such a
well-mannered child. I was sorry to see them go, and I knew you were, too.
They loved you very much."

My eyes filled up with tears. My grandparents had raised me, and somehow she
knew that, too. I wiped my eyes and sniffled. "Sorry," I said.

She stroked my hair and squeezed my hand. "Oh, there's no need to apologize
for crying, dear. You have a perfect right to express all your feelings. I
know that's always been difficult for you, but it's quite safe for you to let
them out here." I sniffled again and hugged her. I could feel my own
Twelfth House Moon's amazement at how readily I'd let her out, for once.
"Thank you so much," I said.

I took a bite of my pie, and watched as she pulled a huge scrapbook from one
of the bookshelves in the living room. She set it between us and opened to
the first page. Amazingly, the photos were of me. I didn't know quite what
to say. She smiled at my surprise, and said, "Oh, now, don't be so
surprised, dear. I have scrapbooks for all my children."

We sat there for some time, going through the album. It seemed she had a
story for each photo--and although they were my stories, she remembered
things I never would have. The day my great-aunt gave me my first teddy
bear, which still sits on my bed, to this very day. How hard I cried when my
dog ran away when I was nine. I had managed to hold back the tears pretty
well until then--but when she reminded me of how happy I'd been when he came
home, unharmed, I dabbed my eyes with the fresh white handkerchief she pulled
from her pocket. For once, it felt good to cry. The Moon was here with
me, soothing me and letting me know it was all right. We finally closed the
book after she showed me a photo of my present home. It looked quite cozy in
the picture, with several bird feeders of its own hanging from the trees, and
a stone bird bath in front. I ran my finger over the picture and sighed.
There were lots of blank pages left over--and I smiled at the thought of her
filling those pages with everything else that would ever happen to me.

During the course of the afternoon, a huge orange and white tiger cat with
long fur and the biggest feet I'd ever seen settled comfortably on my lap.
"That's Tigger," she said, as he began to knead and purr. "He'll stay there
all day if you let him."

I let him. In fact, I let all of her cats come and sit with me--and there
were quite a few, each as fat and happy as the last. The Moon and I chatted
until well after dark, mostly about animals, and my childhood. I found
myself pouring my heart out to her, about everything that had ever
frightened, delighted, or hurt me. She understood everything--and made me
understand many things I hadn't. More than anything, I remember thinking
about how wonderful it was to be so unconditionally loved and accepted. When
I told her I had to go, she frowned. "Oh, you can't leave just yet," she
said. "I've prepared your room for you. Stay the night, have a good sleep,
and we'll fix you a nice breakfast in the morning and send you on your way.
Besides, you haven't had your dinner yet, and I'm sure you're tired."

I was delighted she asked. I didn't want to leave--not yet. I asked her if
I'd be imposing, and she laughed again. "Of course not, dear--this is your
home. I'm just glad you're here."

She had prepared a wonderful dinner, of course. Homemade sauce over stuffed
pasta shells. She set out fresh-baked bread and creamy herb butter, and a
fresh pitcher of milk. She made me finish my salad, too--because, she said,
"Greens are good for you, and you need your vitamins." I offered to help
with the dishes, and she agreed to let me dry them. As we stood side by
side, in front of the sink, she tapped me on the arm and pointed. "Look,"
she said, "she's brought her baby to meet you." I peered out through the
back door, and saw a vixen and her kit. "Go on out and see them, dear," she
said. "I'll finish up here." I stepped out onto the patio and the two foxes
came to me, letting me stroke their beautiful red coats. The kit rolled onto
her back like a puppy, and I scratched her belly. The vixen made her way up
onto my lap, forcing me to sit down, and licked my chin. I laughed out loud,
delighted, and looked up through the window to see the Moon standing there
smiling at me. Everything was magical here--and every creature knew it had a
safe home with this wonderful woman.

When I reluctantly went back inside, torn between visiting with the foxes and
wanting to spend more time close to the Moon, she was waiting for me. "Why
don't you change into your nightgown and robe, and we'll sit in front of the
fire and chat?"

I said I'd love to, and followed her into a small, cozy bedroom, right next
to hers--my room. Laid out on the bed were a flannel nightgown, a long white
robe, and a pair of warm wool socks. "Now, you just get comfy, and I'll see
you in front of the fire." She kissed my forehead, and I just couldn't
resist hugging her again. I wrapped my arms around her, and she began to
hum, rocking me as if I were four, not forty. We stood there like that for a
moment, and finally, she patted me on the back and squeezed me. I sniffled
again, and she wiped my eyes--and read my mind.

"There, there, darling. You can come back any time you want to. I'm always
going to be here--always. Now you just change up."

When I joined her in the living room, she was sitting in one of two
overstuffed chairs in front of a huge stone fireplace. While she knitted,
the cats took turns on my lap, and the dogs dozed in front of the fire.

We were silent for a long, long, comfortable time, and finally, she began to
speak. "I know you have questions for me, don't you, dear?" I nodded,
realizing for the first time since I'd arrived that my original reason for
coming was to interview her. Then I laughed. I couldn't think of a single
thing to ask her--nothing she hadn't already told me just by being with me.

She looked right into my eyes, and patted my hand, reading my mind again.
"That's right, dear. You already know everything you came here to ask. Just
remember to always trust your instinct--the same instinct that's made you
know you're safe here--and never try to deny your feelings." She smiled, as
if it were all so simple, and returned to her work. "That's all, dear." I
wondered if it wasn't that simple.

We sat in silence again for some time. The only sounds in the room, in fact,
were the crackling of the fire, the clicking of her knitting needles, and the
purring of her cats. I found myself yawning, but reluctant to go to bed and
leave her. Finally, she stood up. "Come, dear, let's get you tucked in."

She brought me to my room, then, and when I got into bed--the softest,
warmest bed I'd ever known--she did indeed tuck me in. She sat down on the
bed next to me, and smoothed the hair from my forehead. "Are you warm
enough, dear?" I told her I was--on the outside and the inside. "Good," she
said. She kissed my cheek, and turned to go. At the door, she stopped and
said, "You know, you're a good girl. Be nice to yourself and you'll be fine,
dear. Sleep well."

After the most peaceful night's sleep I'd had in a long time, I woke to the
Moon tapping on the bedroom door. "I'll be right there," I called to her,
and sat up, recalling my dreams, all of them wonderful.

The Moon had prepared French toast for us with powdered sugar. There was a
fresh pitcher of orange juice and a bowl of berries on the table. We chatted
easily for a long time, mostly about me. Every time I tried to change the
subject, she brought it back. "It's all right to talk about you, dear.
That's what I'm here for."

I admitted that my Moon was in the Twelfth House, and she waved me off. "Oh,
well, that may be true, but you've still got feelings, don't you?" I smiled,
and admitted that I certainly did.

Finally, it was time to go. After I'd changed and taken one last look at the
room where I'd spent the most peaceful night in my life, I returned to the
kitchen, where she handed me a brown paper lunch bag, stuffed to the brim.
"This is for the ride home." At the front door, she hugged me again, and
said, "I want you to know that this is your home, and you're always welcome."

"I love you," I said, and she smiled.

"And I love you," she said. "And tell that Twelfth House Moon of yours to
let those feelings out more often." I said I'd try, and I stepped off the
porch, ready to head back into the real world armed with the knowledge that
the Moon would always be there.
by Kim Rogers-Gallagher

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Chronos: Titan, Reaper, Father Time, Crow?

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:18 am (PDT)

Chronos: Titan, Reaper, Father Time, Crow?

Chronos (or Chronus) is the personification of time, which is what
the word means. It is used in "chronology" and other modern words. It
was used originally in a solely poetic sense. There isn't a god or
goddess directly associated with time per se in Greek myth. But there
may have been a Titan of time...

Cronus (or Kronos) was the father of Zeus and his siblings. He was
part of a group of beings called Titans that existed before the Greek
gods. His parents were Uranus (Heaven) and Gaia (Earth). They had
many children, but Uranus was fearful of them and kept them confined
inside of Gaia. She didn't like this much. She gave Cronus a sickle,
and he castrated his father the next time he came near. When this
happened the blood that was spilled formed creatures like the Giants
and the Furies, and the genitals of Uranus were thrown into the sea
and would eventually produce Aphrodite. With Uranus out of the way,
Cronus married his sister Rhea and ruled the
Titans. Cronus was afraid that one of his children would overthrow
him as he had overthrown his father, so as each child was born he
swallowed them one by one. He had already disposed of Poseidon,
Hades, Hera, Hestia and Demeter in this fashion before Zeus was born.
This time Rhea had Zeus hidden and tricked Cronus into swallowing a
stone instead. When Zeus was old enough to take care of himself, Rhea
got Cronus to release the children he had swallowed, either by
talking him into it or by giving him a potion that induced vomitting.
When the other gods were free they joined Zeus to fight the Titans
and overthrew them.

From these stories and other facts it is believed that Cronus was a
harvest god from long ago, worshipped by a culture before the Greeks.
His sickle is a tool used in harvesting grain. It is commonly
believed that the story of his overthrow by Zeus represents the
overthrow of the culture that worshipped Cronus and the old gods by
the people who worshipped Zeus and the other more familiar Greek gods.

The Romans identified Cronus with their god Saturn. Saturn, the
Sower, was also a god of agriculture. The Roman god's festival,
called the Saturnalia, was held from December 17 to the 19th and was
quite popular.

Cronus and Saturn were also identified with time. Harvest and time
might be related in the first place, but some suspect this
relationship may have happened because of a confusion between the
words Cronus and Chronus.

Harvest was also associated with death because of the end of growing
season. Kronos eating his children was used in a poetic sense for
time devouring all things, as in the old saying "nothing lasts

Our concepts of Father Time (usually found in cartoons around New
Year's Eve these days, but historically found as part of the
Saturnalia festival when it was pushed to the first of the new year
to avoid conflict with Christmas) and the Grim Reaper carrying a
scythe are directly derived from Cronus. Both of these more modern
figures are sometimes accompanied by a crow. Robert
Graves wrote that the word Cronos and the god may have actually
meant "crow," but once again it could just be a result of confusion
with the similar-sounding words for crow (Latin "cornix" or
Greek "corone").

The three Greek words that were either related originally or related
through confusion later were: Chronus (meaning "time"), Cronus (the
god of harvest before the Greek gods took over), and corone
(meaning "crow"). Sometimes just having words similar to each other
is enough to mix stories up with one another. Whether they are
connected because they sound similar or because
they have similar roots is unknown. All three words are definitely
now linked in some fashion. Images of the Grim Reaper in engravings
in the Middle Ages that show a skeletal figure holding a scythe and
hourglass with a crow nearby show this connection.

Also note that the origins of words in Ancient Greek are uncertain.
It could be that Chronus and Cronus were supposed to be the same
thing originally, or that Cronus originally did mean crow. We don't
have enough information on the beliefs of the pre-Greeks to know if
Cronus was intended to be a crow or not. Many people think the three
words coming together was just a silly
coincidence, but there's no firm proof one way or another.

Crows were sometimes associated with fertility figures in other
cultures, but that doesn't necessarily prove anything. Also, crows
could be associated with death (by going after corpses) as well as
harvest (by going after grain).

Like most things in mythology, the concepts go back so far in time
that we can't trace the origins reliably.
by Dan Norder, Mythology Web editor

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Halloween Recipes

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:15 am (PDT)

Halloween Recipes: Potions and Brews

For deep red ice, try cherry Kool-Aid®. It Can even be frozen inside a plastic glove, now this really adds some snap to a punchbowl!

1/4 cup lemon juice
1 teaspoon ground ginger
2 quarts apple cider
3 cups water
12 ounce can of frozen orange juice concentrate
Stir all ingredients together until well blended. Chill 1 hour. Serve cold with blood red ice mold (above) To serve warm, after chilling, bring mixture to a boil, then simmer for 5 to 10 minutes.


First go out and buy one of those plastic witch's cauldrons from your nearest Halloween supply store usually available at large retail outlets around Halloween. Wash it out real good. Purchase some frozen lemonade, lime-lemonade, and whatever other flavor you want to use as your base taste.
Then proceed to add a couple liters of lemon-lime tasting soda such as 7-UP, Sprite, or even Ginger Ale. Add a whole bunch of cutup fruit: watermelon, strawberries, musk melon, cantaloupe, oranges, and of course your favorite style of grapes (they make good eyeballs). To darken the mixture you may want to add a couple of packages of grape or blackberry Kool-Aid®. For added effect you can purchase some plastic bones, eyeballs, bats, spiders or whatever else you can find. Lastly you will want to add dry ice for the boiling effect and to have "steam" rolling over the edges.


If you wish to add alcohol, here are a few suggested types of liquor which go well with the above recipe: Mostly the light colored liquors such as Vodka, Gin, Everclear®, any fruity flavor Schnapps® or other sweet liqueur.
You can even mix plain old Beer if you like. Did she say beer? YES I said beer, but depending on the combination of flavors you may want to test a small batch to make sure it tastes all right.


The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


here's my second question...

Posted by: "hrokr8"   hrokr8

Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:35 am (PDT)

I read Runes. I studied them for years. Can anyone tell me -- if you reach a certain level, using your divination tool... how do you "break on through to a higher level"?

I got to a point where I recognized/realized/felt in my bones that Runes are alive. I KNEW it. Still do.

Having reached that point, I got stuck. I knew I needed to break through some wall or ceiling, but I couldn't fathom it.. then life got in the way.

If you reach a fairly decent level with a divinatory tool, and realize you could, should, go "higher", but get "stuck" instead... how do you break on through to the other side (Thanks to Jim Morrison and the Doors for that refrain)...

As always, looking forward to what anyone can tell me, about this type of predicament.

Merletta Rut


Re: here's my second question...

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:14 pm (PDT)

I read Runes. I studied them for years. Can anyone tell me -- if you reach a certain level, using your divination tool... how do you "break on through to a higher level"?

I got to a point where I recognized/realized/felt in my bones that Runes are alive. I KNEW it. Still do.

Having reached that point, I got stuck. I knew I needed to break through some wall or ceiling, but I couldn't fathom it.. then life got in the way.

If you reach a fairly decent level with a divinatory tool, and realize you could, should, go "higher", but get "stuck" instead... how do you break on through to the other side (Thanks to Jim Morrison and the Doors for that refrain)...

As always, looking forward to what anyone can tell me, about this type of predicament.

What I started doing was using two divination tools together. I would lay out the Tarot cards, and use runes with them. It gave a new level of depth to the reading.

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde

-----Original Message-----
From: hrokr8 <>
To: 13Witches <>
Sent: Mon, Sep 26, 2011 2:36 pm
Subject: [13Witches] here's my second question...

I read Runes. I studied them for years. Can anyone tell me -- if you reach a certain level, using your divination tool... how do you "break on through to a higher level"?

I got to a point where I recognized/realized/felt in my bones that Runes are alive. I KNEW it. Still do.

Having reached that point, I got stuck. I knew I needed to break through some wall or ceiling, but I couldn't fathom it.. then life got in the way.

If you reach a fairly decent level with a divinatory tool, and realize you could, should, go "higher", but get "stuck" instead... how do you break on through to the other side (Thanks to Jim Morrison and the Doors for that refrain)...

As always, looking forward to what anyone can tell me, about this type of predicament.

Merletta Rut


Re: Witch Rosary

Posted by: "Tina Carreon"   nbox4tc1212

Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:59 am (PDT)

Thank you for these directions! Love crafty things!  I think I will try to make one soon. This would make a wonderful gift for Yule, or anytime really. When I do, I'll be sure to send a pic. Thanks again! Love all of your information and sharings. Goddess Bless!! )O( 


From: Lady Nightshayde <>
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2011 12:54 PM
Subject: [13Witches] Witch Rosary


Re: Witch Rosary

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:11 pm (PDT)

Thank you for these directions! Love crafty things! I think I will try to make one soon. This would make a wonderful gift for Yule, or anytime really. When I do, I'll be sure to send a pic. Thanks again! Love all of your information and sharings. Goddess Bless!! )O(


Tina, I'd love to see a picture. And you are most welcome.

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Re: Protection question

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:07 pm (PDT)

Merry Meet all,

I have a question regarding personal protection. There is a person falsely accusing me of stealing from them and this person is mentally unstable and has a history of being dangerous...assaulting others, namely.
The local police say that there is nothing they can do unless and until "something weird happens". I have been harassed a few times so far.
i would like to know if there are any good spells/magick I can do to help keep myself safe. I do not have money to buy many supplies if they are needed.
Any help would be appreciated.

Merry Part,

Here is a protection spell that requires only a few ingredients:

To Stop A Person Causing Harm To You

Light a white candle and your favorite incense. Meditate a short
while on the problem. Invoke the Spirits of Protection for you and
yours. Then take a piece of brown paper, like from a grocery bag, on
it use a lead pencil to print and write the name of the offending
person or people. If unknown people are involved, also print and
write, "and all persons unknown that are causing harm to me!" Cross
off each line forcefully and say, forcefully, " I freeze name(s) to
be bound by this spell, unable to cause any more harm to (name(s)! As
I will, so mote it be! " Then put a spoonful of used coffee grounds
on the brown paper, fold it small, and place it in the freezer. Leave
it until the problem is completely resolved. I wrap a rubber band,
string, twist tie, or what have you, to keep the coffee grounds from
falling out of the paper. You can also use a zip loc bag. Be sure and
burn the candle completely up. Don't use that candle for a different

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde

-----Original Message-----
From: mdq <>
To: 13Witches <>
Sent: Mon, Sep 26, 2011 2:11 am
Subject: [13Witches] Protection question

Merry Meet all,

I have a question regarding personal protection. There is a person falsely accusing me of stealing from them and this person is mentally unstable and has a history of being dangerous...assaulting others, namely.
The local police say that there is nothing they can do unless and until "something weird happens". I have been harassed a few times so far.
i would like to know if there are any good spells/magick I can do to help keep myself safe. I do not have money to buy many supplies if they are needed.
Any help would be appreciated.

Merry Part,


Re: Bouncing

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:14 pm (PDT)

Merry Meet,
How do you unbounce?
Blessed Be
Lady Ckrystal Hawk

Go to the homepage of the group you suspect is bouncing your emails. It will say something like "the address you are using for this group is bouncing." You can click on the link and it will take you to the page where you can unbounce your emails.

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Jesus or Jail?

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:50 pm (PDT)

Bay Minette May Not Force Offenders To Choose Between Going To Jail Or Going To Church, Says Church-State Watchdog

September 26, 2011

Officials in Bay Minette, Ala., have crossed a constitutional line by creating a program that allows low-level offenders to choose between fines and jail or going to church for a year, says Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

"I have just two words for this ill-considered scheme: blatantly unconstitutional," said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United. "Government simply can't put people in a position where their only choice is Jesus or jail."

Bay Minette Police Chief Mike Rowland says 56 churches have agreed to take part in the program, dubbed "Operation Restore Our Community." Rowland says the plan is legal because no one is forced to go to church – they can choose fines or incarceration instead.

Americans United says Bay Minette is offering no real choice at all and that the scheme will clearly have the effect of funneling people into houses of worship.

In a letter to Rowland and Mayor Jamie Tillery sent today, attorneys with Americans United urged the town to drop the plan.

Read the rest of this press release at »

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


The Wheels of Life

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:02 pm (PDT)


Aromatherapy Tip

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:03 pm (PDT)

A Lemon and Ylang Ylang scented mineral bath is a delight for the
Not too relaxing, and not too energizing, this aroma awakens your
senses with a clean, sweet fragrance.
Mix together two tablespoons of sea salt, one tablespoon of baking
soda and 1 1/2 teaspoons of borax. Add four drops Ylang Ylang and
six drops Lemon essential oils and mix well. Pour the mixture into
the bath under running water. Make sure the salts are completely
dissolved and the oils evenly dispersed throughout the water.
Tip: A few drops of Lavender will make this blend more balancing.

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Today's Quote

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:04 pm (PDT)

The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reasons for remaining ashore.
- Vincent Van Gogh

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


**Tarot Tuesday**, 9/27/2011, 12:00 am

Posted by: ""

Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:05 pm (PDT)

Reminder from: 13Witches Yahoo! Group

**Tarot Tuesday**
Tuesday September 27, 2011
All Day
(This event repeats every week.)

It's Tarot Tuesday. Post any questions or articles regarding Tarot or divination.

All Rights Reserved
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Yahoo! Inc.

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How to Make a Besom

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:20 pm (PDT)


Directions # 1- You will need a straight branch, approximately 12 to 18
inches long and 1/2 inch in diameter (if you can't find a branch, a dowel
will do), scissors, raffia and a bowl of salt water. You will also need
bunches of any of the following plants: cedar, fennel, lavender, rosemary,
or broom. Ideally, these plants should come from your magickal garden.
Assemble your tools and materials and create a sacred space to work in.
Charge the branch and plant materials by taking each in turn in your hands
and sending purifying energies into them. Visualize a white cleansing light
emanating from your hands and being absorbed by the branch and plants. Take
the raffia and tie three circles on one end of the branch while you say:

"I bind you in purification."

Now take several stalks of the plant materials, leafy ends down, and place
around the end of the branch with the three loops of raffia (to form a round
broom shape). Visualize the white light, and tie three loops around the
branch and plants. Place another layer of plant material around the branch,
tie three more loops while you visualize. Do this until your broom is as
full as you want. Tie the end of the raffia three times around the branch
and plants, pull the end through some of the loops and tie three knots.
Snip off the excess raffia. Thank the branch and plant materials for their
sacrifice. Sprinkle some of the salt water on the broom sweeps and visualize
all negative forces melting away. Now walk to your door, open it and
vigorously sweep close to the floor (you don't actually have to sweep the
floor). Visualize all negativity being swept out the door. Now moving
clockwise around the house, sweep each door and window and at the upper and
lower corners of each room. When you've made your way back to the door, open
it again, sweep out, then shake your broom vigorously three times to shake
away anything that stuck to it. Leave it outside your door, do not bring it
in again. At your first opportunity, take it apart and bury all the

Direction # 2 - Materials needed: A straight branch, approximately 4 to
4-1/2 ft. long and at least 1 inch in diameter; raffia; salt water; Bunches
of any (or all) of the following plants: Lavender, Rosemary, or Broom. Take
the raffia and tie three circles on one end of the branch while you say:

"I bind you in the name of the Art."

Now take several stalks of the plant materials, leafy ends down, and place
them around the end of the branch with the three loops of raffia (to form a
round broom shape). Visualize the purpose of your besom, and tie three loops
around the branch and plants. Place another layer of plant material around
the branch, tie three more loops while you visualize. Do this until your
broom is as full as you want. Tie the end of the raffia three times around
the branch and plants, pull the end through some of the loops and tie three
knots. Snip off the excess raffia. To charge first thank the branch and
plant materials for their sacrifice, ask whichever Goddess/God seems
appropriate to your work, and then sprinkle some of the salt water on the
broom sweeps. Use your new besom immediately and store next to your altar
when you are finished.

* Broom Magic - Making A Besom *
by Silver Thym

While tools are not always necessary or even sometimes desirable they are
fun, and making those tools that you can for your own use, and for others is
even more fun. You tend to invest more of your energy and creative essence
in any tool that you have taken the time and patience to create. So with
that in mind I am going to share with you how I made my Besom.

Making a Besom or witch's broom is not difficult and there are many good
ideas around to borrow from and improve on. In choosing the wood you want to
use wood that has protective properties and most important what feels right
to you. Good choice's for wood are Ash (protection, prosperity, health);
Birch (protection, binding, purification) - the traditional broom of the
Witches was made of birch twigs; Dogwood (wishes, protection); Elder
(binding, protection, healing) - though this is more often used for wands;
Oak (protection, health, money, healing) and a tree scared to the Druid's;
Pine (healing, protection, binding, money); or Rowan (psychic powers,
healing, power, success, protection).

The wood of my Besom is unknown, I found it on our then new property and
loved the shape and feel, it had been lying waiting for me to find it for
years and looked akin to driftwood, which would also be a good wood to use.
After leaving it natural for a long time I decided to sand it, it turned out
with a dark, finely grained and satiny pattern. If you decide to finish your
wood than strip it first and let it dry and then do any sanding necessary.
After you find the wood that you want to use as the handle taking in account
the size and length best suited to you, properly thanking the Goddess, cut
very carefully, you don't want to kill the tree, only take what you need,
and use a saw as your bolline will not work.

The next step is gathering the materials for the "broomstraws" the binding
and any decorative touches. I suggest Straw as it can be easily obtained and
attracts fairies. Wheat can also be used, but might shed more than you wish.
The traditional binding for a magical, or Witch's broom is a Willow branch,
it is very flexible and easy to work with. Straw can be dyed using herbal
dyes, for black use alder, black walnut or yarrow. For blues, elder, indigo,
woad, oregon grape. For brown use comfrey, fennel, hops, onion, pokeweed.
For Golds use dock, goldenrod, safflower. For greens use barberry, bayberry,
sage. Binding the straw: I use a double binding method for this. Before
cutting the straw the length you wish add about two inches. I have found
that it is easier to work with the straw if it has been soaked and then just
left damp. Gather the straw with the ends even and pointing towards the top
of the handle and distributed around the handle, bind the added two inches
with strong twine, fold the straw down pointing in the right direction and
bind with the Willow branch.

Personal touches. Now come the most fun making your Besom uniquely your own.
If using pine you can add small pine cones strung with twine and attached to
the binding, if using oak do the same with acorns. Slip lavender under the
binding or heather, add dried flowers...this is your Besom to play with it.
You can also decorate the handle anyway you wish, and if you can whittle or
carve you can create a beautiful one of kind Besom.

My husband and I are currently working on a Besom that will be used by
friends in the handfasting ceremony. We have a piece of wood that had
honeysuckle growing around it and when removed left a grooved spiral running
down the wood. For handfasting Hawthorn is an excellent choice and has long
been used in weddings. Again use your imagination and most of all have fun
creating your Besom for whatever purpose. Cunningham's Encyclopedia of
Magical Herb's is an excellent reference on Herb's and woods.

* Making a New Year's Broom at Samhain *
posted by Meredith

It is almost time to start a new year and that means for many of us getting
a new broom.. I have worked on mine today and thought I would pass this
along as it is a simple project and makes for a really lovely and powerful
broom for your home. Go out and buy a new corn broom (a plain old fashioned
broom). I got one at Dollar General for THREE DOLLARS. If you do not like
the color of the handle...paint it the color of your choice. Mine is red.
Luckily, it came that way! But had it not, a can of spray paint goes a long
way. $3.00 a can. I have painted Witches Rune Symbols on my broom handle.
Found those on-line. Went to AOL and typed in runes. There were many
choices. I decided on Witches Runes. I used black paint ($1.00) and a thin
brush ($1.00). I am not the greatest artist in the world but it looks fine
to me. grin. At the base of the broom...where the actual broom starts, I
have attached 4 different crystal points with jewelers wire. I have a quarts
crystal, an amethyst an obsidian and a jade. I have attached feathers as
well. Now I have a broom that is functional...and powerful. It also looks
very nice. I found the crystal points at Hobby lobby for an excellent price.
two dollars and 89 cents a crystal. I bought 4 of them. And they are real
stones already wrapped. They sell them for people making jewelry and such.
I got the wire there as well and paid 2 dollars for a spool of silver and
one of copper. These brooms would make excellent housewarming or
handfasting gifts. Cost me about...OH... twenty two dollars in all. Then an
hours time.

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Rites of Passage

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:27 pm (PDT)

Rites of Passage

Death and dying isn't something the average Pagan has given a lot of thought to unless death has made Herself present in their lives recently or repeatedly. Yet life and death are inextricably linked. You can't have one without the other. So what plans have you made for death?

Would you like to be buried or cremated? Where would you like your remains to be placed/scattered? There are no Pagan cemeteries as of yet, and when they develop, they will be few and far between, at first. Do you want to be in one even if it means leaving your homeland? If so, you'd better arrange for the transport of your remains ahead of the need. It will cost money. Where will it come from? Keep in mind that "them that pay often get their way."

Would you like a funeral or memorial service of some kind? How would you like it to be? Who will conduct it? Where? Would you like it to be Pagan in orientation? Who will raise your children should you die while they are young? What will become of your magickal books and tools? You'd better plan ahead. Part of honoring life is honoring death, even your own. Magick implies an intentionality in your living. That same intentionality should apply to your dying.

You need a will. You need an executor you can trust to carry out your wishes. You need to write those wishes down in a legally binding form. This is particularly important if you are a solitary and/or if your immediate family is opposed to your religion. You could wind up with an improper burial. Your books could be burned, your tools broken or trashed, and your children raised by relatives who do not share or even acknowledge your faith. Find an attorney to help you. (I'd recommend you not use your family's attorney if your family is opposed to your wishes).

When you find an attorney, think too about a living will. What do you want done regarding mechanical life support should you become comatose or an otherwise vegetative state? What "heroic measures" if any do you want attempted on your behalf? If you have a terminal illness, what are your wishes regarding medical treatment/intervention and the prolonging of a less than optimal life? What about organ donations, are you pro or con?

All of these questions bring up other questions that you need to be able to answer for yourself in order to address those originally posed. What do you believe about death and dying anyway? Many of the procedures around medical treatment and funerary arrangements (in the U.S.) arise out of Judeo-Christian beliefs. Which, if any, have you incorporated into your own beliefs about death and dying? Based on your own personal theology, what practices surrounding the end days of your life are acceptable to you and which are not?

Is it more important to be interred, have your ashes scattered in or around your own sacred landscape near where you have lived your life, or is it more important to be transported to a Pagan funerary site? Do you wish to remain on life support because life is sacred and is to be prolonged to the best of human/technological capabilities? Or is it to be prolonged because you are afraid of dying? That would certainly be understandable, and if that is the case, you need to examine why you are afraid. What were you brought up to believe about death and dying? How does that square with your Pagan beliefs, or does it?

Is it possible that magickally and practically you have choices about death and how you will go through it, just as you magickally and practically have choices about life and the living of it? If you believe you can create your own reality, does that not also extend to your dying as well as your living? Life is a series of choices. Is it possible that death is as well? Do you feel there is anything wrong with choosing death? Is euthanasia okay? If so, under what circumstances? What about suicide?

What do you believe happens to your soul/spirit when you die? Does what happens to it depend at least in part in how you died? Most Witches and Pagans believe in reincarnation. Okay, what does that mean to you? How? When? Why? Where do you go when you rest between lives? What is it like? Is there anything in the Solar cycle we celebrate yearly that gives you insight? What about the Lunar cycle?

There's a saying within magickal circles that says, "Be careful what you ask for, you may get it!" or "You get what you expect!"--hence the admonishment to expect your magick to work and to see it as already working because you expect it to. Do you think you'll get what you expect when you die? There's a school of thought that says you will. So, what do you expect? How can you reinforce what you find appealing, or change your expectation if you don't find it acceptable?

Once you find "the other side" to be acceptable, how can you ease your transition into it? Many people say that it is not death itself that scares them, it's the process of dying. How can you change your thinking about that process in order to make it more acceptable--even welcome when it comes? What and/or who would you like to have around you? What myths or stories about the transition give you comfort? How will you adjust if the transition is sudden and unexpected? Is it possible to practice these scenarios? Is it possible to practice dying?

Just as it is possible to use meditation/visualization to send healing energy, cause change in your life, or in other ways work magick, so is it possible to use meditation/visualization to imagine what you will awaken into when you have died, and even to smooth the transition itself. It's entirely possible to imagine this transition as just another dream journey to another land, or another conscious projection of your spirit self into the Otherworld. The only difference is that, in dying, your physical body actually shuts off. But that probably won't matter much to you by then because you will have had plenty of Otherworld evidence that the essence of you will continue on in another state.

In cultures where Otherworld journeying is a common experience, where the world of spirit is just as real as the physical world, and where both are believed to be intertwined, the art of conscious dying is carried out. When someone decides they've had enough of this incarnation for whatever reason, they make their farewells to family, friends and community and either go off by themselves or lay down in their presence and dies. It's peaceful, honorable, and part of the fabric of life. They will be remembered in prayers at personal and ancestral altars, and their wisdom and counsel may be invoked in times of need. No one fears for the state of their soul, and no one fears their departed essence, although they may take magickal precautions to avert the possibility of joining them too soon.

These are issues we all need to think about and come to our own understandings about. Whether you are a solitary, a coven member, or part of a large Pagan community makes no difference. In the end, we all make this transition alone. What makes a difference is how comfortable we are, or can become, with the process and what provisions we make for ourselves and those we leave behind.
by DeAnna Alba,
copyright 1995

Blessed Be,
Lady Nightshayde

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Creating Sacred Space in Ten Steps

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:30 pm (PDT)

Creating Sacred Space in Ten Steps

Among witches and many other practitioners of magick, you'll hear the words
"sacred space" often. Some people feel it's very important to set up a
protected sphere of energy around any area in which magick is about to
occur. Other people don't bother with this step, especially if they're
working with very simple magicks. I'm somewhere between these two groups.

For very important matters, complicated procedures, or any magick in which
you're trying to get rid of a negative spiritual influence, I think a
formalized sacred space is a good idea (call it metaphysical insurance).

The ritualistc nature of creating sacred space helps ensure that you're in
the right frame of mind for magick. Additionally, a well-designed sacred
space keeps any unwanted energies out and your magick firmly within until
you're ready to project it.

Finally, sacred space has an ambiance all its own. Within this sphere
there's a connection with Spirit, a sense of being part of all time and all
space at once, and a distinct hush that makes whatever happens there really
special. That's why you hear many practitioners use the phrase "out of
space, out of time" when talking about sacred space. The sphere marks the
line between world and not-world, where your magickal tapestry begins to
take shape.

Here's how to make one yourself:

1. Clean up the area in which you're going to work. I've yet to see a
messy church. Your apartment, back yard, house, or room is about to become
a church, so treat it accordingly. No, you don't have to redecorate; just
make things neat, so the externals aren't distracting and project the image
you would want to show to an honored guest.

2. Decide which part of this area will act as the central point and figure
out where the four directional points lie. If you wish, decorate these four
points with symbolic tokens like feathers or bells for east (air), a candle
or incense for south (fire), a glass of water or seashell for west (water),
and a stone or seeds for north (earth). These little tokens help welcome
the elemental energies (read: nature spirits) you're going to be invoking
when creating sacred space.

3. Make sure you have everthing you need as the center point of the circle
before starting. Once the sacred space is created, you'll want to stay
inside until you're done with your magick.

4. Stand in the middle of the area. Shake out your hands, stretch a bit,
and take three deep cleansing breaths to get yourself centered. Now
visualize the same white light as before pouring down into your body. Once
you feel all warm and tingly, walk to the eastern point of the area and hold
out your arms as if to welcome an old friend. Say something like, "Welcome
powers of the east and air. Fill my words with magick." Envision this spot
in the room being filled with light pouring out of your hands.

5. Move to the south (clockwise), continuing the visualization so the light
spreads to that spot and say something like, "Welcome power of the south and
fire. Ignite my heart with magick."

6. Move to the west, continuing the visualization so the light now covers
three-quarters of the room and say something like, "Welcome powers of the
west and water. Flow into this sacred space with magick."

7. Move finally to the north. Now your mind's eye should see the whole
area covered in a silvery-white glow, all around, above and below. Say
something like, "Welcome powers of the north and earth. Give my magick rich
soils in which to grow."

8. Go to the center of the space and do whatever work you have at hand (for
example, a spell, the rest of a ritual, or a meditation). Also take a
little time to pray if you can. Let the magick settle in your mind and
heart too!

9. When you're done, say farewell to the powers you called upon in the
invocation, reversing the process and moving counterclockwise. Use whatever
words feel comfortable to you.

10. Make notes about the procedure in your magick journal. What felt good?
What did you sense right after the magick sphere went into place? What parts
do you want to use or adapt in the future?

Since our life's needs don't always surrender to pragmatics or even what we
might wish to do under ideal circumstances, the simplified nature of folk
traditions comes as a relief. Though it is always helpful to create sacred
space when working this kind of hearth-and-home magick, it may not be
necessary. Truth be told, I often do without. Instead I use one of two
quicker approaches that get the job done even when my kids are being

The first approach is visualizing yourself in a protective, white-light
bubble so that you're less likely to experience outside interference. If
you wish, also pray to your vision of the god/dess to oversee your efforts.
This technique is especially useful when you have to work magick in a very
public place. Without it, the odd intermingling of energy can really set
things askew.

The light bubble is spiritually generic -- it will work for everyone, no
matter their Path. It's based on my personal belief that sacredness is
engendered as much by attitude as by actions and words. Therefore, if you
start treating yourself as a sacred space, you can work magick anytime,
anywhere, without formalized routines. In the words of Buddha, "Wherever
you live is your temple if you treat it like one."

The second alternative is to pick out four symbolic objects for earth
(north), air (east), fire (south), and water (west). What you choose
doesn't matter as long as the symbolic connection is obvious to you, but I
suggest you keep them small for easy storage. For example, try a crystal or
potted plant for earth, a feather or air freshener for air, a candle or
lighter for fire, and a seashell or sand for water. When you have a few
free minutes, whisper a suitable invocation like those given previously into
each object three times to charge it with elemental energy. After this,
repeat the elemental name into the object as well (for example, if you've
chosen a crystal for earth, whisper the word "earth" into it three times).

When you're done, wrap these objects in a white cloth or put them in a
special box until needed. Then the next time you need to set up sacred
space quickly, bring out the tokens and put them as close as possible to
their directional correspondences wherever you're planning to work. As you
set out each one, repeat its elemental name to activate the energy. When
you put the objects away, do so in reverse order to disengage the sphere
by Patricia Telesco

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Cosmic calendar    Sep 27

Posted by: "LadyHawk_Jax"   ladyhawk_jax

Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:02 am (PDT)

Parallels and contra-parallels are just as much a part of astrology as zodiacal aspects. They are calculated measuring the movement of celestial bodies going north and south of the Celestial Equator instead of locating those celestial bodies via the ecliptic, otherwise known as the zodiacal circle.

This morning - before the Libra New Moon takes place - we have the Moon parallel Saturn (12:07AM PDT) and Chiron (12:56AM PDT) while Mercury is parallel Uranus (1:15AM PDT) and Venus is parallel Saturn (2:24AM PDT). All of this activity occurs - along with the monthly Moon-Mercury union in Libra (2:09AM PDT) - during the dark of the moon monthly cycle discussed in yesterday's calendar entry. It seems as if the universe is asking all of us to take a very focused and grounded look back at our recent triumphs and failures before we take the next leap forward at 4:10AM PDT when the solar and lunar orbs merge at 4 degrees of Libra.

This Libra New Moon should prov ide quite a boost across the board, and especially in the arts, social activities, and in terms of improving the quality of primary partnerships. Prominent healing forces come into the picture when Venus parallels Chiron (11:57AM PDT) while some anxiety and nervous strain may accompany the Mercury-Uranus contra-parallel (7:00PM PDT).

Like last night, the end of the day carries a positive note and tonight that comes in the form of the monthly Moon-Venus union in Libra (11:34PM PDT). Love vibrations increase in wavelength, but tomorrow carries a note of emotional intensity and you need to be on alert as Tuesday night morphs into Wednesday morning.

Love, Light and Abundant Blessings,
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