vineri, 23 septembrie 2011

[Earthwise] Digest Number 2697

Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)

Eye of the Sorcerer blog post From: Moloch
My Magical Day From: Holly Stokes



Eye of the Sorcerer blog post

Posted by: "Moloch"   xx_moloch_xx

Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:46 am (PDT)

This is the first of a series of my experiences using modern grimoires. This one was on using the _Miracle of the New Avatar Power_ by Geoff Gray-Cobb.

'Real Sorcery 24/7'


My Magical Day

Posted by: "Holly Stokes"   hollyberrysheart

Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:38 pm (PDT)

I love, love, love living a magical life.. I really do.. it brightens my
days and brightens the light inside me as well. That being said.. I have to
tell you about my commute home from work this afternoon. Here we go:
Warning.. mushy content to follow.

Well, earlier today I was blogging about work ethics and about doing the
best you can do and then taking it a step further . all the while that I was
writing about this I was thinking about my husband because he is that way as
well. He just cannot make himself do something half way. He always has to go
a step beyond what one might think you should do so that he does it better
than what was done before.

Well.. the thoughts of my darling husband lingered through my mind all the
way home. Every time I think of him, I can't help but smile. It's one of
those smiles that starts right in the center of your being and just jumps
right out onto your face as though it cannot be contained! So, I'm driving
home and thinking about him and smiling all the while and I thought to
myself, "thoughts of my hubby are just fluttering through my mind like a
butterfly upon a breeze" I know, I know.. I'm sappy that way.

Just a few minutes into my drive and "Our Song" comes on the radio. ok so
you know I had to chuckle a bit to myself as a grin covered my entire face.
I reach over and turn up the radio and at that moment I am in a que to merge
onto another section of the interstate and as I sat there singing along to
"our song" I look over at the traffic and in the median bounces a butterfly
right past my car.. LOL! Finally I make it up to the merge and as traffic
from the other lanes are mingling a truck moves over in front of me with the
license plate of 777LVV. I think to myself.. "OMG, can this get much
better!" You see we were married on 7/7/07 . I continue singing and making
my way home.

The song is over and I can't get much happier. I'm on my way home, I have a
wonderful husband and life is pretty good today. As these thoughts fill my
mind, it's time to merge again and you won't believe this but now I am
behind another car with one of those angelic numbered license plates. This
time it's 444, which means the angels are surrounding you and with you. You
can imagine, I am all grins!

My commute is about an hours drive and now I am getting really close to
home. Again, I am qed up to merge onto the last bit of highway just before
hitting the back streets to home. I'm sitting there at a mere crawl inching
my way forward, the windows are down, the radio is on and a cool breeze
comes into my window. I breathe a heavy sigh and think to myself," What a
beautiful day" just then a car slowly passes by and yep you guessed it
another plate with angelic numbers. This time it's 111, which means
opportunity and new doorways opening up.

Just seconds after seeing the 111, this thought rolled into my head, "I
just need to let go of thinking about the things I don't have and
concentrate on what I do have in my life". Just as that thought finished, I
look over and there is yet another car with 444 on the license plate! I'm
thinking.. no one will ever believe this! This was the universe confirming
my path or at least that's how I like to believe.

Just amazing! Funny how life works. Those things that can't be explained.
Some call them coincidences . I call it magic!

Love life and watch it love you back!

Many Blessings,

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