Messages In This Digest (23 Messages)
- 1.
- Abraham Hicks: Daily Quote - 11/17/2010 From: Ash
- 2a.
- Power Animal of the Day: Gorilla From: Ash
- 3a.
- Quado's Garden: Unfold To Each Other From: Ash
- 4.1.
- Daily Devotions of the Goddess From: Ash
- 5.
- The Center of Your Being From: Ash
- 6.
- Posts from Tiny Buddha for 11/17/2010 From: Ash
- 7.
- Fw: Hearts of Light Center - Open House From: Cher Chirichello
- 8.
- Fw: Holistic Mentorship Mtg TONIGHT! The Rock Girl FRIDAY! From: Cher Chirichello
- 9.
- Fw: Practical Magick II, December, Pompton Lakes NJ From: Cher Chirichello
- 10.
- Fw: DailyOM: Cleansing Nature From: Cher Chirichello
- 11a.
- Introduction to Tarot: Week 2: Get Ready to Read the Cards From: Cher Chirichello
- 12.
- Fw: red tent will be back Sun. January 16th, mark your calendars now From: Cher Chirichello
- 13.
- Labyrinth Walk,1st Reformed Church, Pompton Plains NJ From: Cher Chirichello
- 14.
- Thursday's Correspondence...Nov. 18 From: Cher Chirichello
- 15a.
- Earth Magic Baked Apples From: Cher Chirichello
- 16.
- Daily Aromatherapy - Scented Beeswax Heart . From: Cher Chirichello
- 17.
- Wisdom 8:2 From: Cher Chirichello
- 18.
- Goddess of The Day: MATARIKI Makahiki (Hawaii) From: Cher Chirichello
- 19a.
- Do you have any special recipes or traditions that you do on Thanksg From: Cher Chirichello
- 20a.
- Do you consider yourself an Old Soul? From: Cher Chirichello
- 20b.
- Re: Do you consider yourself an Old Soul? From: sandy jarman
- 21.
- Maiden, Mother, Crone From: Cher Chirichello
- 22.
- Abraham Hicks Daily Quote - 11/18/2010 From: Ash
- 1.
Abraham Hicks: Daily Quote - 11/17/2010
Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure
Wed Nov 17, 2010 3:15 am (PST)
Every particle of your physical world has a Leading Edge Vibrational
version that is calling it forward, and this Vibrational version of what
you could call your physical future holds a steady rhythm of Well-Being
for you in your Vortex.In the same way that the large and
diverse variety of Vibrational components that make up your Earth assures
its stability, the trillions of cells that make up your physical body do
the same for you. That is the reason for the extraordinary resiliency of
your physical body.Over time, during the application of
our daily meditation process, your habits of worry, concern, frustration,
overwhelment, and anger will cease to be, allowing your cellular core to
find its natural Vibrational balance. Day by day, as you relax and
breathe, your natural Well-Being will dominate until your stable footing
will become unshakable. Your consistent alignment with the Energy of
Well-Being will cause you to see your world through the eyes of Source,
and you will feel as you felt when you decided to come into your physical
body: satisfied with what-is and eager for more!
--- Abraham
This is 17 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from
Abraham's new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and
User Guide that will be available everywhere on Nov. 15, 2010.
To order, click here
Amazon or
Barnes & Noble
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther
Visit Us Online
©1997-2010 Abraham-Hicks Publications.
'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart Center
- 2a.
Power Animal of the Day: Gorilla
Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure
Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:53 am (PST)
http://www.poweranimalsunleashed. com/power_ animal_014gorill a.htm
The Gorilla
Strength Intelligence
a deep breath and let the spirit of the gorilla fill you.
Click here to listen to the Gorilla's Song.
the immense power of the gorilla into your life. Feel the confidence pour into
you as you rise to your full potential. Nothing is too much for you to handle,
for you are the gorilla.
gorilla is highly intelligent and a creative problem solver, able to utilize
tools to achieve his purpose. Call his spirit to you when you wish to find
practical solutions to life's challenges. Feel how the problems give way
instantly as your mind clears and the pieces all fall into place.
gorilla is a leader, commanding a group through strength of will, decisiveness
and mediation of conflict. With the gorilla within you, you will uncover your
own powers of leadership, learning to command through personal presence. And
with this leadership, you will learn responsibility, for the gorilla always
takes full protective responsibility of those within his command. He
understands that a good leader is a leader who serves the needs of the
courage of the gorilla is yours. Feel it beating within your heart. Feel the
power, the strength, that this glorious animal brings to your life. You have
the power to marshal the strength of many to your cause. There is nothing you
cannot accomplish. You are the gorilla.
'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart Center
- 3a.
Quado's Garden: Unfold To Each Other
Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure
Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:17 am (PST) garden/051009. htm
to Each Other
Today is as it is. You are
as you are. All people simply are as they are. Release your plans, fantasies
and expectations with the dawn and allow each relationship to blossom and
develop in its own
authentic way, a slowly unfolding discovery as two people explore themselves and
each other.
Let it be like this. Be as
two flowers that open to each other, gradually revealing more and deeper
truths. Let the rising sun of truth reveal the beauty which is you, deep
within. Lift the fog of fantasy and expectation and just be. Be yourself
shining forth in all that you are, exactly as you are, saying, doing, feeling
and being with a deep integrity which reaches down to your core. And allow
others to be who they are. Do not try to change them. Do not judge and
criticize. Reveal and understand, unfolding to each other.
Each relationship should be
like this, a way to learn from each other, a deepening of your relationship to
each other and to yourself. Each relationship fully explored will introduce you
to more and deeper parts of yourself. And each bit of love that you give freely
and unconditionally, makes your heart more open and receptive for the great love
of the universe to flow in, an unending stream of light and goodness.
Allow your life to be a
simple unfolding of the self, like a rose opening on a summer day and sending
perfume across the garden. And allow the other roses to open in their own way,
with their own beauty, some still in the bud, some in their last days, some red,
some pink and orange, but all beautiful
'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart Center
- 4.1.
Daily Devotions of the Goddess
Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure
Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:30 am (PST)
Source: Lady Abigail
Daily Devotions of the Goddess
not turn away from those of age, do not let you heart stop seeing them
or stop honoring them. For the coldness given to those of age will cause
more sickness than any disease of man.
Lady Abigail
Copyright © 09292010
'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart Center
- 5.
The Center of Your Being
Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure
Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:25 am (PST)
I want you to be everything that's you, deep at the center of your being.~Confucius (c. 551 - c. 479 BC) Gill xx
'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart Center
- 6.
Posts from Tiny Buddha for 11/17/2010
Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure
Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:09 am (PST)
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Tiny Wisdom: On Being AwareNov 17, 2010 02:29 am | Lori Deschene
"Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness." -James Thurber
When you focus your attention on what's in front of you, yesterday's
problems feel a lot less catastrophic and tomorrow's uncertainty seems a
lot less scary.
It's not easy to live in the now because obsessing over yesterday and
stressing about tomorrow can seem like gaining control. If only you can
analyze yesterday enough, maybe you can make sense of it. If only you
can plan for tomorrow enough, maybe you can decide what will happen.
Accept neither of those things are universally true.
There will never come a time when we feel completely done with the
past or secure with the future, but eventually we have to consent to let
it all go regardless.
We can either use our hours thinking about the ones that have past
and the ones that are coming, or we can dig our heels into the moment
and choose not to let it slip away. Because it will, as will the next,
and the next, and the next until eventually they run out.
Today if you find yourself rehashing, assessing, or worrying, ask
yourself this question: what would I gain if I sacrificed the illusion
of control and instead rooted myself firmly in the now?
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Our Shared Fears & 5 Ways to Overcome ThemNov 17, 2010 02:28 am | Guest
by Steve McSwain
In life, we experience two kinds of fear: real fear, and psychological fear. Or, as I prefer to think of the latter, ego-fear.
In the words of Immanuel Kant, the ego is "our precious little self." Or as Eckhart Tolle calls it, "the voice in the head." It isn't who you really are, but the you that you think you are.
Each day, what you see in the mirror is the reflection of your
physical being, and within, you may get glimpses of your unique
personality in that reflection too, in between your laugh lines or
furrowed brow. Still, it's not really you.
Same thing with the roles you inhabit each day, and how they are
reflected back to you: As friend, lover, parent, child, worker, boss.
These are different selves we pick up each day as needed, as the
situation or relationship summons them.
But knowing that these roles, as well as your reflection in the mirror, are not who you actually are is an important distinction to which all enlightened, sentient beings become aware.
With this background, we can better understand our shared fears and how to overcome them.
What is Real Fear?
Real fear is the body's natural response to a threat.
Let's say, for example, you're proceeding cautiously through a green
signal at an intersection when the driver of another car suddenly
disregards his red signal, and drives through without stopping. Because
you drive defensively, you're able to maintain control and avoid a
To do so, however, you are required to slam on the brakes, turn the
wheel, and steer your car into a nearby ditch. To compound the
seriousness of the situation, the driver of the other car never stops.
In an instant, your life flashes before you. Your heart pounds
rapidly. Perhaps you even shout an obscenity or two at the driver and
shake your fist at him for being so stupid and irresponsible.
What are you feeling and experiencing?
This is real fear. Our body instinctively knows how to respond in a
threatening situation, thanks to thousands of years of evolutionary
history. You know it as "fight or flight."
For as long as you live, you will occasionally find yourself in
circumstancesthat necessitate an involuntary, automatic response to a
real threat. This is normal and natural.
What is Psychological Fear?
Psychological fear is unnatural.
If we follow the example above, psychological fear is likely to
appear later, when you've had time to reflect back on your close call.
These reflections take on an added life when you share the story of
the near collision with colleagues, family, and friends.
You can almost think of psychological fear as fear with an attitude.
Whenever fear ceases to be real fear and becomes psychological, it
becomes ego-driven fear. As the voice in the head gets going, it's prone
to make a story out of the event, develop an attitude and opinion about
it, and relive it in countless ways.
This remembrance manifests as anger, complaints, comments, and
negativity. The longer the ego thinks about the incident, talks to
itself about it, shapes a victim identity around it, and fashions it
into a story to tell to others, the more personal the story becomes and
the more anxious and offended the ego feels.
You will never overcome real fear. Nor should you. Ego-fear,
however, can be overcome, if living from a place of peace
and tranquility is your desire. And, who is it that does not
desire peace?
Here are the five most important ways to overcome fear.
1. Know the difference.
Be aware of what you're feeling—what triggered the physical and
mental/emotional response—and make the distinction between the kind of
fear or anxiety you are feeling.
2. Recognize fear in its other guise: worry.
This is the twin sister of fear and, while it may seem a little
more socially acceptable, it is entirely ego-based, too. No less toxic,
either. Worry is fear talking to itself; and it moves in one of two
directions: either toward the past or the future.
That's because worry feeds off memory, or the past, and anticipation,
or the future. Neither of which, I might add, is real. Only what is
now is real. So, pay attention to the mental conversation you have
around any fear you feel so that, when it begins to morph into worry—as
all ego fear eventually does—you can better handle it.
3. Pay attention to the mental noise that typically begins with "My."
Ego-fear and worry both concern themselves with the stuff that
happened in "my life," (or, didn't happen, should have, or shouldn't
have happened, and so forth). Or, it concerns itself with "my" future,
(what should happen or shouldn't happen, what might happen or
could happen, and so on).
"My" may make you feel empowered in the moment, but eventually "my"
is isolating. It cuts you off from a collective spirit of support,
abundance, and generosity. Yet, this is how most people live their lives
almost continually.
So when "my" arises, take a moment to listen to its surrounding statement. Is it charged with ego-fear and worry?
4. Observe your thoughts of fear and your physical reactions to them.
Here is the key to overcoming fears: Do not fight them. Why? Because you can't win.
Don't punish yourself either, thinking you'll never rid yourself of fear. Instead, observe your fears. In the East, this exercise is known as "the witnessing presence."
When you observe the conversations in your head, as well as the
emotional reactions to those conversations, you put a little distance
between you, the real you, and the you who is upset—the ego self.
This distance creates a space of peace or what Zen Buddhists call
"the space of no mind." As you make this your spiritual practice,
this space will widen and your state of mind will increasingly relax.
Your fears will disappear, too.
5. Know that it takes practice.
Relaxing your mind takes repeated effort. However, people who
discipline themselves in this regard will know "the peace that passes
all understanding," as Saint Paul put it.
Observing your fear is the dissolution of fear. It IS that simple. I
encourage you to practice this, over and over again, and see for
yourself what happens.
Steve McSwain is the author of The Enoch Factor: The Sacred Art of Knowing God. He can be reached at
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Tiny BuddhaTexas WaySan Mateo, California 94403
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Copyright (C) 2010 Tiny Buddha All rights reserved.
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'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart Center
- 7.
Fw: Hearts of Light Center - Open House
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:49 pm (PST)
Come and rejuvenate!
Lindsey Sass
Lindsey is a clairvoyant healer, spiritual teacher, Nationally Certified Hypnotist and a Licensed Massage Therapist with a Bachelors
degree in Social Services and Psychology.
Visit her website:
The Healing Center
142 Main Street
Bloomingdale, NJ 07403
Contact Lindsey for more information.
Directions to The Healing Center
Only a few minutes away from Interstate 287 Exit 53.
Take Exit 53 off of 287 north and south. Make
a left at the end of ramp at the light. Go 1/2 ml on Hamburg Tpk. Look for
Wayne Bedding on your left, get into slow lane. Look for Rite Aid on your right.
The Healing Center is on your right in a mini mall. Pull into parking lot.
For detailed directions, call 973-714-0765, or
Click for Google Maps
It's That Time, Again
The days are getting shorter.
I feel a snow flake on my brow.
The leaves are crackling as I run,
Thanksgiving is approaching!
Oh! No! I see my breath again!
It makes a person take a pause
And think about old Santa Claus!!!
Being Grateful for what you have, even
the simplist things, can bring peace and happiness within.
Graditutde for the reflection
of the sun upon a puddle of water.
Bringing one into the moment to the
breathe of life.
Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!
With Care, Lindsey Sass, Director
Nov 21st, Sunday
1pm to 5pm Experience Yoga,
KI-Gong with
Gregory Quinn to quiet the mind!
Please call to make your reservation!
TheHealing Center sponsors experienced mature practitioners treating their clients with care and integrity. After many successful Open Houses we invite you again to receive stress reduction and healings in a world that is going through challenging times. Experience Powerful Healings with our Practitioners:
* Gregory Quinn, Yoga and Qigong, Ear candling
* Leslie Lobell, Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist
* Frank O'Loughlin, Pranic Healings with Therapeutic Massage Treatment
* Vincent Gonzalez, Board Certified-Acuriculotherapist/ Acupuncture to the ear for stress-smoking- weight- detoxification
* Lindsey Sass, Lic Massage Therapist, Maya Abdominal Massage, Clairvoyant and Spiritual Advisor
* Katia, Tarot Card Reader
For more detailed bios and additional information about The Healing Center, , please visit our new website:
Treat yourself or a friend to our unique dollar-a-minute offerings:
· Therapeutic Massage
Medical Massage
Trigger Point Therapy
Hot Stone
· Acupuncture
· Reflexology
· Hypnotherapy
Weight Loss
Stress Reduction
Smoking Cessation
· Reiki Healings
· Intuitive, Medium and Clairvoyant Readings
· Tarot Card Readings
A coupon for discounts is at the bottom of this newsletter.
Email Lindsey ( ) or call 973-714-0765 to reserve your space.
The Healing Center is located at 142 Main St, Bloomingdale, NJ, 07403
Vincent Gonzalez, C.A.
Board Certified Auriculotherapist
Treatments with beads and magnets to the ear is a specialty. Beads are inserted and/or placed in an area of the ear that represents the health conditions of the body. The World Health Organization has recommended and studies have shown that many health conditions can improve with this modality.
Vincent Gonzalez has studied with leaders and experts in this field, both national and international:
* Dr. Terry Oleson, author, UCLA
* Dr. Luis Hernandez, Master Acupuncturist
* Dr. Michael O. Smith, M.D., D.Ac. Lincoln Hospital, N.Y.
* 3 years U.S Medical Corp.
* 20 Years as Respiratory Therapist
* Tai Chi
Gift Certificates avalible for full hour session.
15% Off Session of Your Choice/ not during the OPEN HOUSE.
Call Lindsey for details: 973-714-0765
Open House Special
$1 a minute for a 15min/30min
The Healing Center
142 Main Street
Bloomingdale, NJ 07403
Call to reserve your space.
Walk ins are Welcome!
Enjoy one of the following services:
· Therapeutic Massage
Medical Massage
Trigger Point Therapy
Hot Stone
· Acupuncture/facial
· Reflexology
· Hypnotherapy
Weight Loss
Stress Reduction
Smoking Cessation
· Reiki Healings
· Intuitive, Medium and Clairvoyant Readings
· Tarot Card Readings
Offer valid during Open House.
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Hearts of Light Center | 319 High Crest Drive | West Milford | NJ | 07480
- 8.
Fw: Holistic Mentorship Mtg TONIGHT! The Rock Girl FRIDAY!
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:50 pm (PST)
So much news this week!
Many Thanks to ALL who participated in our Psychic Fair last night! Thanks to our psychics Elise & Heide, and our psychic students Blanche & Julie! And THANK YOU to all who came to enjoy a delightful dinner and reading!
Catching up with our Annual Animal Rescue
HOWL-O-WEEN Party....we raised $270. for Father Nature's Ferret Rescue!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!
TIONS to Yuuga, our PET costume contest winner, and Anita, his mom, who won a Psychic Rock Reading with Allison,
The Rock Girl (R)! Thank you for joining us ladies and pets!
We are also VERY forunate to have been posted in the
e-zine The Montclair Patch under great places to shop, thanks to our friend Lauren Bright!
Class-wise, I invite you to experience "GODDESS POWER" How to Get It & How to Use It...this Saturday, Nov 20, 3-5pm, at Botanica Inner Peace, 259-261 Crooks Ave. Clifton.
Explore pathways to goddess energy, and discover which goddess's power matches yours!
Also on Saturday Nov 20...
Forget the bar scene - come on out and meet people in a 'speed dating' kinda way: learning to swing dance instead! This gathering is for the '40-something' age group:
7:30pm - Mix 'n Mingle
8:00pm - Swing Dance Lesson - no experience necessary!!
9-10pm - Dancing and Mingling
$20 Registration/ Deadline midnight Thursday.
Support Group Meeting
Join the NEW Montclair Chapter
Come enjoy, experience and share this special evening in community with Holistic Practitioners.
The Holistic Mentorship Network Supports the Holistic Professional, as well as the Community, by providing the space to network; build a referral base; mentor & support each other in business development & growth; promote community awareness and education of alternative services and products; and meet potential clients. For more information about the Holistic Mentorship Network, please visit them at their website, www.HolisticMentorshipNetwork. com.
Please RSVP to Robin @ 973-919-3600
members $5. non-members $7.
THE ROCK GIRL(R) Returns!!!
Connect to Your Soul's Higher Purpose...
Allison Hayes...
The Rock Girl(R)
7-10 pm
NOV 19
Space is Limited!
Reserve Your Appointment Now! 973-919-3600
PLEASE Help Our Furry Friends!
Help support the
Mount Pleasant Animal Shelter.
Adopt a 'familyfriendly' pet today!
********************* ********* ********* ********
Just a note...we are ALWAYS collecting items
for the shelter. Please feel free to drop off any
items you wish to donate.
Magickal Blessings!
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Goddess in Eden | 74 Church Street | Montclair | NJ | 07042
- 9.
Fw: Practical Magick II, December, Pompton Lakes NJ
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:00 pm (PST)
Here are some upcoming
classes including 3 for next year. Please register because space is limited.
Also, if you are taking a multi week course, there is a $20.00 deposit required
which will be used toward the price of the course. We are also offering a new Mediumship
Development Circle and it will probably meet every other month.
Sorry for the long
New Moon Shamanic
Drumming Circle
With Denise A.
December 10,
8:00pm –
The new moon is a potent
and magickal time of the month to look deep into our souls to discover what is
needed to be released and brought into ourselves and our lives. When this
magickal act is done in ceremony, it sets the stage for deep healing and
personal transformation to occur.
This monthly circle will
work in a shamanic context to create a sacred space for New Moon magick to
transform ourselves and our lives. While working in Harmony with the
Healing Spirits of the Universe, each participant will have opportunities to
deepen their relationships with their personal spirit guides to aid the
transformational process.
Please bring drums,
rattles, an eyeshade or bandana, and any other sacred items you wish to place on
the altar. If you already know what new moon intention you wish to work
with, feel free to bring in a physical representation of your intention to be
placed on the altar.
Traditional Hatha
---Going on
6 pm - 7:15
Open to all levels.
Each class will be
gentle and challenging, encouraging each individual the oppurtunity to settle
into postures and the breath to find relaxation and the space to tap into their
own healing life force.
$75 for 6
Mediumship Development
Facilitated by Susan
Friday, December
Time: 8:00 pm to 10:00
Cost: $25
Space is
limited---Please call to reserve seating
Bischak is offering the opportunity to train in mediumship. All those who want
to test their ability to raise their mental vibrations up to get messages from
the dearly departed may attend. There will be no pressure to "perform", but you
will be expected to do your best to "tune in" and "give out" rather than
passively receive from others. It is challenging and it takes time to develop
this talent, if you have it at all. Remember, all mediums are psychic, but not
all psychics are mediums. You have it, or you don't. Come find out in a
supportive atmosphere where all will take part. I plan to repeat this class on a
regular basis to allow those that show promise the necessary time to work on
their skills.
Taught by
Life can seem chaotic
sometimes, and organizing life into a peaceful whole becomes a lifetime effort,
however it does not have to be that way. It only takes to change belief
structures that have been created during an individual's lifetime to begin to
enjoy the life that one wishes to live. We live in an archetypal world filled
with symbols that are embedded in our psyche or subconscious. Transmuting
certain limiting symbols and archetypal behaviors into more "efficient" patterns
can affect the pattern of life. Change, however, is no easy task, but it is the
way towards a more fulfilling life.
Divine Artist I will
introduce the individual to the basic concepts of change. Through story, symbol
and metaphor I will encourage, empower and inspire you into the land of
self-fulfillment. I will break down hard-to-understand concepts to its basic
components, hence transmuting (changing) the basic limiting beliefs that are
stopping you from attaining the life you wish to see
It is time to use the
wonderful spiritual tools that you posses but may barely use due to the societal
noise that deafens the ears and clouds the mind. It is time to hear, it is time
to see, it is time that you made contact with the one powerful and creative
source that lies deep within your magnificent and divine
6 week
course $25.00/week
Starts Monday, January
10, 2011
7:30 pm - 9:30
Taught by
Learn how to read tarot
cards and interpret what each of the symbols on the cards mean.
6 week
course $25.00/week
Plus price
of book
Starts Tuesday, January
11, 2011
8 PM - 10
Facilitated by Susan
Friday, January 21st,
Time: 8:00 pm to 10:00
Cost: $35
Space is
limited---Please call to reserve seating
Spend an evening
exploring "the other side" with medium Susan Bischak. She will demonstrate
platform mediumship (mediumship for a group of people). Susan's focus is on
communicating with spirits that want to bring messages to you. As receiver
and interpreter of the messages, Susan does her best to give you information you
can be sure is from someone you know that has passed over. This form of
mediumship is Evidential Mediumship. These messages are very healing ,
personal, emotional, humorous, and joyful. Come and get "evidence" that
there is life beyond this life, and love beyond this life.
Susan has been studying
metaphysical topics since 1980. She learned mediumship from an American
Spiritualist. She has taught mediumship for 10 years and attended workshops by
instructors from the famed Arthur Findlay College in England. She does
mediumship for groups as well as private sittings combined with artwork (called
Spirit Art). Susan is certified as a reiki master, IET master instructor,
IGM acupressure adept, advanced biosyntonie practitioner, biofeedback
facilitator, nutritionist, past-life regressionist, and thermographer.
Susan is an ordained interfaith minister. For more information about Susan
Blessed Be!!!
Robert Vecchio
Practical Magick
- 10.
Fw: DailyOM: Cleansing Nature
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:03 pm (PST)
DailyOM - Rain
Today's DailyOM brought to you by:
November 17, 2010
Cleansing Nature
Rain can be experienced through all of your senses, allowing you to understand how important each drop of water is.
There are times when we might feel the need to wash away all of our troubles and call forth freshness into our lives. Since perhaps the most cleansing substance on this earth is water, we can think of the joy rain brings as an energetic bath, rejuvenating our minds, bodies and souls. Just being able to spend a few moments every time it rains to become aware of the healing powers water brings to us can renew us in so many ways. As we do this we will find that the more we appreciate the universe's gift to us in the form of rain, the more we can see that a gentle rain shower is a strong reflective tool that has the ability to cleanse our entire being.
The next time it rains might be a good chance to experience the rain through all of your senses, allowing you to truly understand just how truly important each and every drop of water is. First, take a few minutes to look outside and notice how each individual raindrop seems to come down in a continual stream. By noticing this you can contemplate how it takes many small accomplishments to create the whole of your existence, for nothing exists in isolation. Then you might wish to focus your attention on the sound of the rainfall, letting the sounds of drops penetrate into the innermost recesses of your self. Listening in this way may bring you a greater sense of connection with nature and the world around you, knowing that the sounds you hear are an integral part of not just the physical sustenance you require but also nourish your spirit as well.
Consciously using our senses to feel nature's healing energy as it comes to us in the form of rain is an act of internal cleansing. Just as the rain physically washes over the earth and rinses out any impurities and imperfections, so it also bathes our spirit in the joy that comes from knowing that we are in fact one with the world around us.
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- 11a.
Introduction to Tarot: Week 2: Get Ready to Read the Cards
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:07 pm (PST)
Introduction to Tarot
Week 2: Get Ready to Read the Cards
From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wicca
So how, exactly, do you do a Tarot reading? Well, for starters, you'll want to prepare your deck -- and yourself -- before you get going. We'll also look this week at different things you'll need to know about interpreting the cards themselves. Finally, we'll dig right in to the first group of cards in the Major Arcana!
How to Prepare for a Tarot Reading
So you've got your Tarot deck, you've figured out how to keep it safe from negativity, and now you're ready to read for someone else. Perhaps it's a friend who's heard about your interest in Tarot. Maybe it's a coven sister in need of guidance. Perhaps -- and this happens a lot -- it's a friend of a friend, who has a problem and would like to see "what the future holds." Let's talk about the things you should do before you take on the responsibility of reading cards for another person. Go There
Interpreting the Cards
Now that you've laid down your Tarot cards, this is where the real fun begins. If someone has come to you as a Querent, it's because they want to know what's going on -- what sorts of things will present obstacles to them, what positive outcomes they can expect, that sort of thing. But they also want it to be interesting. After all, anyone can flip open a book and read that the Ten of Cups means contentment and happiness. What they really want to know is how does it apply to them, specifically? Go There
The Major Arcana, Part 1
Cards 0 - 7: The Material World
Within the Major Arcana, there are three distinct groups of cards, each representing a different aspect of the human experience. The first set, Cards 0 - 7, reflect issues pertaining to the material world - situations related to job success, education, finances, and marriage. The 0 Card, the Fool, begins his journey through life, and travels the road throughout the cards. As he does, he learns and grows as a person.
* 0 - The Fool
* 1 - The Magician
* 2 - The High Priestess
* 3 - The Empress
* 4 - The Emperor
* 5 - The Hierophant
* 6 - The Lovers
* 7 - The Chariot
Exercise: A Single Card
For this week's homework, we're going to keep things very basic. Set aside the eight cards referenced above. Take some time to get to know their meanings, both forward and reversed. Each day, before you do anything else, draw one of these cards at random. As your day progresses, take some time to reflect on how the day's events connect and relate to the card you drew in the morning. You may want to keep a journal of which cards you draw, and what happens throughout the day. Also, at the end of the week, look back and see if one card has appeared more often than others. What do you think it's trying to tell you?
Next Week: The Major Arcana, Part 2
In Week 3, we'll look at the next seven cards in the Major Arcana, as well as the suits of Pentacles and Wands. Have a magical week!
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Patti Wigington
Paganism / Wicca Guide
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- 12.
Fw: red tent will be back Sun. January 16th, mark your calendars now
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:15 pm (PST)
for North Jersey
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Junie Moon < >
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 10:43:52 PM
Subject: red tent will be back Sun. January 16th, mark your calendars now
Dearest women,
Last Friday's temple was lovely. wonderful shares. sweet sacred time.
Due to the holidays, I think it best to look to January. So, mark your calendars now. As always, details are on my website. It is a Sunday so there will be more time for flowing in and out of our space. remember, you do not have to stay for the whole thing.
I welcome people to come a bit early to help decorate the space. it is fun and adds to our experience. Bring your stories, your songs, your talents, YOU!
We have been having sweet sharing of our lives and I want to encourage us to push the envelope of what else we can have in our space. Bring your craftiness, your hands for massage, your journal if you want to have alone time. all is welcome. This is a place for many things to happen. So, come and sink into our blessed time together.
Happy Holidays, Junie Moon
Junie Moon Schreiber
Certified Shadow Work Coach, Facilitator and Acupuncturist
- 13.
Labyrinth Walk,1st Reformed Church, Pompton Plains NJ
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:24 pm (PST)
Labyrinth Walk,1st Reformed Church, Pompton Plains
Nov. 21 6-8:30
J O I N - U S - T O - W A L K - T H E - L A B Y R I N T H
Labyrinth is an ancient symbol used as a walking meditation to assist us in finding peace, managing stress, making decisions, healing
physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Found in varied
traditions throughout history, the labyrinth has recently been revived
as a healing and restorative tool that crosses cultural and religious
Walking the Labyrinth allows us to focus our thoughts and gain clarity and insight about our personal and professional lives.
Enter through Friendship Hall - Lots of parking across the street
More Labyrinth Walks in Northern NJ can be found at:
http://www.njholistichealthservices .com/NJLabyinths /gatherings. html
See a video Intro to the Labyrinth: video.php? v=1095734559681& comments& ref=mf
New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!
Main Yahoo Group NJP: group/New_ Jersey_Pagans/
Ning Web sites: NJP:
Myspace NJP:
Cher NJP Link:
Page NJP: !/NJPagans
Group NJP: php?ref=sb# /group.php? gid=93725735017
- 14.
Thursday's Correspondence...Nov. 18
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:29 pm (PST)
Thursday's Correspondence...Nov. 18
Today's Influences: Destination, War, Courage, Surgery, Physical Strength
Deities: Thor, Zeus, Jupiter, Juno, Aset [Isis], Soorejnaree, Pingalla, Anna, Aine, Danu, Yngona, Bellona, Aida Wedo, Sun Woman
Perfumes: Hellebore, Carnation, Patchouli
Incense: Lignum Aloes, Plantain
Color of The Day: Light Blue, greens
Candle: Light Blue, greens
Planet: Jupiter
Metal: Tin
Gemstones: Turquoise, amethyst, lapis lazuli
Herbs & Plants: Honeysuckle, oak trees, cinquefoil
Associations: Honor and family loyalty, harvests, clothing and riches, fealty
perform spells involving courage, physical strength, revenge, surgery, and the breaking of negative spells.
What's Happening Today:
# Teddy Bear Day
# New Buffalo on the Block Day
# Mickey Mouse's Birthday
# Independence Day (Morocco)
# Independence Day (Latvia)
# St. Plato's Day
# Ardvi Sura, Ancient Persia, Mother of the Stars Day Asia: Ardvi Sura, a festival in honor of the Persian Goddess Ardvi,
called the Mother of the Stars. This festival has been held in parts of southwest Asia since ancient times
- 15a.
Earth Magic Baked Apples
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:35 pm (PST)
Earth Magic Baked Apples
When you polish an apple on your shirt before taking a bite, you are continuing an ancient tradition. The Celts
rubbed apples to drive out evil fairies hiding inside the fruit. Medieval Christians thought the practice kept away
the devil. These customs reflect the belief that apples contain Earth energies.
Magic Apples Recipe:
4 medium-sized apples
8 tbsp brown sugar
4 tsp butter
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
Rub the apples over your heart then core them. Place in a baking dish. Fill each center with 2 tablespoons sugar,
1 teaspoon butter, and 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon. Add 1/4 inch water to the pan. Bake 30–40 minutes at 375°F.
Lynne Sturtevant
- 16.
Daily Aromatherapy - Scented Beeswax Heart .
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:36 pm (PST)
AromaThyme.comDaily Aromatherapy - Scented Beeswax Heart
Scent a room with this decorative accent. Use a cookie cutter to cut a heart shape from
a sheet of natural beeswax. Wrap the heart in cheesecloth and infuse it with a few drops
of Rose Otto or other essential oil. Place the wrapped heart in a plastic bag for a week.
Remove and discard the cloth and glue a ribbon hanger to the back of the heart.
You can even decorate it with dried flowers and a bow. Hang it in the kitchen or even the bath!!
- 17.
Wisdom 8:2
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:37 pm (PST)
The Goddess Companion
I loved Wisdom.
When I was young, I looked for her.
I longed to have her for my bride,
I fell in love with the beauty of Wisdom.
~Wisdom 8:2
Marriage, the joining of two individuals as partners in loving and in life, is more than just a social relationship.
In the great mystical tradition of the world, and in our dreams, marriage symbolizes the union of the separated
parts of the inner self. We are all here about this work, searching for and joining with our inner wisdom.
Sometimes - often - part of this quest takes place as well in the outer world, in marriages and business partnerships
and other joinings. Each of these relationships offers a window into our inner processes. How we relate to and treat
our partners tells us a great deal about the progress of our deepest spiritual quest. That is why love is such an absorbing
activity for so many people. It is not just a simple need to reproduce a species: we find ourselves illustrated in our
partnerships. Wisdom lies in knowing where we end and where our partner begins. Happiness lies in both accepting
the mutuality of our searches.
By Patricia Monaghan - From " The Goddess Companion"
- 18.
Goddess of The Day: MATARIKI Makahiki (Hawaii)
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:41 pm (PST)
Goddess of The Day: MATARIKI
Makahiki (Hawaii)
Themes: Stars; Harvest; Peace
Symbols: Stars; the Number Seven
About Matariki: In Polynesian tradition, this Goddess and her six children became the Pleiades, and they continue
to help humans by showing us when to begin harvesting the labors of hand or heart.
To Do Today: From mid-to-late November the people of Hawai take part in special rituals to celebrate the appearance
of the Pleiades in the skies, which is the beginning of harvest season. In reverence for this occasion, all war was
forbidden. It makes one wish that Matariki and her children appeared around the world all the time!
To encourage similar peacefulness in your own life, and harmony with those around you, carry seven stars in your pocket,
wallet or purse today. You can draw these on paper, use seven typed asterisks, get the marshmallow kind out of a cereal
box, or collect seven noodles from a chicken 'n' stars can. If you use edible items, eat them at the end of the day to bring
serenity to your spirit.
If there's something you've been working on that seems to be taking forever, look to Matariki to show you how to begin
effectively manifesting your efforts. Pray, meditate, and watch for unique openings throughout the day, especially after
the stars appear in the sky, representing her power.
By Patricia Telesco ~ From "365 Goddess"
- 19a.
Do you have any special recipes or traditions that you do on Thanksg
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:45 pm (PST)
Do you have any special recipes or traditions that you do on Thanksgiving?
Here is a link for a Rite of Thanksgiving. ritesandritualsp age40.html
I know Nov. 27th is not the pagan holiday, but I try never to miss a
chance to express my gratitude for the blessings in my life!
Do you have any special recipes or traditions that you do on Thanksgiving?
New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!
Main Yahoo Group NJP: group/New_ Jersey_Pagans/
Ning Web sites: NJP:
Myspace NJP:
Cher NJP Link:
Page NJP: !/NJPagans
Group NJP: php?ref=sb# /group.php? gid=93725735017
- 20a.
Do you consider yourself an Old Soul?
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:49 pm (PST)
Do you consider yourself an Old Soul?
What does that term mean to you?
The soul ages:
Infant Soul-- bare survival
Baby Soul-- rigid thinking, social constraints, us vs them mentality
Young Soul-- worldly material success orientated, focused on me
Mature Soul-- relationship orientated, harmony through conflict, focused on us
Old Soul-- big picture orientated, universal thought, wholeness, focused on one
New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!
Main Yahoo Group NJP: group/New_ Jersey_Pagans/
Ning Web sites: NJP:
Myspace NJP:
Cher NJP Link:
Page NJP: !/NJPagans
Group NJP: php?ref=sb# /group.php? gid=93725735017
- 20b.
Re: Do you consider yourself an Old Soul?
Posted by: "sandy jarman" gardengoddess170
Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:21 pm (PST)
I would have to say infant soul. This life has been a struggle but I try to learn everything I can and conquer my fears. I learn from my mistakes so hopefully that puts me one step ahead in my next life. I feel the things I do not master I will have to repeat again next life. So , this is survival!
--- On Wed, 11/17/10, Cher Chirichello <CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM > wrote:
From: Cher Chirichello <CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM >
Subject: [which_witch_is_witch] Do you consider yourself an Old Soul?
To: "Group NJpagans" < >, "LifesaWitchandSoamI Group" <Lifes_a_WITCH_ So_am_I@yahoogro >, " Pagan_Crossroads Group" <New_Jersey_Pagan_ Crossroads@ >, "New_Jersey_yahoogroups. com Pagans Group" <New_Jersey_Pagans@ yahoogroups. >, "NJPANNOUNCEMENTS Group" <NJPAnnouncements@com yahoogroups. >, "North_Jersey_com Pagans Groups" <North_Jersey_ Pagans@yahoogrou >, " Pagans Group" <pissed-off-pagans@ yahoogroups. >, "which_witch_com is_witch Group" <which_witch_ is_witch@ >yahoogroups. com
Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2010, 11:49 PM
Do you consider yourself an Old Soul?
What does that term mean to you?
The soul ages:
Infant Soul-- bare survival
Baby Soul-- rigid thinking, social constraints, us vs them mentality
Young Soul-- worldly material success orientated, focused on me
Mature Soul-- relationship orientated, harmony through conflict, focused on us
Old Soul-- big picture orientated, universal thought, wholeness, focused on one
New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!
Main Yahoo Group NJP: group/New_ Jersey_Pagans/
Ning Web sites: NJP:
Myspace NJP:
Cher NJP Link:
NJP: !/NJPagans
Group NJP: php?ref=sb# /group.php? gid=93725735017
- 21.
Maiden, Mother, Crone
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:55 pm (PST)
Maiden, Mother, Crone
A woman's life is filled with stages, milestones ushering in wondrous
experiential apexes like the coming of fertility, motherhood, and
wisdom. Three aspects, maiden, mother, and crone, have traditionally
represented the bounties and new beginnings represented by each stage.
The maiden is the aspect of new beginnings, youth, playfulness,
spontaneity, and learning. A woman inthe prime of her life can be said
to be living under the aspect of the mother, who personifies fertility,
strength, and stability. She is the gentle nurturer as well as the
fierce lioness. Lastly, and by far the most misunderstood and yet in
many ways the most deserving of reverence, is the crone, who holds
within her all of the wisdom of the journeys of womanhood within her.
The word crone once meant simply 'wise woman' and, in antiquity, was a term of respect. The crone was a voice of wisdom, an elder, a healer, a
counselor, and a teacher, who had traveled the paths of maiden and
mother and possessed the accumulated wisdom of youth, adulthood, and old age. She represented the fulfillment of maturity and the knowledge that could only be obtained through a life well lived. The transition to
cronehood was a rich and empowering experience, and an important rite
of passage, though not one associated with a specific age. Today, though it seems eternal youth has become an obsession, women are reclaiming
the status once associated with cronehood by recognizing their evolution and acting upon it. In awakening the crone, as she once was, women are
acknowledging the extraordinary wisdom, grace, dignity, and beauty that
comes with age.
In embracing the aspect of the crone, it is important to be aware of the
fact that age, experience, knowledge, and power are profound gifts that
can never be taken from you. Each stage in life is yours and yours
alone, and should be embraced as a vital part of life's journey. As you
pass lovingly through each stage, coming finally to the remarkable
crone, you will gradually beawakened to the mysteries of each, until you hold within you the keys to them all. GM
- 22.
Abraham Hicks Daily Quote - 11/18/2010
Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure
Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:18 am (PST)
From your human perspective, you often believe that you must work hard
to overcome obstacles and satisfy shortages and solve the problems that
are before you; but often, in that attitude or approach, you work against
yourself without realizing it. Attention to obstacles makes them
bigger and more stubborn; attention to shortages makes them bigger and
prolongs them—and attention to a problem prevents any immediate
resolution or solution.As you listen to our guided meditation
recording, giving your attention to your breathing and to the natural
rhythm of your body, any problematic Vibrational activation will simply
cease to be. And, in the absence of that resistance, your Vibration will
naturally begin to rise until it will align with the higher Vibration of
the very solutions you have been longing for.In the absence of
longing, in the absence of doubt—in the absence of obstacles
and shortages and problems—will be the solutions and
abundance that you seek. And the evidence of your Vibrational shift will
become obvious in two ways: first, you will feel better; and next,
physical evidence of financial improvement will begin flowing to you from
a variety of different directions.
--- Abraham
This is 18 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from
Abraham's new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and
User Guide that will be available everywhere on Nov. 15, 2010.
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'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart Center
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