sâmbătă, 11 decembrie 2010

[which_witch_is_witch] Digest Number 4591

Messages In This Digest (16 Messages)

Mirror Magic From: Cher Chirichello
Elder's Meditation of the Day December 10 From: Cher Chirichello
Divining rods and pendulum...How do you use them? From: Cher Chirichello
Friday Finds An Idea!, 12/10/2010, 9:00 am From: which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com
Selenite (Gypsum) From: Ash
Abraham Hicks Daily Quote - 12/10/2010 From: Ash
Power Animal of the Day:Buffalo From: Ash
Quado's Garden: You Cannot Fail If You Do Not Quit From: Ash
Daily Goddess Devotion From: Ash
Herb of the Day: Peppermint From: Ash
Posts from Tiny Buddha for 12/10/2010 From: Ash
Seraphinite (Clinochlore) From: Ash
Thursday Night Prayer Circle, 12/10/2010, 8:00 pm From: which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com
DailyOM: The Journey Of Commitment From: Cher Chirichello
In need of a site From: tonyageddings@yahoo.com



Mirror Magic

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:27 am (PST)

Mirror Magic
December 10

Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Cypress

In the dark of winter, we see the harsher side of the world. The
shadows lie sharp on the snow; the light flares on the ice. Challenges
come upon us. It helps to have protection—but you don't want to let the
dark side of your emotions rule you. So put up a shield to deflect
negative energies. For this spell, you'll need a holiday ornament
covered in mirrored tiles (easily found at this time of year) and four
silver or white candles. Light the candles and hang the ornament between them. Visualize yourself surrounded by flashing, dizzying mirrors on
all sides and say:
Hall of mirrors in the mind:
No malicious force shall find
Any path to my ill cost
But shall be waylaid and lost.
Keep the ornament in a window, or hang it on a holiday tree if you wish.

This post was written by Elizabeth Barrette on December 10, 2010


Elder's Meditation of the Day December 10

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:28 am (PST)

Elder's Meditation of the Day December 10
"Come forward and join hands with us in
this great work for the Creator."
--Traditional Circle of Elders, NORTHERN CHEYENNE
The Elders have spent years learning to pray
and communicate with the Great Spirit. Their
job is to pass this knowledge onto the young
people. The Elders have told us we are now in
a great time of healing. The Creator is guiding
them to help the young people figure this
out. We must get involved and participate. We
should pray and see what it is the Great Spirit
wants us to do. We need to sacrifice our time
to help the people and to be of maximum use
to the Creator. Every person is needed to
accomplish this great healing.
whisper what
You want me
to do.


Divining rods and pendulum...How do you use them?

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:39 am (PST)

Divining rods and pendulums are tools used by healers to obtain answers helpful
in treating clients. They can help in many ways, What are some ways you
use these tools and why? (your also welcome to share in how to use them or some links for the day on them)

New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!

Main Yahoo Group NJP: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/New_Jersey_Pagans/
Ning Web sites: NJP: http://njpagans.ning.com/
Myspace NJP: http://www.myspace.com/njp_cher
Cher NJP Link: http://www.facebook.com/chic0411
Page NJP: http://www.facebook.com/#!/NJPagans
Group NJP: http://www.facebook.com/groups.php?ref=sb#/group.php?gid=93725735017


Friday Finds An Idea!, 12/10/2010, 9:00 am

Posted by: "which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com" which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com

Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:49 am (PST)

Reminder from: which_witch_is_witch Yahoo! Group

Friday Finds An Idea!
Friday December 10, 2010
9:00 am - 10:00 am
(This event repeats every week.)

As we know the goal is to live our lives magically in the moment every day in the now and while it would be nice to go and buy all the cool witchy stuff that is out there...their is so much in every day objects that we can use around the home.
So here is what I suggest...Post up an every day object once a week and let the creative juices flow and post up what we would or could possibly use it for magically.
I thought it would be kinda cool and inspiring...whatcha think..


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Selenite (Gypsum)

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:30 am (PST)

Source: Jodi

Selenite (Gypsum)

Written and compiled by - Patricia Jean Martin

Selenite is an alternate name for the mineral Gypsum. The word Selenite
comes from the Greek "selenites", meaning "moon stone" or "moon rock",
with the root word "Selene" meaning "Moon", and for good reason - the
mineral Selenite is the near transparent and colourless crystal form of
Gypsum that exudes a pearly lustre which glows and can very much
resemble the moon. Selene is also the name of the Greek Goddess of the
Moon (a.k.a. Artemis or Diana).

Gypsum is a common sedimentary mineral - the most common of all the
sulfates - and is usually found in massive beds of tabular or block
crystal form. These sedimentary deposits are formed through a hastened
acceleration of evaporating saline water, and in the process may retain
trapped bubbles of either air or water called "enhydros". Gypsum is
often found in caves, in evaporated lakes or seabed's, or salt flats.
It is interesting to note that if the natural conditions become
extremely dry and the Gypsum becomes overly dehydrated, it transforms
into the mineral known as Anhydrite. If water is then reintroduced, it
is restored back into Gypsum.

There are five main types of Gypsum, known by the following names:
Selenite, Satin Spar (not to be confused with Iceland Spar which is a
related Calcite), Gypsum Flower, Desert Rose, and Alabaster. The first
four crystalline varieties are commonly known as Selenite even though
they contain some notable differences in appearance. The larger
crystalline form of Selenite, being a clear colourless crystal, is more
rare than the other forms of the mineral. Satin Spar is usually
fibrous, translucent white and satiny. The other forms of Gypsum are
readily available in tabular, rosette or needle-like crystals, with
Alabaster being the granular massive form of the mineral. Selenite
crystals can be quite large, but the mineral itself is very soft and
slightly flexible (although not elastic, meaning it can be bent but will
not resume its original shape on its own). Often fibrous, it can be
easily broken or scratched. In fact, all forms of Gypsum are soft
(between 1 1/2 and 2 on the Mohs Scale) and can be scratched with just a

As a form of Gypsum, Selenite is a natural insulator and will appear
much warmer to the touch than other crystals. Industrial grades of
Gypsum are used in making sheet rock drywall, concrete, and Plaster of
Paris. Both Selenite and Satin Spar are often vitreous (glassy), pearly
and silky to the touch, and both may exhibit chatoyancy (cat's eye
reflections) . They also both contain a fibre optic quality, have the
ability to double refract, and some specimens are fluorescent or
phosphorescent. Gypsum Flowers, Desert Roses, and Alabasters are
usually not as lustrous, and often will have a gritty appearance. In
very dry areas, sand becomes trapped within and on the surface of the
forming crystals, and often these inclusions are seen as shapes, such as
the common "hourglass" shape found on Selenite crystals in the Great
Salt Plains Lake bed. The Desert Rose variety is shaped like a rose as
its name suggests, its "petals" formed by overlapping blades of
Selenite. They are often a dusty rose, reddish or brown colour. With
their softness and natural formation related to water, all of the Gypsum
varieties should never be left standing in any liquid, and all
cleansers should be avoided, as the water will degrade and eventually
dissolve the mineral, while soaps and cleansers will affect any lustre.

A famous location for Selenite blades is found in the Naica Mine in
Chihuahua, Mexico and is called the "Cave of Swords". Here giant
crystals have formed, some measuring over 30 feet long. A fairly common
mineral, Selenite can be found throughout the world.

General Information:

Chemistry: CaSO4.2 (H2O) - Hydrated Calcium Sulphate

Class: Sulphates.

Group: Gypsum.

Colour: White to colourless, and transparent to translucent. In some
varieties, shades of red, brown, green and yellow may be present due to
inclusions of other minerals.

Lustre: Vitreous to Pearly, especially on cleavage surface.

Crystal System: Monoclinic, 2/m

Crystal Habit: Tabular, bladed or block crystals with a slanted
parallelogram form; also needle-like crystals. May be massive, granular,
crusty or fibrous. Tabular varieties show pinacoidal faces with jutting
prismatic edges. In the long, thin crystal variety, some may exhibit
bending where certain specimens coil into spirals - a variety nicknamed
"Ram's Horn Selenite". Two type of twinning are common, one producing a
"spear head twin" or "swallowtail twin", the other producing a "fishtail

Cleavage: Good in one direction, distinct in two others.

Fracture: Concoidal and fibrous.

Hardness: 2, and can be scratched with a fingernail.

Specific Gravity: 2.3+

Streak: White.

Other Characteristics: Crystals are flexible but not elastic. Some
specimens exhibit fluorescence or phosphorescence. Gypsum has a very
low thermal conductivity (hence it's use in drywall as an insulating
filler). A crystal will feel noticeably warmer than a crystal of Quartz
or the like.

Notable Occurrences: Mexico; Italy; Utah and Colorado, US; Australia; Greece; Spain.

Best Field Indicators: Hardness, flexibility, cleavage, crystal habit.

Uses: Mineral specimens. Other forms of Gypsum are commonly used in
plaster and wallboard, certain cements, paint filler, fertilizers.

Myth & Lore:

Said to be the "Stone of Mental Clarity," Selenite is thought to be a bringer of light.

Associated with the Greek Goddess Selene, Selenite contains feminine
energy and is often used to connect and commune with the Divine,
especially goddess energy. Some use it for angelic or spirit guide
connection, or aid in interacting with the Ancients. Selenite crystals,
or polished wands of Selenite, are often used as magic wands or as aids
to help facilitate transporting one's intentions to the Higher Self
and/or the Universe.

Often referred to as "scanners," Selenite is said to have the ability to
scan the body for disease or malfunction, pinpointing what areas may
need attention. The stone itself is also thought to have the ability to
clear etheric blockages so one can gain knowledge on how to move
forward toward a cure. It is thought to have been a healing tool in
Atlantis. Selenite can be used for scrying into both the past, present
and future. Past life regressions are assisted with the use of these
crystals. They are also said to be good for dream recall.

It is long thought that Selenite helps in procuring long-lasting
relationships, ensuring fidelity and furthering commitments. It can
help reconcile differences by going to the root of any issue.

It is believed that Selenite is one of two minerals (the other being
Apophyllite) that are strong enough to clear negative energies from
Quartz. It's also believed that it has the ability to help program
(charge), or reprogram (recharge), a Quartz crystal. It is good for
charging all one's magickal tools. To cleanse and recharge your
Selenite, place it under the light of the Moon.

Metaphysical Properties:

Astrological Sign(s): Cancer

Element(s): Water

Chakra(s): Crown

Greater insight.

Increases sensitivity.

Psychic development.

Awareness, sheds light.

Mental clarity.





Access to subconscious.

Decision making.

Transmits energies.

Connects Spiritual and Physical bodies.


Angelic and Spirit world contact.

Access to past lives.

*Gives physical aid in treating: Spinal column, skeletal system,
cellular structure, skin, bones and teeth. Calcium deficiencies.
Epilepsy and seizures. Soothes nerves. Removes blockages. Improves
libido. Fertility.

*NOTE: Stone therapy should NOT take the place of medical evaluation
and procedures, and should be used merely to enhance one's health and

My own thoughts and experiences:

I love Selenite, especially in its clear crystal form, but I think even
more so in it's Satin Spar form. I also find it interesting that I had
trouble finishing this text *until* today...the feast day of Selene. :)

Working with Selenite, I find it does bring the clarity of mind that
it's metaphysically famous for, but tends to bring it more swiftly when
actually asked to. Even though it's satiny lustre seems to project and
transmit light, it is more of a receptive stone than anything else. It
is peaceful... ethereal... and can be quite hypnotizing -- a good
crystal to work with when attempting to access guidance from entities on
the other side and from Higher Self. It will open your mind's eye to
greater potential. An excellent stone to use in meditation, it enhances
intuition and clairvoyance, allowing you to receive what knowledge you
may have had trouble in the past deciphering or seeing clearly.
Anything that was once obscure or cloudy in your mind will suddenly
clear as if a fog has been lifted, and messages and/or alternative
solutions will be gently recognized and at hand, usually in a kind of
soft "aha" moment.

What I found more amazing about the crystal is that even though it works
softly as it slowly clears a pathway for you through the mists and
sheds light on the very root cause of any issue... it is actually a very
healing stone. With the insight it brings into the very nature of
something, it allows you to intuit what is needed in order to help heal
thyself. Selenite is an excellent crystal to use for problem solving
and for help in communing with Deity, as the crystal itself seems to
keep a foot in both worlds -- the earthly and the ethereal, connecting
matter and Spirit.

Looking up and meditating on the Moon is what it feels like when working
with Selenite. It calms, yet can be exciting and awe-inspiring. It
soothes, yet can bring epiphany. It envelops you in its soft ethereal
glow, yet can bring a powerful flash of insightful light into your
being. There is an unmistakable flow of energy that traverses a crystal
wand or blade of Selenite. At times it almost appears to be lit up
from within -- a good physical symbolic demonstration on how it will
metaphysically work for you. And like the Moon, it absorbs light with
remarkable speed and reflects it back to you with a very soft voice of
revelation. I find it is a perfect conduit, a transmitter if you will,
for accessing ancient knowledge that leads to long sought after steps
into wisdom.

I feel that my workings with Selenite over the past few weeks has helped
me to align myself and open up a more vital and significant channel
between me and the gods. I believe it even prompted me to ask about
them, but aside from that, it definitely set me on a much clearer path
to a greater understanding of some things that were enigmatic and
cloaked in uncertainty for some time now. To this key-bearing crystal I
say, "Yes! Let the lunar magick of Selenite be your guide".



"Rocks and Minerals" ~ Frederick H. Pough

"The Book of Stones - Who They Are and What They Teach" ~ Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian



Photo by Patricia J. Martin

© Patricia J. Martin, April 8, 2008

Website: http://www.peacefulpaths.com/

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


Abraham Hicks Daily Quote - 12/10/2010

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:34 am (PST)

You will notice that those who
speak most of prosperity, have it.
Those who speak most of health, have
it. Those who speak most of sickness,
have it. Those who speak most of
poverty, have it. It is Law. It can be no
other way... The way you feel is your
point of attraction, and so, the Law of
Attraction is most understood when you see
yourself as a magnet getting more and
more of the way you feel. When you feel
lonely, you attract more loneliness.
When you feel poor, you attract more
poverty. When you feel sick, you
attract more sickness. When you feel
unhappy, you attract more unhappiness.
When you feel healthy and vital
and alive and prosperous—you attract
more of all of those things.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from "The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of
Abraham" #649

Our Love,

Jerry and Esther

Visit Us Online 

©1997-2010 Abraham-Hicks Publications.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra



Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:44 am (PST)

Source: Wild Joy: The Ecstatic Poetry of Paul Goldman


I release every single infinitesimal
ion of my being: my thoughts,
my emotions, my desires, and my beliefs,
everything at once.

In this glorious instant, my soul soars
to heights beyond imagining,
as I traverse the farthest reaches of
the Universe. I am nothing, I am

each quantum nano particulate
of matter sailing the electromagnetic
seas at the speed of light.

I release, I release, I release...

(c) Paul Goldman December 10, 2010 All Rights Reserved

♥♥♥ Wild Joy: The Ecstatic Poetry of Paul Goldman

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


Power Animal of the Day:Buffalo

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:50 am (PST)


The Buffalo

Hidden Talents         

a deep breath and let the spirit of the buffalo fill you. 

Click here to Listen to the Buffalo's Song.


Welcome the
great and powerful buffalo into your life to be your teacher.


The buffalo
will teach you how to survive, even when the cold wind blows and the snow drifts
across the plains.  He will teach you how to grow a thick coat and hold your
head down in winter, doing what you must, but full of the certain knowledge that
winter will pass and the green grass will again push through to the sunshine of
spring.  And then, when summer comes, he will teach you how to shed that long,
shaggy coat and adapt to the new season.  You will be able to handle whatever
comes your way, strong and capable, comfortable in the cold or in the heat, for
you are the buffalo.


The buffalo
can also teach you the power of the group.  For even though the buffalo is a
very powerful animal in his own right, he is especially powerful as a member of
a group, where the stronger and more experienced actively protect others.  The
buffalo will help you feel more a part of those around you, finding your proper
role, whether it is as a leader and protector or one of those protected.  Either
way, the buffalo energy will help you relate well and easily with others.


energy will also help you find hidden talents and abilities within you.  For the
buffalo, though appearing slow, can actually run very fast and can leap great
heights.  You will surprise us all with your newfound strengths, for you are the

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


Quado's Garden: You Cannot Fail If You Do Not Quit

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:57 am (PST)


Cannot Fail if You Do Not Quit

Instead of
asking yourself what you might do if you had more money, if you had more time, if your
job were better, if you had more training or education, if you had a loving
partner in life, if you had more friends, instead ask:  What would I do if I had no fear and no doubt? 


To what heights
might I aspire if I unleashed my passion and did what I truly want to do, in
spite of obstacles, in spite of barriers and challenges, in spite of setbacks? 
If I truly believed, both in myself and in the help which is there for me, what
might I take on?  If I truly believed I could succeed, what would I begin?


If you will but ignite your
inner fire and allow yourself to begin, and then continue no matter what
happens, you cannot help but succeed.  Will the end result be exactly as you had
envisioned?  No, of course not.  Life is an adventure of growth and change, and
if you will but begin, you will learn much about what you truly enjoy doing and
who you truly are.  After all, there is no end result; there is only life
unfolding step by step.


And there is no failure
except in quitting, no end to what you might do except in succumbing to fear and
doubt.  Fill yourself with courage and faith and you will find everything you
need to move forward.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


Daily Goddess Devotion

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:17 am (PST)

Source: Lady Abigail

Daily Goddess Devotion

not let the conflicts of others challenge your spirit; Instead choose
to learn from them the strength of your personal differences.

Lady Abigail

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


Herb of the Day: Peppermint

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:52 am (PST)

Source: Lady Becky via Ravensgrove Coven

Herb of the Day:
(Mentha Piperita)
Folk Names: Brandy Mint, Lammint
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Fire
Deity: Pluto
Powers: Purification, sleep, Love, Healing, Psychic Powers
Uses: Peppermint has long been used in healing potions and mixtures.
Peppermint also has a long history in purification spells. The fresh
leaves rubbed against the head are said to relieve headaches. Peppermint
worn at the wrist assures that you will not be ill. Its presence raises
the vibrations of an area. Fresh peppermint on the altar will call good
spirits to be present and aid you in magick. Smelled, it compels one
towards sleep, and placed beneath the pillow, it sometimes offers one
glimpses of the future in dreams. It is rubbed against furniture, walls
and floorboards to cleanse them of evil and negativity. Pliny stated
that peppermint excites love, and so can be added to this type of
Peppermint is also used in travel spells. Its bright green
leaves and crisp scent lead to its use in money spells and prosperity
spells, the easiest of which is to place a few leaves in the wallet or
purse, or rub where your money is kept.
Common mints, such as
peppermint and pennyroyal, are closely related and, in a pinch, one can
be used in the place of the other. Mints that one finds in the wild can
be used in external magickal applications in place of these common mints
(peppermint, spearmint, etc.).Match the wild mint to the known mint it
most resembles.
Posted By: Lady Becky

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


Posts from Tiny Buddha for 12/10/2010

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:07 am (PST)

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Tiny Wisdom: On Self AwarenessDec 10, 2010 02:58 am | Lori Deschene
"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves." -Carl Jung
For the longest time, I fell into friendships with people who seemed
dramatic. There was always a fire to put out, a crisis to solve, or a
looming emotional explosion to dread. Then one day someone told me that I am the constant in my relationships. If there was always drama around me, it's likely I was seeking it–or maybe even causing it.
We might not always create the people problems we'd rather avoid, but
everything we see in the people around us reflects something going on
within us.
If you frequently complain to others about your sister's neediness, you might really be bothered that you feel unable to set boundaries. If you're always upset that your coworker seems standoffish, you might actually be acknowledging you rely heavily on external validation.
We are part of what we see, even if we feel completely objective.
We can't change that other people will occasionally rub us the wrong way. It's inevitable when people get close. But we can figure out why something is really bothering us, and then take responsibility for addressing it.
What irritates you today–and what can you do about it?

comments | read more    

Life is Happening FOR Us: All Things Are GiftsDec 10, 2010 02:28 am | Guest

Editor's Note: This is a guest contribution by Erin Lanahan

"Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find
all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." ~Rumi
Up to a certain point in my life, I was always seeking approval and
validation from everything outside of me. All I ever wanted was to feel
loved. I longed for this feeling and wondered how the world could be so
cruel as to reject me when I was so loving and available.
What I have since learned is that I was not as available as I thought.
It has been my experience that everyone that crosses our path is a
mirror. They have come because we have called them into our lives to
show us something—to teach us how to be more of who we truly are.
Our higher selves crave these experiences and relationships because
ultimately, this journey we call life is all about finding everything we
want within us rather than without. It's about waking up.
I have learned this over many years of things not turning out the way
I wanted them to, feeling as though I was a victim and life was just not fair. I felt this way until I finally got it—I finally understood that life is happening for us. Yes, for us.
When I experience rejection in my external world, it is only because
there are still places within myself where I am rejecting me. This means
I am still vibrating on the same frequency as rejection. As long as I
reject me, I will continue to attract people and situations that reject
me because we attract the people, places, and things that are a
vibrational match to ourselves.
If I'm conscious about this, I can use these experiences as
opportunities to break down the fear that keeps me from fully giving and
receiving my own love and love from other people.
I have the choice to sink into my truth and be available to the pain I feel; and then to use it as a tool for healing. By giving it my attention, I can then fully feel it and process it.
When we feel through our charges and allow ourselves to really have
the experience, then the charge within us dissolves and no longer
attracts more of itself into our lives. This can be hard to accept at
first because it is much easier to blame someone else for our pain and
But actually that is an illusion, too. In the end, it is much easier
and way more productive to take full responsibility for everything that
"happens to us."
If we can live life consciously and authentically—understanding that things do not happen to us, but rather for
us—we can use everything that comes in to our as experience to our
benefit. We can locate all the barriers that keep us from beauty, love,
abundance, intimacy, joy, and good health.
Recently, I confessed my feelings of affection to someone who didn't
feel the same way for me. I've avoided this for a long time. I was so
afraid of feeling rejected that I pushed my feelings down for almost two years.
However, as I grew and evolved, I considered that the entire relationship was there for me to heal. I was meant to look my fear of rejection in the eyes and learn to love myself through it.
So that is exactly what I did. I came clean. I had external integrity
and shared my heart with him in a way I never could have imagined doing
just a few short months ago. Now that he knows how deeply I care for
him, I feel like my wounds are on the mend.
I continue to have internal integrity and allow myself to feel all
the fears his rejection triggered, such as "I'll never be good enough,"
or "I'll never be chosen," or "I'll never get what I want because there
is something wrong with me."
Previously I was holding myself back in my interactions with him
because I was afraid to feel these things. Once I accepted that this
relationship was happening for me, I realized I had to risk potential rejection.
If I didn't because I didn't feel worthy, my fears would prevent me
from attracting the level of intimacy that blossoms from open, honest, loving relationships.
Rejection was the only way through these walls I'd built. It was time to feel the fear and do it anyway—for my own good.
Now, I'm not afraid of rejection because I'm not rejecting
me. I can feel gratitude for it, and every other emotion I experience,
because all of it is relevant—all of it is there for me to heal my
wounds so I can be free.
I'm learning to love myself more as I use my life to break down the barriers within me that keep me from returning to love.
Next time you feel unappreciated, frustrated, or rejected, do
yourself a favor and use them as opportunities. Put them in your box of
healing tools.
Then ask yourself: how could these people, places, or things show you
the barriers within yourself that keep you from experiencing all the
love, peace, and joy you long for? Remember—our external world is only a
reflection of our internal world.
What does your internal world look like? To change within is to change without. Much love and so much light to you all.
is a Health Coach and writer, who is passionate about sharing and
connecting with as many people as possible, through her work as a writer
and coach. She lives is Los Angeles, CA and also writes weekly on her
blog at www.ErinLanahanMethod.com. Follow Erin on Twitter @fit_gal
comments | read more    

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'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra


Seraphinite (Clinochlore)

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Fri Dec 10, 2010 1:24 pm (PST)

Source: Jodi

Seraphinite (Clinochlore)

Written and compiled by - Patricia Jean Martin

Seraphinite (or Serefina), also known by the name Clinochlore, is a
common member of the Chlorite Group of minerals. Clinochlore derives
its name from the Greek "klino" meaning "oblique" or "inclined" and
"chloros" meaning "green" as it is commonly colored deep forest green to
green-black with inclusions of silvery Mica. Seraphinite, is derived
from the Latin word "seraphin" referring to the first order of angels.
The allusion to angels is due to the feathery wing patterns made by the
silvery Mica contained within the stone. The Mica inclusions exhibit a
chatoyancy, giving Seraphinite a wavery sheen, much like Charoite.

Seraphinite forms through the metamorphic and hydrothermal alterations
of other iron and magnesium silicate minerals. It crystalizes in the
form of foliated or granular masses and also as tabular crystals.

A Chromium-rich variety of Seraphinite, called Kaemmererite, has a
beautiful bright lavender to crimson color. The mineral Chamosite is an
Iron-rich variety of Seraphinite. Seraphinite is mainly found near the
Bratsk and Lake Baikal region of eastern Siberia, Russia, and has
become a much sought after stone in the world of metaphysics and mineral

General Information:

Chemistry: (Mg,Fe,Al)6( Si,Al)4 O10(OH)8 - Magnesium Iron Aluminum Silicate Hydroxide.

Class: Silicates.

Subclass: Phyllosilicates.

Group: Chlorites.

Color: Usually a deep forest green with feathery silver-colored
inclusions of Mica, but also found in yellow, red, brown, tan or white.

Luster: Vitreous to pearly.

Crystal System: Monoclinic; 2/m

Crystal Habit: Includes pseudohexagonal tabular crystals with pyramid
terminations. Foliated, fibrous, granular, or massive. Twinning may be
seen in larger specimens.

Cleavage: Perfect in 1 direction, basal.

Fracture: Uneven.

Hardness: 2 - 2.5

Specific Gravity: 2.6 - 3.0

Streak: Greenish-white or white.

Other Characteristics: Cleavage flakes are flexible but not elastic.

Notable Occurrences: Bratsk and Lake Baikal region of Siberia, Russia.

Best Field Indicators: Crystal habit, softness, color and cleavage.

Uses: Jewelry; Collector specimens.

Myths and Lore:

Often referred to as "an angel stone" due to its feathery look and
strong Air to Earth qualities, Seraphinite is said to help facilitate
contact and communication with the angels of the highest level. It is
also said that this stone is the leading health-enhancing stone of this
age, as it is fairly new to the eyes of the world and it is believed
that its time has come to be front and center.

Because it is relatively new in the world of gems and minerals, though,
there is not much myth or lore attached to this particular variety of
Chlorite, but current views are that, as an aid in magick, Seraphinite
can be used to purify space and to accelerate manifestation and
transformation of any kind. In Chakra work, placing a piece of
Seraphinite at the Crown Chakra will help align and balance all the

Seraphinite assists one in healing on all levels, through provoking an understanding of (and a push toward) unconditional love.

Metaphysical Properties:

Astrological Sign(s): Taurus.

Element(s): Air and Earth.

Chakra(s): Heart and Crown.


Celestial in manner.

Angelic connection and contact.

Astral travel.

Conscious living.



Order out of chaos.

Promotes positive change.


Unconditional love.

Relationship enhancing.



*Gives physical aid in treating: Cellular regeneration, purification,
toxin elimination, circulatory and nervous system, kidneys, liver.
Relief from colds and chills. Aids in weight loss. An all-over general
health-enhancing stone.

*NOTE: Stone therapy should NOT take the place of medical evaluation
and procedures, and should be used merely to enhance one's health and

My own thoughts and experiences:

I spotted this stone from across a room that was filled with almost
every other kind of stone imaginable. I was at the Franklin Rock &
Mineral Show, late in the day, and I was bored. Outside I hadn't found
much of anything new or to my liking, and I had already skimmed the
peripheral tables indoors. But suddenly - and like a refreshing breath
of cool Autumn air - a vendor's table in the center of the room caught
my eye and came into clear focus. All else around it seemed shrouded in
a mist. It stood out above and beyond all the rest, and as I rushed
toward it I just knew that my rock 'hunting' of the day would not be a
total loss.

As I stood in front of the tabled and cased display of Seraphinites, my
eyes wide with excitement at their beauty (and wider still as I viewed
the prices), I knew that, regardless, I had to have some. Each one was
more beautiful than the next, and I was like a kid in a candy
store!...one of this, two of those, three of these. The vendors manning
this display were Russian, and I had a bit of trouble in my attempt to
make them understand that I wanted a box to hold the several pieces I
was going to buy. I believe one of the gentlemen thought I'd said
"bucks" and he replied, "Yes, you give us bucks we give you stone." lol.
I laughed and repeated my question - elaborating and drawing the shape
of a square in midair, "No, I mean, do you have a BOX that I can put
the stones in that I want to buy!"...and I pointed to some box flats on
the floor behind him. A look of recognition came to his face and he
smiled, saying, "Oh, yes yes, of course..a box." As I placed a small
treasure trove of Seraphinite into the welcomed box, read the properties
on the description paper included, and gave up way too early in my
haggling with the Russian accent over price, I thought, well Seraphinite
may be good for communicating with Angels, but with humans it takes a
bit more effort! But now on to the stones themselves!

Seraphinite' s beauty is almost beyond compare. Yet they are cold
stones...almost icy to the touch - and in fact the designs in the
polished surface of the slabs I obtained very much resemble ice crystals
forming on a window pane during a cold winter's frost. The shimmering
silver Mica inclusions fan outward making beautiful patterns on the dark
green Chlorite background. But as cold as the stone actually feels at
first touch, I find it heats up quite rapidly in my hand. At that point
the "ice" crystals seemingly "melt" and now appear more reminiscent of
soft yet vibrant feathers. It is then that the stone can take you away
on a very celestial journey!

Both grounding and ethereal at the same time, working with Seraphinite
allows you to obtain and retain its divinely inspired messages more
easily and subsequently process them more fully within your temporal
senses. Here the ethereal decidedly mingles with the earthly. Astral
travel is enhanced by more vivid imagery and the mind is better able to
wrap itself around the meaning of all that is seen there.

Seraphinite' s dark inner matrix suggests its knowledge and
understanding of the hidden Mysteries, as the crystal's shimmering
bursts of silvery light suggest that what is hidden can be known. As we
seek to know all the inherent components of our highest purpose in
life, we look both within and without - and as the latter becomes known,
it then joins all that which is within you. Just as the Shaman can
become one and soar with the Eagle (or Crow and Raven in my case),
Seraphinite can assist you in connecting with another in a very
meaningful and loving way. It makes getting to the heart of a matter
easy. If you have a particular bird as your Totem Animal, Seraphinite
can also help you to relate and know them as kindred just as well.

Seraphinite is a true Stone of Connection. With this stone, you will
unmistakably feel the unconditional love of the Divine Beings you may
call to help guide you...their celestial rhythms making you feel free to
dance in the realm of pure love...through the true touch of the



"The Book of Stones - Who They Are & What They Teach" ~ Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

"The Crystal Bible" ~ Judy Hall



http://mineral.galleries. com/minerals/silicate/clinochl/clinochl.htm

Photo by: Patricia J. Martin

© 2006 Patricia J. Martin

Website: http://www.peacefulpaths.com/

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


Thursday Night Prayer Circle, 12/10/2010, 8:00 pm

Posted by: "which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com" which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com

Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:40 pm (PST)

Reminder from: which_witch_is_witch Yahoo! Group

Thursday Night Prayer Circle
Friday December 10, 2010
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
(This event repeats every week.)
Location: Sending Protection, Strength, Healing, Prayers to Everyone Mentioned Tonight!

I'm lighting this candle tonight for anyone who needs Prayers, healing , guidence, help or love. If anyone has anything they would like to post, can be a simple prayer or anything they need to talk about your more then welcome! Your in my prayers!

We like to send prayers out tonight for:
granddaughter Morganna (coolseawatersz)Brain Bleed, talking,
walking, head & neck muscles back to normal, poss. leaving
rehab soon, Lt arm still not moving much please more prayers!
Karen Starns (night_raven_5465) Brain Tumor
Mona (mo58_2001) Fibromyalgia & Rheumatoid Arthritis
Prayers also to Mona's daugher in law Lisa Bragg passed away after terrible accident 02/25/10
Rev. Felicity Lavelle (Breast Cancer)
Sharon (fotograffa2001) Fibromyalgia & Arthritis
Regina Rosian (emeraldharley2003 friend)cancer
Oberon (Colan CA, Hernia n Mesh surg)

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DailyOM: The Journey Of Commitment

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:34 pm (PST)

DailyOM - Entering Into Commitment
Today's DailyOM brought to you by:

December 10, 2010
The Journey Of Commitment
Entering Into Commitment
Entering into a committed relationship is in fact a spiritual journey that we undertake with another person.

Loving and committing to another person is a spiritual process whether it involves a wedding or any other type of commitment ceremony. Often when we enter into a relationship, we allow our emotions to lead us forward without thinking more deeply about what true commitment involves. If we can understand that sharing our lives with another person is not just based on love but also on the hard work of being able to compromise and enter into a dialogue with them, then we are much more likely to find the key to having a successful relationship with our partners. So many people have not experienced a loving relationship between their own parents and therefore have no role model of what love should feel like or look like.

Many of us have been exposed to the idea that love should be romantic and sweep us off our feet. While this is a natural part of any relationship, the true test of our love comes from our willingness to explore this world with another person; to not only share in the delights that we encounter but also to negotiate the bumps in the road together. Generally this often takes the form of a mutual exchange of ideas, but because any relationship is based on the needs and experiences of two people, we might also face a certain amount of misunderstanding. Learning to be open and receptive to our partners and to treat their wants and ideas with respect can help us navigate even the most difficult situations. One way to do this is to take a deep breath, holding our partner in a space of love, and allow ourselves to listen fully with our hearts to what they have to say. Should this become difficult to do, we can also turn toward people whose relationships we
admire for advice or guida! nce. Knowing that there are resources out there to help us and being up for exploring them with our partner will only serve to deepen and strengthen our relationship.

Entering into a committed relationship is in fact a spiritual journey that we undertake with another person. By being able to love and care for someone else with an open heart, we will find that we can reach a greater level of personal transformation, evolving along our path and learning powerful lessons about ourselves that we might not otherwise be able to do on our own.

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In need of a site

Posted by: "tonyageddings@yahoo.com" tonyageddings@yahoo.com   tonyageddings

Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:59 am (PST)

Looking for a fairly secluded area ( clearing in the woods, backyard,..something
of that nature, and does not have to be very secluded...lol ) in North Carolina within an hour to and hour and a half drive from Albemarle, NC, for mid to late May. Will be Lee's 1st nature outing. I have not
decided yet as to if I will have him in just thongs or skyclad. Will decide
later. If anyone has an area available please let me know.

May contact me on yahoo messenger at tonyageddings or by email.

Blessed be,

Tonya Geddings

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