marți, 28 decembrie 2010

[which_witch_is_witch] Digest Number 4611

Messages In This Digest (22 Messages)



Higher Awareness: (IJ) #8-114 - Ordinary can be awesome

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:05 am (PST)

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Ordinary can be awesome

"Everything in life can be nourishing.
Everything can bless us, but we've got to be there for the blessing to
occur. Being present with quality is a decision we are invited to make
each day."

-- MacRina Wiederkehr

Spirit is not only found in holy places, prayer and meditation, yoga
and retreats. It is everywhere -- in your relationships, your work,
your daily chores, in nature ... if you are willing to connect deeply
with your environment.

Open to connect with something and you open to its essence, its purpose and meaning. There are other dimensions of reality below what we normally see and hear. Open to the mystery.

"We live in a world of theophanies.
Holiness comes wrapped in the ordinary. There are burning bushes all
around you. Every tree is full of angels. Hidden beauty is waiting in
every crumb. Life wants to lead you from crumbs to angels, but this can
happen only if you are willing to unwrap the ordinary by staying with it
long enough to harvest its treasure."

-- Macrina Wiederkehr

The Soul Journey – Andrew and Bonnie Schneider offer an in-depth, practical guide to healing the personality and developing soul consciousness. Journey through the
traps of ego into a life of meaning, purpose, joy and service. Embark on your own soul journey by

clicking here.

The Inner Journey is brought to you by John & Patrice Robson of We invite you to take the awareness and consciousness journey to know & grow yourself.

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Copyright © 1999 - 2010 Higher Awareness Inc.

#108, 11215 Jasper Ave. NW, Edmonton, AB, Canada T5K 0L5

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center


Abraham Hicks Daily Quote - 12/27/2010

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:07 am (PST)

You are the only one who creates in your experience—no one else.
Everything that comes to you comes by the power of your thought. If there
are changes you would like to make, it will be of great value to begin
telling a different story—not only about your body, but about all
subjects that have been troubling to you. As you begin to positively
focus, getting to feel so good about so many subjects, you will begin to
feel the power that creates worlds flowing through you.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to
Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness" #666

Our Love,

Jerry and Esther

Visit Us Online 

©1997-2010 Abraham-Hicks Publications.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center


Power Animal of the Day: Swan

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:35 am (PST)

The Swan

Confidence          Loyalty

a deep breath and let the spirit of the swan fill you. 

Click here to Listen to the Swan's Song.


The epitome
of grace and elegance is now a part of your life.  How fortunate you are! 


Let her help
you bring a certain elegance to the way you dress, the way you live, everything
you do.  It should come naturally now, for you are the swan.


yourself with confidence.  Let your beauty shine out in all ways.  Float
gracefully through life, knowing that you will always be welcome in the company
of others when you breathe in your swan energy.


The swan
will also help you maintain long and loyal relationships, for she knows how to
stay true to another and attracts the same to herself.  Let the swan spirit give
you confidence that you are fully deserving of love.  Trust that long-lasting
love will be a part of your life, for you are the swan.


Let the swan
teach you to live in more than one world, comfortable both on the water and in
the sky.  Learn to fly with purpose to your destination, neck outstretched and
trumpeting your joy.  Then learn to float in tranquility on the peaceful lake, a
portrait of grace and elegance, wanting nothing more than simply to be who you
are, the perfect swan.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center  


Quado's Garden: Unfold to Each Other

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:41 am (PST) 

to Each Other


Today is as it is.  You are
as you are.  All people simply are as they are.  Release your plans, fantasies
and expectations with the dawn and allow each relationship to blossom and
develop in its own
authentic way, a slowly unfolding discovery as two people explore themselves and
each other.


Let it be like this.  Be as
two flowers that open to each other, gradually revealing more and deeper
truths.  Let the rising sun of truth reveal the beauty which is you, deep
within.  Lift the fog of fantasy and expectation and just be.  Be yourself
shining forth in all that you are, exactly as you are, saying, doing, feeling
and being with a deep integrity which reaches down to your core.  And allow
others to be who they are.  Do not try to change them. Do not judge and
criticize.  Reveal and understand, unfolding to each other.


Each relationship should be
like this, a way to learn from each other, a deepening of your relationship to
each other and to yourself.  Each relationship fully explored will introduce you
to more and deeper parts of yourself.  And each bit of love that you give freely
and unconditionally, makes your heart more open and receptive for the great love
of the universe to flow in, an unending stream of light and goodness.


Allow your life to be a
simple unfolding of the self, like a rose opening on a summer day and sending
perfume across the garden.  And allow the other roses to open in their own way,
with their own beauty, some still in the bud, some in their last days, some red,
some pink and orange, but all beautiful

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center  


I Love You

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Dec 27, 2010 5:07 am (PST)


love you. It's not a weight you must carry around. I love you. It's not
a box that holds you in. I love you. It's not a standard you have to
bear. I love you. It's not a sacrifice I make. I love you. It's not a
pedestal you are frozen upon. I love you. It's not an expectation of
perfection. I love you. It's not my life's whole purpose (or yours). I
love you. It's not to make you change. I love you. It's not even to make
you love me. I love you. It's as pure and simple as that. ~Anonymous

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center  


Herb of the Day: Quassia

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:43 am (PST)

Source: Lady Abigail

Herb of the Day: Quassia
(Picraena Excelsa, Quassia Amara)
Folk Name: Bitter Ash
Powers: Love
Magickal Uses: Quassia is used in love mixtures, both to draw and to maintain love. The powdered wood is used in incense bases.
Posted By: Lady Becky

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center  


Reach for the Stars...Just ask!

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:50 am (PST)

All life as we know it was made from Chaos, the Goddess spinning in the
center while planets and starts twirl around her, bursting and spinning
they come together and make life...God comes and stands besides her,
they bring on all life as gifts...Your life is a special gift, no matter how hard things turn out you are so honored to have such love...Reach
for the Stars...They will listen!

New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!

Main Yahoo Group NJP:
Ning Web sites: NJP:
Myspace NJP:
Cher NJP Link:
Page NJP:!/NJPagans
Group NJP:


DailyOM: The Gift Inside

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Dec 27, 2010 12:08 pm (PST)

DailyOM - Life Packaging
Today's DailyOM brought to you by:

December 27, 2010
The Gift Inside
Life Packaging
We all have the same things going on in our lives; they are in essence the same gift, wrapped in a different ribbon.

We have all had the experience of encountering someone whose life seems so completely different from ours that we can almost imagine we have nothing in common. However, if we go deeper into observing, we will see that we all have the same things going on in our lives. It is as if our different lives are in essence the same gift, wrapped in an infinite variety of containers, wrapping paper, ribbons, and bows. Everybody experiences loss, grief, happiness, excitement, anger, and fear. Everyone can have money issues of one kind or another, and everyone struggles with difficult choices.

Our lives show up differently for each one of us because we each learn in different ways. One person may need to learn the value of money by having too little of it, while another may need to learn by having more than enough. We each learn about work and love, with experiences that are tailored to our particular perspective. Even as it appears that some people have it easy while others are in a continual state of struggle, the truth is that we are all learning, and it is very difficult to tell, when looking only at the exterior of a person, what�s going on inside.

This is one of the many things that can be so valuable about cultivating relationships with people from all walks of life. As we get to know those who seem so different from us, we get to really see how much of life's challenges and joys are universal. We begin to look beyond the packaging of skin color, clothing preferences, and socioeconomic differences, hairstyles, and the cars we drive to the heart of the human experience. It is important to honor and value the differences in our packaging, but it is just as important to honor the gift of life inside each one of us, and the fact that, no matter how different the packaging, the gift inside is the same.

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Michael Creme/Forbidden Archaeologist & Sandi Spencer/KALI - Voices

Posted by: "Karen Tate"   specialjourn

Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:32 pm (PST)

*Greetings Friends and Family of Voices of the Sacred Feminine....

As many of your know, adversaries of the Sacred Feminine tried to sweep
awareness and knowledge of Her under the rug - that's why here on the
show I am dedicated to uncovering new facts and theories, often many may
not know or agree with. These theories might run counter to what
traditional archaeologists and historians believe and teach, but we're
going to look at these ideas anyway and let listeners decide what they
think - because if you remember, one day, people thought the world was
flat and the sun revolved around the Earth! Everyday we learn new
things, uncover hidden history and perhaps the truth of our planet and
species has not yet been definitively written - perhaps it might be
considered a frontier with much yet to be uncovered. Here at Voices of
the Sacred Feminine, we are going to look behind the locked door and
peer into the abyss of the past.

This Wednesday on the show....

*At the top of the hour is *Michael Cremo*, international authority on
human antiquity, who has earned the title of */forbidden
archaeologist/*. For 27 years he's been digging up documented, credible
findings and out of place artifacts mainstream archaeologists don't want
you to know about - discoveries in the fossil record that tell a
completely different story from Darwinian evolution.

Then in the latter part of the show, *Rev. Sandi Spencer, Abbess of the
Abbey of Avalon*, a 501c3 Church in Southern CA, will discuss the
Goddess Kali, including what's been misunderstood about this Goddess,
her symbols and meanings, her sacred day and festivals, and how and why
she is so relevant and important a Goddess to know and understand
today. Rev. Sandi will also share personal stories of what it's been
like as a priestess working with Kali.
*Time: 6PM Pacific You'll have to make adjustments for your time zone.
And the show is available later from the archives where you might listen
at your convenience.

To call in: 718-766-4662
To listen: Click on:

*Remember the Three F's*: Mark us as a FAVORITE. Click FOLLOW so you
always get notice of what guests are coming up next and mark us as a
FRIEND, so you become a part of the global Voices of the Sacred Feminine

_*Future Guests in 2011:*_
* VajraMa, Women's Natural Female Authority
* Laura Flanders from Grit TV - Liberals, the Tea Party and Sarah Palin
* Carl Ruck, drug use in antiquity, author of The Road to Eleusis:
Unveiling the Secret of the Mysteries of Demeter
* Art Noble, author of The Sacred Female ~ A Sonata of Sexual Love and
* Bob Walker, Joseph Campbell Foundation, The Power of Myth and how
Rational Thought replaced Goddess
* Alysia Tromblay, discusses the Bonpo people of Tibet who revere the
Sherab Jamma, the Great Mother
* Charles Eisenstein, speaker, visionary, author of The Ascent of
Humanity and Sacred Economics
* Roman Catholic Womenpriests
* Vicki Noble


Daily Goddess Devotion

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:48 pm (PST)

Source: Lady Abigail

Daily Goddess Devotion

rhythm come like the oceans tides; all those within will change you
like the ebb and flow of waters upon the shores. Some shifting is good
and some may need repair, but all are a part of the natures cycle.

Lady Abigail
Copyright © 11012010

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center  


Tuesday's Correspondence...Dec 28

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:17 pm (PST)

Tuesday's Correspondence...Dec 28

Deities: Lilith, Mars, Aries, the Morrighan, Sunne, Frau Sonne, Aditi,
Igaehindvo, Amaterasu, Arinna, Izanami, Ochumare

Today's Magickal Influences: Health, Healing, Confidence And Hope, Prosperity

Incense: Mastic, Palaginia

Aromas: Heliotrope, Orange Blossom, Cloves, Frankincense, Ambergris, Musk, Myrrh

Color of The Day: Orange, Gold

Candle: Yellow

Color: Red and orange

Metal: Iron

Gemstones: Garnets, ruby

Herbs & Plants: Thistles, holly, coneflower, cactus

Associations: War and conflict, enemies, initiation, marriage and protection

Use for magic involving happiness, prosperity, joy, healing, protection, power,
leadership, ego, authority figures, fathers, husbands

What's Happening Today:

Kwanzaa, Day 3: Ujima (Collective Work & Responsibility)
Last of the Halcyon Days (December 14-28)
Card Playing Day
National Chocolate Day
Cross Day (Ireland)
Inocentes (Mexican April Fool's Day)
Holy Innocents Day (Childermas; patron of Belgium, babies, choirboys) See below
Proclamation Day (South Australia)
Childermas Day
Runic half-month of Eoh (yew tree) begins
Bairns' Day (Unluckiest Day of the Year)
Nepal National Day
Dyzemas Day
Eat Vegetarian Day
Fairy Academy of Window-Frosting Winter Exhibition (Fairy)
Indonesia Independence Day
Throw Away Your Subliminal Motivation Tapes Today Day
Last of the Halcyon Days (December 14-28)


Today's Goddess:THALIA Feast of Fools (Europe)

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:19 pm (PST)

Today's Goddess:THALIA
Feast of Fools (Europe)

Themes: Humor; Festivity; Recreation
Symbols: Party Decorations

About Thalia: Among the Greek muses, Thalia is the goddess of festivity and humor. She inspires today's
celebration with unbridled revelry and joyfulness to round out the year on a playful, upbeat note.

To Do Today: During the Middle Ages, around this time of year, a mock religious ritual took place, much like the
impious Saturnalia. Normal roles were often reversed, and reverence went by the wayside, replaced by fun and pleasure.
I see no reason not to follow the example of our ancestors and give ourselves time to frolic a bit today. Do something that
energizes you, inspires you, or makes you laugh out loud. For example, throw yourself a party complete with silly decorations
and hats. Watch your favorite comedy flicks with folks who make you feel good, and generally let Thalia live through (and in )
in your pleasure.

To keep Thalia's playful, enthusiastic energy with you, bless an amethyst ( for joy and luck), saying,

Thalia, inspire my humor and muse;
throughout my life, joy diffuse.

Carry this with you anytime you feel your sense of humor waning.
. By Patricia Telesco ~ From "365 Goddess"


Daily Aromatherapy Tip ... Appetite Suppressors

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:23 pm (PST)

Daily Aromatherapy Tip
Appetite Suppressors

Because smell plays such a large role in how food tastes, overloading our sense of smell by inhaling the vapor
of certain essential oils can suppress the desire to eat....says the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy.
To suppress the appetite, it suggest oils such as Dill weed, Ginger, Cumin Seed, Lemon, Vanilla or Spearmint.
Open a bottle and inhale the fragrance for 5 to 10 minutes. If you inhale for less than five minutes......
you might stimulate the appetite. Change the scents daily!
Other oils mentioned(from various sources) include; Grapefruit, Peppermint, Fennel, Clary Sage, Sandalwood
and Yang Yang. Enjoy! Happy Holidays!
Brought to you by


Garlic Spells

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:25 pm (PST)

Garlic Spells

Garlic cloves tucked into the corners of the threshold of entry doors keep out negative energies and unwanted visitors.
On Hogmany Eve (New Year's Eve), braid or string thirteen garlic bulbs and hang them in the kitchen to absorb undesired
energies. (Be sure to throw out the ones from the previous year.) Roasting and eating garlic with supper aids digestion and
keeps the skin young. Cutting a garlic clove and wiping the juice on a knife empowers it to deflect negative energies. Do this
on a paring knife and stick it in the ground to deflect bad weather from coming to the house. Add a clove of garlic to a mojo
bag to strengthen the spell and ward off negative external energies.
By: Ann Moura


Myth of Californian Hookooeko People

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:25 pm (PST)

In this dark world only light
was what poured forth from
Hekoolas, the woman of the sun.
Her body was covered with
shimmering iridescent abalone.
The shells shone so brightly
that no one could look at her.
She was that beautiful, that beautiful.
~Myth of Californian Hookooeko People

Light follows darkness; darkness follows light. Whatever is happening now, the only thing we can predict of the future is that there will be change. Things might change dramatically for the better or for the worse, but there is no question that change will come.

We create pain for ourselves when we refuse to acknowledge that change is imminent. We hold on to our outmoded beliefs, arguing all the more passionately for them. We clutch at those who no longer love us, as though holding more tightly will bring back the past. We hang on to grudges and to dreams with equal fervor, not being willing to let go.

Learning to negotiate change is one of our hardest lessons. There are awkward times as we learn, but like any dance, we grow more graceful with practice.
By Patricia Monaghan From "The Goddess Companion"


Zebra Marble

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:34 pm (PST)

Zebra Marble

Written and compiled by - Patricia
Jean Martin
celebration of the Autumnal Equinox, when day and night are of equal
length, I bring to you Zebra Marble -- a most appropriate stone for
the season.
black and half white, Zebra Marble is as its name implies - a Marble whose
rhythmic pattern resembles that of the zebra.  Through its own
image, this striking stone is all about balance.  Like the Yin/Yang
of Chinese philosophy, Zebra Marble also possesses balanced qualities
of opposing, yet complimentary, forces.  When combined, a dynamic
equilibrium is reached, and we are then awakened to the prospect of
eternity and how it relates to the turn of the Wheel.  Yet
another symbol of the two that are one.
Bodily, Marble is a metamorphosed Limestone, meaning
re-crystallized to contain a Calcite and/or Dolomite; the Zebra
variety is dolomitic. The various colors and patterns associated with
the various types of Marble are produced
by additional impurities incorporated at time of development.
 Marble is originally created when countless billions of sea
creatures' shells are heated, compacted, and transformed within
the earth.  Spiritually, many religious buildings,
sculptures and artifacts have been constructed of Marble, as it was
looked upon as a living stone.  From Mabon to Samhain (or Ostara to
Beltane in the Southern Hemisphere), the veil between the worlds begins to
thin, and Marble of any kind can be an aid in connecting with our
ancestors and the Old Ones.  Zebra Marble, specifically, allows for a
nice balance and keeps the connection and flow between here and there
nicely opened.  And for the mind, mystical and mundane
knowledge is likely to come through this vibrant and
animated stone.  Because of its oceanic origins, Zebra
Marble is a stone related to the directions of West and East,
and carries all the Water and Air Element properties.  It is also
helpful in dream recall.
Being a Water and Air Element stone, Zebra Marble
is both grounding and ethereal at the same time - the deep dark black
indicative of the mysterious ocean depths or Underworld, and the
stark white indicative of the Celestial realm -
creating an excellent balance between earth, sea and sky,
catering to body, spirit and mind.  Zebra Marble always shows both
sides of any issue.
This dualistic stone has the wonderful ability of
bringing optimism when things look bleak.  It is a happy stone with
an enlightening quality, and can relieve sorrow.  It reminds us that
to every dark there is a light.  In fact, the name
Marble derives from the Latin "Marmar" taken from the Greek root
"Marmarous" meaning "shining".  This stone encourages a 'glass is
half full' attitude.  It helps us go beyond all that is
superficial, and delves into the true character and nature of
things.  It allows us to recognize and acknowledge the spirit within,
by teaching that the energies associated with love are boundless and
type of Marble bestows guidance on how to take control of our thoughts,
and how to keep them pure.  In doing this, it assists in the
manifestation of our hopes, dreams and desires.  Zebra
Marble brings coveted clarity in its black and white representation
of things; its lucid simplicity resulting in a peaceful serene
feeling, thus enhancing a state of mind which provides
for a more natural access to deeper states of meditation. 
It also aids in tantric practices.  When used in tarot stone
divination, Zebra Marble is often used to represent the Death card,
signifying transitional endings to new beginnings.
of us who use Zebra Marble will find ourselves increasingly equipped
with heightened instinct and intuition, and thus a greater
compassion for and understanding of the world around
us.  We will also find that this dualistic stone affords
us both physical and emotional protection throughout the bleak winter
months.  In health related issues, Zebra Marble is good for aiding
with disorders of the skeletal system and bone marrow.  It is
also said to be useful in fighting viral and bacterial infection, and
in the easing of sore throats.
is soft and can be easily broken or, over a period of time,
dissolved. With any of these beauties, care should be taken when
cleansing the stone.
A blessed Equinox to all! And may all your days be

Is In the Earth" by Melody
"Peterson Field Guide: Rocks and Minerals" by Pough
Marble, itself.

© Patricia J. Martin, August 22, 2008

Best wishes and Blessed

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center


[goddess] Yemaya + Help me birth this baby! + What to expect in 2011

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:34 pm (PST)

Goddess of the Week

2011: A Dreams-Come-True Year

Coming in 2011: How to Self-Publish and Prosper

Help me birth this baby!

© Anita Revel


Mother Water, Star of the Sea,
Yemaya is the protector of women. Her healing powers are carried in the
great waters, her energy powerful during the ebb and flow of life
Lapis lazuli, aquamarine, turquoise (light blue stones), pearl, coral, mother-of-pearl (ocean-sourced)
Goddess-ence Ishtar* blend for the crown chakra
I voice my needsFreedom is a birthright I enjoyI release my anger, I embrace joyRock'n'roll, I honour my soul

Others recognise my needs and honour themI connect with my needs, and let them be knownMy body is a temple, and oh what a temple it is!My body is a pleasure, a temple and a treasure
Her Story
West African, Brazilian and Afro-Caribbean goddess Yemaya is Mother Water, orisha of the oceans. She represents mother love
and the affairs of women - fertility, children, birthing, the home and
family. She is the merciful goddess of creation and protector of women
during conception and childbirth, and of children during their
childhood. She is the deep ocean of comfort for those in need.

African deities (orishas) are usually
represented by flowing, swirling images of colour and movement,
depicting the elemental energies
rather than an anthropomorphised image. Yemaya's energy is depicted
with sky blue, white and silver swirling colour. In other images, she is
a mermaid or a beautiful woman.

Yemaya brings forth and protects life
through all the highs and lows, even during the worst atrocities that
can be suffered. She reminds women to take time out for themselves, to
nurture their own needs and to respect their deserved position in life.

Her Modern Energy
If Yemaya is speaking to you today, ask yourself, who or what is it
that is taking all your time and energy? Whose problems are you trying
to fix at the expense of your own vital energy? And why are you trying
to fix them? (For approval?) Yemaya does not ask that you conquer your
problems nor dominate the source of your problems, but instead to learn
how to dance with the ebb and flow of the inevitability of the life

Yemaya gives you permission to pamper
yourself, and for one week at least, to retire from being the "fixer",
the "nurturer", the "servant". The world will not end if you withdraw to
take care of yourself for a while.
Reconnect With Your Inner Yemaya
Spend some time this week building a shrine to Yemaya, with
ocean-sourced items (especially the conch shell), crystal and silver
objects, and symbols to represent the moon and stars.

On a Saturday, enjoy watermelon and brew your own raspberry leaf tea (this will take around two weeks to prepare).

Raspberry leaf tea: Tie organically grown
raspberry leaves in a bunch and hang in a warm, dark area until dry.
Strip the leaves, crumble them into your favourite tea-pot or cauldron,
and brew Yemaya's tea. Take your time to drink this - cancel
appointments and other demands for your time, and let yourself truly,
purely, "be" in the moment!

Alternatively, on a full moon, invoke Yemaya's energy by "drawing down the moon".
Here is a suggestion that is in Ffiona Morgan's book, "Goddess
Spirituality". This ritual can be done as a private ritual with
yourself, preferably outside under the full moon. (If it is not possible
to go outside, you can sit or stand facing a window in view of the
moon, with the moon's rays shining in on you.)

Start by chanting 'Ma', 'Yemaya', or 'Luna'
for five or ten minutes, to raise energy for the drawing down. Then
place your hands with palms facing the moon, index fingers and thumbs
touching, forming the sacred triangle, or sign of the yoni. Spread your
fingers as wide as possible, so they are receptors for moon energy.

After you chant to raise power, focus all your energy and vision on
Mother Moon and draw her energy down into your body. Move your hands, if
desired, back and forth, from arms-outstretched position to your heart
and back again. After a few minutes of holding your hands up to the
moon, you can feel them tingle. This is magical energy. This can take
15-20 minutes, but you may take more or less time, there are no rules.
Here are some songs and chants to the moon:

"Yemaya, O Lo Do, Agua Lo Do Mi O"

(repeat over and over again)

"Moon, Moon, Moon on my mind, think I'll fly"

(repeat over and over again)

Simple Shower Ritual

First, gather your shower and ritual tools.
You will need a bar of soap (pick one that is special to you because of
the scent or whatever), a big, fluffy white towel, 3 white votives or
pillars and your favourite incense. Pick a soothing CD to put on.

Next, arrange the candles, put on the CD
and light the incense. Hang your towel nearby. Take 5 deep breaths,
centre, and ground yourself before beginning.

Take the soap and carve a pentagram on both
sides of the soap. Ask for the sense and presence of the Goddess. Hold
the bar in the air and say these words:

O Mother Goddess,
Bless this soap that you have seen

Soap to make me pure and clean.

Clear away all dirt and grime

Protect my body all the time.
Blessed be.

Place it in the soap holder.
Lastly, take each candle and carve a pentacle or protective rune on
its side. Grab all three candles in your hands and repeat these words:
Candles that I light this day,

Keep all evil thoughts away.

As the water washes me,

Burn out all negativity. Blessed be.

Kiss each candle then light it. Now you are ready for your shower.

As the water runs over you visualise all
your stress, sadness and worries rinsing away, the bubbles cleaning off
dirt and leaving your skin glowing with a radiant white glow all around
you. This will keep you feeling strong and protected all through the
day. Thank the Goddess for her presence and put all tools away for next
What Would Yemaya Do?

... If she were in your situation she would ask, "whose problems are you trying to fix at the expense of your own well-being?"

She would stop being the fixer and take care of her Self for a
while.  And, as she is known as Mother Water, she would relish acts of
self-nurturing in or near water.

(Excerpt from What Would Goddess Do? A Journal For Channelling Divine Guidance by Anita Revel)

Love and delight

Anita Revel

Creatrix ::

Help me birth this baby!
Affirmation Goddess: Express Your Way to Happiness ~ 60 cards + 148p book

You've seen this product being created via updates on the Facebook page, and you've been able to "choose a card" online for a while now... Now be a part of her birth!

I need to raise the money to pay for the production of this gorgeous
box set. My target is to pre-sell 350 sets before I can proceed. So,
I'm now taking pre-orders...

To entice you to pre-order your set NOW (rather
than wait until after their release) I've put together a range of
goodies to thank you for your support... If you're one of the first 350
goddess-mothers to facilitate the birth of this project, I will thank
you with the following gifts:

1 copy of Sacred Vigilance, Wide-Awake Meditation. Value $19.951 copy of the journal, What Would Goddess Do?* Value $19.953 Pure Olive Oil body bars. Value $11.951 "Certified Goddess" fridge magnet. Value $4.951 "Goddess On Board" bumper sticker. Value $4.953 sets of the Chakra Oracle (for the 1st 100 orders). Value $29.85That's $119.55 BONUS VALUE for helping me launch this beautiful product.

If I haven't made target by this date and decide not to proceed, check out the gift you will get anyway!

Blissed be,

Anita Revel.

PS This pre-release offer is until 31 January 2011
or until 350 sets are sold. Allow 4 weeks for production and delivery
after that.

I thank you, thank you, thank you for your support, and for letting your friends know too (eg by forwarding this newsletter to your friends)! The sooner we reach target, the sooner we can have this baby in our hot little hands! 


In honour this auspicious day... summer solstice, full moon, and lunar eclipse... I'm offering 50% off "Moon Goddess, Manifest Your Dreams" (limited to the first 40 orders)... Use the code fbmoon at the checkout ♥

December 31 is one of Yemaya's feast days. Go ahead, pamper yourself to bring in the new year!

3 Steps to a Dreams-Come-True 2011

Re-posted due to popular request... 

So this fantastic intention-setting exercise went out in my newsletter
last week, but due to an overwhelming request-rate for it to be posted
to Facebook, well, here it is!

Make 2011 your

Power Year

*Goddess-ence 100% pure essential oil blend

Sacral Chakra: Step into the flow

Use Ishtar blend to super-charge your feminine grace and creativity. The
blend of five 100% pure essential oils inspires all that is "woman" -
nurturing mother, inspired companion, wild woman, playful bed partner,
wise advisor and insightful leader.



Non-judgment day is near. So go ahead, follow the signs to bring in the New Year!

This article about Yemaya makes one of the 52 life lessons as described by Anita Revel in her hilarious book, Outing the Goddess Within, One Girl's Journey With 52 Guides


What to expect in 2011
& How you can help

How to Self-Publish and Prosper ~ Australia-wide workshops by Anita Revel

So, you have dreamed, drafted, created and re-drafted your first book. Congratulations!
As the author of 15 books myself, I know the elation of holding a
finished, treasured manuscript in my hands. But some would argue the
real work is yet to begin, for a manuscript is still but a manuscript
until it is published into a book.
Every author has several options when it comes to publishing. I know this because I've tried them all... This two-hour workshop will show you how to take responsibility for your own product, branding, success and destiny by self- publishing.

From setting up your own "self-publishing brand" to having a
finished product ready to launch world-wide, this workshop will cover:

* The pros and cons of self-publishing, and how to avoid the pitfalls

* The 10-step process of self-publishing and flourishing

* The 11th commandment of self-publishing and how it makes the difference between success and failure

* Tips for branding and registering "you" and your work

* Distribution options, both in stores and online

* Launching your book - celebrate your first of many sales


How you can help!

I have workshops scheduled for Perth, Byron Bay and the Sunshine Coast
in QLD. I'm actively seeking proactive conveners who can find a suitable
venue in their town, manage bookings, and be on hand to assist during 
the workshop. Great rewards!

Email me your EOI and include your experience, your network, and why you want to help. Thanks in advance!

This newsletter is created with loving intention by Aussie author, Anita Revel. Contact Anita simply by replying to this email.

Copyright notice: The author is happy
for you to share the weekly goddess with your friends and circle, but
please, credit the author and provide a courtesy link / pointer to

Blissed be!, PO Box 1800, Margaret River, Western Australia 6285, AUSTRALIA

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center


Pine Tree: Earth Service Message from Dove

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:34 pm (PST)

Bonus message from Dove


I have been seeing Doves more and more. Sometimes I listen to their
call at dusk. Mourning Dove, your song is so soft and low that I
almost don't hear it. But I am listening now. Dove, what is in your


I am Mourning Dove, a symbol of Love so Soft and Powerful that it
must bee spoken in a Whisper. I sing a song of Compassion and
Hope. My song is a gift of the Mother Earth and of the Egg She
holds within Her Core.

I mourn for the Dead and offer my song to All who will listen. I
sing to both the Deaf and to those who have Ears to Hear. I sing
quietly at dawn and dusk to call the Walking Dead back to Life.

In Your Life there are many Deaths and Rebirths. There is Sorrow
and Laughter. Like two eggs they allow the dance of Creation to
emerge from the nest of Absolute Oneness. Mine is the power
which gently mourns the past and enlivens the future.

During these times of Change you are going through great
Transformation. My song from the Heart allows rest for the weary
at Dusk and renews my Children at Dawn with clear vision.

Take my Song into Your Dreams and Awake refreshed and reborn
in Compassionate Understanding and Wisdom. Remember that
your Dreams can never be lost. They are a gift to all the People
through You. Your Dream constantly calls to you through my song
and patiently waits for your Awakening.

With Love and Respect I Thank You for Listening Shay.


Thank You Dove.

Bless Bless, Pine Tree

/\ ~*~ /\

Feel completely free to share this message with everyone
and to respond with your own thoughts, feelings or stories.

If you received this message from a friend and wish to subscribe
you may send a blank email to or
click this link

/\ ~*~ /\

With Love, Gratitude and Respect for All Life,

David Wodtke

/\ ~*~ /\

755 SE Lilly Ave, Corvallis, OR 97333, USA

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center


Re: Pine Tree: Earth Service Message from Dove

Posted by: "sandy jarman"   gardengoddess170

Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:54 pm (PST)


--- On Fri, 12/24/10, Ash <> wrote:

From: Ash <>
Subject: [which_witch_is_witch] Pine Tree: Earth Service Message from Dove
Date: Friday, December 24, 2010, 9:45 AM

Bonus message from Dove


I have been seeing Doves more and more. Sometimes I listen to their
call at dusk. Mourning Dove, your song is so soft and low that I
almost don't hear it. But I am listening now. Dove, what is in your


I am Mourning Dove, a symbol of Love so Soft and Powerful that it
must bee spoken in a Whisper. I sing a song of Compassion and
Hope. My song is a gift of the Mother Earth and of the Egg She
holds within Her Core.

I mourn for the Dead and offer my song to All who will listen. I
sing to both the Deaf and to those who have Ears to Hear. I sing
quietly at dawn and dusk to call the Walking Dead back to Life.

In Your Life there are many Deaths and Rebirths. There is Sorrow
and Laughter. Like two eggs they allow the dance of Creation to
emerge from the nest of Absolute Oneness. Mine is the power
which gently mourns the past and enlivens the future.

During these times of Change you are going through great
Transformation. My song from the Heart allows rest for the weary
at Dusk and renews my Children at Dawn with clear vision.

Take my Song into Your Dreams and Awake refreshed and reborn
in Compassionate Understanding and Wisdom. Remember that
your Dreams can never be lost. They are a gift to all the People
through You. Your Dream constantly calls to you through my song
and patiently waits for your Awakening.

With Love and Respect I Thank You for Listening Shay.


Thank You Dove.

Bless Bless, Pine Tree

/\ ~*~ /\

Feel completely free to share this message with everyone
and to respond with your own thoughts, feelings or stories.

If you received this message from a friend and wish to subscribe
you may send a blank email to or
click this link

/\ ~*~ /\

With Love, Gratitude and Respect for All Life,

David Wodtke

/\ ~*~ /\

755 SE Lilly Ave, Corvallis, OR 97333, USA

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'
The Universal Heart Center


Re: Pine Tree: Earth Service Message from Dove

Posted by: ""   ingram_jd

Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:21 pm (PST)

I don't know any Pamir Kiciman
or Pine Tree, or Shay,
But I've read a bit of Mourning Dove

I have to conclude that white men rip off Indians just for amusement, or else they'd publish with proper attributions, correct quotations and they'd give thought to the pseudonyms they choose.

How about if I call myself italian and peddle stregharia?

Moms Asked to Return to School
Grant Funding May Be Available to Those That Qualify.


[goddess] Nuit + 3 Steps to a Dreams-Come-True 2011 + Which foods to

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:34 pm (PST)

Goddess of the Week

Food Fit For a Goddess

Get Affirmed

A Xmas Note From Anita

3 Steps to Making 2011 Your Power Year

© Anita Revel



Nuit's esoteric attributes are those of oneness, bliss and universal
love. She helps us bond with our planetary family, while her cosmic
energy acts as our bridge to the realm of cosmic consciousness, thereby
removing barriers of segregation..

Amethyst, Moss agate, Chalcedony

Goddess-ence Nuit* blend for the crown chakra
I am open to messagesI am charged with cosmic energyI am in control of my destinyI am one with humanity and heavenI am connected with the cosmic sourceEvery person carries a piece of the puzzle
Her Story
Nuit is an Egyptian goddess, typically depicted as a gateway between
heaven and earth. Her body arches over the earth into the skies, while
her hands and feet connect to the earth, thus forming the gateway.

Her Modern Energy
She is related to our crown chakra - our connection with cosmic
light. When this chakra is in balance, we have a feeling of oneness with
ALL. To communicate with Nuit takes deep relaxation in order to open
our crown chakra to send and receive the cosmic impulses that let us
enjoy empowered lives with absolute confidence.

For some women, when the crown chakra is open,
they may experience a contact with a guide, whether by voice, automatic
writing, or other stimulus. To achieve this, a deep meditative state is
necessary, as well as an openness, will and intent to meet your life
guide. It may take more than one session to conquer traditional barriers
to opening oneself to the universe's pulse.
Reconnect With Your Inner Nuit
As Nuit is associated with the colour purple, it may help to surround
yourself in violet, purple and amethyst influences. If blockages
continue, work on your chakras so that all are in balance and you are
truly ready to soar.
Love and delight

Anita Revel

Creatrix ::
Get Affirmed
Hundreds of Affirmations For You

Affirmations fine-tune the messages you send to the Universe, and the
Universe responds in positive manifestation of your desires.

Visit the Affirmations page for hundreds of affirmations to help you achieve success in your
career, love, health, parenthood, community and more... While you're there, have a play with the Affirmation Goddess cards, and find out what your computer should be telling you every morning.


Goddess-ence Products
100% Pure and Absolutely Gorgeous
  These sublime essential oil blends for the chakras are available from: 
The Goddess Goodies store, orfrom any Goddess Playshop Facilitator.They
are 100% pure - this means they are not diluted with a carrier oil or
base oil, and are therefore very powerful and transformative. Trade enquiries welcome



Love love love
A note from Anita, xmas 2008

Love love love to my goddess sisters this Summer Solstice in Australia, when we celebrate the ripeness of our desires and taste the rewards of our diligence. At the same time, it's Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere, when our sisters are rugging up and hunkering down. Globally, it's Yule, Christmas, and the occasional birthday!

I'm so full of love right now, bursting with it, flowing over,
upwards and outwards with warm, luscious, fluffy looooovvvvve. Here it
is bundled up for you, sending it to you via my manifestation bubble... I
hope you love love love receiving it, and that you love using its unlimited power to recharge your batteries ready for a wonderful 2011.

Love love love, Anita



3 Steps to a Dreams-Come-True 2011
Make 2011 your Power Year by Anita Revel

Oh my goddess what a year 2010 was! Let's honour the lessons, the
happenings and the highs and the lows of the last 52 weeks so that we
can open ourselves to 2011 being a POWER YEAR. Here are three steps you
can take between now and 31 December to set yourself up for a magical,
dreams-come-true 2011.

1. Look Backwards. Assess how 2010 was for you...

In your journal, make a list of the "lows" on one side of the page.
Acknowledge failures, challenges, disappointments, frustrations in all
areas of your life - home, business, community, social groups, personal
growth, mother earth, money, health and friends (and so on). At the
bottom of the list, write "I make peace with you now."

Now write a list of the "highs" on the other side. Go through your
calendar or diary to jog your memory, and write down every single win,
breakthrough, happy moment, things to be grateful for, and events that
made you laugh.

Spend as many minutes or hours as needed on this step. Commit to
relishing all the beautiful moments you've had, and see how they all
contribute to the greatness of your life.

At the bottom of this list, write "I am grateful for you, and allow you to permeate my DNA with positive power."

2. Look Forwards. Visualise what you want 2011 to look like...

Drawing on your positive power, imagine the fantastic things you can
experience and achieve this coming year. List these three headings on a
new page:


Heart (relationships - home, work, social, romantic) and

Hip-Pocket (money).

Under each heading list an achievement as though it has
already happened. You can do this by starting each sentence with "I am
so very grateful for..."

3. Look Within. Identify the resources you need to achieve your vision...

Start another page and title it "My Personal Resource Kit for a
Dreams-Come-True 2011". This is another page to spend a fair bit of time
on... during this step you will be looking within for answers;
connecting with your intuition for guidance; accepting the lessons you
identified in Step 1 and agreeing to harness the healing powers of a
positive attitude. But most of all you will be listing the resources you
need to make 2011 your power year.

Focus on each of the points you listed under each heading in Step 2.
One at a time, start each sentence with, "In order to achieve (X), I

List all the resources you need to make your vision come true. Don't
second guess where the resource will come from, or let your inner
critic tell you it can't be done - simply list the resources in an
objective, practical way.

Resources may include money, time, energy, people, tools, space and
even luck! You will find that as you look at your list, some resources
will be easy for you to source. Others will need you to "trust" - use
affirmations to re-train your behaviours to attract the resources,
prayers to the Universe to provide, rally your friends to support your
efforts, or identify tangible ways to attract that resource to you.

Extension Activity

You can cement your the power of your "Dreams-Come-True 2011" exercise by creating a vision board.

Flick through magazines and find images that represent your
successes and the resources you're intentionally attracting. Cut and
paste these images onto a large sheet of art board, all the time
remaining conscious of how much you desire 2011 to be your power year.

Affirm your success every time you paste a new image on your board,
and when you're done, hang it on your office wall to keep your intention


Catholics pray to St Anthony to help them find things. Who do you pray to when you need assistance finding something?

Food Fit For a Goddess
Which food should you be eating according to your goddess birth sign?

Yum, yum, chooky's bum" - a familiar catch cry in our household in the
lead-up to Christmas each year. But why is this innocuous fatty bit of
chicken meat so appetising for some people, yet turns the stomachs of
others? The answer could lie within your Goddess Birth Sign.

Read the article


100% pure essential oil blend

Crown chakra: Understand your destiny

this blend of four 100% pure essential oils to gain a deep
understanding, wisdom and connection to the Universe. Gain a sense of
oneness with all and feel a sense bliss when attuned with Spider
Woman's protective energy.

Sponsors Corner

I'm very grateful for support of this newsletter; please support my beautiful
sponsors in return. If you'd like to be a sponsor also, please reply to
this email with your EOI.


Wild Woman Weekend 2011

Girls just wanna have fun... and workshops... and good food... and and and...

Calling all mothers, daughters, grandmas, sisters, aunties, earth mamas, fairy
godmothers, friends and goddess sisters... Join us for a gathering of
fun, food, fabulousness, nature trysts, healing, laughter, medicine walks, work-shopping
and sisterhood. Friday 11 March - Sunday 13 March in Serpentine, Western Australia.

Limited spaces, unlimited wonder... Book early


This newsletter is created with loving intention by Aussie author, Anita Revel. Contact Anita simply by replying to this email.

Copyright notice: The author is happy
for you to share the weekly goddess with your friends and circle, but
please, credit the author and provide a courtesy link / pointer to

Blissed be!, PO Box 1800, Margaret River, Western Australia 6285, AUSTRALIA

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center


News from Lindsey's Healing Center, NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:35 pm (PST)

Having trouble viewing this email? Click here

New Year's Reflections

Looking back on the months gone by,
As a new year starts and an old one ends,
We contemplate what brought us joy,
And we think of our loved ones and our friends.

Recalling all the happy times,
Remembering how they enriched our lives,
We reflect upon who really counts,
As the fresh and bright new year arrives.

And when I/we ponder those who do,
I/we immediately think of you.

By Joanna Fuchs
Welcome into a New Year of
Enriching Workshops!
Check your email for other upcoming workshops!see below!

Come and join us in the adventure of discovering the strength of your inner wisdom.

Instructor: Lindsey Sass has been featured in "Out of the Blue" by John Freidman, the documentary "The Path" and Women's World Magazine after her neardeath and lightning strike experience. she has become clairvoyant and helps people to trust their innate wisdom to make life decisions.

Date: Saturday, Jan 9th,10am-3pm

* Learn to trust your intuition about health and life decisions.
* Experience advanced Chakra Meditations to develop intuitive abilities.
* Decipher between what is fear based thought form and gut feelings, higher knowing.
* Receive energy work from Lindsey to open your Clairvoyant abilities.
* Practice your abilities and receive readings.
* CEU credits with The International Assoc. of Counselors and Therapists. Practicum manual.
Pre-registration by Jan 6th, please send $50 dep to reserve
your space. Cost $100, $110 at the door. Send dep to Lindsey Sass
The Healing Center, 319 High Crest Dr, West Milford, NJ 07480.
Call Lindsey at 973-714-0765.
Level IV Learn Advanced Techniques for Healing, Level I,II, III are pre-requisites, DateJan 8th, 10-4pm
* Learn to Clear Negative Energies.
* Practice clairvoyant abilities whenreleasing obstructions on clients.
* Add techniques to your Reiki practice.
* Connect with your guides to assist in healing.
* CEU credits avaialbe.Location:

The Healing Center, 142 Main St. Bloomingdale, NJ 07403.
Pre Registration with $60 deposit while space is available.
before Jan 6th.
Tuition: $125 pre-registered. ($135 at the door.)

Mail Checks to: The Healing Center, 319 High Crest Dr, West Milford, NJ 07480
Call to for any questions you may have: 973-714-0765

Issue: 1
Visit her website:
Lindsey is a clairvoyant healer, spiritual teacher, Nationally Certified Hypnotist and a Licensed Massage Therapist with a Bachelors degree in Social Service and Psychology.

The Healing Center
142 Main Street
Bloomingdale, NJ


Only minutes away from Interstate 287, Exit 53.

Take Exit 53 off of 287 north and south. Make a left at the end of ramp at the light. Go 1/2 ml on Hamburg Tpk. Look for Wayne Bedding on your left, get into slow lane. Look for Rite Aid on your right. The Healing Center is on your right in a mini mall. Pull into parking lot.

For detailed directions, call 973-714-0765, or view Google Map

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Lindsey's Healing Center | 142 Main Street | Bloomingdale | NJ | 07403

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