joi, 16 decembrie 2010

[Witch_Essentials] Digest Number 2754

Messages In This Digest (1 Message)



Astrological Musings: Returns and The Geminid meteor shower

Posted by: "blackbird"   blackbird_61

Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:07 am (PST)

I highly recommend Lynn's show, she always has something worth listening too to say. BB.

I am the Cup which holds Eternity.
        All other Cups
  Have their Source in Me.
                   The Goddess Innana.

--- On Tue, 12/14/10, Astrological Musings <> wrote

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Beliefnet: Astrological Musings

The Astrology of 2011 radio show tonight!
Posted: 14 Dec 2010 02:43 AM PST

After a short hiatus, the Musings on Astrology radio show will be back tonight for a special 90-minute show on the Astrology of 2011.  What's in store for us next year?  How will it affect us personally?
Tuesday December 14th, 7 pm Eastern/4 pm Pacific.
To listen, click the link below at the appointed time and you'll be taken to the chatroom.  If you register (it's free) at Blog Talk Radio you can interact in the chatroom and ask questions.  You can also call in with questions about your own chart - we'll start with first-time callers and see how much time there is.  I've extended the show to allow for more time to take your calls.  The call-in number is 646-478-5731 but the lines are limited, so if you can't get through keep trying.

Listen to internet radio with Astrological Musings on Blog Talk RadioRead this post »

The Geminid meteor shower and the asteroid Phaethon
Posted: 14 Dec 2010 02:37 AM PST

Brrrr!!!!!!!!  If you can stay up past midnight tonight and tomorrow, you may enjoy the treat of hundreds of meteors falling before your very eyes.
The Geminids appear to emanate from the constellation of Gemini, but evidently originate from an asteroid called 3200 Phaethon and has been streaming for over 1,000 years, according to astronomers.
There are some fascinating connections here, because Phaethon was the name of the son of the Sun god Helios in Greek mythology.  He was killed by a thunderbolt from Zeus when he drove the solar chariot recklessly, threatening to burn up the earth.  In Ovid's version of the story: ""...consider what impetuous force Turns stars and planets in a diff'rent course. I steer against their motions; nor am I Born back by all the current of the skye. But how cou'd you resist the orbs that roul In adverse whirls, and stem the rapid pole?"
According to Aristotle's "Meteorology," "Aristotle says, "...the stars...fell from heaven at the time of Phaethon's downfall."
In any case, be sure to bundle up if you attempt to view this sky show!  More tips to observe the meteor shower can be found here.Read this post »

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