miercuri, 3 august 2011

[which_witch_is_witch] Digest Number 4828

Messages In This Digest (3 Messages)



Wishing Darkness on Ourselves...How can that be?

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Aug 2, 2011 3:42 am (PDT)

Wishing Darkness on Ourselves...How can that be? Why would you wish darkness on yourself when light is all around
you? There are times we just can't help but to worry, stress, let things
get us down constantly thinking about negative things in our lives
and never stopping for a moment to realize the universe is full
of positive things which we ignore the most. Are you that kind of person? We are suppose to be a Positive Bunch
but seems there is negetivity everywhere, how can we help ourselves?

New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!

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Sex, Mom and God/Right Wing Fundamentalism on Voices of the Sacred F

Posted by: "Karen Tate" karentate108@ca.rr.com   specialjourn

Tue Aug 2, 2011 1:25 pm (PDT)

Greetings Friends and Family,

At our regular time on Wednesday, we have returning to the show, *New
York Times bestselling author*, *Frank **Schaeffer* discussing his
newest book, *SEX, MOM and GOD*: *How the Bible's Strange Take on Sex
Led to crazy Politics - and How I learned to Love Women (and Jesus)
Anyway. *Definitely we'll delve into the Right Wing's latest uptick of
rhetoric against Goddess, namely their war on Lady Libertas, Columbia
and Amaterasu.

Remember if you cannot listen at 6PM Pacific, you can always catch this
show or any other show later from the archives at your convenience! If
you can't tune in live and have questions, you can always email your
questions several days before showtime. Thanks for your input and
feedback. Comments are always welcome.
Coming in August....*

8/10 -- *Judika Illes.*...The Fox Sisters and Women's Influence on the
Birth of Spiritualism
8/24 -- *Jane Caputi*.... Professor of Women, Gender and Sexuality
Studies, author of The Age of Sex Crimes, Gossips, Gorgons and Crones:
the Fates of the Earth and Goddesses and Monsters: Women, Myth, Power
and Popular Culture discussing how patriarchal religion contributes to
disrespect for and violence against women and the Earth, her argument
that serial killers of women are terrorists, femicide, pornography and
how nuclear power as a form of female power -- and more!
8/31 -- *Jo Carson*...The Magic of Feraferia, celebrating the Wilderness
Mysteries with Faerie style, courtly elegance, refinement and grace.


_*Prof Pamela Berger*_, author of The Goddess Obscured will discussing
one of her chapters from her book dealing with the metamorphosis of the
Sacred Feminine From Grain Goddess to Saint. We'll delve into the three
films she wrote, produced and directed including the one titled
Sorceress, then if time allows, we'll discuss Bi-sexual deities, Women
Healers and Healing Sanctuaries.

_*Marguerite Rigoglioso*_ and *_Nancy Leatzow_* discussing bee
priestesses of Greece and India, the sacred bee, past and present, the
working beehive as a model for matriarchy and colony collapse disorder,
a response to patriarchy. We'll delve into the bee as it's associated
with hallucinogenic honey and how the bee is connected to prophecy and
altered states of consciousness. As an added treat, I've included some
beautiful and inspiring music of _*Layne Redmond*_ honoring the bees and
bee priestesses of ancient times.

*_Musawa_*, We'Moon publication, Earth-Based Women's Spirituality and
womyn's land communities

_*Prof. Laine Doggett*_, from St. Mary's College in Maryland discussing
her book, Love Cures: Healing and Love Magic in Old French Romance,
specifically in the 12th and 13th century. Then hear _*Z. Budapest and
Bobbie Grennier*_ returning to give us an update on the Merlin Stone

*Gary Bobroff* discussing*Jung, Crop Circles & the Re-Emergence of the
Archetypal Feminine*; Placing a World Dream into the Context of World

Find us here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/voicesofthesacredfeminine

Time: 6PM Pacific/9PM Eastern. You'll have to make adjustments for
your time zone. And the show is available later from the archives where
you might listen at your convenience.

*To call in: 718-766-4662
To listen: Click on:***


*Remember the Three F's*: Mark us as a FAVORITE. Click FOLLOW so you
always get notice of what guests are coming up next and mark us as a
FRIEND, so you become a part of the global Voices of the Sacred Feminine
_Check out my You Tube Clip on Eco-Feminist/Goddess Thealogy for a
Sustainable Future_


Goddess is a Democrat !! Imagine the feedback from that statement in my
interviews with Riane Eisler and Starhawk on my radio show, Voices of
the Sacred Feminine. But what were we really saying in that statement
that might not have been immediately evident? We were saying the
strategy to move us toward that paradigm shift, into a post-kyriarchal
world, would not just be the use of secular law, but through a change in
thealogy - the mythology of the Sacred Feminine, deity, archetype and
ideal, might re-establish the foundations on our planet necessary for
sustainable future for all life and Mother Earth. Hear the line of
thought....presented at the WECSOR/American Academy of Religion by Dr.
Rev. Karen Tate. For more info go to www.karentate.com

Karen Tate

fOLLOW ME On TWITTER @karentate108

Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio....Extended Edition

Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio Program Archives

Author of Sacred Places of Goddess: 108 Destinations&
Walking an Ancient Path: Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth



Fw: DailyOM: Surrender Box

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Aug 2, 2011 8:04 pm (PDT)

DailyOM - A Place for Worries and Fears
Today's DailyOM brought to you by:


August 2, 2011
Surrender Box
A Place for Worries and Fears
A surrender box is a tool to let go of our burdens so the universe can take care of them for us.

There are times when our minds become too full. Our to-do lists, worries, plans, and dreams may be so crowded together in our heads that we don’t have room to think. We may believe that we are somehow taking care of our desires and concerns by keeping them at the forefront of our minds. In maintaining our mental hold on every detail, however, we may actually delay the realization of our dreams and the resolution of our worries because we won’t let them go. At times such as these, we may want to use a surrender box.

A surrender box allows us to let go of our worries and desires so the universe can take care of them for us. We write down what we want or need to happen and then place the note into a box. By writing and placing our thoughts in the box, we are taking action and letting the universe know we need help and are willing to surrender our feelings. We give ourselves permission to not concern ourselves with that problem any longer and trust that the universe is taking care of it. You may even want to decorate your box and place it in a special place. Your surrender box is a sacred container for your worries. Not only do you free up space in your mind by letting go of our worries and desires and dropping them into your surrender box, but you are giving your burden over to a higher power. Once we drop our worries and desires into the surrender box, we free our minds so we can be fully present in each moment.

Surrendering our worries and concerns and placing them in the hands of the universe doesn’t mean that we’ve given up or have been defeated. Instead, we are releasing the realization of our desires and the resolution of our worries and no longer concerning ourselves with their outcomes. It’s always fun to go back and pull the slips of paper out of the box once your requests have been granted. And it’s amazing how quickly problems go away and dreams come true when we finally let go and allow a higher power to help us.

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