joi, 4 noiembrie 2010

[13Witches] Digest Number 7200

Messages In This Digest (16 Messages)

Names for Healing Circle, 11/3/2010, 12:00 am From:
Re: Names for Healing Circle, 11/3/2010, 12:00 am From: Lady Nightshayde
Re: Names for Healing Circle, 11/3/2010, 12:00 am From: Lady Nightshayde
Re: Today's Quote From: LadyHawk_Jax
Re: Topic Tag From:
Re: Names for Healing Circle, 11/3/2010, 12:00am From: Sarah Corley
Re: Names for Healing Circle, 11/3/2010, 12:00am From: Lady Nightshayde
Todays Qrote (Love) From: ravensongb
Autumn Magic 2010 From: Lady Nightshayde
**Astrology Thursday**, 11/4/2010, 12:00 am From:
Aromatherapy Tip From: Lady Nightshayde
Visualization for Dissolving a Harmful Bond From: Lady Nightshayde
Psychic Attack From: Lady Nightshayde
The Dark Side of the Moon and Our Inner Being From: Lady Nightshayde
Ten Healing Crystals for Stress From: Lady Nightshayde
Thank you Lady Nightshayde! From:



Names for Healing Circle, 11/3/2010, 12:00 am

Posted by: ""   carlasue_1960

Wed Nov 3, 2010 6:54 am (PDT)

Please add my name too. I am dealing with a pinched nerve and some other health issues. If someone can helpme take the pain away, I would love them forever...


Re: Names for Healing Circle, 11/3/2010, 12:00 am

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Wed Nov 3, 2010 1:03 pm (PDT)

Please add my name to the Healing Circle list.

The stress level in the house I am living in is really high and is causing a lot of physical pain in my legs.

Your name has been added to the list.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Re: Names for Healing Circle, 11/3/2010, 12:00 am

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Wed Nov 3, 2010 3:46 pm (PDT)

Please add my name too. I am dealing with a pinched nerve and some other health issues. If someone can helpme take the pain away, I would love them forever
I have added your name to the list for the Healing Circle.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Re: Today's Quote

Posted by: "LadyHawk_Jax"   ladyhawk_jax

Wed Nov 3, 2010 7:01 am (PDT)

How true!  I think that is the one thing I have always had...Love . when I was young, I was frustrated that it didn't come from the person that I wanted to love...but, then I realized many people get love in all kinds of forms and never recognize it.  Now, whenever I receive a bit of love - a hug from a child or pet snuggling fills me with gratitude and I know that I will go on.

Love, Light and Abundant Blessings,

--- On Tue, 11/2/10, Lady Nightshayde <> wrote:

From: Lady Nightshayde <>
Subject: [13Witches] Today's Quote
Date: Tuesday, November 2, 2010, 8:38 PM


There is one fundamental difference between love and hate. Love is always a refuge. Hate is never a refuge. Only a mentally sick person can find refuge in his hates. But love is the enduring sanctuary of life. Life may rob you of things. It often does. But it can never bereave us of love itself.

Abba Hillel Silver

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Re: Topic Tag

Posted by: ""   westlinwind1957

Wed Nov 3, 2010 7:45 am (PDT)

Hmmmm....first time trying to post with the new format...don't know if I like it or not.
My halloween or Samhain activity? Well, first I dressed in costume and spent the morning at a trick or treating event downtown with my daughter, her husband and my grandson. Later, I sat under my decorated tree and gave out candy to trick or treaters (had over 40!!!) After the last trick or treater, I lit candles for each of those I wanted to remember who have passed on (outside, still at my tree) and essentially said a few words about they were remembered, loved, etc. I sat and thought about each a while, shed a few tears, then put each candle out in turn.

Each candle was extinguished easily except for one--one I lit for my sister in law who passed several years ago, very unexpectedly from a brain aneurism (sp?). She was 5 months pregnant at the time (her baby did not survive-they were buried together) and left behind her husband and 3 young children. I had a very hard time extinguishing "her" candle. I felt as though, perhaps, she was there and lingered. Maybe just my imagination, but then...that's the crazy woman that I am.



Re: Names for Healing Circle, 11/3/2010, 12:00am

Posted by: "Sarah Corley"

Wed Nov 3, 2010 10:16 am (PDT)

Sarah, Quentin, & Maia need energy to heal our family and let us be
together. Lori needs soothing for her angry heart. Alexa has liver cancer
and seizures.

P Please consider the environment before printing this email.

Re: Names for Healing Circle, 11/3/2010, 12:00am

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Wed Nov 3, 2010 1:02 pm (PDT)

Sarah, Quentin, & Maia need energy to heal our family and let us be together. Lori needs soothing for her angry heart. Alexa has liver cancer and seizures.

All the names have been added to the list for the Healing Circle.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Todays Qrote (Love)

Posted by: "ravensongb"   ravensongb

Wed Nov 3, 2010 10:41 am (PDT)

How true that is. I was married to the most wonderful man in the world for 24 years. The a little over five and a half uears ago he passed away. but every day I send him the prayer that we are always together joined and one, and until we are beside each other agan i wish for him peace of mind, peace of spirit, and peache of soul, until we are reborn together as one again. I know he wishes the same for me. Such is the power of love. Hate only harms, and it only harms the person who hates.

Ravensong Blackpanther
i always knew that someday I would walk this road.
But yesterday I did not know that it would be today.


Autumn Magic 2010

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Wed Nov 3, 2010 11:46 am (PDT)

Autumn Magick 2010

A Fundraiser For The New Alexandrian Library

Nov. 5-7, 2010
Seelie Court
Near Georgetown, DE

Autumn Magick Will Be A Weekend Of Workshops Culminating With The Hecaté Ritual On Saturday night.

Join us for a weekend of ritual and learning in the woods of Seelie Court in Southern Delaware. Several fine teachers from the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel will be teaching classes. During each workshop slot there will be three classes from which to choose.

The registration fee for Autumn Magick is $85 for the weekend or $65 for a day. A reduced rate is available for students, email us about it. There will be registration at the door but we strongly suggest you pre-register so we can plan properly.


6:00 pm - ?
Arrivals & Registration
Campers may arrive at 5:00 pm

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Social Space & Light Refreshments

8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Opening Ritual

9:30 am - ?

10:00 am - 12:00 pm
3 Faces of Devotion - Robin Fennelly
The Realm of Faerie - Helena Dominic
Spiritual Advancement and the Mundane World - Carm Riggs

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Lunch Break

1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Our Energetic Blueprint - Robin Fennelly
The Bind Star - Leanne Pemburn
Using The Pendulum - Nancy Stewart

3:30 pm - 3:45 pm

3:45 pm - 5:00 pm
About The Goddess Hecaté - Helena Dominic
The Technical Structure of the Hecaté Ritual - Ivo Dominguez, Jr.
Walk The Hecaté Labyrinth & Meditate - Darlene Aragon

5:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Hecaté Ritual Class

5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Main Ritual: The Festival of Hecaté

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Post-Ritual Feasting & Fellowship

9:30 am - 11:30 a
Walking The 27th Path - Maggi Setti
Empowering The Magickal Voice - Ivo Dominguez, Jr.
Shamanic Healing Ceremony - Caroline Kenner

11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Lunch Break

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Isis of Ten Thousand Names - Helena Dominic
The Self as a Magickal Tool - Michael Smith

2:30 pm - 2:45 pm

2:45 pm - 3:30 pm
Closing Ritual

After the closing ritual, at 4:30 pm, Caroline Kenner will be presenting in the Great Circle at Seelie Court, under the aegis of Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki, A Ceremony to Bring an End to Female Genital Cutting. More information will be provided on Sunday at the event.


You may register for Autumn Magick ($85 weekend - $65 one day) online through PayPal on the website or through the mail by sending your contact information and a check payable to The New Alexandrian Library to:

Autumn Magick c/o New Alexandrian Library
14914 Deer Forest Rd.
Georgetown, DE 19947

Accommodations & Driving Directions

You are on your own for food though we will be providing light refreshments. You may camp at Seelie Court, but you must let us know if that is your intent. If you need less rustic accommodations see the website for driving directions and a list of nearby motels.

If you have additional questions, please contact us at

The Assembly Of The Sacred Wheel
Keepers of the Holly Chalice ~ Coven of the Rowan Star ~ Oak & Willow ~ Weavers of the Moonfire ~ Guardians of the Windsword ~ Fellowship of the Ancient White Stag ~ Troupe of the Starry Door ~ Chalice of Living Stars

A Dream Whose Time Is Coming
The New Alexandrian Library

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde
We are a support group for Women Only.


**Astrology Thursday**, 11/4/2010, 12:00 am

Posted by: ""

Wed Nov 3, 2010 7:57 pm (PDT)

Reminder from: 13Witches Yahoo! Group

**Astrology Thursday**
Thursday November 4, 2010
All Day
(This event repeats every week.)

It's Astrology Thursday. Ask any questions or post articles about any aspect of Astrology.

All Rights Reserved
Copyright � 2010
Yahoo! Inc.

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Aromatherapy Tip

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Wed Nov 3, 2010 8:15 pm (PDT)

Another use for Frankincense

Transforming the subtle energies of a room
Mix 1 Tablespoon of salt with 2 drops of Frankincense
essential oil. Leave this mixture to dry.
Open a window or door leading to the outside,
which allows circulation of air, then sprinkle a tiny amount of
the mixture around the room, including the corners, gradually moving
toward the open window or door
From the book The Fragrant Heavens by Valerie Ann Worwood.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde


Visualization for Dissolving a Harmful Bond

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Wed Nov 3, 2010 8:24 pm (PDT)

Visualization for Dissolving a Harmful Bond

Take yourself back in time in your mind to a time when you were with
your abuser (but nothing very traumatic was happening at the time).
Attune yourself to visualize the energy connection between the two of you. You may find that it is a very painful thing to see. (My own experience the first time I
made up this ritual and attempted it was that of a web of lines of negative
energy that were almost painful simply to look at, which connected me to an
abuser.) Visualize a light - whatever color and style of energy works best
for you - emanating from yourself and dissolving the bond(s) between you and
the abuser you are visualizing. Keep visualizing this until you no longer see any bond
between the two of you; this may take several sessions of visualization to
accomplish. After each visualization session, treat yourself to a hot, soaking
bath that has a calming scent - such as lavender - in it. If you wish, turn
out the lights and light candles to add to peaceful atmosphere. (If
something feels more appropriate than taking a bath, feel free to do that instead.) After the final session - or if you are successful during the first one - be sure to
be extra loving to yourself and give yourself an extra treat.

by Ashley Ravenwood, © 1996.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde

You never know how much you know until you know how much you'll never know.


Psychic Attack

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Wed Nov 3, 2010 8:26 pm (PDT)

Psychic Attack

Psychic attack is the most frightening psychic phenomenon one can
experience. Many claim to have been victims, and some feel they were scarred badly. Others were able to fight and win.

What is a psychic attack? It is the feeling that something is "out there,"
after you, intent on doing harm. Very rarely, it is a conscious working on
the part of someone else. Most commonly you feel something is out there and
won't leave you alone.

Psychic attack is a common cry wolf in the magical community. "I walked by
his house yesterday and I felt something watching me." "I was out with
this group and now I feel run down and drained. They attacked me and took my
energy." These statements are the usual type of "proof" one gets describing
a psychic attack. Psychic phenomena are highly subjective. Not everyone
has the same level of abilities, nor do they manifest in the same ways.

When a person is relatively new to psychic work, they experience the
phenomenon of "opening up." Their latent abilities are awakened. Before, when the
person was not psychically aware, they noticed little of the "other worlds."
Opening up can be good, but it can also lead to some uncomfortable
experiences. Imagine being deaf. You cannot hear music or conversation or traffic
noise. Then suddenly you can hear. Now you are hearing, but you have yet to
be able to filter or distinguish the pleasant from the unpleasant or harmful.
You hear everything: that which is relevant to you, that which is
incidental, and that which is not meant for you. Being newly psychically
aware is quite similar. You pick up on everything and have yet to be able
to filter out that which has no relevance to you. The natural psychic
background noise that many have learned to deal with can be deafening until you learn to shield and protect yourself. You can become a bit paranoid because there
is so much and it takes time to gain the skills.

In my opinion, ninety-nine percent of the time what is perceived as a
psychic attack is no more than background noise. Like a psychic backfire, it is
loud and startling, but does no harm. If a person is newly aware, they may
hear it and wonder, "what was that, where did it come from, was it directed
toward me, can it hurt me," and so on. When a person worries and wonders, they
start straining to "hear" more and start to pick up on more stuff until they
are perceiving the psychic mice running across the floor and freaking out.
Another analogy is a city person moving to the country. There is no
traffic noise, no hustle and bustle of people, but they hear the wind in the
trees, the crickets chirping, and the animals at night. Those sounds can be
strange and startling to someone not used to them. The country person
moving to the city jumps at every car horn, siren, or screech of brakes until they
learn to tune it out.

Because psychic phenomena are subjective and personal not everyone is
going to hear what you hear. You might pick up on something that nobody
else does. Does that constitute a psychic attack? Not really.

What Can You Do?

The bad news is that you can never totally block some stuff. The good news
is there are simple and effective techniques for grounding and shielding
that can make life quieter and more comfortable.

Some people have an amulet or talisman that does the shielding, grounding,
and centering for them, but this can become a crutch. If you lose it, you are

The best way to protect yourself is to learn techniques to ground, center,
and shield yourself. Grounding and centering is a way of restoring emotional
and psychic equilibrium. You concentrate on your body, the here and now.
This diverts your attention and you can disconnect from the creepies.
Shielding allows you to block some or most of the psychic stuff until and unless you
want to open up. These techniques are simple and effective, and when
learned make life as a psychically aware person more comfortable.


One effective exercise is the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, LBRP
for short. The first part of it is effective to help a person regain
equilibrium. The full ritual will help block out most psychic noise.

Another grounding technique is to eat a heavy meal. Fast food, meat and
potatoes, or something filling and substantial or greasy. Red meat or lots of
butter and cheese are good grounding foods. If you feel jumpy, avoid
stimulants like coffee, caffeine, or alcohol. Physical activity, from taking a walk
or doing light chores up to a full workout can also effectively ground and
center. A bath or shower can do the trick. Laughing helps. Watch a funny
movie, read a funny book, or just swap jokes with friends. Most
psychic critters are not comfortable around laughter. Become mentally
absorbed in something active, not passive like watching TV. Doing long division,
income tax, or other pencil and paper math can be absorbing, and possibly
frustrating, but will also get your mind off the stuff "out there."


Shielding can be elaborate like the LBRP, or simple, like visualizing
yourself inside a glowing energy shield, like a spaceship. Any psychic energy will
hit the shield and be deflected away from you. These shields can be
anchored to the zenith (heaven) and horizon by energy rays if you want extra
stability. Shields can be like an outer set of energy clothes.

Shields need periodic attention. If you work at keeping them, they will
stay. In a creepy situation, giving them an extra dose of energy, strengthening
your shields, can be helpful. If you want to perceive something you can
open a hole in the direction you want to feel, you do not have to drop them.

There are many other techniques, but these are simple and effective.
Hopefully they will help.

by Estelle Daniels

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde

You never know how much you know until you know how much you'll never know.


The Dark Side of the Moon and Our Inner Being

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Wed Nov 3, 2010 8:27 pm (PDT)

The Dark Side of the Moon and Our Inner Being

Somewhere in your Craft studies you touched upon astrology, probably in some
depth. The position of the Moon in your natal chart can often shed light on
your dark side, even before you venture out at night or walk into the world of
the Dark Goddess. Night, is a tangible, living thing, as is daylight. Each is
of equal value. The light allows our outer selves to shine for all to see; our
dark side, as personified by the Moon, is where we tend to hide our inner
selves, our emotions, our instincts, and even our unconscious desires.

To understand your inner self, those conflicts that do not seem to match your
Sun sign (or birth sign), you have to understand the position of the Moon at
your birth. All planets have their negatives too. Depending upon which of the
twelve houses they are in, or how they are positioned (aspected) against other
planets, their negative traits may show up more in you than the positive ones.

The Sun is the planet of the outer self, the one that the world sees. The Moon
is the inner self, the psychic self, the part of us that we hide from the world.
We often try to hide it from ourselves--much to our own detriment.
Understanding our dark side is fundamental to understanding what is at the soul
of dark Witchcraft.

Moon in Aries... The positives are: optimism, energy, and good organizational
ability. The minuses: impulsiveness, impatience, lack of energy, lack of
organization, and ill-temperedness.

Moon in Taurus... The positives are: determination, supportiveness of others,
refusal to give up on someone or something, and love of the arts. The minuses:
being set in your ways, stubborn, wanting to have your own way, possessiveness,
and love of luxury at any price.

Moon in Gemini... The positives are: juggling more than one project at a time,
the ability to multitask, to move seemlessly from one set of ideals to another,
and tolerance. The minuses: a love of manipulating others, inability to focus,
disorganization, capriciousness, and the ability to stab your dearest friend in
the back for some small gain to yourself.

Moon in Cancer... The positives: powers of empathy, loyalty, attachment to
loved ones, good imagination, and compassion. The minuses: moodiness, finding
fault in others, judgementalness, irritability, and dwelling on your losses when
you have many gains to rejoice over.

Moon in Leo... The positives: creativity, open-mindedness, deep compassion for
others, a need to give of yourself, and an enjoyment of friendships. Minuses:
selfishness, arrogance, stubbornness, dictatorial manners, and bullying others.

Moon in Virgo... Plusses: The positives here uphold all of your positive Sun
sign attributes. This lunar position gives you an eye for detail, makes you
meticulous in your efforts, provides a need to give and serve others, makes you
a hard-worker and a loyal employee, and you're seen as someone who can be relied
upon to see anything through to its completion, even if the project fails.
Minuses: critical and argumentative. You become upset when small details go
haywire, and are untrustworthy and controlling.

Moon in Libra... Plusses: a sense of fairness, your diplomacy, your ability to
see what everyone needs and wants, and a tendency to be even-tempered. Minuses:
too judgemental, arbitrary, unreliable, or as changeable as the winds, and
throwing otherwise strong aspects of yourself or your personal relations into
states of chaos.

Moon in Scorpio... Plusses: a vivid imagination, ambition in the workplace,
always having a backup plan in case something goes wrong. Minuses: secrecy,
lying, jealousy, suspiciousness, unforgivingness, holding grudges, and harboring
a deep hatred of anyone who gets ahead of you academically or careerwise. You
also tend to project your qualities onto others and to judge them by that

Moon in Sagittarius... Plusses: natural love of life, your open-mindedness,
and your ability to change as situations call for. Minuses: lack of loyalty
and commitment, emotional withdrawal from those whom you care about, a
preference for play rather than work, shifting blame to others, disregarding the
feelings or well-beingness of others, and general irresponsibility.

Moon in Capricorn... Plusses: self-discipline, willingness to accept and see
through your responsibilities, loyalty to friends, and determination to complete
any project at hand. Minuses: pessimism, anxiety, a sense of failure,
rigidity, and a general aura of "pity poor me" that tends to drive others away
from you.

Moon in Aquarius... Plusses: idealism, creativity in thought, love for all
humanity, and a general sense of idealism. Minuses: disorganized thinking,
selfishness, being opinionated, capriciousness, and not being able to see
projects or ideas through to completion.

Moon in Pisces... Plusses: compassion, loyalty, open and balanced emotions,
willingness to help others, the ability to think for yourself, and having an
intuitive and psychic nature. Minuses: chronic discontentment, emotional
imbalance, secrecy, snappishness, depression, inability to concentrate, and a
tendency to believe the last thing you heard about an issue.

All of the lunar traits mentioned in Part I are further detailed and looked at
in depth by whichever of the twelve houses of the zodiac that your Moon resides
within. This takes more than an ephemeris to figure out. You may need a
professional natal chart drawn up for you. There are many computer programs
that do this for you, as well as Internet sources, and I myself am an astrologer
that may also be contacted for assistance in such as well.

Think about what the houses mean and where your Moon falls. You might be
surprised how much of the negative qualities of your lunar self get in the way
of your daily living. Why those instead of the positive ones? That's hard to
discern here, as each of us need to discover our own answers in that area. But,
I will offer this...perhaps we have let ourselves become negative thinkers in
the mundane world, which is a trait that rubs off rather easily upon us from
those whom we come into daily contact with.

When we take ourselves too seriously, much of the joy of life leaves us. We get
so determined to get that A on our history test or bring in that 3 million
dollar account that we cannot enjoy the process of learning or doing the work.
The end goal becomes our sole purpose for being, and that takes away from our
enjoyment of simply being. Chaos teaches us to slow down and learn to laugh at

If your Moon is sitting in a house that displays its negatives even more, then
you have some rather harsh lessons to learn. Every successful lesson begins
with the simple concept of Know Thyself.

1st House: The House of Self

2nd House: The House of Physicality

3rd House: The House of Communication

4th House: The House of Home & Family

5th House: The House of Creativity

6th House: The House of Health and Giving

7th House: The House of Partnerships

8th House: The House of Death & Rebirth

9th House: The House of Spirituality

10th House: The House of Career

11th House: The House of Hopes and Wishes

12th House: The House of Self-Undoing

Source: Lady Aquarius, inspired by excerpts from : Advanced Witchcraft, by
Edain McCoy.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde

You never know how much you know until you know how much you'll never know.


Ten Healing Crystals for Stress

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Wed Nov 3, 2010 8:29 pm (PDT)

Ten Healing Crystals for Stress

Stress is unavoidable in any society and is a symptom of our
inability or ineffectiveness to accept change as fast as it seems
thrust upon us. We must adapt quickly to disappointments, shock and
traumas, physical pain, and other tremendous emotional and
psychological imbalances in our environments. It isn't easy to keep
up with the changes!

Crystals are particularly good at helping us adapt to changes in
energy frequencies created through stressful situations. There seems
to be a crystal for every form of stress including financial
(Citrine), relationships (Rose Quartz) and burnout (Smokey Quartz).
Having a large crystal in a room can also help reduce stress, by
reducing negative energies and harmonizing imbalanced energy

By wearing the crystals through out the day, preferably as a full
necklace, as a pendant, or in a small pouch at the Heart Chakra; the
vibrations of the crystals will continue to affect areas of the
imbalance, restoring a positive state where the imbalance has
occurred. The effects of crystal healing at the emotional and
psychological levels are subtle, yet are often noticed more by others
than yourself! I have listed ten crystals and gemstones that are
useful in healing stress.

Ten "Stress Stones"
Keep an Amethyst cluster at your desk or in your therapy room to
transmute negative energy. Amethyst helps you think and act at your
highest level. It's good for promotions (spiritual), and reduces
tension headaches. Wear an Amethyst pendant continuously for migraine
prevention and for alleviating arthritic pain.

The "Success Stone" - Citrine encourages a bright outlook and
happiness. It attracts wealth and joy. Keep a piece in your wallet to
enrich your holdings. It can help stabilize emotions and soothe
family problems. Citrine is also good for improving stress-related
digestive problems.

Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz can be worn as a crystal pendant to deflect radiation
from going to your body. Quartz is an excellent general physical
system fortifier and protector. It increases mental clarity. Hold a
clear crystal at your solar plexus and breath evenly for several
minutes to calm your emotions, to relax the body, to clear the mind,
and to refresh your energy. Stare into the crystal to clear writer's
block and to increase creativity.

Fluorite - a stone to unblock stuck energies. For digestive systems
problems use the yellow/green color combination. For pains in the
skeletal and muscular system, use the blue/white color combination.
For head area complaints, use the purple/clear combination. For
asthma, wear the green colored Fluorite. To help congested mental
thoughts, use a purple cluster in your work area, or position a
cluster at your crown chakra while sleeping.

Garnet - An energy revitalizer. Garnet is excellent for strengthening
the base chakra. It promotes sexual energy (for your self and
partner). It helps increase circulation to the legs and pelvic area.
It reduces menstrual pain when held or taped over the ovaries and
uterus. Garnet can increase sexual stimulation and fertility too!

"The Anti-Stress Stone". Hematite reflects back negative energies to
the sender (so you don't end up taking them on yourself). Hematite
dissolves the issues when one meets with confrontation. Tape a small
piece over the leg and back areas to reduce pain and to increase
electromagnetic circulation. Hematite helps balance the meridians.

Malachite is excellent for Type A personalities and for those prone
to heart disease and stresses to internal organs. It helps to
detoxify the liver and to increase blood circulation. Malachite is
excellent for breaking up old energy patterns. Use it with Rose
Quartz to soften the effects of a broken heart! Due to the possibly
toxic copper content of this stone, keep Malachite away from pets and
children, and do not wear it against the skin for long periods of
time. This stone is for external use only.

Rose Quartz
"The Love Stone" - Rose Quartz is very protective and soothing for
many issues. Place a large chunk of the stone at your Heart Centre
for 15 minutes to relax after a stressful day. Rose Quartz helps to
unblock anxiety and to promote healing of private emotional issues.
It allows one to become more receptive and open to challenges.

Smokey Quartz
Smokey Quartz is an excellent stabilizer for mood swings. It helps
ground feelings of depression, and both absorbs and transmutes
negativity. This stone is best worn at the solar plexus, the seat of
the emotions. Smokey Quartz is excellent for PMS and cranky persons;
and good for persons imbalanced due to extreme stress and burnout.
It provides a protective field for recovery.

"A Stone of Protection" - Turquoise is an excellent toner for all
systems of the body. It helps prevent organs from absorbing toxins
and breaking down. Wear this stone at the throat to strengthen your
will and to communicate effectively. It helps to sweeten the voice
and speak your truth. Turquoise helps reduce premature aging.

Some Hints On Crystal Healing
Your commitment to the crystal is part of the healing process. Let
the crystal do the work for you.

It is best not to wear more than two crystals at any one time if you
are new to crystal healing, as many find the effects too distracting.
The length of time to obtain the effects desired will depend on the
quality of the crystal (size, color, energy charge), location worn,
duration worn, and the crystal's appropriateness to your healing
issue. Some crystals are better suited to the overall underlying
problem than to just treat superficial symptoms. Select your crystal
with an honest outlook on the problem.

by Karen Ryan, Crystal Energy Therapist

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde

You never know how much you know until you know how much you'll never know.


Thank you Lady Nightshayde!

Posted by: ""   fayem74

Wed Nov 3, 2010 8:52 pm (PDT)

I just wanted to say a quick thanks to Lady Nightshayde. She always seems to post something in the group right when I need it.

Thank you for creating this and your other groups. Your wisdom is well received and enjoyed (even by us lurkers!).

Many Blessings and Much Love,
Sent from my BlackBerry� smartphone, powered by Cricket.
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