Messages In This Digest (4 Messages)
- 1a.
- Snow Moon From: Silver Fox
- 2a.
- Healing By The Moon From: Silver Fox
- 3.
- Working With The Moon's Energies From: Silver Fox
- 4a.
- Reed Moon From: Silver Fox
- 1a.
Snow Moon
Posted by: "Silver Fox" trickster9993
Tue Nov 2, 2010 8:21 am (PDT)
Snow Moon
Moon Magick by D.J. Conway
The Snow Moon also called Dark Moon, Fog Moon, Beaver Moon, Mourning Moon, Blotmonath (Sacrifice Moon), Herbistmanoth (Harvest Moon), Mad Moon, Moon of Storms, Moon When Deer Shed Antlers. Winter's cold descends and outward growth slows. Make this a time for inner growth. Learn a new craft or study thwarts of divination. When the Moon is full do a reading for yourself or your friends. Develop your psychic talents.
Nature Spirits: subterranean faeries
Herbs: Grains of Paradise, Verbena, Betony, Borage, Cinquefoil, Blessed Thistle
Colors: Gray, Sea-Green
Flowers: Blooming Cacti, Chrysanthemum
Scents: Cedar, Cherry Blossoms, Hyacinth, Narcissus, Peppermint, Lemon
Stones: Topaz, Hyacinth, Lapis Lazuli, Pearl
Birthstones: Diamond, Yellow Topaz, Citrine
Trees: Alder, Cypress
Animals: Unicorn, Scorpion, Crocodile, Jackal
Birds: Owl, Goose, Sparrow
Deities: Kali, Black Isis, Nicnevin, Hecate, Bast, Osiris, Saravati, Lakshmi, Skadi, Mawu
Month: November
Novem was the ninth month in the oldest Roman calendar. In the Celtic tradition this was the beginning of a new year. The Celtic year ended on the eve before Samhain and began again on the day after. They considered it a Moon-month of beginnings and endings.
Power Flow: Take root, prepare, Transformation, Strengthen communication with the god or goddess who seems closest to you.
Silver Fox
"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller
- 2a.
Healing By The Moon
Posted by: "Silver Fox" trickster9993
Tue Nov 2, 2010 8:23 am (PDT)
Healing By The Moon
© 1998 by Rachel Raymond
Moon goddesses are also goddesses of magic and herbal healing. Isis, Artemis, Hecate, and Diana are just a few of the many lunar deities who were invoked in herbal healing rituals and spells.
The very first forms of magic were healing magic. Healers used the energies and properties of the world around them to bring their ailing patients back into a state of health. They observed that all living things responded to the waxing and waning of the Moon. During the Full Moon shellfish are plumper and more succulent, and mammals have more blood in their bodies and stronger heartbeats. Women tend to menstruate during the New Moon and ovulate during the Full Moon. The herbs used by ancient healers were said to be best when picked during a particular phase of the Moon.
As a modern herbalist I have found the Moon to be a powerful healing ally. Unlike my healing predecessors, I am spoiled by a ready supply of prepared herbs. Therefore, I don ' t spend a lot of time picking my herbs during the optimal phase of the Moon. However, I have found using herbal therapies in harmony with the phases of the Moon to be a very powerful healing strategy.
Waxing Moon
The waxing phase of the Moon is the best time to build the body up. This is when I use nurturing herbs and tonics to strengthen the body's natural immunities. Raspberry leaf is an excellent tonic for female reproductive organs; hawthorn berries are good for the cardiovascular system; nettle is a great blood tonic; marshmallow root is a soothing tonic for the urinary tract; astragalas is a wonderful immune system tonic; burdock is a good liver tonic; red clover builds fertility; oat straw is good for the nervous system; and alfalfa is a fantastic all-around nutritive tonic.
These herbs are simple and gentle. They are best taken in a cup of tea, three to five times a day. During the waxing phase I also like to increase water intake to avoid water retention. The more water we ingest, the less water our bodies attempt to retain.
This is also a good time to apply medicinal salves and to take therapeutic baths. Most importantly, I work during the waxing Moon to ensure that the body has all the nutritional support it needs. This is the body's building time, and it needs a good supply of minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids to be healthy. I would also not attempt to fast or to lose weight during the waxing Moon.
Use energy healing techniques to strengthen and reconnect with the earth. Be careful to ground and center when healing so that you never use up your own life force energy. The universe is full of energy to use, and by tapping into it you will be able to help many more people than you could by using just your energy alone.
Full Moon
The Full Moon lasts about three days. It is a very intense phase. Many women still ovulate with the Full Moon. This is the time when I apply the most powerful herbs. I like to use cayenne capsules to treat infections of any kind. Goldenseal is a well-known herbal antibiotic. Echinacae and lomatium are anti-viral. Dong quai is an excellent herb for female hormonal fluctuations.
Energy healing work during the Full Moon is very powerful. On the energetic level, it acts like a magnifying mirror. The strong lunar energy pulls everything out of hiding and reflects it back at us. This is often the time during an acute illness when people feel their worst. The Full Moon intensifies whatever else is going on. Often people aren't even aware that they're sick until the Full Moon hits.
This is also an excellent time for psychological therapy. Emotions seem closer to the surface than usual and social inhibitions melt away. Agendas that have been simmering under the surface tend to come out under the light of the Full Moon. This is a time to strengthen relationships and reaffirm bonds. Never underestimate the healing power of simply holding someone's hand and listening. This is not the time for isolation or introspection . The Full Moon draws all of life toward it. Even the solid ground rises several inches when the Full Moon passes overhead!
Waning Moon
The waning Moon is the best time to employ therapeutic fasts. I avoid drastic fasting. There is usually no need to starve the body to heal it. However, I found it helpful to limit my intake to juices and soups for a few days during the waning Moon, particularly when I was struggling with the flu. I like to use purifying herbs in moderation at this time. Sage, usnea, ginger, lemon, thyme, lavender, and peppermint are all cleansing and clearing herbs.
The waning Moon is also a good time to do sweats and diaphoretic (sweat producing) baths. In addition, if I was trying to kick a habit, I would do it during the waning phase. Full body massages help circulation and strengthen the eliminative systems. Use energy healing techniques to sever unhealthy bonds and strengthen boundaries.
New Moon
The New Moon is as powerful in its own way as the Full Moon. It is a time for taking stock. It is a phase of hibernation, retreat, and contemplation. Avoid crowds and gatherings and seek a little time for yourself. Unless an illness is at a critical phase, I frequently cease all therapies for a day or so and allow the body to seek its own level. Rest is crucial during the New Moon. Simple foods and quiet times are powerful healers. Many women menstruate with the New Moon. It is natural to want to curl up in bed with a good book and nice cup of chamomile tea. Stronger nervines (relaxing herbs) are skullcap, hops, catnip, oatstraw, and valerian.
After the New Moon ends and that first crescent appears, then the healing lunar cycle begins all over again. Most acute diseases do not last a full lunar cycle.
The information in this article is only intended to be an educational tool, not a prescription. It is always wise to consult with your health care provider when experiencing any illness or discomfort.
Awareness of the rhythms of nature can assist you and your health care provider in determining the best course of treatment at any given time. Naturally, some conditions will require that you apply therapies that don't necessarily "fit" with the phase of the Moon. However, I have found that my own therapies are much more effective when I am not fighting the tides that flow around and through us.
May the lunar goddesses of healingArtemis and Isis, Diana and Hecatebless your healing efforts with Moon wisdom and Moon magic.
Silver Fox
"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller
- 3.
Working With The Moon's Energies
Posted by: "Silver Fox" trickster9993
Tue Nov 2, 2010 8:25 am (PDT)
Working With The Moon's Energies htm
Whether doing a full moon esbat, a dark moon meditation, or a spell casting, one should know and understand the moon's influences in each of its particular phases. Working with the moon's energies instead of against them only helps to ensure the best results for your efforts.
However, emergencies often arise that can't be postponed until the proper moon cycle. The question then becomes how to work with the current moon's energy to bring about that which we need to have happen. The essence of the answer to this question lies in the basics of magick.
Essentially, all magick can be broken down into two types, drawing and banishing. During the waxing moon cycle, our work should be concentrated on drawing what we want towards us. During the waning moon, our work should be pivoted primarily towards banishing that which we want out of our lives.
Therefore, if a sudden illness strikes during the time of the waxing moon, work to draw health rather than banish illness. If an emergency situation calls for a heavy prosperity spell during the time of the waning moon, work towards banishing poverty and need. As you can see in these situations, the immediate need is accomplished by working with its opposite. In this way, you utilize the energies from the current moon cycle (either drawing or banishing) to ultimately realize your goal.
There are, of course, other lunar energies beyond simple waning and waxing moons. These include each of the phases of the moon within the cycle, as well as special moons, such as the Blue Moon or the Harvest Moon. It's also a good idea to craft your working towards the correct astrological placement of the moon.
None of this is absolutely necessary. By sheer will and personal energy alone, especially if you live in constant awareness of the sacred in everything, you can set events in motion. I liken it to going through a locked door, though. You can ram the door enough times with your body that eventually it will open. However, opening the door is much simpler (and less harmful to the body) if you have a key. The lunar energies we work with are simply keys that we can use to craft our workings for the best assurance of success.
Silver Fox
"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller
- 4a.
Reed Moon
Posted by: "Silver Fox" trickster9993
Tue Nov 2, 2010 8:26 am (PDT)
Reed Moon
Source: Mind Body Spirit
October 26 November 24
Gender Association: Feminine
Planetary Ruler: Pluto
Animal Association: Hound
Ruling Deity: Pwyll
Magical Properties: Moon of the Home; Hearth Moon; Winter Moon; Moon which Manifests Truth Fertility; Protection; Love; Family Concerns, Wisdom, scholarship, fearlessness, destiny
The celebration of Samhain now known as Halloween, occurs during the Reed Moon. To the Celts this month hailed the end of the year, a time to cull the livestock and to connect with the ancestors. All around the world festivals that honor the dead are celebrated. During the Reed Moon, light a candle for loved ones who have died and you may receive a message from the spirit world.
The Reed Moon is a good time to use divination to gain insights into the year that has passed. Perform spells that will release old energy and burn symbols of illness and negativity in your bonfire on Halloween. Remember the Celtic year does not begin until the Winter Solstice, so use this interval to dream, not to make plans for the future.
The Haunting Sound Of Reed
In the past, the reed was used to make swift-flying arrow shafts that slew both enemies and game. In this way the plant was linked to the season of death and sacrifice, in which trees shed their leaves and the energy of nature became more introspective. Many early musical instruments also used the reed to create a haunting sound that has been connected to rites for the dead and the summoning of spirits.
Wind Instruments
Modern-day wind instruments have developed from the same principle used by original reed instruments, whereby a current of air is vibrated to produce a melodic sound. Other traditional uses for reed include thatching. Rooftops were thatched with reeds, and as the Celts withdrew into their homes for the winter they honored the plant that gave them shelter, making the reed a symbol of royalty and protection.
Ancestor Spirit Altar
Use this ancestral ritual to connect with your ancestors and other loved ones who have crossed to the spirit world. You will need:
*Ancestral images
*Three white candles
First place the ancestral images on a table, with the flowers and candles. Light each candle in turn and offer a prayer in turn and offer a prayer after each in the following order:
Candle One
"I honor the Ancestors of my blood."
Candle Two
"I honor the Ancestors of my heart."
Candle Three
"I honor the Ancestors of my tradition."
Meditate, letting images peacefully drift through your mind, and ask for a sign that your loved ones are still with you in spirit.
Protection Charm
Use this reed charm to protect yourself from negativity. You will need:
*Freshly cut reed
*A black ribbon
1) Visualize yourself within a circle of white light.
2) Tie a knot in a freshly cut reed, as it will be more flexible, and then say: "Royal reed, plant of my protection, keep me safe until the new year."
3) Suspend the knotted reed from the ceiling using the black ribbon.
4) At Christmas or Yule, take it down and burn it.
Samhain Reed Spell
If you need help in letting go of something from your past, use a little reed magic at Samhain (October 31st). You will need:
*Sea salt
*Fireproof dish
1) Go to a spot along the river bank where reeds grow tall and strong.
2) Sprinkle sea salt on the surface of the water and say, "River of birth, river of death, I honor you. Please accept this offering."
3) Now choose a reed, cut it, and carefully draw a symbol, or write a word, to represent what you wish to release on the reed.
4) Light the reed in the fireproof dish and, as it burns, visualize the old energy being transformed into light and disappearing.
5) Once the reed has burned away, pour the ashes into the water and walk away, feeling fully cleansed of the past.
Traditional Magic
Try bringing some reed magic into your life with these traditional rituals.
*Leap over a small bonfire to leave behind the old year.
*Eat an apple on Samhain at midnight to dream of your spirit guide.
*Carve out a turnip or pumpkin as a lantern of protection.
*Bury an apple at a crossroads as an offering to the spirits of the dead.
*Use the runes for divination or to gain insight into your current situation.
Silver Fox
"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller
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Earthwise is a world wide group.
We are based in Western Sydney, NSW. Australia.
Located in the valley before the beautiful Blue Mountains were
we hold sacred rituals, workshops, social events and outings,
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