miercuri, 10 noiembrie 2010

[Earthwise] Digest Number 2462

Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)

Herb Amulets From: Silver Fox
Infusion Magick From: Silver Fox



Herb Amulets

Posted by: "Silver Fox" silverfox_57@hotmail.com   trickster9993

Tue Nov 9, 2010 6:49 am (PST)

Herb Amulets
Source: Pathwalkers.net

For Negative Forces In The Home

At the front and back door of your house, hang two bunches of clover upside down. As you hang each bunch, feel the negative energy around you and direct it to each bunch. The cloves will then set out to fight the negativity around your house.

Protection For The House

Get a fresh, whole coconut, drain it, then, cut it in half. In a bowl mix fresh rosemary, basil, and half a cup of uncooked rice. Blend these together, then cover both halves of the coconut with the mixture. Fit the coconut together and wrap a white ribbon around it to keep it shut. Go outside on a Sunday night and bury it in the backyard. It will protect your
home and backyard.

Another Protection For The House

With a red ribbon tie a bunch of garlic to the corner of your front door. It will protect you and your loved ones from negative vibes that may enter your house. Never let anyone use the garlic for anything else.

To Improve The Mind

In a little yellow drawstring bag carry vanilla beans, fresh rosemary and petals of a lily of the valley and place it around your neck. With each breath visualize your mind becoming stronger, remembering dates you will not want to forget.

For A Job Interview

Fill a jar with crushed pecans, add three drops of rose oil and keep a luck hand (root of an orchid) inside with the lid shut tight. After three nights, place your lucky hand and seven pecans in a little red drawstring bag and take it with you to job interviews. With this little bag, you will feel confident while questions are being asked and will have a good chance of getting the job you want. Don't let anyone else, see the red drawstring bag.

For Spiritual Awareness And Psychic Strength

In a medium size jar half filled with almond oil, add a teaspoon of dry yerba santa, damiana and spearmint leaves with seven drops of lime essential oil. Mix together with a plastic spoon and screw the lid on top. This is be used before spiritual healings, or for divination purposes. Place three drops on your hands before you start rub them gently together and place on your forehead. Then take them to the back of your neck, breathe deeply and start your work. You may even like to use this blend in your bath.

For Astral Traveling

In a little purple drawstring bag, place two teaspoons each of dry angelica and crushed peppermint leaves and add a smoky quartz that has been cleansed with lavender essential oil. As you do this, visualize what you would like from the astral realm and very night before you go to bed rub the drawstring bag on the bottom of your feet. This will take you where you want to go and protect you along the way.

Protection From Evil

Make four little blue drawstring bags, each the same size. Mix in a bowl dry angelica, Solomon's seal and balm of Gilead buds. As you do this visualize your house protected from evil. Divide the mix into four equal amounts and fill each bag with it. Hang them or hide them in the four, corners of your house.

For Sleeping Problems

Make yourself a little purple drawstring bag and as you do this think of a having a good night's sleep. Inside add a teaspoon of valerian and each night hold it in your hand while you lay in bed. Before you know it you will be soundly asleep and when you awake the little bag will be somewhere in your bed.

For Courage

Sprinkle dry yarrow and thyme in your shoes. It will not only give you courage but it will stop the fear so you can accomplish what you have set out to do.

For Money In Your Purse Or Wallet

If you find yourself without a cent, sprinkle dry sassafras in your purse or wallet and you will always have enough for the things you need to buy.

For Money

In a green bowl mix equal parts of ginger, Irish moss and sesame seeds. Crush together to form a powder and as you crush it visualize your money needs. Light a charcoal tablet (cube) and on top add a quarter of a teaspoon of your money powder. Concentrate, inhaling deeply. Do this for ten minutes every night for seven nights, beginning on a Thursday night just after the sun goes down.

For Prosperity

Sprinkle fresh alfalfa sprouts in the front and back of your house. As you do this visualise your most wanted needs and recite the following:

"May the ground take this offering I give.
May it bring me prosperity which is in great need"

Do this, seven times every Thursday and don't be shy sprinkling plenty of alfalfa sprouts.

Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller


Infusion Magick

Posted by: "Silver Fox" silverfox_57@hotmail.com   trickster9993

Tue Nov 9, 2010 6:50 am (PST)

Infusion Magick
Source Unknown

Please make sure these herbs aren't poisonous by referring to Herbal Correspondences. Although some herbs are listed as dangerous, please make 100% sure.

Basically infusions, brews and washes are just tea. Herbs steeped in hot water to release their volatile oils and essences into the water so the resulting liquid may be used to transfer their energies to an object, place or person. Infusions may be used in a number of ways; to sprinkle around a space or onto an object or person, to bathe an object or person, or to drink as tea. They are generally brewed when they will be used as they do not keep well. The herbs may be mixed in advance and placed in small cheesecloth bundles, ready to use like a tea bag. If you use a particular infusion often you may want to make up these tea bags and have them on hand. Mixing the herbs should be done with ritual, visualization and the appropriate time correspondences as with any magical herb preparation. The prepared tea bags should be stored in an airtight jar, in a dry, cool place. The following table lists some herbs traditionally used in infusions for various magical intents.

Herbs Traditionally Used in Infusions

Bistort Infusion is sprinkled to drive out poltergeists.
Boneset Infusion is sprinkled to drive out evil.
Buchu Tea is brewed and drunk to develop psychic powers.
Cascara Infusion is sprinkled at home before going to court to win favor with the judge/jury.
Chamomile Infusion is added to bath to attract love.
Cinquefoil Wash the head and hands with the infusion 9 times to rid yourself of hexes.
Clover, Red Infusion is sprinkled to drive away evil and negativity.
Cohosh, Black Infusion is added to the bath to cure impotency.
Damiana Infusion is drunk to increase sexual stimulation.
Dill Infusion is added to the bath to attract love.
Fumitory Infusion is sprinkled around the house to attract money.
Gentian Infusion is added to the bath to attract love.
Ginseng Tea is drunk to induce lust.
Hibiscus An infusion of the flowers is drunk to induce lust.
Hyssop Infusion is sprinkled or added to the bath for purification.
Kava Kava A tea is drunk to enhance psychic powers.
Lemon Infusion is used to induce lust.
Lemon Verbena Infusion is sprinkled or added to the bath for purification.
Lovage Infusion is added to the bath to attract love.
Marigolds Infusion is added to the bath to attract respect and admiration.
Mimosa Infusion is added to the bath to break hexes.
Mugwort Infusion is used to wash divinatory tools to increase their effectiveness.
Orange Infusion is added to the bath to be more attractive.
Parsley Infusion is added to the bath for purification.
Pineapple Infusion is added to the bath to attract luck.
Poke Infusion is sprinkled or added to the bath to break hexes.
Rattlesnake Root Infusion is added to the bath for protection.
Rose Rosebud tea drunk before bed induces prophetic dreams.
Rosemary Infusion is added to the bath for purification.
Rue Infusion is added to the bath for breaking hexes and exorcism.
Saffron Infusion is drunk to improve psychic powers.
Sagebrush Infusion is added to the bath for purification.
Shallots Infusion is added to the bath for luck.
Solomons Seal Infusion of the roots is sprinkled to drive away evil.
Tormentil Infusion is drunk to improve psychic powers, and give protection.
Vervain Infusion is sprinkled to exorcise evil spirits and negativity.
Wintergreen Infusion is sprinkled for purification.
Yarrow Infusion of the flowers is drunk to improve psychic powers.
Yerba Mate Infusion is drunk as a lust inducing potion.
Yerba Santa Infusion is added to the bath to be more beautiful.
Yohimbe Infusion is drunk as a lust inducing potion.

Silver Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The more I tell you, the more I shall lie. What is story but jesting Pilate's cry. I am not paid to tell you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Storyteller

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