miercuri, 10 noiembrie 2010

[which_witch_is_witch] Digest Number 4549

Messages In This Digest (18 Messages)



A Grieving Ritual

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Nov 9, 2010 3:41 am (PST)

A Grieving Ritual
November 9

Color of the day: Maroon
Incense of the day: Bayberry

None of us are exempt from sorrow and grief; and mourning takes its
own time and its own path. For a spell to honor our sorrowful heart,
gather a black candle and a silver candle, special items to commemorate
who or what you are grieving, patchouli incense, a pen, fallen leaves
(dry), and a fireproof bowl. At your altar, honor the directions and
call in the guides and deities that sustain you. Light the black candle
in honor of your grief and light the silver candle in honor of love and
hope. Light the incense and let its grounding power envelop you. Write
messages and blessings on the leaves in honor of your grief. Present the leaves to the directions and the deities and the lit candles; and then
burn them one at a time. Watch the smoke waft upward as prayers for
blessings and comfort.

This post was written by Gail Wood on November 09, 2010


Elder's Meditation of the Day November 9

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Nov 9, 2010 3:42 am (PST)

Elder's Meditation of the Day November 9
"Language is a vehicle for carrying spirit,
life, and family. Language, religion, and land
base are three things that characterize culture."
--Edmund Ladd, ZUNI PUEBLO
The Elders say we need to know the answers to
three questions in order for us to be connected;
the Earth, the Sky, the East, the
West, the South, and the North. The three questions
are: 1. Why are we? 2. Who are we?
3. Where are we going? If we know the language,
if we have our spirituality, and if we can
pray on sacred spots, then we are able to seek
the answer to the questions. We must protect
the language, religion, and land so our
future generations can stay connected.
Great Spirit,
help us
maintain our
spirit, family,
religion and
our Mother


Abraham Hicks Daily Quote - 11/09/2010

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Tue Nov 9, 2010 4:05 am (PST)

We like to explain that only a part of the Consciousness that is
really who-you-are is focused into the physical personality that you
believe is you, so that you can then begin to consciously consider
the larger part of you, who continues to remain Non-Physically
focused.Once you remember that you are a physical extension of
Source Energy, you can then begin to consider, and consciously tend to,
your alignment with your larger, Eternal, Non-Physical
counterpart.As you made the decision to focus into this physical
time-space reality, you understood it to be a spectacular arena of
balance and variety and perfect contrast.You understood that
there is no competition for resources, but only opportunities to give
birth to your own ideas—and you understood that once an idea has
been given birth, the means with which to fulfill it will
follow.And now here you are, an extension of Source
Energy—focused in the environment of perfect contrast and balance,
just as you have intended—exploring, deciding, preferring,
creating, and becoming.

--- Abraham

This is 9 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from
Abraham's new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and
User Guide that will be available everywhere on Nov. 15, 2010.
To order, click here
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©1997-2010 Abraham-Hicks Publications.


'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra


Daily Buddhist Wisdom: Awaken Yourself

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Tue Nov 9, 2010 4:13 am (PST)

states that can be returned to external causes are obviously not you,
but that which cannot be returned to anywhere, if it is not you, what is
it? Therefore, you should know that your mind is fundamentally
wonderful, bright, and pure and that because of your involvement with
the things of the world you have covered it up and lost it. In this way
you are caught on the endless wheel of becoming this or that, sinking
and floating in that sea of endless becoming. Awaken yourself now to
your own bright mind.

- Surangama Sutra

More Buddhism Quotes >>

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra


Path of the Soul Card Reading: Channelling Guide

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Tue Nov 9, 2010 4:35 am (PST)


Your Path of the Soul, Destiny Card Reading Results

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


Powerful Affirmation of the Day

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Tue Nov 9, 2010 4:42 am (PST)


For changes to work we
have to really embrace them. The inner ones are the hardest ones of all.
But when we make that change how rewarding it is. If you can throw off
the baggage you can lighten your steps..´¯`✿.¸¸. Gill ♥ 

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


A Brief History of Crystals

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Tue Nov 9, 2010 4:50 am (PST)

Source: Jodi

A Brief History of Crystals

The use of crystals for healing on many levels began long before what is
called the New Age. When you hold a crystal or meditate with them,
place them in special areas of your home, or wear crystal jewelry, you
continue practices which are as old as humankind.

The history below is by no means complete; it is intended to suggest
that the human connection to crystals is one which transcends time and
cultures. Prehistoric Use of Crystals

Archaeologists have discovered in graves and barrows excavated in
Europe, the Middle East, Russia, and Africa beads, carvings, and jewelry
of amber, jet, turquoise, lapis, garnet, carnelian, quartz, and other
stones. It is believed that the carvings were probably amulets and
talismans, used for protection and as reminders of religious rites.

Some of the discovered stones were carved in the shape of various
animals, and were probably symbols of particular totems. Others were
necklaces and other items of adornment.

The value given to crystals in these various cultures is indicated by
their presence in the graves; they were intended to go with the departed
soul to help them in the next life.

A striking example of prehistoric reverence for crystals is the solar
temple, Newgrange. This ancient passage grave in the Boyne Valley of
Ireland, which is older than the pyramids, was built so that the sun
would stream through the 70-foot-long entrance tunnel on the Winter
Solstice. Its roof was originally covered with white quartz, to
symbolize the White Goddess. Crystal Skulls

One of the most remarkable archaeological discoveries has been that of
anatomically perfect crystal skulls. According to the many sources I've
consulted on them they defy modern dating techniques; estimates are that
they are at least 20,000 years old.

One of the best-known of these is the Mitchell-Hedges skull. Its origins
are disputed. Some believe that it was discovered by Anna
Mitchell-Hedges, the daughter of archaeologist F.A. Mitchell-Hedges, in
Guatemala; others claim that the archaeologist bought it in London.

Although the specific purpose for the carving and use of the crystal is
unknown, those who have spent time with it have reported a variety of
mystical experiences.

I had the privilege of spending some time with this skull in 1988.
Simply to view its perfection (it is so lovingly carved that its surface
is perfectly smooth) and the rainbows which flash from its interiors
would have been gift enough; being able to touch it was an experience so
powerful that I am sorry to say I can't describe it, except to say that
there is enormous spiritual energy in this skull. Ancient Egypt

Crystal was widely used in this civilization. A hieroglyphic papyrus
from the year 2000 B.C. documents a medical cure using a crystal, and
several from the year 1500 B.C. have additional prescriptions.

Lapis was considered to be a royal stone. It was often pulverized and
made into a poultice to be rubbed into the crown of the head. It was
believed that as it dried it drew out all spiritual impurities.

The pharaohs often had their headdresses lined with malachite in the
belief that it helped them to rule wisely. In powder form this stone was
used for poor eyesight and inner vision.

Many other stones were found in the tombs, including carnelian,
turquoise, and tiger's eye. These were often shaped into amulets,
shields, and into the shapes of hearts, the Eye of Horus, and scarabs.
Native American

The original settlers of North, Central, and South America used crystals
widely for spiritual, ceremonial, and healing purposes, and served
practical purposes, as well. The ancient Mexicans, for example, made
mirrors out of pyrite.

Obsidian served both practical and ritual purposes. The Mayans used it
for ceremonial knives, and and other tribes believed that it served to
sharpen both outer and inner vision.

Turquoise was believed to be a stone which bridged heaven and earth (a
belief also held in Tibet). In one legend it is stated that if one went
to the end of the rainbow and dug in the earth he would find a

Mayan Indians used quartz crystals for both the diagnosis and treatment
of disease. Some Mexican Indian tribes believed that the souls of those
who led good lives would go into crystals. China and Japan

Quartz was traditionally revered in the Far East, especially in carved
form. Quartz crystal balls were considered to represent the heart or
essence of the dragon. Dragons were thought to have great power, and a
deeper meaning for "dragon" is that of a very wise and evolved

The stone most associated with China is jade. It was termed the
concentrated essence of love. Many kinds of amulets are carved from this
stone, including those for friendship and for romantic love. A jade
butterfly was a symbol of successful love. India

The culture of ancient India is a rich source of information about
crystals. The system of chakras (energy centers), which helps us to
place crystals on the body for healing and meditation originated there.
Astrological documents written as early as 400 B.C. contain detailed
observations about the power of various stones to counteract the
negative effects of planetary positions.

Stones were regarded as having great spiritual and emotional powers.
Moonstone, for instance, was a sacred stone, and believed to arouse
love. Onyx, in contrast, was believed to help release the ties of old
loves. The ruby was a highly valued gemstone, and was known as the "king
of precious stones."

The connection between humans and crystals is especially vivid in the
following verses from the Vedas (Hindu sacred texts): There is an
endless net of threads Throughout the universe. The horizontal threads
are in space. The vertical threads are in time. At every crossing of the
threads, There is an individual, And every individual Is a crystal
bead. The great light of absolute being Illuminates and penetrates Every
crystal bead, and also, Every crystal bead reflects Not only the light
From every other crystal in the net, But also every reflection Of every
reflection Throughout the universe.


'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


Power Animal of the Day: Lion

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Tue Nov 9, 2010 4:55 am (PST)


The Lion

Courage          Confidence         

Take a deep breath and invite the spirit of
the lion to fill you.  Click here to Listen to the Lion's Song


When you walk, walk
like the lion.  Be proud to be who you are, exactly as you
are.  Hold your head high.  Look each person in the eye and silently say to
yourself:  I am the lion. 

lion will fill you with courage, the courage to be who you are and show it to
the world.  He will teach you how to roar out with your power, displaying your
talents and announcing your presence.  He will teach you to have the courage to
be yourself, always and in all ways and to know the deep truth, that you are
exactly as you should be.  After all, you are the lion. 

The lion is power,
but power contained.  He will teach you the strength of quiet command. 
He will teach you to hold yourself with such presence that merely being around
you will fill others with respect and awe. 


Know and be the quiet strength
of complete confidence.  Speak calmly and with authority.  Act from a
place of personal truth and wisdom, a wisdom that comes from the quiet times you
spend just being and feeling your deep connection with all that is.


Walk with grace and
strength.  Hold your head high.   And
once in a while, give out a resounding, magnificent roar.  After all, you are
the lion.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


Quado's Garden: It is All Inside You

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Tue Nov 9, 2010 4:57 am (PST)


It is
All Inside You

in your life will become easier when you make your choices from your center of
truth and rightness rather than from your emotions.  And by emotions, I mean
excitement and anticipation as well as fear and anger.  All emotions are
responses to expectations and your heart of rightness has no expectations.

your center of truth and integrity, there is a deep knowingness, a connection to
a greater purpose, a connection to more than you alone.  A connection to all
that is.

You know everything you
need to know.  It is all inside you.  All you need to do is learn to go beneath
emotion and access truth.  Learn to do this, and you will open up a clear path
before you.  You will not know what the future holds, but it will unfold before
you, step by step, in clarity and wonder.


'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


Daily Devotions of the Goddess

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Tue Nov 9, 2010 6:11 am (PST)

Source: Lady Abigail

Daily Devotions of the Goddess

Leaves of Autumn lying dead on the ground,
Blown by winds that are winter bound.
Covering the witch-hazel of summers glow,
Soon to be blanketed by winters white snow.

Lady Abigail
Copyright 11092010

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra  


Re: Who are the Indigo Children?

Posted by: "~*~Carly~*~" carloo62@yahoo.com   carloo62

Tue Nov 9, 2010 6:45 am (PST)

From what I've read they are kids that were born from 1992 and on I think. They
are highly sensitive people and are here to carry out a divine mission for the
world to be a better place. They are often unfortunately miss-diagnosed with
ADD, autism and other social or "mental" diseases because of their heightened
sensitivity and new ways of communicating.

I've read a lot of Doreen Virtue books and she often talks about them


From: Cher Chirichello <CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM>
To: Group NJpagans <NJPagans@groups.care2.com>; LifesaWitchandSoamI Group
<Lifes_a_WITCH_So_am_I@yahoogroups.com>; New_Jersey_Pagan_Crossroads Group
<New_Jersey_Pagan_Crossroads@yahoogroups.com>; New_Jersey_Pagans Group
<New_Jersey_Pagans@yahoogroups.com>; NJPANNOUNCEMENTS Group
<NJPAnnouncements@yahoogroups.com>; North_Jersey_Pagans Groups
<North_Jersey_Pagans@yahoogroups.com>; Pissed-Off-Pagans Group
<pissed-off-pagans@yahoogroups.com>; which_witch_is_witch Group
Sent: Mon, November 8, 2010 10:14:36 PM
Subject: [which_witch_is_witch] Who are the Indigo Children?

Who are the Indigo Children? How do you feel about the Indigo Children today,
do you

still believe? Who are they? And how are they identified?

New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!

Main Yahoo Group NJP: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/New_Jersey_Pagans/
Ning Web sites: NJP: http://njpagans.ning.com/
Myspace NJP: http://www.myspace.com/njp_cher
Cher NJP Link: http://www.facebook.com/chic0411
Page NJP: http://www.facebook.com/#!/NJPagans
Group NJP: http://www.facebook.com/groups.php?ref=sb#/group.php?gid=93725735017



Re: Who are the Indigo Children?

Posted by: "AyriellePatrick@aol.com" AyriellePatrick@aol.com   joisrose

Tue Nov 9, 2010 1:46 pm (PST)

I most certainly believe..I happen to have crystal and star children for

In a message dated 11/8/2010 11:14:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM writes:

Who are the Indigo Children? How do you feel about the Indigo Children
today, do you
still believe? Who are they? And how are they identified?

New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!

Main Yahoo Group NJP: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/New_Jersey_Pagans/
Ning Web sites: NJP: _http://njpagans.ning.com/_
Myspace NJP: http://www.myspace.com/njp_cher
Cher NJP Link: http://www.facebook.com/chic0411
Page NJP: http://www.facebook.com/#!/NJPagans
Group NJP:


Re: Who are the Indigo Children?

Posted by: "Kristin Mcclelland" krissybear955@yahoo.com   krissybear955

Tue Nov 9, 2010 3:44 pm (PST)

They are children with supernatural abilities, like a 6th sense if you will. I myself am a prime example of an Indigo child. The way you identify them [or the way I identify others] are through their aura. Indigos often let off a type of indigo colored aura, where as most auras are a yellow color [depending on situations]. It is even said that Native Americans tribes had the sorts of Indigo Children which they called "Indigos". If you are good with reading auras you will easily be able to tell if they are 'autistic' and as well, I do believe they are real. I have always had a type of supernatural ability, it wasn't until I met another Indigo to realize, I wasn't 'weird' but I had something most people don't have. We became friends quite quickly and she told me more about the Indigo Children.
Many of the characteristics of a Indigo are empathetic, curious, very willed, independent, and 'strange'.
I hope that this will help you understand and learn more about it!
Blessed Be-Anissa Blackhawk
--- On Tue, 11/9/10, ~*~Carly~*~ <carloo62@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: ~*~Carly~*~ <carloo62@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [which_witch_is_witch] Who are the Indigo Children?
To: which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, November 9, 2010, 8:45 AM


From what I've read they are kids that were born from 1992 and on I think.  They are highly sensitive people and are here to carry out a divine mission for the world to be a better place.  They are often unfortunately miss-diagnosed with ADD, autism and other social or "mental" diseases because of their heightened sensitivity and new ways of communicating.

I've read a lot of Doreen Virtue books and she often talks about them

From: Cher Chirichello <CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM>
To: Group NJpagans <NJPagans@groups.care2.com>; LifesaWitchandSoamI Group <Lifes_a_WITCH_So_am_I@yahoogroups.com>; New_Jersey_Pagan_Crossroads Group <New_Jersey_Pagan_Crossroads@yahoogroups.com>; New_Jersey_Pagans Group <New_Jersey_Pagans@yahoogroups.com>; NJPANNOUNCEMENTS Group <NJPAnnouncements@yahoogroups.com>; North_Jersey_Pagans Groups <North_Jersey_Pagans@yahoogroups.com>; Pissed-Off-Pagans Group <pissed-off-pagans@yahoogroups.com>; which_witch_is_witch Group <which_witch_is_witch@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Mon, November 8, 2010 10:14:36 PM
Subject: [which_witch_is_witch] Who are the Indigo Children?


Who are the Indigo Children? How do you feel about the Indigo Children today, do you
still believe? Who are they? And how are they identified?
New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!

Main Yahoo Group NJP:   http://groups.yahoo.com/group/New_Jersey_Pagans/
Ning Web
sites:  NJP:       http://njpagans.ning.com/
Myspace NJP:                    http://www.myspace.com/njp_cher
Cher NJP Link:                  http://www.facebook.com/chic0411
NJP:                           http://www.facebook.com/#!/NJPagans
Group NJP:  http://www.facebook.com/groups.php?ref=sb#/group.php?gid=93725735017


Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter

Posted by: "Ash" mhc4sure@yahoo.com   mhc4sure

Tue Nov 9, 2010 2:00 pm (PST)

Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter

November 10, 2010


For a prettier version of this newsletter, go here:



available at Amazon: http://bit.ly/Pronoia
or Powells: http://bit.ly/PronoiaPowells

The Maasai people of Kenya don't have running water, toilets, or
electricity, and their per capita income is $300 a year. They use cattle
dung as plaster in building their homes because the scent helps repel
lions, which dislike it, from venturing too close.

And yet they are as happy with their lives as Forbes' magazine's "400
richest Americans" are with theirs -- even though the latter may live in
10,000-square-foot palaces with stained glass windows, French patio
doors, limestone kitchen counter tops, spas, wine cellars, and Olympic-
sized swimming pools.

This assertion comes from "Beyond Money: Toward an Economy of Well-
Being," a report done by psychologists Ed Diener and Martin E. P.
Seligman. On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is "extremely dissatisfied," 4 is
"neutral," and 7 means "extremely satisfied," the Maasai, the Inuit of
northern Greenland, and the wealthiest Americans all scored 5.8.

Paupers scratching out a livelihood in the slums of Calcutta registered a
score of 4.6, while international college students and the Amish of Illinois
weighed in at 4.9. Citing 150 other studies in their work, Diener and
Seligman conclude that economic factors are not necessarily correlated
with happiness levels, especially in the developed world.


Meanwhile, according to the World Values Survey, published in *New
Scientist* magazine, Nigerians are the happiest people on the planet,
although 60 percent of them live below the poverty line. The next four
populations at the top of the list are Mexicans, Venezuelans, Salvadorans,
and Puerto Ricans. On the scale of the planet's wealthiest places, they
rank 63rd, 64th, 101st, and 163rd, respectively.

To be clear, Ed Diener notes in another report that on average, rich
people are happier than poor people. He also says that cultural context is
an important consideration in analyzing the relationship between financial
well-being and happiness.

A homeless man in California may have more money than a Maasai cattle-
herder but be less sanguine about his fate. That's because basic
necessities cost more for him and he is surrounded by people who are far
better off than he is.

But Diener also declares that happiness is harder to attain for those who
believe money is the most important factor in feeling good.

Echoing him, the World Values Survey goes so far as to say that "the
desire for material goods is actually a 'happiness suppressant,'" mirroring
the Buddhist assertion that the craving for earthly riches can be the
source of intense suffering.


In calling attention to some of the surprisingly good news about the
developing world, I of course don't mean to imply that paradise is at hand.

My recognition of the underreported progress and miracles is not
equivalent to an endorsement of evil-doers.

And I trust that after having read the six-part series that's completed
here this week you won't go numb to the suffering of others and stop
agitating on their behalf.

Just the opposite: I hope that you will be energized by the signs of
creeping benevolence and waxing intelligence.

As you absorb the evidence that an aggressive strain of compassion is
loose in the world, maybe you will conclude that activism actually works,
and you'll be motivated to give yourself with confidence to the specific
role you can play in manifesting the ultimate goal: to create a heaven on
earth in which everyone alive is a healthy, free, self-actualized, spiritually
enlightened millionaire dedicated to living sustainably.


"Is Pronoia just for Rich, Comfortable People?"

To read Part One of the series, go here: http://bit.ly/RichComfy

To read Part Two of the series, go here: http://bit.ly/RichComfy2

To read Part Three of the series, go here: http://bit.ly/RichComfy3

To read Part Four of the series, go here: http://bit.ly/RichComfy4

To read Part Five of the series, go here: http://bit.ly/RichComfy5



Want to Ward Off the Evil Eye? Just Be Nice

The world's most beautiful tree bark

It may be time to stop the senseless slaughter of plants

(Note: I endorse these because I like them. They are not advertisements,
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Please tell me your own personal nominations for PRONOIA RESOURCES.


Week beginning November 11
Copyright 2010 by Rob Brezsny
Grammar key: Asterisks equal *italics*

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): "I cannot seem to feel alive unless I am
alert," wrote author Charles Bowden, "and I cannot feel alert unless I push
past the point where I have control." Yikes! That's a pretty extreme
approach. But I suggest that you consider trying it out in the coming
week.  If you hope to seize even one of the multiple opportunities that
are swirling in your vicinity, you will need both supreme focus and a 
loosey-goosey willingness to respond to novelty. So don't tense up and
blank out and try to wrestle the mysterious flows into submission. Use
your sixth sense to find the groove, and relax into it.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): "Democracy is the worst form of
government except for all those others that have been tried," said
Winston Churchill. He was defending his favorite political system,
asserting that its imperfections are superior to the flaws of monarchy,
plutocracy, anarchy, theocracy, and the rest. I invite you to use a similar
gauge as you evaluate the belief system that's at the center of your life.
Does it sometimes lead you astray, cause you to see things that aren't
really there, and fill you with confusion -- but in ways that are more life-
enhancing than any other belief system you know of? Or is your belief
system actually kind of toxic? Should you consider replacing it with
another set of organizing principles? If it's the latter, now would be a
good time to begin making a change.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Connie Post, my beloved former editor at
the Dayton Daily News, sent me a haiku-like poem that I'd like you to
ponder: "November trees / which are living? / which are dead?" I'm
hoping this will put you in the mood to mull over an even bigger question,
namely: What parts of your own life are withering and what parts are
thriving? In my astrological opinion, it's very important that you know the
difference, and act accordingly.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Numerologists say the number 10 signifies
completion, wholeness, totality. It could rightly serve as your lucky
number in the coming weeks -- a symbol of your power to draw long-term
processes to a climax on your own terms. But you might also want to
consider using 11 as your emblem of good mojo. That number denotes
the drive to surpass the success you've earned before -- to transcend
easy triumphs and conventional wisdom so as to reach for a more
challenging conquest. Either way, Aquarius, I think you'll be flying high for
the foreseeable future, so there's no need to worry about which way you
should go. If you do choose 11, the risks will be somewhat greater and
the rewards more interesting.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): In *Moby Dick,* Herman Melville suggested
that ideally a person should be a "patriot to heaven." Poet Gary Snyder
wrote, "I pledge allegiance to the soil / one ecosystem / in diversity /
under the sun / with joyful interpenetration for all." Seminal
environmentalist Edward Abbey said, "My loyalties will not be bound by
national borders . . . or limited in the spiritual dimension by one language
or culture. I pledge my allegiance to the damned human race, and my
everlasting love to the green hills of Earth, and my intimations of glory to
the singing stars, to the very end of space and time." I recommend you
experiment with this perspective in the coming weeks, Pisces. You don't
have to tone down your love for your tribe or country. Just see if you can
expand your sense of belonging . . . extend the borders of your comfort
zone . . . and feel at home everywhere you go.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Where I live, 35 percent of all high school
students confess (or brag) that they have engaged in binge drinking,
which is defined as imbibing five or more alcoholic drinks in a two-hour
period. According to my reading of the omens, your inner teenager may
soon be longing to flirt with that kind of intense and total release. Can I
talk him or her out of it? As much as I sympathize with the younger you's
need to escape the numbing effects of the daily grind, I'm asking the
adult you to step in and assert your authority. Try to find a more
constructive approach to liberation.



Factual information and reasonable thinking alone are not sufficient to
guide you through life's labyrinthine tests. You need and deserve regular
deliveries of uncanny revelation.

One of your inalienable rights as a human being should therefore be to
receive mysteriously useful omens on a regular basis. In this spirit, I offer
you the free weekly horoscopes you read in this newsletter.

If you ever want more, and think it's worth paying for, try my daily text
message 'scopes or my expanded audio 'scopes.

Go here to access them:


The weekly forecasts are also available by phone:

1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700.


TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Why did feathered dinosaurs evolve wings?
Paleontologists in Britain have a new theory: It added to their sexual
allure. The head researcher at the University of Manchester speculated
that "maybe they ran around with their arms outstretched to show off
how pretty their feathers were." Eventually those forearms became wings
that came in handy for flying. In other words, the power of flight did not
originate from the urge to fly but rather from the urge to be attractive.
Oddly enough, Taurus, this approach to understanding evolution would be
useful for you to meditate on in the coming weeks. According to my
reading of the astrological omens, you could develop some interesting
new capacities as you work to enhance your appeal to people who matter.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): On the subject of being divided, novelist Iris
Murdoch wrote the following: "He led a double life. Did that make him a
liar? He did not feel a liar. He was a man of two truths."  Whether you
deserve the generosity of that interpretation still remains to be seen,
Gemini. It is possible that your version of doubleness will be rooted in
deceit or delusion rather than sincere and honest duality. Of course I'm
rooting for the latter. Please do all you can to ensure that you're being
authentic, not manipulative.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): My friend Ariel's six-year-old daughter Juno
doesn't understand why anyone would build streets that run in a straight
line. Isn't it more fun if the highways and byways are crooked and curvy?
Shouldn't people want to get to where they're going by veering this way
and that, relishing the playful twists and turns? That's where the best
action is, says Juno, and I agree: in the tweak, in the twirl, in the winding
way -- not in the beeline route that leaves no room for improvisation.
That's especially true for you right now, my fellow Cancerian.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Would you be delighted if I arranged to get an
offshore oil-drilling rig named after you? Probably not. Would you
celebrate if you won a prestigious all-expenses-paid vacation to the
hottest war zones in Afghanistan? I doubt it. So don't accept dubious
honors and gifts like those, Leo. Be clear that you're not interested in ego
strokes that are irrelevant to your long-term dreams. If you hope to get
the prize you're aiming for, you will have to say a definitive no to
supposedly good things that you don't really want.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): The nature of the game is changing. Do you
know which game I'm referring to? I mean the one that everyone's playing
but no one's acknowledging they're playing. The rules of the game had
held steady for quite some time, but recently they began to shift. Now
even the game's rewards are in the process of metamorphosing. My
advice? You don't necessarily need to splash a big dose of raw candor all
over the place, but I do recommend that you at least tell yourself the
truth about what's going on.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): My Facebook friend Robert Goldberg has come
up with terms for you Libras that puts a more positive spin on your
reputation as a fence-sitter. He suggests "fence dancer" or "fence
warrior." You don't always deserve to be bestowed with those honorable
titles, of course. Sometimes you really do molder there in your
intermediate position, paralyzed by indecision and unable to do what's in
the best interests of anyone, including yourself. But on other occasions --
like now -- you have the power to use your in-between status dynamically,
coordinating the opposing interests to work as a whole that's greater
than the sum of the parts.


HOMEWORK: What's the best, most healing trouble you could whip up
right now? Go to Freewillastrology.com and click "Email Rob."



I'm not doing personal charts, but I highly recommend my astrological
colleague, RO LOUGHRAN. Her approach closely matches my own. In our
many discussions about astrology over the years, we've had a major
influence on each other's work.

Ro utilizes a blend of well-trained intuition, emotional warmth, and a high
degree of technical proficiency in horoscope interpretation; she is skilled
at exploring the mysteries of your life's purpose and nurturing your
connection with your own inner wisdom.

Ro is based in California, but can do phone consultations and otherwise
work with you regardless of geographic boundaries.

Ro's website is at

She can also be reached at roloughran@comcast.net


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P.S. I totally respect your privacy. I'll never sell or give away your address
to anyone.


Submissions sent to the Free Will Astrology Weekly Newsletter
or in response to "homework assignments" may be
published in a variety of formats at Rob Brezsny's discretion,
including but not limited to newsletters, books, the Free Will
Astrology column, and Free Will Astrology website. We reserve
the right to edit such submissions for length, style, and content.
Requests for anonymity will be honored with submissions;
otherwise, reader names, screen names, or initials will be used.
Please be sure to note your preference when sending to us. We
are not responsible for unsolicited submission of any creative material.

Contents of the Free Will Astrology Newsletter are Copyright
2010 Rob Brezsny


'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center   http://www.freewebs.com/moshayra


Practical Magick II reminders, Nov. 13, Pomton Lakes NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Nov 9, 2010 7:43 pm (PST)


Here are some reminders
for upcoming events this week.

Free Spirit guide

Saturday, November
13th @ 8pm

Traditional Hatha
Beth Nolan
---Going on

6 pm - 7:15

Open to all levels.
Each class will be
gentle and challenging, encouraging each individual the oppurtunity to settle
into postures and the breath to find relaxation and the space to tap into their
own healing life force.

$15 walkin
$75 for 6


New Moon Shamanic
Drumming Circle

With Denise A.

Thursday, November 11,

8:00pm –


The new moon is a
potent and magickal time of the month to look deep into our souls to discover
what is needed to be released and brought into ourselves and our lives.
When this magickal act is done in ceremony, it sets the stage for deep healing
and personal transformation to occur.

This monthly circle
will work in a shamanic context to create a sacred space for New Moon magick to
transform ourselves and our lives. While working in Harmony with the
Healing Spirits of the Universe, each participant will have opportunities to
deepen their relationships with their personal spirit guides to aid the
transformational process.

Please bring drums,
rattles, an eyeshade or bandana, and any other sacred items you wish to place on
the altar. If you already know what new moon intention you wish to work
with, feel free to bring in a physical representation of your intention to be
placed on the altar.



Practical Magick



SoulJourney Early November Newsletter, Butler NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Nov 9, 2010 7:45 pm (PST)

November 9, 2010

Dear Cher,
Can you believe it's already November? Where on earth has this year gone?! It's getting colder out, dusk happens earlier and earlier, Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and the Yuletime holidays are right behind. Amazing.

I'm very pleased that The Weiser Field Guide to Witches by Judika Illes is now in. My order was messed up so it's a little late. I apologize for that. Christopher Penczak's new book will be in this week, I'm happy to announce. Been very much looking forward to both of these!

Thanks to you we raised another $100 (added to the $300+ already collected) for The Bloomingdale Animal Shelter through the sale of the sample Tarot decks I had here. I still have a few available so please come in and clean me out. It's all for the good of the dogs and cats! $5/deck, buy as many as you wish, cash only. A great way to find a new deck or play with one you've always wanted to check out!

And, this Saturday, from 9-12, two doors down from SoulJourney will be the Butler Marketplace! Homemade (and delicious) ravioli, breads, pies, cakes, organic meats and poultry, pizza, pickles, soups, handmade items (just in time for holiday gifting), and a knife sharpener will all be on hand. The Marketplace will occur the second Saturday of each month through April. Click on the link on the right to read more!

Mitakuye Oyasin,
The Weiser Field Guide to Witches
by Judika Illes $14.95 - AVAILABLE
The cauldron bubbles with the many names of witches across time and cultures. From the broomstick-riding vamp to the sky-clad dancer under the Midsummer moon, witches creep, witches heal, witches cackle, witches charm, and witches teach.
Join author and wise woman Judika Illes on a midnight ride through the famous and infamous witches of history, popular culture, and modern day.

The Three Rays of Witchcraft
by Christopher Penczak $19.99
Inspired by a vision of Awen depicting a spear, a flowering branch, and a horned serpent emanating from three drops of wisdom, surrounded by three worlds, Christopher Penczak received a teaching to reconcile many disparate parts of modern Witchcraft into a cohesive body of magickal lore for personal evolution and enlightenment. Experimented with and expanded upon, this lore is now shared through his latest book; The Three
Rays of Witchcraft: Power, Love and Wisdom in the Garden of the Gods.

2011 Calendars Are In!
Get 'em while they're hot! Witches' Wall Calendar and Datebook, The Spell-a-Day Almanac, Herbal/Magical/Sabbats Almanacs, The Witches' Companion, Astrological Pocket Planner and Wall Calendar, Daily Planetary Guide, and the new Woodland Faeries Wall Calendars.

Metal Art Windchimes ...
... are back! Check them out on the website. As more arrive I'll be getting them onto the site, so stay tuned. Elisa also takes special orders, although that may take a little longer depending on the
supplies she has available.

Handmade Art Glass
Prices reduced on handmade glass bowls and larger goddess hangers. See the website for rollback pricing.

November 21
Full Mourning Moon at 12.27pm in Taurus

November 24
Store Closes at 4pm for Holiday

November 25

November 29
Store is open on Mondays for Holiday Season
2011 Calendars
Handmade Glass and Windchimes

Readers Schedule

Butler Marketplace and Reiki Three

This Week's Spell
Happy Home Magical Stones
Here are a few stones to add to your home or scatter about the house to enhance your personal sacred space:
Snowflake Obsidiandirects negative energy back to its origin. Place in windows or doors to prevent this type of energy from entering your home.
Goldstone promotes calm. Place in children's rooms to promote good, sound sleep.
Sodalite and Citrine also promote sound sleep.
Keep a piece of Onyx and Clear Quartz next to your computer to draw away any harmful emissions.
Angelite promotes peace and protects your environment.
Orange Calcite removes fear and lends energy to the body as well as providing protection.
Rutilated Quartz provides energy and strengthens the immune system.
You can read more about the stones and their qualities, as well as see pictures of each type here.

Butler Marketplace - Nov 13
Homemade, Handmade,
All Natural Read More

Reiki Level Three
Read More
Readers Schedule
November 13 - Psychic Readings with Dayna
November 20 - Psychic Readings with Vikki
November 27 - Psychic Readings with Jean

New InSpiriters!
Check out these great new statues! Read all about them and see them all here or come into the store and view them in all their glory. Quantities are short on most of these, so come in soon if you're interested. I probably won't be able to get
more before the holidays.

Send us an Email SoulJourney
194 Main St.
Butler NJ 07405
www.souljourney.com Where Life is Tragick
Without Magick!

This message was sent from SoulJourney to chic0411@yahoo.com. It was sent from: SoulJourney, 194 Main St., Butler, NJ 07405. You can modify/update your subscription via the link below. Email Marketing by

To update/change your profile click here


Fw: DailyOM: Staying Open and Fluid

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Nov 9, 2010 7:48 pm (PST)

DailyOM - Judgment Versus Opinion
Today's DailyOM brought to you by:

November 9, 2010
Staying Open and Fluid
Judgment Versus Opinion
It is important to distinguish between opinion and judgment. Opinions open us up, judgments close us down.

Most of us understand that when we judge someone, or someone judges us, it is a negative emotional experience. As a result, we naturally want to avoid being judgmental, but this gets confusing when we feel we have to suppress thoughts that could actually be offering us guidance. For example, we may meet someone new and suppress a negative feeling about them, thinking that we don't want to fall into the trap of being judgmental. Later, though, it may turn out that paying attention to that thought could have helped us take care of ourselves or someone else.

It is important to learn to distinguish inner guidance, and having an opinion, from judgment, otherwise we run the risk of not listening to our intuition and not allowing ourselves to form opinions. Inner guidance and opinions both help us to interact more intelligently in the world, so we don't want to throw them out in an effort to avoid being judgmental. Our intuition usually makes itself known to us in a flash, and often has a physical component—a flutter in our stomachs, sweaty palms, or a chill. When we use this information to help us navigate a situation, we always benefit. Similarly, having an opinion about a person or an idea allows us to converse about it in a focused way with intention. Listening to our intuition and forming opinions are both positive outcomes of our ability to interpret the information that comes our way.

When we make a judgment, on the other hand, we attempt to have a final say on whether someone or something is inherently good or bad. Judgments close us down instead of opening us up; opinions have a lighter quality and are amenable to change. Once a judgment has been made, there is no more conversation or consideration, whereas opinions invite further debate. Intuition guides us from moment to moment, but, unlike judgment, never makes a final decree. In other words, it is only healthy to be open to the information we receive and to allow ourselves to process that information. As long as we stay open and fluid, we can trust that we have not fallen prey to the trap of judgment.

Top 10 DailyOM Courses:
1. Make Yourself a Money Magnet
2. How to Create Happiness
3. Heal Your Money Karma
4. The Skinny Thinking Thought Diet
5. Find True Love in 27 Days
6. A Year of Rumi
7. Become Powerful Beyond Belief
8. 60 Meditations for Greater Happiness
9. Skinny Thinking: Taking Off The Weight
10. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul

New Courses | All Courses
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Witches Moonlight Masquerade Ball, Nov. 12, Mahwah NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Tue Nov 9, 2010 8:20 pm (PST)

Witches Moonlight Masquerade Ball

TimeFriday at 8:00pm - November 13 at 12:00am


LocationDoubleTree Hotel, 180 Route 17 South in Mahwah NJ


Created ByPriscilla Tufano, Devyn Barat, Niki Somers


More InfoThe Montclair Witches Ball and the Moonlight Masquerade have joined forces
this year to bring you the Witches Moonlight Masquerade Balll!!!!!!
Dinner, dancing, music, psychic readers, prizes for best costumes,
tricky tray raffle, Samhain rite. All proceeds to benefit St. Jude's
Children's Hospital and an animal charity named Four Legs Good!!!
Gather your friends and come on out for a fun time!!!!!!!!!

Check back again as the date approaches for more information on how/where to
purchase your tickets going on sale in October!!!!!!!!!!!! (Tickets are
$50 presale - $55 at the door)

Purchase tickets at: http://sacredlightcenter.com/masquerade.shtml


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