duminică, 5 decembrie 2010

[Earthwise] Digest Number 2480

Messages In This Digest (13 Messages)

$50 Painting Sale!!! From: Holly Stokes
merry meet! From: Firefly
Re: merry meet! From: Tannim Wolfkin
Animals From: Cathy A.
Hello everybody from VOODOO PRIEST From: Voodoo
Fw: In Arizona From: James Ximerson
Was wondering if someone could help me? From: rabbit
New Member From: staci_sunflower
Hi From: Serenity Seeker
Tahuti Lodge Ordo Templi Orientis, NYC Calendar of Events for DECEMB From: Tahuti Lodge
thanks From: Celeste Bastet
Re: The Christian Lens: Why Goddess Worshiping Greeks Had No Pornogr From: Natalie
Merry Meet from Virginia From: laeyala



$50 Painting Sale!!!

Posted by: "Holly Stokes" holly@ravenmadness.com   hollyberrysheart

Sat Dec 4, 2010 11:06 am (PST)

THIS IS THE LAST WEEK to take advantage of the $50 painting Deal!!!

Check out the link below to view available paintings and message me if there
are any you are interested in. Share this with all your friends ...


Many Blessings,

Blog: http://wordsofraven.blogspot.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/raventalker


merry meet!

Posted by: "Firefly" afireflygirl08@yahoo.com   afireflygirl08

Sat Dec 4, 2010 8:46 pm (PST)

I am seeking a mentor and or group locally in colorado to learn all aspects of the mystic world. Very drawn to stones, touch therapy and herbal therapy. Certified tantra practitioner looking to grow within that genre as there is sooo much to learn. Also seeking new location for the soft touch energy massage I currently do. Thank you for any help or advice! Firefly


Re: merry meet!

Posted by: "Tannim Wolfkin" tannimwolf@gmail.com   darksyn_nightraven1

Sat Dec 4, 2010 9:16 pm (PST)

Heyla Firefly,

What part of Colorado are you in? If you are interested I know of
two ADF Groves in the area. One is Silver Branch Golden Horn in Denver
and the other is The New Village Grove in Colorado Springs. If you are
not familiar with ADF here is a link to their main site,
http://www.adf.org/core/ .As far as places looking for Energy Massage
workers I know that there are a few places up in Manitou Springs that do
that kind of work and they may be looking for other practitioners. Same
goes for Tantra. Hope this helps and welcome to the group and the area.
Walk in Peace.

Tannim Wolfkin

On 11/17/2010 4:46 AM, Firefly wrote:
> I am seeking a mentor and or group locally in colorado to learn all
> aspects of the mystic world. Very drawn to stones, touch therapy and
> herbal therapy. Certified tantra practitioner looking to grow within
> that genre as there is sooo much to learn. Also seeking new location
> for the soft touch energy massage I currently do. Thank you for any
> help or advice! Firefly
> .



Posted by: "Cathy A." drmwvrx3@yahoo.com   drmwvrx3

Sat Dec 4, 2010 8:46 pm (PST)

   Upon reading ur letter I hear the answer within the question.   The Bear is ur mother letting u know she is still with u & "watchin over u".  The deer represents being gentle with yourself & allowing yourself to feel the grief but more importantly "know" ur Mom is not gone, she's always with u & find comfort & strength in that fact.
   The "buck" in the road, male energy.......Is their a dominate male in ur life, standing in ur way?  Or perhaps U need to Change Lanes now, immediately!??
   I've been into paying attention to my dreams for over 50 yrs.   And realize the dream symbol meanings r unique to each individual, as my dghtr loves spiders, I freak out at spiders so that animal symbols differs for us.  However, I got this message oout of ur wording in ur letter.  Hope this helps!     
Blessed Be My Sister,
Wynona Moon  


Hello everybody from VOODOO PRIEST

Posted by: "Voodoo" voodoosorcerer@yahoo.com   voodoosorcerer

Sat Dec 4, 2010 8:47 pm (PST)

I would like to say Hi to everybody..It has been a while since I last postd something.. I was away from the states doing some spiritual work and I just got back...it was intensive but at the same time uplifting for some people... so I hope everyone is ok and would like to see how every single of you are doing..
This is an amazing group... I love it

Lets connect

Voodoo Priest


Fw: In Arizona

Posted by: "James Ximerson" goldenwarrriormage@gmail.com   dragonwarriormage

Sat Dec 4, 2010 8:47 pm (PST)

I just emailed the company that said they would rehire me.  I am working with St Joe the worker.  They would pay for the training, uniforms, and later help me get a place to stay.  I have been watched since I got here.  They are trying to figure out why I came back!  I am in the overflow mens Cass lot.  Ed

--- On Fri, 11/19/10, Edward Cook <crimsomguardian@msn.com> wrote:

From: Edward Cook <crimsomguardian@msn.com>
Subject: In Arizona
To: "My Aol" <galvampdragon@aol.com>, "My new Yahoo" <dragonwarriormage@yahoo.com>, "My Bigstring.com" <vampirewhoguards@bigstring.com>, "My Mail" <dragonwarriormage@mail.com>
Date: Friday, November 19, 2010, 4:13 PM

I am now in Phoenix Arizona!  I thank those that made the trip from Houston to Phoenix possible!  The ones that was to meet me cancelled!  I figured they would for I was forwarned of the trap they set for me!  I walked from the bus station to the location.  No one tried to stop me or anything!  I am well and safe in Phoenix Arizona!  Merry Meet and Merry Part!  Blessed be!


Was wondering if someone could help me?

Posted by: "rabbit" hunnie302@hotmail.co.uk   poison_viper02

Sat Dec 4, 2010 8:48 pm (PST)

I'm pretty new to all of this, and I have to be self-taught as I'm from a small town. After reading a few different methods for sheilding and grounding I decided to put it into practice and used visualisation to set up a sheild. However, as soon as I opened my eyes I felt... not dizzy exactly but a little disoriented. I let the sheild fall because I'm guessing that's not what it's meant to feel like. Any advice as to what is the cause of the disoriention, or a different method to use which will prevent this? Thanks, any help is greatly appreciated.


New Member

Posted by: "staci_sunflower" staci_sunflower@yahoo.com   staci_sunflower

Sat Dec 4, 2010 8:48 pm (PST)

Merry Meet,

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Ana, although I go by many names depending on the situation or whom I am encountering. I have been studying this path for quite some time, but never felt confident enough to tell anyone or to pronounce my religion as Wicca when asked. I feel that I am still learning, although I have been pulled by the Goddess toward this path of enlightenment and I feel her all around me at every moment, I do not feel that I have the tools or the resources to fully serve her. I also am still confused as to what my talents are that she is telling me to use to aid others.

I have been reading the posts today, and have already learned so many things...not necessarily things I didn't know, but they have given me positive confirmation that I have been doing things correctly and that I am following the right path, even though sometimes I take a wrong turn and have to double back.

I hope to network and communicate with others and to be able to ask questions and answer some.

I am currently living in Southern AZ, but am in the process of moving myself and my children back to my hometown in VT. I am a single mother of three children, one of which is married herself and is going to deliver my first grandchild in/around the beginning of June. My other two children are teenagers, my youngest daughter also feels drawn to the goddess and she has recently started studying and learning, mostly from me and from books that I read first so that I can make sure it is something that teachers her goodness.

Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction; I look forward to learning and becoming an active member of this community.

Blessed be,



Posted by: "Serenity Seeker" serenityseeker54@yahoo.com   serenityseeker54

Sat Dec 4, 2010 8:48 pm (PST)

Thank you for allowing me to join your group. My name is GarriAnn and I am 53 will be 54 years old this week. I am in a place where I am in search of more serenity in my life and I have been attracted to the Pagan way for quite some time so I am looking forward to learning more about it.




Tahuti Lodge Ordo Templi Orientis, NYC Calendar of Events for DECEMB

Posted by: "Tahuti Lodge" tahuti_lodge@yahoo.com   tahuti_lodge

Sat Dec 4, 2010 8:48 pm (PST)

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Tahuti Lodge
Ordo Templi Orientis, NYC

Calendar of Events for DECEMBER, 2010 e.v.

* * * * *

Saturday, December 4, 2010 e.v.


Tahuti Lodge's FUN raising Committee is pleased to present:

From Aleister Crowley's THE RITES OF ELEUSIS


5:00 pm SHOWTIME

The Rite of Mercury was performed Live at Tahuti Lodge, O.T.O. on June 6, 1998 e.v.

Admission is $7 pre-paid via Tahuti Lodge PayPal
and to dues current O.T.O. members,

$10 at the door.

Ticket price includes 1 drink and snacks.

To reserve your seat, visit: http://www.tahutilodge.org/RiteOfMercury.php

Come witness OTO history while helping raise money for Tahuti Lodge Temple space improvements.

Everyone is Welcome!!!

This is an open Event! :-)

RSVP tahutilodge@tahutilodge.org for additional information and directions.

* * * * *
December 5,2010 e.v. 3:00 pm



In Manhattan

96 Lafayette Street New York, NY 10013
(212) 584-5492

For more information about Tahuti Lodge, O.T.O., NYC:

For more information about
Ordo Templi Orientis: http://oto-usa.org/

This Event is OPEN
18+ to attend

Please RSVP: tahutilodge@tahutilodge.org to attend

Suggested donation for this event, $10

* * * * *
Saturday, December 11, 2010 e.v.

TAROT STUDY GROUP: A Continuing Series

OPEN EVENT: 4:30 pm

This Session we will explore Tarot Trump XII:THE HANGED MAN

A different card will be studied each month, in a continuing series on the Tarot.
Our aim is to provide a forum to encourage the study and exploration of Tarot.
Participants are encouraged to bring their own Tarot deck and any books they have found helpful in understanding the topic at hand.
While Thelemic Tarot images will often be the centerpiece of our discussions, participants are encouraged to bring a variety of decks to compare and contrast the variety of interpretations of a given card.

So please bring our favorite deck or book and contribute to the discussion!

To RSVP for this event and receive directions, please email tahutilodge@tahutilodge.org

* * * * *

ALSO ON SATURDAY, December 11th

At 8:00 PM


OPEN EVENT – 8:00 pm

Tahuti Lodge, O.T.O., invites you to join us for a public celebration of Liber XV: The Gnostic Mass,
our central ritual both public and private.

An ideal introduction into the Mysteries and Magick of O.T.O.

Presented under the auspices of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, and Ordo Templi Orientis

This Event will take place at our dedicated Temple

To RSVP for this event and receive directions, please email tahutilodge@tahutilodge.org

* * * * *

Thursday, December 16, 2010 e.v.

Magick In Theory and Practice Study Group

OPEN EVENT: 7:45 pm

We will be studying this most important textbook on magick theory and practice a chapter at a time.

Please bring your copy of MTP or download the file from the web and read it in advance.


Although handouts will be available for participants, please read the material beforehand online so we can get a lively discussion going.

You can find the entire text of MTP online here:http://www.hermetic.com/crowley/aba/

RSVP tahutilodge@tahutilodge.org for additional information and instructions.

* * * * *

There is a suggested contribution for most events of $5.00 to help cover the cost of renting and maintaining our temple facility.

Love is the law, love under will.



Posted by: "Celeste Bastet" wpceleste@yahoo.com.ar   wpceleste

Sat Dec 4, 2010 8:49 pm (PST)

hi i wanted to thanks for the oportunity. english is not my mother tonge so i migth most probably make loads of mistakes here. I have been pagan for almost 2 decades and i keep discovering interesting stuff, one big problem i found in my way is that most of the information is for people in the north i live in argentina (south america) and with time i found out that the tipe (quality and cuantity) of information that were more appealing and acurate came from australia and new zeland. So i need to thanks you there for translate into the south the old rediscover ways. Although most surely not knowing it or without that intention all pagans in australia and new zeland brought ligth into my path.


p.d:i hope this is the right way to send you a mail, my first time answering in a foro


Re: The Christian Lens: Why Goddess Worshiping Greeks Had No Pornogr

Posted by: "Natalie" nat.nat85@rocketmail.com   nat.nat85@rocketmail.com

Sat Dec 4, 2010 8:49 pm (PST)

Hi Everyone-

I read the article that was written and I have to strongly disagree with it. I don't think that a Christian lens has necessarily made drug use bad and pornography evil because they add morals to it. The Greeks didn't have the types of drugs we see being used today. We all see how meth, cocaine and various other drugs destroy families and people. It is not because that happens due to the views of it being wrong and therefore causes these ill repercussions
As for pornography, I strongly am against it. We are talking about a society that having sex with children was the norm. Prostitution is a subject that goes much deeper than Greeks being open minded about it. We have to take in account that affects on the psyche of the prostitute themselves. There is a huge difference between sexual freedom and pornography.
So what that they were a Goddess worshiping society, it doesn't mean things were ok and everyone was happy. Women in Athens were equivalent to slaves. Men had full control of all property and the wives had hardly anything for themselves. Women were restricted to mainly being indoors and the births of girls were disappointments. Their Goddesses are remarkable but it does not mean that human women were look upon the same way.
The Greeks have given us some really good things that I doubt we could do without. It does not necessarily mean they were a really great society.

--- In EarthwiseBOS@yahoogroups.com, Karen Tate <karentate108@...> wrote:
> Greetings All,
> Hot off a wildly successful presentation at Boston University, we have
> returning guest blogger, Dr. David Hillman, author of The Chemical Muse.
> You might remember Dr. Hillman, a self proclaimed servant of the
> Muses, supporter of women and Goddess Advocate. His scholarly
> discoveries and research, once censored, are now coveted as academics
> realize the error in their thinking and begin enthusiastically embracing
> his body of work. Be one of the first to read the latest of what some
> may call controversial, but textually sound scholarship, and feel free
> to leave your comments for David. And don't miss the end of the
> article where I'll provide links to David's previous blog entries here
> and links to our radio show interviews on Voices of the Sacred Feminine,
> where David retains the distinguished ranking of one my top ten interviews.
> I think you'll enjoy reading and listening to Dr. Hillman. He does not
> rely on others translations of ancient Greek. He can translate on his
> own, consequently, he has a lot to say that's not tainted by the
> Christian lens, which helps us understand what the Greeks really meant
> about important topics.
> The Christian Lens: Why Goddess Worshiping Greeks Had No Pornography
> Click Here -- http://exm.nr/fs6Z6v
> --
> Karen Tate
> www.karentate.com
> http://www.examiner.com/x-22579-LA-Womens--Goddess-Spirituality-Examiner
> http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1291934676&ref=profile
> http://www.myspace.com/karentate108
> fOLLOW ME On TWITTER @karentate108
> Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio....Extended Edition
> http://www.blogtalkradio.com/VoicesoftheSacredFeminine
> Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio Program Archives
> http://www.karentate.com/Tate/radio_show.html
> Author of Sacred Places of Goddess: 108 Destinations&
> Walking an Ancient Path: Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth
> You-Tube....http://www.youtube.com/isisisis13


Merry Meet from Virginia

Posted by: "laeyala" ladybecki@yahoo.com   laeyala

Sat Dec 4, 2010 8:49 pm (PST)

Good evening brothers and sisters. I have joined this group in hopes of finding those in my area of like mind and heart. I am a 30 year old wife, mother, college student, and full time Collector. I love the earth and everything to do with it. I do not preach to others of my ideas unless they ask for it. I am Wiccan and have been studying Wicca for many years. Christianity always felt "wrong" and never reached my heart as Wicca has. Please feel free to message me with any questions. I am open to almost everything.

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Thank you.

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We are based in Western Sydney, NSW. Australia.
Located in the valley before the beautiful Blue Mountains were
we hold sacred rituals, workshops, social events and outings,
for more information see our calendar of events at Witches Meetup

Astarte also works full time as a Psychic Counsellor, Medium,
Clairvoyant, Healer and Teacher.
If she can be of assistance to you, please see her home page at

Astarte is always sourcing new suppliers of quality pagan
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she willing to purchase worldwide items for the Earthwise Store.
If you have something of interest please contact Astarte

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