joi, 2 decembrie 2010

[which_witch_is_witch] Digest Number 4581

Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)

DailyOM: Think Globally, Eat Locally From: Cher Chirichello
Daily Goddess Devotion From: Ash
HEAVEN #3660 God-bountiful, December 2, 2010 From: Ash
ISHTAR From: Ash
Albite From: Ash
Abalone From: Ash
Abraham Hicks: Daily Quote - 12/02/2010 From: Ash
Reach High, Dream Deep From: Ash
Power Animal of the Day: Bear From: Ash
Quado's Garden: You Encompass Your Dearest Dream Now From: Ash
Gemstones and Their Historic Metaphysical Properties From: Ash
Prayers For Our Pagan Soldiers, 12/2/2010, 7:00 pm From:
Holiday Sales at Off the Beaten Path, Butler NJ From: Cher Chirichello
Friday's Correspondence...Dec 3 From: Cher Chirichello
Goddess  Of The Day  : BOLDOGASSZONY Hungarian Wedding From: Cher Chirichello
Preferred Customer Cyber Mon. Art Sale!! From: Cher Chirichello
SoulJourney Holiday Hours, Sales, and Gift Ideas, Butler NJ From: Cher Chirichello
Cabernet and Crafts Part 2, Dec. 4 Wallington NJ From: Cher Chirichello
Introduction to Tarot: Week 4: The Major Arcana, Part 3 From: Cher Chirichello
Frozen in Time A Steampunk World's Fair Celebration , nj From: Cher Chirichello
Fund Raiser for the Food Bank, Dec. 3-4 Sea Bright NJ From: Cher Chirichello
One Heart special one day drumming workshop, Dec. 4, St. Ithaca NY w From: Cher Chirichello
Yuletide Aromatherapy, Dec. 4, Butler NJ the Scents of the Holiday From: Cher Chirichello
OPERATION CIRCLE CARE: Yuletide Care Packages for Pagans in the Mili From: Cher Chirichello



DailyOM: Think Globally, Eat Locally

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Thu Dec 2, 2010 3:40 am (PST)

DailyOM - Have Fun and Save the Planet
Today's DailyOM brought to you by:

December 1, 2010
Think Globally, Eat Locally
Have Fun and Save the Planet
Now it is more important than ever to eat locally and shop your local farmer's market and small grocery store.

We all know that our planet needs our help right now, but we often feel unsure about what to do, where to make an effort, and what will really help. The good news is that we can heal the planet on a daily basis simply by buying and eating food that is grown locally. Food that has been transported long distances doesn't contain much life force by the time it gets to your kitchen. Making a commitment to shop, buy, and eat locally is not only a very important part of creating positive change, it can also be delicious fun.

One of the best places to begin the adventure of eating locally is a farmer's market. Stalls brim with fresh fruits and vegetables grown on nearby farms. Not only is this good for the environment, it's good for the farmers since they benefit from selling directly to the consumer. The consumer benefits, too, from the intimate experience of buying food from the hand of the person who grew it. In addition, the food is fresher and more diverse. In supermarkets, particular varieties of fruits and vegetables are favored due to their ability to survive transport to a far destination. Alternately, at a farmer's market, you will find versions of the fruits and vegetables you know that will surprise and delight your senses—green striped heirloom tomatoes, purple cauliflower, white carrots, and edible flowers, just to name a few.

Make an effort to buy as much of your food as possible directly from local farmers. You will become one of a growing number of people eating delicious food to save the planet and having fun doing it.

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Daily Goddess Devotion

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Thu Dec 2, 2010 6:05 am (PST)

Source: Lady Abigail

Daily Goddess Devotion

be the universe for She is the wise and gracious mother of all
creation. Honor Her, for She freely gives all that is and shall be unto
our very souls.

Lady Abigail
Copyright © 10302010

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center  


HEAVEN #3660 God-bountiful, December 2, 2010

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Thu Dec 2, 2010 6:14 am (PST)

In sharing this is through and on the essence of Love. The main focus of this piece and irregardless of our spiritual walk, faiths, perceptions, etc what we may adapt of modify in that light we all can come together on the inherency of Love and the intent with that in this message. In that spirit and vein enjoy and receive in the spirit of Love. :)

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God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3660 God-bountiful, December 2, 2010

God said:

You are constantly on the tip of My
tongue. I savor My thoughts of you. My thoughts of you are an eternal
present I give to Myself.
My heart beats within the pauses of thoughts of you. The whole wide
world opens up as My heart encompasses you. You are encompassed in My
heart, and so you dispel the world to itself.
You are a delight to Me. I know the goodness of your heart. I know
when it is squeezed. I know when it is open. And I know when it is wide
open. Right now your heart, your beautiful heart, is between open and
wide open. Otherwise, you would not be reading My words. And when My
words enter your heart, you open your heart more, and sometimes My words
ream your heart wide open. Your heart is meant to be wide open. Open
tends to feel vulnerable to you, as if a meteor would sail through or a
foreign object would enter and exit leaving your heart wounded. It is as
if you feel you are panting for breath on the shore of love and can't
quite make it.
Beloveds, you are panting for love. Waves of love wash you onto the
shore of love, just where you are supposed to be. You discover yourself
on a strand of love. You wake up to yourself here on the verge of love,
daring to love, loving to love, being awash in love, as if there were
nothing else but love, love to do and love to be. Declared or not, you
are love. You are nothing but love.
Wounded love is nothing but love incomplete. It is a misperception.
Cupid shoots arrows of love. Love pierces your heart, so it seems. Open
your heart, and arrows will not pierce it. Hearts are meant to be open.
Your heart is meant to be open. Do not be contrary to your heart.
Your heart has a great capacity for love. Nothing is going to burn up
your heart. Your heart will simply expand. With each perceived assault,
your heart will open wider. Your heart is not going to be consumed.
Your heart is going to be elevated. Your heart is becoming unassailable.
Your heart is surrounding the world, encompassing the world, nourishing
the world. You are not to protect your heart. You are to contain the
world in it. Welcome the world into your heart.
You are not meant to resist love. You are meant to be ebullient with
love. Your heart is meant to be a fountain of love, ever rising, ever
sharing its contents of love.
If you feel heartsore with the arrival of love, then give love
everywhere. Do not target it. Spend it effusively. Be a lover of the
world. Simply be a pitcher of love that pours love generously. What good
is love if it is not generous? Love cannot be ungenerous. Love is what
generates from you wholeheartedly, upliftingly, sportingly, capaciously
and quietly, very quiet love, demanding nothing. Love is not walked on.
Love is like the waves of the ocean as they greet the shore, lapping
waves of love that ask for nothing but to be themselves, to overlap
anything bounding from a human heart
that is not a wave of love. Reach the shore of another heart. Be
bountiful. Be heart-bountiful. Be God-bountiful. Give way to love. You
are a force of love, so be it.
You might as well love with all your heart and not just with a piece
of it. Be wholehearted. Love is Wholeness. It is not part-ness. It is
not heartless. It is heartful. Be not afraid to love without quarter. Do
not be afraid to reach the shores of love and surpass the shores. It is
yourself you love in another. Keep your ability to love and to let love
be free. Do not halter it.
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'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center



Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Thu Dec 2, 2010 6:21 am (PST)

Source: Jodi


Now linger not, but come, O goddess fair

When thou stoopest o'er the dying

With compassion, lo! They live;

And when the sick behold thee they are healed.

Hymn to Ishtar 1600 BCE

Ishtar is the Babylonian supreme goddess of fertility, love and war. As
the Opener of the Womb, she is creator of life; as the Destroyer, she is
the goddess of death. She rules sexual activity, ovulation and the
menstrual cycle; at Ishtar's temples her ishtarishtu (sacred
prostitutes) were to be found. In addition, Ishtar was regarded as a
healer goddess, and her effigy once was transported to Egypt to heal the
ailing Amenhotep III.

She is usually represented as a warrior-goddess, sometimes winged, with
bow and quiver or a scimitar and surrounded by a halo of stars.
Otherwise, she is depicted sitting on a lapis lazuli throne wearing a
necklace with a star, accompanied by doves, like Aphrodite, snakes like
Atana Potnia, or hunting dogs like Artemis. Sometimes she is shown
riding on a lion, her sacred animal. As the goddess of love, her symbol
was the eight-pointed star [Venus] or a rosette. She has aspects as a
moon goddess, riding through the sky at night in a chariot drawn by
goats or lions, ruling oracles and prophetic dreams. The zodiac was
known as the "girdle of Ishtar".

She rules the gods and humankind as the Queen of Heaven and was
worshipped throughout the Near East under various names such as Inanna
in Sumeria, Astarte in Canaan and Tanit in Carthage. She was titled the
Light of the World, Leader of Hosts, Righteous Judge, Lawgiver, Goddess
of Goddesses, Bestower of Strength, Framer of all Decrees, Lady of
Victory, Forgiver of Sins, Torch of Heaven and Earth, Exalted Light of
Heaven, She Who Begets All, Guardian of the Law and Shepherdess of the
Lands. She was said to be the daughter of the moon goddess Ningal and
the sister of Ereshkigal "Mistress of the Underworld", who rules the
only realm in which Ishtar has no influence.

The most famous story of Ishtar tells of her search for Tammuz in the
Underworld, a legend recorded on clay tablets around 1750 BCE, which
recalls the search of Demeter for Persephone. Tammuz, called "The Green
One" is the Assyro-Babylonian equivalent to the Syrian Adonis, a
vegetation god of death and resurrection. He was the husband of the
goddess Ishtar and died every year during the hot month of Tammuz
[July-August] , gored by a boar. His soul was taken to the underworld
and the goddess Ishtar led the lamentation, but the whole world mourned
his death. The earth became dry and barren, as all vegetation withered
in the blistering heat. Ishtar decided that she must go into the
underworld to rescue her husband from the clutches of Ereshkigal.

Arrayed in splendour befitting the Queen of Heaven, Ishtar presented
herself to Nedu, the gatekeeper of the Underworld, which was separated
from the rest of creation by seven gates. According to the ancient
rites, Istar had to surrender one of her garments, and the power it
represented, at each of the gates. At the first gate, Nedu removed the
magnificent crown that showed she was supreme among the gods. At the
second gate, he removed her necklace with the eight-rayed star, which
denoted that she was a goddess. At the third gate, he removed her
bracelets of gold and lapis lazuli which showed her power and wealth. At
the fourth gate, he removed her shoes and with them the ability to
return to the world of men. At the fifth gate, he removed the veil which
covered her secrets. At the sixth gate, he removed her outer robe, so
that she stood naked and defenceless. At the seventh gate, he removed
her final garment, the body that clothed her soul. Stripped of her
wealth and power, her beauty, her secrets, and even her body, she became
what we all must become at death. Alas, Ereshkigal refused her pleas to
return Tammuz, and Ishtar became as one dead.

Meanwhile the earth was arid, barren and joyless. Sin the moon god and
Shamash the sun god decided that something had to be done. They asked
Ea, the god of water, magic and wisdom to help; he sent a messenger into
the underworld with a powerful spell. The goddess of the underworld was
forced to release her prisoners. Ishtar was purified by Ea's waters and
passed back through the seven gates, regaining her raiment and jewels
at each. Joy returned to earth [1] and life began anew as the first
rains fell around the autumn equinox, when the festival of the "Holy
Marriage" was celebrated.

The women of the Near East mourned Tammuz every year during July-August
at the rising of the Sirius the Dog Star, making little gardens which
flourished for a short time before being thrown into the sea. After
this, the women rejoiced, for the god had been reborn.

At the Seven Gates of the Underworld, Ishtar willingly sacrifices her
wealth, power, status and beauty in order to rescue her beloved husband.
Naked, alone and vulnerable, she awaited what would come. Reborn, she
emerged into the light once more, a metaphor for death and rebirth,
initiation, and the more mundane cycles of darkness and light that we
all experience in the course of our lives.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center  



Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Thu Dec 2, 2010 6:23 am (PST)

Source: Jodi


Properties: Moonstones are a cut and polished form of Albite. Albite is most

famous for balancing our emotional states. Emotional states are connected to

the water element, which are connected to the cycles of the moon and tides

and therefore, has a strong relationship to a women's menstrual cycle.

Therefore, moonstone is one of the best stones for soothing emotional stress

and anxiety. Albite helps cool, soothe and calm over-reactions to emotional

and personal situations. It allows us greater flexibility and flow with life

Albite has been used for protection against the perils of travel. It encourages
a lust for life, a youthful attitude and helps us to become comfortable with
the aging process and its transitions.

Albite's emotional connection makes it most effective when placed at the 2nd

or Sacral/Spleen Chakra. Known to be of ancient spiritual significance in

its connection to the moon and the intuitive aspect of one's nature, the

source of our intuition is often described as our "gut feeling" found at the

Solar Plexus Chakra. Although, the Third Eye Chakra is most associated with

intuition, the "spark" is what is felt in the area of our solar plexus. This

being the biggest nerve center in our body connected to almost all the

organs. This is also where the connection between the three lower Chakra

interchange with the four higher Chakra energy centers. Therefore, use

moonstone to promote your intuitive and empathic nature. Use it also to

encourage lucid dreaming, especially at the time of the full moon. It is the

perfect stone for the Emotional Layer of the Aura

Feng Shui: Albite should be used in the Northwest corner for travel or in

the Center area for grounding, balance, good health, spirituality and protection.

Crystal Cleansing: This stone can be cleansed and discharged of negative

energy every month after the menstrual cycle is complete. Cleanse this stone

by running it under warm water and charging it over night on a crystal

cluster, preferably quartz, in a bowl of tumbled hematite or most beneficial

is allowing it to be cleansed by the light of the full moon for 24-48 hours.

History: Albite, K (Al Si3 O8) is a orthoclase feldspar. When cleaved, this

semi-translucent stone is most known for creating moonstone.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center  



Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Thu Dec 2, 2010 6:26 am (PST)

Source: Jodi


Properties: Although not a crystal, abalone shell has been used for

centuries in jewelry and carvings. Nicknamed the sea ears, the Abalone's

flattened, oval shape with iridescent interior was used by the Native

Northwest American Indians as a natural vessel for cleansing, offerings and

prayers. Embracing the colors of the ocean, the shell displays iridescent

colors in its blues, greens, purples and yellows. This unique shell embodies

all the aspects of the water element including love, beauty, gentleness,

caring, comfort, peacefulness, delight and solace It is soft to the touch

from repeated tumbling in the sand and water. Abalone is useful for handling

and calming emotional situations and is very soothing to the mind/body. When

working through any emotional situation, have abalone nearby as it is

believed to be beneficial and promotes cooperation. Abalone is associated

with all the Chakra energies. In particular, it seems to work the best on

the Solar Plexus Chakra, stimulating that gut feeling. Abalone is especially

good for the Heart Chakra, as it gently clears the heart of fear, sorrow and

negative emotions. Abalone allows your intuitive resources to stimulate

psychic development and intuition through the Third Eye Chakra.

Folk Remedies: Abalone has been used for arthritis and other joint disorders

muscle problems, the heart, and digestion.

Feng Shui: Use in the Center area for grounding, balance, good health,

spirituality and a sense of peace.

Crystal Cleansing: Abalone can be cleansed and discharged of negative energy

every month by running it under warm water or placing it in a bowl of water

and adding a teaspoon of sea salt. Charge abalone by the light of the sun

and/or full moon for 24-48 hours.

History: Abalone are actually small to very large edible sea snails. The

shell of abalones has a convex, rounded to oval shape, and the shell may be

highly arched or very flattened. The shell is ear shaped and characterized

by several open respiratory pores in a row near the shell's outer edge. The

last one is aeriform such that the shell resembles an "ear". Common names

for abalones also include ear-shells, sea-ears and Venus's-ears. For

thousands of years the abalone existed with its natural marine predators.

Native Americans harvested abalone from the intertidal zone. Asians

harvested abalone in California during the 1800s and early 1900s. Shells are

part of a living ecosystem, made up from calcium carbonate and grow in the

ocean. Many types of shell have been used instead of gemstones for centuries

Abalone shell has been used for centuries in jewelry and carvings. In the

Apache tradition a disc of abalone shell is worn on the forehead of Apache

girls, on the morning of their initiation into womanhood. Native Northwest

American Indians as a natural vessel for cleansing, offerings and prayers.

View Small Abalone Shells Now * Abalone Shell Stand

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center  


Abraham Hicks: Daily Quote - 12/02/2010

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Thu Dec 2, 2010 6:30 am (PST)

As you deliberately look for positive aspects in others who
surround you, you will train your Vibrational propensity into increasing
improved Vibrations. So it does not matter how many negative thoughts you
have thought before, or how long you have been negatively focused. You can
deliberately focus—right now—on an improved
thought.Because the Law of Attraction is responding
to your current thought, more thoughts like that current thought are most
likely to come into focus for you. In other words, the Law of
Attraction (that which is like unto itself, is drawn) will continue
to dish up for you more and more thoughts that match your current
Vibrational frequency. And so, the more you deliberately choose
better-feeling thoughts, the more easy and ready access you will have to
much better-feeling

Thoughts. We teach meditation because it is actually easier,
in some situations, to help you find "no thought" than to find
a positive thought. . . . There is no better path to wonderful,
meaningful, good-feeling relationships than the combination of a daily
meditation—allowing your Vibration to find its natural
balance—and the deliberate focusing upon positive aspects.

--- Abraham

This is 32 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from
Abraham's new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and
User Guide that will be available everywhere on Nov. 15, 2010.
To order expanded digital version,
click here

Our Love,

Jerry and Esther

Visit Us Online 

©1997-2010 Abraham-Hicks Publications

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center


Reach High, Dream Deep

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Thu Dec 2, 2010 6:36 am (PST)


Ω ☆`'·.¸GODDESS¸.·'´☆ "STAR ★ DUST" ☆¸.·'´☆

Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.

Pamela Vaull Starr

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center  


Power Animal of the Day: Bear

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Thu Dec 2, 2010 6:58 am (PST)

The Bear

Affection          Faith

Take a deep breath and let the spirit of the bear fill you. 

Click here to listen to the Bear's Song.

many gifts of the bear are yours.  How fortunate you are!

bear will teach you how to go after the sweetness of life, to  put up with a few
bee stings to get at the honey, to put up with a few thorns to taste the sweet
berries.  With bear energy within you, the petty little irritations of life will
pass unnoticed as you go after the sweetness that is there for you.

bear will also teach you how to use your strength and balance it with love. 
When threatened, the bear knows how to stand tall and bellow out a warning.  His
courage and power will be there for you whenever you need it.  But when
approached gently, the bear knows how to give a loving hug.  His sweet and
loving nature will reside gently within your heart.


most of all, the bear will teach you about seasons, about living with life as it
is.  He accepts that life has its seasons, the freshness of spring, the bounty
of summer, the beauty of fall, and the cold storms of winter.  And when the
winter is here, the bear knows that it is all right to just crawl into a cave
and sleep, safe and warm.  He sleeps soundly, full of faith, knowing that
tomorrow may just be the first day of a new spring.


out with your bearness.  Be present within each moment of every season, full of
love and courage and always going after the sweetness of life.  You are the

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center  


Quado's Garden: You Encompass Your Dearest Dream Now

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Thu Dec 2, 2010 7:08 am (PST)

Encompass Your Dearest Dream Now


What is required to create this future you dream


It requires that
you love now, this moment, and embrace it completely, no matter what it holds. 
This moment is not to be judged and found wanting.  It is. 


And from this moment and your attitude toward it
springs the next moment and the moment after that.  Fill this moment with love,
courage, patience, joy and faith and then let the rest flow naturally from that.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center  



Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Thu Dec 2, 2010 12:15 pm (PST)

Source: Jodi


I invoke you, O Goddess Laksmi

Who is the colour of gold,

brilliant like the sun

She who is remover of sins,

Who shines with the fame of herself

Who is burnished like the moon

Who is adored by the Gods

Garlanded with lotus flowers,

As beautiful as the petals of a lotus

Who protects all her devotees

The bringer of wealth and the possessor of gold.

I invoke you, O Goddess Laksmi

May you bring me prosperity.

The name Lakshmi (pronounced lock'shmee) is derived from the word laksmi
meaning 'goal'. She is an ancient goddess who helps her worshippers
achieve both spiritual and worldly goals, and is the goddess of
prosperity, generosity, purity and chastity. Her sacred animals are
elephants and cows, both symbols of abundance. Some think that she
assimilated the pre-vedic deity Sri, a goddess of fertility, water and

According to the legend, Lakshmi arose out of the primordial ocean, a
sea of milk which was being churned, bearing red lotuses in her hands.
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva (creator, preserver and destroyer respectively)
all wanted to marry her. However, Shiva already had Kali and Brahma had
Saraswati, so she married Vishnu the Preserver, god of righteousness
and cosmic harmony. She acts as his shakti, or animating force, and
shared each of his ten incarnations. When Vishnu appeared as Vamana,
Parasurama, Rama, Krishna, she appeared as Padma or Kamala, Dharani,
Sita and Rukmini. She is as inseparable from Vishnu as good deeds from
virtue. Vishnu represents all that is male and Lakshmi all that is

She is depicted clothed in red to signify dynamic energy, and her dress
is embroidered in gold, to signify affluence. She appears floating on a
red lotus, which represents divine truth, and denotes that while we may
enjoy material blessings, we should not become obsessed by their
importance. She is usually depicted with four arms and hands. The rear
hands, which represent actions in the spiritual world, hold red lotuses.
One fore hand pours coins into a pot, and the other is raised in
blessing. Together they represent the four aims of human existence:
dharma (righteousness) , kama (genuine desires), artha (wealth), and
moksha (liberation from birth and death). She is sometimes shown with
two elephants, which signify fame and renown. Some sculptures show
Lakshmi riding on the back of an owl. In Sanskrit, Uluka means an owl,
and this is one of the names of lndra, the king of gods, indicating that
Lakshmi rides on the back of power and glory.

Though her devotees pray to Lakshmi for wealth, her gifts are also of
spiritual truth and purity, achieved through continual effort. This idea
is represented by the lotus which, although it grows from the mud,
remains pure and perfect, suggesting that the aim of her worshippers
should be a spiritual state which transcends the material world. The
goddess is surrounded by an aura of happiness and satisfaction on all

Perhaps it isn't surprising that Lakshmi, as goddess of wealth, is more
popular than Saraswati, the goddess of learning. Many homes have a
shrine to the goddess. Separate Lakshmi temples are rare and when she
appears in the company of her husband Vishnu, she is shown with two
hands only. Otherwise, when worshipped in a temple, she is shown seated
on a lotus throne, with four hands a pot of ambrosia and bilva or citron
fruit. Lakshmi is worshipped with special ceremonies at Divali.

The goddess Lakshmi reminds us that we live in the material realm.
Lakshmi tells us that while we make seek comfort and prosperity, we
should not be fooled into thinking that these things are important in
themselves. Only when wealth is shared, in order to bring happiness and
relief of the suffering of others, does it have meaning. It is an energy
that flows like any other and you should not cling to it.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center  


Gemstones and Their Historic Metaphysical Properties

Posted by: "Ash"   mhc4sure

Thu Dec 2, 2010 2:41 pm (PST)

Source: Jodi

Gemstones and Their Historic Metaphysical Properties

By Kimberly Gough

Crystals have been companions to man in one way or another since the
beginning of time. For those of you that recognize the pre-history of
Lemuria and Atlantis, it is common knowledge that these peoples were
using quartz and other gemstones for energy sources, communications,
data storage, and weaponry.

Ancient priestesses painted their faces with white gypsum for
purification and to emulate the goddesses of light they served. Most
ancient cultures used gems for healing. According to the Bible, the
twelve tribes of Israel were each represented by twelve corresponding
precious stones. Nobility of all cultures encrusted their palaces and
sacred places with precious gems. In Asian cultures, crystals were
passed through generations as well as placed during burial with deceased
love ones, a practice that still survives today.

In our modern age, the power of crystals cannot be denied. Computers,
telecommunications, data storage, memory chips, etc. depend mainly on
silicon dioxide, aka - quartz crystal. Rubies and sapphires make laser
technology possible, and the building industry depends heavily on
minerals such as gypsum, also known as a form of selenite. The military
relies on beryllium extracted from such gems as "tiffany stone" for
making missiles and warheads, and the drug lithium is still extracted to
some degree from quartz with lithium deposits.

On a metaphysical level, crystals are finally beginning to get the
mainstream recognition they deserve for supplementing our physical,
emotional and spiritual health. I mention them as a supplement since we
alone hold the ability to completely heal ourselves at the time of our
choosing. Crystals are wonderful tools to assist us in these processes.
It is also interesting to note that although we often refer to gemstones
as crystals, everything of physical matter in our dimension has a
crystalline structure at its simplest form, even man made items such as
plastics, so definitely a concept to keep in mind when we consider the
idea of "clearing" and "programming" crystals later in this discussion.

Even the precious gemstones that are not as popular in the metaphysical
circles have their affinities. For example, diamonds are reputed to draw
abundance to their wearer, along with consistency, fidelity,
confidence, and purity. Diamonds are one of the gems said to improve
physical vision. Emeralds are considered to be quite helpful at
facilitating healing in the physical body, and rubies, the stone of
nobility, assist in spiritual wisdom, strengthening businesses,
imparting good physical health, and knowledge. Garnets are one of the
original stones of commitment on all levels, life purpose,
relationships, and self (found on many antique engagement rings) thought
to strengthen the heart, lungs, and blood. It is worthy to note that
these attributes are considered by many metaphysical crystal
practitioners to be exactly the same whether a precious gem is natural
or man-made.

At a time when many are finally comfortable displaying their cherished
crystal specimens to all, it is a good idea to do a little research as
to where in the home a gem would be most comfortable and able to impart
its gifts. Stones such as selenite, celestite, (geode form), and kyanite
(there are certainly others) do not do well in a damp environment and
will discolor if not break apart from too much moisture. Amethyst,
celestite, and rose quartz may fade if placed in an area with too much
UV lighting. A front door can benefit from the display of red tiger's
eye, (sometimes called dragons' eye) a manifesting stone that will also
chase away negativity. Hallways are thought to benefit from any sparkly
or bright colored gems such as sulphur or hematite. Bedrooms can be
given a cozy, feminine charm with the addition of rich, dark colored
stones, (especially when in spherical or egg forms) such as lapis
lazuli, hematite and obsidian, the latter two having grounding
affinities. Amethyst placed under the foot (never at the head...too
energizing!) of the bed is believed to bring harmony to married
relationships, or draw a love to a single person. Moss agate beside the
bed is thought to ward off nightmares, amber makes waking in the morning
more bearable, and certainly the addition of angelic stones such as
celestite or angelite couldn't hurt. These are just a tiny sampling of
the possibilities of placing gems within the home.

There are a good number of gemstones making their way onto the scene
that perhaps are not as popular, but are truly worth researching.
Rhodocrosite, for example, is considered to be the "yang" version of
rose quartz. It is often referred to as the stone of compassion in
action, a beautiful term for such a lovely gem also attributed to
drawing positive soulmates to us, and our inner child out. Rhodocrosite
exhibits a broad range of pink colors from opaque with gray undertones
to a gel pink in its gem grade forms. Larimar is a recently rediscovered
stone (1974?) that brings calm and clarity to its wearer and boasts a
striking range of blue-greens and whites reminiscent of Caribbean waves.
This is appropriate given that it is only found in the Dominican
Republic, and has long been called "dolphin stone" or Atlantis stone".
Larimar is the gem foretold to be discovered at an appropriate time to
"Atlantis' rising" by the late Edgar Cayce.

On the subject of the abundance of gems making their way into the world
markets at a fast pace, this must be a time when these treasures are
ready to surface. Everything certainly happens in divine timing, and
although they may have been brought to the surface, they are still
happily here on the Earth to assist us and bring us their great beauty.
Gemstones such as kyanite which were previously only available as rough
pieces for home display or carrying in a pouch are now available in bead
and pendant form, a wonderful way to combine healing with fashion.

When choosing a gemstone, it is important to "go with your gut" and let
your intuition guide your selection. Make sure the stone "feels right"
to you. Consider the things you are trying to draw into or out of your
life, and start researching the crystal realm. You will be able to get
to the point where you could look at a gemstone on eBay and know it is
calling to you. Many believe, and with good reason, that just as all
other inhabitants of the natural world are considered to have, that
crystals have a resident "Deva" within that gives each gem its unique
personality. Some say they can actually hear the little beings singing
or talking. Perhaps this is an aspect of what we are drawn to in
choosing a stone? Whatever the case, no two gemstones are alike, and
everyone will be guided to the best one for their needs.

There is a good bit of discussion on "clearing" crystals, and this is
certainly something to consider, even if the only gems you own are on
your wedding band or heirloom jewelry. It is believed that gemstones
pick up and absorb negative vibrations. Perhaps this is one of the ways
in which they help us. I have personally observed some of my clear
quartz crystals becoming cloudy over time, then more transparent after I
use a technique to clear them. One of the most common, and damaging
ways to clear a crystal has been to bury it in sea salt or soak it in
salt water. Many still consider this the best way to clear a crystal of
unwanted energies, but it is certainly at the expense of the crystal.
Salt dehydrates the stones and can make them susceptible to breakage and
losing luster, not to mention how this may affect the healing
properties of the stone. There are many other ways to clear a crystal
that are healthier to them. An additional note on salt is that it is a
known absorber of negative energies, so if the salt itself is not
cleared, just imagine what could end up in the stone additional. I'll
place an asterisk * next to techniques that can also be used to clear

Forming an intention of clearing anything is just as important as the
actual clearing, the clearing methods themselves being once again a
facilitating factor. One simple way to clear crystals involves the use
of sage or incense for smudging*. You simply form the intention in your
mind that you are clearing any negative or non-useful energies from your
stone as you wave the smoke around it. It is helpful to follow sage
smudging with an incense of your choice (frankincense is good) since
sage effectively removes so much that the energy needs to be refilled
(this comes from a Native American so I trust it). You can also bury the
crystal in dried herbs such as rose petals or sage and leave it for a
day or so. Burying in the ground or in a flower pot is yet another
option but the crystal may get some mud deposits on it. Again, a day or
so, trusting your intuition on this, will suffice. Leaving the crystals
in full moonlight is considered another effective method of clearing.
Sunlight is good*, but it depends on the sunlight and the crystal, since
as mentioned earlier, some stones fade in UV light and faults within
the gem may cause the piece to crack if the sun is too intense. There
are crystals that are considered to never need clearing, and have the
ability to clear other gems placed on or near them. Selenite, kyanite,
and citrine* are three of these. In fact, a kindly merchant at a gem
show showed me a technique of standing in a triangle formed of selenite was an amazing sensation of clearing on my energetic and
physical body! Running a stone under water (no extreme temperatures) is a
quick clearing method, and then there is just the old standby of
trusting your own power and sending your energetic affirmations through
your crystal* to clear it squeaky clean.

If you are using your crystals for healing, remember to also set an
intention for each crystal that will act as a program, as crystals,
especially quartz, are amazing storehouses for data and energy. Enjoy!

(For education and entertainment use only, these are ancient attributes
and current folk remedy uses for gemstones. Peace of One makes no claims
as to the actual healing properties of gemstones. This information is
offered as a service and is not meant to replace any medical treatment.
No guarantee is made towards validity. Use this information at your own
risk.) id=1083535

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'   The Universal Heart Center  


Prayers For Our Pagan Soldiers, 12/2/2010, 7:00 pm

Posted by: ""

Thu Dec 2, 2010 3:55 pm (PST)

Reminder from: which_witch_is_witch Yahoo! Group

Prayers For Our Pagan Soldiers
Thursday December 2, 2010
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
(This event repeats every week.)
Location: Sending Prayers For Our Loved Members in Iraq

Pete Barrington <lordtracker, member)Came home 02/08/10
Robert James
Sgt, Thomas Kerns Afghanistan
David Daugherty
James Martin
Michael Cochran <>
Scotti (scottia_37)
Eric McArter
Pvt1 Roy Nicholas Kimball
PFC Clint Saucida
PFC Trujillo, Floyd (Tony) Army/Iraq

Your in our Prayers, be safe and come home quick!
And Many prayers to the families to First Class Charles Heinlein Passed July 31st, PFC Stephen P Snowberger III & SGT Stewart, we honor they're passing and will never be forgotten!

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Holiday Sales at Off the Beaten Path, Butler NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Thu Dec 2, 2010 7:56 pm (PST)

Elena has sent you a message on New_Jersey_Pagans Space

Subject: Holiday Sales at Off the Beaten Path

Shop your local stores for the holidays! Off the Beaten Path will have a different sale each week from Nov 30 through Dec 24th.

we will send you a coupon good for 25% off on one regular priced item!

This week, Nov 30 - Dec 4, we offer

10% off any tarot deck or set
10% off all statuary
15% off all windchimes


Friday's Correspondence...Dec 3

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Thu Dec 2, 2010 8:15 pm (PST)

Friday's Correspondence...Dec 3

Today's Influences: Agriculture, Domestic, Long Life, Medicine, Travels, Visions, Theft

Deities: Freya, Venus, Aphrodite, Luna, Selene, Diana, Re, Gaelach, Ida, Artemis [Whom The Greeks Associated With Bast], T...he Witches, Yemaya, Erzulie, Bast

Incense: Myrtle

Aromas: White Poppy, White Rose, Wallflower

Candle: Pink

Color: Pink, aqua/blue-green

Planet: Venus

Metal: Copper

Gemstones: Coral, emerald, rose quartz

Herbs & Plants: Strawberries, apple blossoms, feverfew

Associations: Family life and fertility, sexuality, harmony, friendship, growth

Use for magic involving the subconscious, healing, emotions, love,
spirituality, healing wounds, children, small animals, women's
mysteries, the female side of men, mothers, sisters, female partners,
wives, instincts

What's Happening Today:

Bona Dea - In ancient Rome, secret women's rites were performed annually on
this date in honor of Bona Dea, the Good Goddess. All males were barred
from the ceremonies, which were conducted by vestal virgins.

Slavic Pagan: Day of Remembranc...e for Bogatir Svatogor - Studen (December) 3. The date refers back to the time of the Great Barrow Gulbishe and the first fight with Pechenegs.
Awesome were the honors at the funeral for this great noble warrior. His implements and armor were gigantic, twice as large as the ordinary in
size. Today, say a toast to this great warrior.

Rome: Festival of Bona Dea, the Good Goddess. She was also known as Fauna. A secret rite
was held on this day in the house of the officiating consul. Men were
excluded and the matrons were accompanied by the Vestal Virgins. A pig
was sacrificed, followed by feasting and celebration.

Greek: The third day of each month is sacred to the Goddess Athena.

Salem, Mass - 1692 - In memory of Ann Foster, who died in jail on this day

Feast of Fauna - in Rome

Day of Cybele / Rhea - In ancient Greece, this day was sacred to the
goddess Cybele and also to Rhea, the Great Mother of the Earth.

18th day of Tybi commemorates the going forth of the Netjeru of Abydos.

Jazz Day

Bona Dea Festival (Roman Good Goddess)

National Ice Cream Box Day

National Roof-Over-Your-Head Day

Feast of Liu-Hsing (Stellar God of Happiness; China)

St. Francis Xavier's Day (patron of Australia, Borneo, China, Goa, India, missionaries, Outer Mongolia, tourism)

Fairy and Goblin Taunt-and-Tease Saturnalia (Fairy)

International Day of Disabled Persons (UN)

Singapore Independence Day

Day Without Crime (Illinois)

Reinvigorate Your Brain by Reading Something Today Day

St. Cassian of Tangier's Day (patron of stenographers) .


Goddess  Of The Day  : BOLDOGASSZONY Hungarian Wedding

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Thu Dec 2, 2010 8:17 pm (PST)

Goddess Of The Day : BOLDOGASSZONY
Hungarian Wedding

Themes: Winter; Love; Romance; Relationships; Devotion; Purity; Fertility
Symbol: Milk.

About Boldogasszony: This Hungarian mother and guardian Goddess watches diligently over her children,
wanting only the best for them, as any mother would. Her sacred beverage, milk, is also considered a suitable
libation when asking for this Goddess's blessing.

To Do Today: Hungarian wedding festivals often take place in winter, after the harvest season and meat
preparation. The traditions here are laden with magick we can "borrow" for building strong personal relationships,
asking for Boldogasszony's blessing by having a cup of milk present at any activity. For example, cutting a rope that
is attached to your home symbolizes your release from the old ways and freedom to enter into a commitment.
Stepping across birch wood purifies intentions and ensures a fertile, happy union.

Lighting a torch (or candle) represents vigilant devotion in a relationship. Do this at the time of your engagement,
as you recite vows, or as you both enter a new residence for the first time so that commitment will stay with you.
Wherever you are, eating off each other's plates and drinking from one cup deepens harmony (include a milk
product like cheese). Finally, dancing with kitchen utensils ensures that the home fires will always be warm

By Patricia Telesco ~ From "365 Goddess"


Preferred Customer Cyber Mon. Art Sale!!

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Thu Dec 2, 2010 8:26 pm (PST)

Subject: Preferred Customer Cyber Mon. Art Sale!!

SSSSSHHHHH!!!!! I'm not offering this to just anyone! But in keeping up with the new Cyber Monday trend, I'd like to offer you, one of my PREFERRED CUSTOMERS, this special ONE DAY SALE! Get 10% OFF ANY Greeting Card, T-shirt, or Photograph (& Repro. Print) order...NO MINIMUM AMOUNT NEEDED!!
Respond to this email within the next 24 hours to get 10% off your entire order!! (to see design & photo samples, visit the websites below or email me for jpegs).
Just my way of saying THANK YOU for being a valued buyer & supporter of my art...and even if you don't order anything today, I'll still feel the same way! ;) Seriously, your support of my work is VERY appreciated & I wish you a happy, healthy holiday season!!
Take care,
Lauren (commercial & fine art) (fine art, photography, art updates) (cards, T-shirts, photography, illustration) (my Blog!)


SoulJourney Holiday Hours, Sales, and Gift Ideas, Butler NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Thu Dec 2, 2010 8:28 pm (PST)

November 29, 2010

Dear Cher,

First up, congratulations to Susan for winning the giveaway basket during Small Business Saturday! Thank you to everyone who turned out to shop, whether you use your American Express card or not. Refreshments and a general air of fun were enjoyed by all.

Today begins SoulJourney's holiday store hours. The store will be open Monday through Friday 11-6pm and Saturday 10-4pm.

This is also the start of Discount Day! Every Monday until Christmas, come in and mention that you saw this note in the newsletter. Pull a chip from the bag and you'll automatically receive a discount off your entire purchase. Black chips are worth 40% off, Blue is worth 30% off, Red nets you 25% off, Green gets you 20% off, and White chips receive 10% off. That's a discount off every item on every Monday until Christmas but you must mention that you saw it in the newsletter!

Don't forget that SoulJourney is a drop-off place for the Toys for Tots program. Read all about it on the right.

Hope to see you soon!

Mitakuye Oyasin,
Gift Ideas $10 and Under
Incense, Burners, Charcoal
Oils, Salts, and SoulJourney Spell Candles
Handmade, All Natural Trinity River Soaps and Bath Salts
Sentiment Charms, Pocket Stones, and Inspiration Stones
Amber Resin
Plantable Christmas and Everyday Greeting Cards
Candles and Holders
Reindeer Candleholders
Checkbook and Credit Card Covers
Fair Trade Bracelets, Rings, and Banana Leaf Bags
Feng Shui Cures
Smudging Supplies

Gift Ideas $20 and Under
Stone Specimens
Feng Shui Crystals
Bottle Toppers (you supply your own bottle)
Calendars and Annuals
Oracle and Tarot Decks
Books and Statues
Mortar and Pestles
Aromatherapy Lamps and Oils
Candles and Holders
Mugs and Cups
Small Instruction Boxes
Witch Diva Hats
Journals, Artwork, and Wall Hangings
Smudging Supplies

Gift Ideas $30 and Under
Djembis and Tambourine
Larger Stone Specimens
Fair Trade Necklaces and Small Animal Bowls
Oracles, Tarot Sets, Rune Sets
Feng Shui Crystals
Wall Hangings and Artwork

Gift Ideas $40 and Under
Large Fair Trade Animal Bowls
Larger Statues
Psychic Readings
Stone Wand Necklaces
Large Spell Kits
Handmade Glass Items
Large Cauldrons

Gift Ideas $50 and Under
Psychic Readings
Handmade Wind Chimes
Handmade Glass Items
Large Statues
Holiday Hours

Discount Days

Gift Ideas

Readers' Schedule

Reiki Level Three and Butler Marketplace

This Week's Spell
Earth Garden Blessing
(Thanks to Elizabeth Barrette)
The element of Earth represents patience, security, and abundance as well as our earthly body. All stones stand for Earth, but those especially attuned are Hematite, Emerald, Jet, Moss Agate, Obsidian, and Petrified Wood. Scents include Patchouli, Cypress, Magnolia, Oak Moss, and Sage. Colors are Brown, Green, and Black. A good way to connect with Earth is through arranging stones, sand, soil, and plants. You can make a miniature rock garden in a shallow dish with sand and several attractive stones. A cactus garden, beginning with soil, adding cacti, and covering with a layer of sand and a few accent stones would be good. Consecrate your Earth garden by concentrating with it and saying: "Earth my own, Garden of stone, Maiden
grown, Mother and Crone, I have sown, Now I intone, Earth my own, Garden of stone." Take notice of how the energy flows among the stones as in a Zen garden.

Reiki Level Three
Certification - Dec 5
Read More

Butler Marketplace - Dec 11
Homemade, Handmade,
All Natural Read More

Readers Schedule
December 4 - Psychic Readings with Vikki
December 11 - Psychic Readings with Dayna

A new schedule will start in January.

Bring in an unwrapped toy for a youngster until December 11. All toys will be collected and donated when the Toys for Tots Train comes through Butler on December 11. The basket is already starting to fill up!

December 1 - First Night of Chanukah

December 5 - Reiki Level Three Certification, New Moon at 12.36pm in Sagittarius

December 6 - Store Open

December 10 - Mercury Retrograde until 12/30/10

December 11 - Butler Marketplace, Toys for Tots Train, In-Store Specials

December 13 - Store Open

December 20 - Store Open

December 21 - Yule/Winter Solstice, Full Moon (Long Night's Moon) at 3.13am in Gemini

December 24 - Store Closes at 4pm

December 25 - Christmas

December 26- Kwanzaa Begins

December 30 - Mercury Direct

December 31 - Store Closes at 4pm

Send us an Email SoulJourney
194 Main St.
Butler NJ 07405
973/838-6564 Where Life is Tragick
Without Magick!

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Cabernet and Crafts Part 2, Dec. 4 Wallington NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Thu Dec 2, 2010 8:30 pm (PST)

Cabernet and Crafts Part 2, Dec. 4 Wallington NJ

Saturday, December 4 · 11:00am - 6:00pm

Make Wine With Us
21 Curie Ave
Wallington, NJ

Created By
Evil Kitten Accessories

Evil Kitten Accessories is hosting Cabernet and Crafts Part 2. This one is going to be bigger and better than the last.

30+ vendors, wine tasting all day, food vendors, baked goods vendors, and more.
outside spaces for vendors are still available!! $20 for the space, don'r miss out on this awesome event.

for more info-

vendors, please share this link and spread the word!
...confirmed so far:

Evil Kitten Accessories
Twiggy Things by Pat Reina
Four Legs Good NY
Sweet Divinity Cupcakes
Witchy Starr Designs
Sweetest Sin
Mary Kay
BAG of Beads
Cookie Lee
Ladybugs and Lollipops Handcrafted headbands and Tutus
Bella Voce Jewelry
Cooking for a Cure
Babycakes by Kimmy- baby diaper towers and hand made baby accessories
discounted authentic NFL, MLB, NBA, NCAA Jerseys
Lia Sophia
Dark Decadence-collectibles, edibles and designs
Every Day Makes Scents
Angels by Carmina
Jams by Kim
La Bella Candela
Trails-End Popcorn being sold by Boy Scouts Troop 13 of Wallington
Stevenson Semi Precious Jewelry
M Awards Plus

Quilly's vending lobster rolls and other goodies and snacks!!

There will also be a Massage Therapist doing chair massages!
and Santa is coming from 4-6pm. bring the kids and a camera and take free pics with santa!

New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!

Main Yahoo Group NJP:
Ning Web sites: NJP:
Myspace NJP:
Cher NJP Link:
Page NJP:!/NJPagans
Group NJP:


Introduction to Tarot: Week 4: The Major Arcana, Part 3

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Thu Dec 2, 2010 8:31 pm (PST)

Introduction to Tarot

Week 4: The Major Arcana, Part 3
From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wicca
Last week, you drew three cards each day, using the first two thirds of the Major Arcana, and the suits of Wands and Pentacles. By now, you should be getting a good feel for the symbolism behind the different cards. Are you seeing trends in the cards you pull every morning? Be sure to keep track of what cards you get, and note whether they reveal anything to you throughout the day.

This week, we'll finish up the Major Arcana, and we'll look at the two other suits, Cups and Swords.
The Major Arcana, Part 3: The Realm of Change

Within the Major Arcana, so far we've talked about the first third of the cards which deal with our interactions in the material world. The next group involves our intuitive mind and our feelings. This final group of cards in the Major Arcana, cards 15 - 21, deal with universal laws and issues. They go far beyond the feelings of the individual and the needs of society. These cards address circumstances that can forever alter our lives and the path upon which we travel.

* 15 - The Devil
* 16 - The Tower
* 17 - The Star
* 18 - The Moon
* 19 - The Sun
* 20 - Judgment
* 21 - The World

The Suit of Swords

The suit of Swords is associated with matters of conflict, both physical and moral. It's also connected to the element of air, and subsequently, the direction of East. This suit is where you'll find cards that relate to conflict and discord, moral choices and ethical quandaries. Go There

The Suit of Cups

The suit of Cups is associated with matters of relationships and emotions. As you may expect, it's also connected to the element of water, and subsequently, the direction of West. In some Tarot decks, you may find the Cups referred to as Goblets, Chalices, Cauldrons, or something else. It's where you'll find cards that relate to love and heartbreak, choices and decisions related to emotion, family situations, and anything else that connects to how we interact with the people in our lives. Go There

Exercise: A Five Card Layout

Last week, we used about half of the deck to draw three cards. This week, your assignment is to use the entire deck, and pull five cards each day before you do anything else. Figure out how they apply to the events of the day, your needs and desires, and the environment surrounding you. Do you notice a certain suit appearing more often than others? Is there a trend towards Major Arcana cards?

Next Week: Tarot Spreads

Next week, we'll learn two easy spreads for you to practice with. Have a magical week, and in the meantime, keep getting to know your cards, and be sure to work with them every day!

Follow Pagan/Wiccan on Twitter or Join Me On Facebook!

This email is written by:
Patti Wigington
Paganism / Wicca Guide
Email Me | My Blog | My Forum

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Frozen in Time A Steampunk World's Fair Celebration , nj

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Thu Dec 2, 2010 8:34 pm (PST)

Saturday, December 4 at 6:00pm - December 5 at 12:00am
Location The Terrace Ballroom of The Crowne Plaza Hotel
10 Davidson Ave.
Somerset, NJ
Created By
The Steampunk World's Fair, Jack Manx
More Info
We humbly request your presence at an evening filled with steampunk finery and elegance...

"Frozen in Time: A Steampunk World's Fair Celebration"

December 4th, 6pm - 12am
...The Terrace Ballroom at The Crowne Plaza Hotel
110 Davidson Ave.
Somerset, NJ 08873

"Frozen in Time" features:

* Musical guests: deejays The Davenport Sisters of The Clockwork Cabaret, and Baron von Crankshaft of Dorian's Parlor (Special musical performer announcing soon!)
* Required formal Steampunk or Neo-Victorian dress code to impress and delight your fellows and friends. What better time of year to show off your full evening gowns, long gloves, and tailcoats?
* Tea and Appetizers
* Formal sit-down Banquet
* Champagne toast
* High-caliber Steampunk and Neo-Victorian merchants
* Myriad photo opportunities in a beautiful, classy setting
* And more announcing soon!

"Frozen in Time", the answer to your Holiday steampunk needs, is a high-end event with exclusive, limited-attendance! Formal dress is required (In the coming weeks, you will be able to reserve your space on our guest-list to enjoy the whole evening. [[Link coming soon!]]

If you are interested in our merchant prices, please contact subject "Frozen in Time - Merchants"

Your delighted and honored hosts,
~Josh Marks, Jack Manx, Erin Tierneigh

Oneiroi Productions


Fund Raiser for the Food Bank, Dec. 3-4 Sea Bright NJ

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Thu Dec 2, 2010 8:35 pm (PST)

Fund Raiser for the Food Bank, Dec. 3-4 Sea Bright NJ
of Monmouth & Ocean Counties

Friday, December 3 at 11:30am - December 4 at 2:00am

Ichabod's Bar & Grill
1 Church Street
Sea Bright, NJ

Created By
Megan Heath Gilhool

Preview Party, Come get first chance to buy artwork, handmade jewelry, stained glass items, etc.. Pay $5.00 at the door to be entered into a drawing for prizes. All day food and drink specials. 7:00pm Tree Lighting right outside the door. Live music starting at 8:00pm Surprises!!!! Come on down, support the Food Bank, your local artists, musicians and Ichabods.

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One Heart special one day drumming workshop, Dec. 4, St. Ithaca NY w

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Thu Dec 2, 2010 8:37 pm (PST)

One Heart special one day drumming workshop, Dec. 4, St. Ithaca NY
with Jeremy Crytzer

Saturday, December 4 · 11:30am - 4:30pm

The workshop will be held at Lehman Alternative Community School, 111 Chestnut St. Ithaca, NY

Created By Joe Drum

SATURDAY December 4, 2010 12 noon to 4:30 pm.

One Heart Community Drummers will be sponsoring a special one day drumming workshop with Jeremy Crytzer.

The workshop will be held at Lehman Alternative Community School, 111 Chestnut St. Ithaca, NY. It will be in the new gym, (great acoustics), so please bring appropriate foot gear (sneakers or comfortable socks), suitable for a gym with beautiful new wooden floors.

We will sp...end the afternoon with Jeremy learning rhythms from Guinea and Mali , West Africa , in addition to djembe parts we will also have a chance to learn doundounba parts as well so if you have a doundounba bring it.

The circle will have some drums to share, but if you have a drum bring it.

We will have a break in the middle of the program so bring a snack and some to share.

We will be taking donations to help pay for Jeremy's time.

Hope you can make it!

Jeremy Crytzer: Learn rhythms from Guinea and Mali , West Africa , on djembe and doun douns with Jeremy Crytzer. Jeremy has studied West African drumming for over 21 years with many master teachers including Karamba Dioubate, Abdoul Doumbia, Yaya Diallo, Mamady Keita, Mbemba Bangoura, and others. He has performed all over the country and facilitated workshops with many of the African masters with whom he studied and played. He has been teaching drum classes since 1999, previously in Tucson , Arizona , and is considered a patient and encouraging but rigorous teacher


Yuletide Aromatherapy, Dec. 4, Butler NJ the Scents of the Holiday

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Thu Dec 2, 2010 8:39 pm (PST)

Yuletide Aromatherapy, Dec. 4, Butler NJ
the Scents of the Holiday

Hosted By: Off the Beaten Path

When: Dec. 4th. 2010
Where: Butler, New Jersey
Bring: notebook, pen
Price: $10
Instructor: Lorraine Rubino

Event Details: In this aromatherapy mini-workshop, you will learn how to use scent to enhance your holiday celebrations and to relieve holiday stress. Each participant will be able to mix his/her own signature holiday blend. All necessary materials are included in the cost of the workshop.

Lorraine Rubino has been practicing natural magick for over 10 years. She is an initiated Green Witch and has studied with renowned herbalist and author Robin Rose Bennett as well as at the Heart of Herbs School with aromatherapist and herbalist, Demetria Clark. She is a member of the NorthEast Herbal Association and the American Herbalist Guild.

Event Location: 15 Boonton Ave in Butler
Event TIME Details: 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Directions: Call 973-492-1974 for complete directions or log onto directions page. Please do not use MapQuest or - our listing is not correct. Many GPS units use the same maps as MapQuest.

Phone: (973) 492-1974

Mailing Address: 15 Boonton Ave, Butler, NJ 07405

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OPERATION CIRCLE CARE: Yuletide Care Packages for Pagans in the Mili

Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM   chic0411

Thu Dec 2, 2010 8:40 pm (PST)

OPERATION CIRCLE CARE: Yuletide Care Packages for Pagans in the Military

For the fourth year in a row, Circle Sanctuary is honoring and supporting active duty Pagan service members through Operation Circle Care.

This year, we are widening our focus and sending Yuletide care packages to active duty Pagan troops serving in any overseas theater of operation, including Germany, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, or on board Navy ships. The success of this program is due to the generous support and donations from Pagan community members from many paths and places.

With your continued support, it is our goal to honor and remember each and every Pagan US military service member we can with a special personalized gift for Yule, just as we have in years past.

Here's How to Help:

(1) SEND CONTACTS: Send us names, postal addresses, and if known, email addresses, of deployed Pagan service members who would like to receive Yuletide packages. Pagan service members can submit their own names & contact information. Contact info received will be kept confidential for use by OCC only.

Send contacts to the OCC Program Coordinators: Be sure to include full name and rank as well as an accurate APO/FPO address for each deployed military Pagan.

(2) DONATE ITEMS: Donate gift items that are small and easy to mail such as Pagan music CDs, incense, jewelry, Pagan calendars, books, and altar cloths. For more ideas on items to donate, visit the Operation Circle Care web page at

Please send your items to us by December 1 so that they are received in time to ship out in early December. Contact OCC coordinators for shipping options & addresses:

(3) DONATE FUNDS: Shipping costs for Operation Circle Care packages range from $10.70 to $12.50 each. Monetary donations are needed to help to cover postage costs, plus related OCC expenses, such as production of our Pagan military prayer cards that we send free of charge to Pagans on active duty and their families, both overseas and here in this country. To donate by credit card visit our secured on-line site: call (608) 924-2216.
Be sure to select "Operation Circle Care" when designating your donation. Funds are tax deductible in the USA.

Or you can send a check or money order, payable to Circle Sanctuary -
OCC to:

Operation Circle Care, Circle Sanctuary,
PO Box 9
Barneveld, WI 53507 USA.

(4) TELL OTHERS: One of the MOST important things the Pagan community can do to support Operation Circle Care is to help us get the word out about this program. Please let others know about Operation Circle Care and our call for contacts, gift items, and donations -- forward this email to lists, blogs, websites, others; circulate widely the OCC website address:

For more information about OCC and other Circle Sanctuary Military Pagan Services:

Pagan News Media: Wednesday, November 10, 2010

for more info, contact: Circle Sanctuary
phone: 608-924-2216 **

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Page NJP:!/NJPagans
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