joi, 24 martie 2011

[13Witches] Digest Number 7354

Messages In This Digest (7 Messages)

Cosmic Calendar--Info About the Scorpio--Sagittarius Moon Transit From: Lady Nightshayde
OT:  The 13 Types of Worriers From: Lady Nightshayde
Re: OT:  The 13 Types of Worriers From: Beth Patterson
Today's Quote From: Lady Nightshayde
The Moon From: Lady Nightshayde
Elder's Meditation of the Day From: Lady Nightshayde
**Astrology Thursday**, 3/24/2011, 12:00 am From:



Cosmic Calendar--Info About the Scorpio--Sagittarius Moon Transit

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:59 am (PDT)

Daily Cosmic Calendar for Wednesday, March 23
Take advantage of some golden opportunities that will arrive today once the Moon gives up its temporary claims to Scorpio territory and explores the Sagittarian promised land instead.

The Moon squares Neptune (1:09PM PDT) - a lunar aspect that often equates with a rising tide of confusion and uncertainty. This Moon-Neptune 90-degree link also starts a short void lunar cycle that lasts until 1:46PM PDT when the Moon enters fiery and upbeat Sagittarius.

As I have written for many years in this daily calendar, the monthly lunar shift from Scorpio to Sagittarius is perhaps the most significant of all the lunar transformations element-wise. The water-to-fire alchemy now going on today allows you to die to your old desires, passions and worn-out ideals while creating a vehicle for you to soar like an eagle into higher adventures based on your beliefs and philosophy of life.

Sagittarius Moon (1:46PM PDT) reminds you to hit the bull's-eye of your main educational, publishing and literary goals. Enjoy playing your favorite sports and games. Laugh away the moody blues that may have been sinking their claws into your innermost psyche in the past few days.

Radical change is in the air - in a positive manner - as the Moon trines Uranus (2:56PM PDT) and the Sun (7:04PM PDT) in fire signs. The next five days will be an enormous test of faith and stamina as celestial bodies turn outlaw.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.


OT:  The 13 Types of Worriers

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:37 pm (PDT)

In her new book, "The Solution: Conquer Your Fear, Control Your Future," bestselling author and motivational speaker Lucinda Bassett lists 13 types of worriers. I found the categories rather interesting because, I'm not sure whether or not you've picked up on this, but I'm a huge worrier. And this list actually made me feel better because, while I checked off the majority of them, I realized I still have plenty of things to worry about that I hadn't even thought of! Score!

Okay. So here they are, 13 types of worriers. From her book, "The Solution."
1. Avoidant
You have low self-esteem and are overly sensitive to criticism. You're a people-pleaser, craving reassurance from others rather than yourself. You worry about not being good enough and not being able to trust other people.
2. Dependent
You feel needy and clingy in your relationships. You worry about being abandoned by your partner. You are devoted and loyal and you do whatever it takes to keep the connection going.
3. Passive-Aggressive
You worry about confrontation and speaking your truth directly to another person. You resist meeting the wishes and needs of your spouse, boss, or friends by procrastinating, feigning forgetfulness, or being stubborn, inefficient, and indifferent.
4. Compulsive
You worry about work and productivity. You keep lists and tight schedules, and you have high standards for yourself and your coworkers. You are reliable, honest, and overly devoted to work.
5. Social
On the surface you appear worry-free. You are charming and fun to be with. You thrive on excitement, adventure, and taking risks. You sometimes break the rules to get what you want, maybe hurting other people in the process, which comes at a price–a nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach that your impulsiveness will finally catch up with you and get you into trouble.

6. Narcissistic
You feel superior to others and believe you deserve special attention and admiration. You worry about maintaining an appearance of perfection in your status and position in the world. You worry that others will see chinks in your armor and cracks in your perfect veneer.
7. Histrionic
You are exciting and glamorous. Everyone is attracted to you and seduced by your charismatic personality. You are emotional and theatrical: you enjoy attracting attention to yourself in imaginative ways. You worry about holding other people's attention and you constantly attract drama into your life to keep people interested.
8. Neurotic
You are consumed by intense, ongoing worry, characterized by episodes of anxiety and panic. You are high-strung, irritable, and edgy, always waiting for the crisis to occur. You have anxious energy and you need to keep active to distract yourself from worrying.
9. Depressive
Your worry is focused on feelings of doom, hopelessness, aloneness, isolation, and sadness. You feel misunderstood; your worry causes you great concern, emotional pain, and suffering to the point that normal functioning is difficult.
10. Hypochondriac
You worry is focused on your health. You go from one real or imagined health concern to another, certain you are at risk for major illness or disease. You are consumed with thoughts of death and dying, or fear of some looming, undiagnosed, horrible disease.
11. Catastrophic
Your worry is overblown and all-encompassing. You suffer from "the sky is falling" syndrome, certain the worst-case scenario will happen and that the world is coming to an end. Your life seems impossible to manage, there is no solution, and you know it will destroy you and everything around you.
12. Victim
You worry that things are out of your control. You believe there is no answer, you have no power, someone is out to get you, and no one cares or understands. You don't trust people; you feel victimized, taken advantage of, cheated, and abused.
13. Obsessive
You worry is occupational, a full-time job, as you constantly worry about everything. You attach worry to every thought and you can't get away from it. You overanalyze, scrutinize, and dissect every possible scenario, repeating the various outcomes in your head.
* Click here to subscribe to Beyond Blue and click here to follow Therese on Twitter and click here to join Group Beyond Blue, a depression support group. Now stop clicking.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.


Re: OT:  The 13 Types of Worriers

Posted by: "Beth Patterson"   purrrpaws4444

Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:42 pm (PDT)

This was a very good read. Thanks Lady N.
I think I would fit more into a mix and match, varies daily category.

Blessed, Mystical, Magickal Cats
Curious, Creative, Clever Bunnies

--- On Wed, 3/23/11, Lady Nightshayde <> wrote:


In her new book, "The Solution: Conquer Your Fear, Control Your Future,"

Okay. So here they are, 13 types of worriers. From her book, "The Solution."


Today's Quote

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:38 pm (PDT)

"The ideal attitude is to be physically loose and mentally tight."
-- Arthur Ashe

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.


The Moon

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:41 pm (PDT)


Elder's Meditation of the Day

Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde"   nightshayde99

Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:44 pm (PDT)

Elder's Meditation of the Day - March 23

"We must relearn how to cry. A strongman cries; it is the weak man who holdsback his tears."

-- Archie Fire Lame Deer, LAKOTA

Indian men and other men should really meditateon this Elder's saying. So many men havebeen taught it is unmanly to cry, to show emotionsor to feel. When people cry, the Elderssay there are two types of tears – one type willtaste salty; the other type will taste sweet. Oneis caused by pain, and the other is caused bythe release from the pain, or joy tears. A strongman knows himself and knows his relationshipwith the Great Spirit. The release of tearsis a spiritual act. Our bodies are designed tocry. We should honor our bodies and use themas the Creator intended.

Great Spirit,Grandfather,today, teachme to cry.

Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde

The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.


**Astrology Thursday**, 3/24/2011, 12:00 am

Posted by: ""

Wed Mar 23, 2011 7:59 pm (PDT)

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Thursday March 24, 2011
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