luni, 21 martie 2011

[WitchesWorkshop] Digest Number 4684

Messages In This Digest (7 Messages)

Re: Happy Equinox March 2011 From: * Leonora *
Re: Witchcraft and Paganism From: carteblanche13
Re: Witchcraft and Paganism From:
Doreen Valiente Foundation From: Tim Hartridge
Fwd: [Spiral Dance] Equinox Blessings From: ozpagan
RIP Tiggles May 1993 - 18/3/2011 From: Simon Goodey
Re: RIP Tiggles May 1993 - 18/3/2011 From: Janine Donnellan



Re: Happy Equinox March 2011

Posted by: "* Leonora *"   sageylee

Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:10 am (PDT)

Hi Nisaba,

Sounds lovely. Becoming the 'one in the middle' could be just the ticket :)

Over the moon and away we go ..


Magic: ~ FREE download here!
More Music:
May the thrill of living
Permeate your world

(((Feel))) the Rhythm

--- In, nisaba@... wrote:
> On 20 Mar 2011 at 7:07, * Leonora * wrote:
> > I've just finished doing a lovely little solo ritual for Equinox
> > using 3 bladed Phurba and a Challis..
> > guided to Deosil turns so I went with it... so refreshing :)
> >
> > Reasons for doing rituals at this time of year can be found here:
> Our local open group's ritual here celebrated a number of things: the Moon, the Equinox, the
> last rite of this group in its present form (although it is reshaping in other forms).
> The most central people attended, and it was warm, small, intimate. We circled around an
> open fire, blessed fruit, blessed ritual objects, howled to the moon, the full nine yards. Before
> I turned up I was tired - after the ritual, I was charged. A magnificent night - and the feast
> afterwards wasn't half bad, either!
> I'm seriously thinking of taking up so-called "leadership" of the group (which is co-operative).
> I'm note really all that interested in large public rites, but the area needs something small and
> intimate and accepting, where people feel welcome and accepted. And we have a lake with a
> very pretty park next to it - it would be such a waste!
> So this point of balance was a time of endings and a time of beginnings.
> Nisaba


Re: Witchcraft and Paganism

Posted by: "carteblanche13"   carteblanche13

Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:12 am (PDT)

Look in the dictionary.

--- In, "barbtrad" <barbtrad@...> wrote:
> Greetings.
> I beg the tolerance of the list to introduce a topic. possibly one that may prove controversial. If so, let's hope the controversy creates light rather than heat.
> So on with the show! Witchcraft and Paganism, are they the same,similar or completely different? Can one be one without being the other and can one be both?
> Why introduce this topic? No ulterior motive, just plain curiosity. And yes I do have an opinion, mine being that they are completely different. But hey it's your opinion I am interested in..Thank you in advance.
> Bill.


Re: Witchcraft and Paganism

Posted by: ""   wizardluxas

Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:30 am (PDT)

Spiritually speaking the witches art is a view of the world of the unseen by eyes finely attuned to feel its very skin...
but religiously speaking, anything can find value in something they put faith in, but will that faith be returned to you or to those you share this awareness with, it is easy to want to belong, but in the end, are you apart of it or is it now part of you... (that is where the line between the finder and the found happen....) all i know is when, i see it, it sees me like a mirror, i need not look into it, but know when i do its never going to turn from me, unless i don't wish to look...)
can you say the same thing......?

Headmaster/Mage of the Root of the Circle Witches Coven (MD) chapter

-----Original Message-----
From: carteblanche13 <>
Sent: Sun, Mar 20, 2011 10:12 am
Subject: [WitchesWorkshop] Re: Witchcraft and Paganism

Look in the dictionary.

--- In, "barbtrad" <barbtrad@...> wrote:
> Greetings.
> I beg the tolerance of the list to introduce a topic. possibly one that may prove controversial. If so, let's hope the controversy creates light rather than heat.
> So on with the show! Witchcraft and Paganism, are they the same,similar or completely different? Can one be one without being the other and can one be both?
> Why introduce this topic? No ulterior motive, just plain curiosity. And yes I do have an opinion, mine being that they are completely different. But hey it's your opinion I am interested in..Thank you in advance.
> Bill.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Doreen Valiente Foundation

Posted by: "Tim Hartridge"   wwwozpagancom

Sun Mar 20, 2011 2:15 pm (PDT)

The following press release was received from the Centre for Pagan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Doreen Valiente Foundation has now been officially formed on the
6th March 2011 and this Foundation has now received ownership of the
artefacts bequeathed to John Belham-Payne of the Centre For Pagan
Studies by Doreen Valiente. The objects of the foundation are "To
protect artefacts which are important to the past, present and future
of pagan religions", and "to make the artefacts available for
education and research".

The Declaration of Trust was signed by the first Trustees: - John
Belham-Payne, Julia Belham-Payne, Brian Botham, Patricia Botham and
Ashley Mortimer. The Foundation held its first meeting and resolved to:

Seek charitable status from the Charities Commission.

To design and prepare the artefacts for their new purpose that of

The Foundation has received pledges of further artefacts to add to
the Collection anticipated growth by future donations.

For press and media enquiries relating to the Doreen Valiente
Foundation and to the ongoing programme of fundraising events we are
happy to give interviews to the media.

Please contact

Link to the post:

Link to Centre For Pagan Studies:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Great to hear that the legacy of Doreen Valiente lives on.

vinum sabbati,



Fwd: [Spiral Dance] Equinox Blessings

Posted by: "ozpagan"   wwwozpagancom

Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:38 pm (PDT)

Adelaide pagans, hope you will lend your support by dancing your feet off!

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Paul" <>
> Date: 21 March 2011 10:18:49 AM AEDT
> To:
> Subject: [Spiral Dance] Equinox Blessings
> Reply-To:

> Spiral Dance would like to wish you all a warm and dusky Mabon, the wheel is turning and now is the time for change. Harvest has been lush and bountiful and we move into our cooler times. We hope your Equinox is magickal and the full moon brought your dreams to fruition.
> Spiral Dance will be playing at 'Tom Fest' on Sunday 3rd April at the Keith Stephenson Park in Mount Barker in the Adelaide Hills - this event is a tribute to Road Accident Victims and in memory of Tom Mundy. The event is free and there is a great line up of performers between 12pm and 9pm. Hope to see you there - Below is the line up of acts.
> love, magick and bright blessings
> Adrienne and the Spiral Dance crew
> Tomfest 2011 Line-Up
> 8:15 Memorial & Finale
> 7:30 Words of Aggression
> 6:30 Spiral Dance
> 5:30 The Thieves
> 4:30 Todd Sibbin & The Opposite Ends
> 4:00 Kathryn Tilker & Simon Gould
> 3:30 Linden Rowe
> 2:30 Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
> 1:30 Local Band (TBC)
> 1:00 Moonstone
> 12:00 Intro / Mt Barker Big Band

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


RIP Tiggles May 1993 - 18/3/2011

Posted by: "Simon Goodey"   simonziki

Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:18 pm (PDT)

My familiar and much loved Cat called Tiggles left this incarnation at 6.30pm
Friday 18th March 2011.

He had battled diabetes and kidney failure for three years but on Friday he had
also developed liver failure and hypothermia, although Tiggles was not in
distress or pain it was a professional opinion by the vet that the cats body was
shutting down and the decision was to put the cat to sleep.

Why am I telling this to members of a witches forum?

Tiggles was well known by the people who attended Pagans in the Pub - He sat in
on committee meetings and took part in meditations. He also went on camps with
the Spheres of light.


Simon Goodey

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: RIP Tiggles May 1993 - 18/3/2011

Posted by: "Janine Donnellan"   spheresoflight

Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:00 am (PDT)

RIP Tiggles, will be sadly missed at Spheres of Light events. Hugs to Simon.


Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2011 23:18:17 -0700
Subject: [WitchesWorkshop] RIP Tiggles May 1993 - 18/3/2011

My familiar and much loved Cat called Tiggles left this incarnation at 6.30pm
Friday 18th March 2011.

He had battled diabetes and kidney failure for three years but on Friday he had
also developed liver failure and hypothermia, although Tiggles was not in
distress or pain it was a professional opinion by the vet that the cats body was
shutting down and the decision was to put the cat to sleep.

Why am I telling this to members of a witches forum?

Tiggles was well known by the people who attended Pagans in the Pub - He sat in
on committee meetings and took part in meditations. He also went on camps with
the Spheres of light.


Simon Goodey

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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