duminică, 20 martie 2011

[WitchesWorkshop] Digest Number 4683

Messages In This Digest (3 Messages)

Re: So Jehovah got a divorce! From: feinicsinion
Happy Equinox March 2011 From: * Leonora *
Re: Happy Equinox March 2011 From: nisaba@dodo.com.au



Re: So Jehovah got a divorce!

Posted by: "feinicsinion" arianaabbrinneall@gmail.com   feinicsinion

Sat Mar 19, 2011 1:56 pm (PDT)

I would personally like to see the Biblical passages and any other passages supporting this information. I haven't completely read the article yet but it sounds like they excerpts are taken from older copies that may have been in dead languages or scarcely used. The translations would be interesting to read.

What I REALLY want is a team of non-christian theologists, archeologists and historians to be given unabashed access to the Vatican library and vault. Can you imagine how much information on Paganism and ancient beliefs have been secreted away from societies eye? That aside, can you imagine how many truths in contradiction to what the church would want you to believe lay waiting to be discovered. It's a Pagan wet dream.



Happy Equinox March 2011

Posted by: "* Leonora *" sageylee@gmail.com   sageylee

Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:08 am (PDT)

Warm greetings everyone.

I've just finished doing a lovely little solo ritual for Equinox using 3 bladed Phurba and a Challis.. guided to Deosil turns so I went with it... so refreshing :)

Hope you all have a lovely "balancing" time xo

Reasons for doing rituals at this time of year can be found here:


Magic is all around us
It's Time
Remove superstition from mystery
Open your mind

With love,


Metaphysics: http://www.witchywisdom.com
Magic: http://www.lulu.com/sageylee ~ FREE download here!
Music: http://www.myspace.com/sageylee
More Music: http://www.reverbnation.com/sageylee
May the thrill of living
Permeate your world

(((Feel))) the Rhythm


Re: Happy Equinox March 2011

Posted by: "nisaba@dodo.com.au" nisaba@dodo.com.au   nisaba_merrieweather

Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:29 am (PDT)

On 20 Mar 2011 at 7:07, * Leonora * wrote:

> I've just finished doing a lovely little solo ritual for Equinox
> using 3 bladed Phurba and a Challis..
> guided to Deosil turns so I went with it... so refreshing :)
> Reasons for doing rituals at this time of year can be found here:

Our local open group's ritual here celebrated a number of things: the Moon, the Equinox, the
last rite of this group in its present form (although it is reshaping in other forms).

The most central people attended, and it was warm, small, intimate. We circled around an
open fire, blessed fruit, blessed ritual objects, howled to the moon, the full nine yards. Before
I turned up I was tired - after the ritual, I was charged. A magnificent night - and the feast
afterwards wasn't half bad, either!

I'm seriously thinking of taking up so-called "leadership" of the group (which is co-operative).
I'm note really all that interested in large public rites, but the area needs something small and
intimate and accepting, where people feel welcome and accepted. And we have a lake with a
very pretty park next to it - it would be such a waste!

So this point of balance was a time of endings and a time of beginnings.


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