miercuri, 30 martie 2011

[WitchesWorkshop] Digest Number 4693

Messages In This Digest (6 Messages)



Re: Sex Party Posters Ordered Down at Church Polling Booth

Posted by: "Hania Trzaskowski" purring_cougar_kitten@hotmail.com   chirinka_natural_therapies

Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:38 am (PDT)

Hello CB!

Thanks for your feedback, excellently researched example and discussion J
Love hearing differing opinions and getting different scope.

From my view, everything you have explained about the negative actions of
churches and individuals within the catholic faith - ...well, the same kind
of acts and attitudes have been seen from pagan/craft individuals and groups
of the past and present. I wont name examples, as there are of course many
examples from history and the present and listing them all is unnecessary -
pagans of history and present have not all been peaceful loving mung beans
:-P. In some cases - very far from it (despite that we would all love to
believe that we all belief in perfect love and peace etc - for a start, our
definitions of love....differ from person to person....)(after all,
cath;lics believe in love and devotion, yet exhibit very differing version
of this love and deotion. Same goes for every religion)

. However, this doesn't mean the whole movement, faith or religion should be
wiped out or that the whole world would be better without paganism. Would
it be better? Would it not be? Would it be worse? Even that question is up
for personal opinion. The answers would be as varied as asking people
whether the earth would be better if humans all killed each other off or not
( ive seen that discussion blow out on forums to know that opinions are very
varied even amongst 'pagans'), or whether the atrocities of WWII and the
course of events be as bad if the furer did get assassinated, or whether
life on earth would be better if blue butterflies were grey instead of
brightly coloured...

Same for Catholicism - would we really be better off? Or would another
religion fill up the space with the same people doing the same things, but
be doing it for the praise of another named god instead? If history started
again and human nature was still the same - would we still have these types
of faiths and instritutions today? Absolutely!

Catholicism, whether we like it or not - meets the needs of some people
(otherwise it wouldn't exist). Whether those services and needs be in your
opinion as being aligned within your own ethics and morals - or not - it is
still meeting the needs of some people, and there is still obviously a
demand for what it does. People who aren't happy with it are leaving, whilst
others are joining because of their approach, or rather, may join a
particular church because of its own approach ( not every church is the same
under the very wide Rom. Cat. Umbrella) (well, not every coven is the same
either...). The doctrines, along with some of the morals and ethics
exhibited by individuals and groups within the umbrella of Catholicism
aren't something that I agree with on a personal level (in fact, i agree
with many of your points and the historical examples you noted are some
things that run against my own grain - i would personally like the press the
big red button on things like catholic churches at the best of times), but
that does not mean that stamping it out will make the world a better place.

It would be replaced by yet another simular faith - because a church or
group of any spirituality is based on the demand of humans, and humans are a
wide varied bunch of people with varied needs and desires. In short....there
are idiots, self professed miracle makers, paedophiles, criminals, killers,
liars, thieves, self gratifying sloths, self righteous pedastool hogging
leaders...they are everywhere. We may do it to a different tune, and have a
few different dance steps, and call it a hop instead of a jig - but we are
still all dancing and singing. And well, some people sing out of tune, and
some people dance with a limp or step on theiur partners feet :-P

If we wanted to eradicate people and churches killing in the name of their
religion, using politics to get their agendas out there, or stop people from
becoming self righteous hypocrites, then we would have to eradicate every

Now that would be a Lest We Forget ceremony without a person in the world to
celebrate that ceremony and remember :-P

Hania Trzaskowski BHSc.Nat,Adv.Dip.H.Med, Cert.Mas

Chirinka Natural Therapies

30/b Glenmorgan St

Brunswick East VIC 3057

Ph: (03) 83000178

Mob: 0405248873

http://www.chirinka.com <http://www.chirinka.com/>


Many thanks for your excellent comments. You raise some very sensible
points, and in response, let me just say that despite the militant and
livid-with-outrage tone of my announcements, and my deliberately
inflammatory rhetoric (fuck it, why not), a certain amount of
tongue-in-cheek (one's own, btw!) ought to be assumed. That said, I meant
every single word, literally, with my blood if need be.

My remark about the frock was juxtaposing the misogyny which is in fact an
intrinsic part of the Roman Catechism, and was intended humorously, and
ironically. I'm fond of robes myself (in winter anyway).

And THAT said, I agree with you entirely regarding how one sometimes finds
"Pagan" or whatever events or groups etc. that leave one's lexicon with
fresh articulations of the word "psychopath", "embarrassing", "silly" etc.
It's horses for courses I suppose, largely subjective and context-dependent.
But yes, they're certainly around.

In all seriousness though, the principal value (to me) of your remarks lies
in their seeking "fairness", viz. your observation that you'd be equally
appalled if a Pagan-owned venue tore down a Christian party's posters.


But a little reflection upon the fact that there ARE no pagan-owned venues
with the real-estate value, capacity, location or sheer saturation that
Church halls have, is an implicit part of my point.

The Sex Party, also, is not a "Pagan" or any other kind of religious party,
it simply seeks to (if I remember the voting card properly) "reduce the
influence of religion in politics", to de-demonize the fundamental
biological and psychological human activity known as "sex" for the first
time in perhaps two thousand years, and to promote freedom of speech and
women's rights. And, as I mentioned, the candidate for Sydney has
credentials which probably make most Federal MP's (and Catholic clergy)
extremely nervous.

Your advocacy of the barbaric misogynistic anti-human revisionist cult of
Catholicism I shall leave entirely alone.

The reason I referred to the various features of definitive evil that is the
Catholic Church in reference to the incident is not 'vilification', but
simply indicating that it is typical of the blinkered self-loathing paradigm
which they preach and by evidence of which they may be typified and

LEST WE FORGET: The Holy Roman Inquisition (whose descendant Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith was headed by former Hitler-Youth member, and
current Pope, Benedict XVI) was only snuffed out (in terms of legal power to
torture, burn books, and execute for heresy) a couple of centuries ago.

This behaviour on the part of the censorious priest is not abberant, it is
typical and completely Orthodox for a Roman Catholic of the traditional
variety, indeed many non-Catholic Christian conservatives or (especially)
Muslim Imams would likely behave in a similar fashion, it's typical of the
Clerical caste: assume authority which you do not have, inflict your
twisted, poisonous blinkered reality on those over whom you have power
despite their objections.

The Catholic Church is at odds with the tolerant, humanist secular democracy
which our amazing nation exemplifies and the sooner it dies the better (and
less intolerant) everyone will be.

I am intolerant of intolerance - I simply won't put up with it.

Best regards

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Sex Party Posters Ordered Down at Church Polling Booth

Posted by: "Hania Trzaskowski" purring_cougar_kitten@hotmail.com   chirinka_natural_therapies

Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:48 am (PDT)

I have a question - Was the priest taking down the poster because of his own
beliefs or his own accord, or because of the beliefs of his church / his
religion or his faith? Was he asked by his superiors or by the head honchos
of the church to do this, or did he act from his own passions and

Im interested to find out, because so far, it seems to be one individual,
who happens to be a priest, who has done this. Rather than the
church/religion doing this act, and yet many people I've seen make comment
about this in other forums in the wider community have taken it to be a
statement about the religion, as if this priest speaks for the whole church.

Is this possibly a case where , whether due to the media coverage or not,
that the church is wearing the actions and consequences of one individual?
Or is it a true case of Catholic church vs sex party?

Any one know the details?



Hania Trzaskowski BHSc.Nat,Adv.Dip.H.Med, Cert.Mas

Chirinka Natural Therapies

30/b Glenmorgan St

Brunswick East VIC 3057

Ph: (03) 83000178

Mob: 0405248873

http://www.chirinka.com <http://www.chirinka.com/>

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


X-posting - Early Winter Solstice invite

Posted by: "frances_tdm" frances@templedarkmoon.com   frances_tdm

Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:14 pm (PDT)

Greetings All

Greetings All

Following on from my presentation at the Theosophical Society last month, they have asked me to be involved in their Mid Winter presentation that will take place on Saturday, 18 June
2011, starting at 4.30pm and finishing approx 8.30pm

The evening will start with tea, coffee and biscuits, followed by a talk about the folklore associated with the Winter Solstice (by yours truly), and then a ritual, and closing with a vegetarian evening meal that will commence at 6.00pm.

Entrance is $15 pp with proceeds going to the Golden Link School Philippines.

For more information, please contact the New Dimensions Bookshop on 8223 4877

BB - Frances


'Witch' fired after spell accusation

Posted by: "xxxxxxminkaxxxxxx" gilligantor@yahoo.com.au   xxxxxxminkaxxxxxx

Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:35 pm (PDT)

From the US -


"Mr Lloyd admitted he didn't even know Wicca was a recognised belief. After the complaint, she says she was constantly harassed by co-workers who would ask her where her broom was parked, where her pointy hat was and make claims she had cast spells on them."



Re: 'Witch' fired after spell accusation

Posted by: "Graham" grahfurn@yahoo.com.au   grahfurn

Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:24 am (PDT)

Many thanks for posting this news item Minka - the line that gets to me the most is the following:
... "An administrative judge ruled she had failed to reveal her spiritual
beliefs to management, and upheld the sacking despite TSA officials
constantly changing their stories."...
Since when is one's spiritual belief the business of anyone in a workplace??? I truly hope that she continues to appeal, and that proper scrutiny and accountability is brought to bear on her employer.
BB Graham.

--- On Wed, 30/3/11, xxxxxxminkaxxxxxx <gilligantor@yahoo.com.au> wrote:

From: xxxxxxminkaxxxxxx <gilligantor@yahoo.com.au>
Subject: [WitchesWorkshop] 'Witch' fired after spell accusation
To: WitchesWorkshop@yahoogroups.com
Received: Wednesday, 30 March, 2011, 2:35 PM


From the US -


"Mr Lloyd admitted he didn't even know Wicca was a recognised belief. After the complaint, she says she was constantly harassed by co-workers who would ask her where her broom was parked, where her pointy hat was and make claims she had cast spells on them."


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Shamanic Circle - Wollongong, 4/4/2011, 7:00 pm

Posted by: "WitchesWorkshop@yahoogroups.com" WitchesWorkshop@yahoogroups.com

Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:56 am (PDT)

Reminder from: WitchesWorkshop Yahoo! Group

Shamanic Circle - Wollongong
Monday April 4, 2011
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
(This event repeats every month on the first Monday.)
Location: Wollongong, NSW

Shamans around the world come together in groups to perform healings, to journey and to create a community that is filled with support for all within it. We have set up this group to explore Shamanic ritual, drumming, dancing your power animal, power retrivals, energy and the light body and much, much more.

No shamanic experience is required, in fact no healing experience of any kind is necessary to reap the benefits of being part of a community event like this.

This circle meets every 1st Monday of the month from 7pm and all are welcome. The cost is $15 and refreshments are included :)

Call Alison or Megan on 042 020 8879 / 042 038 1436 or visit www.shamanicspirit.com.au for more information.

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