Messages In This Digest (12 Messages)
- 1.
- Lughnasadh card That Was Supposed to be Sent From: Lady Nightshayde
- 2.
- Mercury Retrograde Horoscopes From: Lady Nightshayde
- 3a.
- Celebrating Paganism With Children From: Lady Nightshayde
- 4.
- Mercury Retrograde August 2--26 From: Lady Nightshayde
- 5.
- How to Create a Ring of Protection From: Lady Nightshayde
- 6a.
- Ritual Basics From: Lady Nightshayde
- 7.
- Correspondences--Days of the Week From: Lady Nightshayde
- 8a.
- When Trouble Comes to a Witch's Life From: Lady Nightshayde
- 9.
- When Trying to be Helpful, Focus on Little Things From: Lady Nightshayde
- 10.
- **Tarot Tuesday**, 8/2/2011, 12:00 am From:
- 11.
- Adorable Odd Couple From: Lady Nightshayde
- 12.
- The Porcelain Unicorn From: Lady Nightshayde
- 1.
Lughnasadh card That Was Supposed to be Sent
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Mon Aug 1, 2011 11:17 am (PDT)
I sent this card out to all my groups. I checked, and they weren't in my spam folder nor were they on the group sites. So, here they are:
Your Care2 eCard has been sent to . To view your eCard, click on the following link: preview/121/ 118/800/153/ 164/203
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 2.
Mercury Retrograde Horoscopes
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Mon Aug 1, 2011 6:53 pm (PDT)
Mercury Retrograde Horoscopes
Mercury Retrograde gives us a chance to show some heart
by Judi Vitale
Things have gone smoothly for most of us in many respects this summer, and many would say that's because Mercury has not been retrograde since last spring! Alas, every harbor that looks smooth as glass in the morning can get choppy later in the day, and as the summer season winds down it will do so under Mercury Retrograde from Aug. 2 - 26.
We'll need to prepare as we usually do: back up computer files, successfully upgrade systems and tend to motor vehicles to avoid potential foibles and breakdowns before the actual retrograde takes place.
Because Mercury is in Leo for the bulk of this retrograde period (Aug. 8 - 21), we'll be called upon to revisit the way we stand behind what we believe, think and say. Leo has trouble settling for less than the very best we can muster, so prepare for challenges that push you to be the best person you can be, both in terms of professional performance and personal integrity.
See how Mercury Retrograde in August 2011 will affect YOUR horoscope sign:
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Life is probably going along well for you right now, but huge planets such as Uranus and Pluto don't leave you with much control over it. That's why you'll be a little disturbed when the things you want to do for fun are harder to achieve than you think they should be. That plan you had for a weekend at the beach with friends from school or an old job could turn out to be faulty when you find out you scheduled it over an event involving your family, children or concert tickets you bought before. Oops! Your best bet is to ask yourself, when faced with too many options, what "fun" really means to you, and then make that your priority. You'll want to do the things that keep that blissful smile plastered across your face as long as possible.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
The powers that be seem to think you have a little work to do on a domestic situation. While you may have to refurbish a family relationship or smooth ruffled feathers, or even just dust around the house, this could also involve a home improvement project or real estate deal. Although this is no time to sign on the dotted line, you can make a lot of progress investigating the issues that will make or break a deal. Some people from your distant past could also make an appearance, either while they're visiting their own relatives in your town or as guests in your home. You'll need to enforce whatever houseguest policies you have, of course, but remain open to the idea that there's little else that beats sharing quality time with people who know and share your history.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
This could be a particularly tough period for you because communication, transportation and connections -- most of the top starters on your "fun to-do" list -- will be impaired by the temporary absence of Mercury magic. You will need to be vigilant about your commitment to making things work in your life. Your relationship with a brother, sister or perhaps a neighbor could remind you how important it is to consider the way things you say will be interpreted before you let them come out of your mouth. You might also need to apologize for what another person deems to be insensitive. If you work in a field such as IT or public relations, make sure you're fully aware of what your customers want, because you run the risk of sweating hard over something that eventually gets taken back to the drawing board.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
You like to pretend there isn't such a thing as money worries, or at least to let someone else take care of them for you. The fact remains, though, that you need to be meticulous when it comes to counting up your assets. The fact that you need security so much won't be lost on you, especially if you feel your money supply is threatened for any reason. It's time to check and recheck the ledgers to ensure you have everything lined up the way you want. You might also hear about an expense you hoped had been overlooked, such as an old traffic ticket or late payment on a credit card. We all must pay the piper, and even if you have to suffer slightly, the lessons learned will be worth the tiny bit of pain you may have to suffer.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
You probably won't complain much about having Mercury go back into your sign for its retrograde because this will make it easier to focus on one of your favorite topics -- you and your image! It isn't easy being royalty -- it's so much of a front to keep up, after all! Still, you want to bring out the best of all your qualities and present them in a way that allows you to establish and maintain the stellar reputation you deserve. Work on the art of communication, especially, and avoid being critical of others. Instead, lead by example, and try not to blow a gasket should you run into a technical glitch with your computer or get a flat tire. It's all about slowing down and paying more attention to every gesture you make, each nuance you convey and the cool and confident package you present to the world.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
You could get slightly frustrated as this Mercury Retrograde grinds on, because when you're not doing something that lets you be of service, you figure you might as well not be doing anything at all! Maybe the lesson you're supposed to get right now is along the lines of "chill." While summer's still here, it really is totally permissible to take an afternoon here or there to sit safely in the sun and watch the clouds go buy. Now, can you do it without counting them or wishing you could get up there to rearrange them? Until you reach a point where you can let go of trying to control every bit of information that comes into your mind, you won't be open to inspiration. Rest, relax and allow yourself to redesign your life so you can take yourself out on a date every now and then. You well might meet up with your hot and steamy creative core.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
You'll be charged with the task of working as a team player during this time period, and it might not seem so easy or pleasant to do so. That's probably because you have to change your approach! There are times when it's just not good to compromise, and although you always want to be nice, you can't count on others to have such pure motivations. You don't need to come on like a flash mob when you want to get your way, but you do know how to argue a point until your opponent just can't take it anymore. You can use that tactic, as long as you're pushing for what's going to be best for everyone involved in the long run. During the retrograde, be alert for opportunities to get involved with an organization that can help your career, especially if you've passed a chance to connect with a networking group in the recent past. Some old friends could also come out of the woodwork, just to prove there can be some power -- and fun -- in numbers.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
It's time for a career makeover! You don't necessarily need to change jobs, nor will you lose the one you have, but some things that might happen over these next few weeks will encourage you to change your attitude. You tend to believe the rest of the world never does things to your ideal of perfection or even your satisfaction, but now you might find there's someone around to point out a few flaws in your performance. Rethink your approach to your image, especially when it comes to the things such as self-promotion. There's someone around who sees right through you, and who will push you even harder to be as honest and forthright as you are talented and charming.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
This could be a kind of crippling Mercury Retrograde for you, but only if you let it. Your ability to get around in terms of long distance travel and intellectual endeavors will be thwarted. This isn't going to happen just because your life is supposed to be difficult or frustrating. It could be time for you to re-evaluate the way you wander off at every opportunity, especially if someone in your life is asking you to make a commitment. This could involve work as much as it entails the endless tale of love and woe. You hate having your wings clipped or being caged in by a relationship, yet you do like to know you're valued and loved by someone you admire. Take time during Mercury Retrograde to be honest about your motivations, and whether your wanderlust is true desire to learn something more about the world, or if it's just a way to avoid the hard work and heavy lifting of relationship.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
You can stomach almost anything, but issues regarding ultra-close personal relationships and psychological intimacy make you just a little bit queasy. It seems the lessons you'll learn from this Mercury Retrograde will involve such unsettling things as emotional commitment, true sharing and utter honesty -- about everything. Although you like to tell the truth when it comes to the facts, feelings are a whole different ballgame. You won't be able to pretend you're exempt from the world of emotion for long now! An issue you thought you'd put to bed will come up again, most likely with a sex partner, but possibly also at work with someone who wonders if you're truly a person he or she can trust. Demonstrate your sincerity and act with the kind of integrity that lets you respect yourself in the morning.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Yes, it's wonderful to want to save the world the way that you do, but there are times when you have to save your own soul through the crucible of one-to-one relationships. This Mercury Retrograde period could definitely be one of those times! If you are already with a partner, you could find the need to revisit an issue the two of you keep trying to sweep under the rug. If you're out there looking, the temptation of going back to the past to find future happiness through love could present itself. It will be up to you to say "yes" or "no" to the person in question and the possible situations you face, but avoiding the issue will be out of the question. For now, your life will be all about focusing on the importance of the interpersonal, and seeing it as being at least as crucial as the transpersonal.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Organization, exercise and discipline are not things you're born to do well, but this Mercury Retrograde is going to give you plenty of opportunities to practice. You might find that your lack of attention to your physical stamina and personal discipline in your daily routine are costing you dearly. It's tempting to simply go away and hide somewhere so you can convince yourself these things don't really matter, but every time you try you'll notice there are voices and opportunities from your past that call you on to "get yourself together." You might also encounter some former co-workers, and find they miss you more than you might have thought. Balance is the key to keeping yourself happy now. When you tend to your body as well as your mind and spirit, you become a whole being who's far more powerful and eternal than the sum of its parts. horoscope- headlines/ astrology- mercury-retrogra de-horoscopes- august-2011
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 3a.
Celebrating Paganism With Children
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Mon Aug 1, 2011 7:41 pm (PDT)
Celebrating Paganism with Children
Many children today learn about caring for the Earth at home and in school. The idea of saving the Earth is all around them in the media. In addition to those sentiments, contemporary Pagans also teach their children to celebrate the sacredness of the Earth.
Play as a Way to the Sacred
Play offers many ways to engage children in the sacred. Through play, learning is fun. Pagan and other Earth-centered religious traditions honor the playfulness and joy of the human experience as sacred.
Children love to make music and it can give them a sense of the Divine creator in themselves. Learning to use rhythm instruments can foster that joy. Making rattles and other musical instruments can be fun projects for the whole family. The instruments can be used in worship as well as informal play. Chants are also common in worship and they are easy to learn. Sing with children anytime.
Collections of stones, leaves, or any other curiosities, can provide the start of an altar. Memories of where an item was collected and how it was identified bring a sense of the mundane-as-sacred when "just a rock" is displayed in a place of pride.
Children also enjoy making their own ritual objects. Items like talking sticks, clay bowls, and flaming chalices (with flames lit only when an adult is there to supervise), are simple yet fun to make. When a child's creation is added to a place of honor in the family's religious practice it can take on even greater significance.
Telling Our Stories
Children love to tell and hear stories. Storytelling is a celebrated form of expression among ancient and contemporary religious traditions. Encourage parents and grandparents to tell the stories of the family and encourage children to add their stories to the family heritage. Making books of family history is always fun.
Indigenous peoples all over the world have handed down stories of survival, tribulations and triumphs from generation to generation. Many of these stories are available in books. The parables of religious teachers are written in books, too. Reading these stories to children, and talking with them about what the stories teach us, is a wonderful way for families
to pass on their beliefs. This is also a good way to show that many stories, all over the world, share common challenges and offer unique wisdom to solving the problems people face.
source unknown to me
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 4.
Mercury Retrograde August 2--26
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Mon Aug 1, 2011 7:42 pm (PDT)
Mercury Retrograde August 2 – 26, 2011
Posted on June 26, 2011 by juliesimmons
Mercury will make it's retrograde station on August 2nd at 1 degree of Virgo. First I will give a general description of the theme of this retrograde period. Below that I will give a more detailed astrological discussion of it.
What this means for us mundane characters trying to get along in our lives as best we can is that this retrograde period is a time to sort through old, worn out perspectives; a time to clear the clutter of ideologies and thought patterns that are entrenched but not useful any more. Retrograde Mercury suggests a time to contemplate this; not to take radical action. Consider the conversation of your life. Is it interesting? Do your friends and associates get what you get or is there a gap? Is the gap only a mental gap? If so maybe the heart connection makes it worthwhile.
The actual station on August 2nd is loosely opposite Neptune who will be leaving Pisces and returning to Aquarius for one last fling on August 4th. Neptune will not return to Pisces again till February 4th.
The interesting thing about this is that the actual opposition is not exact until August 8th and will be in 29 degrees of Leo; bringing out the 29 degree theme once again. (The theme of the end of the end but not quite the beginning of the beginning. Chaos, change and revolution. This theme has been strong at least since at the eclipse on the Winter solstice.)
These factors suggest that our retrograde experience might have something to do with the need for radical change in the ways we think as well as the things we think about. The last degree of Aquarius is a difficult transition because Aquarius is a sign, more than any other, that likes to hold on to it's way of thinking. Whereas Pisces is about letting things be just as they are. You can see that Aquarius needs Pisces because it can be too attached to ideas and ideals and Pisces follows Aquarius because a well cultivated mind prepares us to let go with awareness rather than ignorance.
The conjunction of Mercury to the Sun which is the heart of the retrograde will also include Venus and it is exact on the 16th of August at 23 degrees of Leo. The days leading up to and just after this date are good for the deepest contemplation of your attachments. A time to look at attachments of the heart vs. attachments of the mind. Do you think you love this person or do you really love them? What is love anyway? (Good question. No problem if you can't answer it, more problem if you think you can!)
All in all, this Mercury retrograde is about Virgo and Pisces as well as Leo and Aquarius: Our sense of compassion and service as well as our social reality. Becoming more aware of your social reality will help you move into a more compassionate caring for this world which will be intensely required when Neptune moves into Pisces next February.
http://alignedformercuryretrograde. com/2011/ 06/26/mercury- retrograde- august-2- 26-2011/
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 5.
How to Create a Ring of Protection
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Mon Aug 1, 2011 7:43 pm (PDT)
Create A Ring Of Protection
Place the ring in the West of the room you wish to cast the spell in. Place around it shells and symbols of water. Take the silver ring and in a shell filled with water mix some salt in. Say over this
"Creature of water, I beseech thee. Protection from harm is what I wish for me. In to you this ring I place, bind the protection well and to evil give chase."
Leave the ring in overnight in the light of the full moon and in the morning wash the salt water off, clear everything away and wear it! To remove the spell, place it in earth in the north and say
"With thanks for protection given I now wish this spell riven!" and leave it there overnight in a window during a new moon.
by Angelfire
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 6a.
Ritual Basics
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Mon Aug 1, 2011 7:45 pm (PDT)
Ritual Basics
If you belong to a coven, you will learn from others how to do rituals and likely how to write your own. How rituals are organized and performed will differ from tradition to tradition, and from coven to coven. If you are a solitary, then it is up to you to learn about doing ritual.
You can just limit yourself to pre-written rituals, but you will likely want to start creating your own at some point. Even the pre-written ones can seem intimidating until you grasp the overall basic structure of a Wiccan ritual. Not all rituals need to have all these components, but this is a good outline for a basic ritual.
Cast the Circle
The first thing you need to do is cast your circle. The space within your circle is sacred, and considered to be 'between the worlds'. Not only does your circle keep out unwanted energy, it also serves to keep your energy in. You may want to cleanse your space with a ritual sweeping or with some incense before you begin.
Call the Quarters
The Quarters (also sometimes called Watchtowers) are the guardians of your circle. They are usually directional and/or elemental in nature. The exact wording on how to call the quarters is varied, and can be adapted to your needs. You might consider these Watchtowers to be the solid corner-posts of your circle.
Invoke Deity
If you are not familiar with any specific Gods or Goddesses, you can always just call on the Lord and/or Lady. Over time, you can research the various pantheons and learn about the different Deities out there. You may invoke certain Deities just get to know them better, or choose Deities that represent the energies you want for your ritual. You should always be respectful, and ask Deities to join you.
Raise Energy
If you are performing this ritual with a specific goal in mind (a spell), then you need to raise energy before you do that spell. It's your energy and will that drives a spell. If your ritual is to celebrate the Sabbats or to give thanks to the Gods, then you may not feel the need to raise any power. Methods for raising energy could be dancing or chanting.
Purpose of Ritual
This is the central part of the ritual process. If you are working a specific spell, now is when you do that, using the energy that you've raised. Worship, celebration or giving thanks could also be part of your ritual.
Ground Your Energy.
You raised energy earlier, and now you must ground it. Release the remaining energy down through your body and out into the Earth. Even if you are indoors, and your feet aren't truly touching the Earth, you can still visualize your energy dispersing this way. Depending on the nature of your spell, you may find that most of the energy is used up in your spellwork.
Thank Deity
I'm sure this part is obvious. If you've asked a Deity to join you in your circle, you must then thank them when the ritual is complete.
Release the Quarters
Similar to thanking the Deities. You've called the Quarters to assist you, and when you are done, you should thank them and release them.
Release the Circle
The step will return your ritual area back to 'normal space'. Most circle casting techniques that you will find are written with both an opening and closing portion to the text.
Cakes and Wine
It's traditional to eat after ritual, and this can be a social part of the ritual if you are working in a group. It doesn't have to literally be 'cakes and ale'. You may choose to use foods that suit the nature of the ritual. This is another aspect of the grounding you did earlier. By eating and drinking, you can focus yourself back to the physical world.
This is only an outline, to help you put the features of a ritual into context. You can find more details in our Circle Casting section, on how to call the Quarters and cast the circle.
Most importantly, don't be afraid to be creative and to experiment. The best way to become comfortable in ritual is to "just do it". library/basics/ blrituals. htm
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 7.
Correspondences--Days of the Week
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Mon Aug 1, 2011 7:45 pm (PDT)
Days of the Week Correspondences
Lunar energy, psychic abilities, dreams, astral work, intuition, family, spirituality(Moon)
Strength, courage, energy, anger, independence, action (Mars)
Creativity, communication, divination, wisdom, addiction, travel (Mercury)
Prosperity, wealth, generosity, legal matters, growth (Jupiter)
Love, pleasure, peace, music, marriage, beauty, passion (Venus)
Banishings, protection, obstacles, the elderly, lost items, freedom (Saturn)
Health, prosperity, power, joy, leadership, individuality, healing, hope (Sun) library/correspo nd/blcor_ days.htm
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 8a.
When Trouble Comes to a Witch's Life
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Mon Aug 1, 2011 7:45 pm (PDT)
When Trouble Comes to a Witch's Life
There is a storm here. The Sea roils and churns and becomes what
many may call a fearful place. The gulls wheel and spin and head for
places only they know. The salty sea air becomes crisp and the wind
whips the sands and Sea up into the air and rains confusion and
mystery upon the shore. Where is the peaceful solace of the Goddess
of my heart My Ocean Mother. Has she gone from my life? Am I alone?
Is my power drained away with the wrenching turmoil that is taking place
in my life, just like the storm here at Sea?
The ocean of life has its many tempests and storms. Our lives are
often tossed and our peace disrupted. Change can come rushing in like
the thundering waves, washing away footprints and sandcastles and
often dreams. The ebb and flow of our lives can appear to be
devastating. We feel tossed about with no will of our own like
driftwood on the shore. Our hopes and dreams disregarded like
jettisoned cargo. Yet here we stand on the shore of our shaken lives,
shocked and battered, but on our feet.
No, the Goddess and Her Lord have never left us. They never will. We
are never alone. For there she is in the same sea that roils and
crashes yet deposits gently a fragile shell at our feet. She reminds
us that to live is to change and to welcome the changes that turmoil
may bring. For water that sits and never moves becomes stagnant. The
very water of life, like the blessed Sea, is in constant movement. It
falls in the gentle rains upon the mountains and valleys of the
earth. It finds its way through the strange lands; ever heading for
the streams and rivers that will carry it back to the Sea where the
life process begins anew. This process of constant change and
renewal is a testimony to the love the Goddess has for us all.
I stand here, my life like the storm blown sea. The turmoil around me
appears to be foretelling a change to come. I feel the fear welling
up within my heart as I see another tidal wave of change approaching.
Should I work my magick to lessen the blow of change, or perhaps
prevent it altogether? If I so choose, will this be a temporary? fix,
and therefore only postpone the inevitable? Will my magick be strong
enough to help me at this time of stress? As I look back on my life
and see its patterns, is this a change that is necessary to my
journey? Do I have the wisdom and the strength to face the onslaught
of this changing tide of life?
To each of us working Solitary, these are the questions we ask
ourselves in times of trouble. These are the questions we must answer
for ourselves, with the help and love of the Goddess within. For in
going within ourselves and seeking, we gain the insight of the
Goddess who dwells within each and every one of us. She is there for
us, every moment of every day, where ever we may be.
Those who may know us and our practices and beliefs, may chide us by
saying things like, "I thought Witches never had problems because
they have the power to stop them or change them" or "See! Where are
all your so called powers now that you need them?" My answer has
always been, "To Will, To Dare, To Know, To Be Silent." In applying
the Witches Pyramid, we answer all these questions. The secret is in
having the wisdom to know when to act and when to allow change to come into our
lives. Having the courage to face change when we know that a cleansing change in
our lives is what is needed. Having the faith to go within and feel the love
the Goddess has for us and hear her loving voice.
Stand at the shore. Face the storm. See the tide of change coming.
Hear the thunder of the wave of cleansing. Feel the wave engulf you
and send you reeling in life's waters. Cleansing your Spirit and
body. Feel the gentle loving caress of the Goddess as she gently
places you back on the shore. For in faith we stand the storms of
life, hand in hand with one another and the Goddess of our Hearts. We
are never alone.
by Terri Ott
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 9.
When Trying to be Helpful, Focus on Little Things
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Mon Aug 1, 2011 7:58 pm (PDT)
When Trying To Be Helpful, Focus On Little Things
Mother Teresa once said, "We cannot do great things on this earth.
We can only do little things with great love." Sometimes our grandiose plans to do great things at some later time interfere with our chances to do little things right now. A friend once told me, "I want my life to be about service, but I can't do anything yet. Someday, when I'm really successful, I'll do lots of things for others." Meanwhile, there are hungry people in the streets, elderly people who could use some company, mothers who need help with their children, people who can't read, neighbors whose homes need paint, streets with litter, people who need to be listened to, and thousands and thousands of other little things that need to be done.
Mother Teresa was right. We can't change the world, but to make a
world a brighter place we don't need to. All we really have to do is focus on those little acts of kindness, things we can do right now. My favorite ways to be of service are to develop my own helping rituals and to practice random acts of kindness--almost always little things that give me enormous satisfaction and peace of mind. Often the most appreciated acts of kindness aren't the million-dollar grants from giant corporations but the one hour of volunteer work in a home for the elderly or the five-dollar gift from someone who can't afford anything at all.
If we focus on how little difference our acts of kindness really make
in the scheme of things, surely we will end up frustrated--and will probably use our hopelessness as an excuse to do nothing. If, however, we take great care in doing something--anything --we will feel the joy of giving and will help to make our world just a little bit brighter.
by Richard Carlson, Ph. D.,
copyright 1997
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 10.
**Tarot Tuesday**, 8/2/2011, 12:00 am
Posted by: ""
Mon Aug 1, 2011 8:04 pm (PDT)
Reminder from: 13Witches Yahoo! Group group/13Witches/ cal
**Tarot Tuesday**
Tuesday August 2, 2011
All Day
(This event repeats every week.)
It's Tarot Tuesday. Post any questions or articles regarding Tarot or divination.
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- 11.
Adorable Odd Couple
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Mon Aug 1, 2011 9:08 pm (PDT)
Adorable odd couple:
Chimp's maternal instincts awakened as she feeds milk to a baby tiger
Last updated at 2:41 PM on 30th July 2011
They are humans' closest relative, sharing a similar genetic make-up and displaying behaviour not unlike our own.
Now this little chimpanzee is showing off a motherly instinct to rival even the most maternal of mankind.
These adorable images reveal the close bond that has formed between a two-year-old chimpanzee called Do Do and a two-month-old tiger cub called Aorn.
Scroll down to see a video of the chimp and tiger cub playing together
Maternal instinct: A two-year-old chimpanzee called Do Do feeds milk to Aorn, a two-month-old tiger cub
Completely at ease in each other's company, the ape's motherly instincts take over as she attentively bottle feeds the baby tiger.
Aorn gratefully laps up the milk as Do Do tenderly holds the tiger in her arms.
At one point, Do Do puts the bottle in her own mouth - almost mimicking the actions of a human mother checking to see if the milk is suitable for her offspring to consume.
For some unexplained reason Do Do is wearing a pair of denim shorts - perhaps to protect her thighs from Aorn's claws.
They were photographed at Samut Prakan Crocodile Farm and Zoo on the outskirts of Bangkok, Thailand.
Bonding: The animals both live at Samut Prakan Crocodile Farm and Zoo on the outskirts of Bangkok
For some unexplained reason Do Do is wearing a pair of denim shorts - perhaps to protect her thighs from Aorn's claws
The crocodile farm, used as a tourist attraction, houses some 80,000 crocodiles and is the largest in Thailand.
Its owners claim to hold the largest captive crocodile, measuring an astonishing six metres long and weighing 2,465lbs.
Regular crocodile shows are staged during which zookeepers place their heads inside the reptiles' mouths.
However, the farm doesn't just contain crocodiles.
As you'd expect from these pictures, monkeys and tigers also live there, alongside elephants, lions, horses and hippopotamuses.
Heat test: Do Do drinks some of the milk, perhaps to make sure the temperature is okay for the tiger cub
Aorn gratefully laps up the milk as Do Do tenderly holds the tiger in her arms article-2020467/ Adorable- odd-couple- Chimps-maternal- instincts- awakened- feeds-milk- baby-tiger. html
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 12.
The Porcelain Unicorn
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Mon Aug 1, 2011 9:57 pm (PDT)
The Porcelain Unicorn
Once in a while you get one you just wish to share with everyone……this is one of them. It's beautiful and very short (3 minutes).
This summer Philips and director/producer Ridley Scott launched a global filmmaking competition dubbed "Tell It Your Way" following its Cannes Lions award-winning short-film project "Parallel Lines."
The entrants were given freedom of expression and could take up any theme they wanted. There were two strict rules—
(1) The dialogue could be precisely six-lines (as it was in the 'Parallel Lines' films), and
(2) entries could not exceed three minutes.
Here's the prize-winning entry in Philips' "Tell It Your Way" competition. Easy to see how it impressed and touched the judges. Watch it here:
http://www.porcelainunicorn. com/
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
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