Messages In This Digest (20 Messages)
- 1a.
- Re: Pathways From: linda lanum
- 1b.
- Re: Pathways From: Lady Nightshayde
- 2.1.
- Re: Humor From: Hazell Mccardell
- 3a.
- Re: In Defense of Pit Bulls From: Hazell Mccardell
- 5.
- The Little Angel From: Lady Nightshayde
- 6.
- **Topic Tag**, 10/2/2011, 12:00 am From:
- 7.1.
- Aromatherapy Tip From: Lady Nightshayde
- 7.2.
- Aromatherapy Tip From: Lady Nightshayde
- 8.
- Dealing With Loss of Faith From: Lady Nightshayde
- 9a.
- Chocolate Witch Hair From: Lady Nightshayde
- 10a.
- Discovering the Meaning of Crone Energy From: Lady Nightshayde
- 11a.
- Ten Healing Crystals for Stress From: Lady Nightshayde
- 12.
- Thought for the Day--Chocolate From: Lady Nightshayde
- 13a.
- Create a Serenity Corner From: Lady Nightshayde
- 14.1.
- Magical Ethics From: Lady Nightshayde
- 14.2.
- Re: Magical Ethics From: Wizard of Tacoma
- 15a.
- Re: The First Day of October From: Sidhe Wolf
- 16.1.
- Re: Today's Quote From: Sidhe Wolf
- 1a.
Re: Pathways
Posted by: "linda lanum" lindalanum
Sat Oct 1, 2011 4:33 pm (PDT)
that was one of the best things i have read in a long time.... thank you for
sharing it with us. linda linda.hecate.lanum@gmail. com
On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 5:48 PM, Lady Nightshayde
< >wrote:
> **
> Well, it had been yet another bad day in the office, and once again it was
> the fault of that new girl, Maryanne. She is one of those Wiccans, a so
> called witch. How can anyone in their right mind make this claim, knowing
> that it goes against God and all of the teachings of the bible? She doesn't
> even have the common decency to keep her satanic symbol, her pentagram
> necklace hidden from the view of the decent, God fearing people in the
> office. She has some nerve. I find that I cannot hate her for this though,
> for I know that she has been deceived. Satan works his evil in ways that
> she
> cannot see. I've seen that so called Wiccan Rede that she has tacked to the
> wall above her computer. On the surface, it looks like a decent loving
> belief, but all one must do is look, look closely and see that by
> practicing
> this way, and not embracing Jesus Christ as savior she is on the pathway to
> hell. As I've said, it was a bad day in the office. Three times in the past
> few weeks I have been called in to see my supervisor, and he has told me
> that I am not allowed to preach to Maryanne the word of God, to show her
> the error of her ways. Today, my supervisor told me that if I continue to
> "harass" Maryanne, he will be
> forced to terminate me. How can he say this? He himself is a God fearing
> man. And, how can he be so tolerant of the evil that he sees insinuating
> itself into our workplace?
> As I lay down to sleep last night, I asked the Lord for guidance. "God,
> grant me a true vision of you, so that I may better lead the faithless onto
> the righteous path," "Oh, a true vision of> Me is it? Are you sure that
> you're ready, truly ready to see, my son?" I sat bolt upright in bed, and
> there, at the foot of my bed, white of hair and beard, in a long, flowing
> white robe, stood the Lord my God. I made to leap from the bed and fall to
> my knees in front of Him, but he stopped me with a
> gesture. "Kneel not before me at this time my son. Instead, rise and walk
> with Me, so that you may get a glimpse of what I truly am, as you asked of
> me in your prayer."
> He took my hand, and as I looked, my bedroom was no longer there, but a
> pathway through the woods. We started to walk, and I was too awestruck for
> words. We took the path to the left, and we were then inside St.
> Catherine's
> Church, in the middle of a service.
> While still standing beside me, God seemed to expand and fill the whole of
> the church. I could see smiles of contentment forming on some of the
> parishioners faces. I felt blessed. God smiled upon me. "The Catholics hold
> such pretty masses, don't they? I like to stop here in this church, because
> not only do they speak the words, but they live the life, throughteaching,
> helping the sick and poor, not only with handouts, but helping them learn
> to
> help themselves. Now let us walk on," And we were back on the pathway.
> We traveled a bit further along, and then were in the parlor of a funeral
> home. A young woman was kneeling before the casket, resting her head on it
> and crying. I could see by the similarity, that this dead man must be her
> father. God knelt beside her, and drew His arms about her. "Miss him, that
> is all right, but weep not for him, for now he is with Me". She wiped her
> eyes, and stood with a sad smile upon her face, and said "Good-bye Daddy.
> I'll miss you," and turned and left the room.
> And we were back on the pathway. We walked a little ways, and we were in
> front of a large lodge of some kind. I could hear music and laughter
> spilling out of the windows. I turned to look at God, and was shocked to
> see, not the flowing white robe, but Him wearing leather and animal furs,
> his hair and beard now the color of wheat, and a sword strapped across His
> back. He strode forth, and I saw him approach a figure I had not seen
> before. As I looked close, I was shocked to see that it was the same face
> that I had just seen dead, but looking young and strong, and dressed in
> ancient looking garb, an ax strapped to his waist. God strode up to him and
> grabbed him in a great bear hug.
> "Welcome my son. We've been waiting for you. Now, go inside and raise a cup
> or two, and meet with your brother." And, with a hearty slap on the back,
> he
> sent the man inside. And then we were back on the pathway.
> We walked a bit further, and then we were in a mosque. At least I believed
> so, as I had never been in one before, but had seen pictures of them. The
> group of worshippers was not large, but I could see their rapt faces as
> they
> listened to the mullah speak. He was speaking to them of purity, both of
> the
> mind and the body, bringing them closer to Allah. And as he spoke, God,
> dressed now in the robes of the desert, walked among them and briefly laid
> his hands upon each set of shoulders. And, from their faces, I could see
> that these men knew that the words of the mullah were true, and that their
> spirits felt touched by God. And then we were back on the pathway.
> After we had walked a bit, we found ourselves in an African village. People
> with skin as black as night, the women with their breast shamefully bared,
> were dancing in a circle, to the rhythm of the drums being played by a
> group of men. Somehow though, I was not offended by the bared breasts, and
> the music seemed to seep into my soul. God was then a mighty lion, and He
> let forth a mighty roar. The villagers did not seem to hear, but the drums
> increased their pounding, and the dancers danced
> with a frenzy. And then we were back on the pathway.
> We walked a bit more, and were on the top of a cliff. There sat, painted
> and
> covered with feathers, an old Navajo man. As I watched, he seemed to change
> into the form of an eagle and take flight, and we were flying with him,
> soaring high into the air, seeing the vista spread out below us. And God,
> in
> the form of an eagle Himself, seemed to guide this other eagle thru the
> air,
> over mountains and thru valleys, until he came upon a group of men. As I
> watched, the old Navajo man was no longer an eagle, but a young boy
> instead,
> and he sat at the feet of these men, to listen to the words of his elders.
> And then we were back on the pathway.
> We traveled a bit, and then we were in a forest clearing. I knew this
> place.
> It was known as a place of devil worship and evil. In the center of the
> clearing roared a great bonfire, and kiwi torches outlined a circle of
> sorts. Inside this circle, in a circle themselves, stood 7 men and 6
> women, dressed in robes of varying colors, their arms raised to the moon.
> Was that one woman Maryanne? I really couldn't be sure. And God walked among
> them in the circle, touching each one. He seemed not to be an older man
> now, but as he made each of three turns around the circle, he was first a
> young girl, bouncing with energy, then a woman of middle years, with a
> tender smile for all Her children, and finally, an old woman, body bent,
> but holding Her head up with pride. And a woman stepped forward, and yes,
> it was Maryanne, and lifted her head to the
> sky. "Great Goddess, Mother of us all, thank you for joining us tonight.
> Stay if You will, go if You must. Know in our hearts You will always be
> welcome. Blessed be!!" And we were back on the pathway.
> As we walked along, ahead in the distance I saw the most beautiful man.
> Yes,
> beautiful, though I would never normally think of a man this way. With
> blonde hair, and a golden robe, he seemed to radiate sunshine. God and this
> golden man nodded to each other as they passed, sharing a smile together.
> "My Lord" I asked, "was that an angel?" "Well, yes, he is known as that to
> some. He is also known to some as a god himself. That was Lucifer." And
> His words caused me to stumble. I couldn't believe that we had just passed
> the ultimate evil. God looked at me, and He knew my
> mind. And he chuckled a bit. "Think about it logically My son. The Lucifer
> that you know is a fallen angel, cast out of heaven for challenging Me. If
> I
> am the all powerful being, above all others, how could he do this? How
> could
> I allow it?" "But, in the bible...." I stammered. "The Bible is a wonderful
> book, as are the Koran and the Torah and many others, but they are just
> books, written by the hand of man, not written by Me. And, it's a bit
> confusing as well if the truth be known, but that's not up to Me to fix.
> These books are wonderful, but only as guidance, for each
> man and woman must think for themselves." And, I believed He was right in
> this.
> "Now, come forth, we must journey a little more before you go back" and He
> took my hand once again. As we followed the pathway, we soared through the
> stars, listening to the music of the heavens, we became a little flower and
> a mighty oak, we became a babbling brook, and a mighty ocean. We flitted
> from flower to flower as a little honey bee, and ran across the plains as a
> mighty stallion. And, all too soon the pathway returned us to my home. God
> held my hand a moment longer, and smiled into my face.
> "My son, you prayed tonight for a true vision of Me. For vision, you must
> only open your eyes and see what there is to see. Good night to you". And
> then He was gone, and I was back in my bed. A dream I thought, only a
> dream, that couldn't have been real. At that time, a bolt of lightning lit
> up my room thru the window, and thunder crashed thru the sky, and I thought
> I heard, from seemingly far away,
> "Remember, the Lord works in mysterious ways My son".
> This morning as I entered the office, I went to the machine for a cup of
> coffee, and standing there, I spied Maryanne. As I approached her, I could
> see her barely cringe, and I could see in her face that she was expecting
> yet another onslaught from me and my book. She seemed to cast her eyes
> about
> for a way to escape, but there was none. I walked up to her and smiled. "I
> think I owe you a bit of an apology" I said. "I've been a bit narrow
> minded of late, and I really had no right to subject you to what I did.
> It's not up to me to say how you find your path to your spirit, and I was
> wrong to think that was so," Maryanne just stood there, not knowing what
> to say. "So, I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry, and I hope you will
> forgive my trespass. God bless you Maryanne, and...uh.... Blessed Be?" You
> know, I always thought that it was just a saying, about peoples jaws
> dropping to the floor, but Maryanne
> did her best at that moment to prove me wrong.
> Written By Eloria R. Lightfeather
> *
> The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
> Love Each Day,
> Lady Nightshayde
> **
> group/13Witches/
> group/Whispering Witches/
> group/MagickalMe als/
> NightshaydesNews
> *
> **
- 1b.
Re: Pathways
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sat Oct 1, 2011 4:36 pm (PDT)
that was one of the best things i have read in a long time.... thank you for sharing it with us. linda linda.hecate.lanum@gmail. com
On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 5:48 PM, Lady Nightshayde < > wrote:
My pleasure
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde
- 2.1.
Re: Humor
Posted by: "Hazell Mccardell" hmccardell
Sat Oct 1, 2011 5:16 pm (PDT)
I just bet the daylights isn't the only that got scared out of him.:)
On Sat Oct 1st, 2011 3:05 AM EDT Lady Nightshayde wrote:
>A passenger in a taxi leaned over to ask the driver a question and
>tapped him on the shoulder.The driver screamed, lost control of the cab,
>nearly hit a bus, drove up over the curb, and stopped just inches from a
>large plate glass window.
>For a few moments everything was silent in the cab, and then the still
>shaking driver said, "I'm sorry but you scared the daylights out of me."
>The frightened passenger apologized to the driver and said he didn't
>realize a mere tap on the shoulder could frighten him so much.
>The driver replied, "No, no, I'm sorry, it's entirely my fault. Today is
>my first day driving a cab. I've been driving a hearse for the last 25
>The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
>Love Each Day,
>Lady Nightshayde
> group/13Witches/
> group/Whispering Witches/
> group/MagickalMe als/
> NightshaydesNews
- 3a.
Re: In Defense of Pit Bulls
Posted by: "Hazell Mccardell" hmccardell
Sat Oct 1, 2011 6:04 pm (PDT)
I gave my son a Staffordshire Bull Terrier on his 16 th B/D. She died of old age and is buried in our front yard. He now has a 2yr old male. We have had several other pits over the years. We loved em all. They were kind, loving dogs.
On Fri Sep 30th, 2011 6:07 PM EDT Lady Nightshayde wrote:
>The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
>Love Each Day,
>Lady Nightshayde
> group/13Witches/
> group/Whispering Witches/
> group/MagickalMe als/
> NightshaydesNews
- 4a.
Posted by: "Tracy B"
Sat Oct 1, 2011 6:12 pm (PDT)
MM Everyone
I have a question about runes, how do you work with them? Where I'm at I don't have access to alot of good books and they just barely mention them. I also like to look at the book before I buy or is recommend by the group.
BB autumnlmoon
- 4b.
Re: runes
Posted by: "Sidhe Wolf" mikisidhewolf
Sun Oct 2, 2011 3:35 am (PDT)
This website will be helpful to you, I believe:
On 2 October 2011 03:12, Tracy B < > wrote:
> **
> MM Everyone
> I have a question about runes, how do you work with them? Where I'm at I
> don't have access to alot of good books and they just barely mention them. I
> also like to look at the book before I buy or is recommend by the group.
> BB autumnlmoon
- 5.
The Little Angel
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sat Oct 1, 2011 6:48 pm (PDT)
The Little Angel
There was this little girl sitting by herself in the park.
Everyone passed by her and never stopped to see why she looked so sad.
Dressed in a worn pink dress, barefoot and dirty, the girl just sat and
watched the people go by.
She never tried to speak.
She never said a word.
Many people passed by her, but no one would stop.
The next day I decided to go back to the park in curiosity to see if the
little girl would still be there.
Yes, she was there, right in the very spot where she was yesterday, and still
with the same sad look in her eyes.
Today I was to make my own move and walk over to the little girl.
For as we all know, a park full of strange people is not a place for young
children to play alone.
As I got closer I could see the back of the little girl's dress.
It was grotesquely shaped.
I figured that was the reason people just passed by and made no effort to
speak to her.
Deformities are a low blow to our society and, heaven forbid if you make a
step toward assisting someone who is different.
As I got closer, the little girl lowered her eyes slightly to avoid my intent
As I approached her, I could see the shape of her back more clearly.
She was grotesquely shaped in a humped over form.
I smiled to let her know it was OK; I was there to help, to talk.
I sat down beside her and opened with a simple, "Hello".
The little girl acted shocked, and stammered a "hi"; after a long stare into
my eyes.
I smiled and she shyly smiled back.
We talked until darkness fell and the park was completely empty.
I asked the girl why she was so sad.
The little girl looked at me with a sad face said, "Because, I'm different".
I immediately said, "That you are!"; and smiled.
The little girl acted even sadder and said, "I know."
"Little girl," I said, "you remind me of an angel, sweet and innocent."
She looked at me and smiled, then slowly she got to her feet and said,
"Yes, you're like a little Guardian Angel sent to watch
over all people walking by."
She nodded her head yes, and smiled.
With that she opened the back of her pink dress and allowed her wings to
spread, then she said "I am."
I'm your Guardian Angel," with a twinkle in her eye.
I was speechless -- sure I was seeing things.
She said, "For once you thought of someone other than yourself.
My job here is done".
I got to my feet and said, "Wait, why did no one stop to help an angel?"
She looked at me, smiled, and said, "You're the only one that could see me,"
and then she was gone.
And with that, my life was changed dramatically.
So, when you think you're all you have, remember, your angel is always
watching over you.
Like the story says, we all need someone...
And, every one of your friends is an Angel in their own way.
The value of a friend is measured in the heart.
I hope your Guardian Angel watches over you always .
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 6.
**Topic Tag**, 10/2/2011, 12:00 am
Posted by: ""
Sat Oct 1, 2011 7:59 pm (PDT)
Reminder from: 13Witches Yahoo! Group group/13Witches/ cal
**Topic Tag**
Sunday October 2, 2011
All Day
(This event repeats every week.)
It's Topic Tag again. Whoever posed the last question for Topic Tag needs to tag someone else today.
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- 7.1.
Aromatherapy Tip
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sat Oct 1, 2011 8:26 pm (PDT)
Use Cypress in an aroma lamp or diffuser for coughing spells.
Add it to a salve or chest rub. Cypress is said to stop
everything that flows in excess which makes it ideal for a runny
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 7.2.
Aromatherapy Tip
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sat Oct 1, 2011 10:34 pm (PDT)
Jasmine, a very sensual oil, is said to be the best
aphrodisiac that aromatherapy can offer. It seems to
increase the attractiveness of the person wearing it.
Blends well with Rose, Neroli, Sandalwood,
Orange and Ylang Ylang.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 8.
Dealing With Loss of Faith
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sat Oct 1, 2011 10:25 pm (PDT)
Dealing with the Loss of Faith
Very few resources deal with the loss of or decline of personal faith as applied to the New Age and pagan religions and philosophies. The truth is that most, if not all of us, undergo periods when our trust in our basic, core beliefs is threatened or those beliefs seem to be virtually inoperative. Since so many of us have come to alternative faiths from traditional ones due to a loss of faith in that first, parental religion, finding oneself in the same situation with one's new faith can be horrifying. Did I make a huge mistake? Are all faiths flawed? Maybe I'm just not meant to be religious. Maybe my soul is so damaged I cannot worship anything.
Maybe I really am damned.
What is even more disturbing is that, often, these crises of faith follow on a major spiritual milestone or experience. An initiation, an ordination, even a spontaneous vision or experience of a god or goddess may seem to trigger doubts. At the moments when our faith should be strongest, it instead weakens. Occultists have sometimes termed this period the "Dark Night of The Soul", and have considered it a spiritual crisis where an individual confronts their own ghosts and demons, whatever they may be.
My personal belief, backed by a basic though far from comprehensive understanding of biochemistry, is that these bad periods are really not psychic or spiritual, but, more essentially, biochemical. The chemical communications of the human brain, which in my belief is a physical communications device for the soul, are still poorly understood. Attempts to look at spiritual beliefs from a biochemical standpoint are rare, and have generally sought to "debunk" spiritual experience and reduce it to a random firing of neurons.
Just as when we fall in love, resonating with a spiritual path creates a new mental chemistry. However, because it is new, it is not well-established. Such mundane things as diet may affect our ability to create and sustain the biochemistry that allows our physical form to perceive spiritual input and phenomena. I suspect that many of the same molecules that allow us to be passionate or creative are also essential for us to perceive the spiritual and sacred worlds. This is also possibly the reason why certain substances allow spiritual experiences to follow, such as peyote and other drugs. These are substitutes for a fully-functional human brain capable of creating and maintaining a supply of "spiritual" message carriers. And, since they are "outside" molecules, they are not ideal for an individual's spiritual experience.
When we experience transformative spiritual events, our brains exert themselves to perceive these new inputs. Because of this exertion, stocks of the chemical precursors to these molecules are depleted. The reason why cold medicines containing pheynylethylalanine work and keep energy up is that they artificially force the brain to fire, thinking it is receiving phenylalanine, an amino acid crucial for both energy and mood. After taking cold medicines for several days, many people become depressed. The brain's stock of supplies have been wiped out, and until diet slowly restores those crucial, genuine building-blocks, depression results.
So when we have a major spiritual experience, causing our brains to joyously release spiritualizing chemistry, it is almost certain that shortly after that experience, there will be a chemically-driven letdown. Since few of us live intensely spiritual lives on a daily basis, our brains are not used to making and providing these necessary chemical carriers, so the building-up process is very slow.
What can we do to restore ourselves? The chemistry of ecstasy is still poorly understood, but generally, my educated guess is that a diet relatively rich in amino acids may be an important component in rebuilding those depleted stores. And again, my guess is that phenylalanine, an amino acid that appears to be involved in the chemistry of falling in love, may also be crucial. (One of the few relatively intense sources of phenylalanine, by the way, is in chocolate.) A B vitamin supplement, which can enhance dreamwork and so is related to spiritual experience, is also something to consider. Essential oils, which tend to deliver almost directly into the brain through the olfactory system, will also play a role - and is the reason incenses have been popular in all places and times as an adjunct to spiritual experience. Try the traditional scents, such as myrrh, frankicense, sandalwood, copal, and others which have enjoyed a long history of use in many faiths.
Also important to the rebuilding of the brain is the release of toxins, through exercise, cleansing, and fasting. Toxic build-up in the body distracts the system from restoring itself, since its resources are tied up with making sure the organism survives, rather than making sure the organism connects spiritually.
There are also some simple spiritual tasks that can help remind the brain that these substances are required.
* Don't abandon your daily devotions, even if they feel utterly empty. The simple repetition will help the mind prepare for new spiritual experiences by creating the necessary substances.
* Try simple devotions, meditations, or prayer - but keep the sessions short. Extended work may only deplete you more.
* Look for stress-free ways of aligning with your faith -for me, it is cleaning my altar items, rearranging and looking at books, and creating artwork.
* Spend time with persons whose faith is strong right now - their spiritual vibrations may help your mind align again with your spiritual beliefs. This is why religious retreats to sacred space, surrounded by others whose spiritual brains are finely tuned, can be so restorative. (Of course, if one is too depleted beforehand, even these spiritual retreats can leave one unmoved.)
Above all, try to take it in stride. You are not a bad person if you have spiritual doubts, but if those doubts are purely biochemically driven, it would be a tragedy to abandon an otherwise satisifying faith. We live in the physical world, a very dense form, and keeping the tenuous spirit alive in the all-too-solid body is a tricky task, whatever your faith may be.
by deTraci Regula
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 9a.
Chocolate Witch Hair
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sat Oct 1, 2011 10:26 pm (PDT)
Chocolate Witch Hair
This is a fun activity for kids.
3 large shredded wheat bundles
1 6-ounce bag milk chocolate chips
3 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon light brown sugar
2 tablespoons butter
1. Break up the shredded wheat bundles into single long strands so they have
the appearance of hair. Set aside. 2. Place the honey brown sugar chocolate
chips and butter in a saucepan and heat over a low flame to melt. Stir
constantly. Mixture should be smooth and glossy. 3. Remove from heat and
gently stir in the shredded wheat. 4. When the shredded wheat is completely
coated scoop it onto waxed paper in small equal portions. Use a fork to
gently rake hairs into one direction. 5. Place in refrigerator for about
thirty minutes.
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 10a.
Discovering the Meaning of Crone Energy
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sat Oct 1, 2011 10:26 pm (PDT)
Discovering the Meaning of Crone Energy
Before we are conceived, our Spiritual Nature chooses whether we will
have more feminine tendencies or masculine tendencies. Generally
speaking, if we have more feminine tendencies we are born female and
if we have more masculine tendencies we are born male.
Each of the energies, feminine or masculine has at birth both
properties. Feminine energy is more intuitive, which is spiritual and
masculine energy, more intelligence, which is physical. Our Spiritual
Nature, which is intuitive, comes through our right side of the
brain. Other functions of our feminine nature are our ability to
create, write, paint, etc.
Our intelligence, which is physical, comes to us through our left
side of the brain. Physical or masculine energy also helps move
physical matter through the use of the body. This is not to say that
the brain has intelligence or is creative. This is merely the
operation basis that the mind has chosen to store information in or
allow information to move through our physical body so that we can
make sense of our mind process as we move through life. When our mind
first took a physical body, it understood that both energies,
masculine and feminine was needed and each person born came equipped
with both energies.
Before the separation of energy, energy was balanced in mind and was
free to move between the physical realm and back again into the
Spiritual realm. Both male and female understood how to do this
because of this balance. Male and female also understood that it was
not the physical body that entertained the power to move between
realms. It was only with the mind that they were free to explore both
realms. Both male and female understood that the physical body could
only continue to exist on the physical plane where physical matter
Time was not a factor. Once a person reached a certain age, they
remained that age until it was decided that they would lay their body
down and go back to their True Source or their Spirit. They did not
die like we experience death. The lying aside of the body was not
feared, nor was there any fear that a loved one would never be seen
again. Because the connection to Spirit was so strong, there was
never worry or doubt. There was innate knowledge that there was a
Higher Source that took care of and nurtured creation, and it was to
this Higher Source that the masculine and feminine energy looked to
for direction. Masculine energy was needed to move physical matter,
but wisdom from Spirit through feminine energy was needed to direct
this massive force of energy. Both energies were meant to balance
each other and help blend the physical world with the Spiritual world.
As time went on, masculine energy became more involved in the
physical aspect of having a body and began to break away from the
feminine nature, while the female remained connected to the intuitive
or spiritual side of her nature. Because of this, masculine energy
began to look at the feminine nature as possessing qualities that it
did not understand. Feminine energy contained an element of mysticism
and wisdom that masculine energy forgot how to access.
Feminine energy could draw from both the masculine and feminine, but
it was more concerned with the things that were not of a physical
nature This energy could be used to create something physical out of
what seemed like nothing. By drawing from the Spiritual life she
tapped into the wisdom of Spirit and Love, while male energy looked
to the physical and what could be understood by the 5 senses. Also it
was concerned with physical strength. This physical strength was
something that could be seen and reckoned with as a real force in
time, while the softer qualities of Spirit did not seem to be so.
As masculine energy began to move away from the feminine energy, a
split occurred. This split became male and female. When this split
occurred the feminine energy of women were a mystery to men. At this
point in time it was not understood how life was conceived. Males
believed that females had the power to create life on their own.
Males also did not understand the monthly cycle of a woman but knew
it had something to do with the ability to create life. Women had the
superior role because of all of the mystery that surrounded her.
As the world went on, time began to become a factor in the life
expectancy of its inhabitants. People began to connect to their body
more and more and with the understanding of time, the body began to
deteriorate and die. Even though this was happening, female energy
did not forget her spiritual side. After a time, when had she stopped
her monthly cycle, her true nature began to call to her. She began to
take up the ways of her ancestors. She began to tune into the wisdom
of the universe after she had raised her family and was not as
concerned about physical existence and what a physical life could
offer her. Being born feminine, the call of her spiritual nature
became something that she could not ignore. Because female energy was
more open to entertaining ideas of a spiritual nature into her
psyche, a softer and less intrusive nature was kept alive in a
physical world.
Within the confines of time masculine energy began to exert power. It
was found that masculine energy could war and over take the enemy by
physical strength. Slowly the tide began to turn and masculine energy
began to rule the physical realm. The feminine energy was attracted
and attached to masculine energy while her monthly cycle prevailed.
This helped insure the survival of the physical world. Feminine
energy was still attached to the softer energy of Spirit, however
this call became quieter until the monthly cycle stopped. Once her
monthly cycle stopped, the call to return became overwhelming.
Spirit was and is constantly communicating to us. Our mind does not
always understand the messages that Spirit is sending to us, so our
mind must try to make sense out of the messages from a physical
standpoint. When we began to look at time as being reality our bodies
began to age and die. An older person was considered to have wisdom
because of the years spent on the physical plane. So that the
messages of Spirit would be understood, Spirit used the wisdom of old
age to be a metaphor for wisdom.
The wisdom of Spirit is ancient, but it is not an age. Feminine
energy began to receive this message as meaning an old woman
returning to her Spiritual Nature when what the message was really
saying was that wisdom was ancient or old. The female mind began to
think in terms of looking like the message and believing that the
word "Crone" meant old age when it really meant the wisdom of the
Spirit. Once an idea is introduced into the mind, even if it is only
one mind that believes the message, it is an introduction into all
minds. The message was not that wisdom is an old body, it was and
still is that wisdom itself is ancient.
Masculine energy could not dominate the feminine energy that looked
to Spirit for its source of wisdom, so it decided to try to
obliterate it. The female that began to take on the look of the
message of ancient wisdom was ridiculed and slaughtered and she began
believing that she was old and not needed by masculine energy. She
had outgrown her purpose of pro creating with masculine energy and
therefore an aspect of society that could be done away with. Fear of
extinction of this ancient wisdom forced her to hide the truth of
what she knew. It is still hiding, even from the mind of women today,
until the time is right.
This energy is beginning to reclaim its rightful place in the
physical realm. Without feminine energy, masculine energy will
destroy itself because of its desire to dominate what it doesn't
understand and take what doesn't belong to it.
Many years ago there was a right of passage that a woman passed into
when she had stopped her menstrual cycle. This was a transition that
led ultimately to transformation. This was known as becoming a Crone.
Today even the word conjures up an idea of an old hag. Someone old
with wrinkles and not of great use to society. The very word is
something that we, as women, try to move away from. This is not the
meaning of the word.
If we want to return to our Spiritual Nature, we must be open to
accepting the Crone energy. Our Spiritual Nature is always calling to
us to return. Returning means that we retrace our steps, or find what
we believe we have lost.
As stated before, Crone energy is not lost, but hiding from the
assault that was perpetrated against her so long ago. By accepting
her, we can begin the journey back home when time was not a factor
and the only thing that mattered was the love that was experienced
between the feminine and masculine energies. This was and is the God
and Goddess that exists but sleeps in each of us.
The Crone and the feminine Goddess are the same. Their energy is
intertwined, although they appear to be different. The only reason
for this appearance is that our mind believes in separation.
By resisting the Crone, we give ourselves over to the Crone energy
that belongs to time. Resistance can only be experienced in time,
therefore we give ourselves over to the physical aspects or old age
that we fight so hard to prevent in time.
Crone means wisdom. If the word is changed, as I have often been told
it needs to, the definition of the word changes. There are few words
that have maintained their true meaning or what the word was suppose
to symbolize. The word Crone still means wisdom. Even though we have
accepted into our awareness that the word means something different,
the word still has the same meaning as the one ascribed to it.
We can choose to embrace the word and not ascribe any meaning to it
except its true meaning, which means ancient wisdom, or we can take
the word to mean an old hag. The choice is ours but be wary, words
have power. Every word has energy attached to it and energy has the
ability to create. The word Crone was chosen for a specific reason. I
am assuming it was for its ability to draw Spirit into the physical
realm. Once we remove the attachment of being old to it, the word
will do what it is suppose to, which is attract wisdom.
In this day and age, being 50 is not old, but for most of us it does
signal a time of transition. This transition need not be the idea of
being old but the idea of reconnecting with our Higher Nature or the
Crone energy. The Crone needs our awareness of her eternal power so
she can extend her wisdom into he world, where it is needed.
From a higher standpoint we have all chosen to be in this generation
at this time. This generation has made the greatest impact on the
world since the beginning of time because there are so many of us. As
we mature and reach the age when we are asked to invite the Crone
energy into our life, what will our answer be? We can continue to
make an impact on the way the world views things or we can determine
that the past has the answers. This generation has never been the one
that sits idly by and watches time go by. We can make an impact.
Let us join together and embrace the word Crone and its true meaning.
Let this generation be the one that joins together to bring the True
Feminine Nature back into the physical realm. Our feminine nature or
Higher Nature calls to us to help heal the world and thereby effect
future generations of this world. It calls on us, not to dominate,
but to join with masculine energy. In this way we bring stability
back to our world and bring a softer, gentler way of handling the
problems that are afflicting mankind.
There is an ancient ceremony that used to be performed when a woman
moved beyond her menstrual cycle. It was considered a great honor to
be visited by Spirit and learn the ways of Spirit. This ceremony
marks the beginning of something new and an end to the way we viewed
the world when we were caught up in raising our children and taking
care of a husband. This ceremony opens the door to accepting our true
nature and extending this wisdom into time.
It is my sincere desire that this provides a new way of looking at
and respecting not only the aging process, but also I hope it brings
a certain pride and self-acceptance that the older woman has not felt
in a long time.
There is a space in time when Heaven reaches down and touches the
open mind with a gentle whisper. This open mind is lifted far beyond
the reaches of time into the ancient wisdom of eternity and it learns
of the wonders that existed before time began.
Written by: Rev. Cheril Goodrich, Copyright December 2000
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 11a.
Ten Healing Crystals for Stress
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sat Oct 1, 2011 10:27 pm (PDT)
Ten Healing Crystals for Stress
Stress is unavoidable in any society and is a symptom of our
inability or ineffectiveness to accept change as fast as it seems
thrust upon us. We must adapt quickly to disappointments, shock and
traumas, physical pain, and other tremendous emotional and
psychological imbalances in our environments. It isn't easy to keep
up with the changes!
Crystals are particularly good at helping us adapt to changes in
energy frequencies created through stressful situations. There seems
to be a crystal for every form of stress including financial
(Citrine), relationships (Rose Quartz) and burnout (Smokey Quartz).
Having a large crystal in a room can also help reduce stress, by
reducing negative energies and harmonizing imbalanced energy
By wearing the crystals through out the day, preferably as a full
necklace, as a pendant, or in a small pouch at the Heart Chakra; the
vibrations of the crystals will continue to affect areas of the
imbalance, restoring a positive state where the imbalance has
occurred. The effects of crystal healing at the emotional and
psychological levels are subtle, yet are often noticed more by others
than yourself! I have listed ten crystals and gemstones that are
useful in healing stress.
Ten "Stress Stones"
Keep an Amethyst cluster at your desk or in your therapy room to
transmute negative energy. Amethyst helps you think and act at your
highest level. It's good for promotions (spiritual), and reduces
tension headaches. Wear an Amethyst pendant continuously for migraine
prevention and for alleviating arthritic pain.
The "Success Stone" - Citrine encourages a bright outlook and
happiness. It attracts wealth and joy. Keep a piece in your wallet to
enrich your holdings. It can help stabilize emotions and soothe
family problems. Citrine is also good for improving stress-related
digestive problems.
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz can be worn as a crystal pendant to deflect radiation
from going to your body. Quatrz is an excellent general physical
system fortifier and protector. It increases mental clarity. Hold a
clear crystal at your solar plexus and breath evenly for several
minutes to calm your emotions, to relax the body, to clear the mind,
and to refresh your energy. Stare into the crystal to clear writer's
block and to increase creativity.
Fluorite - a stone to unblock stuck energies. For digestive systems
problems use the yellow/green colour combination. For pains in the
skeletal and muscular system, use the blue/white colour combination.
For head area complaints, use the purple/clear combination. For
asthma, wear the green coloured Fluorite. To help congested mental
thoughts, use a purple cluster in your work area, or position a
cluster at your crown chakra while sleeping.
Garnet - An energy revitalizer. Garnet is excellent for strengthening
the base chakra. It promotes sexual energy (for your self and
partner). It helps increase circulation to the legs and pelvic area.
It reduces menstrual pain when held or taped over the ovaries and
uterus. Garnet can increase sexual stimulation and fertility too!
"The Anti-Stress Stone". Hematite reflects back negative energies to
the sender (so you don't end up taking them on yourself). Hematite
dissolves the issues when one meets with confrontation. Tape a small
piece over the leg and back areas to reduce pain and to increase
electromagnetic circulation. Hematite helps balance the meridians.
Malachite is excellent for Type A personalities and for those prone
to heart disease and stresses to internal organs. It helps to
detoxify the liver and to increase blood circulation. Malachite is
excellent for breaking up old energy patterns. Use it with Rose
Quartz to soften the effects of a broken heart! Due to the possibly
toxic copper content of this stone, keep Malachite away from pets and
children, and do not wear it against the skin for long periods of
time. This stone is for external use only.
Rose Quartz
"The Love Stone" - Rose Quartz is very protective and soothing for
many issues. Place a large chunk of the stone at your Heart Centre
for 15 minutes to relax after a stressful day. Rose Quartz helps to
unblock anxiety and to promote healing of private emotional issues.
It allows one to become more receptive and open to challenges.
Smokey Quartz
Smokey Quartz is an excellent stabilizer for mood swings. It helps
ground feelings of depression, and both absorbs and transmutes
negativity. This stone is best worn at the solar plexus, the seat of
the emotions. Smokey Quartz is excellent for PMS and cranky persons;
and good for persons imbalanced due to extreme stress and burn-out.
It provides a protective field for recovery.
"A Stone of Protection" - Turquoise is an excellent toner for all
systems of the body. It helps prevent organs from absorbing toxins
and breaking down. Wear this stone at the throat to strengthen your
will and to communicate effectively. It helps to sweeten the voice
and speak your truth. Turquoise helps reduce premature aging.
Some Hints On Crystal Healing
Your commitment to the crystal is part of the healing process. Let
the crystal do the work for you.
It is best not to wear more than two crystals at any one time if you
are new to crystal healing, as many find the effects too distracting.
The length of time to obtain the effects desired will depend on the
quality of the crystal (size, colour, energy charge), location worn,
duration worn, and the crystal's appropriateness to your healing
issue. Some crystals are better suited to the overall underlying
problem than to just treat superficial symptoms. Select your crystal
with an honest outlook on the problem.
by Karen Ryan, Crystal Energy Therapist
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 12.
Thought for the Day--Chocolate
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sat Oct 1, 2011 10:29 pm (PDT)
Thought for the Day
Chocolate is the Prozac of candy: eating it makes you feel good.
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 13a.
Create a Serenity Corner
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sat Oct 1, 2011 10:30 pm (PDT)
Create a Serenity Corner
We all have moments when stress overcomes us. Releasing stress can be a
challenge that plagues us. My answer to stress, beyond proper nutrition,
exercise, warm bubble baths and keeping a journal is creating a Serenity
Corner in my home.
What is a Serenity Corner? It is a place within the home (or perhaps
even a cubicle at the office) where we invite nature to share our space.
The size and contents may vary somewhat, but keeping a little nature in
our living space or workplace will help to reduce the stress that we
experience in our world.
The main features of a Serenity Corner are the elements of nature: air
(or light), water, earth and fire. The key is to use each of these
elements in a safe manner, particularly fire.
For the element of air, several options are available. Think of using
things such as full spectrum lighting (now available as bulbs that fit
regular sockets), air purifiers, and live green plants. These will help
condition the air for clear breathing, brighten the space up and add to
the aesthetic atmosphere. You may wish to use a potpourri displayed in a
decorative bowl. In addition, it may be fun to make a mobile of
papier-mache or origami birds to hang from the ceiling. If this is not
to your liking, consider gathering feathers from the outdoors (or from
pet birds if you have them) and arrange them as you would a floral
arrangement in a vase or bowl. All of these represent the element of air.
For the element of water, a humidifier works well, but a tabletop
fountain is a visual and auditory joy. Consider making your own. That
way, you can add decorations that express your very own personality and
preferences. Consider using sea shells to enhance the natural effect of
the water or if you have a large enough space to make a small pond,
consider placing goldfish in it. The sound of rippling water is lovely
and relaxing.
The element of earth is very easy to arrange. A Zen Garden, Bonsai tree
or other plants round out the combination nicely. Once again, an
attractive basket of potpourri can fill this spot if you are unable to
find other suitable items. You may wish to use a bowl of small gemstones
or stones you have found outdoors to represent this element.
For the element of fire, you may want to take extra precautions. While
tea lights or votive candles in decorative holders are especially nice
additions to a Serenity Corner, it is important to take into
consideration any fire codes for your building. Another option for
representing the element of fire is to use your favorite incense. If
neither of these works in your space, an attractive fiber-optic ornament
or lava lamp can be visually pleasing.
You will certainly want to have other things in this corner as space
allows. Perhaps a large floor pillow or easy chair in which to meditate
or read would be to your liking. An assortment of reading material, from
artistic to philosophical, will help distract the mind from daily
worries for a short time.
The most important aspect for the Serenity Corner is to invite as much
of nature into your space as you possibly can. Use your imagination!
Then spend a few minutes each day absorbing the beautiful energies that
you have created in your space. It is revitalizing and relaxing.
by Samm J. Bogner
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 14.1.
Magical Ethics
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Sat Oct 1, 2011 10:30 pm (PDT)
Magical Ethics
Living a magical life is a powerful and positive way to live. However, it does come with a great deal of responsibility. If you are already following a magical path, you know what I mean. But, if you are just beginning to think about bringing magic into your life, you must understand that there is a moral code of spiritual ethics to follow if you wish your magical journey to be positive.
Whatever area of magic you are interested in, you will find that your magical work will not only affect you, but also those around you. Some of you may be interested in the Wiccan tradition or perhaps in various forms of divination. No matter where your magical interests and abilities may lead you, learning the ancient Wiccan Code will serve you well as you travel the path of positive magic. It consists of only eight words: "If it harms none, do what you will." This creed should be at the core of any magical work you do, even if you aren't Wiccan.
Over the years I've developed a more extended set of magical ethical principles. I hope they aid you in your practice:
*Never speak a charm or spell in a language you don't understand.
*Never perform any form of revenge magic; karma will even things out.
*Never let anyone coerce you into joining a magical group you don't feel
comfortable about.
*Never let anyone force you to do any type of divination when you're tired
or just don't feel like it.
*Never perform a spell to help someone when they haven't asked you.
This is a form of manipulation.
*Don't brag about your magic--besides being rude, blabbing about your
magic weakens it.
*Never use magic to harm a person, animal, or plant.
*During a love spell never mention a specific person.
*Do give thanks when a spell has brought your desire into your life.
*When people ask you to perform any type of divination, don't let them
become too dependent on you.
In general, negative magic has no place in the life of a true magical practitioner. To further understand this, may I suggest you read Raymond Buckland's "Complete Book of Witchcraft." Also, any book by the late Scott Cunningham will give you solid advice on practicing positive magic.
What you do in magic will come back to you. Positive magic will bring you unexpected blessings, while negative magic will eventually harm the practitioner. Of course, there are times when negative magic can be used in a positive manner, such as trying to destroy a bad habit. Not all negative magic is evil; what's important in most cases is intent. People sometimes ask if they can use revenge magic when someone is trying to hurt them. The answer is still "no." It is better in this case to use a spell for protection, or even a blessing. Concentrate on positive magic to heal any hurts, and get on with your life.
The one area of magic which gets people into lots of trouble is love magic. If you're trying to attract love, you may perform a ritual to bring the type of person you desire to you. However, never name a specific person, as this violates a person's free will and may have negative results.
As you journey along the magical road, you will come into contact with people who don't agree with your spiritual path. That is their right. Let them go in peace and never try to force your ideas on them. It is also your right to follow your own way.
Following a code of positive magical ethics will keep you spiritually healthy and will serve you well in all areas of your life. Your positive magic will come back to you threefold.
by Jim Weaver,
copyright 2002
Living a magical life is a powerful and positive way to live. However, it does come with a great deal of responsibility. If you are already following a magical path, you know what I mean. But, if you are just beginning to think about bringing magic into your life, you must understand that there is a moral code of spiritual ethics to follow if you wish your magical journey to be positive.
Whatever area of magic you are interested in, you will find that your magical work will not only affect you, but also those around you. Some of you may be interested in the Wiccan tradition or perhaps in various forms of divination. No matter where your magical interests and abilities may lead you, learning the ancient Wiccan Code will serve you well as you travel the path of positive magic. It consists of only eight words: "If it harms none, do what you will." This creed should be at the core of any magical work you do, even if you aren't Wiccan.
Over the years I've developed a more extended set of magical ethical principles. I hope they aid you in your practice:
*Never speak a charm or spell in a language you don't understand.
*Never perform any form of revenge magic; karma will even things out.
*Never let anyone coerce you into joining a magical group you don't feel
comfortable about.
*Never let anyone force you to do any type of divination when you're tired
or just don't feel like it.
*Never perform a spell to help someone when they haven't asked you.
This is a form of manipulation.
*Don't brag about your magic--besides being rude, blabbing about your
magic weakens it.
*Never use magic to harm a person, animal, or plant.
*During a love spell never mention a specific person.
*Do give thanks when a spell has brought your desire into your life.
*When people ask you to perform any type of divination, don't let them
become too dependent on you.
In general, negative magic has no place in the life of a true magical practitioner. To further understand this, may I suggest you read Raymond Buckland's "Complete Book of Witchcraft." Also, any book by the late Scott Cunningham will give you solid advice on practicing positive magic.
What you do in magic will come back to you. Positive magic will bring you unexpected blessings, while negative magic will eventually harm the practitioner. Of course, there are times when negative magic can be used in a positive manner, such as trying to destroy a bad habit. Not all negative magic is evil; what's important in most cases is intent. People sometimes ask if they can use revenge magic when someone is trying to hurt them. The answer is still "no." It is better in this case to use a spell for protection, or even a blessing. Concentrate on positive magic to heal any hurts, and get on with your life.
The one area of magic which gets people into lots of trouble is love magic. If you're trying to attract love, you may perform a ritual to bring the type of person you desire to you. However, never name a specific person, as this violates a person's free will and may have negative results.
As you journey along the magical road, you will come into contact with people who don't agree with your spiritual path. That is their right. Let them go in peace and never try to force your ideas on them. It is also your right to follow your own way.
Following a code of positive magical ethics will keep you spiritually healthy and will serve you well in all areas of your life. Your positive magic will come back to you threefold.
by Jim Weaver,
copyright 2002
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 14.2.
Re: Magical Ethics
Posted by: "Wizard of Tacoma" wizard_of_tacoma
Sat Oct 1, 2011 11:36 pm (PDT)
This can be a very complicated subject, there are times when being passive is not the answer. Sometimes it becomes necessary to use negative magick for a positive result. For an example if you have a child is being bullied in school, and you can't get any help to resolve the problem. It may become necessary to use a form of negative magick to protect the child. It becomes a matter of perspective, and how we look at the situation. As there is no black magick and there is no white magick is all in the intent. There is a saying that you cannot cure . Without the ability to curse. But regardless of the situation, all magick comes with a great responsibility.
Have a wonderful day in every way.
Blessed Be and may the Lord and Lady go with you.
A Coven devided against it self can not survive.
)0( So Mote It Be )0( Blessed be )0(
I am dyslexic, so words can be missing or the spelling at time's can be off, in my writing. I try to keep my words and actions honest with No hidden agenda..I am one that is uncomfortable with the attention, that come from being a leader.
_____________________ _________ __
From: Lady Nightshayde < >
To: ; whisperingwitches@yahoogroups. com
Sent: Saturday, October 1, 2011 10:30 PM
Subject: [13Witches] Magical Ethics
                                          Magical Ethics
Living a magical life is a powerful and positive way to live. However, it does come with a great deal of responsibility. If you are already following a magical path, you know what I mean. But, if you are just beginning to think about bringing magic into your life, you must understand that there is a moral code of spiritual ethics to follow if you wish your magical journey to be positive.
Whatever area of magic you are interested in, you will find that your magical work will not only affect you, but also those around you. Some of you may be interested in the Wiccan tradition or perhaps in various forms of divination. No matter where your magical interests and abilities may lead you, learning the ancient Wiccan Code will serve you well as you travel the path of positive magic. It consists of only eight words: "If it harms none, do what you will." This creed should be at the core of any magical work you do, even if you aren't Wiccan.
Over the years I've developed a more extended set of magical ethical principles. I hope they aid you in your practice:
    *Never speak a charm or spell in a language you don't understand.
    *Never perform any form of revenge magic; karma will even things out.
    *Never let anyone coerce you into joining a magical group you don't feel
     comfortable about.
   *Never let anyone force you to do any type of divination when you're tired
    or just don't feel like it.
    *Never perform a spell to help someone when they haven't asked you.
     This is a form of manipulation.
    *Don't brag about your magic--besides being rude, blabbing about your
     magic weakens it.
   *Never use magic to harm a person, animal, or plant.
    *During a love spell never mention a specific person.
   *Do give thanks when a spell has brought your desire into your life.
   *When people ask you to perform any type of divination, don't let them
     become too dependent on you.
In general, negative magic has no place in the life of a true magical practitioner. To further understand this, may I suggest you read Raymond Buckland's "Complete Book of Witchcraft." Also, any book by the late Scott Cunningham will give you solid advice on practicing positive magic.
What you do in magic will come back to you. Positive magic will bring you unexpected blessings, while negative magic will eventually harm the practitioner. Of course, there are times when negative magic can be used in a positive manner, such as trying to destroy a bad habit. Not all negative magic is evil; what's important in most cases is intent. People sometimes ask if they can use revenge magic when someone is trying to hurt them. The answer is still "no." It is better in this case to use a spell for protection, or even a blessing. Concentrate on positive magic to heal any hurts, and get on with your life.
The one area of magic which gets people into lots of trouble is love magic. If you're trying to attract love, you may perform a ritual to bring the type of person you desire to you. However, never name a specific person, as this violates a person's free will and may have negative results.
As you journey along the magical road, you will come into contact with people who don't agree with your spiritual path. That is their right. Let them go in peace and never try to force your ideas on them. It is also your right to follow your own way.
Following a code of positive magical ethics will keep you spiritually healthy and will serve you well in all areas of your life. Your positive magic will come back to you threefold.
by Jim Weaver,
copyright 2002
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ Âgroup/MagickalMe als/ Â ÂNightshaydesNews
- 15a.
Re: The First Day of October
Posted by: "Sidhe Wolf" mikisidhewolf
Sun Oct 2, 2011 3:10 am (PDT)
Here in southern Israel we also have only two seasons - summer and winter,
almost nothing in between. We are presently still in summer, temperatures
in the 90s F. Even by Samhain it could well still be t-shirt and shorts
season, who knows?.
On 1 October 2011 20:10, Lady Nightshayde < > wrote:
> **
> I am sitting here in my chair with the window beside me open. I am sooo
> happy that on the first day of October, the temperature is wonderful--mid
> 70s-- and the breezes are blowing. Here where I live (Jacksonville, FL),
> sometimes the temperatures stay in the 90s throughout October. It is such a
> delight to actually feel like the season has changed to Fall!
> *
> The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
> Love Each Day,
> Lady Nightshayde
> *
- 16.1.
Re: Today's Quote
Posted by: "Sidhe Wolf" mikisidhewolf
Sun Oct 2, 2011 3:15 am (PDT)
I love his writing! And have nearly every book he wrote. His way with
words and his insight into taken-for-granted phrases or concepts is both
amazing and hilarious. It's tragic that he's afflicted by that horrible
condition that will probably bring his writing to a halt, or at least
deterioration, in the foreseeable future... Why do the best and brightest
have to end up with horrid diseases, accidents, etc. while others who give
nothing to society live long healthy lives?!
On 2 October 2011 01:19, Lady Nightshayde < > wrote:
> **
> It is definitely worth sharing. I am a Terry Pratchett fan, and loved
> that quote.
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