Messages In This Digest (12 Messages)
- 1.1.
- File - Group Reminders From:
- 2a.
- File - Here are my New Jersey Pagan Links From:
- 3a.
- File - Stone Soup From:
- 4.
- Fw: { Somnus-Caldarium } What Does it Mean To Be a Witch? From: Grandfather Oak
- 5.
- October Issue of PaganPages From: MisstressGlitter
- 6.
- Sunday's Correspondence...October 2, 2011 From: Cher Chirichello
- 7a.
- Today's Goddess: Ennoia Guardian Angel Day (Spain/Europe) From: Cher Chirichello
- 8a.
- Daily Aromatherapy - Sports Injuries From: Cher Chirichello
- 9.
- Eliminate Office Politics Spell From: Cher Chirichello
- 10a.
- Ugaritic Sacred Texts From: Cher Chirichello
- 11.
- Medieval Festival at Fort Tryon Park, Oct. 2, Washington Heights NY From: Cher Chirichello
- 12a.
- Cherokee Native American Pow Wow, Oct. 1-2, Mount Olive NJ From: Cher Chirichello
- 1.1.
File - Group Reminders
Posted by: ""
Sat Oct 1, 2011 12:56 pm (PDT)
Hi and Welcome to all our newest members, our group gives off a lot
of emails and if you feel your inbox has become over welmed with mail from us, we suggest using Daily Digest and read off the group, that way you will recieve 2-3 emails a day instead of 100 LOL (smiles)
Also anyone who has online stores or links to thier personal stores, we have in our link section a folder called "Witches Mall" you are more then welcome to add your stores in there so we can shop off our group!
Files, links, photos, calendar is open to everyone, feel free to use and add new info if you like, photo albums, everything is open to everyone here.
On our Database, for all you Myspace people, there is a table in there to add your link to your sites also and a table for specialties for anyone that is interested in adding thier info in there to help in emergencies like: Venders, food, supplies, anything for event's. That's a big help if anyone is interested in leaving thier info in there.
Hope everyone enjoys the group and anything you need or need help with email any of us Mods and we'll deff. help you!
- 2a.
File - Here are my New Jersey Pagan Links
Posted by: ""
Sat Oct 1, 2011 12:56 pm (PDT)
Moving on....Don't let it end...Here are my New Jersey Pagan Links!
With Face book on the up rise yahoo groups are quieting down, I have made some groups on facebook with our friends on it, here are the links for those that are on or interested in keeping chat going...
We have been together for such a long time lets keep it going.
First off.....Use us...Don't Forget what NJP & our Sisters Groups are Really About
New Jersey Pagan Yahoo group has all the info on there, Stores, Dates, advertisements, 1500 NJ Members to chat with (About 5000 total with all members on each service), Database and files full of info, active calender to share reminders and more!
I am not closing the groups down but if you need anything that is where I have it all, I can not chase everyone all over Face book, if you want your stuff to be sent out I need it posted on New Jersey Pagans or Which Witch is Witch Yahoo groups!!
Some do have my emails that send me info but the Yahoo group is my base group and if you want to continue things moving in NJ and our neighboring states...I suggest keeping that group active by stopping in and sharing with us!
I'm not going to continue if it's a dead group, I've support everyone for years so would appreciate support back by keeping this group moving so we can share what's going on around us and stay together as a community, I'm asking that I am not the only one trying!! Cher
NJP Face book Page and group, the NJP Yahoo groups and the My space page is for everyone's use, please use it to post your meet ups, stores, share info, events, links, photos, learning materials, ect ect...That's what the groups are for, I made it for all our use so don't hesitate, also if your new to the belief use NJP groups to ask questions, we have a lot of experienced people here and they love to share their experiences. Also the Which Witch is Witch and Lifes a Witch groups are for outside of NJ for those that want to share events, meets, ect like listed above.
We encourage you to USE US! We will help get the word out!
New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!
New Jersey Pagan Yahoo Group: group/New_ Jersey_Pagans/
New Jersey Announcements (no Chat) Yahoo Group: group/NJPAnnounc ements/
Which Witch is Witch NJP Sister Yahoo Group World wide: group/which_ witch_is_ witch/
Life's A Witch Yahoo Group: group/Lifes_ a_WITCH_So_ am_I/
Myspace Link for New Jersey Pagans:
My Personal Facebook Link:
Facebook New Jersey Pagan Group Link: !/group.php?gid=93725735017
Facebook New Jersey Pagan Page Link: !/NJPagans
Facebook Which Witch is Witch Group Link: !/group.php?gid=228461037699
Facebook Pissed Off Pagans Link: !/group.php?gid=125502181052
Pissed Of Pagan Yahoo Group: group/pissed- off-pagans/
- 3a.
File - Stone Soup
Posted by: ""
Sat Oct 1, 2011 12:56 pm (PDT)
Stone Soup Opening up and Sharing Emotions
Today lets make our Brew together, remember that story of stone soup?
Lets beging with adding things to our pot, this is a sort of meditation and does take imagination and visualization, you have to live and feel the part of our brew as we share together.
What I'm going to suggest is that simply you say one thing that is bothering you or making you feel down about yourself or life, visualize yourself standing in front of the couldron, feel the heat and see the brightness of the fire glow around the pot and against your body, simply then think of something that would help you or make you feel better and can even be something nice towards someone/or memory to make you feel better then we toss that into the pot as an ingredient. After you toss your Positive good thoughts you will then take a large paddle and stir the brew and as you turn it 3 times you will say your new positive intention and then we move on to the next person until all our good intents are then made into this large good soup together where we heal and share our feelings and friendships.
Ok lets begine, I close my eyes and visualize a huge black cauldron over an amazingly large fire, flames appear soft and wrap it's arms around that pot as it begins to bubble and steam rises as if arms and little hands hold that pot tight for us to add all our good intensions and good ol positive energy full of healing, happiness, friendship and love!
So I walk up to this amazing Pot and I'm going to share:
Next Person Please add your intents to the pot
Cher's Ingredients:
Tired of Arguments that make me feel like I'm invisible with my family so for today only, I will not argue and let these things bother me
I surrender myself and will be the better person and do something that makes me happy today....I think of potatoes LOL because they can change into so many different things as you cook them and I am amazing all all those different ways. I toss my thoughts of good will to myself in the pot and stirr the paddle three times...thank you for listening to my problems today ... Read More... Read More
Blessed Be!
- 4.
Fw: { Somnus-Caldarium } What Does it Mean To Be a Witch?
Posted by: "Grandfather Oak" grandfatheroak_wizard
Sat Oct 1, 2011 1:12 pm (PDT)
From: Denise Haverhoek
Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2011 12:41 PM
What Does it Mean To Be a Witch?
What Does It Mean to Be a Witch?
It's by anonymous.
To be a witch is to love and be loved.
To be a witch is to know everything, and nothing at all.
To be a witch is to change the world around you and yourself.
To be a witch is to share and give, while receiving all the while.
To be a witch is to dance and sing, and hold hands with the universe.
To be a witch is to honor the gods, and yourself.
To be a witch it to BE magick, not just perform it.
To be a witch is to be honorable, or nothing at all.
To be a witch is to accept others who are not.
To be a witch is to know what you feel is right and good.
To be a witch is to harm none.
To be a witch is to know the ways of the old.
To be a witch is to see beyond the barriers.
To be a witch is to follow the moon.
To be a witch is to be one with the gods.
To be a witch is to study and to learn.
To be a witch is to be the teacher and the student.
To be a witch is to acknowledge the truth.
To be a witch is to live with the Earth, not just in it.
To be a witch is to be truly free!
BB Denise
- 5.
October Issue of PaganPages
Posted by: "MisstressGlitter" misstressglitter
Sat Oct 1, 2011 6:48 pm (PDT)
Merry Meet and Happy Witches New Year. The newest issue of PaganPages is up now at
Samhain is upon us and a new year is beginning. We have an issue full of Samhain advice, recipes, crafts, and ideas.
Our Etsy Shop is once again open and our stock is full again. I apologize it has taken me so long to get it's stock up. But we are here and in time for the new year and Yule. Please stop buy and see some of our new bookmarks and lower prices: paganpagesorg? ref=ss_profile
We are currently looking for a new Meditation Writer as ours leaves us this year. If you are interested in writing meditations or sharing your knowledge on meditation with our writers email us at
Also, we are still looking for a competent oils and incense columnist. Interested? email
As Always, we are always looking for new talent, so send in your submissions to
First a congratulations to last month's winner.
Now this month's prize
The 2012-2013 Witch's Almanac, Fresh off the presses!!
Your assignment this month, simple, a short essay of sorts, explaining who in history, be it a real person, or fictional character, is your favorite witch. A short explanation of who it is, who they are, what they have done in your eyes, and how they have affected you.
All submissions must be received by Oct 20th to
The winner will be notified on Oct 21st.
Happy Reading!!!! and Many Blessings!!!!!
- 6.
Sunday's Correspondence...October 2, 2011
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Sat Oct 1, 2011 8:27 pm (PDT)
Sunday's Correspondence...October 2, 2011
Today's Influences: Luck, Religion, Healing, Trade And Employment, Treasure, Honors, Riches, Legal Matters
Today's Goddesses: Juno, Hera, Kwan Yin, Mary, Cybele, Tara, Mawu, Mlaba Mwana Waresa, Ishtar, Nuit
Perfumes: Stock, Lilac, Storax, Aloes
Incense: Nutmeg, Henbane
Candle: Yellow
Color: Yellow & gold
Planet: Sun
Metal: Gold
Deities: Brighid, Helios, Ra
Gemstones: Quartz crystal, diamond, amber, carnelian
Herbs & Plants:Marigold, sunflower, cinnamon
Associations: Agriculture, beauty, hope, victory, self-expression and creativity
Magick involving growth, expansion, prosperity, money, business, attracting more of what you have.
What's Happening Today:
Guardian Angels - A church feast since 1670 when the guardian angels were given their own feast (they used to share Sep 29 with St Michael). The concept of a personal guardian is much older. In Rome every man had his genius, every woman her Iuno. In the New Age we have spirit guides and totem animals. A day to honor your own personal angel. Or daimon. Choose a totem animal from the deck by Jamie Sams and David Carson. Read The Golden Compass, by Philip Pullman, a delightful fantasy story about a world in which everyone has a daimon, a sort of animal familiar. Blackburn, Bonnie & Leofranc Holford-Strevens, The Oxford Companion to the Year, Oxford University Press 1999
Spain: FEAST OF GUARDIAN ANGELS, Bonfire on steps of church, sword dancing, & mock duel with constant interruptions from "Devil Fool" & "Boy Angel". Devil's tail explodes at finale. The girls' skirts are pinned up to reveal panties. Much music & feasting.
Theseia - The 8th day of the Greek month of Pyanepsion, was called the Feast of Theseus, when a milk porridge called athara was prepared. In Erkhia, people made offerings to the Amazons on this day.Parke, H.W., Festivals of the Athenians, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press 1977
- 7a.
Today's Goddess: Ennoia Guardian Angel Day (Spain/Europe)
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Sat Oct 1, 2011 8:28 pm (PDT)
Today's Goddess:Ennoia
Guardian Angel Day (Spain/Europe)
Themes: Mediation; Communication; Magic; Knowledge
Symbols: Angels
About Ennoia: In Gnostic tradition, Ennoia is the goddess of knowledge, intention,
and thought. Through her all things were designed and manifested,
including the angels. Through Ennoia we can learn the art of magic and
how to communicate with angels as mediators between us and the gods.
To Do Today: Today is a time to give thanks to the angels in our lives -- those
powers and people who protect, inspire, and watch over us. One easily
adapted tradition from Spain is that of wearing scarves and bells.
These represent the beauty and music angels are said to bear into human
Second, take a moment to give back to the people in your life who have been
like earthly angels (you know, the folks who bring soup when you're
sick, or offer money when funds are tight). Do something really nice
for them, or minimally, light a candle on their behalf asking for
angelic blessings in their lives.
try to connect with your guiding guardian angel(s). During your daily
prayers or meditation, ask that power to reveal itself in words
comfortable to you. Wait, watch, and listen. The angel may reveal
itself as the sound of bells or quiet music, with radiant light or in
other manifestations. If the being speaks with you, write down the
words and ponder them in the days ahead.
- 8a.
Daily Aromatherapy - Sports Injuries
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Sat Oct 1, 2011 8:31 pm (PDT)
Daily Aromatherapy- Sports Injuries
With sports injuries try Lavender to reduce any muscle or tissue swelling. It's a very effective anti inflammatory.
Use in a maasage oil, up to 15 drops per 1 oz. of carrier oil.
- 9.
Eliminate Office Politics Spell
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Sat Oct 1, 2011 8:31 pm (PDT)
Eliminate Office Politics Spell
potent spell will eliminate negativity and negative office politics from your place to work. To start, gather a half-cup of fresh lemon verbena
flowers and a pint of boiled water. Let the water cool to just under
boiling. Add the lemon verbena, and stir and meditate on this herbâs
pleasant scent and its power to purify. Steep it for thirty minutes, and strain the water into a spritzer or atomizer. Spritz the office,
especially the corners and doors, and afterward, keep the magic alive by beginning each day with a spritz of the infusion. For an added boost,
make yourself a tea of lemon verbena once a week. This will remind you
to be pleasant and not engage in negative office politics. ~ Jenna Tigerheart
- 10a.
Ugaritic Sacred Texts
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Sat Oct 1, 2011 8:32 pm (PDT)
She walks through the world.
Anat walks over the mountains,
searching for her brother,
until she comes to the fields
where he should have been.
There she finds him gone.
She runs from the place in grief.
She strips off her clothing
and cuts her cheek, her arms,
her chest, her face, her back,
she cuts herself and cries:
Ba'al is dead, my brother is dead.
~Ugaritic Sacred Texts
Our world slowly
declines into winter, light seeping away with each day. In myth, the
seasonal cycle is expressed in powerful stories of loss and anguish. A
divinity - the vegetation of spring and summer - is lost. Another
divinity - mother or sister or spouse - searches hopelessly, mourns, and finally finds a way to restore the lost love.
This is the story of
Demeter and Persephone, of Isis and Osiris. It is the story of Anat, the warrior goddess and brother-lover Ba'al. Each fall, the myths express
our primal fear that tis time, the loss will be irreparable; this time,
winter will come and never depart; this time, our green relations will
die and never be reborn. In the seasonal myths, however, we are
reassured. Ba'al dies; we must mourn that death; but someday, in another springtime, earth's green force will be renewed.
By Patricia Monaghan - From " The Goddess Companion"
- 11.
Medieval Festival at Fort Tryon Park, Oct. 2, Washington Heights NY
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Sat Oct 1, 2011 8:38 pm (PDT)
Medieval Festival at Fort Tryon Park, Oct. 2, Washington Heights NY
(aka Cloisters Faire) Time Sunday, October 2 · 11:30am - 6:00pm Location
Fort Tryon Park & Cloisters
1 Margaret Corbin Dr
Washington Heights, New York, NY Created By Devyn Barat Manhattan's Fort Tryon Park is transformed into a medieval market town decorated with bright banners and processional flags. Performers, guests and festival goers dress in medieval costume. Visitors are greeted by authentic medieval music, dance, magic, and minstrels, as well as jugglers and jesters. The afternoon is concluded with a thrilling joust between four knights on horseback. Costumed vendors will be on hand to demonstrate and sell a wide variety of medieval crafts as well as food and drink. The festival is free -- there are no charges for admission or entertainment. Donations at our wishing wells are welcome, however!
New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!
Main Yahoo Group NJP: group/New_ Jersey_Pagans/
Ning Web NJP:
Myspace NJP:
FB Page NJP: !/NJPagans
FB Group NJP: php?ref=sb# /group.php? gid=93725735017
- 12a.
Cherokee Native American Pow Wow, Oct. 1-2, Mount Olive NJ
Posted by: "Cher Chirichello" CHIC0411@YAHOO.COM chic0411
Sat Oct 1, 2011 8:38 pm (PDT)
Cherokee Native American Pow Wow, Oct. 1-2, Mount Olive NJ To make any changes to an event that is already listed, contact the Crazy Crow Event Coordinator
Print Event Type of Event: Powwow Event Begin-End Date: Oct01-Oct02 2011 Event Name: Cherokee Nation of New Jersey 5 Nations Inter-Tribal Location: Vasa ParkWolf Road,, Mount Olive Twp., NJ 07022 USA Contact: Principal Chief C.W. Longbow 862-576-0434 Directions: West Bound - Route 80 to Exit 26 - Route 46 West till first light after Bud Lake. East Bound - Route 80 to Exit 27 (Rt. 206South), Stay to your left to make a u-turn back onto Rt. 80 West, When you get back onto Rt. 80 immediately take Exit#26 (Now follow directions from east. Fees: Children under 10 Free Children 11-17 & Seniors: $7.00 each 18 Years & older: $12.00 each Camping: no nativeamerican/ display_single. php?id=778
New_Jersey_Pagans...Come in and Chat with us!
Main Yahoo Group NJP: group/New_ Jersey_Pagans/
Ning Web NJP:
Myspace NJP:
FB Page NJP: !/NJPagans
FB Group NJP: php?ref=sb# /group.php? gid=93725735017
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