Messages In This Digest (14 Messages)
- 1.
- You Know You've Had Too Much Coffee When.... From: Lady Nightshayde
- 2.
- Understand the Statement "Wherever You Go, There You Are" From: Lady Nightshayde
- 3.
- Remember Your A To Z From: Lady Nightshayde
- 4.1.
- Elder's Meditation of the Day From: Lady Nightshayde
- 5a.
- Crone Visions From: Lady Nightshayde
- 6a.
- Coyote Medicine From: Lady Nightshayde
- 7a.
- Re: Dealing With Loss of Faith From: Lady Nightshayde
- 8a.
- Chiron and the Tarot From: Lady Nightshayde
- 9a.
- Re: getting to know you From: Sidhe Wolf
- 10.1.
- Thought for the Day From: Lady Nightshayde
- 11a.
- Re: Left Handers Club Newsletter From: Sidhe Wolf
- 12.
- Rights of Pagans and Wiccans in California From: Lady Nightshayde
- 13a.
- ] Getting to know you From: Cheri Sadler
- 14.
- 1.
You Know You've Had Too Much Coffee When....
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Tue Oct 4, 2011 12:28 am (PDT)
You Know You Have Had Too Much Coffee When...
*Juan Valdez names his donkey after you
*You get a speeding ticket even when you're parked
*You grind your coffee beans in your mouth
*You sleep with your eyes open
*You have to watch videos in fast-forward
*You lick your coffee pot clean
*Your eyes stay open when you sneeze
*The nurse needs a scientific calculator to take your pulse
*You can type sixty words a minute with your feet
*You can jump-start your car without cables
*Your only sources of nutrition comes from "Sweet & Low"
*You don't sweat, you percolate
*You've worn out the handle on your favorite coffee mug
*You go to AA meetings just for the free coffee
*You've worn the finish off you coffee table
*Starbuck's owns the mortgage on your house
*You're so wired you pick up FM radio
*Your life's goal is to "amount to a hill of beans"
*Instant coffee takes too long
*You want to be cremated just so you can spend eternity in a coffee can
*You name your cats "Cream" and "Sugar"
*Your lips are permanently stuck in the sipping position
*Your first-aid kit contains two pints of coffee with an I.V. hookup
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 2.
Understand the Statement "Wherever You Go, There You Are"
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Tue Oct 4, 2011 12:32 am (PDT)
Understand The Statement "Wherever You Go, There You Are"
This is the title of a super book by Jon Kabat-Zinn. As the title suggests,
wherever you go, you take yourself with you! The significance of this
statement is that it can teach you to stop constantly wishing you were
somewhere else. We tend to believe that if we were somewhere else--on
vacation, with another partner, in a different career, a different home, a
different circumstance--somehow we would be happier and more content. We
The truth is, if you have destructive mental habits--if you get annoyed and
bothered easily, if you feel angry and frustrated a great deal of the time,
or if you're constantly wishing things were different, these identical
tendencies will follow you, wherever you go. And the reverse is also true.
If you are a generally happy person who rarely gets annoyed and bothered,
then you can move from place to place, from person to person, with very
little negative impact.
Someone once asked me, "What are the people like in California?" I asked
him, "What are the people like in your home state?" He replied, "Selfish and
greedy." I told him that he would probably find the people in California to
be selfish and greedy.
Something wonderful begins to happen with the simple realization that life,
like an automobile, is driven from the inside out, not the other way around.
As you focus more on becoming more peaceful with where you are, rather than
focusing on where you would RATHER be, you begin to find peace right now, in
the present. Then, as you move around, try new things, and meet new people,
you carry that sense of inner peace with you. It's absolutely true that
"Wherever you go, there you are."
by Richard Carlson, Ph. D.
"Don't Sweat The Small Stuff"
copyright 1997
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 3.
Remember Your A To Z
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Tue Oct 4, 2011 1:04 am (PDT)
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 4.1.
Elder's Meditation of the Day
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Tue Oct 4, 2011 1:06 am (PDT)
Elder's Meditation of the Day
"Laughter - that is something very sacred, especially for us Indians."
-- John (Fire) Lame Deer, ROSEBUD LAKOTA
Laughter is mental, laughter is emotional, laughter is physical, and laughter is spiritual. Laughter helps us find balance. If we get too angry, laughter will turn that emotion in a balanced direction. If we have a mental picture of someone who is too strong, laughter will help ease the tension. If the body is stressed, laughter will release natural relaxants into our muscles and our nervous system. Laughter often changes our attitude. We need to lighten up and laugh more.
Great Spirit, teach me to laugh.
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 5a.
Crone Visions
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Tue Oct 4, 2011 1:13 am (PDT)
Crone Visions
Outside, in the local, secular, American world, Halloween is the time of the
Crone. Along with black cats, skeletons, ghosts, jack o' lanterns and
brooms, cardboard old women with green and warty faces, joints connected by
brass pins, hang on doors and windows all around us. They're drawn in
special paint on grocery-store fronts. Caricatures of witches; crones.
Some witches militate against this version of crone as a negative
stereotype, and I understand this fight. Neither do I want to be reduced to
some half-mad figure leering into the steam of a cauldron plotting evil,
perhaps worshipping Jehovah's dark twin. I have no interest in turning
anyone into a frog. I appreciate the efforts of those who've worked to
de-demonize the Craft.
But for me this does not involve taking the crones off the grocery store
windows. Rather the opposite. Raise them high. Let the children draw them
with long chins and warty noses. Let them frighten us.
Kids like Halloween because it's got some juice. A frisson of fear. Ghosts
in the shadows, costumes in which for a moment you're not recognized. And of
course trick-or-treat candy, the sheer luxe pleasure of possessing that much
sugar in one bag. But also the darkness, mediated by light: stepping out a
little into fear, then quickly retreating. I salute that excitement. I too
loved the harvest moon, the pumpkin lantern, the mask and the idea of
witches. They helped make me a witch.
So let the cardboard Crone dangle, in her black Puritan hat, or better yet
draw Her as you like. But tell the kids why She's scary. If we have Santa
Claus, the beneficent Father, at the rebirth of the light, now in the season
of darkness it's appropriate to hail the Crone.
Fear is part of her insignia. She's the handmaiden of death. It is right
that as warm-blooded living creatures we
fear death - along with feeling curiosity and, possibly, acceptance. I
think we must respect that black pause waiting. None of us can be positive
what will happen when we enter that country, from which no one returns as
before to report. We can learn ways to approach death; we can learn ways to
transcend our fear. But before we transcend it, we must recognize and honor
In her webbed hands She holds death toward us, a cat's cradle of soft black
Three dark goddesses to consider are Ereshkigal of Sumer, Hecate of Greece
and Cerridwen of Wales. Three faces of the Crone, each different.
Ereshkigal and the Great Below
Ereshkigal's is a bleak view of the Crone. Her Hell is dry, dark and empty,
and she did not choose to rule it but was abducted there after heaven and
earth separated. In the underworld, she is naked; she eats clay and drinks
dirty water. She has lost her childhood - in one Sumerian verse, she
complains to the gods of heaven:
"Since I, thy daughter, was young,
I have not known the play of maidens,
I have not known the frolic of young girls."
(quoted by Diane Wolkstein in Inanna: Queen of Heaven and Earth)
Furthermore, her husband, Gugulanna, the Bull of Heaven, dies and is lost to
her. She is jealous of the gods of the upper world; when her sister Inanna,
Queen of Heaven, comes to the Great Below for Gugulanna's funeral,
Ereshkigal strikes and kills her and hangs her from a hook on the wall.
There Ereshkigal intends her to stay.
Diane Wolkstein, a reteller of Sumerian myths, writes: "This underground
goddess, whose realm is dry and dark, whose husband Gugulanna is dead, who
has no protective or caring mother, father, or brother (that we know of),
who wears no clothes, and whose childhood is lost, can be considered the
prototype of a witch - unloving, unloved, abandoned, instinctual and full of
rage, greed and desperate loneliness." I would say, more specifically, that
Ereshkigal is one prototype of the Crone.
This prototype is fearful to contemplate. If, as Elspeth says in the
interview in this issue, She brings us the gifts we would rather not have,
Ereshkigal bring us not only death, but also despair and grey depression.
Ereshkigal's world is defined by lack - no lover, no relatives, no clothes,
no decent food, no sympathy. That is a place all of us go, sometimes. The
abyss. Nothingness.
We would rather not be there. But do we get nothing from going there? I
think when we face nothingness we see in heightened relief what defines us.
For some, it is our love for our children. For some, it is the value of our
work. Against the grey, the colors of our lives stand sharp, and we learn
why to stay alive.
Or not. One thing is certain: The Crone's realm is nowhere to tell white
lies. Some people come to the edge and throw themselves off. We may not
think their reasons good, we may wish them back, but they are gone. That is
part of what is.
Ereshkigal's realm is a place not only to meet our fears, hail and pass
them, but also to recognize what is real behind them. We like to write happy
endings for every story. In the Great Place Below, not every story ends
happily. Our stories have only one certain ending - death. If we start by
agreeing to that truth, harsh as it may be, we have a surer foundation to
build upon.
Despair, depression and death can be honored as a gift, and not just in a
superficial chirpy way that assumes they can thus be placated and avoided.
If we enter their realm with open eyes, look about us and honor the goddess
of that place, the Crone Ereshkigal, we have honored a part of the universe.
No life exists without death. No light exists without darkness. No colors
play without the abyss to show them up.
It's also true that only once we truly honor Ereshkigal can we, like Inanna,
get off the hook and return to the upper world. In the myth of Inanna's
journey, the water-god Enki, Inanna's ally, sends to Ereshkigal two small
creatures he's made from the dirt under his fingernails. They honor
Ereshkigal, mourning with her in her pain. Ereshkigal, touched, gives them a
gift in return - Inanna's corpse, which they return to life, as Enki has
instructed them.
In facing the Crone, we face death, despair and destruction and honor them,
because they are part of all that is. In honoring Ereshkigal, we respect the
depths of the abyss and earn our right, we hope, to return.
Hecate and the Dark Moon
Hecate is another face of the Crone, the Lady of the Crossroads and of the
Waning Moon.
In A.E. Waite's Tarot, the Moon on her card looks down, shedding tears of
light, on a landscape with two towers. Between the towers, a road winds over
hills to the foreground, where a dog and a wolf stand to the road's either
side. The road ends in water, from which a crab climbs. Waite notes in The
Pictorial Key to the Tarot that on this trump the moon traditionally is
waning - Hecate's moon.
This is Hecate's territory - the wild night, the crossroads, with her black
cloak whipping about her and her black dogs beside. She rules dogs, who howl
to greet her, and like Hell's dog-guardian Cerberus she can manifest with
three heads - lioness and mare, in her case, as well as dog. Anne Baring and
Jules Cashford note in The Myth of the Goddess that the link between dog,
dark moon, night and goddess is as old as the fourth millennium B.C. "Queen
of Night," as the poet Sappho calls her, Hecate carries two torches to light
the dark. With the traveling god Hermes, she is guardian of the crossroads,
particularly the crossroads where three roads meet.
Hecate is the Crone of a Triple Goddess. She connects with two triplicates,
both with Artemis, the huntress of the waxing crescent, and the full-moon
goddess Selene, and with the barley-mother Demeter and the maiden Kore, who
becomes Persephone. Baring and Cashford point out "The myth of loss,
searching and finding is a lunar myth, and Demeter's quest for the lost part
of herself follows the course of the moon after the full, when it wanders
across the heavens in search of its vanishing light until the darkness
seizes it completely and it is gone. The new moon that returns after three
days is then the light that the old moon has found, so the moon has been
restored to itself."
The three days of the dark moon was the time of the Thesmophoria, the
ancient autumn pig-sacrifice to Demeter from which, Baring and Cashford
assert, the Eleusinian Mysteries grew. So too, they write, did moon-timing
rule the Eleusinian Mysteries, held in the last third of the month by lunar
The Eleusinian Mysteries centered around the Demeter-Persephone myth;
Demeter was said to remeet Persephone at Eleusis. In this myth, Hecate
participates as watcher. As Robert Graves notes in The Greek Myths, she sees
Hades' rape of the Kore, and after Kore becomes Persephone Hecate watches to
make sure she stays three months yearly in Hell. In Hell, Hecate is
Persephone's favored companion.
Hecate watches and wanders. As the Moon She travels everywhere; her powers
extend to all regions. Seeing all, she knows all. She can grant wishes, can
bestow wealth and wisdom.
She is the old sly one, the witch. In her cloak she might hide riches, or at
the crossroads she might set on you her daughters the Empusae, ass-haunched
girls who wear bronze slippers, who like to frighten travelers and who in
the guise of beautiful women sleep with men to drain their vital forces.
Scylla too is Hecate's daughter, the dog-headed monster who threatened
Odysseus's ships. The Crone's smile is dark and riddling. Cry to her, and
she will protect you - unless she's made up her mind otherwise.
The skitter of leaves on pavement; the howl of dogs at the moon. Hecate is
the wildness of the night, which you cannot predict. Like Dionysos, she is
said to come from Thrace. As Artemis, she took the bloodiest sacrifices the
Greeks offered, besides those to Dionysos, up to and including human blood.
When we stand under the waning moon, we feel again the fear of being prey.
The dark eyes of our predator watch from the shadows. You can placate Her;
you can put up three-headed statues at the crossroads. Perhaps, like Hades
who is also Pluto, Riches, once she tests you she will give you wealth.
In the Crone, we must face not only the fact of death but also the fear of
night, the fear of being hunted, the fear of magick worked against us.
Hecate, the old wise woman with white hair, sits by the fire and answers our
questions, sometimes only with silence. When the dogs howl, she smiles.
Cerridwen and the Cauldron
Cerridwen is the Welsh crone, "the bent white one." Her name shows she's a
moon-goddess. This Crone keeps the cauldron of inspiration and
What exactly is this cauldron? In Celtic myths, several cauldrons appear, as
John and Caitlin Matthews note in Encyclopaedia of Celtic Wisdom. These
include the Dagda's food-cauldron that leaves no one unsatisfied, Diwrnach's
cauldron that will not serve cowards, Cerridwen's cauldron of knowledge and
inspiration and Bran's cauldron from which warriors are reborn - a cauldron
that in Greek myth belongs to Medea, a priestess of Hecate.
The cauldron thus combines many levels: physical sustenance, an emotional
test, intellectual knowledge and spiritual rebirth. Into the cauldron the
Crone throws many things, to mix and stew and come out changed. As the
Matthews note, the Celts, from a land of bogs, their houses built in some
places on stilts, might well have had a creation myth in which they sprang
from a cauldron.
This cauldron is a traditional accouterment of crones, and in it brews
knowledge and rebirth. Meditation on rebirth is appropriate at the last
harvest, the beginning of winter. At the time of death we most fervently
hope to be reborn.
Cerridwen, the Great Sow, is also the White Lady, ruling death as well as
inspiration. It makes sense too that she is a mistress of rebirth; through
her, Gwion Bach becomes Taliesen.
Cerridwen has three children, including the dark and ugly boy Afagddu.
Worried Afagddu can't make his way on looks, she sets a cauldron of
knowledge to brew for him for a year and a day and gets young Gwion Bach to
guard it.
But toward the end of the year, three drops spurt out and fall on Gwion's
finger, burning him, and he sticks it in his mouth. Those three drops hold
all the brew's potency; the rest is poison. As soon as he sucks his finger,
Gwion foresees all and runs away.
Cerridwen sees what's happened and gives chase. Gwion changes to a hare,
Cerridwen to a greyhound; he to a fish in the river, she to an otter-bitch.
He turns to a bird, and she to a hawk stooping above him. Seeing a pile of
winnowed wheat, he transforms to a grain in the heap, but she becomes a
black hen and swallows him. Each change to a pair of totem animals in this
cycle represents a season. Nine months after Cerridwen swallows Gwion, she
bears him as a child.
He's so beautiful she can't kill him, so she sends him in a leather bag out
to sea. The heretofore luckless Elphin catches the bag in a weir while
seeking salmon. Disappointed, he takes the child home with him, naming the
boy Taliesen (radiant brow). On the ride, Taliesen consoles him with verse,
describing his provenance and Cerridwen, "a smiling black old hag, when
irritated/Dreadful her claim when pursued," as R.J. Stewart quotes in Celtic
Gods, Celtic Goddesses.
This smiling hag is the Mistress of Awen, the flowing energy of the Druids,
and Taliesen's later poems sing of her lyrically. But to receive divine
inspiration, Taliesen has to endure death and rebirth, lying nine months in
the belly of the Goddess. By her cauldron and womb he is transformed.
If Hecate is a traveler, connected with the wild night, Cerridwen for all
her moon-face is a hearth-goddess, stirring a heady brew. It's easy in the
Taliesen myth to see her as villainess, but Taliesen himself sang her
praises. As goddess of the hearth, she is both the wise grandmother stoking
the brands and the fire itself. For wisdom, for rebirth, you must feel this
fire, stew in her cauldron a while.
Cerridwen beckons you through the smoke.
The Crone and Samhain
The Crone most closely connected with Samhain is the Scottish Carline wife,
the "Old Woman." On Samhain eve, Scots farmers made a Carline wife from the
last stalk of harvested wheat and displayed Her at each household in the
neighborhood to protect from evil spirits. She is the ruler of winter and
its storms, the keeper of the fires at home and in the smithy, the
protectress of the forest and its animals.
Not just the Carline but also all Crones, ruling the winter of life and
death's harbingers, are present at Samhain.
Now is the time of last harvest, when winter settles in. The vegetable life
around us dies, and we must hunker down to survive the cold. The death
around us recalls our own future deaths, and all the smaller deaths we die
beforehand - the deaths brought by depression and fear, the deaths required
for wisdom. To understand, to have compassion, we must suffer, at least in
another's place.
The cardboard Crone rattles on the lintel, and in her I hail the dark
goddesses. In their hands lies death, but only from death comes rebirth.
by Miriam Harline
Copyright © 2003 Emerald City/Silver Moon Productions
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 6a.
Coyote Medicine
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Tue Oct 4, 2011 1:16 am (PDT)
In the Native American pantheon, Coyote is a trickster, who often
does good simply by being his/her curious and inquisitive self. In
his book, COYOTE MEDICINE (New York: Simon & Schuster, Fireside
Books, 1997), Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D., Ph.D., describes Native
American healing methods that work on the spiritual level to cleanse
and purify, and on the physical level to accomplish physical cures,
including miracles. Trained in tribal ways early in his life, and in
medical school (psychiatry, psychology, and family practice), with a
foot in both camps, he sought to bring both traditions into
simultaneous use. This book is the exciting story of his journey.
He says there are three major questions: Why are you here? Where
did you come from? and Who are you? When these questions are
answered, you know your patient and what s/he needs. In addition to
the sweat lodge, which functions on both physical and spiritual
levels at the same time, he uses healing chants, herbs, and tobaccos
in the traditional Native American way. He notes that at the time of
his psychiatry residency, he was taught that it is the patient's
fault if medicine cannot help. He expected psychiatry "to be
grounded in the mysteries of the mind and spirit. But modern
psychiatry can just as well be called psychopharmacology. It's no
surprise that drugs are the only reasonable choice to psychiatric
professionals, when most are incredibly pessimistic about the
capacity of human being to change."
Dr. Mehl-Madrona notes that mainstream society in the postmodern era
lacks a fixed point of view. Native American storytelling, on the
other hand, always has a point, a moral, designed to bring forth a
change in the way the patient thinks about his or her situation. And
although a shaman (or, I suggest, a healer witch) lives in a spirit
world without absolute references, he does so within a traditional
society. Native people, in all the cultures of the Americas, live in
a society with a structured set of ideals, within which life is
simple, and meanings are fixed. The shaman lives in a different
world, where he has a clear vision for those who get stuck in their
lives. The shaman (healer) ventures into chaos and meaninglessness--
a venture "possible only because of the strong faith the shaman
has...the teachings and tools that aid his spiritual journey." As
herb-wives, greenwitches face the same challenges. (It's also the
reason why traditional christians make perfect patients for herbal
medicine--you have a whole book of stories to use as allegories!)
A person suffering from depression lacks reference points, the doc
says. "When I am able to help people heal themselves...I have been
able to do one thing: coax them back to a view of life where their
soul exists...connecting with other souls, even spirits, with whom we
can enter into a respectful relationship....a powerful comforting
effect on those who suffer deeply." Call them spirits, the gods, or
guardian angels, "such external agencies...can assuage our pain." He
adds that once a person believes life has a purpose, "then we have it
in our power to heal ourselves. To me, that is proof enough that our
lives are meaningful."
He notes--and this is most important to any healer in any tradition--
that "Sometimes the coping mechanisms we have learned to deal with an
illness end up keeping us sick. People develop habits that nurture
and maintain the illness...when we are sick, these habits seem
helpful [and] we become extremely reluctant to change them [because
they] us manage and contain otherwise unbearable
emotions. But if a healer can steal, like Coyote, past a habit's
defenses...s/he might find something... to support the healing
In this remarkable book, Dr. Mehl-Madrona describes many sweat-lodge
healings, including the appearances of various spirits of illness and
healing, and the impressive results, including a reprieve from AIDS
and the complete cure of terminal cancer. What he proposes is not a
wholesale disrespect of the medical profession, but a method to use
after Western medicine has done its best and failed, going right down
to the spiritual level of the physical illness. Based on humility
rather than hubris (you will seldom see a shaman in a Mercedes!),
Shamanistic healing and alternative methods, including herbalism, are
ancient concepts whose time on the spiral has come again in our day.
by Grandmother Willow
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 7a.
Re: Dealing With Loss of Faith
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Tue Oct 4, 2011 1:17 am (PDT)
As always, perfect timing. Although I don't really think it is a complete loss of faith, perhaps more a lack of trust in myself. Also, pure exhaustion from working two jobs and unanswered questions regarding love interest(s). I have been wavering and depressed, but always when I listen to pagan/Goddess/Witch music, I feel joy. Whenever I make the effort to be outside (at night particularly) , walking barefoot on the grass, looking at the moon, I feel happy and fulfilled. So...I persist in my non-traditional spiritual beliefs, despite being surrounded by very hard-core Christians. Thank you for the reminder that we all are human, with human failings.
Although I love this time of year, this is also the time of year when I turn inward for introspection and perspective. I know exactly what ou are writing about.
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde
- 8a.
Chiron and the Tarot
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Tue Oct 4, 2011 1:20 am (PDT)
Chiron and the Tarot
by M.Z. (Mary) Hawkins
As a professional Tarot reader and psychic who has been studying and working extensively with Chiron for over a year, I am always very interested to see how other Tarot readers / astrologists define Chiron in relation to the Tarot.
It has been noted that in Tarot, Chiron can be associated with Major Arcanum I, The Magician, Major Arcanum XII, The Hanged Man (who voluntarily "hangs him/herself up" in order to gain wisdom for the good of mankind), or Major Arcanum IX, The Hermit.
Teresa Archuleta-Sagel notes that The Hermit seems to fit Chiron like a glove, as both are associated with Virgo, the sign of healing, work (duty) and the environment. The Greek words for Chiron mean "the hand," and many astrologers look to Chiron's placement in a chart to determine what, if any, role one might play as a healer (generally as an alternative, or holistic "hands on" healer).
Mythology of Chiron
Chiron's mythology tells us that Chiron was a centaur -- half horse and half man -- a product of an illicit union between Saturn (Cronus) and the sea nymph, Philyra. When his mother saw "the monster" she had given birth to, she abandoned him. Nonetheless, the little orphan grew up to be a master teacher of many subjects including astrology and medicine. He founded the first healing temple, The Chironium, at least a thousand years before Asclepius, purported to be the founder of Western medicine, founded the Asclepium. Thus, Chiron is actually the founder of Western medicine.
Chiron taught his students how to become "sacred warriors"; how to follow their quests and then go to death peacefully when the time comes. He taught his students how to access multidimensionality and balance polarization and duality. Today we might call such people "shaman," - Those who have learned to walk in other dimensions, work with duality, synthesize male and female, human and animal, mind and body, life and death.
Chiron, the Natal Chart and Tarot
In the natal chart, Chiron will point out where a person will suffer his or her "soul wound." The wound will be opened in order to gain the wisdom necessary to help heal self and others of physical or psychic pain. Barbara Hand Clow (and other astrologers) has heavily researched Chiron. She notes that Chiron squares, oppositions and returns are key life passages that will show where/when/how a person will be "wounded, healed or wound others."
Getting back to the Tarot, in Liquid Light of Sex, Barbara Hand Clow theorizes that there is no Tarot card for Chiron in the Tarot deck -- that Chiron is the Tarot card reader!! (Hand Clow also associates Chiron with Virgo and postulates that Chiron, not Mercury, is the ruler of Virgo.)
In The Tarot Book, Jana Riley, draws on previous research by Gary Ross, editor of the Tarot Network News, theorizing there are two new archetypes emerging -- or ancient ones re-emerging. Ross suggested these *new* archetypes have already been depicted via the *extra* cards in the Crowley - Thoth deck, where coincidentally, the artist painted and included two extra Magicians (Magus) cards! Ross speculated that the additional Magician in the Crowley-Thoth deck is 000-FUSION, relating to Chiron -- and the alternate Magus in that deck is 00-STARMAKER, relating to Persephone. If Ross, Riley and others are correct, this would result in there being 24 archetypes in the Major Arcana instead of the 22 Tarot professionals are familiar with.
I have come to believe that 000-FUSION in the Crowley-Thoth Tarot deck is indeed Chiron, making it Major Arcanum XXIII and that 00-STARMAKER is Nibiru (the 12th planet) and Major Arcanum XXIV.
That 000-FUSION of the Crowley -Thoth Tarot deck is Chiron resonates deeply with me. In The Tarot Handbook, Angeles Arrien shows the nine archetypal constellations of the Major Arcana found within the Tarot. For example, the High Priestess Constellation consists of 2 of Discs, 2 of Wands, 2 of Cups, 2 of Swords, II-High Priestess, XI-Lust/Strength and XX-Aeon. The universal shape, or matrix of the High Priestess Constellation is theThe Arrow, with the keywords sense of direction known, intention of hitting the mark. As far as I know, Arrien has no constellation to date that incorporates 000-FUSION or 00-STARMAKER. However, I propose that these additional constellations exist.
As the 23rd Major Arcanum, I propose that Chiron would be part of the Hierophant Constellation. This is the universal shape or matrix of The Staff or The Rod currently consisting (according to Arrien) of V-Hierophant, 5 of Swords, 5 of Cups, 5 of Wands, 5 of Disks and XIV-Art (Temperance). Placing 000-FUSION (XXIII-Chiron) at the top of the rod literally turns the constellation into a lightening rod (bridge) to higher consciousness! At the bottom of the rod is V-Hierophant symbolizing wisdom, teaching/learning challenges that are met internally and expressed externally when the principles of integration, synergy and alchemy (XIV-Art/Temperance ) are at work. Art/Temperance is the union of opposition, polarity and paradox out of which a greater whole is created. Chiron, at the top is the focal point to accessing the transformational energies of Uranus and bringing them down the lightning rod into form. Five is the number of the bridge -- the connector -- of matter/form (Saturn) to spirit (Uranus) and vice versa. Interestingly, in the Native American Tarot, Arcanum V is the Shaman -- the master teacher of initiates and the healer. What is Chiron if not a healer and master teacher of initiates? So by accessing our wisdom (V-Hierophant) we learn to use the principles of integration, synergy and alchemy (XIV-Temperance) , opening ourselves up to contact, receive and conduct (like a lightening rod) the healing energies of Chiron, thus transforming our lives.
I use the Crowley - Thoth and Native American Tarot decks extensively in my work. I have found that when 000-FUSION shows up in a reading using C-T, it is always indicative of the wounding/being wounded/healing Chirotic principle. The position of the card in the spread gives further insight. More recently, I have begun checking Chiron's placement in the natal chart, its house position and aspects, to give more information on the issue. (In such a reading, accurate birth time is critical.)
Chiron as the Soul Number in Tarot
Lately I have begun experimenting with the possibility that Chiron in other Tarot decks is the soul number of the person being read for. The soul number is deduced by taking the birth date and reducing it to a single digit. For example, January 3, 1970 would reduce to 1 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 0 = 2 + 1 = 3, or III-EMPRESS. Should III-EMPRESS show up in a spread I do for a client born January 3, 1970, I would evaluate III-EMPRESS from a Chirotic perspective as well as for its traditional meanings. If I am correct in my hypothesis that Chiron is represented by the soul number of the person being read for, Tarot readers who do not use the Crowley-Thoth deck could apply this technique to another Tarot deck they may use. When using other Tarot decks, I would also consider V-HIEROPHANT (SHAMAN) and XIV-ART/TEMPERANCE from a Chirotic perspective.
I also have impressions about 00-STARMAKER (Major Arcanum XXIV), but that is beyond the scope of this article. The Sumerians knew Nibiru as "the planet of the crossing." The essence of 00-STARMAKER is co-creation and working with the sixth dimensional energies (sacred geometry) to transform thought into (three dimensional) form. Working with 00-STARMAKER is much more intuition-dependent since Nibiru has not been *officially* sighted and no ephemeris exists for it. I am, however, leaning strongly towards Barbara Hand Clow's opinion that Nibiru rules Libra and the 7th House.
BTW, I believe that blending the disciplines of astrology, tarot and numerology is highly Chirotic and sooner or later, sustained and serious work with one of these systems will lead to exploration of the others.
Mary Hawkins
Copyright 1997 Mary Hawkins.
Ms. Hawkins does tarot readings and psychic counseling by E-mail. She has a web site at articles/ astro/MZHAWK1. HTM
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 9a.
Re: getting to know you
Posted by: "Sidhe Wolf" mikisidhewolf
Tue Oct 4, 2011 1:21 am (PDT)
> Here is mine:
> Name (real or otherwise): Miki SidheWolf
> Sex: Female
> Home: southern Israel
> Height: 5'4"
> Eyes: green
> Hair: blonde
> Magickal Practice: Wiccan
> Favorite Sabbat: Samhain
> Favorite TV shows: Animal Planet
> Favorite magazine: don't have one
> Sun sign: Libra
> Moon Sign: Leo
> Favorite Color: purple
> Favorite Magickal Tool: intent
> Favorite Gemstones: amethyst
> Favorite Moon Phase: full
> Your Element: air
> Your Birthstone: sapphire
> What do you think about Ouija boards? indifferent
> What's on your mousepad? don't use one
> Favorite Board Game: Go (? - lambs and tigers)
> Worst feeling in the world: feeling unloved
> Best feeling in the world: being with loved ones
> Favorite movie soundtrack: don't know
> First thing you think of in the morning: what lies ahead today
> Do you get motion sickness: no
> Children's names: Liam, Odhran, Sean. Raven: Boudicca. Cats: Ciaran and
> Cronan
> Do you get along with your parents: They're long deceased
> Favorite foods: chocolate, cheese, scallops
> Favorite thing to do on weekends: relax, spend time with loved ones
> Favorite smells: my raven's neck feathers, forests
> Roller Coasters--deadly or exciting: exciting
> Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
> Do you like to drive: yes
> Thunderstorms--scary or cool: cool
> Favorite alcoholic drinks: sherry, good scotch
> What is on the walls in your room: hundreds of books, some crystals
> Is the glass half empty or half full? half full
> Favorite movies: comedies
> Favorite music: classical, celtic, 'world'
> Are you a righty, lefty, or ambidextrous: ambidextrous
> What is under your bed: storage boxes
> Favorite number: none really
> Dream car: something with 4-wheel drive and a large boot/back
> Favorite sport to watch: gymnastics
> Favorite hobby: needlecrafts or woodwork
> Pen or pencil: pencil
> How many rings before you answer the phone: however many it takes to get
> to/find it
> Favorite ice cream: dulce de leche
> If you could choose to meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be? my
> father
- 10.1.
Thought for the Day
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Tue Oct 4, 2011 1:26 am (PDT)
Here's a Thought for the Day:
Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 11a.
Re: Left Handers Club Newsletter
Posted by: "Sidhe Wolf" mikisidhewolf
Tue Oct 4, 2011 1:33 am (PDT)
The Latin word for left was 'sinistra', from which the word 'sinister'
derived - yet another association of left with evil.
You wrote:
The ancient Greeks regarded the left side as inauspicious and unlucky and
the Romans later took up the same view. The Greek word for left, 'skaios'
came to mean 'ill-omened' and 'awkward' as well.
- 12.
Rights of Pagans and Wiccans in California
Posted by: "Lady Nightshayde" nightshayde99
Tue Oct 4, 2011 1:36 am (PDT)
This is an informational post; I am not asking anyone to sign the petition, that is entirely up to you.
<<<<The short version is that there is a movement to legally make Pagan religions in general legally unprotected.
Here is the link to a petition against it:
https://wwws.whitehouse. !/petition/bar-gov/petitions# courts-and- law...
This is the brief for the petition.
We petition the Obama administration to:
bar courts and lawmakers from creating a "second-class" religion status for minority religions like Wicca & NeoPaganism
Currently in the Federal Court system of California, inmates who practice Pagan religions like Wicca and Druidry are suing for discrimination because they have been barred from practicing their religion which they had been legally allowed to practice.
The State of California, with help of the Conservative Christian Dominionist group the Wallbuilders, is arguing that religions like Wicca are not worthy of being protected by the First Amendment. If a federal court rules that Wicca and other Pagan religions are not worthy of equal status it means that every Pagan in the US could be fired from their job, lose their churches and covens, and be otherwise discriminated against. Please do not let a federal court take our rights away, this country is for everyone of every religion.>>>>>
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
The light of a hundred stars cannot equal the light of the Moon.
Love Each Day,
Lady Nightshayde group/13Witches/ group/Whispering Witches/ group/MagickalMe als/ NightshaydesNews
- 13a.
] Getting to know you
Posted by: "Cheri Sadler" bonnielassshaw
Tue Oct 4, 2011 5:42 am (PDT)
Name (real or otherwise): Cheri' - Melacine
Sex: Melacine
Home: Ohio
Height: 5'8
Eyes: green
Hair: red
Magickal Practice: naturalist/druid
Favorite Sabbat: Samhain
Favorite TV shows: Don't really watch TV
Favorite magazine: Gosh, to many to list
Sun sign: ?
Moon Sign: ?
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Magickal Tool: candles
Favorite Gemstones: Rose Quartz
Favorite Moon Phase: full
Your Element: Earth
Your Birthstone: Sapphire
What do you think about Ouija boards? Not for me
What's on your mousepad? solid Blue
Favorite Board Game: chess
Worst feeling in the world: hate
Best feeling in the world: laughing
Favorite Movie Soundtrack: to many to list
First thing you think of in the morning: What day is it
Do you get motion sickness: yes,
Children's names Jackie-Austin-Karian
Do you get along with your parents:deceased
Favorite Foods: breads
Favorite Thing To Do On Weekends: walk
Favorite smells: fig/lavender/cinnamon/ nutmeg
Roller Coasters--deadly or exciting: Dont like
Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
Croutons or bacon bits: neither
Do you like to drive: not at all
Thunderstorms--scary or cool: cool
Favorite alcoholic drinks: whiskey
What is on the walls in your room: nothing
Is the glass half empty or half full? half full
Favorite Movies: historical/documentaries
Favorite Music: Mostly celtic, but I listen to all
Are you a righty, lefty, or ambidextrous: Left
What is under your bed: nothing
Favorite Number: ?
Dream Car: Don't like cars don't like to drive
Favorite Sport to Watch:Football and soccer
Favorite Hobby: walking, reading, researching
Pen or Pencil: pencil
How many rings before you answer the phone: when I actually answer it. probably as long as it takes to "MOSEY" over to it.
Favorite Ice Cream: pumpkin soft serve
If you could choose to meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
Winston Churchill
- 14.
Posted by: "Tahuti Lodge" tahuti_lodge
Tue Oct 4, 2011 6:04 am (PDT)
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Tahuti Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis
Website: Inquires: tahutilodge@tahutilodge. org
Telephone for Events: (845) 204-8832
Mail / Correspondence: Tahuti Lodge, O.T.O.; Old Chelsea Station; P.O. Box 1535; New York, NY 10113-1535
Sunday, October 2, 2011 EV
OPEN EVENT: 1:00 pm
Tahuti Lodge, O.T.O., invites you to join us for a very special Public Celebration of Liber XV: The Gnostic Mass,
our central ritual both public and private.
An ideal introduction into the Mysteries & Magick of O.T.O.
Presented under the auspices of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, and Ordo Templi Orientis
440 Lafayette St
New York, NY 10003-6919
Between Astor Place and East 4th St.
Directly across from The Public Theater.
Elevator to the 3rd & 4th Floors.
For directions and transit info see here: i-get-there/
For more information: http://tarot.tahutilodge. org
For more information about Tahuti Lodge, O.T.O., NYC:
For more information about Ordo Templi Orientis:
This Event is OPEN to the Public 18+
Please RSVP: tahutilodge@tahutilodge. for additional information or with any
Suggested donation for this event, $10
Wednesday, October 5, 2011 EV
Magick In Theory & PRACTICE Study Group
OPEN EVENT: 7:45 pm
We will be studying this most important textbook on magick theory and practice a chapter at a time.
Please bring your copy of MTP or download the files from the web and read them in advance.
Part II-IV
Although handouts will be available for participants, please read the material beforehand online so we can get a lively discussion going.
You can find the entire text of MTP online here: aba/
RSVP tahutilodge@tahutilodge. for additional information and
Suggested Donation: $10
Saturday, October 8, 2011 EV
OPEN EVENT: 4:00 pm
Are you stressed out, feeling your energy scattered, then come join us as we attune our energy centers along the Middle Pillar.
To RSVP for this event and receive directions, please email tahutilodge@tahutilodge. org
Suggested donation: $10
Wednesday, October 12, 2011 EV
A Different Kind of Moon
When the Sun Greets the Moon
An ancient Chant for the New Aeon.
OPEN EVENT: 7:30 pm
To RSVP for this events and receive directions, please email tahutilodge@tahutilodge. org
Suggested donation: $10
Saturday, October 15, 2011 EV
TAROT STUDY GROUP: A Continuing Series
OPEN EVENT: 4:00 pm
This Session we will explore Tarot Trump XIX: THE SUN
A different card will be studied each month, in a continuing series on the Tarot.
Our aim is to provide a forum to encourage the study and exploration of Tarot.
Participants are encouraged to bring their own Tarot deck and any books they have found helpful in understanding the topic at hand.
While Thelemic Tarot images will often be the centerpiece of our discussions, participants are encouraged to bring a variety of decks to compare and contrast the variety of interpretations of a given card.
So please bring your favorite deck or book and contribute to the discussion!
To RSVP for this event and receive directions, please email tahutilodge@tahutilodge. org
Suggested donation: $10
Saturday, October 22, 2011 EV
In Theory & Practice
Please join us on Saturday October 22, 2011 at 2:00 pm
to explore the theory and practice of yoga for the ceremonial magician.
In this series, we will be reading Crowley's 8 Lectures on Yoga, practicing asanas, pranayama and mantras using the traditional Sanskrit.
Please read and bring with you the First Lecture on Yoga, with a link here: eight-lectures- on-yoga/8yoga1. html.
Also, please wear non-constricting clothing and bring a yoga mat if you wish.
To RSVP for this event and receive directions, please email tahutilodge@tahutilodge. org
Suggested donation: $10
Sunday, October 23, 2011 EV
A group working to Ganesha,
Lord of Beginnings and Remover of Obstacles.
The son of Shiva and Parvati, Ganesha is the remover of all obstacles and difficulties; he grants success in all human endeavors.
Followed by a feast for Ganesha
Contributions to the feast may include: coconut (and coconut products), milk/dairy products, sweets , and wine, which are all associated with Ganesha.
To RSVP for this event and receive directions, please email tahutilodge@tahutilodge. org
Suggested donation: $10
Saturday, October 29, 2011 EV
Tahuti Lodge, O.T.O., invites you to join us for a public celebration of
Liber XV: The Gnostic Mass, our central ritual both public and private.
An ideal introduction into the Mysteries and Magick of O.T.O.
Presented under the auspices of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, and Ordo Templi Orientis
This Event will take place at our dedicated Temple
To RSVP for this event and receive directions, please email tahutilodge@tahutilodge. org
Suggested donation: $10
Sunday, October 30, 2011 EV
Tahuti Lodge's Annual
OPEN EVENT: 4:00 pm
You are cordially invited to join the Brethren and friends of
Tahuti Lodge, O.T.O., for our annual seasonal celebration of Samhain.
We invite you to please bring a dish and/or beverage to share for the feast.
To RSVP for this event and receive directions, please email tahutilodge@tahutilodge. org
Suggested donation: $10
There is a suggested minimum contribution for most events of $10.00 to help cover the cost of renting and maintaining our temple facility.
Love is the law, love under will.
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